HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-6-23, Page 5oDAlgo =ca Ot43 'PP' :0;,„714: it::::*.',::::;:::::::::::,:c741::'r:0,:et,rt;r4oVz:,,titit,01.,!:-;'). .tttaltsectitoolir=7-ag.c.a..4-gptlQ4 it, 11 C,,,r . 4:4:: t, lz,,,.;,t t, ;04, ,,,, ,A:::::,.. if(17z41::41t14 xw,714 ,Z:, tl.. : :0711 i •'00 0144-0,14 *Fait.pp,tykagat. .140104- Loa ( � iMO�'+0"I�±ili4'r' *rtr'�i! M, 1R -r 4.,'{j'� rn ,j\{''H? .47tr cot 2nr u 'effotl vett1,v. coAtst• v' , '. " •s#4r,711t, ram 41 '1io: ima ri 4 'Kkrmti'=4{!1y Vab' alk j� , a4 #yy�ty� '�'ry mom'.{ mss: 3:' q {�Y�1jd1j��''iY�M�`�?' ltlYi ,JJiyypp.[1 }! ply II `n•1� Yi(�i+ kr^ N 1^I 9 Z and' tlios: the 17 .. ' re 0.0::::::)..2:0: E.7.,, ,.., en.070- 0 '''','``Xv My' m Oath, Ma., Vale PAEIStd atraY On V.X., illzi Irialtitaa With her parents, Mr. rrat MvIlite; avatar a .0 late Wr-kft and ,Mree Zaeob Wagner. ller. awe Mrs* Turner Armstrong, Wlia 't° 'C'Wl}th and v7a6 iiiv he.. ..ethtitgi She Moved. to the States about Were visiting With friends* in this Ois- nO, ; thirty Yearn ago. tr,esides her hue- triet, have returned to their home 1 , band, she is survived by one brother, Winnipeg. ,George McPhee, of Plymouth, Mich. Mrs. Hale, and -Me, Johnstone, of Wereteaat litreetAtetee---The monthly Chicago, visited with Mrs. Sas. Woods" meeting_ of the Women's. Institute was on 'Tuesday. held in the Voresters' Hall On Tues- iss Betty Crawford, of Flint, day, with' the president, MN', Law - idle is visiting with llgr. and Mrs. sell, in charge. The report tit the Thomas Wilson. district annual meeting, held At .plyth, les Clarabelle Clow, of Winhgam, was given by Mrs. rred RosSe>' Cur - 'visited witie-Mri and -Mrs. Thomas S. Johnston. "rent-eients were given by Mrs. -A. J., Ferguson. Mrs. Win. Anderson and The ' flagpole beside 'the Town Tian rs. Gordon McCilachey favored with *as given a -coat of paint la'st week. a duet. rs. Jeremiah Taylor gave The color scheme is red, white and blue. the financial, report for the year, show- and a corsagd of Johanna Hill roses The choir rendered two lovely tentheme. e r. and •IIIrs. • J• PhilliPs, b Doble and Josephine Weir were aPe freshments were served, the table be-' were taken by the Misses Gaynell pointed delegates, with -Marjorie Toil ing centred with a three-tier wedding Whitmoile and Theta Gudmore. A large Chafe Roves -on and er. and ere. Ro t as alternate, to attend Achievement cake op either side of which burned. tap- congregation was present and. Rev. J. owson vSeted with 2 -Rends at TO t Day In Clinton on -Thursday, June 30th. ers and tura' decorations were in -W. Herbert delivered a fine and um- ehurch and Lueletiew 'get vreeir. A coatest in charge -of Mrs. Gordon Briarcliff roses and lily ofethe valleY, pressive address. NextZtunlay a tem- . les Violet $11arpe, and Miss abel bi -.1--J—Wils.unt the Prim lieing-tr through the- AdFfea-ndacks and will spend_ marning. vaee, and:, bouquet of fiewers. The a week at Lake Placid. The bride The members or the Pollyanna A number of ladies from here at- singing of the National Anthem brought travelled in a navy blue silk suit with Sunday school class met at the home tended 'the golden jubilee of Carlow -the meeting to a elose, atter which a white trim, white panama hat with of Mrs. E. A: Yeo on tuesday after - United church Wo )S. last Sunday. dainty lunch was served by rs. Chas. aavy trim and matching accessories. noon. An enjoyable time was spent. A number of children around. here ___ Straugha.n, Mrs.' Je. J. Wilson and Mrs. On their return_they will ee§itiet -At. Deering theeafteeweaelflies Jean ul.; Seintarittemetirl'eseDke—Viee---young J. C. Stoltz. ..,...-..e. :Port Credit, Ont. Gueste-Were present le, bride-to-be, was showered with people of the Baptist chureh met on Sunday evening, with Mr. and Mrs. AYFRELD - ville,,Galt, liziarkham, New Dundee, Farewell Presentation.