HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-6-9, Page 1OcaTol
Cam., riotRig
' 'ory Dob-vrttr3
--mt3 4414 ot"01040feb„‘ gelr-400
-Rata uaor the ieaderShO
nrs Mae.oaes- vulva ,AMr'COZZAt
LLt 44 thee VC -4r °frOnce the OrlalatV itne Ctotrirt
Olt-ele Park On Thareday Olght Piet,
It 'Ong a 01*V/tent-I alle it* -11,411,-,
eoneert Naart heat by a large and
riPnreelative andience-
an Conzo7
All membersof the ToWn Connell
were eregeletefet the. replier •eeetleia
' °111114403.! night last. 7 '
The ten-•0011ector reportet1 Uec
thane of 479,eneles in May. Of this
amount 0,795.4.3 vAes for 1908 tneee, •
The sextOn o,w,altialed cemetery re-
ported live interments In May. -
Applipatione for blinding permits
vvera as follows:. et. 4eseph'o Con-
vent, North etreet, rebuilding veran-
dah with new toOfe 80114 ."estgerOok,
glass verandale andtadditioa to gae-.
seer Angie -BO '7-stTee1J,:,.40bA,SsIolittstatatS
garage, Weivgale 'Street; s0.7L 'Salk-
eld, alteratiOns• and imprieeeMents to
stone, Kingston street; W. F, Saun-
dere, shingliug garage, Calabria read.
'Stuart la. Henee applied for per-
missiele to lay a cement sidewalk from,
the gateway of his residence on Wright,
street half -Way to the road. Referred
to public works committee.
'Harry Mitchell requested permission
to :hang a s1gn,-5 by 4 feet, ln-front
°fires etore.- -Referred toepublie works
7. A. *Ealiott asked permission
use five or six stalls at Agricultural
Park to keep borses to be used in
connection with his riding academy.
Referred to public works and cemetery
4'44 ing% 4111 --Vra=
itemboirog PcmA47,
An Caamdar--)mtazo-2tor
or Qediortial
The. pagenger steamer Geergiart, will
spend the Morning of Sunday, gull
19, at cloderich harbor an her return
to Detroit after a chartered Georgian
BaY eralere. • She will arrive about
a,mend remain here until Men,
The ship's Iegular crulee sebedule
will commence 411une 20, and she will
make daytime eappearanees here on
lateeedqreandeSeMeritay; with doWntrij.
calla--latee,%-hieltdeerertight- andAulladail,
The steam lzr Superior made two trips
here in the past weak, on Saturday
and Tuesday, On •the first trip. the
ship brought in 08,000 bushels of
'wheat, oafs'and screenings, which were
unloaded at thetelevator. She cleared
on Sunday for Wallaceburg for pack-
age freight and returned here'on Tues-
day night to eomplete her calgo with
salt before leaving 'again for the bead
of the Lakes.
Iftenerts 'Amok] Treatemenel
Alenest Connegleted
.oun- oi ie
Emigt, eto NVOQS
A well-known and Dresaintint nit4e
wag remoled by the death On rtiday
laet of John Galt, 'postmaster. of Godite
rich, mate ereseed :Tay at MS home Ore
'Nelson street in his seventyeeight
year. Illwo years ago Mr. Galt was
compelled by 111-heith to retire from
active duty aa postmaster,
air. It was a grandson of the lete
John ,C4alt who figured so promineatly
In the alfairs of the- Canada Qempanyese
a century. ago, eebeeeffoundecY--Guelelheeer
and Goderith and who also Ited a higa
plate in the Literary world la hie day.
Sir Alexander T. Galt, Pne of the
Fathers of Confederation, was up
uncle of the late Ur. Galt.
Mr. Galt was born at "Ridgewood,"
Colborne township, the son of en:other
John Galt end Ellen Lizars, his mother
,being a member of another family
prominent in the early history ,of the
Huron district. His wife,. who sur-
vlves, was Lerra Cameron, a daughter 91('
of the lion. 31. C. Cameron, for sev-
eral terms meinber of the Federal Par-
' Ileenent for West 'Huron and at the -
time of his death Lieutenant -Governor
Opzirlo4 ant An Protty
got a acam ,
41Moatro -
,T.,1•1.4,,r4.44.4, •
The Catatal Theatre was filled Witk
an intereated.audiente on PrIday after-
noon, to witnees the esereIae i coat-
Alesetlou with the graduation of nurses
$e9tethe Alexandra Hospital training
sehool. The stage was beautifully
decorated for the occasion with early
epmmer flowers.
The members of the graduating class.
seated upon the stage, were Mise
Marie White, Miss 'Lulu Inlizatd
Mills, Miss Mildred J.enn Sallaws, Miss
Iilllzabth !Helen Bleek and Miss lea
ElleiVeth :Elliott.
After the opening peeper ay Rev.
A. C. Calder, Mr. G. le Parsons, pettsi-
dent of the Hospital Boned, who dis-
c -barged the detlee of attire:nen, gave
brief address in, which he wished the
graduates every success In their life-
Five t'harming little girls -a -Mary
Pridbane Victoria Ilaeehler, Joan Sleet,
Nan McClung , and Jean McDowell --
presented the graduates with bunehee
1111 . of loveTy roses, and appeared again and
agate with flowers and other gifts
until the young ladles were embovrered
x umsilve LtibiOODL
Mayor IL J. A. Maelawan hrought MOS imml.cavm TO RETER!...
