HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-5-26, Page 1zota 'mat %7Lc tA %ant TQL, SigNAUtTAR a 'Vtatt 4.4-7m73,41,,MIca t1T•tc'''t1:3‘ cira:114ra Tflator t1411$470; • paltr,,,t, OINITUMUI 1 larilDTCCI vintint of rnelaMonia, Mary Snell, =Kw. nzazitl A MI -MR Wit‘) Of iLlitfta Walker, died at Alex- ©rim andte-hosnital on Tuenday Morning in ber eighty-foorth year. She was born ••0170r irik"At EVAMI p016-0141 511211De" in liteillett tOwnship, a daughter of Mr, And Mtg. ticerge ond woo married thirtY-Seven yeas ago, living in Mast Wawanoeh until eightpen Months ago, when he 'Ranee to °oder- ich with her husband to live with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mee. Edmtend Irwin. Surviving are her husband and three children, Darn. Ir- win, of Goderich; George and areld Walker, on the houteeteallte oleo two. brothers and two sisters, Joseph emu. of Colborne township ;William, of Ent - lett township; Mrs. Annie Elsloy, of Colborne township, and Mrs. J. W. Snell, or. 0Yeen -Alta. The funeral service will be conducted this (TIMM- day) afternoon by Rev. W. P. Lane, of North street United church, amioteti republic. by Rev. A. C. Calder, of St. George's at church, and Rev. HaroltliStell of Ethel, At North street l'nited church the morning service the memory of - nephew of the deceased. The remains will be taken to Wieghtun• for inter - on the effect of his influence on time moat, and a service will be conducted England of his century.- - At evening there by Rev. J. F. Anderson. worehip there was a service of song in -- whIej the hymns of Charles Wesley were iimetf exclusively: Jn the morning the hymns and the choir seleetion were hymns tratielated ,DotovAbtiOZ .0PlarkRotle " ratattor- , The Ireltslar .mcztimm_ :or the Town 0ouncit Ont014401 hat'a4ot';... twat all the mez110.*ra LtIvemntp •wit?:s 14_44;0' by an a ttiAelx Canq.1010nr- eatipla on the price- of rait 'o cumors ID Ooder- Ida. The . eaatiM. 4110:..nat qiii4 Gee what they could do about it, and the matter waS left with; the; sltecial eom. mittee, o which., Councillor _w - - ApplicatiOna fOr - verznalto were as t011oWe.; Rev. tA.. for improVements to drfellitt on Tra- falgar gtreet, iaclujzz stut,COing,;,,of sides of house; root. aph=tezh ,for improvements to VoIborne,- AraitMentS, Hamilton street; SiredA. grid* letie- ton, street,I0o.' Zetteringta% Keels street, and Michael tFlick, dirt- tannie eottele remits to elwelliegoe- Cities 'Service 011.'00. Ltd., gasoline and oil storage tanks and p4mp house at herbor. ' , , • . A letter of' tianke Vet; received from the baseball exeeptive for, work done op the diamond Agrieultural ,frent, with an invitation to the members f the 'Council trbe present at the open- ing game on May 2/nth. •Ctittiatil cortlialit taCleptedethee'hrvie ' tation. Aei application from- P. Ae•Ziramer- man. for a license to. peddle ice cream, soft drinks, etc., was referred' to the that. 6f the best city stores. . -,;;Angtoativw4ttim,;ther -11308-10t; itnif-s-rfnir'n-IntPtenitner'.$343a-in, from the building lend on accoent v-usillettThitsorm Sugers-Sevire -Ai- defit at West= <Dames Flour 01110 the architects' fees, were referred to West - the finance committee. It was stated Douglas Wilson, miller at the West - iii Alex - that the neweoleuilding is almost coin- ern Canada Flour Mills, is Dieted. andra hospital ,with a badly mangled A letter and brochure -from Inter- right alin, the result of an unfortun- national (Highway Forwarders, in, sup- ate accident at the Mill on Saturday port of the application- -made recently -toe Parliament ..for.epermisaien for thee trucking of goods in bond -between Windsor and Pert Erie, were sent to -the public works committee. A letter frons the Lloyd Jaeger Com- pany, Toronto, with reference -to bank- ing matters, was referred to the finance committee. Mayor MaciEwan informed the Coun- cil th-at he had a letter from Mr. F. ...1-Libtle conveying an invitation. to the Mayor and Council to be present at th45. Boy .Sebut rally on the 24th. The invitation was accepted. A • creertlain proposition from The Toronto Telegram' was sent to the spe- cial committee, -A communication from D. I4.1Holmee, OroWn Attorney, advising that as a -precaution against night "break-ins" TAMEN TO KIITCHTH:NER arrangements be made for better rear On Saturday Fred Hawkins, em - lighting of stores, was referred to the ployee at a -local hotel, was arrested' special committee. and held by Chief ft. C. Postelethwaite, The Deputation to Toronto on a 'warrant from Kitchener, T4 At the request of the Mayor, Deputy first part of the week officers motored! Reeve Brown. reported. on the depute- here from Kitchener to take Hawkins • tion to Toronto to interview Hon. T. back to face a charge of minssuipport. B. McQuesten, Minister of Highways. The 31inister, said Mr. Brown, ex- Chit DAMAGED preSsed himself as favorable to the Pcnice are on the lookout for a Blue Water , highway' and tl.e depuba- .Packard car which on Thursday last Lion left With the feeling -that he crashed into a coupe driven by James was sympathetic towards their ee- Buck, of Goderiele The car cut in quests. 'Mr. Brown remarked. that the the right of Buck's car as he was -311.1nietele,Tentieheing.119,14P4.94-7, nenakingna- right. ti.u•A eteesthe..•Petetelnnes: tationq from other parts, and was un- Fenders were crumpled and a tire der considerable pressure to burst on Buck's car. The other driver roads here, there and every -where over left before the Goderieh man obtained the Province, his name. His Worship, suppiementing the De- puty Reeve's report, stated that the NO t,c1t14;41 4414 4:044 Atimti,v ar,411 th rttOrr the. _ ath irkW4 ItrrAp, 1==o-0 t*I1Pgo#Ict4 .0„04,th4 liat2.014t atarP,s7,,Ope '14 retetnr- Oadyelvitle Ow - thing. ht'tePoleetteo, 1 -or, the, .stev7 Order .or briariva.. otOre tete Sheenlengthened tVN41/4.. vet feeti, and thee Seriner o OgO rfantaVtera':.faeingon Werth- 'areLtitiv be 'UP -110- 114 414 enaVerted into ot0Mrso :mom- ' 407f0 lacut tarioun lines of Aterelennellee aeee eleeignaterthy location Wan.% and pages are mar.ited in plain _t1114'70w7M-tiMoloes,4"). titp her wire-esfeef Or tieing the Cat- , riagee prOvided for the Ipurpese, may . her itop1ng !natty and quickly. 'At -the rear Of the- Steam Ia a$elf-ear- ,v10eAreic!rigerater'' in vehtelt are butter, eleneM :haeon 'And other delloaTilee- en 411 arrangements have been 'made to give the best of -service with the choicest goods and -a very import- ant ittemee-the lowest eioesible prices. 'The store will still he under the management Of Mr. William Riley, well and favorably - -know-n In connection with this store for several years; and he has the same staff of assistants, Clarence Bridle, in charge of the fruit department, Bertram McCreath and Wm. Duckworth. For the present' Miss Weedinfiek is acting as cashier. bine beeifetb1ihd In Goderieh since 4930 and aims to give the people pf this community goods and earyice of a standard equal to LIMA a MaVISO It Ilima?. altreei Unita March pgealm .d eraa ofetianlor On Stuulay inst in 'me United Church- of Ctmada, in NtOtiOdiet- church-op everytitere. 'and he many 4ehuielles of other denominations the cervices commemorated, not the birth of Johne-WesheY„ but the date of his conversion, MO! Zith, 1738. In Eng- land the Archbishop of Canterbury paid tribute to t4 life and work Of this _great sow. of -tbo- Clxureb, -as did also leading Presbyterian clergy. there; while in the United States the event_ its celebrated by the union of the three great breathes of Methodism in- the UR& MATHEW BATES On Sunday, May Waal, theee died at her residence, Bruce street, Goderieh, Allproza tazi `,PLon Ebya With the arrivqle of the ateamer Colonel flames Vickantle, the: total pr export corn shipments to this Vort paced the tWoeMilliOnsbillSheX Matt lef only ten days. - Ther-fichands-`arrived---- itpar74214:ttag-- close on the heels of the J. 1% Reim and the ohm. raiohar0, and born the largest cargo so .far of the hur.P mart shipment „going, .throng,4* the,=tq.