HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-6-9, Page 2'41 , eeef , G D C "(e ,ntr, Ilit401- -01,91e* • Inhed be Sleeal4iann PIVP!1., Went Otneet, tledneleb, Onta AT. atvx`in Otb 7 Mg3I0 „ 1:44e gennetb Waco ia'seagazine mr.1, 042 .62144 iluotem," oalo ettilvA7 wati nted eueetion a the emeart. 02 nMid4ale, hydro-eleetrie poWee, bet le, nett noese corelderatiOea tr.,i Wien tqltb: aCeotgat hreIntion _Mete1QQprehlet; ereousree lote article ,7..nr. Wfl natn Canc; efreere the elterGe •Whittilledrined_ reohilee, the te/0 or sour thIrp-wa,..er aze steams =A ena• ter. " 'atneene0a, Tehnetzientlatelner cent. 02 xnnteal. electric slattern:, nenerate oraeryz tr,7 water Penn In the entenJ Clatee, the ratio in altmoet re- DIDI that esuatry,. tzematy. 0j -tea 1PP evnt. 02 pas-/erf-plant caeneity Mee' fuel itetead. of Water power. 41-5nle feet CO Important an 44 orweeeeteillealfroreez.... neente..4.. Orele Annao - tald oet aearee-toedeteratinine thin if eatell and lierbor tolls were charged to cevee the enet 02 ea CiaterwaY, aa frelelat race cre chareeti on the rail- wae'O. But there to so propocal to •0 annth a a the port; ive the eaee tbe, watetteni., toota et development are ehare d up toproblie rzorke even). Met and ere paid fOr saaeral tanation. 'Oen the 'Star Gael through figuring thle leet;-•aed2 1atatb that whenc P freiGbta are charged to cover the cost of tevnlonleg 0 waterway. dredeing barbore, etc., they are lower than railway freiGht% so than purourint to it° own document, the rallwaye • call be eeraoged„ it hang tell UD what we are to do &ging the five mortar) of Oor under- tbe year the St. Layne oe Lo frozen "Mndtnevt tbe irover ontort wat, c/2,. up, 1tJIc» e baelnees of the cot -nary eetee=othaminedereithameaventette.eneenee leeteeet.soLarinill for thee? five month% • "ettetn" eheetnical plant°, ao they the railways ilibaVetO0tiffifer clze ear* tr-no teatted to narrow 0-111- a11 d allit tallied after all, with Greater Peatleteeftmentlal /potties la reozerdt to 51V-04 r cutsplies. deficite than ever beeause of the tra2- hble.88, it toot arant fie taken fro tiaera bY the waterway Gan eletuode of vizi to ' prod= One in the anremer, period. 111Z30 caly five poteritn vase neeared, a If e eater The Toronto 'Star =nett !tour of electric eraterny, ti of tegeindS only three Mod oneethird would talk for an hour or two with poutode. T say it b claimed that the an emeertenced lane captain, he would fteol Mem-electric power plant° ce bear of other variant) problems for 'C''':.Draailse a adlomtt hour on' leal than which the adirrecateo of the waterway 'tta 701t2d1°°21' 6° Meh e°1cillP2.- would have to find a oolution before ae,e cnninan have been, made in the eneeretion a eleetricity orame .emaea their dream of a -deep waterway to the 7017er. head of the Lakeet eould be realized with en. Q t another In 1Wtoot; ener benefit to the *country. These are 'ut PlInetrearproblenre, -amol Ignoring them, --ittrZo uel-to icriellt•mr lame ' neeeteetneweyear -of eaterny---.4a-eliew - 'zoo mate. eota oat a,„alant ext tie advo-cater) -42 the waterwayelikeedoes -Inaetetaleceeleeeinelernere eplotat auto- not in the least remove or settle them. lenintene-e-aa a711„ Ito the came year, hydro, grower from 3 41 the fesealyettar=1 Nleeeira could1 be Ossm, gionage, bell= for the low figure of MG per - Ctorce year. who Ghairaherialts Government has eue•trallei r of t fuel (three retained the West • Derbyshire seat, M II 4 Trottnerevar-dectrle-tronse-- tutor, neaoteea-vote, pow= itor a ye ae in a taoderro Gleam JoiraLzubiig Ica two general electioho the Comer - ;Islet