HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-5-19, Page 5,cr,-,----.•--)17- z -,,5---,i,;-, '',''''', 1 Viy. , . , A -" '- 4---'' ' - - ------ .-,' nr.,:l14•1'-.,-_, •, •;\7`,7,0" ,..* .--,..,.. - , • l''''-'-, -,,,,s.:,? ,'„ , ,,- , si• - ,, - , ' '' i' ' l'-17''''1:4"'It'''t Elf:'''V'4 41'''''--1-1' a'•11=-'11' wcf,4o, viatOvo '4.4'tz t'to viv,'-',.:3„,(tit., 't-i4.Z; mi. oio zttrp.,- latu14.I.;.- -Polito4 FrAttl , 'MM"" --'046-1t4)-*: i)rA1744t1G4tQv ; ; tm,1=4,44 ez(;)74,11t,c(.1)-sit,*„3 ttio. 0'pm/ea vipth.pt, larA vo,o0r4„1000 tttolPmr, ,tot7zot.p,, OrovrPi raQra 74,14-4 . - v.44,14 torr,,, .Usatrsitoraps4 WIttiltr'c'',,vo.t4,117,on • CZT404.2' (SPL,ru, Mr: 44_0' Tatt)':," '5aer .om* - .0,24 rto 45,1t,t Z.Xy. DIA 1-11n1.--4,44rq* VIM OW, '544 7;;".*'' w4A44*-, V-00: 17=,,,,zgu 1(.0T,r;f4'C','Ot1-* fo-comgk.,1tritia zar,„ bol . tovIzato, ,‘*by„ ot401.4414:,,,Av A740 V.11 ' *0, , 4•1.1 • / * *PM" mr,11tAco,,,,a. s vpco,, .ro tattrtii17,.•541,,,atonmgi4i. altir_et,01n; tte, t -S•7. ,:(1-4.4" rm; itzti ,i4,140" 'by NITY110 a, ti,,,oe-014tAUkT trt-lrr ,e''.0410;Wit.0,4z124? -74.1 tvIrailaa 14,0•• .ta,..111;c0,1,,,01cto,z.ce,jtit,:i0,11.17tez3,1t4;11,rtise,o,tizono4.01.46,171nr13;11,...gi?z044.AetA, utxa, , Vr44, "1. -• — 4•51m2b, ,0 Um- Oikr %Ma ,'• grattntin g0.04 nhnlYe t).t, .t.to t'„lolo„ ,I,Toyso -7t '11"*.'1°29i°\ awroxto t,,O =Itch Aftor 1;barl'a,'"o' tt, 4X9 11111,1zat14,-1, 44'1. lir-114- ;C. tho•-, ",wee44 -end mest ,hiS„ witcht 14,er Yrxrell,#, .14 117101 bigtball came, (Ratertat v4,, lam =PR QP, Y 0341'101%(441P• 4-141me.4' 1441.1rMe Poo ,w113 0o, itar<4 mv,.,04 pit tbo !9t 17.art". catint $ourt,Z7M, 1:014tives oe • ttablP Aida Plittimer,), 14'el4" m•• Ana. D. •/ , 10434 /41,4. zt,,; et ,,,,,41V• ,'Q - , t-ot " -1,, tit ganivilrrtil\\11,r2 i.hrzi zat7 4.40e 0141:41a0 ovs14' Ill 1 / t$_- t t'oggNNI 44*, thOir ttaG", , _ra vo4ttimetIr5 tlruca ,44uita imr3nt, 1 - • ••,••rrJe L ettrued" to.. zwrogrio. ov- pft ' :441,4 colaV Traittair AVNg.'=“10. Ole ,$9047 '2°14 ; utIPITat‘ ogq-Wci4to.r :',4vorohla ato v�- m ,tatc4,.,13#44.1, 'nolkitt 4144- t'40'colosr4 MploUtott , vol74 ,o,t„ 14111Ormro IputettA dbAlLr'dzst, gov .atat9 ,vritUlter l'xiotit%.* WA. '1,70m,I,Sunday, viniteZ• at the VAng,9,14,- for ,t1.114 _ - .1t,tomilltoo*.illatlantx 1,113110 4 - '''Oltrittqz" , , 1 11;•9 'CAPr4t40- gr(zirAtov'a tat:10M104,, P,Oralti01111,-1A0 orttiO,PU • tO hirttite• ,40,1g.',•4120,ther;, "gm, Aidit03,1 t4ri".01,i4 Ms.. 4, Otrau..M4la ongt:$91.4tA UV' 1,7111t :Ie011610 04 04 '::tt'n'ttOtixIlumrc4tA2111.4'44''D.4v14:: '51"rt°''Itt'4 t4°'"1"404 • -- et we Alc,,gi.telvener-ou„Thu=dnY. melt larm Me' ZKintD QI*;v7.64 evof'oti Oto-,1a3r,•. Oripat thO 4fitU4rxtt14-, '21,11p lam gorvapttc 4troat'..41101. ms.,,Zaolitqmory agka Itior adtv fromn -Vo14f940 1474 '714$114 guei tr4wIle 1.0 openditcy,:lILNoAtalLito •Xon4cA, vi.411 vitt , kveett,exid, Ittlq trehster with them "tor a long and kavey *01024:1 life. it Pliix1014 Vlb,,Igg' Pill to tile zuept her ovar 010 x,,•nergiew 44, s %Wier trget her ou !Sunday. EPr.. rgyito iorozell=1- Strat- extza Oundazt ovontc,. „ ejet, (loop ppent Tatot4cay at rrie* " 4' te4,,ottop,„ mo. 0. zgolor. . , . tair.: 4,nii' mn...14. , PCM1Ot #0 Zrilt." ' . 4t4740,404i-tp ,.,i#b Mr:,':atd, Mr0. ,a.c,,:,7 „vim ' vrezp,a,--,ou AnotidA7 '' ia ',Dxf.1.0.04' 4. Mn'la.4 i•444 21' .. ,1134 . III, '014x;44,Pt4 ty4t 44..o.itttetto_itit. lati6. , j.04:14., , at,* .„Ivero,1 ,,,Ittz, ,. natit . )-t.voi. evelainG;ltay,'Otil,,',a reOeutton. vas held y ,. 