„. bore. The tmettanitaitm,artoliarteT Great Lakes steamers, •nia*Ur4 .C15 feet and brought in Otkotattl) Dm:Zola of corn from Chicagoft atlei not a capacity load. -Work began on e transfer from shipto rail SA 7 arts,. Wednesday and Otnicind this afterneone with men weeleing day and night. The Plekande, is in charge/ of Captain Searles, re, Smith and has a crew of thirty-three men. The ifebard brought in 849,000 hireliele Of cernevia Sunday-a/a the Reiss 330,00n htishele on Friday last. Shipments which have -poured 131,11::::ga‘rvet Hannah, widow of the Into or arranged by John Wite linen Wesley, and the Bates, who prtadetvased her of through the elevator to waltine C.N.:11. an C.P.:11. cars since May portionsiIdtheflorftilScerillaptputerer (r)feand;n1::anIssi, v,1:31.0e, only twelve weeks. Mrs. Bates had 13 total 2,002,000 haehels. The totn1 lived la Gaderich for the last thirty would have neared the two -and -one - chosen becauae of their place In the years and her death ealne, tater it haf_mutin., busba ma - Ea , but -the spirituaL.life of _Wesley._ elaset Illness, in be eighty-ninth year: steamer ItObt..L. Ireland., instead of The sermon was .1"141(1"41 by Rev• She was -born near Brockville, the hringuag. her second cargo of 37.0400 Ilia LATE WaiLIAM RAMIE C. In Clarke, who. gave an able and (laughter of Samuel Hannah and his but -bets here last week -end, unloaded -stirring discourse on the text : -There the sorn thro mit plergists_ at wife, Elizabeth /Gibson, but lived many was., geneeetbetttelt Seattle -yet -ewer - .q,17=as-frre.171:4,714;b04"7044"."tittud 'Tag: a*I-7211-1/Oit&ailrittirell 044 nobled through service. w -ft's etwtehe(l' t h • were su 1'1,1 V apprOlaifely QU limn, y / • • our e ie. • • • • • , ships. - I r,, family Mrs k II Lawrie '614$1.-7."w' "kmiPA1-2-"-- of Where- it in tiansfer red to OCeategoing "Sincerely anti thankfully We bring ityls.'edeloesfsoeitile (1)%f"hoadlattlrosre‘'Irti:ert' t8huogserenotf" was a fattetee member of This (Thursday) morning the &tr. I who lives in California. c.,.,;1):!rrsti.1 street st this tribute to invinory this after- John Wesley. Joe is. Morrow arrived with 300,000 The Late William Pla,yed noon -that in till his activities he has Briefly the speaker outlined the lp..nited church', whose minister, Rev. W. :bushels of corn. II conduettel the funeral service His Part in EvIany left behind inelnorieq without a sting." early life of Wesley, his parentagt, bis • • ' Mr. Lane speke ef the departed one's borne, and particularly au (ler wine! 0,11 Thetday afternoon. night from the head of the Lakes with rile steamer Superior arrived last Spheres of Life devotion to his ehilreir, and of his influvbee if Interment was In Ilayfielti eemetery, loyalty and sincerity. Mr. Bailie!nil:1.117i of grain for the elevator and Wesley faantt PrriviCttt int :):11'gh nutr;i___Hug4)111. lie ri."J'iint4rtriertwAo. iDleilleik"'s"ovrst, ()off' "He was a fine 'Christian gentleman," • an elder ,1).nd a member' of. the oetine werld-'e -goods, still' 111- 1." ll')Iterelarni, Ohio, -and..Mr. John/ S. 4 ileh Wite these words Rev. W. P. Lane efficial board, a lay representative to II GAvvd some of the best blood of Eng- :sets Torfotto, and Mr. Saneee Ilan- With. RALLY' POSTPONED described one of f0oderieles familiar the PresibSter3' for several Years. a lame and though John Wesley 'a "-S nali, of Seaforth; Mr. Eroest Bates, of e 'l' delegate to Conferente and a member and loved/ figures, the la.te himself a high-ehurchman there VCRS ra trt,_ rro Mr. Art ie Keyes and Mr. iivou Weidner Iltesponsibite-Now ste in his blood a clissersting strain, for his grandfather had saeriticed his living because of intolerant laws in the seventeenth century, while hisamoth- thee Was a famous. i eeen t lug er's fa minister. Wesley was educated, tirst by his morning. Mr. 