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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-6-9, Page 10
a+rr.r•M• yok >t; LONARCJI 3L0 CARROTO MY' PAIRAGUS T210 "'''"" Astrn c/g3 was A 45) 40e ' 11 ck-uati Dir 24 QDZ. leaves z ©ildi ElleeW PASUI WAZ-57c 32c lf,ilnn 36.1%. Vim �Il�l IgilfiIFri ND En WAZ Mc 50c Q11'gym In. VW ���1YD111II�IID 7 -0321 -13E - --» giAIRDEN 6rC - MEND c ▪ (;(:% Il% h*sjw SECOND II.h. a' IIP GRAM -HMS FLA WAIF. MIIIGCS' aa4' IikJI gLIiU1kT 3MII`JOCJdCCS 1NCSk12 COII?EE sARDIN gc NO. 1 SPIN e OW 1•11b. Drag 25c Y .,�, _,..� � �a 1121VIEEAI-II7L1u1<D hordhem TM ° • 1w�- iwz sup Toffilm maso LIFETJOY 'le 7c Small Pkg. ge SD 3 Foy' 23c SUNLUGfi bAG' (e MARI'S SOUP'S (Tr ASSOLIMED MICE ,,MISPIES CM11 YLAUS MAN MAYS REARIOLLM GUMMI(/' tJI[CI F: GM*GEllt PE1:::IIE LW: VIr f 32 -ca. N. 2 Taw ins.. II=lsg� YYYY 3-bta Paz. 1/111 D i' Calla 30 -ea. bt11. (t s ) Ana) On) YV R7��° ii ter. PP�u I Ii TIC ;I „oc tr.ec y' n cTe Favaige_euad Vic w'. VALINVILAS 22o 91 1) ma. mu PS) 042, h� t ri • , .�: 71..,:_1.x% fITpi.°� "N'l•Y ,'Te�µhF Ak Mt $ _ 4 4 4,, otoriot 1 1x . .p, " 1,, I. i he' `' 3 Ch4PZO,rt. 31 ee *i .� .-4 0 t in h' Will ; . i lgtiliA OR'' vol ,SitMet IiI r1 tad el*cats v$114, 404'4 On fatty om; the parSon4ge'greattittla onrid A, I. 4n,ne .2-40s,. 0,43` ` ' O. 23` JA NTX1Or ,lied ItitilMZZlii. colli ,nt2t1�1p,,ap,•� �Wnot ,. Ladieal 'Aid of Jho= dumb, 'eb group No. 2, *I'll hold 4 tet, and ~10 sikzair Maar h,eazter-ef`•:'�'r�. 1Craiglc, lighthouse street', , on Thta - daYa, Juni 4rd. 23 ItgrsOive erborsday, Able 23rd, for an- afternoon tea and abridge at tit. George's rectory . __:... go_. unih. .ca, aOita bridge,. 95e; Thin r41Mr'tnatin11rlArtEe'! Qloiu . he (held 'at the home of the 4iSzes Ral- held, Jftayiield Road, Thursday, June idth, at 2 pal. 1Tlae regular meeting- of. Victoria Hone 'and School .Association (will be held ou 'Thursday evenng, June' 16th. Rev. W P. Lane will be the guest speaker. This is the last meeting be- fore the holidays and a mid attend- anlee is hoped for. A meeting of the Looltl. Council of Women with • be held in MacKay Hall, :kionday, June 13th, at 3 p.m. An ad- dress on "Citizenship,," will be given by Mrs. J. HetheringtOti.° This will be followed by a discussion on the sub- Ject. All interested are welcome. MOM- L -'(ala o'c�i h 'Sunday afternoon, Juue." 12th, at .dl ,.. � Jtl,-dafw9Guo. Zaovv,,: 3I, b ve three- dif' its Members' on hand to entertain after the rally, `uther Bell(olee1"aaulSister. moavn _erbyy- body welcome. Mrs. James Hamilton has . returned from a trip to New York, WaShingtoa .and o . r: off? :eva n with ten char g tsl. ..-.. Morrison --of • Kincar- dine and Mrs. Larkin of Windsor. >,ra',:✓.rrw•+F«r..-��'�4"', `.. lam'. �+�+e��+a'fiif�,�ra7 ,+ I301'10E.—In Goderich, on Friday, June 3rd, Hannah Palmer, widow of Janes Boyce, in her 78th year. GALT. -4n ,Goderich, on Friday, Jun ::rel, John Galt, aged 77 year& GOC"LD.-In Goderich, on Tuesday, June 7th, George P. Gould, in his 7tfth sear. WJY.