HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-5-26, Page 2„ 1;) Pita. t•', 1ip r tLil i 'il 'to 0 u1EW 'col.tAzolton ,or ,v trrxtbz, ••VALF73• ,. „. P4lasiled by Siznai-Sta Pivcr4 It: ,. • M.O. Otreet, Goderieb. 0001 111ELWAY. Z1,8.7 ..,W.aaaVilaanelai Poet lo -one of those Oant Oltli and other elreCnedr always one Moaday. ClVf 11T-9, "ple, inor ,,) ',v.4-a1941to cgota a major - 610.4 Ilmo bositzep.,, ,17* -42k0.• gOiltartvat to moo. legiolo- 1. that Vidalia Vey sell', 'bee the 4$44ar fa'rtaz' Domini° Day tentay inly, and Semenr- t 'Map tho cont Monday In tFoal fo (170,6 the =vow for 'aelektheze 41,513713 are eel' • rat el. 13 eat' NoPle flY Pt IAtheir a stall ohaco about the countai, or -duo ct} the . teeroarlee of mot ttoon tido fact evidently, clErgaal to materialiptie Zinafielat _Poeta IN the ,t‘so for orving allege awd- le to make a holiday, it Lattiliebetter? to pat the'm all gather weal% In July or Angara, and tneple a real vacation. • pRE3 71121E)1310M°C3 4eCent lame The. Slaaloalefltar- _ that the PrigosaI a the ailtiloa of county counelle might have ( wrongly attelbuted 40 -Premier -:::•Me gra, and that a,lr. depburn raight '&4111t tar It advicable to make hia post, 7tXfartiOr. " _ thiFraugmetion the. ffer Msponded with a °tate- pretty v7ell &ono= of enclor Plbilfia..kl,dearAive0' wide ear- tTo..ftlaala4caaTeetkettiefeatlie-eflovera • ritr31#12/0t 4` 9i M.. 1(1205_,.711M.:, Verel02 tra ZOt C.13EZ-trabk-wiltbA-4.1r6 In Canada ; 'but, do one learaci from McConriell'e lettere to The Siglial,Ztar, the United party -the par- ty of BrerWog and Caaute-lo the party of tolerance a d concillatio , and its leader° are Caen og olitetan, .ng ThOugh both of them, and otter mem- hera,of their Ciebinet, fought cleated the 3- Miele in the or 'War, they have a4ven loyal co-operation and leaderehip in wtabliehl g email, Africa as a unit in the British, Commonwealth a Na - done. The Nationalist garty„ whie.h mould make Coat& Afriea an indepen, dent republic, hoe. only -twenty-oin seats out of 10 in the flew. Parlia- ment. 4.” 1.1 4sMared. 4.(n1 Toa M -LI :•ItAtql11.:'''. ')-41'r. ''.7 , 1.,,,.•-..,,7:0'4'-t, .0 :en,.'''FetC"Okr; 4:, v ,,,i, I ,, , ,-,,._-,-taa, , ,, , 001-einte.%-atrat - , atl,tir(70,vtzmc trp ' • ,7,-,16 out,' too, eat tha itIO#PPi, wles3t.''',V.1 vote4 by, .,Govegtag.nt J or kiy,, lot1,14 tti 0;.„ vi't, 41' ,-'';.- : )9,00, Ovs?rsitili tr'.3 R`or'',_altiejilver 004046. Ian tit go. . tqt•ifitt!)44:Io. a' 0014 'what' anthortty,, moo 41:4,,, thQ oatzto coor0 c-.1 , "Lt4q,: 0, 42 c4 #i'ro' Itg,10:0, tit* 1104',0to of Oa =0010,, ,. .,-'! --II, ' cd b 0 14. „ 04 ' no .i., Ito , gaiitc41,*0-: ' lo,'L co ' ' .-,,,:l to,:.'itio 4, ' ' 'MP 1P -W.174/1.(004., VIOAVYP. P0Vark#- anent regoila thiatHtV0 notor, ye- C& t 0,0: ' er,11g,'47 111'.44'4', 1 't. ' .OV.12114jr :Jolt arlialt Tali reaVa 1P..10- to* lin ' hide Lleellz='14t)ici*-2",rev, IV,- 3144.rola Cilia ' W4 1'41100- ,e0043 1 1 c1.1a V14.00# .'14'.•40-W0 , , • , note 0e0 ono 0-,aaja'Oe/010, tee nu rumaliatl, Ur) .*.j.' eRri4Mit,41', -a(.11041tq ant q' 0'''' ?•44.q. --14V 430,104eatWO ber Icauez1 in .0, 410 -Yearell 4tiltiott40.414:021111Z1;tUtrqt144400tiZI'. 