—The month - Caledonia, Detroit, Clinton, Goder- ly meeting of the W.M.S. was held at Glenn 4Raithby in charge. The Scrip- __, ture was read by Bill Ralthby and BAYIFIEULD„June 22.—Mrs. H. K. ich and Seaforth, , the home of Mrs. W. Yeo, with an at - Harold Reid led in prayer. James tendance of thirty-four. The president, oorehouse and Mary Jean have re- 'Airs. E. Yeo, presided. Mrs. l'al- Raithby gave the topic on "The Three ST.. HELENS Calls." Mr. Charles Breckow and turned to their home in the village for mer read several passages bearing on to ban' an: ontaide wne. outatt oar- a suitable room Cor 'Your holidaye mate yOUr'rezermtione anfE.m. and 4.0. oottap. um, NIA Seiteeel them so 4k1r,t,lz, ptta. err? aar; at the home of their parenT4 Ur. and Tara, ra. otanvoz. The itZonztn%, are Nwitoil ville vielting•hiet grandparents), Mr. arid- taigseitatediekcenitb,- end viditor'witie grionfle in Toronto. fortune to break hio vriot while crank- / ilia hie ear last Thursday. - • - Ur. a d Dire. lEenest. Patterson have 'reteurned to their honees after a visit 'with friends - Mee Nary Aespeith, who -held 'been ---eonvaleeeingeat her home here after, - an operation for appendleitio, has re- turned to her- wort at- Dergus. • Ete. !Prank Washington, of Hamilton, Is ,viaiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Washington. (Tpend the summer with her couoin, Miss Susie - lair. • -Mrs. Reid, of Toronto, visited over the -"Feek-end with her father, Mr, rearfeitar in Rid otirted silhouette with• brief bolero and au ieePorted Swiss straw -hat anely embroidered In scroll design in watteau blue. She carried rlareliffe roses. Mr. -George Middleton, brother of the groom, was groomsman, and the uehers wem Mr. Stewart Middleton 'and Dr. 40. P. lEiewis. After the ceremony a reeeition was held at the family reeidence, the bride's mOther receiving in a floor -length gown of 'French suede lace In cornflower blue, large navy mo- hair hat with- cornflovver trim and wearing a core: ea of Token roses and lily of- the valley. The groom's moth- er wore a gown of grey and yellow black satin, wide black mohair hat with- yellow trim, grey fel titer boa 'Kathieen. Huller. of Seibringville, visited at the ho of 'her. PanOnts. Miss M. (Proctor arrived home last week after 1i -felting ht Toronto and other -points. -Mr. and- Mrs. George Wright and re. Dave Wright, all of Summerhill, were the guests of Mr. and rs. Nor- man Malt on Sunday. iss Jean Huller, who was employed in Goderich for some time, returned home- on -Sundey. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, of Exeter, were visitore Id the village last week. The church auditorium wee beauti- fully arrayed with flowers on Sunday: Roberton. Mr. Jeinee Brundritt visited with friends at Mftchell 'over the week -end. Mrs. A. Robb has -returned to her ehoeseehen5,4after emonth'..s. visit- with her sons, Dr. Edgar Robb and Dr. Win. Robb, Of Winnipeg. ' Miss Alma BdIutch, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. James utch. Mr. and Mrs. Walter of lyth, and Mr. and rs. John McGill, of Belgrave, visited with r. W. T. Riddell and Miss Alma Yungbite. on Sunday. A number of -members from Knox PresbYteritin church attended ae an- niversary services of Carlow Pr esbyter- ian church on Sunday. Mr. and rs. Edgar Lawson and Ber- nice and Miss Beryl Wilson visited on Sundt*, with Mrsi -Lawson's mother, yea Wen_Sclater, of- Seaforthe Mr. and- Mrs, Joe Carter and Reg, of Port Elgin, visited with Miss Sadie Yungblut,esoa of -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'and J. Miller, of Detroit, are here t address was read to Rev. J. W. and Carter on Sunday. Yungblut, of Bullett. The bride was,spend the summer with 'the former's , Mrs, Herbert and they were presented Vlsifors with Mr: -and- Mrs. Wm attired in a blue tailored suit with 'mother, Mrs. W. F. Metcalf. !Gallaher at Norwood. , , ,4 ,with a beautiful floor lamp and flower Dodd, Jr., on Sunday were: Mr. and accessories to match and was attende'd'' Mrs. A.4Suppnfelr and two daughters, I Mrs. R. K. Miller was at home to • holder from the congrega tion a nd rs. Russell Carter 'and family., of by her sister, Miss Laura Wagner, :Holly Louise and Carol, of Detroit, are friends on Tuesday evening, June 14th, , friends. