HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-5-5, Page 3t7I,V0 Ct N.
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Yo ? Olaf= -1 t
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ntA t a ,r4o ill ?c t 4b
-- inta=kflotAq
14il1I ti eiVO4.
EZpV. to . " f t1211,. 4 ,? ► c.10
t. s r., - : D. 1Ioyer tet t'o,. dzr,
fortnerly o' Ooderich. have teen the
imeirientO, OnlIMerous eigingeb,o2
congratulation upon the coo' o lesion o2
fife yt6rstraif weed life. 'beef: gold-
en ,;ndtling anniversary was le t I•
at their_ home at Preston, Ont., o.
,fie: wedding day tette` years con
Nit:1 t i!'iue Dimon, datlatteroR
ancT firs. William emetaspi of
%E'lora, became the 'bride of r»I ttr D.
Meyer, eon sof .the late S r. and Mrs.
"Pitmen W. Moyer" of (1,s»tben. The
ceremony, y wear t o1eniii z at the ;home
of alae bride's parents In Elora.
Rev. and lilIn). '&foyer's first home
was in Chippewa, after Which the
MethodistMethedist itinerary( took them sucees-
sively to tris m a'rk, ", alters' Vans.
Thome ord. %Pelawor% Betraont,
fir vilte; . '.-- ¶ho s `i ht 1) .'
trona, London (la yatt avenue), Sea -
forth, dlodtt*rich (North street) and
Mitchell. Prom the latter eharge Mr.
Moyer retired from the active inistry
and tock up residence in, Preston,
where they, have since resided: They
have four children, Mrs. Edwin iIIag-
meier of Kitcheuer, Mrs. Gordon Hug-
melor of Preston, and Mrs. J. 13. Mc-
Clintota of Theins, and Mr. Harvey.
Moyer of 'Regina, 'Sack,
The anniversary was the oeeasion of
a family gathering.
,,. ,... ,t�ovA tet.;
ca ,
5liE Ir °. 1xoteitor
_.Otts?-ill + tortli. +a t" rich.
tilEZT ZgR' e5a► ,
- ZartiOtt37 Ond Wiener
Pale ate IBIntielMo 440010 k and Vie-
toria ; I o Torpato 2.
111714\7123E0111) --ACCIDONVINNU
`Chartered Accountant
77 Downie St. - Stratford
Tor oto 4 D„ : : .3Q2 is St.
• y,
Nay Jt A. 11,1%thiec Correapon-
. dent Of ThltAlgialltioz)
7VA3VA,, May 6.-=«+1414) 0Ort intiss -'
'cloud . haM 1't 4Zoi tied awazop on
many counts. The situation is pre
%Dent with different posebilities or co
bIunwtions. thane coped an election,
ittio cf n ; others 'Heintz it will site next
On the Liberal side of the picture,
it' Q egins to 1ditI • as if the revised
ACtanadarAmerfean,straft agreement will
not be ready for this scission and that,
consequently, the (budget, soon• to the
9brotught down,. will be a colorless one,
thoeigh it is likely to be fairly' in, bal-
ance outside the OJN.CR,. deficit. There
is considerable restlessness in Liberal
° G. E. _. piS,� V ..�y, 7�.�7A.Se..
• V ISTl Itdttt�AtllsY '7Ay7V 1�G' NITON
Graduate of the University of To-
ronto and Ontario Veterinary College.
0 c on Kingston Street across from
J. Calvin putt's store. Phone 2118W.
• A11.7071MIDNUZBII G1
Ante, &cadent, _ The linsurance
MAIL ]NSVATILr—'List your pro-
perties with me. A good modern
house for sale now, with extras.
ii. PO CZ, tlnaaaderii
Phone 292 i - P. O. Box 438,
telephone No. 110
Sales attended to • anywhere and
every effort made to give satisfaction.
1st`aa niers, , le,,enotea,.;.ci .agRant i
'Late (House Surgeon New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, as-
cIstant at to oorefeld Eye Hospital
and Golden Square Threat Hospital,
London, Eng.
rt3 waterloo Street f'., Stratford.
Telephone 2117..
(Next visit Bedford Hotel, Ooderich,
Wednesday, April 27th, _ from 2.30
p.m. till 8 p.m.
Goderich, Phone 341
Equipped with electro-maglietie
heiths. Electronic electric treatments
nd chiropractic. Chronic, organic
and nervous diseases. Lady in at-
tendance. Office hours 2 to 5 and 7
to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat-
urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12
a.m. only, or consultation naay be had
by appointhient.
Monday and Thursday at itehell.
Residence and o ce—Oorner of
South street and Britannia roe&
a To (any Co
Fire, Accident' and Motor Car
Insurance Co.
Street, Goderieh
Neilsen IHI1111, Manager. 'Tonal 230
�Jo Orifi
GG2 Our Autornobille Rates
Phone 24 Goderich
AVLI ANCE CO.—.Farm and isolated
town property insured.
0 it cers—Thomas Moylan, President,
Seaforth; WIlliam Knox, Vice -Presi-
dent, Londesboro; M. A. Reid, Secre-
tary -Treasurer, Seaforth.