'Progress ill arraneements for Oa'
elide& Demlnion Day celebration, wain
made at- Taesslay nIbtoaseetheaa laa4
another meeting io to he held tomerrow
(IPrideiy) night to retvfive the report
of the pro,grant committee. It In
hoed there will be laene attendente%
at t1119 'meeting, to be held at the Town
cit 8 o'eloeh.
A crosseyed, one-armed paper -banger
with the hives couldn't bare made a
worse mess than did some practical
joker at the 'offices of a Goderich legal
firm on Saturday % morning.
Joe Juck wag doing some work with
brush, 'mete "andepaper and left- 'IR-
S a.m. to open the Royal Banic in the
ground floor_ of the building. When
he returned a half-hour later the scene
of desolation included an effective bar-
ricade of wallpaper over the door to.
the legal office, over the limas "shingle"
and the glass over an inner door, The
paste was not spared, as Joe found out
to his sorrow as he set about cleaning
up the mes,s.
So far the identity of the culprit or
culprits has not been revealed -for
Karl= I2.71.-..11,13nlin.,,
Yte ng at t e month meet ng As a young man Mr. Galt was con- writes. t he hospital. a t he patients iltotiriniAnowilitTe (intuited iii view of
To Help Nay 1011/er Sufferers of the Board of Inealth oneMonday,
Dr.Gallow, M.011., announced
that 587 children had been treated at
'nected with' tbe Tatercoloillai Tist'lleaiy aRigkr 707f ite-s'Ffittla ----note- -Whom tlie nureee might attend- In 'The ,
as a ember:of the engineering staff' graphs 0,n, $1.7.50__ °tog_ put. u t 13
Pa ,s ---Fite - — L pikuk1,40. AI -41: 11, 4114161ittlan ite_.,-- 'l)e,}ed--t,-E,t:t11a1t,',.l.fat:IL41...--ItrktW'iit:-Ar:{:ti-oria.._.tCt.*t,Faaa.kl t.i.:41effis
to the prevalence of bay fever., local schools In the toxolding against forty -One yekfata„,..wItts. ,,p9strataatemaif - -,c7.- , ,,,...„. ef. ' -- .4. - - -----1.---- -.:. - -:- - -ts:',-,- - - - - t-4' - -71i1----tfliv-evietiirirg,--nt--' -ti' '''ir-A- r irk- trtffignitIllta refti6'..4 iffird-TU-rIng bole '
urged that tbe weed inspeetor have F. & .A.M.,• - .•
1 ilad clifford Low ry not been so and or the pride in whieh Alexandra rMisa Edith Wiggins
" - • • - 'lot 'llte'Aft. eleiit- taken In) the g'iiiduat es rai ( 11 ..; , 0 res kna o 0 i
caused .1:manly by ragweed, end it was diphtheria., The work among seeara. Goderiche 'Ire •was a past Master •or ' • • -.....r:'. t - • ... .,
ate end public ' echool. childeen. would Maitland ;Ito ge, No. 33, A., wile' aceepted. in the left ear. whiett Elogeeirth elatmed
' . ,
in eradicating the weed. heofinished this 'week, and th4. last antl WaSete: Q$bYterlalt.- .. - -rle•.- eleroild of ilia- ',Si! lig of black- islfe-.411.e_Ce7" . s
Iii i 1 tepital is .insld _by lite cittric.ns..
. ; , .; ; ,. , soto.\11,8 itiWilig:,i,kos pililliosisalbtlTnvii,t.t,,,..11:tilir!,.iiiio.fi 1 liekliTlItetrpt,u‘Nteil.irtell h‘evitobli tIailinned,g's thhtedps. teer
tit tion The large
Long and Faithful seierviee
In a letter from the Provincial De-
d Sgeallit azeri3
ramcoo ',Maim Zmird
clay. Moraing--4takp =um • .
ofeteneftermeea and tee* urban
business men on IN'tidieseeday afteretOola
deliberated only fort P tedrelOne Wore
returning a verdiet a not Malty, .0a
three eharteee againet. Elmer Mellen,
farmer near Exeter, of otealing a cteze
and eeceiving and retaining thn cartes,
It allegedly being the Otvert,7 Of Tire
eggarth, of Stephen torenaltip.
In acquitting Eteller the Jury dire -
regarded testimony of Hoggerth that
when he ideated the steer, twat months
after one of his hnd deed, the
anienni-ereeegiviced hire ante -bawled -a -
welcome. Defence conneel Frark
Donnelly told the jury the eteert
"Welcome" as described by Hoggarth
prottably as merely a call for rap-
per, as it was feeding time,
A. parallel was revealed in the case
when both Hoggarth and. Arnold Kel-
ler, brother of the accused, claim to
have raised the steer arena a calf.
Hoggarth said his steer disappeared
about September 4 last yeor. On
September 20 the accused sold a simi-
larly niarked animal. even to a hole
in tbe left ear, to one Reuben Silver-
lerg, of 'Mitchell. Silverberg, a cattle/
dealer, sold tlie beast the next day to
Lora Meson, and it was two months
triter Hoggartb WO direeted- ati-eler
ft tal hi a ad.