'Wilson was putting 'a belt on a pulley 'by- -band when -his arm was drawn in by the belt and. -was wound around the pulley_before he could pull free. The flesh was mangled and the bone crushed to pieces between wrist and elhow; Doc.tors pieced the bone together with plates. Nerves and ligaments also were torn and bruised. CHIENINEN FIRE A chimney fire at the , home of Hem Ryen, Newgate street, on Thursdaysilaet, -gave -thee Occupants of, of a great many (sonlinitteee on which Bailie, whose death on Wednesday his sound judgment and fine spirit night of last week, although 110t un- helped very mach indeed." expected, came as a s -hock to many ' .. friends. I Those who knew Mtn well believed he sought and found counsel with -,---With the death of Mr. Bailie there ur.mi.e „lid, mi.. Lam,. "We shall all passed away a link, with bygone years, miss him very much. and may his a man wtho held a leading place in the life. of the localities in which he re-: high ideals not have been lived in - vain. sided. He was born eighty-six , ' years ago in - West WawanoSh, -Ile was a finesChriatien gentleman." the -home cchisiderable cause for alarm. The blaze was attended to by the lire brigade. • TIE ST. Y. P. U. Minister -recognized the Blue Water as The Y.P.13. of North street United a tourist highway and regarded it as ehtire.h held Its regular meeting Mon - good business to spend money n it 4 G- _.--; , day night.. Ill the absence of the mis- Later in the day the Mit"fot And - eionary convener, Miss Dorothy Allin, Deputy illee,ve met Deputy. Minienteor the meeting was is charms, of Mr. Les_ -4,ni.itle with regard to the upkeep of lie Ranee. After the opening hymn Victoria street as a connecting link. , the 23rd Psalm was repeated in uniaon. Committee Reports . Mrs. Myers favored the gathering with The finance committee reported, in a delightful piano solo. The speaker connection with the Ontario West , of the evening was Mrs. Hetherington. Shore Railway bonds of $150,000 Pay- *The pointed out the reasons why able on July 1st next, that, in addi- ' people should be more Interested in tion to funds on- hand in the 0.W.S____JR. miteeione and expressed, haste that account, it wouhi be necessary to raise . Canada will lead all other countries an amount of about $16,000 to $17,000 , in her missionary work. Rev. 'VV. P. by the issue of Town debentures, end Lane opened. re discussion On '(lamb - for this purpose an 1FIStle Of lien et. Trne„ by giving a :brief history of cent. ten-year installment bonds was . gambling, or ."gaming,"es it was origin - proposed' A $4,41110 block ol4" city of ally called.- Those present then Niagara Valls._ bonds, due June 1st, , — , 19;l9, is included in the funds ins hand, , and Installed. and it Wdia recommended that these he These, and, reports of the fire and sold. industrial committees, were adopted. . 'nue committee reported receipt of a The Price of Mint cheque for $449.24 from the ProvinPlal ' Councillor Salkeld, introduced the hleitor Control Board as twenty per question of the price of milk in Gods sent. of license feta collected from ,ericie Considering the large supplies Goderich hotels foe, the past year. I of hay and the good pastures, he The public works committee recom- !thought the pike nhould be lower than mended that Thomas Griffin be ih- ii le (vats a quart, at least, for the sum - formed -that he may build a sidewalk 1 mer. MiLlt. he said. Was a necessity opposite his Prorselly on Albert street !in ever.y family, and the price entailed at his own expense, the lOcation., etc., ! a hardship eepecially upon poor fami- , to be approved .by the public works lies with a large number of children. isommittee. ‘, The committee' reported The pekes of other commoditiees-bul- , else on the proposed d'greement with , ter, eggs and wheat -bad taken a de- , the Provincial Department of High. ekled drop, 'while the price or milk ways with regard to the maintenance remained unchanged. He thought the of highway No. 24 on Vietoria street ' , consumer was entitled to a break, -and a nil Uritann la road, ,,recolemending 'a lieSer price would- likely reeult in a that the Clause under *Veil the De- much increased cdnsuniption. ' part ment would take °vet the regula- i• mayor Maen3wan, councillor flirta- tion of gasoline lettattnd bill -boards - ham and 'Deputy' Ileeve Brown. en - II long the biglirwtY. be deleted, and that 1 dorsed Councillor .8aIkeld'n remarks. the Department .413 regretted to take ' Couneillor etheringtten asked how over the Replied read find tilenteltiter ;Councillor Salkeld trottld like to do all Terrace from Victoria ttvg.t ,,ttir Salt' !ore woi1c three falls to the migr-proAlucer ford. bridge. 