Total fuel eorna are cold to IL dmitzled from naaut to can. vvative candidate was returned un- Adtineee Cipli for cost of seant and toper- opposede in laat week's election the adze envenom (geld eo be about the Government candidate. was otived by came), alma a cost ofVo25 per ham- the division in tbe oppooltio vote be - grower year for atearaelectrie generated Mem CLabor and Liberal 'candidates. elnettoehee eneareennonnoetoot awe COUT eating upon tie results of le - energy,. vane zermain3 effileteat than tin= cent by-eleetiono in Great Britain, The 02 NY71.ernintan 'beagle()) la seann inctanees 1401a4011 Ire e inrece obeerves that, the tiny are more remote from their con- c.tu it ,riro actual cost or Government hevinG won two of the C2-43 gtivm, hr en,ort fee, .13 teaay four obntests, the score is even. This ereee eeee per ihoreepower is a queer way of seeing up the aline - Soar on elmont the came an gbealn• tion. All of the four state in which .1'7;3 the Un -ted' tlat) ialthirtY centeolts were held were previouoly Zenarn Genm e a toway toward achlev- ind.3_.ireneateneat.e,ein-Inneetteeelemeby held by. the Government; so the Gov- gereeetieg its malaufacture from , G-teari. 'erialrant-hae Wet two-ika--thienOPPee. tbe ee Cenree are correct may have tion hrio gained Otwo. Similar remits a clew bearinG a the -power que12, throughout the country would Cut the &IOC) la town° Me Goderlch that are Government representation in half and paying higb priceo for Hydro power. give the Opposition an overwhelming Oar crown Co eel' lost year 'resolved majority. t10IM2o.ls' a 'study of the whole power In the two &eats retained by the peal= in view of the a roachito Goveroment ito majority wan aubstan- completion of the thirty -Year contra& tinily reduced, though there was twine the Ontarld 121yd/to-electric Power not the same turnover an i ommiosion. Though we are a year n the two Immediately preceding by- , 411.7.21, .vp_o cre_mv tillaty.,yglaj, elections. This may mean that since 7irr---vernmeirt, as In - - the -CiFeKe _there la littlallidleagon tea ay 'particular effort In being made to o fifElifinirffrualline, detemaine what ohall be the Tow'a determined front it is regaining In some d Snolien for the futurt with relation t degree the confidence of the people ginner supply. whicli it was rapidlyilosing- _There la cataa.,1.70igga,,szo a great body, of opinion in Great .6` t, CommicnIon received its 'alai- ar irelia-lcir&trin-ed to German and Italian aggression, in "thirteenth power 1)111" -that flee an the belief that onni in Ma way can adSreetreent of account for power pur- ope and the world be paved from eloaca/ from the 111.0.P.0. for the year Cal r lea endive That amount shows that 63$26-tcr• Glade:deb mild for power in that year IX1;045. .The itemized • of power purchad se, %,e1t3.illi. EaDIITORIAIL NOTES a 41/.111.1.••••••• Ct.ther item are: Operating, matte It has been ruled in the 'House of Commone at Ottellwa that "absurd" tes:aante and adminiatration expens, c); Interest, $15.576.23; (wpm. a parliamentary word. Indeed, how claim and enneniesnerdee, memo; elm, could members describe some of ,pwvit-;km for continpudieri clud otabin,. the emeechee delivered in that chamber? =anima of rates, C-41,&33.77; sinking fund, a 0 0 .w.tama. with a eretift efcgaell to I CoL George A. Drew hen announce d. =athe the total of (4,034225. it that he will Sot- be a candidate for the 4,'.-Iontal- tat* cetwiderable study of tim 40aimervative leadership in cuemeion to ,,,Ctir.C2.0, ca,4*, Co clitzovall' zmautly witat .13.2., ..r&a,„nnett. , Perhaps the_CoIonel be-, .1 oiltt.,,----..,--e Items mean; but It le readily neves that as a drarritre card he lo *g azzs that the bare cost of the power le in the rist tense. 