it f
in the lost coluurres of a xreekly paper:
paTtment of Health, attention, was at 'Moncton ;-•'N B but for the last --- !attendance at tbe exer- At the regular meeting of the Public! With a netehbor, Melvin King, he
the co-operation of the people at large
treatmeat at the Collegiate would be. Survivit -11111,-Wierehin meth, enmplaimatearese n _
• I f 11a37
-;:geTa-,44-4-iMse;74441-i°e 74:Far ' • 'n'fiTIFt••• tirp-41/14141...otmk-r4;••-thttai;k1A41,16.-wasrk,41,.41.1414Iii..4.11;24&gfir.. 44410m-imtsLitutt.-W,m,--
igt as- 'P4°91/(1 ilketilrel'f.;t171-teft;47‘7:. •
among the •noxious weeds suitable ,ar-
%flowed, treatment given as folloivs
rangements should be made to ensure
both Children under five years. e3; betwee
its destrtiction ID all communities,
rural and urban,: before the plant be_ the ages of five and ten years, 270
gins to flower in late June or early from ten to fifteen years, 203; from fif
July. The second growtb of the cut teen to twenty years, 31.
stalk should ..lbe again ant down late In his report of the medical healt
in Augtnet or early September. It Is officers'-ennvention held recently at To
felt that these methods, if cerefully 4...anto, Dr. Gallow stated that paper
earried out and t*rsisted in for it mat- were given On spinal meningitis an
ter of a few years cmay, ineall parts undulant fever and 'demonstration
of the Peoeince, will soon limit the were made of the latest methOds -MIA
extent to which the rtegweed exiets." tee -is developed for the earlier an
ides his wife, ar eono caught at the fIct,r4t
‘.1,‘„ i,f Irer horn his brother in the epr ter o
: Montreal,' a, laid out on a rodk, he pitobably would graduation exercises were held, and
- • •
t a k
a rotreh of the Bea
_ atm
our daughters:
, of Ottawa; ,i1.Urs. not have been seen hy a game wardvII, ' 'Puke it 'in' II H 1 ' II
Wilson, of LOndon, ca ptu red. by him and haled Into perience as a patient at the hospital. eided to grant her the slim nf $2,41.1) on
flpl(e)eu•glatirstl.440nitg-, Magistrate /Inkiest court ; anti la, e here he was treated Sn well that he her retirement.
-rile sato ries of Mr. It. gtonehouse,
,1at:lindb.Mirisea. would .have beencrielier by ed7.50.
h, Ont. Mrs. Joto T.• As it was, the' Sudbury young Mall, ,1 1.1 n't Wit II t to leave.
ntreal, is a sister ' 1 ''h fire five young ladies.- he e(ot principal, and Mr. W. K. Thounee, a. -
i ral service, conducted' wil() *" V iS I 1 1 IIC I" .44,,, furl ti. nearly ;eluded, "11N. 14110111 to enter upon their ,41,1ate principal at vb.toria sehool,
Sunday; afternoon by sew the wardee coming. took a 'last i li fe werk. I am sure they NN 11 1 igloo • %verse increased $100 eavh. for next year.
did escape the arm of the law. .11e
ne, Was attended by snap of the -dish land threw catch, i 8 14,,,4 and, n gpieRs,INg to those wim , to $1,s00 and $1,100 respectively. All
a few intimate friends eana•era and 'tackle into his ear and •
; nray have Mar services. and I wish ' to(t,rheur itIrati:11bierr;Lcinegidogtt,litientintlishite. ,.iznisiitirrtii;-
. Masonie. rites 'Were Srt achwItasYe• them all possible succeee"
of Hewasco japititasr:edamaciftezaas ,i . '
The Florence Night iiigale pledge was they are now reeeiving
more accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis, ' conducted bY. , 'Yoe Master E. C.alilea- administered. to the graduates by Dr. Arrang-etnents will he made to Lige
11 Taylor part of the Hobert Maehay piettic fund
Ing 11114, elot-sideratiott the io,A 'super- , Lula inthened the hole in the steer's ear
n George (4,
; (Dr.) Iva
- Ont.; Mr.4.
Beach, kni
h of
- Savage, of
s A private
d at the home 4
e Rev. D. J. .4
-1 reliattees tine
d eof She deceit
tint 1011 1411(aM UUCP 1111. 1.41 11.' litingS7i,ted Si CrOWn -witnesses
' %%ere heard, five for the defence.
' The ;mind jury deliberated an hour
Ion Tuesday over the evidence of KI.,1
, ler's preliminary hearing before re-
turninq 11 POP 1.111 on ettott
Grenal Jury 1Prsmenft-mr_r.at
ittr Weenceeday ft -era -Mt tt the emend
jury returned. Its report on an- Inspee-
i non of the jail, the Chliciaenat Shelter
land the County Home. The first two
`institutions visited were fourrd to be
'In goad condition, but the jury ad-
1vIatel that fire eseapes at the County
Home b4s extendell to reavh the ground,
and that an addition be made to the
M'emiters- of- the-g-r-oad-jur..y—we-re
.8 le*. Nieli.;vt lug, foroman..11ullet t tow ta-
p , '.Vi, It er Zeigler, Howick ; Geo.
Winen. '1l !l,\ : Uenry Weigand. Hay ;
Iri 111, 'ftrrniserry Rttrart Mil
1; re.% ; Jam, s 11cTagger1. GreY ;
Hob! McDonald. Grey, Frank !Attie.