'il).410t441 '"i'll'.:440,-h" naatera are net e',acIlY.' rea • the Prie oro, ,elth enlaag4.1401reraealt4dr•Pe nett lrlae4 ta,t1Pliti40',0'grfAtatba Utter can at 103a ealta that timi thre, to 'OoT -Ls Om!: 40;.,10.00 a •tgtat(rto*OtAX-Ore0 attent104 ottra0 iCla•pr,a, latt polge to matioy Oopeattie.44 he' 40 11 '..' 4ctrl*. et titat-'005fOlig14 4ox aoti44117-,% coott aeltera. ':- tor 10; 0 (lp • ht6.' OVtalnea Or, 3,Z-414pealOor, ..0141,aro 4,1,11aigo, t ti4o:),Opor tor I cc 0 . 0 ' tl-t'.40040(440,10Pr4164 matt lict'w vt 4go . x! t, an ' 1110' 0 Untte4 tpatoo to 0" v., t4 'Ina cavittoof ,Otp, (q.p.vtinOt, ' with, pectera et)::_,t. .,,a 1.1.01, laborqi, helium for GermatVo qtr. orritoo,?,,,,,,..,..„,, IA 4*47-1 it lo -.,7 -- - - - olfstitto,A.Ii:07.4. -grl'OziOw tz.* th,,,,, .. poivAit to- ar , or Sika ;saw og .4.141to, 06,2114b14.3 vorzer.. ,; A ttctier..,.0141i:.;alltilt.a. 1 ....., ,,,ptir-A.,,,...„„%lkt, Nee 4 nee Ira- taPOtai,1_ , tetra4, - 'a Prallxv-t" 4:111_,r10113.*61:af) 0706' 4°tt0r 'patitIonP.,ao 44,te Outitabi.0.3'00 lia. ( 4- an,„-are4r. ;: 1 , '$.1i, eopataltt F.0-40,, _:1 0 TaaP.1,4P 94311'qt ta':;417P•P cg_ mat Aeizila.,,,,,..,If01,..0,or*4tititstot„., t!,40.4., 4m.pi.04401, ,,IM minerakdo-whieja in, al7 appt•gmt.unitonibtel. tIve, ,v7.0..m hcz, tititO400•„.atoa.',o,matironi', Pump ." it',7:-.6te; ir,;,-o7146 thOtitiirettettte- of war vi* --,141,,. h'vz4tbic-.%Tar4*Plaat'-Pcb1-4. munitiono. Jatian i� aottkatt7 at war ; *rwailuiv7.44' 7541' araitveqtryt111:4_404.1, 1047:41,5=0.0,0144t ,....1 Germany Ls not. ' UalfiCati4A,•.0 '5}70,`„,"t4 by lir lislii•• oliasitiottv 1104,,30 0 er? te' W3d ttty1 C2.1I; PreP141911to tt,.:o14,1m, aottoz, of, ttoyfAtc„7: 71te aroroprilatton tor Gotterieh bar. 1:141,1):4L,711:17*.twelini1;:lgtilleti'.gr4 t,,,,itig ::,,,,vitm „,...,. t tor, Iffe-taidoer - -the eatimates brouCht iii. be'Erut auto tiu;, 'got free of 0lo7 em, pelt) tittitv4e 4,',.:04..teltt of Ithe rzady'v: down at .Ottawa Itao ci6ON eoliceo &Ltd cu rat, Agrhite dzo CZ Ilt(Littobt-ao ernment la ientiretr':of or line with caVertunely at a dine when bus eno to be PI '?V Ovec .the nOluell, rd. the oonraCe 40'0 elea.,S'pightedneso Of at two !mit to obm.riz, aaaaa el eaaa, Onehi a. position, vvould be. .aliotfirted, the Cariadiane linage, a la, a •Ne. ,..101,0113 ---.-27-,-77__ Mr. iritalrweather declared', ibeeanoo the the Government ittolioy could 'i 3. beet, Itycarui_ ;rat htlabe. tliaira:3:7r:ht. erot 0114:1,:z::: „poL‘ismtte tAell.tuoitieba,„of ..thintore, .0.470,0,:te.-414 le:1=1z . desoer_thed"., , i.1 atioiiaztoetazo!,._ that 104 eall;:i, tri0 to adtei- MOdafae'- -4-' ' ifeakea maker) c claim neron tie a BrXeltalen chuqcrae:31'131:21e°t1°I'ill tItItlit°Yr ellietlin14,&;;?navia-41i*::th'IL:rat?:r41761VI. tlo of the Government athat ea ot 41/114" 4114 * "r'dirviclatillueraterrl, small 'Amerippoo, repliblic. ' up 1? volt him. 4, II - far ml leadership'Aik -Cho Goveranient denied. „a:a VilaPplrea'filet-MaIlkettle th t Cainada can -Oontinne ao a ina- 0 0 lar.-Etairtveathei:viiiiii4Titiart rig' on,W6.41vra„-VVoikhzlIgtriWrIiiitis'4M1 The General election in the Daiwa of LW to estimated economies touerainel alEcirs, &dna? Ur aaenee and fottign Again; problems" fraultr-ipnelrfearioly, South :Wan hat) instated, do eupected. rialtvKl" are mtr141/417 tri4t7 thill% in, the idarem caz_itzt&imertztoseee,e, A plan eroeierl out by. a Mr. ?due and letting other talretISIM 421017 euaetlY : "'''''-1•to-unify tite-AmericaereaellwaYa eat- Where die ,Dorainioneetandse yet with ""ei'lvt4124re ' '' '' MI! 711eVel'oliee*Ait '"?.e. "'"P.Z14712ag=717:.