0 0 tdetielled alineet by tee before it is 0 &livered) to the Town. - Thouaando of eh -Inane are being Re...cither study of the situation may 44t__1111-9, Town, with other towns eituated, dis going tto the Eta,V5 OGItatThkal011 and stating that, killed by Japanese, air rade on Cantos. It met be a matter of pride '10Oat:c- al-0 fie "finetf tha Calitidiat1 minetZila areP being u.a.41 matting the death- --faVat5 VIVeririfRalf-taTh 1Z-dairctimi A44031120 -11-13c413- •E.!:10-tiii"Vtaiare ikuch clitifigegta""flie a a it is considered worth- a cable des- Watii qtrydro power Will be dipt-, re=1ft favor Of atetun power that,. wrd.ing to the figures' given by Ur. tril.Zons can be produced ,at a price Oat 'Medd eat oar Wrer bill in God - 0I01. ut.arly forty per gent. • ZZLIZI3 Avttol'oa, towt.J1JIdtuasia'65 &et) 4.;73aerfiat P;i0:eet, 'liqbronto atar c.aZJ ghat oCatatada ehoaldt have the of tragoortation that 10 allIabfo.*).! • Zv-cal tb oiiti, 4ao a 6,t*ilit.1%-.4.1cdi tailWaYd, this. rzotiozA) $ont-0,44b "no ws- Ot:,,,,4,541tJAt.P.. - fozo of tratnenennetla .5 leach all the way frouo South Africa to atiaounce that 0 man who survived the Titanic diseetor a quarter of a Oen- taiy ago woo drowned from a Qatting boat. -But roost of the survivors of the Ttanic have died or t-7111 00 la tteir teda. 4i1 Aranaw !bo Ld1es' it die Apaiteitt ebUreti, Met on tWedn'llay attertiooao MO: Val. oraz, -516 47,4-,:-.4cz mtv4 t10.' the rei-tor. A. 4.. ilatonoy., , °Lott War= zh),,t11z,1 Zt44113 tvoro- 4=0.2i for tr14- annelat-tatMe6-.00Z 'Ile the Ckt4. .411'44 4tatttaat letetf vaa t4,2vit41 tv Ito attottlier .,rmat,z*taUszt. Weed by Avtotlie; 4400 a .nligin tliegr=refiraIrr OUT' TiLl'irovor soo'iaaattA.. „ how or other ; deal *ret Them haS hem roinuich. written MA taIIO(taltaat •tite glues -4(4)i ct th0 uweepstrilte races in the.' Peet " , Ott. ''Og•• a-` TATO- '14 grikr 110*.• $ti 7 'a'. ,4 tilAt 4pait th0 04ts.,TIV'rM) c;14t5t/oawa 13Q r11- ., 4-4,,t,,iraer, t,.1.3- Abor e7„1-7014 Correwon- ‘ OisnoKitay) I titti,".10' 1.) age eM,'.rk(5 months that I. couldn't xeslat th*A, 104T; lufie .7e,,,;,44.. is a pvoti,y 441011 to'lltY to Put itt ttv"14,,,tri '604 0,1464 tEl' 0..144" worth. I dont enpee5, Ito an 44.49. limy to, lit000a 1-7#14:;t40 readers will area eiltiteke, but I hOPO' eee,,,e_enneenee • - . _ for the beete because after 41, 4Arott .1144,f--p-Ipx.44armtpoca. ,deop yam - ran not tryina- volaWneo anyrboody, way - apd xviart!-.441vor- Ile70101P1Pnt I'm only elviuG OvIta 0711404, proq4m on'thvoitit *IQ aoct !fine of all, Woe ,Tita ha town eonite the (ley, Tian . orpby ll)eekon me tato the °Mee. lust -a andep eenaOte -awaiaaua htin"bo yPou want -0 etreep ticket, jeuetnell:ep,244174-74110ever 1a! Phil? " geee Melee in a barrel. a hesitate for a few zaintatee, think mho mina Iza,444.1i do7ornment bore enet Inn.foolieh to intie It arid thea at Piet dig down in nay jeans, and get the hack Ittaver tal0Pla7ed a -met . money. Then I try to act nonchalant interest or enthuslaqn tor.the seheTne that th0 18entiett donawvative 04Mrtr. and almost forget about it, when, the mailmaati bringc teet 'the c'ertietkw* Meat did back in, $2. AO, whereae That sets'me to thinhina Olean that 0, gintee'WnfleggfstAlei* 11.01S.AUAke -gontethtma--z-zc::t-e3reo-=ortt.on.,Ahat, certificate all learned ofe by inert. Inkennura Ontario ano. the Dupleneio Invery time I read the neneenaltera Quebec doternmevit4 tome ehowir ro- and I come on