—At Port Albert, on tIirOnday=, .iataui bth, Jessie Woodrow, 'wife of Robert J. •Hov, In herr 64th year. CD11 [hltiLOW.--{In Goderich, on Mon- eday, June tith, Agnes Sterling, wire of Hugh Thurlow, in her 71st year. saitY1YFJ ;1 s.—In Goderich, on Sun- day, June 5th„. Stephen Stothers, in his 86th year. _ A4 Hunter, \orth D -- kola, on Thursday, June 2nd, 1938, Airs, 'William C. Stewart, formerly ,Jlinnic Fulford, of Goderich. t CARD OF 111HILINDES �I1'F, FAM1L� T OF THE _ LATE afirfir 7W�I1 ��e ILllEl$ o *0r- xauait -- •-- il'ank-Aaeigkbors who offered &badly assistance durin. their recent !bereavement, and also those who loaned cars for the funeral. 23 CAR(.) ()di' P1ii®.NK'S.--THE Fi A MIII.Y of the late Mrs. 'James Boyce wish to thank neighbors and friends for their tcii..-'> And.,,melt -."during her illness and at the time of her death. They also wish to thank those who sent floral tributes and loaned ears for the funeral. • 23 ashy not be your fault --but if you have NO INSURANCE the fault is entirely yours. 0 IE nllo) 3 Ifircpill>>on 61. 2t-2 lPeL 2681. 4 -4 0 ( ou'ie std i=a 'e4 tart o',Olottot'"a zi7 it.ntyz rt. 4-41=T- , f1+ Via,ct 1,0,t, WI:t 41 4:1401' o' or ' m zt• n, , pgtooll. 1.11190 14otcs t`. .a"i; o i dab, 1 ,0 0.1204 v 3 r'o d. . wi. ,Oye)l ; 'in good, con- iltitan.Ci o ' gaaeb, .Or will. en -- change 'change Erna , e' a 1Q b. p. wot(s>r. .6 ]pi sIiGN a ii'S� l ek,, -or 11/41021411X ,8 tit ,', if lectric Welder, & -it�ty weld .... 28-tf. S, flower,: ,astOr and ether plants, doz. 1.p cents... .tt-_ �, .ready, vigorous, •yell -rooted, hardened to open itlr. .11A/MESCULBERT, ,cos`. Cawbria Rd. and'. T.P., just opposite Thos. Anderson's gas aatkn. '(10-26x, i SANAmL- 1311 JLr0 33 MUT°, cabbage and cauliflower plants. Wci7. mato 45 cenlb i, c uhbaage 30 cents per hundred. Caauliflon rer, aster and other plants 10 cents per dozen. iE. F. Ldti l~ ]BRQOIC, .$9 wilder street, Bri- tannia road, near 'Sunset Hotel (turn a t Burrow's' stor.) . 23 F (mL 1 oat E-XCH NGE. -X- OE'LLICINT ilbpild1n,&- lost in residen- tial section -of North -Toronto. - Wish, toexchange ferjoral property of like metre Iy .fir's+ .' A t S ; '-i8 West street, 23 OR SALE Olt _. EENT.--FUIiL ): modern mouse,-_ 78 Nelson street. Aipply 47 Trafalgar _ � r street,- GotleriCh. 23 IgI+ A.' R. = NOBOE, WITH t<. -Yeaar 1: s- beat„ limited_ - number only, $169.96. For further particulars write� (H7EINTZ �rtden, 1-8 iPTIO1A T. ! FOR SAILE, 131+1A'TTY engine -drive washer, complete 'with engine priced very low for quick sale : also good hand washer and• wringer. ROt`6.1RP's HARD (txderieh. Phone ;106W. � �1QIIHI1, WIS i7i'1;J'ItD p1rACIEMER W .iN t i ii. • 4. dplJ Pleb .gaagalie school teacher wanted for Junior fSeeond or- rade-3 loom in Victoria school. Duties to commence iSeptem .ler. State qualifi- cations— exPerate, amend._ __,„R?-. peeted. Applications received until June 18- L. L. KINOX, Secretary, 23-4 Goderich, cant. 'TENDERS W NTl'ED- TENDERS WANTED. -exterior--of-St--George's church and parish hall, Goderich, will be received up `111 5 p.m. Manley, June 13th, 1938. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Specifications _ Max' ate obtalngSl the church wardens. JOHN S. PLATT, E. DOUGLAS BROWN. 4 223 II'ism -74 b', ta D Oo t . "SJ'}"ti- , •'e: n rl J ^w.•p7 .0 atm y��T �'r 11 l�f�(J.'�� Pov,)1 �i�t L�! '9 [„•'1'`y *i,#` N7,44)' 8 - vie ►t '.J : 7*ut' )'i 4. � Q-10. 23 eertille vocal, Xit.�y fir•; Xt. �1R 444 !POW a' teml trinA +ps .. 8 Jito =tree openin Mitt sible reliable! THEA, outb,-. '1a'�°.If►>DJl. MI* eat To Be q alit teas, ".cog, s,° e'a, st+t elf Orta , ', nediclaat111' ,pre"" in # 1°ran Qlouaty« moo' W. .. n only. Write today, t AHD . PAtN f :John. Ham ton., '` - 2,1x V� n r 114. OISIITION .SIS �YV' � ,3P ! ° 'hay a (widow m mlddle- oged ; ea t flee fall charge; flu- ee countr3t beats. Call : SI(t?SYA-S'J,`AI$. O'FJ '$1O" • 23x We have a special liquid fibre coat- ing or alumeniz for steel roofs; we also repair and guarantee Sat roo4p.' We sell, cement tops for chimneys. 'JOE_ _'`' Tr3 t., J(l.. inton, Ont. Chose,. "42, ;,, 22-tf. m I OCCH LOST--ILARIOE GREEN E N /tone;, reward. can at ,STGNArr .S'TAIR ;I't� 1Z XrENT 4el, ally ,o to ` $row; �."�� dq Ott;!' rrt! • io g iQ. AMI,. 4w* -11p- illi ..00. 00404#. ,o ff:- 144.034,P; ?,1vin13 acts • •Miss''ni ,,�; ), cap 'OA vk air, 4adt ,'AMM• . and Itnigror, $. rta 10 , :.0+. 'wa t Gd; '$. D Iia , 0144* ate° l t,00u table 'pi000 w.ie4or.' .( ap' - :aa olctered E f 2. day n„ 'le a Ilr 1m Otutila We, c° ,. 6 14r �.::�; it o inGt, 1741o;1 a'ay Apjaillom 4:0,1 g'g ol,e,un, meii o.La, 11,101144. gebin (oir. roteptaadoo,,111-fta, 1ttdd'erD- 41 ati 44e; 1 aawn 'mower, 1 *beet* barL^A$v'„ whetstonei, ct Teuter's set 0! mantels, rnlro iti•, 8 bat- saltier; ar- seu'i'ier; ' 1 sharrovvs, 1 building vweneh with equipment, and n ,•.Iin.' exo` s1q Other articles. . .N+:IM,•..: Ih9�bRy7%4tIPLN wYItt"'u raCi§ - - _ 'At the %agate ,, ty,1 if . sold fsT_ .. ,... .., .. , ... - . •�,,,�.,..-....,.•,'�' O , rope Will be Ohiere for gale, Ttermswill be announced at tine of ,sale. T. GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. 23-e4 ,"E,Ia3SFRV'EI) AUCTION SALE .Or 1$QiUm Ft'P1:NISHiINGS AND EFFECTS. We are, instructed by Mr. T. C. Crtawford to sell by public auction at the premises, No. 10 Wellesley street, Goderich, on THt ISDAY,. J'UNIE 30th j -commencing at 1;30 sharp All the contents of the home in- 'eluding: n'eluding: Child's , iron crib, 4 iron begs wirkh springs, '2 Marshall spring mutt resses, 1_ aterancwr ,na t tress, 2 i rum; 1 ;.h, tt "; - 1.:: seoiaiui o`fc e, 1 combinratton bookcase and desk 1 eemai!,inatiof china cabinet and, buffet, OST O1.I ,S+TOI +, ..—AN ODD CAN- VAS eIf b g with 4 right-handed e i ovr,p'etase- leiwe inforsnra'Mart>. with SIGN—STAR. Reward. 23 Kf W' 1griCAD,''''I6--rem Owner may have saline by proving property and paying for advertise- ment. Actiply 1011PI1IIF OF POLICE. 