>21'='-`6-4114,4404:4'ItC.23.2'.",, Aia":....tztettl.r.olor'7:71?...,10, am !lc, ',"•<elf lit . ria'iav-- c (1 _ Veiege LT Zr:242 r•A Qr:4,1Car,.,":3 7it•DV”C=Ti 1,1,1:: "al Tfc_IPL,Y,I, • , 1. .a.t*O• v7..av,a:t4,,,:‘,7`c-141 ''•cP.-\;,r.:121-;•?;.; c,'•,,'t„"Otr •,t/tM • texitga.. oszto47 tho. ‹.11 c2.t tra eoi atm • 11, to 4v04, ooAittr4 „ totztiSowr. c,',1-ataxt 10 tea Attr<.',3, o/ .?4'4o o ctoott4 , -14144101), e 242 optcoizlot a a to eq.4114 , t/4 4ztta tor';04# 4 g throrpol:otirc:S12.0,04,44c,401:416Iz , 4:repfro:::74:21: „Att .14.'11, art 41n- 'cgd 24'1 411M Ci414"41 L*040 IP,tr•:"' 411,vo 'AIA*14.11 V* Otie -0 :MO '444titOrt •,:44)04?„ I V( VriO0t.,,,in it 4 'O• ozniAtO)li Atil*ovent4* o41.500# ot4 Va/4" c• 'LI V140 ern . Ont.: 41t. 4t0 „ , Mot, ;he oiw: ne 41.4.11t00. 004 aVa.PPt Comoun* 1.4zotve come' b 1:1404:(74#:.: 1001 t. VII"Lt ° 'a4 the Staatez”04, a.Droratnent 0,40; za" VArt. 4Wotona,.'. the into! 'entotaith. .0.04groMent #tip:roadl‘ • . wie a ..latIto, fflinkkiaulutiolay to-do away- witte '0"lility commence 1121,el ,arn'a eta tement to aa fol - 4141114WIV,40ciatee omelet m.1, rumor with reepect to the oefOatty of -abollablitaa county ttplaotto 4 veloged ati the reeult of a L11%1VI delivered in the Eragicla- thee A - by Mr. Viiilayaon, re74?.?. for Beet Clmcoe, The prob- Welk Edo "ilitt ken coisldeleed olet 'Govern ent and I would aeayoZiatarthat •there ia very little litellhood of any ouch, action being eadheri. -Pereorial view is that the county councils serve a very nee- etigg,14ca In, our whole maid- cyckam, which is co Involved at the Vet mut time that it would be diainatt to have the affairs) now coining 'within the juricdietion of man emfaello handled tier te'eza- , tZat --‚-r, CUMI (ID the Ontario reegislature." Thin etetement chould be reassuring Moce who, like The Glenal-Strir, gem be- tiat the county counell la a body , eat Mb a gelace a -come Importance eUr governmental aeheine and that be preserved to perform thoaa Catiza °&hich. if given over to a central ataberity would be discharged POD' c1bly in a less catisfactory manner and taavtaitily at aTeateT cost to the tax- _ ra. The agitation which lid Gained ° Orts/ momentum for the retention of -may counella might now he turned 't'41eFis..4154navai-o^elttre-progeas-citaIeeil 'hat ,ti4n Gating on for come yearo of Ilea ',Ciaelkag Ake powers and antboritY of eaniatty dounello and adding tor- taleIradingly to those of the central Atir,',q,,tztta1 othotszordsjattaakingiA ttna centralization in matters that can 1.,„a bandied cattofactorily by local .58GO.C.12,,8S0 V1/4111LIEKEral (Perth Courier) The value -oft -Canada's tourict trade is easily recognizable to the public when' it is shown, that last year an eetimeted MO,009,0i19 cent Qy those c.roseing tire border Into Canada. "a°,4-770'7"-:--alrara,seree-- -,-- eminent to otud'' eta Plan eat t l'aelEtenee •Zain tar Mettesiele Informed eatimat oaving doW to 210 linie410. the erouce that it- Is becoming more ob- Vitally the enecuttive meretaey of the laociation of Annerican Railway° put rely upon her win!) Production' 'and vioua ell the •time Cianada vrill have to t outside eatiraate of possible (non- manufacturing resolime to