Directors --Alex. Broadfoot, Sea -
forth ; James Sholdice, Walton; James
Connolly, Goderich; W. R. Archibald,
Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Dublin;
Gregor, Clinton. •
James Watt, Blyth • John E. Pepper,
R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kin-
cardine; R. G. Jarmuth, 1, Born-
Policy -holders can make all pay-
ments and get their cards reeelpted at
Grocery, Kingston street, Goderich, or
J. H. Reid's General Store, Barfield.
Vow, hos's the
rib AG E3c:NDET, hoPe
Q{10 DUE M
—10R EXAMPLE, of the 86,600 borrowers on our
books in Canada at end of our 1937 bminess year,
61,720 had ioans for $500 and less. In other words
nearly 70 per cent of these clients were what mtht
be termed "fliniall" borrowers --owners of busine,sses,
fairmers, and ordinary men and women requiring
monedr for legitimate personal needs.
Small loans are Big Business to this Bank, which
desire,s at 1 time.s to meet the legitimate credit
needs of business private individuals. Your
enclaide9 pre invi d.
10.5179.689 individaai die stove aceepfeci from
circles, with the feeling thaat the Gov
ertoneait th "trait; showing' stn ciehtt''action
oultsi ►I .t the real= of erternai trade,
and tine -1 , 1 growing feeling the
+twvernuaent should issue' np=to W,11.401113t,..
CO of neer tarreney to as sj - in_ a
more &sanu tic effort, in alileviaatiig
eine a► plaYiaa;eaat +without going- - 'further
;into ,Fest. `'The attitude of dI'retaier
miiteheU t•ep,2ruirn >iri' Oats; rro 410 is
causing concern amongst reedeeraal Ul!
eral members.
._ as -..t e.,dlons nrvaattvo aid .-there.
4A th ,_ _ .
uncertainty over the leadership in suc-
cession to Rt. (Hon. R. B. Bennett. At
the moment, 'Hon. 'Dr. R. J. a anion;
M.C., seems to be comfortably in the
lead. In some quarters there are niis-
cri.v'inge about his Roman Catholic re-
Liplion, sIost Conservatives recognize
that an alliance, or at least an under-
standing, with Premier Maurice IDu-
pdessis of the Union 'Nationale Govern-
ment In Quebec is necessary if the
Conservatives are to have any hope.
of success in the next election; but it is
not a situation that they relish. Many
Conservatives consider the return of
Hon. H. H. Stevens, Reconstruction
leader, to the party is absolutely- es-
sential, while in other quarters old
sores over his disatieetion in the 1935
election Are ::till uphiiated. The Con-
servative party led by 1_)r. Manion,.
with the support of Messrs. Duplessis
and Stevens, would put up a formidable
fight in the election, when it comes.
' . -API area lkw.l amore iia . 31-.D': o
n. g 1 ftft�16`FiG1,1��•71a. *, .T..-•�te.6.,RSl'L
paie;n for the Ooneervat1ve leadership.
If, Ito -were -1,p ;t°moi d
here on July 5 should place the Ben-
nett mantle on his thirty -eight-year-
old shoulders, he would assume the
task with all the vigor at his command.
fio] nqCno(a
Di o P
Coy. Idle ilin7flac 4 0 Qlcd' Zen' L .4)•
ecr tI9 ''rT( aitl
.VONNi April 0. _Eov. :i[le M.
Crawford, for the pact -two yeaatrsa, eurz
ate et rdat1 y A1►tlietaia ebua'eIa, or.
1,vielt, will tOrdained to the priest -
boot .1111shOp C. 4. tenger im the
Church of iSt. John the Ovsanielisxt,
thio City, on ' n' 3y, June d.
Ghostly afterward. Rev. 'fir. Crow-
r4'i$s,,w#l1 leave -Ter England, whetre he
hasonappointment as a curate in a
parish there. it is his intention to
remain abroad foi}!twos years before
returning to tnuron Diol'e e. a
o curate to Rev. G. el. Stowe, at
Norwich, Rev. Mr. 'Crawford: had un-
der his more direct charge St. John's
church, Otterville: St. Charles' church,
iE ere'ham, and iSt. Stephen's church,
Culloden, where -he preached regularly
except when lie toot serrlees in Nor-
wieli 'iaile v. Mr. stone eohdueted
communion• in the district churches.
'Rev. c ; r. Crawford. resided with the
Norwich rector in Norwich and wan
popular among the younger people of
the garish and district. He was the
district chaplain of the Oxford' county
young people's organizatiotl.
Mr. Crawford received his early edu-
cation at Ooderich schools and then
entered Huron,Oollege.
Boy from Prince Memel]) Ilsiand ora;h-
hng for Missinrg Brother
ii porting to be tti ""geTert"1r of fill
older brothersing from the Haut-
ily home at lin n, P.E.I., for some
years, John ditty, eighteen -year-old
hitchhiker, was, in town last week -end
• wa'.he- -lati► reporteclr- to- sergeant_ i:t tst .,
qtr's .snizael zlectr lr u•` wit y
three months, on the rods and by the
MS brother, Gordon. The boy was
given a supper and beef anti started
out again on his wandering seareh the
next day.