the word eweepetaite it mewed latoatIlite toward the pl'an- get.4 me thinking again. When It otzrt laven =could he do 00, Piline nalnitgefee dreaming. anovv if I got twenty thou- Mackenzie „Xing nalit likely to ?at - sand dollars. ut thetni foolish. tempt to exert preseure upon Ideaere. Maybe I might win a thousand. What Hepburn and Deplesels chethee I couldn't do iwith a thousand dollars! their attitude. Or say if I get four thousand that Actually,- %peel/Illy from the all - would take me on • a trip areand the important financial anal% there is world. I could visit Ireland then. little really new in the latest United Just think nailing across, that old Atlantic, and knoWing that you could eSnitainteseaptropowinsalsa.tuiThe Dominion Gov - have to put uz spend all the money you liked. around 0 ,000,001) 44 its share of the /I mention it to the wile, and she neeeesary navieation Works; Ontario Just laughs at me. But Won ohe would have to put_ene feoilneta0110 or owes .talking a little...e.and the mem for, .,:07,:elopment • 645 1#tea her In retkl e4rneott and xVerks4 And. QUeblzamOlitd,11gralogat 'ahoui 'Wary jec----ana---d-tirele ank-h me up around 'alinP,M=01 for it Power when the race is to be run. works. It_seenaly ceeeking, those 'were 'And no en aud" itegoeerturtit.f Ira" Ilat ath0 isTlegq-1-•PTaYr - yelpers. 1 sea down the list ,The new United States plan places put on nay glaeses and go over these more emphasis on early power devel- ;manes and uumbere about a dozen Omelet then on the bad:proved mavi- times, Then the race -day In held and tateeolueineeennelf........theoelgailt tion facilities. They want to pro- eateetteeetite zetea .,,fettAenIADAW waiting for the returne fat three r. g- horsepower share to Peetide--"ebeti" four -hours I give up the hope and o out and mope around the barn for a Power as against the !private power couple of hours. trist of New York State. It's no use. It's a waste of amoney. Mny &facet atado Ilgoterment I'm not goiug to buy another ticket. anesident Roopevelt, as is Why, a persoh .hasn't got one chenee well known, b alree eeeto*nreeela in a million of viinning. And there 1 keenest perzon tri the et. go wanling all that 'money every year Lawrence project, partly to enable the on a futile hope. I'm not going to do Washington Government to combat the It .any more. private power trifle and also to pro - Then I get thinking that I -didn't vide the Middle West State* with a d thee when I was dreaming cheaper- navigation to the Atlantic of mrhat might have happened if 1 had eeahoard. Important Congreaotoital won. Yes, sir, the best times of our electiono aPe due in November. Be- times are spent in dreaming. From hind the Scenes, there may be the the time were old enough to trudge to angle that, if Canada agrees to the St. school' we dream of what the future Lawrence scheme, a more , favorable Is Gettig to hold in store. Just the trade egre 'meet could Coe completed Zia -6 tab: 1ta 6-0-6reeif - 0- -tvro -Zittutttriem- the time of my life making 'myself Itooeeveln ilte Ooneervative Lender :lank of what I could do with that le Bennett, is widely recognized as money. a shrewd bargainer. The money is never missed. and 1 As an appeasement gesture toward have the hope that it does someone Mr. illephura, the new plan agrees to good in mane way. Of course I tell the desired Ontario diversion of ta1. myself that's why I buy the ticket, but butary waters of the Albarty leer in - Just like everybody else I treasure the hope that I =pry win- We all aa tint to Lae° Superior. Ontario is accorded It's human nature. also the privilege of regaining , rights to this diverted water to sedure be - So you see, I'll just keep on buying the sweepstake tickets, atm% „.