provide es - conies through unitleation at onlY ga sandal, %oar materialo and .equipment millions. While the railway mileage to -«-eet tun, nationaleemergency. XT, per capita in Canada lo about double that In the -United Mateo, Canada'a mildrarennzalleGttelantet all 47:11waollofg[Iteceeenhe "rztt to ilenglaper capita loabout thecame. naval equipment could be produeed in lialarniade-iteete ameereed eultatoeeta -Cannft;-----11%19-34441,--four -mine-oweep- pferetedeconetineoninleefs bethe ebeeannnntry einhe woereaalt: 0 at presen 47,:atr, ma enomes aua etrs are beingt bnuilt inviaCanada, .fart ovpo ovon; lisuneet a length el thin traffic rail- ever been produeed hare and as yet v only a few "eeeviee'l or lighting. oar- Amaigamaticatendi unification menet planea have- actliallY Seen built. the tale thftig to him, lar. Fair- The British Govern ent Irplane weather said, bemise the =limn: mission hao been be Ottawa exploring could not be merged without '03; -beim '- 1 11- the possibilitiee of placing ordera in extrleably sera bled and tangled. "If Canadian factories. The whole prob- yOu did not like amalgamation, or It lem io one 45f .plaeing eu Mont orders did not realize the economies estimeted, to justify installation of the required, . the You cOuld lilt untur3310 the VIVO' machinery. Time enarchee on rag cal ;properties again," ate warned. ly, tint produetioia =relies very, very Amalgamation would bring a great ad- slowly. ditionat financial burden to the Cana- Inauguration, of the regular trawl - &an people because the government Canada mull and passenger air lines, guarantee, now in effect, for C.N.B. tentatively ett foil' july 1, thee been properties, voould hail) to be extended further delayed by failure of the Dialek- ao the C/11.(13. eecurities. It would be heed Company of dem Angeles itto de- liver on- time the fifteen- modern trans- port aplanee ordered for that service. Only SeVelt Name have been delivered and it is quite uncertain when the bat - twee will be completed. Bxperimental flights over Parts of the trens-Canada rOute will be carried on meanwhile. There have been \reports here that Japan is getting Lockheed riianeo 'when Canada Cannot get her order filled. Ballevee itia Melon Zey reaway 0111 ee extremely difficult, if not impassible, The benefits of this tourist money are to work out a formula to divide foture received (by almost every class of ye-, earningsato allocate equities fairly for each property and the Investors con- cerned. .Further, he pointed out, •rell- way economy should not be confused with 'national economy, in -relation to industry and 'the general tau burden. AmaIgamation,'Would,,mean serious dis- turbance to labor and induebry 'add, ag railway labor to to be compensated, that coot Would haegeto..be" deducted from the estitaated 'economies. Dident and tradesman In the count:ay. And Clama(31,a, alive to th-e situation, leado the world, in extendlira its hos- pitality to thope who visit her. 11.0714112,--401112 E4/U' • . (Picton• Times) It 'hes frequently been onggeeted that every. drunk driving cenviction sbould 'remelt in eusperaslon of license. iner 'Waif -116e1 lit =Vita' -t•O' that every (imp driving convietion does reeult In euspasion, not only of driver's licence°, bat also of motor ve- hide permits and ' =here? These otatereepta were