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert bath Winthrop; Iire and Mrs. John Harris- RIN., of Sylaeuse, N. -Y. The groom !feifending this 'week with her mother, on the occasion of her eighty-second expressed their appreciation of the on and son of Brussels, and Mr. and was supported by John Sanderson, of Mrs. S. (Holley. birthday. Earlier in the evening Mrs.. . gift and. also of the kindness and co- -Mrs. Joseefflowitt--has--return-etleto-1 - -Diea at Plymouth, 11 -Bek ---Mrs, Wm-. I day with Mrs-. Knight's-- mother, Mrs. of- Toronto, -spent enn,...ftelepbone_with her son iHanna, Alberta. her home here after a visit with her McIlwain received word of the death IF. C. Gemeinhardt. Mrs. Douglas r Mrs. J. Reid. of Varna, was a visit- 1Gerneinhardi, who had been visiting in or with Mrs. R. J. Woods. Toronto, returned home with them. Our teachers, Miss Sadie Mac - Mrs. Norval Gemeinhardt and three 'Charles, principal, and Miss Beatrice daughters, of Saginaw, ich., are 'McQuillin, teacher of the junior room, spending two weeks with Mrs. F. G. have been re-engaged. Gemeinhard-t. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas; Mr. I). B. Murray, his grandson Don- Gemeinhardt accompanied Mr. Norval ald, Miss Mary Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Gemeinhardt. who was here also on John Cameron and Don were at Guelph Sunday, on his return .to Saginaw. on Saturday for the :Radcliffe -Hepburn Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mallett and two , reunion. day with Mrs. Mallett's mother, Mrs. land her mother, Mrs. Hamilton. of J. Davison. 1Toronto, were recent guests of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wideombe and Webster. family motored to 'Forest on Sunday Mr. A. G. Webb and Mrs. E. W. and spent the day with friends. I Rice attended the funeral of Mr. Thos. Mrs. Roy Poth and small son, of Keys at Grand Valley on Thursday. Caledonia, are spending some time with The meeting of tile Y•P•17. WaS had the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.' on Sunday evening, with Isobel Miller R. Jowett. Ing some time with her sister and presiding. Helen MilDonald read the "Cos brother, Miss Agnes and Mr. Jack Mal - Mr. A. E. Erwin spent a few days Scripture lesson, and the topic. Wan loft. We are sorry to report that last week in 'Flint, Saginaw and Mid- operation in Christian -Service," land City, returning to his home on taken by Isobel Miller. Norma Weath. Mrs. Clifford is not enjoying the best erhead read an article on "The Cana- dian Province of Quebec." Miller and, Isobel, Messrs. Jas. Dur- nin and Hugh Rutherford were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Court - Garden Party.—A very suceessful Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Chapman, of Lon- garden party was held on Friday even - don. are spending a few days at their ing under the auspices of the United coffage in the village. church. Owing to- the rather unfavor- Mr._ and :kers. Kalbileisch and fam. able weather eonditioas. supper vras. 11-Y, of London, are here for the season. served in the spacious sheds. Later Baylleld, was the scene of a pretty play, "Cabbages or Dollars." Num - wedding an Saturday, June 18th, at hers between acts included muslc by 3.30 o'clock, when Jean Margaret, the Farrier brothers, accompanied by younger daughter of. Mrs. Woods and :Mr. Bert Cullimore, a reading by bliss the late Ninean Wildridge Woods, Johnston, and a duet by Misstls (alive M.R.C.S. (Eng.), became the bride of :Farrier and Agnes Gillespie. Mr. 