1 at 10 cents a quart, and COInteillor The conitutiee reported tirakt 1=11 Salkeld retorted that he had done the :verde of mete -lied genvele_Bati. heenetillr- twork at 4.. cents a quart. . Ile liked chased front, tgandg ,t-gaikelll and - to gee karmerfe make Motley, but he , Garen(' ons vaelaile. e , is: . bre. .T., quic, i4thonght - , y mild f; t.along wit --a The cemetery 4nd taitta co mittee - Vinaily the matter was rderred to 1,1 or m 1111111 e Elmer Keyes, of Stanley. --- Many relatives were present ; Mrs. Charlotte Pepper" and Mrs William Cool weather after Monday's rain resulted In the postponement of the Paterson, of Brantford; Mrs. Samuel rinfm-o-b -ana- Mr. \\wain Sutherland. Hurtle dist CIO' Sentit rally which Was 1,, he held at Agrieultural Perk on of Senforth; Mrs Annie Gilmer Mrs 1 licsalay afternoon and evening. The Duncan' (Mlles and Mrs. John Dick - big event which was expected to draw mother,. then at the (' ha rterhouse son, of Toronto, and Mies Jean Diek school and Oxford University. At Ox- of at welln-i many itibeut 2110 Scouts, was postponed on It -tic advice oil District Commissioner H. a son- of John Rallie, who came ' . • „ • ford he became a mendwr of the 01(14,1, fialen4N. Meir, of Sea forth, who was in tyle - to Canada from Ireland in 1(4411. He casket was borne through, a guard of .t.riti.()IY ('tub," whose rules, were ex- . pliene cotamunleal ion w it officials was the eldest of twelve children honor composed/ of aesernmed members thaltiletiLI:Igt(lira°t"'4e:01.."e/'4:1;r-ryoilIt111(15).1:11z.ilftaittl'ini (111.11tbES e. Ii -r ea rly Tueedny morning. The (if Morning Star Lodge and Huron and was grieved. to find his religion while a visit eiiit htvr. word leas epread to other toens in Mrs. Aline Walker, of lia milt on, t he dist rict 80.4! June lth wits yet Fourscore years, ago he was a mom - tin -satisfactory Chnries Franklin oke, of Gederich, tentatively as the date for the poet -- Wesley -left "xfurdlt::f,g,ruinii:ittnie.‘1-1.deqi-. died on Nlenday at the neon hour. pened demonstration. storm ry to Georgia. carried to the freedom of . the new Wli h Mrs. (Hie he had motored to Haul - THE WEATHER world the most stringent miles of the leen Saturda3, apparently tlw Chureh in England and his mise Iset //f health, but he was stricken on Temperatures of the last week and Sion WA'S a failure. He left Georgia ,Sunday met -fling. Ills death cane. on these of the eorresponding week of last heartbroken. On his voyage to Amer. , the eve ef ilk stocnty first birthday. )1711, as reoirded officially, were as lea, however, he haul come in teuch Mr.oke ens born in Colberne emir renew,: 1937 with some Moravians whoee happy.; side, a son of Thomas and Ellen (Ake faith and courage left a deep impres- ' frit 011(e.stl)ntetomr.11:tnnitel Thurs. may 0, M7aFf387\71..1,411. M7n2x. Mnin. slim on him. On his return to Eng- land he turned to the'. conipany Mrs. \Unarm Blake, and 111:.eulinr.ilt,4111etno- NIlianyy 21) Meravians in ileinden. One night, !miller until 191s, mm lien I ' farm on Huron read, la mr....9 hi,. sun , May 92 . very unwillingly he attended a meet lug her of -the first class to enter the ' rbaPter' - The many beautiful floral log school -house on John, G'irvin's farm, tributes were carried by fourteen mem- welch also sensed as a meeting place tiers of Morndng Star Lodge. Honor - for religions folk of at least three "7 pallbearers were