Made by mon, T. ll. w..teneitL-4".4 -0.eitarWrelliniste-nai Ellighweya. Of ahlety-two thousand suopensioa ordeal iceued in the Fact cove yearaa twenty -du" oueand 14ve grequiied the aurrentler -or equatc,iation oactaae4es . tagriralina. POvira 115 wen atudrirmt titvr,Da. eomio.wo.Aim.2, 25,9119 crivera ,Uare refuOell holidayo are to be movable, Why cente %tonne of their* failure Et4) C.1t" t.72, arrange to have them on fair 17 Y e «in*ro o tbeir abilitY, at Feast 'attaer doya? on Afirst euanaltiation. litoet=rnd1121. Ito and- markoro also craqtend„e4. la oveey tate of 'ftlicalsto. have been meeting In con- drunk driviegaraid alto In CO803 'ot tkrt uarn,-,Valls, according toteekliZcz4310viza (Inatival,1t reaultieg 'ri'MWSpage.r deagetch• pio pleasant .1111 cleeid21143' • Tr`1‘.`214e° 4114 6''zglitlentlY ataaZeatette mow aro caouct &Duni= 244 ie,t3eteer° t„tlt to hold a conventioe., dittuadreta` of 1ieor4o boobe i- -0 0 0ce11a ileamttit. 134ii• ilialotaaatioa 41/at a "13..con. rime „Itaa gratolaa ...tutat_rAza= of ... • tii*511-41th3-3 ita-z112 Oimia wort a. rvatautlEmtri*It%-oz v,q401A,Obysik. cat defetta airela'Paattat. v4cleni WerCatnle ht.eatitozTap-q0e=1,i&trt_lagitkozisgt, ez,Goto=t4tt rfaaolity 002 Patatfilta. e'''.;)‘e1r.24inta toillerta ant, 4141.1442 Vote `14111144W --11b 0) tia:70-bet'2 olln4 • 1 ue, GI 0 ":1-'-gtrartredirlFtAMtr'-'' ihrieloni for a epeOlal Vederal vaorks relief progrent. of 0419;0419,11109. is made in the oupplementery eetimatea brought down by Finance ilinlaer C. A, 'Dun- ning. -Some ef the main bona ayea , In - rieeerought-reha tation; $1,093,4189 for elimination ,of grade railway crossings; 0.,0,1DD,41,01). for a Of 4 • 1 I leenator - '611a!tmn 40014re4 to. tte (Oettto the other ilv that tho °min- . ton, Thvorament haa.•0 olTg the treek Or yore On the 044.000a diseilowt anee laud(' ao a04444r nee; he fe le, a d, the eOuntry en te he dese a 0, eribire' vilifielb on only nt , :2-gilkinteeration. .410--414*-41motior*MotaIntoo author. . it'SV4fibe oreseAred;.-140.. Bleighen sW. 2044 and, the '134;mainton Government Sheuld not - TOW it atray, , There ieran,ezodais-of albout thIrtY anembeee a the Co one -to tate part iilTdeZ4tgicafdlteWtin-VetitiliftInt • 400 ,,.'''''''' titotheiziehlidinifteen-Zibt,rale ten-',Grif*a• a tal Ceedite-sed-. two., 04.F. . embalm. Eitf.ry oa the iga:Mateliertan Liberal! •arm* of ..eizteeb ID*Aetex at, emit),„ertgli WI trAttk.ezeMit.R.ri,*,-E1144.14-' son 0 oxa wog" ,foti arawipay, - vo4ttoz, ti4totr, A 4 'Pro. qt,iils ItQ ; '41 ;•t: atahmoti.4 Viti,tatoto " om- r,"41,Pui40,, 1744 Mit wit_ o l',/1,4110 91O4,`,VolAPC, 0 litg* /4%, ua 'T,Aornitoo tlatthem O. 1441 0, ' ilat lagot;41- 19t4L,relatro,% frA, tnitopl 'I' 439, MOW 9P:41#031,,Cii,t'o.go,041, Zr.,flitiat , - , rr--GWoarl,Satav 10%, PoVer 1 11 ° Su - 0,,,i0174 UT. r- Tha ;4)' -.abzent Vit2 or , 00: ,,horo tot tat. Tato Gizmo t 4oxPirakel a: 'row, .4;441G4t,: ro4t 44, zalav jorta S. MeV. ''- 7.e.P11244a9V;ISte-4 , '-or 14o, Adt, (410.4 .ttiera recent J.P;a _Ae.r.PPWIte.t. ro. Conaklii ,Oratte, - fog mablo t4k,,,Aill • IZIPVIOrrtirLiZ ric-4711, 1,4a11,1V 04,4, .544V) 'rnorg ,a10; iboltuAlown to thiav peaty_ for 'the people a orlarip got to eon* from the lan4.