„.„vi.114 4stwrtoeenwwlit,IL1Ztzazl=,rovear,dNd Initicgsrona; thousandsof other people. -1711.6 eekaineffivaRegeeeeereniatale chime° ari)Tril iiiohwer rtotec h"'Prtz''In"ntl'but-w Tcydul -ntee iiii-a--teiwinyigargiuntwithErarohlt- to think of wilat a person could do if he did win. gation on the (part of either party to continue. This is a different position from that taken a EZeInt 51U3,11tha 43,.ga when Mr. Ilepnurn wee seeking to ex- aport 110,4,00' horoepower to Nev.; York state:- appOINFfikerfeliftoi- period would ,conelude vrith completion of the works for the United States share of power from the int. Lawretee whith might be two, three or four yeAsrnOther ouggeotion is to make con- sidenable additional Niagara Pella power available to each country. for deeelopment at will. Other features, as to works for the preeervatioe of the ocenie beauty of' Niagara Valls and the Ohicago age canal diversion, remain much the mine no in the earlier preposed treatiee of 1928 ond 1832. Ur. Hepburn is like the man from Afilmouri- t have to be shown the project is- economically sound, oven though Oats rieo ewilend love for Paver denAtiPment could he delayed 1049, 'There will te, Teeny others Ifle bim. • 9-.17a StUnulate IMuigalltrag litmLnotrY At long heat, the noternMent 10 lite coming more Peactical in dealing with the unemploement eralem. Its plan to loan up eo. f:=30,030,08-8 =mad- palltioe -at to peretento4hgereet, .faire seif-fiquidating munielteil prominent 02 eleetrici gas and water- workaniententooeWo-beetelle Old! pentode he- ePrevitteltil .Gtte, erieneitte lutist approvn peepteeed woelke and ituarantee.repayment Of the Pilticipal rind intereet of' the loans. fnfe loan municipality, triban vttraI, cap there might be a chance of wino/art the EtaT1- ttline txt--10 mgt -v° -19v7 4,J111, I • 0 0 1,-4* ) 70 , -elIneete ' = 'Tz NM cti 14 to' a lott, t4401 tt.2 tprounl LI prinete. eZten'4C ibetat en. Ues Stenees' P:44 4 intt Angroay 4dy,.virve4 that -elvonmr, ,g1:vaNtto hP111..eh'fY trangeends "iigterellaftes.'•! tl„.011:401:41t=7. LatuTtixteciatm7, BWea:lrelle:len:_41:fettat:MYLtr,onnwt.rhrreacili 0 ere Wideln held, to the effect tinit eeeepeeenee believe the railway eeneire Wifl'ItiO'040 We t9' lrgr 111V) fa 1,140 t theelegh their :politleal rotutiat,tio, ; „ haVeis'ecured seceial treatment The,;(4twerpraonteii-housitt 4hva workers!' Senatep oeliente1 neeted fceintroVide anth;litgal410.4 .V.441 nnecintentlue on the fact orlty t4lean gi) 40 0140,8.81, ,tttat railway .wingez le Canada rage inter0 rot, to.0,.(6rina 031.114,7419T In 14 and ‘512'- 4tPalltios tor an: ,e#Onalvo M8 U! to 8103,6P5,81041 In 1037. ,paegratti, This - eneuter yertaeee ,Reentop Jainea Xturdocit-of Ottawa, a YAM, YLEIZ DAMS lifi7LtrOtIZEta- IfeavV7e2ZME-WM:edff- Ler 211st-IMe? CIEIC.23e3 fin IPsrke 112131 The board of diDectorn of the °oder- !eh Agricultural 'Society has preparo- limn well advaneed for the annual fall exhibition, to be held Tuesday and Wednesday, September 20tn and nest. 'Several meetings have been held for the revision of the Dense list, and at the laot meeting the .prograra of cpeed tete for the afternoon o' Reptem elet was arranGed. There will be three events or trotters rand pacers. as follows: 2.24 class, purse $1,25 ; 2.GO elate, puoee 0100; fretiefor-all, purse er1n5. Beet three beats out of five will win the race. in eacli eyerat. Come changes have been made in the prim liet in the eleeeilication of borgea for eehibitioe. Close 8, carriage horses, liatelemallmInated, teiA clam 8 will now be for horses of Percheron or Belgian ty , heavy or light draft. Claen 4 will for homey of Clyde type. 