The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-6-16, Page 180V:44 ISZD ; J'areee Zallante'ne. 111) Up WO In terea on Meettle7. OertrndO, .11:iedOet, 'Tovontp, uten414' ton .1110 P3at ictVet. arirnalieetql4U 1740%. 0 fee Ur; and •'(1. Olark Were re-- • - MaVitti MuoV,T. Oent 'VlSit041": et 1/rUnnee 744 Atongre .1no. awontal,0 "an won Zara, riorenee ; SteWart, of (i/ranbeFR adrS0 091,124t100 t?m7 ; Y ria'azrtcun EzIP mumy. T.27 -64c1 f0 Van, • One N71244040' awast of Urn W .00.MMencht:tionierre***Ing Z.1`:Iftel last 117S24. lolaY %%0a serleSko2Oro:PI/cat:0,in 12ar. it. uson, arrived tlele Week theerests o2.2004rieltV7j11 ct.iMci from Xiw Orleans to epeed 'the eullelener from station 001117, Windsor4 Zie season in *deride • of the thirteen' Or0aftear4t0 vrfli eeetIPV TitrEr: G. A. Reberteen, of Toronto, fifteen Pelltlatee and they will tan olt<tp, was the .gtlest. of Bliss Mabel ebtang on eadeee, WeibleSder nd" Priebe- aver the wee. evenfan, at the hOszc r. Jamee'Sutherland, who.bas been "----ravzSiadeatttearltel_ riee! 44 .tteedile.eeetheegellege-Ofeelleentlener-t- eseee,e.14-130,4,41-_. 11Z2re it._ eke_ .ndin&hOlifilln,lieets93711‘ there OpctsteC•blVa0tAbt.Utctt2ons n lr. S. 8. McClung attended the On - Windsor, 'llstenerp diottid viia1te eure tarlo and Quebee Convention of the they havre-01011Wee imprecentattve-a- tiptise Chureh held at Brantford last the station ,elainan ebe.' elation people week. ' are said to Haft in on that *talon, ae Dr. and Mrs. BE. Grant obereson and it reaches well tato tpo etaeo. daughters, iiry and 'Helen, of Toron- Every citime, whether a extern/3er ef to, were the guests of the eisees snob - the Board of Trade or not, w•he eala ertson. Victoria street, on a week -end spare an hour or so, is ated to be visit. at the harbor at 910 next Sunday Ceti. Bruce M. Lamont, who has been morning with bill car to meet the with the Royal Bank here for over a steamer Georgian and. take none of the year, is being transferred to the passengers for a short trip around branch at -Midland and will leave town. The boat is expeeted to ar- shortly for that place. • rive about 8.30, but those on board lMr. and Mrs. C. XL Russ have re - will likely be at breakfast at that ceived word from their sole Fredethat ot he ready to come CONSERVATIVE2 TO MEET hour and may n ashore until 9 or 9.89: embers of be Was t6 sail this week /ram M("1- treal on a trip to Australia and would the Lions 'Club, the Boy IStelite, the garage men, in fact all who can, are be away for four months., eiss (Helen MacMath, of the Mur- askedeto ba ole hand .to welcome the _GeorgiareonMandaee ernhesergth-h rilL'Sh°e. gee Ife.ncleneLn.d..*Iss sther officers, crew and ssengere. , "Mactrirtfli; 02speit-trae'vriikr BeadtifMg epa end With their parenta. Mr. and rs. ,.1IMERiets &reeve S. R. MaeMett, East street. tReference was made at onday's Mr. Bruce Orr, son of Mr. Richmond meeting of the Ouncil of the oard Orr .of town, who h.qc been attending of Trade „to_ the commendable efforts of the Horticultufalledety and dif- the United Business Schoel, Toronto, ferent residents in beautifying their has secured a position in the Office ef liarrison, Mrs. Fred MeCullough- • Married meirs race -Cliff Hackett, properties. r. and Mts. Colin Pat- the Canadian Life Insurance Company sessessesesen!e--pronsiesse-esse Girls' tiireeTegged race-EiriaelTi reference and the following motion met Mr. • and rs. Graham Inglis were with unanimous approval; ."Th t the in Toronto on !Saturday attending the and Jeyee Aikenhead. Boys' three-legged" es z'eate.e.s*senneth :scouncil -of the Board of,..Tratleegeeks HsigerseartssktinezasaslAing--- The cere- Town of Goderien places ten. record its money 'was- -performedesein Eglinton Harrison and -Fesedilie-*1-kinteeiiiiFe admiration and. enthusiastic approval street 'United Church. Mr. and Mrs. 11 • On Saturda4 lune: Itith, at Harbor Park, the Uarrisoni aatherett for thell tiara ;annual, *ale. Thip annual 1)10... ale Means Ude to; every member et the eau, and 2r thio reason . they mine frets. 