Morris; lAsii Kelly, Morris; Dougal
Malcolm, flay Wna Iturch1I1. Fast
Itolt. Rere, wawa
Judge .1. 1, tilllorau, of Stratford, Is
•oer this ...esslon of the Coup-
le, ,, L8,10 ini.ct lug of 1 lit• 1) ( 1.01 rt fi 1 GI'fierfi 1 :44.3 1011S of the
lo-titote 4‘.1.. held ,it An( 1•11 3 l' ' • t 1 •1 1 t • 41
•1•1,,,,,,,tio, um. •21„,. , in otwer‘ &ince of the IiIngs birthday,
W iteeelt e.p!set %\ !lleree,eine tomorrow
ut Lai, 4. IT • —
a.11 qr).-4-4)..,-,41 after ..orm I
Head Tan ?Imposed
Council of Kitchener sub-
mitted a reaolutien recommending the
. iinpoeition,of a head tax on all per-
-feet -nen- tbg.
and sixty years whose income within
the year &reeds a100 and tvirotee tientee
would not appear on the aseessme.nt
roils required to he made under the,
Assessment Act now in force, and sug-
gested that tiris Council pees a similar
resolution. Referred to special e0m-
whooping cough, typhoid and undulant ! man, in co . y with ruember0 ' f invited to appear in court to tell why A. . •
The toxolding against diphtheria:: Maitland ethaetery,
e the pallbe'aibrs seas°11. :prosecution of their ehoseo calling.. the St.Nett Dv‘ttrfs" come, to totAn
nurses, gave them some advice for the ' treat m hen the II1A11ie
Dr. N. c. Jaekeen. teldreseing the to sere the public school chil411•4.•1111 11:t1
"SW) VI Whitt
fever. i 0
: Malannd :Odge. anterment waa, !In he was catchinel black bass out of ,
waiele.js beleg condunteek theeughoet .', aeiagaMesersa
t e. Province, was highly commended COM, G. N.
at the ennventiori, as -were vaecinations Dunlop and
against smallpox and inoculations ora ry palate
against' saiirlet. fever and whooping inilte3.1110,r,Diri. Wo. IJR.ef;laiollides,sie and
40,li'.1J„1.. $1/71,4501.141(1 peel a $10 tine and costs of their lives.
Dr. Galiow ad.vased that in the near Wurtele. ,A, , Many Presentations
future all milk in the Province wil
Mittee. ' have to be pasteurized, and othe
Comunittee Ilteports health move,z discussed were air eon
The enanee committ4 reperted re- ditioning of public buildings and super
vision of pleasure resorts, beaches and
tourist camps. ,
Those attending' the eonvention were
!eV, ,td)aree....111. elf,_Bea-_._ 1,4 the .flkAle.,oratile_.-ttaltlenet!_la Alt l.orring tit
ujtlwflynto be etleereep, pa- i Ins( NN giv4.11 tn., melte
tier, F. J. Little, a c. own watch were eonfiseated tient find Ffiln'etual. Their training. efetelrttete err ittymplmitily,-tee
C. 'Hays, K:C. ,11011- 1,3' The Taw, leni:f3", 'pleaded guilty he- he gahl, would he useful not tinily in Ntalee Bailie. of the Central elsiei
ers were Dr, j,. el. fora elagistrate Makins on l'hursday their work as 1-111 rSefi throughon, 'staff, 144 the death ,41' her e one
of on to 1n
v," for ho. !.TI.. 1I1111I111
4 .1,1,11,.1, •1.•
t • elf toe I.
Victo!ia -,11,-.1 loud!. depor.ited
S 19S 31; ill Ill' (111rifil: 1111(1
1 114. CI III 11 11 hi) 00,1
MCSpuiliten, no known • ad- Dip] „nth were presented to the
1 The (icon au, , daughters nerei oil dres,,,,Nolo ,Ass arrested in ilowick
_ others presebt, for the funeral .1were. cid ved by police t ha t he was molest- 4n11,11111". NVIZerNilliteTAid.enCrhaumfbtel:!:, 811-.-711,:ti141):11t.
graduates by elles M. K. MeCor1,11,-
✓ home before'l lair farther's death,; WI ns1111) after remplaint, were 1.. -
_ Alas ,Stewari. i Galt and Mr. • GO(Irgo Ing little girls. wa, sentenev.d to thirty ; eiaerteteneent. pre9ented the gradeetc
Gait, of Torti_ e; Mr. Harry leayO4nd days in jail. pins.
Flurry Lay, DI?' ef Barrie; Mrs. g, 'A. David Lemon. Brussels hotelkee'Per, 'Hypodermic outfits, by Dr John Wal-
l/tiler present a t ions wort
ILISIY. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelinody W 11 Pi tined $25 and 44rsts for selling beer ince. tor the Medical A -'.socittlioll : re
urged to be on the lookout for a re- and .\l r. and iMis. ( laronee nay] i of (hiring resirleteit hours. The previous fercnce bool;s, 1,y Mrs Il. Cranston, 'I'
eurrenee of a poliomyelitis epidemie, 1,0ndon; Mr. O. G. MacPherson, '_('., week his son paid a fine of $150 for a for the Nurses' Alumnae. dressing \\ t,1
Mrs. Dodds!' 'Miss MacPherson and similar offence. !forceps. by miss Graham, for th, Hal
nr•-tifm1rtVfit'ttrifFtwifffillifr-ZY-14:Vii'' ' -rt'r-vtTIR ere-entrety affal-r,'-stutT11 • le".1-6,r11,141.14- err- traisraneee-ereenetes4e-- Use- --,4,14
., . rho roll can ‘A as answered, with i te Damage ialaint to Ole Heard
"The " tree -rrfeeernm irt -these--seises -ford-- ----ee•-- -- • - • i. J. liolsby,- in defence _of -Sam .liurke„ 1:IL itothilti.. fin_ _I Ilk IL .- . . '
bnVeS P01110 (1011ht .9.14 to its efficiency," ...___ ._
mint, el' four offers for the et -1,000 of
oity of Niagara Falls 6 pei. cent. bontItt
in the Ontario Vest Shore Railway
sinking fund, and recommended thnt
the bonds be sold to Mills, (Spence &
ta-k. at 101:55. The COMmittke re-
-"tiaa t ern aei-OiT Titeeeenenetnefileattor re-
_ ,1..iv41(1 previOus_meeting,of_Cena-
.11 from the Lloyd Jaeger Company
4if Totonto proposing the establish.-
ment 4 if a munieipal savings office in
c;aderieh, and recommended that this,
and to quarantine suPpeeted. eases
„ _
arrested at Seaforth on a charge of ell -4, by NIrs IT. TIV, for the All
eases. and used early."