'late draft teamunder 8,E39 potted% and claea 5 for heavy draftof the' Clyde, tYP, teams over 8,280 peuntle.e. tutring'efor hereastd to -03 foe firdt, 05 for setond. 83 for third. the eattle 'Minion the prices for e--&feribotre eeem-e-te thone hortkor= • Mlobt tate/Awe „„„p,vg ade in so= other award4. 'There a separate heed pelioenntor eacb beef breed. 11.7`,M:C7A t:1(-'414X'''.2V la thnnTeen:1), =',1.le'tn4 be ttra, ',Vo):1g4 (W4V ttr'`3111tbal AttSot, D2 -‘,,741Z; c:-Wrza -12t,:io-c%;441 .00 =lard ettet) 4.-4.4Pc tcm4t3037 M tAtac...: )=';4 tto 14. 5- prVIVC4 POSIMIVINAPS 0o, Vatut,,day .re. Z. A. tee wao anointed actiott.postrattre here, to einstne 'tire nppoluttneet of .flu= to the late Zahn °alt. tiro. laee, 0112*. to Gm/elicit from Coutharop, let 10 $oilverz'kr, ic4 atter Wk. Galt's 111-44 ram., V.:3• VO'cz:',..-% 44' zazir*,,t 54-4 ,C:1• a -1t.Z.614‘ 4 50 °I.' VAUDte. MO. Zratillt7 1r9tkerlifig4 eplcutive, ticouentli to ex; ,1411g4Palto %tin% 440.iiVed OW sharp increase wai due 4-IrpOtiVe.refuq0,.i1 ro4nd, to tbeMeAdOo itivard to rallw.ay werk- nneenenineenia _-neanarnen.ener0e. ite Veer ri.rnitedtatea qatnit Commontl. ban ,gnceitee . 4 eitefor -11-ferdecle a -pressed complete mittee, brOutht fort/III a' -bine otystun 0iclotrconcerning ttne assuranees givee be Sir rodwood Beatty, 0. P. R. 0M4sieutt that ralltway workers would be adequately taken. care a in the evept., 02 mailway unification, Illy 87 to og) votex tbe CommaOns 'ftteit de- tbe .1Prineteethi11-Of A. W. Neill, 5. I k 41PrOk's.:010.-.Plallil loans to two IP: cent. per ',month. - rainortty Tianted toe anantant interest rate on such loana set at tweiveler cent. ;ger an- num, With a azinunin twelve vex gent., plcr apnura to cover all other coarges, but with tbe Pro- virtcial Oovernments being att. to control ,ant XedE100,411a-lAtter chargeg Web, are under their Jude -Salon bill will flke1 eatioe some nebatiti ih the Conattone vohen it is coal:alder Certaluly mole closet regulation needed to prevent widesPread current obuses through loan sharks., it is 'In- deed a. rvelted probietur throughout' the Dennhalon. I 113 enee tene&thernI, UJ. typ,olri1 proveated adloP0404 migrant who could POttreCKI't4M4. 141,, ago currently spoken The bill did net mentioiejapeeeneent It was aimed at mu-Will/Wet' 02 _ immigration of 150 Japeneee teaneily-, into the Coast Proviu're. .4110tItt0,11k. of air. Neill's, aimed directly at'. elusion of the Japanesepa190 Wat, feated. , , ,efeethateeseetleecomAIIPARVeAlttose- t total losses lies in the ,a1,.;t- Oat, the NtatInal Rovenue Deparitigi, flied eight claims totalling k31,00, for back income and other ,tageo against textile mlnu2actur1nr;*141. pules. These claims were ed- .' result of evidence taken ie thee geon royal eomMiSSIOO on the industry. The sudden death of Alex. nlf, wards, amserva Nye, Water1o0 klent e*- nuilre.s the second vgca0e.37 In 00 4Mtcla.e '- mons, the other hawing been by the recent drowning sf Fred *ttt, e,onservative. London. =,==4 r. and (Mrs. G. H. Green 'enent few daye at Toronto the past we", Mr. and Mrs. C. P1. Tinley, 02 tzlp. mouth, ieh., visited at the Wee 42 r. and re. W. J. Baker is 77C144 - end. - • J ,Some finty-five .amendments to the - Criminal Code, twenty a thein deal- ing with procedure, have beeu intro- duced by Juattee M1str Lapointe. The most importan.t eover etineter Penalties fop reckless and drunken motoristea against . saltine of eleinee and Mine samples; antaishig aiot mucketreee.nea neeteetenteelerlrandisEevenuttnOn7 neiehines, 111it1 rohlhillift -1)6111' 15Vidrenef-Tirtirailteir mens; stricter control of _gaming • eee., leenahillneen4bg'- the putiiiit4i.