'London, Brumfield, Exeter. (See:, forth, Lete/meer, rtirliton, Clinton Var. na, Xincardine, Gaerieh. invorixdoteirtawouir---Triva aboutestinhentefortonete-eneue* to be here on Saturday. After dinner, the cloudy weather hav- ing had ho effect on appetites, sports were the order of the day. Winners were announced' as follows.: Ohlidren's race, 3 years and under, - Lorne Hackett, Olive Harritbn, Bruce McCullough. Girls, years and under -Pauline Harrison, Audeey *Harrison. . Boys, 0 years and under -Jackie Proctor, Chester Hackett. Boys, 9 years and under-leric Har- rison; Jimmie Aikenhead. Boys, 12 years and under -Wilfred Harrison, Billie eIlwain. rison, isyce Aikenhead. Girlst2 years and under -Lois Har - •Girl , 15 years and•under-Lois Har- riSo , Mizabeth, Aikenhead. oys, 10 years and under -Keith Conservativeseif,'„torthejaieleme...exil "irreerrtricnigliaM'bift AVA'e'iliTicitty after- ingle ladies! rave -Anna Scotchmer, noon, June =nd, for election of o LoIs (Harrison, Joyce Alkenhead. cers and organization ef the riding. .Single (men's race --Albert Taylor, Srpefteers announced to be present are Jftn Burdge, Albert Pearson. Ashton Douglas, president, and Gordon Married ladies' race -Mrs. Peter M. !Reid, secretary, of the Western On- tario Conservative Asseciation, and, J. R. MeNicol, M.P. to represent represent North Huron Conserva- tives at the national Conservative cop - and 7, (t which the party leielgr Girl and. boy three-legged race --,Dora is to be selected: Miner I). Bell, , of the results achieved by Mr. Colin Hagerman will reside in Sudbury. Harrison and Albert Taylor. Brussels; Wilmot HaackeGoderieh 'Stepping off fifty yards, for ladies- township; H. J. A. MaeFavan, Goder• Patterson in the bea.utilication of his Mrs. Inglis is a cousin of the bride. property, known as 'That's Park,' sit- •Mr. R. C. Hays, &C., and Mrs. Mrs. Geo.. Proctor. ich; Dr.• R. C. Re,gmonti, Wlnghant Dowson and Elliott Harrison. 'Necktie race-Elizab.eth and Jack Aikenhead. Throwing softball, for ladies -Anna 111 •*oleo Coort4 • atlobal, Vogt. ba1„, TOmo .:1",c -A and Acmt, ,--4.prangenlents, for Demialon Day hi r:Goderleh inehule the usual program of ehildren's sports on the $quare, begin- ning at 10 o'elock ,Ith the merning ; a tratk meet, with baseball and softball gaMes, at Agricultural Park in the afternoon, and a band concert in the progroxn- salair,b„.. be in charge of the senior baseball elub, will be in the nature of ai benefit for "Pat" 'Murdock, a 'member of the tette.) who has been laid pff with badly sprained tinkle. The fatuous Irish Nine. of Lump will be here to try conclusions with the local 0.B.A. team, the game to begin at 2.&r p.m. Beginning at 1.30 pan. a prngram of hetet: events will be (serried out, in - eluding' 1 he a tinnal Huron County ebamplonehip events and a series of open competition.% senior and junior, for wfileh handsome mpg and medals are offered. The eoftball game wiN be between the two leading teams of the loeal ,softba11 League. • 'MR.- GORDON ,LO.NGIMAN, Barrister, of Barrie, who has been appointed to act as • Magistrate for Goderich and St ra Vora while *Ma g is - trate Makins is on 'a:tendon. Annual Meeting for North Huron at Wine= June 22tu1l tutted on Walt eifieS of. . Gloucester Hays leave tails afternoon for Mon- 'Threading -the -needle rate -Mrs, Roy street and overlooking the bunks of the Maitland River within the corporate limits of the Town of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson's property is now not only an attractive place in which toarists can rest both, body and mind, but is, with other propertles In that immediate vicinity, one of the beauty • spots of the town. The energy, initia- dieWtive and enterprise of the occupants of ttese premises are wortatrat-irilftalken, cl, and the Board believes the Town o - dais would be well advised to encour- age other citizene to follow the example '-of strnd-Mres-Pattereens".„_.