0,470,t9,, :tge4,19, !thi'q 7$174.9,4,11 ,Witii, Otinith%) Vast110,,,,lar, 'Mid' Z41*,:,,Plin ' 43.4taieren,10 4 )tattl $4,0,41k 44 AtAyrtl/ .... . , - *trar.4t.' • , Otttltar,,,rotuvA, to iro._ Mx,' atta Iwo.- moo. l'ottv":.sia. small btu*„• .30.14, D,1,004ige:',4it Z1).':.gaotp,e ,t'agdt,•••V #0,-,c,n4 WO, P.,,14t-,•WelP *•414 ar0.-'1?0,1,bvdir,*Ut ; 4_•,•iue', T11142_44= wAitto 111 neillthoro owl extend,' I honor of 11, Ir : lEpattivot, .ok.ver ..the AVeett'oe#4.' 411,11',.-4;44,04. eatroto istottez no, taro.. staidly, vattotoriie. and UU tAra. carry Wilatama ,their rtz.ti ve.4 zoo/M=102 '4Y ars,: gin* 4tIonnie4leat2400144. --4terkt - 4, it , q-- a .• Eva ouav atto 0.04 \• 74.4t;o10., 444 gvh, ZreOPT In'ober, *iaWtig4,; and oaro: tg,arvey w odeb ,,4*alatto 10.11(it rtt/tcgt, trotOir e e at Itelerls tf, .1. 11. 11. • 0, ,,k3k, \C 7 •,\106 gj.,2,0_,, .9y Ad) ,99 •Tay, oc),,oc (• - . . "7 L u '-'sttCh.lretluei I Never ,v‘hefore -r'such . toYt pridzS on GOLD SEAL CONOOLEUIVi RUGS ! Never before such a fine iirray Of patterns: LOW ?MC= '1 25 9311.8%c-41125 _ 1__ 9z1.,-,----- - RATIMIMIL SPEC -ALS • 4 -yard wide Engliih Linpleum covers your floor without a seam. Special per running yard , - -_- Canadian quality, choice patterns. $E40 Per running yard .... ... . .- . . . . . ....-. ' ,SigE OUR sTOC m OIF FLOOR COVERINGS. YOU -i SAOrfa wok. orotrismireweinwiffeamormAyawarawastawAterrarmaTrawiwt-zimmv-m, .1 n . wiz c vv 0 'PHONE .,RE[F1q pi) .s, I 56 VEalluca 441, 1,Er. And L. tethers. and ft"71111Y MIA kattrzr Zorton. thun.,-YrratedNnler-tbp-vice4-encri.7 r. and Mrs.II5Eor Mar. .Pinlay 4aekleton, 4)1 %Semi Forest, spent the week -end with Ids parents, „Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gbaait- leton. Miss Ether rattan,. 02 Lucknow, visited over- the week -end at the home of Mr. and -II re. Thos. Anderson. !Misses Jean k ndersom and Olive Kilpatrickspent the week -end in Tor-- 040., -The W. held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday after- noon at the home of tArs. Isaac Cran- ston. - Z41 ¥r. Duncan Cartwright, of Cold- water --wes-in town on Saturday: • y ” 147 , 11,4 I* CO U NGANNON- tuy E. 11. urnin and Mrs. *arnica, of Great ValloTIVrontana,-tite visitini the form- er's brother, Dar, R. J. Duran./ Mr. Mid. Mrsnee. °doers, Mrs. Peal Powlos and. Mr. Wm. Bowers, of Gt. Ilhoutas„ were week -end visitors with -r. au Mem & Iloffmtd. Mrs. Bverett itirrinton, Isabelle and Norma are visiting with sekitivea at Seaforth. It le expect that the sawing at the Bate saw -mill will be completed this week:- -- and,-Mra--.--David S. Drrington. -visited- 'Welt &tighter, Mrs. Wallace Black, of Goderich, last Tueettay. They were accompanied 4y rs: Wm. -Bray, who visited her sisters-in-law, Mrs. Stephen t eller and Mrs. Oopeland. ..Fred Sandy, of Ooderick_will nearby and will make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Park. Mrs. Helen, 11/1crarland, who visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Pentland; retnrned to her home by 'bus to Chicago. ore wee n y her cousins,. r. ---and rs. Robt'. Bates, from Wisconsin. esrrs. Raymond Brown and Wm. Mole spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week 'attending the Anglican Synod at London. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb and daugh- ter Rose Marie, of Ripley. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rabb on' Sunday. The Ladies' Guild of the Anglican church met last Friday afternoon at Miss Dreaaey's and engaged in mak- ing a quilt. , The -funeral on Sunday of the late Rohr. Wraith, of- near iTeeswnter the horse of his sister, Mrs. Jas. Cul - brother of Mrs. Thos, aultert, was bert, Nvhere the funeral service Is being a'ttende'd -by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cul- held a Wednistlay, with interment at bert, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Culbert, 1Greenilill cemetery. .1 •to, It •,1,011111,1104414,1•#!1•16,04..,0o. • -• 301#11. ktrO - OUT ilrountainn t J ED- tAp-oln. t 144. •! wAttoll****- VENUS IRIISP2AJIANT "The --Finest QUality Food" • Airet.fir,V114, . • , 0,C11,10‘ . - • 1, t.• - 4,441,41,04§'” ...- ...*ic4,-_‘ ▪ 1 ••••ict1r..1', -4 -1,44t1 •-'4,- , , ... t -kir, r , v- ; l ;1'11:f ttet °1 '4Voki, 0 ts1s, et A .. , T4 . ... ' '',,,I,;:),!,.• tx: (V -4 4.4 • OW ia the time to fill your bin with UAKCO - Canada's famous dustless, sthokeies, wgnteiees Coke. Sayc dollars throughout the yield heating sea). by taking advantage of th 11w reduced pric- Asti your local HMCO Dealer for particulars. t -T; V.1 Cs! • Gi,,miLtoN BY-PRODUCT &XVI. ovems, LIMITED friAMOLTON, CANADA SOLD EX Sodas Coll DeazCoal 4611va t142-= a . • •.• ‘' 4 • --JAM 0 .0` '44* j -pr • - • Lit 11 \Lir •„4.4. •• t 01 _ant His. Jack • Errinaten, Mr. H. Hall and Mr. Thos. cillivett. Mrs. C.- C. -113romb was visited over the week -end by- Mr. Leonard Harris and daughter Ilia, of Ehcoiter, mrit aPtuneo rris aunt son Brnest, of London, and,. and Mrs: Robt. Bean', Mine, Donald: aniThelrirley, of Carlow. 'The W.A. of the united church meets at the home of Mrs. Nellie Stewart on' 5riday afternoon. Visitors witir Mr. and. Mrs. -Robt. oore on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs- -Thos. .Sandy, of Goderich ;'• Mr. emi- rs. 1Wilfred Niveus and children, of Sisatftwd, and vs. -John Anderson, of the village. !Little June Glenn, seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glenn, had the misfortune to fall from the top of the family playhouse and weak -her -a-rt114,i-etiiireen 7a/13 -4V% -and, wrist. Mrs. C. C. Brown received word of the death of her uncle, Mr. Warren Hutchison, near Mitchell, on Sunday. Mrs. T. Drennan, of Clodfrich, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Bern - AN= WIDCM-Itigulane P. 1 f tl d Lit lif .4FRIPIP• eope o v age an surrounding country were shocked and sorry to hear of the tragic death -of a former Dungannon, 'boy, William Fitzgerakl, who has been employed at the Ford factory,•Dotroit. ,for the last seventeen years. iHe was instantly killed last Friday afternoon while driving , his • ear, which struck a safety zone. He was about thirty-eight years of age and was The only son of the late Rob. -- ort and Jane Fitzgerald. The re- mains were brought to Luck -now, to , • • Pt "'• will gladly call and masure Your windot,i. you 06. exaq cost without obligation to you. ONIE,QUALITY .0Nor, - Pe4) eqr„, Lz it tnac_7t,o .00 TLE 1 ,,0q1.4,411.41. e1 Guni_g„02n3, return from their 'hon'eymoon trip. The brie and crown were showered with gifts an41 good wishes. The evening was spent in games, singing and dancing, music being supplied by -the- Jackson orchestra and by- Peter - Alsher and Dctrothy. Lunch, ,WaS served had all -join wishing the young Ouple much joy in their new home. On Priddy evening, May 113th, a large nUmber, old and, young, from Goderich township gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Williams and, III[OLIWESITILLE 411CILMESVIIME, May 1.7.