-ane.......ret.010,2... M -tie-aStitos tor liteelhig garden r. and cultivated field erops. .The oniendments have yete‘be debated. Senator- A. D. McBee of Vaneetuvele leapeeterepated that. 3arliamenttake \ etepSefekeliietli Wen' Zrffrafag any divorce eases. Most provinces, except Quebec, have •regular divorce cougte. Senator Meltue's suggestion is likely • to gain side support in both houses 31H. goraner.,..Pennett ft6VS t Tate bill to abolish appeals from Jii Supreme Court of Canada to The Privy 'Council at tLoudon, to permit public opinion to crystal/1w. Mgr. La- pointe -said he -would sepport the hill - net -cession. Wit zennett suggested brganization of a new court, modelled 'after the World Court at The Hague, to consider any difileulties that pay arise between members of the British Commonwealth. ame-Ws.,21:7011. _11.40 Quite ae-spliltdr diseu.ssion- arose over the question - of Domirdon dls allowance of the vo-called Quotbec "Padlock act," for the suppreesion of Communism. All agreed Communlom should be curbed, but the act is eer- talnly not "liberal" in its application, and is regarded by many as most arbitrary. r. Lapointe -declined to indicate the possible attitude of the 3overmnent as to dieallowence. A decision must be reached by albeut --;W1E=NCT/ifaitt'St amusing-izetifetat-seeurred when Mr. Bennett ranged himself on the side of Hoe. P1. �L Stevens, Reconstruction leader, in his efnorts to secure a copy of a letter %written by 'B. J. Roberts of the National Harbors Board to the pany over rates for use of the Quebec co ormaa, ERVII All that optical on give. All that care and attention can add, save your eyes. ave them -examined -ma, e len e 9 o 4W-,11074-4,11112 n -Er Mat 101c,flzrlola !to' '863 l'hat is *hat you get .ttiten you Wot rilth CLL. (Canadian Itudustrko Paint. 11 coats as much to put a ,Cheap Paint on :as it Atom the Igt,st. TO want a /pint whIch retaita tta Color. V001 fltifind thIS all pot& colora. szhe etu voogic, la Wade fie= 4i4VIM20. itticata i0tior and IS AVVII,V4 01:111M. -idne1 wit ttita grey. , at -.0.0 2tio4....10 Vattlts11D45; cle515. C14- 101W.441: - 0=,,u11. = ,Vor PLIZIZIM`IIP4101,10 130.-C ectv V114.4,rft. -* ."Se0b*"0110.Wt.OVVIIM Tol.T24 ir))1:111:040:1141,1:10 atitt4441to:,„ lac4 apt:0 gton ot to toltWU $414.1-t ot4ova, tze, 4 4r, - Lila S 1?tellacce3 3 ?bp emrp Mem Sec @DI:7,gs° 0. Igo mars 2 47, l[vorry Sop Ile 1 for 10c--1 for lc re4tfivp-vnith ocaectikl .b. -1)- -0- - Murlingto Tom. Le Eetchallip itte • -4.p.s.4. Moles -aft. @ vit'omats__ mice Lgo olze tha lftre Vbgetzble 1 White Clover 0 11 bre ©ME oh- Gtoun — otaL,Qtv Orage5 Ova ea3 Grra,11Defrruit SOe aniay )2ow— ch*E1 dna 5 lbs. 25c Caiforniz _ARMS dos. age de • - PL -E abBLW _M4-00 BATME3 OWE Atqls. n P,410 7flo ' TmarzTe Aral evro IrAlyea. . a s e9 e9 e A. ,Olympellte AR. HI - Teepee foe rew,,d- ..reattma andepein 419c FOP speahts, =al _ewe hrialsere onnaelee • CREAK moutorzok-7- ,...... -r-N. - 'BROM S Vii p- . _,,AlliElit. -11117e- 40Tes) .90c DI C NJ/,N GO IN BOYS . 4.9e - ASV MOD 1 nnfit-ez. ._ Vegetabile . ( (I) roe peauttt-ale 1 4C3 Vip.ttc6 , o . . ' izothlma wool 5 gaia,mts 8Se your TOOTH 5 PASiria ' t-L.2.7ga ow 4,3c elD eti.vptly the tr- -dzcal Mineral th bow tia:Am . maditivavt ' Eke ahnirit A En= .2 deL._!,Ste.. le3 Me ,, , . .. . itATffl ',:),Q., , - ,.... -..tee-n ' ,'.•---giii 0 fl , • -