___,, P. U. COMMISSION SUE Counter -dales for Arrears of Water Rates Disputed At the regular .meeting of the Pub- lic l'tilities Commission at the Town hall on Thursday flight last, the secre- tary announced that C. W. Worsell had issued a writ against the Commission for a hardware and plumbing account ..sesse_esessessessegseseessess4ses.ses -- - prevtonsty-htrd sinftifilleZ-WIFireil t int 1 $25 , would be retained from the account for arrears of water rates on a 11011.4. acquired some time ago by Mr. Worsell. Mr. Worsell claims he k not responsible for the arrearages. In view of the issuance, of the writ ' fae t'4etrifilasiere Vegetal:let-a lltWifill,ece the books. offering to settle the *Water rate arresvs with Mr.. Worsen for $20. The 'Town 'Solicitor was instructed to contest the action and enter a counter- claim for $30, the amount of the ac- Goderich, is announeed ; the wedding *e count for water rates in full. The take place on July 2/7th at St. Andrew's balance of $6.54 was paid into court. Presbyterian chtirch, Windsor. The Commission received a request Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. S. Loynes, from Hydro linemen for an increase of Rankin Boulevard, Windsor, Ont.. In their pay, which is 45c per hour. Last year they were given a five cent increase and two weeks' holida,ys leith toiy. The request will be considered. Charles Arnott Bright, son of Mrs. C. One consumer, who some tinie ago W. Bright, of London, the tharriege Was presented with a prepayment elec- to take place quietly on June 22nd at tric meter because he was in arrears, 'St. Andrew's •Presbyterian church, wrote asking that the meter be re: Windsor. "'moved-, stating his arrears were clearest up. The Commission will comply wtth 11.N C 14.111.11GE OF 1 he request. ELM LAW OFFICE A larger meter has been installed at the hospital ovving to increased con- sumption. Three 2-11.p. motors and in the abgenee of siaa. R. C. Hays. three flat .rate Water 'Imrtera Were in- li.104-. on a trip to Europe._ his office -allied in the month of May. •heee will be in charge of his cousin, The Provincial inspector of the De- Mr. ,11. Glenn /lays of Seafortia Mr. oarttnent of Health advised that the' Glenn Has is a son of the late James town %Stuttsr supply was chlorinated ' Rays, who for some years was a real- ereperly. uvwERIAt. On, toSIKLEREI treat. whence they sail tomorrow on a trip to England and IScotiana. They hope also to make a short trip to the Continent to visit the battle-,Scotchmer. fields and Paris. They.....will be away; Throwing until the end of July. Roy Doweniebowling ball, for men- . r. and, Mrs. -Charles -Wells and their daughter, Mrs. Riches, of Glad- Wheelbarrcrw race -Dill Burdge and Keith Harrison. stone, Man., are visitors in town this Driving the nail -Mrs. Roy Dowson. week .and are the guests of 4,, rs. Wells' sister, Mrs. E. C. Belcher. Mr. Wells, Shoe scramble -Mrs. Roy Dowson who is a son of the late Henry Wells and 93)1liott Harris.on. Dow - of 1148407ln, is.a. matitba smut, evil. vonK.Ieking the.slipper-Mrs. 'Roy Dow- ployee. 1He has lived in various parts , 14„ementtoba_stheaiea_ving_ jh 4 . . L. 4 Prize for the oldest person at the Own in 1891. This is his first visit arnissa-MrsassElizainetireWookaasseseaaa :Prize for the youngest person at the to Goderich since 1247, when he was i ni Jitrainie Harrison. P e (-- here for the centennial celebration. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED MA. 11. Jennings, :Exeter, vvishes to announce the engagement of her daugh- ter, Constance Kathleen, to Mr. John Huckins, son of' Mr. and Mrs. John .Huckins, Goderich, the wedding to take President, Wilmer Harrison ; secretary - place ieriet1 4atleeeparaaaf. eleeee-JeeeelLeeee men_ „eeneeeeee.eteeseee,„e.d.ee LI- Craft,. „Albert......1Larrison,-Exed eitaustgeas Brantford, announce the engagement Elliott Harrison, Herb. Taylor; sports of their daughter, Lulu Elizabeth conaInittee, Dora Harrison, Cliff Hack - Mills, to Mr. Laurence Edmund Tal- eta Olive Harrison, Oecil Harrison, bot, of London. The marriage to take Ella Thurlow.