- 'former to the only man volatO eon To mei '404.3=ione, and if tido yeal, 411 atU3S1 to melee 4 little money autV-0 tinueo the process for auotber Yea vao,„theaa„aad_oot till then* *4, safely say thee th-i-detitestotria. and lira able to look forward to g three again. Nr. and 151.2.. 0. J. Jerry and. Detroit, opent the week -end with Ierres parenta In town. t 3Luirr@on Mort n amtorg VIOK4 ACti rUto 170i3tro0V Rlo Ow Oa' NOSAIV: DZoliollno Vom C2cogro TornIctadridUipVcma'S3.avo0"Lb elle le 1 I I 0111 ILP pt,Ear. Gardiner, a former _ --*,14111nler4.-cafttlattt.' atOnStit on 'thee eta or-zint'iwail the Moral group f,r0re "Zaerei and Z. a BlackanOre, &fetal Oregt leader, will head that parten earapaignera Z. 71). Perlev, lone 0Ortaervat1ve Peckatebe, wan rederal imea ber, does not expect' to: eiartleipate., neeraative tf;aader R. B. Ben -nett as -been- oliit-citritte-42ouse-foi come - time, having gone to, Vancouver or die, lel -ofe-hieesiater, -Mrs, - W, ridge. F. (610111BENIMIIIIIMSIE a1,31111$ At -the weekly duplicate held.on-Mona day evening by the Goderich 13ridge Club the ,following wore winner: Rare. R. C. yo and MT. Jas. Mame, plus 9; 2nd, alit. Jas. ume and P. F. Carey, plea 8; ard, Mrs. P. tr. Carey and 1,4 J. Dole*, plue 2%. Another game will be held Dent laenclay even- ing. Ga6 ,808[1 o -a Or inpROotin og-DOC--=‘a ElOcUI3 DanilotID lic„.4p.N1100 UTOU'a • AU •Ct4 NOQ. Mra• During consideration of providine mormot31 um. Me)E2Ela oraggia.avicittherte.coa,-.taajil, ExillWaY4 Wines, and BeeonrceeaMbileter T. A. Clearer took occaeion veice confidenee in the futare of thnt way. The time mote when the MBA. will justify OW opepatione tho =MO as the .2`. --arcilwarg ta.1 from North Bel\ -to Jamea ay, Vr. Mercy -declared, -przgothq that die . 'will yet develop into one of 'the • El teadsaillte llev-icellanC.1`-,-1.2;e4q; P. f• .. -i'. greatetradearoutea Otheeflatitre.e - ' CI* or tri*•"3":CailAtIll fteuirict114allma•Vil - Mr 'Gerald Cataphell, Britioh consul:, and . national Ivatto Ovelvo out,- •obt oita ;a -mkt! lwati., etee-teena op. M*4001,899 for Iiiiptrovemento eri3 Other hichwcyo; "moo fcl, licat210,,v46., ‘4,,,,,nti oponnninteddn. rwitiabe tibiltghtliatcoeervi4• hceitnurtiteoa river deVelopMents4 Ineogoog '''''S'''''''frAj4" here in the fall. fOr Orwell, alver filood control Worka; Three preacher inerabm of Ore Com - 01.400,01)0' tot' -Oarlat illnPitt4111"ahl; 111110113 tatked ota the tweepatallea bib, (;31113441* l'rbr ' 1/144`111.1*Illtitlaa girMtl* 3'. S. 797000.3Wortia, ,0„,O.V. lea,fler, v„ and Ci1119,4119 for aeeistaane to neaniel- pal 4tirRorio:I.44,,,2011141 04 04421avlor.041 tttraall-.11.011, dIrgavior: ittratTili, IVIao°113elarll„&lietrt: path', trrortattr-progTw; airtfr,tto got Br dreoa. thoy atalitd it vould zrttritatitmilaillatt,Trovlavn; iratritittt 44741 . .. . . i entoaragentent to the- flehlite,„ industry ; ,ea, ate tee geartbutta 'spirit. T•ha _bill relief, .$11alilVta. . tegisiatiotal.la t� be intmdtter4, .,-La- 1111179M3 D011)?.r-z-4. '".z:0.1.ato ttoizttioiatt. orit-txi atkitlithie-di fote E,,i. iiiftti, a Oroiertia , ;clad* tof aome vtlx:mt4f4.44--totr-itiormitiocr--ottil weezseathe eene.te•aanallt'-~adOPtcd' kte- titgatz,-.1t,'0, Vow dilfolzi tdit• irbir4=it Mettearta- 'privates bill- 'for widt,teri •tlte-4 tO talinItelgalitlea for telf-liquWt* i Cr canda for tlIVOrtb In, Oductra by CIO -of•-4.