he reported. "yet It should he used in
001CkTY COUNCILLOrts cft.ing a disturbance in a meek Chapter. 1.0.11 : sterilizer;;41,1. N1r, Pri,-4.• Mrs W l' _Nlr,
„1",i111,91 ,14•1..gates t 11 1114' 1,111.1,er, tors,tulti:smr4sfnovIr. a (4;n1 v 11 _mic.tioyn
1 In 11111,..tcr N1 1. 4; 1111,1 Mt. ..1A1 V11, (144.11 ll rgi•Iv eith' thre
!miming et lee jor14,-, one for the
71w re 1 ue of properly t re !nee nd place. The iine was $2 and cosPetti.1)11c '1Attle, for the Maple
Overloading his truCk by one ton Chapter, 1.o.D.E.
eneseeeee - eees, eenaeaneeaaaasaaaans Aaaianaasaa }-or the. gradua 1 ng ins- Al White .1 1 r a II 1111111 11144.i illg o 114. 114.11) a
a.T14144'1"41 -111h7114 YtieMeal' trre.'' 'fir NW, • ..1-4T-T•fr, - MA -,44.; -eesee, TriarVvirms, ,
The speeial committee recommended tors was pointed ont" Dr. Callow
That 11 license be granted to P. A. Zim- stated. "and. no doubt steps will be
merman Per the sale of refreshments taken before long to this end."
front an auto truck upon payment of a
fee of $40; and that Mr. Laughton
granted a license toeeelT tee croon upon
payment of a fee of $75; that this
Town join In theeetrnemer-eesort cam-
paign of The Toronto Telegram, the
matter to be left in the hands of the
chairman of the committee, the Mayor
and the Clerk; and that etorekeepers
he asked to co-operate in the Crown
Attorney's efforto to lessen crime by
having &tom partially lighted at eight.
The cemetery and parks committee
recommended that a. new founttkin be
purebased and inetalled on the east
side of Court House Park.
The lire committee reported on ap-
plications for permits and re-
eommended that the agreement sub-
mitted by the Rell Telephone Company
In connection witb the nutotnatic fire
alarm b4. referred' to the Town Solid -
These reports were oll adopted with-
out disenssion.
aninitY _COInlefil.Kattitera
Deputy Reeve Brown, said lie lind
taken tip at the County Counsel the
811111 ter Of the eon tinua tion- --ea ring
on rhe Blue Watee,4110ViAttU.,191:1141.,.tha t
boti,‘ had pnseed a resolution asking
tee Gevernrnent to eotaprete the paving.
Itcerr Turner -spoke of •Ex -Warden
itoe man's report to the County Colin-
eil on the mutter of old -age peesions
sitInlinigtratum. in the discussion *at
foll,iwed Couneilloe Craigle expreeeed
the opinion there should he ta local
board to inveetigate applications, 'as
under the original aye -tem.
The Reeve. said that in both this
matter and that of the highways the
mintlierity formerly pastcssed by the
County had been taiten over hy the
The Reeve further stated that some
tifeen to twenty •of the mirior .munl-
cipalitie4 had sent irr resolutions
agninet the abolition Of comity cony -
/eh. but there was none from aceiserich.
The Mayor remarked Met the Coun-
ty Corthrii had not been &Atte Much
for cloderieN but pratably :the wagon -
a re•-tintion crate not colt in was lira
tbere geetatNit to be no "%eery alarming
prospect" a the abolition of' county
Couneillor flaid he did) not
think guy pregt-alt Ent.ltkr 0 the
ronneli wniaid live 0, emmty eon.
ens done angag Vali;
Nfayar liTanITitc4a. ,af4 ootimag apt-0mA *
Stoneleaue Elected Presidenti for 11 COS( 5.
. e Ining l'ear
On Thursda
U. berm of Hurq County couneii Iseere A LEGAL PILO LErd 1-, ,..imi find 10 1 he hos..ol t ,1 I ,44per111
tendent and staff for the ins -trip -Hoe
Ansistant Sanitary Inspeetor F. (1. - and ns-sistfinee ziven iltiring 1 II, r
evening last the mem-
during the month of May. 1 eiilers were i'Veleomed by Preside n t eiensae ...au io,orn ha Germany Wants ; ; "Nilltirsinitg-al";:417n;r4..r. t%.,r4. gi‘,,,, 1,‘ Mi-,
Weir reported that mil -k. cream and 1 4%1:Lt.: et,athileolltoladeBredichfolirdlo.nsT(i;leubeoattba_i yr me vir,..... Ill
Frank Donnelly, and addresses *ere to Know His Status in Canada !Piieen !too,. oiever v 'matt ',lank', evil!!