- place in the Baptist churoh, Goderich, on the 2nd of July. The engagement of Miss Fanny Alternates are J. N . Hanna, Wing - ham ; John Cuthbertson, Goderich Mrs. Albert Toner, Gorrie, and James Metattelie401, Brussels. MUTTON -MITE On Wednesday„June bath. beneath an areh banked with evergreen and - ferns, and before a number of relative and friends, at the home of the bride' parents, Gertrude Georgina :White daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1a mes White was united in marriage to .Harold George Mutton. son pi, air. pod Mrs. Leslie G. Mutton. Huron road The ceremony was performed by Rev. D• Ir. :La was decorated for the Occasion with flowers and streamer.. The youthful 8 NOBODY INJURED • autta, Iva VSTOINtiaT The 'death ecenrred at 1111Unter, NOrth Olateetti, on ThiaredaY, <Farm 23,30, of tilary Mm (Minnie) D'ulfeed, wife of William a atowart,, formerly of Colborne township. Mos. 'Stewart vms born Oeteher 16th, 1873, a datieh- ter of lillehater Milord and his wife Sueaanah Iteongh, of Colborne town - atilt). After their urarriage on March 8th, 1199, M. and Mi. Stewart went to live on a thrin In Trail' county, North Dame'. In 1910 they moved to the nearby town of limiter, where after twenty months a failing health Mts. Ateitaxt, passed.. ssfaterse) private servite at the 1101ne 011 'Bun- lithirTfr,-TITTiiilifie funeral ser- vice Was held in the Preehyterian chureli, with •which• (levee sed was a et I v assoelated. v lug, be sides the tvereaved husband, are e sop, Percy. of Lisbon, .N.D, a daughter. Mrs. iHazel Collins, of Hunter, N.D., a sister, 'Miss *Clara Fulford, and two brothers, George end Arthur, of Goderieh. 0 0 IMRS. le1.011tFINCE !RPM The death oceurred suddenly U11 Saturday, May 21st, at her home at Glamis, Sask., of a former Goderkh girl, Florenee Leith, wife of John A. !Leine rs. Leith was known here as Florenee -Ttirtier, member a ao family well known In towli tied district. She was born at Ailsa Craig, Ont., in 1882, ,41 AilltgittlafigaL.ale,u,./atevw4,1414.4,44thlikg When Stratford-Goderieh Bus- Takes to the Ditch -An 'Eventful Night Ride Turner, 'Met hodist clergy ma u, and :Um Turner, who afterwards weft. stationed at Dungannon and Auburn. The driver and two passengers on the .1 After the death or the father the Rtratfordaflederieh bus narrowly es- family moved to Goderielt, where iteliailpysedilealiehortmWerili.n to °adlnjury o PneralterthledwIralitiveeenn'SitYle- sitt;ittS'imit:t.e.1 81141::ralt"Is1 ehl.04:).1 1 h'ii; ,S"o'7ttlie1(11: Florenee attended the piddle 11101 high 4-1464,--GA14,41u)-k,,-4",43-141w441"'"fThr firrovi-filierrwiTtvir*11 ; tiortorr-ot- (ivep ditch and two fences, corning ton, Sas4. ite-lees her hilabetel_a. • '610; on7toirillt neorge, t la in is.' sit. leaves three 441ssing. just outside the town limits. „ , 'collet -en 111' a former marriage: Cecil Colelough. driver of the bus, which was being brought to Goderich yin!a"r"d' ar;(11,; wider police escort after a tire in the Plesenee Ede -mile R.N., of Vietori.,, tfsol'ritt:toT,rtlahtia>rd• sia'"fain Ct‘111.184silisaltit18dblnelor There arc also several ttrothr.rP sis,tors. A brother, Harry. see the lights of the Gumiry ear. When the slowly moving ear loomed aa 10 J'oreitia it or 1 hi. Sigmal. (Wive insarl) front of the bus Coletough swung to ! thirt:‘ yeirs ago and Is now at Nev the left but clipped the left rear fen- York. der and wheel of the ear. The bus 0 0 0 then swerved across the road out of ' MR:S. MAltamwr &allot ill control, plunged acroso a four -foot A former resident of Goderich, in ditch and craehed through the road the person of Mrs. Margaret Armour, fenee and a line feriae before coming :widow of John Armour, died Wedaes- to rest. The bus etaaee out a dozen , day night, June 1st, at her home, 11.1109 or more fenee posts and missed a huge San Juan Drive, 'Detroit, Mich. She tree by a matter of inehea., The front 'had. been in poor health for some. of Tit hwe INt1(:‘,11,,IectilegetiN.41sweNveee(k;r4di.iii Hass. of Port Hope, Ontario, daughter of Rob- tnuuths. Mrs. Armour Was bore at. t...9-rtPtAft.Y-4EXA-Irfpls-the ,17 Seaforth, and ('.'ll Mason, of Goder enoieheess!ises Instelset4e,--waress-fos the wild ride. 