-to.tla-.:votea-titihe- - cavalcr rau, c.alta a telnle to Vta, Motion, wVIch eat party 'llite.reerSaw atts434,41, t#4 • . Peildc4 ht-eatiSe. Ofe 0.11=01.11 IfAraavila 'rata with. -,6filasa„ ut, woo.t„-ctrt ozo tuo Iva WAIIIic aild olorca 2t.lilVol tZezatora acet-allited 'tat haat" BeiglelM .<1e4'd Vele Ckni=zrvartive 'firkadkr ZZolahen and Itra- tablet ehow that, CalVaVia.ihZA!f'-t.ICaXenta 0 o 0 ciGte, ,- ittoeoz, tail Tau:bilh,ta ,.,41111L -ter titalt.Pozt tbe hill- AS Oa' WI V,26. fin, "it,n,l'-tai,t1t. a c4):atra, cozvention at 1)15Pcr:er&:otttacatt44.111a t4thationo:FC:re,,,,‘ o°: 4t Cltatla' 3t°' V,1)14'° 11144°4 1111`.. 611*/* ' 41124'6'X:a a 41V"" ‘L'all° "I 11* . & r,,,,4,,,v1,., , i.,,• 7 e,-,,,.......,,,,,,, D.21- ttetyrol 0 grouniat) ot tz-;atiou otto2 .,',- tt?,„). atm day deted that r.1 -t hvo a.13' tL,'',. otic4)1,Cf- q'a • "11"' Ma e )00.0001•00-0..,....- _ 0,.. , y.,,,..00,01,0:...• .'. . , t ' Itli ,t4vt64' ws. Dantz la,.,.. IlL,, isaleae Of..alarerrOae.aeleaeLe • _ -' . -, : 7t-l-ela '' • 'oin ..nar.a4 in.l.nlitY, ,o0or..:41!. row,. 'C';',:*:::'Iti-.'CbtV 40 it:laCizarY• VA) fore. ' wrdat1p. h'eiViVeri• th',',V'. haVO° the'°44%;n41460,4TC3VHit.Cala VOtiritliattl,Illtd-43:1?;:litl°/%Cltal.441414141"411/1.2tctt4/'"a211a4t1):;44 ' ; '. ,- - ,Visztte t"'ioto v:it-o't**-ovallek4 -a....,,itr4, tt,-,,,t to.,tate A <tattoo to ov.4,, boa totcatt4,,t2 04'*,o,at),,Szakt4V 0.4 PZ6,1411t4 ,C-3thakb, .4th, C.,ttit. Orlittart...# 14° 41"rtAllt a 4'.4*. 11'12,1{142. , ,,,,,, - , ilvtacliadv-41 0 zobitodto* 1160zzOtiliti, tV.411:i1V-e41.otv4., taygo114.4ota Man e4letatet„t17 •%e-e,ati,.61 tai'cla'22e. eaaaleatc:,,,,,,a1124-2.eal26,14: .4C5‘' '`'''''''''' T''''‘';-‘0 0 r'',i'en,il.i freM tl'It aho TAI roz",a tatagitta, wilt 'mytaltrit44 04,1---'''''''')44-'''''"4` ' """'"'° Nv 1 0 c, 0. ' )t -ti '4 ,,..•. r ' 4. " III."' :.-t:44,,,,pu :v4t, lar_42,iitt,,,,rt uttatto 0 c„ttl wealo ,r‘p.a,11.olta gor to2.,c-file-oattoa of V.)b, *A',111f,“44z2tIqz '4c`ztti‘,C-',...,,a thP ,z4F,t40,/lirii,11,1,t‘tf* le4CAIV44, -,0 .10.4e - 401+ -or . --112144-4-',)11 . t4 tte -•.14.,„" bin ut-40 otitart-A, to,- l'ira'',2ii:ttkt2tait, til 44-ItIttlo; ' i'11...4* 2,4"*Iftio, ,op,tt,,,,,,,'-',:,:fget,p;4-vt1111,1 lidrito;toltitu!a0.,,, ,f,').,3,VID,' fOjt tritart ', hcito,1 or talq,.4,4:1•,.14.rtt.:. t4om.'4) Oda Irtaft64.4:7111fttit4•43a!t_l.e'42,roilvlatt,a-cliA titanfa7ariAhret,44 Irroha.1_11 k4;gatit': ' teatkOW Vabilotliatling ther i 0,4 leivi. g,,,,,,tuttweeoi,",eetweal.t zeeti Ste-alern. . : 1 tadopalti;a2' 414 ta0'..14' („Altl*ZA 'kV a "Clinton ' fkool't talo -at,, ,1„0., v4z2tr. for It* itlitt ''''ne:',-,1/4C-114 4C-1-`,44603- 'P' tlatt on' ;r:fittt opmetto ettuode -totmtal :ttio,,,,tv.- i ' talAttlig -t1 4.4t,tott ,0174itzli lo titti4 ato, AL* .v.1 oitctilIqt,,-, t'i','.`\•,4z•lota 1-4.,;5.t.1t.',:; tio If 6041123 b# aitivioa •11$ it:it ,54,..'szotya. ' ,,. . , w„,ea, tok,,z, vittibtot 0 ta4 i 4,0,14-arf4Atep tvaast*IcOM-Ty inItirta ilt- ail , atatoo,4to,410xott it t'„ -I.7 oyti toztizo 460, rzivr,l; 0.4 t:Ittloal 4-ttota121 to, ataiT,cirat*:204, 41=1:11Z.t.'•,41). th,,,ra iltIten. t.