rowel weter ea nredee Iliad been.geheelml
measles was quarantined in May, and made by Warden antacke, C. A. laole alien Joh, zi,„114. aged (64.V4.11 1 V-11iIIV
I 1). /1 lit bort t it.. here last
lu unusual situation W /IR revealed PIII•ved TtePth°"'n.' -Nlimifq 1" E lint
week -end 'and Mrs 0 E Myer.. , %.v.1.1. .44tit:
The M.P.H. etated one case of
that the quarantine had. been lifted, terntts.oin.lx, :MwaaPr.dPe.tiERx.-'1.11arlitu.m.11;n1N.11s.iiryokr- charmingly T'Whe I. ell, 171 ' :1 nil . nc:
Reeve BryanA e, 11,,,,eial 8„,k,„(1. legal ad,i,e, fig t;) 11 11 encore "My Mothf:r Itills Me lilnd
and also that of his fam- '
ily. pNloym.liTliatglr," Mr 11 I Player acf.om-
of 'his\141•1117.1:1141:tlig.4. came to Canada fifty-six In roneirczion the ehairman 4.Nten,14.11
()ns wP" given 11 11 Vv-ar: ago from Tnonlmeli, Wurtem
llarv and In rill t\11.4) 111111 x211011 14-sl.,4
to see the Connell pass a reeommenda
tion that the poetoffice staff he al-
lowed a holiday on Wednesday after-
noons. Several members objeeted,
however, pointing nut that people who
vault1 not afford to pay for boxes
would he unable to get their mnii.
No aetion Wilil triken.
More on the Milk Q11149#101111
Councillor Salkeld said there 14404
heen POMP critielem from farmer
friends of his remarks at the previous
meetina onthe price„, of milk. He
said he llad been gathering some in-
formntion on the entneet an4 found
that pnutneers here were receiving a
price rSTITIVITient to 414r n -quart. :Tint
ter ane cheese faetoriee were paying
only 3 1-7e a quart, hut in this; ease
the fiefinitala-alit the bye--prer1l1er4. Tee
disrlifedilefeteMvell 51/20 a quart:- Ho
had asked.the principal dieteibutor in
Goderieh if he eould not give eleven
quarts for .the dollar: he said he (soled
iDepn rtment 1 nspeet ore had heen
here a•tie stated that they will hnsist
that after September let all milk wild
here must he pasteurized, said t
Councillor Salkeld said he was (1
much intereettel as anybody la the wel-
fare of the fartnine eommineity-- flit -m-
ere and townspeople were all one ram-
munityo-hut he nemesia it woilld he a
line gesture of en -operation If the dis-
tributors of milk would give eleven
quarts' for a dollar (tering the sum-
mer seagon.
Conittillor Fletherington Wags aoked
for her opinion, but though enough
had been said about milk and hroueht
up =aim the matter of the proPoged
--cotityeiror-enitaur allairtliee- tram
varions etaintet the eemetery eomenittee
had been ituabLo to make the. projected
trio to Port laginfetui other pine.es
to gee eotallatiov.,44con-trolitkd cemeter-
im but etee ready to tette lib
OVeelittee lee ttire 'hit) at any Otte note.
AfrOr .0=6 ZOrthe2 dieeneelen the
_Fianna of Win
Ilowick and' ot
Musicai selee
thank. 1,, the Wo4flen•-
4'olltity Gonne 4 (4114) I tette, eletnee abarg
Mogg. tlardifr, lfht.virlsoti -and neltert. town;d(ii;p17riiiinY, art41 settled In IL113'
E. Nlt•Dowell, j. It. 11 heeler. .T. L.. imv 1111,4 1/1 1114. (\prrif.zus of the day,
lor and f'. IV: Attridge. Mr. 1 I. N Many 3"ar' ago the "Inge .111 1.11 V i 1 !I 1 ion (1 /I 11,4. 110i.) 41)4 (flT11'
and a Godertell 4plartette. .N.lessrs; S.
fteen for Next Year ot.411 recently that he had not bet n
his naturalizalthin. hut he fotind out bf the artee_oate. ej_i. Is_ ru •1‘ 10 h.iii14.11
1,11.PTIC NV/I K neetmlimniqt. ------- which %melte 4114,11glit was h, recognize
(11111cerg of the T,Ions iltib for the 1 4 t4 rvciiing .rearQ he married
na trill rtaillizeil ill. ('1. '411' .11iliTtrilliitelail 1),ItTES
"alli lig "1" W4'1''' P1"1"1 " fld 1(48 ' 11 ('11111d111 41 gill. ‘‘11,, 1,3 18 \A 1)4(11 1114 1„Iniei5,1,4;,",.1f17tidr,,liti-lininr14.,4.111::::,:,:ln,:41.,)11'",1:{
I'reqhlent, R. 1Stonehonsk.: lqt Aloe- The -chednie for ( amp 11,4 hignao.
president, Nelsi(m Hill ; 2m1 vi,p pri,s1_ ?At ,rrilmiflin, slii:11.4.iiii,ei st heir m len izhiliir,t;in,. s% pre te,,e-roti. has been aeleute ed. ' Th..