'Phe first incident of the eventful After supper the president, Mr. Tom bride was dressed in white Duchess night for the driver and passengers of Taylor of ,Lucknow, made a short lace and net with a high Queen Anne 1.1the lets was NV hell fine blazed up from Speech, thanking all for their help in collar and three-quarter-lefig,th veil n short circuit under the (Nab A the past and wishing tbem all success held in place by a wreath of lily 4 if (.811 was put into Clinton, a few miles In future. , • the valley. She wore white slippers behind this bus, find County Constable a The election of officers for next and carried red roses. Mrs. A.. White Lever sped out with a fire extinguisher year's picnic resulted as follows: and Misa Anna White, R.N.. were at- and had the fire under control with the ttmlants as matron (if lionec. rig loss of onlv a .1'W tioorhoarth7:4 - alstaTraelastiThe other tteeidenrii(7HIFFiql, about 1,1 p in. Wirinririfef iti41-11Wfilefl-tr In Ile 1C041-1'' kil5r.4.7174Qt0 0: - eTtIffbil and CTIFITer-FiffirifTions. Jack Patterson. of Entbro, was -grooms- man. Mr. Jaek IlarniltOn, supplied the InUsic for the wedding march, and during the sighing of the register played "I Love Yon Tru1S.- A HAPPY EVENT After a motor trip Mr. and Mrs. Nile- cartdititur „ri.ysret. -amen& - -•will -Solos tap. resadenossat- .ftettsio- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vines Celebeate Lawn Fur Farm, .1Inren road, Goderreh. Mrs. Killen and She late Mr. Jonathan The bride wore for travelling a tan E. Killen, of Victoria avenue, Windsor, Twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary suit, brown shoes and hat. to Mr. Clarence •Leverne 'Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walker, of The home of Mr. aed Mrs. Harry G. • Vines, Elgin avenue, was attractively decorated with pink and white stream- ers and baskets of lovely flowers on formerly of God.erich, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Dr. Ber- tha Geraldine (Betty) roynes, to Dr. fleet of Goderieh. He has Success- -Pally soneinsied his- law course et .0a- goode Hall and intends to praetise his profesaion In his home town of Self - H0141 District Meeting tilesre, Conehtd- forth. For fhp next few weeks, bow- ing vtith 'Banquet ever, he will be a resident of (ode - 'Phe Imperial Oil Limited held a flea. meeting of their dealers in the; dis-; Irict at the Masonic Hall on WednesS HOLY tzArvz4 RALLY (1,4 3- afternoon. 1:k1r. J. D. Thomnsi • .11pervisor, of 4.:roderich, -4 Seven Hundr Men ,Congregate at i 11 ii;44 ge and about fifty dealers were s utingsbridge to Renew Their Vows in attendance, Irani Kirteardine. On Sunday afternoon more than Wingleen, Clinton, 1)ungannen, Env nsto, Goderich and other points. lseven hundred* men of the Holy Naine r Thomas giave a brief orttine of including a large represen- t tation from Ooderich, gathered at Ht. are purpose of these animal dealer JoSeph's church, Xingebridge, to re - meetings and eovered briar lthe nro4 I -- (hew their vows aft the annual ratty, grim for the afternoon. A travelogne 7\ entitled "Safari on Wile -41a," was hy IMr. E. J. Piggott, eat% pro.; e „t ion super visor, of the Toronto db.4. er Imperial 011 Linsited, eller se--- the rally, The huge parade was led '''eN4a.,111(.11 gaVe an outline of the =Its by pipers of the tucknow band. promotion plans deeigned by the compan% to assist dealers in improv- ing their businesg -for-lt1S8. ' progrpn eoneinded ./1 showing of a ferther talhifag picture, outlining hoW quality game which was addressed by Rev. blather Basil Doyle, of Torotito. Wingham, St. Augustine, Itruseels, Lucknow and Kiiigehildge were represented at At the service Rev. Father 0. A Niuntin, of St. Augustine, was- celo- brant as the 'benediction of the Blessed gaerament wee •peoeuuneed; Wev- Oather