U. L. Persone, denominations. Dr. J. M. Graham, S. Platt, .1_, M. Early in life Mr. Raffle showed 3 Roberts, l'. A. Robertson, M.P.P., Thos. keen interest in fraternalism. At the t4111141.3.' Alex. Young, Thee, Pryde, of ago of twenty-one be joined Morning Exeter, and Alex. McKenzie, of Auburn. Star Lodge, A., F. & A. M., Carlow, and intcrliwnt wits in Dungfinn" "'me - he was honored many times by that tory, the pallbearers being A. L. Cole, itrganization. He was one of only two Robt. Johnston and Wm. Bisset, of men to reeeive a fifty-year pa st master's Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A., F. & A. M., jewel, and he was en honorary life- and /Hugh Hill, II, R. Long and R. D. member. He also Was a mom -her of Munro. of Morning Star Lodge Huron Chapter, No. 30, R.A.3/1., God- , erich. for may years. . i -Whesi-eetitie Isie Ina -"fere-MI.6A, - Vair'i ' JENIESZIlikaMNAjz ThiB '''' - " Bailie bought fifty acres of land near ! ._ Police on Tuesday were ealled to in - his father's home, and later Added vestigate three thefts at Meth end 100 aeres.of timber. • 'Fifty-six years Clinton. A i•rowinie was etoien frein ago he married Christiann Nancolas, Cheettr Morrisiin's gitrag'e ar Myth who passed on in 1011. and A4:1 Wilt taken from the till at . lIrm Municipal Life - .Jus. ileffron's leather shop. At Clin- When thirtyeseven yenrS of age Mr. ton Counter's billia rd parlor smut en • Bailie won, a seat on the Township tered for the ,.ecorel time this y4, ar and Vermeil of West Wawanosh, holding it cm„,i,h, 1., 1.:/. Ther,ov is in ceerge of cigarettes were ' stelen.' Provincial for four years. Later be was Reeve the ineeotegarion, . , of the Township. for eight terms. The high standing which Mr. Bailie held in, the esteem of his fellows is ' A TTEN D CENTRALIA, MEETING evidenced in that for twenty-one yeers ' (in Frida3 hist members of N"letoria he Wati president of the Dungannon Ilene. niel Seiteel Club motored to Agricultural Soelety; twenty year. Centralia where Mrs. Win. McDonald president of the West Huron- Ferinerte at me a report of the O. E. A. cum - Institute and twenty years- Sunday reolion to a"""bled member" front Reboot euperintendent 'NI Se Metho- Shipkii and (1entralin clubs, A pi, dist (now United) ehurch. grant was presciited by the Shiplor Wben came to Goderieh in 1915 i Attending from (link/rich with Mr. Bente eentiemed his interest in Nies Mnelattetid were Mr. and Mrs. munielpal life, his church, And in fee Geo- Jehlieton. Mrs. S. Melniwef1 ternal organizations. He wap: tt, mern- nail Mrs. A. Taylor. her of t -he Town flottnell of iloderiet for five years, • was active in ,North street United church, a viii nod. mom her Ilreeen CImpter, A.M., and ac- tively lidereMe4 in other direetions. Until a few mo-nths before his death he occasionally acted In, his capacity as h justice of the peace. Mr. is survived by his dn tigh- ter, Mies Mabel Bailie, public Retried teacher, with whom he lived: also by several brothers and sietere: John. (lea ries G., Norman A., of Los Angeles; Samuel 0., Phoenix, Arizona Jame., P. of Calgary : Mrs. Andrew Kirk, of Seaforth; Mrs. James- (lark and Mr', A. O. Franklin, of Los Arrgek'N. The 1[122211 qrribUtki MEV. A. E. RESIGNS After the morning ,iserviee at Vie- t -iris sir -et u tilt ed. church on Sunday the paster. Rev. A. E. Moerhonee, 11- zpounts41 his resignation of the (barge. The announcement came as a sererise 63 40 11 41 Ss 4-0 70 40 11,4 41 68 54 ef a little group of these wordy. ' retired. to G041(.11(.11. While at lien- Mon., May 23 .......(13 45 64 45 exertereefere- nefi'Pel Tt-illincqn, • +ntilte5 'ler. (*5'ti -4441W41 • tTITSti'i.' Mae "24 leir 'RV '51 '- mitre rend ,leither's -Preface _to the fer nnni her of 3 ea re Sill.% tying are NV•,1 . May 36 70 42 Eple le to the Itranan..