'Robert Harold Middleton, Phm. B., o o o of Port Credit, younger son of Me. and A mils wilERE THOUGEITILIESS- Mrs. C. G. Middfeton, Clinton. Church decorations were -earried out in pink NESS IS A REAL DA.NOER peonies and blue delphinium massed When you consider the nifIlions of in the sanctuary and tapers burned on flies that may be bred if even nil tife altar. An arch was ma -de on the single female house -fly is allowed to rood screen of spire foliage with del- mature. it is (Apvions to what extent phinium and pink peonies at the hot- these carriers of "typhoid" and other tom and topped by white roses under disease germs are a menace to any formed by Rev. F. H. Paull, of Wind- commnnity where they are permitted the cross. The ceremony was per- sor, and the rector, Rev. W. G. Bug- to multiply. ler. The Wedding music was played. Files are no respecters of persons., by Mrs. V. H. Paull and during the, The baby In the millionalre's home nr signing of the register lire. K. Moor- the workman's eottage are equally In house sang 'Became." The bride, d nger if' proper care exercised who was given in Marriage by her k flies from entering the home. uncle, Mr. . F. 'Buchan. of Dunnville, Fliee freo_nen_t the filthiest feeding entered- the chum to the straine of placeS outside the home. then. if al - the wedding mar from Lohengrin. ger gown was -of white suede !nee in roseideekee over white satin fashioned on straight linea with a ehort full train and short bolero with- sleeves ipted OV,eg, the band. She wore a Bet, long veil of alit bet Cowed from a coronet of seed pearls and she carried a chower bouquet of Johanna Mill ro 14 a. young daughter, Evelyn, of G-oderich, the summer, after having -been in ' temperance as a lesson. Mr. Herbert gave a musteal number. —The -meet- London since last 'September. ST. HELFAS, June 20.—Mr. and led in prayer. The president read ing closed with prayer, De. and -Mrs. E. P. Lewis, of Toron- Mrs. E. J. Thom, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. an article on temperance and Mrs. El- YutagbIlmt—Wiagnetr,—A quiet but -te; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buchan and Thompson and. Donald, Miss Kathleen mer Potter rendered, a solo very sweet - pretty wedding was solemnized it the son awing, er Dunnville, and Rev. and Thom, ' of Lueknow, and, Miss Jean IT. "Sordebody Cares." A temperance manse, Londe.sboro, on -Saturday, June Mrs. 1F. H. Paull, of Windsor, were dialogue was given by four of the leth; when Rev. IV. A. Gardiner united 1 the guests_ of Mrs. N. W. Woods for Thom, of Toronto, attended the grad- uation exercises at NichoIrs Hospital, members and Mrs. W. Yea gave an in marriage Doris Rene, youngest the week -end, having come for the . instrumental. The W.A. meeting fat - daughter. et Mr. -and Mrs. -Jacob Wag- ' Middleton -Woods nuptials. Peterborough, on Monday evening, lowed with the vice-presidentein..chargee, ner, of the 'Base line, and Frederick I Miss Jessie Metcalf and Misses M. when MisS iHelen Thom was one of After the business was coAluded an the graduatin class They will also ZeTaii7 Co Connor, Of Vetrolt,-in is spending a while at the heme of her uncle, John SI. Dalton. D.O. aM7aVano booth on Me QzOtOnfa vaa tzrVed, all doing Stieti0-19-,treS Mee =17 Valk) Vete visitor with her aunt, Mrs. rare? 02112-. nth, of WinghaM. family ;attended the Stebbeoal Zapike' reunion at Barber Part, e/oderieho Saturday last. ,visitor at Toronto to visit htto 'Lorne, in the General Silopitai. are pleased to learn Lorne le iligIttele lug nicely. SHosiPABOTem, June 21.—Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Midland, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tom .Boale. Miss -Irene Foster is home from Guelph, having completed her •businese course. the week -end with friends in this burg. Miss Isabel Pollock, of Gederich, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pollock. Mr. and, Mrs. Frank geseleipeuand, IiiirreliffICIVIth fir -aide at Berle. Miss Mary Vrooman, of Godevich, spent Sunday with her parents, lier. and Mrs. Will Vrooman. Iss Mae enary visited with friends at Dungalliigire-e- se' - a feW days with- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mr. Jack MeiLennan visited With friends at Simcoe. Miss Margaret 'Foster, of Saltford, ertelTer\i-firIcrenEnti Errs. Will rdiffAk. to bear them. IlimmuiRtN, June Ett.—MIG3 Blanche Shaw, of Rochester, N.41r.,, is spending -holidays- here with her , sistero and, brother. , ...Severat-of,-theelatlike.ineoterebtergeatee- --- tended the jubilee serviee at Carlow United church on Sutnday afterneon. rs. Horton and her coma and Mr. 'Horace fteorton otored to Lis- towel on Saturday. of the `WoBLS. Was held at the home, of Mrs. (Rev.) Jame Hamilton, Goderieh. There was a splendid attendanee of members of both anda and -her -mileotrhelarwesthsrs--teg22=tr, of Goderich. ttlart•_ oi have -Made 'since coming -alp Roliftes- vine. After a few wards by the act- ing president, Mrs. Yeo, the meeting closed with the hymn, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds," and the benediction. A dainty lunch wan served by Mrs. J. ummer resses. CREWE ORMWE, June 21.—Mrs. Isaac Gauley, of Fergus, is spending a week with Miss Apes Mstloch and other Mr. Bert and Miss Mabel Reid visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Patterson, of Whitechurch. Mr. Colin Crozier, of Lieury, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crozier. Mrs. Clifford, of California, Ls spend - Miss Cecil McLeod and Mrs. -Harry Thomas left on 'Friday last to visit relatives at Toledo, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kendall, of El- mira, were guests of Mrs. Kendall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett, for the week -end. It is not hard to find what you want front our large stock of Dresses. Dozens and dozens te choose from. Sizes are eomplete, 14 to 52, also half sizes! Prices are See our special in Dark. Sheer. Dress,. $1.95 of Vdrue of health. Just about one more week and the call will be "Hurrah! School's out!" Young People Present Play. --Despite the threatening clouds and showers of last Friday evening, a splendid, crowd. gathered for the annual garden party on the church lawn. Special tributes were LAM the ladles for the bountiful supper which was provided, after which the young people.presented their play. "An Old-fashioned Mnther." All . actors fulfilled their parts very credit - Underhill, a mother in !greet, Frances_ DZKEING EOM 3,fliziluelkd Ware uy the five Clare Jewell Utensils best suited to your kitchen requirements—and receive F r EE the above offer. Any five utensils, one PLUMBING none 283 Hamilton St. (Across from Beg. 'illeGer) everything thit is left esrposed. If flies do get into Your home. a clean, quick way to kill them as they eonte Is to place Wileon's Fly Pada lu, convenient plscep around the hpuqe, till fiy-titne !a definitely over. Irdst a; Other Is the tray to make the qua lily of the valleV. Vier stn- health quthorities dWaan ol a fly -less las (Loey Woods, was briden- community come tree. Hama, flavor cooked, ' . 60e Lac a Cheese Loaf. ;lb. 27c Dutch Loaf lb. 27c Solmoider's Bologna, lb. 10o Bound Stoat lb 20e Cloak lb 27e Veal diatIleto lb. po Veal OltoTop • lb. CAt W WORS311.4 IHIARDWARE The Swam C... ,..„1L cdeli@L liack@vy Nam IR41466 SPECIAL ILEND 12 62gal OAR *MAL- Fresh Ground o f &g0 M. 29 @ ITELLINGTON @2GEDUg 12 -oz. bottle ' 0 2 0 @ Limarma V® at: il8 Q., Large Size 0.1_0@@ , 4Gr GOOD QUALITY iSgv000&MO 5-striog It 1 loam 6V®t.M L --j i L'ACTirib lik i @ IITSVE 119e Mt and ritaent BrOaltfast lb. I3ACON 35/.4 wow 0:mo dm MAWS -25e Sulay– now crop doa ORANGES Eic