Paquette, of Winclhani, was &aeon tkiv. rather C., IP. Xagle, of Aloe refined and -.1W 4%4114' eon- Codetict, was suhdoacon, • with nev. t rolled t'tittbor ol Cioderich, in the After the straYing di* igetts,041114vradarz, • t he dealers (left the IltiOnite Halt IteV.,VatIter QukYli6y4, ot. 3',0,5•4,11.13 antlered onee more at :trio Void 13e2 otkprOi, ktazg ipa5t ford to enjoy a banquet, ut 1.10. ';the eonelusion titr ttzgeo the de., Tsomss Introducc4, oaa Oallot.tar.4 tation ,thtrito:174ittlar number or <AIL, • ' Thursday last, when they entertaleed a number of friends, the occasion being the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding. About thirty relatives and friends at- tended, and the happy couple were ;showered with lovely gifts and roses, carnations and eongratulatory mes- sages. The lace-eovered tea table was in charge of Mrs. R. Pimiott, of Toronto, sister of the bride of twenty-five years, and Mrs. C. Austerberry, of Goderich. awe table was eentred, with a three - tiered sake, ahd eandies In silver hold ers and baakets of ros•CS and gypso- phel-la -added to the ;seating. • Mr, and NIrs. N'ines 1 /we Emily ('haapekl) were married at Wilifi,sor Rev.' Mr. Snelgrove. of the Anglican chureh. Mr. Vines has been a P It. employee the la st t 1 rt y - wo years. The -couple- livedlifter their marrialae. at Windsor, Detroit and Toronto he fore coming to Goderich five yeara g, Their one aim. Frank Vine'.: egret/. Mr. Vines is n 0.P.It. engineer here seventeen, is pursuing an ordinary cotirse at the Goderich Ceileainte In- stitute, but he has made tremendous strides in the aviation field. Ile is Canada's youngest licensed pilot. ha v- ing been "up in the air more' or less steadily sinee he was fourteen. :Since then' he has won numerous trophies In air manoeuvres Mr. and Mrs. Vines also are avia- tion enthualitafit, • and have gone -,on Short trips with their son at the con- trols. Mr. Vines has even gone so bar as to follow in his son's foot - rte ne and flew solo last year. Only recently father and son flew from Lon- don to Toledo as members of it good- will flight. Among the guests present at the an- niversary celebration' were Mrs. Hattie Aetle,, Mrs, F. Williams, Mrs. J. Chap- pell, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pinaiott, ronto; liir. mutants Chubb, Mr. Rus- sell Chubb, of London; Mr. and Vire. C. Ansterterry., Mrs. J. Thomas, Miss tiva Worthy'. ,Mrs. Arnold, Miss Bea- trice Arnohl, Ur. and.MIV. 'Arthur God- dard, Mr, and Mrs. N. McInnis, Miss Ilarttna ifill=ty, 1116 nay tiluagey, Ilro, a. 'Mit and m1s3 MTh anon, all of4lede.leielt. altr14. it,7rr'' MINTON MASONS HERIE There was a large turnout of Ma- sons on Tuesday night, when Maitland Lodge entertained the Clinton Lodge. ert Latincelot Walton and Margaret ips t ift-fr,r -OtAir'faterirtr.----She spent her early years in this town, but had lived in Detroit for twenty two years. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. 'Maida Armour Atkin- son and Mias Aileen Armour, and a grandson, Arthur S. Atkinson, all of 'Detroit, and a sister, Miss 'Lena Wal- ton, of Gederich. Mr. Percy L. Wal- ton, who (lied a few years ago in God- A.r.1111t1Lr.. an.Y rs was a.c.- 'tive in the Guild or st. John's Npisco- ' pal church, 1)etr(y1t, and in the Ins - 1414144/4111444.44 vha COM MOVIA07krtOta Pftc.`,..."-Z23 Eamt Coma eft Womota 4°C)Itkontie . , At the meetleig a the Ioseal Uzi ell of Women held In Mt:m.141y 'Han em. Alionday tifternoott, MAT' jean Mathes.- higton, Telma cave tee. tit.-.71:theidua;.nzvtieCt,iliteigewinetlit=p;milita.elthlehtottp_ upeanetlaiL7etginaggl:rive:it:vriat:9,tell7-leduP-tt preautout, eats. Lanes, versideat- .11.ue blx,rel,o thalatla gre,atnea4,4 said utauerington, was sus X01114- tlattlou JAW toy the early tiettlerte 1,7110 were farulerb. "CtaUtitiat I13 0131010111- toral country ; it wasia nalottatie that sue weet law intimetrial develoPeaea. ster aaettall 1.11.1 the soil." Jart3. siesueriugtou evoke of VanatitA1.0 grout mineral wealth, the development ot wheal was only uegitutIng, her Weatt,11 01 timber, .ner unintal llifo and !ler naherleti. "1 Inst. Is the mutter," elle tvis' eat° •• tits I. there is poverty or tuayonte look- ing tor at .10110 it is the piling Up of Weatla by sumo who are afraid to %est It Sur fear of losing it." • .