23 el • SALESMEN! rF YOU ,ARE NOT earning $3 a clay, you cannot afford to limas this opportunity! Over 800 linen make from 818:60 ttt M.00 weeklsr aceorcling to ability with distribution of 290 guaranteed products. Cash sales. Free gifts. Liberal commas -at ui. W'S- T hent etue to start this (business. Free particulars with- out ',obligation. FALAI:ILEX r71p St.-Clenienrt, Montreal. 23-26-20 vuelviworationer elan ch 'tr,r. i o tr i loufl� 11411 9tr1<e, ,g1#0. 4.94.04 A',7c1,- and 1 tebten. Atena a, IttaitEer titet,I4.: m(.. vW .� fit r rte' ""^T `_c• ,,—�,,;��ra-;S1..7. " she -"t �'���, •* .a�� -*' b ,. ,..� .. r 114` ��G:� � • n,q rvNI3141F-37:' !� ► Mixt ,,. and other article. . T +. i" asks. There will be nothing, f'ogorr 0 i r: Crawford has d s ' perty. GT GNDRY & sow, .r't,d ,i ,'Olt r+�r, r t• 1In • IIP .• � . •ZIQ 4 a Property muni iTa List your,, properties with`)., ` My service covers IGioderiell surreunding country. Play motto ; is "to please you." a-anw.a ` .. _ AtR, ,Lq�}}���.'-,.. W�} f9"930704; Wood For S vaned Wo04,0ime fffdael EcI —WHILE IT $2.75 cash cash with order - si"n le -cord detverel Appy ut WEIN MEL. 19 Before bpy23i2G$ric34 Refrigeration " e. Gars to sem crR'�W The outstanding Refrigerator with all its NEW featuires - Drbp in and see our quality' Lawn and Verandah Furniture at special prices Save money on new discontinued patterns of Congeleum and Linoleum Rugs from $2.25 up Wo. are prepared to pervice all ides n4 models of Modem Refrigeration. Wo. .{CKS DNE Phone 240 west St. 11I0TI0E Ito 4 •I5$ ITO . _ ‘Notice Is hereby given to all per- sons having any claim against the estate of (•o1omon Zinn, late of the Town of 'aderich, In the Bounty of Huron, gentleman," who died on or about the Oth day of Mciy, 1038, to send same to the undersigned on or before 'June 23rd, 1238, as on and after that date the Eiceeift,Olng ii 1n wild proceed to make distribution of the said estate, havltagn regard only to the claims they then have notice of Dated June Oth, 1f138. • }IIA'II 8 and HAYS, Goderleli, Ontario, Solicitors for he -Executor's. 23-5 1NOTI,CE TO CREDITORS: " Notice is hereby given to all p r• ons having any clal n against the estpt+b of John McKenzie, late of. the Township. of Ashileld in tho County of Duron, farmer. who died on or about the Gib 02 May, 1938, to send same to .the aindersigned on or Before 23rd day of June. 1938. as on and after that date the -adanigistwitor herein- will-proeeedl• . to distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard only to the claims he then has nobs of. , z - Dated-ot----Gollerieli this nth da Jutne, A. IX 1938. 11AY:S and -HAYS, 4 oderieh, Ontarjo, *Volleitors for ,the". state 234 AOTICE 4TO ertitarWits.- at. (Prank) late tft thot Notice) is hereby .dven zarenant to Pao ssteittitO id that behalf tiat all tra if you visit I8iOP flee it ***44 ''Y'S you will • and suit your Ike. Mearkell r•ro,..•,••••,,x ,,,,,,LIBP.... _..., Enggavad Ar* anciall Chairs • o 90c an Folciang Chairs, Tables and Cots For Oft imilgdstions for the June bride see ,otir display of END TABLES, LAMP TABLES, PIMIRES, MIRRORS, ETC. C2111412 cE252 Illte till"; altials tateope. 367 t:imilf up corm and •