-4.,.tlf,totiorirtiitit„4,,,xt2,002.,,,Ittato„..tt i?. ttlAtt Wei At,P,•4'-',111,.T ,i,tithcter a,r,t oarleee ,tee o latZeo ttutztitq. .iTookit9,1z1tMttv.4 "agonvo xor„, itw,0 .00P , ''. c34'...'';'Ihtltotk' 1111.,40, r'<,-,*1A,,411tzt-0, ‘itAi'llt ,t,i, • , vr- k .0 t41441,74ri Cat:U(4114'41,12 .t.54'..bb,filtrzotr.1-. MA o 'MO *t 4- J- ail(t4)' vlottc3 24 - 4t,Li'„,•t r > f, t, 47•,'v4a otr kkt,,.1 nt1 d hra•ghenr fOr '3fr'he nifttlY4liiiilbte3. --,,,,-, fc.,„,,,,ciii*-q.,,..,,,.atit<34 -f0 'btt. Or' Argt-to• t‘'.!akY'ig.trri 2, `,1, ..•4 , 1 t.* Czat.,tvitt:, vg.lit itht V.,4=taiti'V.,-----,--- - - •- - --- - - : 4 . •••,-..11, -,e-cte,,,. 4,,,,, tz,,e4tt,:,1,9'.v.allt4.4 mrtzwl,145-tiv.z,,c(..)tt,tv lit, 'b ,'a' 1. 14,-,,ol. tIttnattoo.t.tot=i katzlt,. -%,,,zt ru,t411,t?'„ t-4,, 4-"Q4-7.441.4,. 1..C,-,14 tt„..4, t* 1-'-' 1:::1•-: S. t,t'14, -(..-u'I/to aita:11-1 w 0;---, .n4'tr, 1.Jw,,,t1/4, „s,fl,s,th- 't0t.,,.i-,4, 0V414• t.'.. ' p1l4id,,,k:,I,ba - .t. , -. ,., • 4,, r • , •t • .,14l,-1,,5-10 '.0. 1,c2l.Itt6-,I P=,dMttz* mO,urt4l: '"‘"/*,'.. 2 C.::::::.T.:•..ac„,fr:t czoo",,,,q c.,,,(.ntl. itmt,t‘,..'„$4 atza •alttot., ttr,,if,4,..,'v b r.',014,;,.tla ''Peta,3 V. 4. ra:tvilvt 0 V-,'.4o,tetttv,ar4.1tat)(tt ,,- -",.,'""-'" , lig4a; ive t'Dil,-5) vx.'11.11o1 a LTA= mat c=-'..,-,,;-.itc;10:)i ult.474 ' ot,1 W4',"At , N,2 1,-;v4.-ttz;r1i74%,11 . t .: -,t,,,_.,,,,,, ,nye-Fil3 -ti Z,zocat4 -cli..itiit,'=. , Co- 4tarl.c7.,?. rzatilg;:. ' 4,ttitltr:tb-t-1,11;4'..'„,,`',r.:. etatt,'.1.11,01! t'''. ',..11'.., 41,3*C=7=.••'.•t•t., C.,.. e-•.,, , Cr=t):,,.•'.7...:'a,V,t' C'• . r• t_`..-'t,Y,111 4,Vek43. 1,111<''',.°Z1V,Z2,4' 0C -a ',1--•'1)L."-irt,t1APr, Sa t,,..v,alt N').:t'',6t Itt 0,1t tia tlo :-„C.1-,, illmar.0 .f.„,„ 4r2Irs,-n-,;..1.•00,1' V) .01,-,113.t,,t:V L.-.)f.s*:.:.'-,1t, .4 ..) 'r , _ ' 0,-,00.krati,,4120021. UW.2 —— a a •.c IIEI 22 , ..... Maitt2"' VO Mit, YEE., Jm C,den....9n7-oa. On 25e. IfM =ST urfa CORIkT lige 714Z , gattas4vBeEN — (1) 111 E ees.meeee•ciecc 1,1,7414:21t: hlio 25c m 111 .21.2,litgla/c_, „4-41.4 01-,••-• Tllll WA?? 5@abo e rce.g 00,10 MPS Ills. 25e. SCAltp 4. 'bug 25c 171g a ---SOAP ft7B--2EZ 7-1.b. Bag 24-111. Bag 212,0112,Y. JELE:j2 • 2.7c . 5Lc HILLOREST PURE LARD Rb0 pailato 25c 8 -os. 1.1 an' Tin 21MEDer(1113*; BAIUMG POVTillE 1.4.:c 2Se JLllr CifirlfgSEDI IMBUE tin 15c coma 171111G12 -t• INISCurro....110 19c OV,ZAPW2,02T, 276,/,‘,107,13 2 Pkgs. 20o L-Int732- P/I:a 0222,,IMS 2 MID 21{10 12.Vi knam Bag Eto )2ZiEtpalT3SZO2 1=E31?ERb 2 Plzgo. 2iio LIT 10.2Z-IVII or,000Von EZETTO Lb. leo -4V,Z,COMZ. MT COW for 1.0o W0A Lb. 650 12:174":41PrA:otto. dilatab, v4M eat25 puma lo II le 0 v von Pleag ea, halloo RIG, 26 -7-- ,14,2112',-0 ,0000.e.ateSixsereate0,00.,01mMe 1,---------,-------------rn 11, LIVYaD 0 \\\ a ME@'• •2)". •••• , Good *bads « toltistia find t 11,11, o ugh o at. the .And the vida,szpvionett Ma. garla. in, 56 count:leo helm ntato Aar iseactuaa Sh61)I gmtillin&; 124 Caw& thht ,ouactly ravit tho eon. ditiottiVittiatat VW -di V0 -t While they are a great boon to local motoristo, this labyrinth of roads approaching New York's George Waohington Bridge a r e sometimes mystifying to tourist°. They eliminate left turns atid crom tragic. k7,7014P.,..ge.gaigN .CR " avdnv &mem f7, 022 4 .13,a Ott' tta0142' to. ov°7/;t:1 0%tzcAtto 1110- Ittp -voc:Aa, -04 tS0 -,7„at'',.„ott „tti tqa 0 ao.Ocva'.. b, 0 -3 tt--),Vz--- 0 tae" Aer geda •Va., 04110: tta taiov laggor dtolitto -tozolattz kt),,444/ ittpta,,wittc3 otA) atiotala bt„,ita zzatoar.4, • 11 ',2.14.1224,224,f0101gtc.,..21,2202.221120. t) ,222 r-