-tettaaadeassassseesseassatta'/W11 oecatuse there is no prospect for the yl:ftlrentt; "5-01 fir-tro47-sliMffolidurie to give [twill a feellag to be ambitio 3, Instead of minding out rdlef, givo the yuung men farms, she oeunselled. Tiny could, of vou,se, not Make EitTrt without capital. "I feel there should be a eampnign to wake people give tile's wealth to save thn nouzir.ry i1 -'n 1%Ituty years ago gale their 11 vet ; why .1Zd.frillbotj34ind;',17P, 8c-4441.iinlimiX7I'Letr"w7irk leer- -- Duties and taxes tiro hindering 'ple IQ ..the speaker smid. •Lux- (tries (het oust enormously, not simple, lieliest-to-goodlleSs living, aro making 110 51(041(1(81 LIS it is today. The greatest phtee in the world to bring conada on...k to contentment is In 4,111- holue.s,..alid to 1101.11eLl Is given tee greatest 1Hivl1g 1» tteiching honcaTy... thrift and industry. (Stizenship 19 partio.rs:lip La the Inv -mess of the country. la.sfore nom- ination day is the time to tind out V hat ta lda tes stand for 'Al entbsro 31 1 ornament are etc:tate!, alai some Its 40' (4 se. them. -We should hear an expreasloi, of otfir rsoresentatli-isa.. twow,-11 ..114441141 have a say ; if they are t hey should express thor toptut,ins. ! "1 ,111 maintain the greatest place lin the world for womeo is In the home- NVIott 111.' r tdoing at all our meet- ings: n re se putting into aetion our 1(1E;;Irs s?." lletherington's 11(1(1 - }-vaass1.??.6 . followed 11 11 'dims Slut 1•11111 14 .I•4 :I 111)01Itted tO .1• .01he Inquiries arid report on the In Chapter of the Daughters of the Brit ish Empire. The funeral ser', ices, on refl. rre, I to t he hot al . kitting of las! Cross teems nursing Saturday, June 4111, were conducted at 1","1"'" St. John's (-1441 ('('11 by the rector, Rev. ( "1411(.11 "2 W. mee 1,3 the Town ('01411- 31 r. Johnston, assisted by Bev. Mr. 1 cil. 414 • 4•clar4V• Waft- qvit.fintret.1 ..ay -.Ste - vittsit-ibleteettt,i-sk.44-4.4tf '44. -afeket-'ea _ 1 43.1sassealaal - -. . --. - se---------..--eass- - . • -- ---- ing lodge. At the cencluse ion of the twarrs were members or the veseery, of THEY rhea Tea eleraaaaa-a, meeting a pleasant social time was St. John's cburch. Burial was in n cemetery ie: spent around the banquWsailli et board. • DIAMOND JILT .TIT VE OF VICTORIA ST. URC Jubilee a nti i versa ry servieee will he held at Vietorla street Fnited chureh on faundny. Juno 28111, and Sunday, July 3rd, with appropriate events for the intervening week. This wiler of ealebraflon will mark the sfetiett anniversary of the present bongo of worship at the eorner of Victoria- and gt. David'a atreette though the congregation dates back much far- ther than that. Two former pastors will he here to take part In the jubi- lee -Rev. J. F. Ileyeraft of Stratford, on June With, hnd Rev. W. Graham, 'DD., on July 3rd. A Jubilee dinner will be held on Tuesday evening, June e3th.;, ofternoon, artily let, a jubilee Neale will be heid in .Harbor Park, and on Mon- day afternoon, July. 41111, the Woman's Missionary Poeiety will bold- on "at hon4." Ilev. A. E. MoOrhouse is the pattor of Victoria street azTauvelt end hao acceded to the request of the congmantion to tHth' Mote enoitor year. Nliss Walton, of town, went to 1Se troit on receiving word of her sister's death and remained I here w i t If lief nks.e. for a week. o o 0 P"-- - - 'It1 HIM t T 11A111 1.1 1i):4rrs" - Robert Mathioaon, v% Ill, N• II 4 bra ke- ma n en the first C.P.1 I. freight train to leave Goderich about thirty-one 3 cars ago. (Bed nt Alexandra hospital oh Saturday morning in his sixty - !second )ear. Mr. alathieson, a rail- tw.,,a)n erhinployee thirty eight years, had pour health four yvars. At ; tite time ef his ref 11'4.1114411 troll, 1114' 1 service of the CrP.1t. in .itzeteg. 