-ier. ,'.(-11-i744 1 84 (('4
111'('I '1:i1 1 .: ' r r " 1 "
dent, sEeteleneen; eel siceprsse er- ni.,,,t,or „4 Hay1-4.1111)4' 2;:11111li t1e4::,;411g11
dent, P. .J. Little: wseretary. A.. it_ -nip Council, nee fer .eine .i ea r. pa‘t l'he regular N' NI c .1 .nait, (Om11-' '"
Scott: 'treasurer. .1. TT. Erskine: Mil in lssen a 1'44.44 nt of ihe old age Jon, 24., and cunt 1 no,. for two N% eek,
,trArNter, Harry Ford : Tion-tatner, IT. 1,..ioti. for no ore ‘,4 41111,.11 r,u. he 'to he 4o110\, -4-e5.1 by Ili.. (Irmo for.-g‘trtg-
t;ceirr. F. E. Halbert le lemaellv tinder the sponsor.,,i8 of the 1 V1 4 A
. directors for two years. legally eligible.
T. }Hi ,•omplicated , a -e, ians t
..C4.11 re 4111 , arrie,. ,111 front ,Juiv 1 1 to 2.s.
. C. K. Saunders, II. Tt. Long. for tens
clerk 111 Hensel' gave 111111 a elites !, ee. ;it the anisenit '1'4 11)4)8' in fierier
t 1 • • •t •I of Sta 1, !toys' Work Itott rd. *4444 for4
The next mooting of the Club 'in."' 91" for f
SI 4 wawa .4,4•1.0111, _1_4'_1 trr- he v ill 184)1! 1)41' 14 1.11111171411/11r 11114' VV.,t1r41. )1Ativcr:.,
lie on June 23rd 4 I t hen 41)4' Kul -his ,r TE‘Tittell. taill 111,1 Pt
ief sae. nee tet 114,e eno.-
'1•11e '4) '118I annual meeting bf th,
\Vc., Moron Women's Insvtitutes wa,‘
heia 111 ea, curial -nutlet Hail.
el Hite • Jane erd. ))ll('I)(4
111 %Nero Mrs. \‘' Prh.v.
Mr. 14. 1'. .4 bell, Mr. .4 Shore. 3,1 1..
.1. Bannister, .Nir- 1l. 111.4met, Mrs V.
4; her.iinw. 3,4 r'. .1 Itis,zer \l r' AV.
5ander44111, :Mr.. 4'. Thottoi., Mrs., 41
4 iood, \Irv. .1 \ewe...int,. xt,
Phan, Mrs. .1 It NIcKny, Mr, ('.
Young, Mrs. T.. i. r14'4'5.4111 i nd ‘I P. It
BOBS' 111111111111111).%1
Mr W II Johnston on rridtay. May
2''i 11, observed his eightieth birthday
NVe extend our ,.ongral 14 114 lion. Mr
.1ohnst.un has trot been able to be
ronnd 11,4 1111101 11.4 Ilk frli•tolg
1 i 4. th hilt 114. 11./1‘4 .1 11k 6.11',11i of
)1, forum t 111, Ar:y (h), in this
.,41•1 1.111 l)f the l't,.‘11•,..• 4,holt has
Appeared in ,f dnils paperr:
111141 11114 1, .11 !,'l 1 T"n.
eeioente and ,ho h mai, • .1,1, rost 441
14 ,1,114: xe,,1 Tune-.
3,4 Johnsten ha, r, in
this northern part of Wire!, h,4
in Asaisile. 1i,. . I 1.,
lot oiled down on t-zepternher .1 t hoz,
year. tow., „pea, arr‘in,z, NI -.4 11414,w. , 1,4, •44,41,-44
t, ' ,
. , . . nes, Eign ati (rail) Auetest 1,, ia The bee the reale:iv 1714 I ef tj en,
avenue. today a celebra ti ng the t wen , tt t et, Mil (411 III coniltieted ,i131 st hoot on 114 kt f1 4 11,,,,r1
ty-lifth anniversary of their %eft -ding. ei:,
With their son, Foink, they will on- der the direction of the NVo .1 .1 Graham ga 4. 11 1, 41.111))
tertnin 41, number of friends to dialler And This Lady Illas Hee Own Way of
men. I gile heol 1. II' SI lea 1 1, Th. tei t tier
Tor the seeoSnarlyintlami;:10thia year Mrs no 01, undta, 0-4.%gaumar lett,. .1% 14.iir .,id
111g (41.1113441 1'11,1..11711 111/111, liT
Mr. and Mr (4 Vi DOESN'T LIKE oNTARxo ,„„ of August will to 181,4 1114
n awl i-4-14,,,41 ion 144,40 a!
I 1 ft 47
this evenina. More than thirty guests alaamai note, emeetee townahip deaf- !Loth, r va-4 1'4,1.111414% ‘114- 1.11111,1
4111!at en . On June 9, 1910, at mute will appear before Magistrate .1
Winaleer, 'Harry G. Vines married Ilif4q
tNiakins charted with deatreetion of
Emily Chasmic. Mr. Vines 111 a C.P.R. ' - 'pro ' 1 • t like perty, _ r . .
employee. They. came to GorlerIch
:to r'n cot W.,Qt bot husband, Thomas, fresh they are. The reason for selling
The people who have ntready pun ,
atee11 11 rs 11' !s•tti - 14111
(-based the 4512.0:1 felt tnattres.ses for ,
oang'oter 1ia II CI rendered A 4811iii..
S:1.00 at Hotel sunset marvel at the, dam, and 0)4, 14,411.0. 1)4).41
eve years ego from Toronto. thia Fteetion of the eountry and wants a0°,1 "Ine mul r"linark t"'" 'lean "rid quirt several reentnes:
them is that they arc. being replaced'
Ranee ineseennam IN nospirTAL Iti,o o (1...saf twit,. , an't see it Unit Way.