- and. IP -terrine.; his wife and nine children, Mr, .kllan \Vesiey said he -felt Ills heart strange ! VViilker 1.1esslee of Hamilton, 1Vilson itiuti and bc, .1111,1 imind t Sr -it n urville Silo., till of Gederich; ly warmed." (;iiti lord spoken to ! if Windsor ; .1thet Irvine, Stuart,. the faith. tie. a -etiolate !lin lie hail M Creorge gut it Ella i, 11en .,, long tonight. It eseeee t ha I threugh intiller• and 1;rnetni. leo/, ef this experience God had elven le 1,111-, 1, 1,t11,triThi it\41Atts: ,11,111,1,r1rit,,,psS„:11.111,ff. t(ilt):; liteny lit hummiui )is-tintL. Ira! ";11:.tlituti. need /1-eob 1 4.11- 1,*1 Mrs. AI' it W.4 t.1 Al. LIU: day ; pen. Thi•re a re ninel grontIchildi en 4-eurland The r has been leserilasl to, . 1 ei el. AA it 11 ene great gra m14.10111 The every kind of vvlekedn. tV4-14,3•- leak ens breugett te 4;1110 ti NI,Pli preaching% thonizli iii-1,11,ed HMI I Its' eittetal -.NO, ea. ton nit ul te avoid emetienalene hod dieted en \v, tr,.„,,I,,, „ ,qratmc poy‘4,1- elen the rt,tc.41.4 it". \V- P• Imo,. \erti. ,t/cit I teed and \-11..st or men. eh:toying ',hell the home on_ It, llves and 1118 t and God fon rine. touched. r(•tatid. went Imre, inte tecot and the itedi nee Salt touil"lie, n- ein(' and te•ree. 1114. 4 01-1.:1 11 to ,11114 \Neil ns fleet Lerkle, "The ren i‘ a ed Eng fiends lel, erIll - 4" Malt land e'en', t nyert In nil.- •.'llhe gen t lemit n eith le/ le, of t...,rtiv st\ or th, Brought England to a tvieer eery."' \lisle. 1, seou, When he ille(1 \A-4-dey left behind tke lilni ''ii good' library. if Iseeks. e it warn elergy ma n's ite en a IX1111•11 I 0. I t4 I \ abused reputatien line tie \le:11.de.t rhe death r,1* .1oF, ph I tr:tteite eritee ( u rob •• o 1,o ter In eirtielteden pr./.. litteriel 4;rinu, '11., 11 rne-t prayer fliet rip. Spirit that Nta,tin \folk!! of It, l' I/114.1 r PERSONAL MENTION - Il 11 1 Ilorri.h and three douch- e tut .0. it' Torotito, Avert. vveeli- of 11 r Merriell's niere. Mrs. Iset sane .11 r. and Mrs .1. W Barnes ate' Mies S Metro/Atli, et' NVirelser. and Mrs. P. W. Baxter, of W ya ndout t e, 471,11Ga • holiday visitors Item-. C. F. clerks-, F:lacin renlIP- \I. 1,1 lit - .1 itotrertsen. of 1 / //we.. -1,111 el I ilnayt or till. pant th Ito i relatives here. \i/ ;Hie lir, NV. Mierd and ?ninny, ewe., Aer.. %Neel( gtrest,a in \I it-, El hel ..f Ttrro-uto. -.IA fPW (Ii13, I l• 11:1 eel( as i -f %Jr and Ertel J. • /, POI r. oil Iii' 1•"I' \rues( ring tenikd the /1,1 1011,11. of the Ontario Op- t/ t riot i .1se s :en at Toronto thin e vet, hr nod Mrs E of Torrynt0., Art -re the tereert. ef Mr H. 41 Hey- oblik am! Miss Claire 1teynolde over //ye V1141, -4 MI Mrs I Pa ek .0-11, of Brown II mi was hen el ss if hu regret. The reeeettienttliI eff"0""I aeaken1lig o. .hip tn %lien end elis ''1' II. I lacrsIVILt- Qtigaation, it Fra understood. still take the eighteenth century tillyt tirtlIC 1" i,..oliveeeper fir the .tatr,1- 1'..111i1,11'“‘ "f \ertheille. Mi(•li. are visit - eft, et . the end of j tme, t his century also nine!) free4led revival w inter, nil had. Igt It) ke- int?: M A Iron .1 en n lags-. Godericb Mr. Nfoorboree., with his %life and ef true religion.ru'/91-1 ti ;I ( tlaughtu-r Muriel. (amt. to Geelerieb in • 1113(4 In auI eNe1141 II ae Wit h IteV. F. W. I. to/ 1111.: It' 4.14• of teiret RP -herds. ef Toristrro, were week wlm took Mr. Moerhouee's form. ; e eiraji '%Totte if or „,„, itoete., \late end viseers. with eirs Wtn. er eharge at Peterimrongh. Mr. Lennon, or I'lekeritur, eh./ pre Mies Jean Kyle talent the holiday Moorhouse foul his wife and daughter as ante threw themselves into flit' ,/einils•r -to, of Mkt Mary Phillips; and Miss Mar- . netivitlea of the ehllreh, and they will Goieirlle:11 11-1Iar3or ,,,,,,,.„„,.,, ht. in ere) and I:491 reiapt-i. a at Perit Stanley. - 0 - . eervice at the emblems.. Vietoria street, ' street end at their Goderieh township On Friday afternoon, after a private ,he greatly messi(1 troth at Vietorin _ ______ raw ; en,. erether, MI./eau-1 1. or week end with the former's: mother. ti's -thy, he is sun trod by hie tteritnot her, Ate and Mrs' W r. gnaZel, Of \I I'. EN -tutor NI Itrittin, of nattiia nil, Itracebridge. e ere r isalersiirsolai ;:vht:irliv tihi:, Approprhltiotm Also for 01inton, (1.11,..t. Nunn : I wf. (al -ler... Nit.. .1 II ‘Ir anti arra Martes , the public funeral service was held in oho rge. North street United, church. The 1 anditorinm was Oiled, and a choir di- a....