—Mr. R. McCartney, who was in Ottawa for a short lime, returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Draper. of 'Detroit, were week -end guests with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Wm. Mulholland. Errol Walter. of Regina, arrived in the village last week for a visit with his mother, Mrs. S. Walter, whom he had not seen for ten years. Mrs. E. Pickard, of Clinton, was a recent visitor with Mrs. F. Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Mair, Melba and Reta spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mair. Mr. and Mrs. 'II. rudmore left on Monday for. 'Cargill. where Mr. Cud - more will be working for the summer. Miss Logan. of Hensall, was a re- -e 411 oF )To -- Mrs. .1. W. Herbert spent theweek- -- end with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Black and Patricia, of Toronto. The many friends of Mrs. Geo Spell' will be delighted to learn that sin. is recovering nieely at her home !after her recent serious operation. Mrs. Atkinson, of Vancouver, B.C., k .pending some time with her sister, rs. .John A fine meeting was held by the Y.14.1'. on 'Friday evening under the di- re -tion of the president, Frank Yea. The meeting this Friday will he can - "Fit -e W.M.S. and W.A. held their monthly meeting at the home of Miss Acheson an Tuesday of last week. Mrs. E. Potter was in charge of the pro- gram. At the elose of the meeting a dainty lunch was served by the host- WooLiza) D'IT2c(21 013GOMIE Shoulder Veal Roasts. . :RSo nunntip:, Veal Roast 16,c Loin or Irth Veal Chops, 22c Stewing Veat 112c Rib Boil Beef 111c Shoulder III'orh Rotast . Alec Toasted Breaded Pori Patties.. p. Veal Shanits .. Shonilde? Roast Young Beef . 117c Fresh Headcheese 3 lba. TOT Sc2 Chink° Mollogna Fresh IPorgt 11h3. , fort 2t3c Logggo Moot Ci'loPCzosi (1ent tqllunt's) Phone 4E14 Hamilton Si. • s , eases, Mrs. J. 'Potter and Mrs. E. Potter. Elodih 7@ai to call and inspect our Funeral Ilome at any time. Any helpful Information that we may have is cheerfuly yours upon request. No extra chit rge for the use of our Funeral Home. THE Crantorra:14ueral Home after the redia3 of an stetkss. OM* sented them with beantifUl wai-tut table. After singing 0,Zor They A.re Jolly Good Vellowa" the gathering en- joyed' games and dancing; (Lunch was served, and all joined in good wish= for -the newly-vveda, _ .---a:tlimgoic „Tire -v.74. 62 Mena - miller held their regular ftesting o ab 'Sunday evening, with' out thirty pres- ent. The meeting was in charge of Mild -red Anderson„ Porothy Waiters presided at the piano.' And Ambulance 17 .3.5ctutrual _ — - 11449AM 399 I I lanee Service pllMo . rK.O. ' otn.rd;=4,- -,, Foe olecTio 11h10 :Jea,thrc Samtlu— ' to 7 —79e 3 to 10— 99e 21 ec 3-116) ammo Saindeo— • 4, S to 110% tdl Itrowne oz-White.59e 112 69c Boy9 IB1rIDwIffllitalludgag ghw-- Siceo; it to Womeres Sandl- 79c In colors Red, htlat, Green, Yellow, Penh, or An White. MI sizes, 3 to $1.69 and $1..8 Boy' Camp- Shoe Sines 11 Ro 'Metres sines, 6 to 110 • $1.39 $1.65 S S • 1 "., I Ikfi f') • • • • • • r • • I . ._/ • • Hen! io ehe Hamilton St. • • . • ,1.1411;,..,1 , Ty. :tr ".;7 47474 ;;1.,it • • ,r1-7.1 .... v.,' 't C../ d you have been llooking for I -IIS SPECIAL EIMULAIN IN (Wit WINDO\A' 4D, • ,1 I IISI ONE OF THE MANN- liEl) (WI FITS 1-F. HAVE OTHER THREE-PIECE OUTFITS AT $1.6 J. R. WHEELER Phone 833 41 I , , „11);1•1•1111-',0, 1 / 1 4 ill , stl , 1 . , , .i, ,s., , 0 ...... .,......=41.'''''' :,...,,..".'‘,,,,.-1.,-,..., '1,14, , . .,,., r. . - 1,•-•?i•Ls