For the -seenncl trine In taro years with Ilarehall mattreese. (*HA ft I igS '
Mee Ida Daniels, Newgate street, fell coThe first time she w. ll(harged Mrs.
t • LEF;, Proprietor. Phone.: 1414brei
at her home on Faturday and gut/ere(' her home to niark 'her dislike of her
e hail smashed el few windows at
a fractured hip. Mrs. Daniela has ,,eignhd9itu
h -
bean . eon -ailed to a wheel elm 1r for , Ing all the windows) an a few pteees
yearn and ia able to walk only with lof crockery, anti oho even denoted
at roil?: support. )11P'time° till
other articles which would meet with
Alewrindra hospital after f-r-aetWritt7ri aherU.' il
home. uestruetion if abe did not get the
hip an a fail down the otairp t her t.cyestern trip.
I F. G. Weir, LP., almoet worked his
(harem to the hone remonstrating in
• The C1112/112111 meeting of the 'Huron the deaf -mete Language with the er.
County 1-131urati1zal Amoelatiou Le be irant sponse. Now it's the Mingle -
Ina heldtoday at Iittuvztla. , trateg turn.
4 ,J.etst, • • •
22, hone 112. 231
4 're
Picnic rallies under the auspices of •
the Ontario Temperance *federation
will be held at gneetes LondonS
on .Inne 21aI. and itartikon Park.
14-011144, on .1 11 ne 22m4. Prarnin
ent awakens %VI I I be pregent 148(4 there; Ppm
win be atm*. and other attractionne aat
It Is 110111441 That 44041,14,44)-am4 vieireny
will he revresented at one or other of
these rallies, anal nny who ean eo are
antted to iee•4 111 touch with Mr J. I' T1104., Joins 7
liunao or •Mr. O. 1,.Itenatts. 'eked.. .1 11 tr4.
line Int% id.on. of Th4sdlord, has en-
trr, 14 claim for $1410 datnage9 again=
Iltii 11).11eX11tider. of 1 I 14y toe aship.
and I in rry Letx is, of Stephen town-
-he, far taalted 147, ge try trespass
111, Jen, 111:17. tn that they moved- a
.4.412lni tor from her property,
atimagiter the 14)41 ('4)111(4 in (e) moving it
.•11 vv 444, he II I 11a. pri•ferved
Ite•411nst Hurler 11411 1)1» of floderich.
%Nag 1441 over to the 1 recembeT .4.13,24ort
A to 11 NI 4- It, 111 le a nu:sowed .he had
1111 , 111:4. heart and 41141 not wisla
1,-1 A 11.1 114 r husbafrd
.1,1,1g11141., ,,ass entered In termer of
111110114, filed 111 n jary notion
n0 11,11 tiarti,nt momiobstei. of cm
!„ • . g:f414) fin ni11411.$1
r.. !J. 1.4.4..04 711 rartuf•r.' Nitttaal
44. 11114'r 1e-i-lirrine. i!oroonny Mo-
ll., laimned he 1)1(1 ni lie,t pav
. .0, 171-11riliol' 111 /loon 1,11 April
ni:Vi .01 11), 1(444 no.,11 •,f the
' ,ft, dill t 11 111111 dri were
nur d to 44 V1 ti lot The MIMI
1„.1,, .1111'1 4, f.t.-4•.! put 0/11nting
asli 14'‘ • :! torrporsediv put
.1n -4 14 .,411411rIS
Caner.: Vii.jottriteal
,(,4 -1.14)11,4,1 ,4 as: asked and
.1 •• • , 1,r NV .1 Ito7-411
4:,014 ti It 1 unninahare, both
4 .8 '741 to IhYP ';41.174"NC,0
` .141,.r Int iff S.211 75
f ,.11. 41, 14 t 41,ifenvtant's flor-
e eel. Flo re ,4unterclaim
f -r Ttu , 1-e '.l be henrd
44 damage 11(1 1014
•.11 1fl40r tni,,litnp on high
e e., 1 ni•nr Rylara e on T'lecember
'2 11. o h i.'ti NA .1 1 P/1 nsport tructs
s I 44e nn 1)71 nii rt If rhert
H11,1 •ri,,,* .1, Itrreniff, all aq.treinted
41 h K & ,t; Tra ti9Tert. Kitebe-ner.
gl 15 Pop dremag,m‘s and, loFm sI
1111.1 the 414sfen(tan1e, William
'lee I 1e4,1 neon nf Llonsi itead, have
4 eunler lat,m fo
r $1214 Tie trthiWeather.cefor .inne
n urn 1478 t ion, papers
1 VrOre .41.4.1-P 'rem stir), of Centralia, nptive
11Ip4'rfltIlreS ttf t pace week ant.fl T)ri'.hwriol, 81444 .1,1111, caslerthelahmeitilenh;f
e• of
. "Frirdlirt 11174 14111T "re I! CIS:I:1
:11P 41347i• 11r*u i1' (1';h4711111:114111eYeaq etlalamdle•
1023 1037 ..f a pprova I
t hie* of the oo rrear irlditra eck o
Mal. Min Mast. Min
ro. June 2 72 rise tee es MUTe1111E11.11. NEXT TITEMIM/
.14ine ZO 57 67 55 Mitchell will be here for a rizuze
4T2:9 ;41v- g4541 6647 Tthh4PielleArtr 1:emr:theh7Hqr tirgnetltaitvzmai&-;'
term? in the event. The gat* ti
72 57 70 63 thore (his cencon OM' there is, neltrtil
mil 62 72 63 ealled for 0 o'elotit.
Rat, lune 4
sun, June t•
. June 6