-. il: 0,1, 'I" old, Luoltaow and 11:3_147:111II 1.I :of 447,111:; .t :vr:: mi :letter: :III ,11 I.: ri: tli, ,. r I nI-eirli..„mf rsoiral :11 eswa ikYooiretk. oil:rink:0V: ts.rap: ankl,Mrt I. F. Itaean ( t .„nel a i„, I „t, op their reeidenee here for the summer. 7incardine reeted, ID the absence of the ehureh orgetalet, by a r. (II. N. 'Avesta led in MODERN VERSION _ ' skter M Ste ,Ifine, of St .1,-..s.pif,, the eeet-enti with her parents, Mr. beautifully "The City Foursquare." -the singing. Mrs. (3. E. Myera sang the House of Commons at Ottawa laet of Mortara 'Fall., (Hit SUppleMentary estimates tabled in Con‘ent. Windsor. and Mrs. E. Itjeenr, ll rul Mr.. Harry L. Salkeld, and *lee nreAr:Ir.,::(17,1:181enti,ei da 111):14. tewi Le) f rill ellnd4els, Ingram, Alimg jeaonf Rev. W. P. 'Lane was assisted in the in this- modern day even the Ten harbor Improvements at floderieb. The home or hit iiktet Ill Detroit on Sat .! week Include an item of $oi,m for 'The funeral leek Plies. fI.11) the \I e..., jag ' ( '11 141 erwoird. of Ottawa, f4ervIce by Rev. C. F. Clarke and Rev. Cotrunnraimente are being "teream- , work to to be completo within two today. May 7, to the Shrine ef Duns It T, Fermin:en, of London. Mne revue chose SS his tett the words tlitvt,nnedricitoh, conform F otohlidtrhene ideas of -, yearie mere mow is to tam spent this L-ontucruni, rgedtrylegeiti.rvv.heTrhe4,97sIlliteportnira:Iniq an rned INLIri.t ingue.t.lriarti Ptakt.rkire, ,,iisecteiria. -iimearst.e, summer. ' Rev. Ilan Ha rrison. Nelson street. of Acta 13:04 ---"After he ,had verved In a contort conducted by Rem'. 43. R. i Other items are $12,01)0 for Bayfield rottidn I, of gtrathroy, thit, his generation by the will of God he nMeclung at the Mies eignes Morino, of Toronto. bee Baptist ,Snuday sehool 1 he rhor ; $23,4100 for Kincardine hi) r- tenet too 'firmly, 4) F M . of 7 )71 tiA ell on oleep." ' on finenday laet one nine4ear-old lio- ' her; ' 915,000 f • -iditi t the acotne. Bev. 11. J. Iialton la contain). been aPend'Ine: the 1=14 work with. her frienil. .3,11fQ. r.srey Warner, (ek toWn. "Ittitte..e1 viroiele were/ oaken of a life wrote on hia !let of eolnalandthents: 100V'etnalent btlIftlinZ rtt Minton dna of An Alphote us ehn reit. Windstir, ()et. feed long ago," said Mr. Lane, "bud "Thou shalt not cuddle thy neighbor's $16 (him) for the new paatoffice building and a nephew, Mr. Ralph (IPILottehlin.. yet I am sure every one oft flu this wife," Int LnligE MM. CII -1.11, of Accoliript Ion Collette, Wind- ' eery. the paltbearere being thr fternoon believes the, words have a A eommon mistake mode by the : - l' sor, w v r i. in the sanelnary. The death t nepliewe Ientnota Norman and Alb -,-,,,1 special application. to the one. whose ebildren in writhe:A, the Oneamandmentn, : me.. anti !Am. Allister firtete, . of of `Chriat was depleted in brief well. ;01,011ahlill, attid thref, eOugtlin.t..; flat,4. - 0 artitisr,life- has ended. • i the tneett tit total mei'. i)743,0).- llowee price fof the stunmer mon If reported that water had been turned ; the special eoratitittee to cztv what I on in the raera gml it voui found tWt !could he done about it. two noin fottaainl ,rato romitAA t Aatto were paSsed to conlirm ttab a place cone on tritfeaatliogit116 "4tlatti te5toratioz of the cut salaries of and one In tiarbor att,,. And it P4vt; .ofttel!pal oCkv,Ittt vibla WW1 ba.7.2. In' e revvitratet'd Ittr4 " 110, VOliaaV UM& ' Mr SleVluart said, is la rothatitute litteknOtr, tyeire reeput visitoro with (boson words I.y Father Dalton. III- !once and Thomne Joy Aand a Vivo enoptionally useful "grave or image" for "graven' image." Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mershon'. termeut wag in Holy gepulehre ceme, earthy.