19361 114. 4)114 il 4.44444144otor Born at iiiilli. - , 1(41%. ii .4.14 ef air. atel Mrs George ' Mathieson, ticccitscil 444 a ),,ling 1144(11 , vk (111 1(1 1111 I Illers1 ten Id, clill.r 1114- 4111 , ploy of 1114' C.N 11. '1'‘4 0 p /II. 1:11.'r ' hi' frioved Ill 1 A Infi11 lind t ra risferred !to tilt. C.1' 11. He %Att.. at 1', 11 di ,6 (ear. and while tli. 14. ho 1arri4.11 , coin 111:1 ug., „2 1;.,i4rliato. (1111111count) • Tlity 441.4811 a 34.41r ii 1 , II 4,1 Toropto twfon• 1 ',1111114 1'. '1,.11 4.1 ., 11 111-13 -115 1. .;11 .4 /Igo Ilr NI-Itti;4, .,t, NA 14. 11 1144'1141.4,r of the 1:r , i to 1 1 of Rath -owl Trainto. 11, !ho (Ir 114 1 a }Odle% .a,, . Con(lo,. tor- ,,, ,1,1 !be I :obi). mient 1)rd, r or vore,14.4.. 114' 4. 'or, ived 1.y his wife and the ( hild• f11 1;,, ergs,. Garsel sod se -is of Goi14.1-,,•11 , Ho.... /if Torotilo, 1111 Mr4., Willard Gra vette, or strotrord. Jaw., mainie.on. of mum.. 1. 91 Irrid h.. r ,1 MU , Mr. 'Lewis steeart. of Ituffale. is a r .1 prisiitc fotte•ral *.4 r‘I.-4. %%as 1.1.11414104.41 at 1144. home on Elgin 8) ('0(14' 1111 3.11111141S1S afternoon by Rev, 'W. P. laine, of North street 1 nited Omnih. interment was In Maitland cemetery, the pal 1 bea rers being Chas Ross. John Hunter, J. A McConnell and, Chester Johnston, all of Goderich: Jos Mathie- soil, of narrie. and George Bell. of Toronto. A lariw nomber of floral tributes, willeh included offerings from the Order of Railway Conductors. the CJP.R. employees In tIoderieh, N-orth street church and the .141%11 „Dowling ('lub, were borne by W. F. H. Price, Wm. I)ank, Jon. McMillan, John Pin - der. George tiaelivi-)d, N. t'. Work, J. Iif4wafilerd and 'Reg. 'Elliott. Among those attendina the funeral from out of town were Meson). Dur- kin and Henderson, of lLondon, repre- aeutina Ittrtititer-iitItatriy• atilidite- tors; Mrs. J. atevenson, of Kitchener; Mrs. S. J. Pear; and Miss Helen Reid, 1 or ListareP; Mr.' and Mrs. (leo. Bell. of Toronto; Mr, Sanwa Mathitegon, of Boarrornieto.,. Mr. Illoan Mothieson, of T tt capital Theatre for "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" '1114. %Vail l'r Disney prodieetaata Sway White aud the. Seven Ilwtirfs," f.14118111. a ree.,ro I'd fr theatre productione. 4;•041eri.11 %Viten 11 was shown at tbe Theatre on Thursday, Friday I ;est sstorteo of last week. The place 5.) 114 I•rolvileil at each showing, and 14:444kr14-1, 0.441,i4. had the unusual eii- est ivies ef 11,1)Ing to stand in stueueo with two sat- ilr(lay afternoon perforrnaneis, there 4' 1, lest jlig.t. 1111(1 in round 1 him 11, ,4,0110 1141111)1411 W the picture itert• 1 1 r 1•• .1 1 II, Vk 114 Id'1011/1/4 Dies ! 41r 1 5 6. of ,1„, pf ;HI If. IA.., 811, 1111,,t culla p11 ; I ,i 1 1- 1 0.• 1i... 1.. 1 hi, 111,40.1Prieb 0 H. 11 1111. 11.111 areal pleasure !. ,1.111trig 111.• rim 1 here. :is .1 he , d,..1(1.,1 5 11 14.1. ly and o 'il.• 'lit,. 1,...,1111, '11.11 "4 8oc7 \\1 1 4' lo..444/14, 14:44-k 444 'rih t, att,,,fy the (Tema to/ Por ab- • r P r ftZ MU. 111111.61111 11M)11 -17114;D 1.1,t14,. Rev 1)r 11.41 r nett and Mr. Is (1 \Naar on larelay everttaig n1'44141441 a meeting ef the Presbyter', 1144 1'. at Sea forth at which iltett, thigh .1st(k, 11 A late of Red Deese /14 4111111q1.11 1 lit the pae (harge of the Reaforth Preabri- tertian ehurch Re) 11. Peddle 01 (•1:111h, interim moderator. presidetl; Re\ ,th 3.1 Doyle of i(lyth preach:Pd the s•amon , Hee. NV .t. Young of }k'nit- sa 11 addres•sed the minister„ and Rev. I) I. Hill of Ifteter addressed thio ronaregatIon. At a reception held afterwards in the school room Of Um church the new minister vvns intros (ince(' to those present and addreegecfi a few Words to his congregation. Weather Wein' temperature readings for On past week and for the eorrespotadisz week of Ince year were on followo: le31 • Mag. 1111a, RIAU. ZIECI• chum, lune 1 .. 4.3 Cn rd.. June 10 7.A 43 GO 0- Sa t., June 11 .,75 17.4 70 42 Sun, June 12 70 re/ 73 C•3 June 13 -73 .50 Wm, 3lar,* Wti Vie(1, Junen C..1) ese 'ewe,