Provincial Aggressiveness
Over both i.iheral and Conservative
parties hang three other uncertainties
which complicate the general situation.
Most serious, perhaps, is the growth of
provincialism, as shown in submissions
to the 'Rowell Royal Commission on
Dora nion-tProvincinI rein tions. The
Provinces, one and all, have shown a
keen determination to hang on to all
their jurisdictional powers and at the
same time put forward claims for wid-
er taxation authority. Part of this
provincialism, too, is the much-tatked-
of, possibility of Messrs. Hepburn and
Duplessis forming an "axis" in the
Federal arena, where, conceivably,
they might control eighty to one hun-
dred seats. If a iHephurn-,Pu'plessis
Federal axis does eventuate, with the
further possibility of an advanced
monetary plank in the platform, it
might achieve sufficient support to
forma Federal Government. In this
connection, it is rumored that such a
Do WO G\loGillc4 no eanSrt
McInnis, C.C.F., Vancouver. Wanted to
know if. in caSV someone offereilt
erect a monument to William of Orange
Dunning interjected the remark that
his colleague, Mr. Mackenzie, sug-
gested one to Mary, Queen of Scots.
Possibly', Mr. Mnethnis added. some-
body might want sotne day to erect
one to Lenin. Mr. Dunning exPlained
the Joan of' Are statue was the gift of
.New YOrk eottple for placing in a
&two cases Iiia Magistrate istrate Jr, A. Mea -
h& court on eItiltOrsdaY tont were Xcaal�-
implied a week at the request of de,.
fence coun,el Uvalde Donnelly. who
ash td( for the extension so that the
accused night find time to complete
seething on their +Stanley -.township
The mean were Edwin and Anthony
Hartman, father sand son. The Sathetr
is charged with having liquor in a
public place, the latter with having 11-
._supplying-tozthno —
The case hinged ou sin argument ad -
vaned' by defence counsel as to the
aleeholic content of the eider in ques-
tion at the time the.eharges were laid.
Mr. 'Donnelly claimed the eider might
have increased in potency during the
trip to the Department at Toronto fur
analysis. The analyst reported au
alcohol content by volume of between
hive and six per cent.
In reply to Mr. Donnelly's sugges-
tion that the alcoholic content of the
cider could have increased on the !:•nln
trip, Crown; Attorney Holmes produc.
a letter from R. S. Bull, ikrpatri stent
analyst, which stated the alcoholic
content of t1t._ elder- was decreasing
ND 040
ktu r.o E' A Vct)
e7C77 "tlS r''4)' y
and Shortly it would be noth'ug bet
v i nego.r.
Should He suable "Tooted?"
Archie .eKiuuoti, of Zurich, pusstli ry.;
and costa .fo; ftWing to signal. a left
turn, bu't Fergus Morrison, of Toronto
(not of {3oderleh ,t.-: p►r.'t100,!V re-
, -,-iefu d.tlroug 1 �; .tti,y'c'r tc► `
1 etti
' -ii `ti -7,11111 ate
� 1
T �cl '��' l
.�;t►.twil_ .Ws._ horn_
- "Tlir "tet `04-tetsrii °`11ritHi< "i rrir?nr+tit:
(('unstable l'tlllauder, motto'. patrol, a5
a result or an ac•cldent (so hlgbv ty No.
N near L'1(itil.ou. Morrieoi w t3 about t
to puss 1\1cKinnon when the latter sod-
denly swerved to the 41.111Er of ths' road, 1
forcing the Toronto mean to the ditch.
Mr. Donnelly; appearing for Morr1-
son, Meati _ the seetluu utsaler the
charge wnss lull, to the effect that a i
car horn must be sounded "wh,'n►'\.'r
It shall be reasonably necessary."
Qie claimed it was not always ,tseees-
sary to give a warning toot. when pas.-
ats-int,u car. The charge was adjourned
a week.
Norval 'atic'rhngeour paid $,10 and losts
for overlonding.
sunken garden in Quebec stway from
the Aetna! battlefields area, and it is
polsona orad coo
m:.41c2--yc= L3
CSc y [ 1 — C7 qtr`, h'' 0 C GMo
goveilerie r t e. Cq Q' ee 004
'D-0 s Eri Rau P[1003
Imagine telling a (dictator thmt
silence is golden !--Hamilton Spec-
gll-i®fflE 0 0
squlnting and" :"i'itawning,
end bothersome wrinkles are
14)1)1►nun results of faulty
I lt►u._ ..hl'.rtt. such a. thing..
�.7t~*,..+•�" lt�e�_=:.IE�1����- Baa_
corrected vision.
out (listing the Federal Government
Goverment Relief Graiots Members from Knox Church
The Vounnons further 4144)11t4.1 1 the Band Attend at Belgrave
Government unemployment relief pro- Accompanied by their lenders, Mrs
grant, lint Labor Minister _Rogers mad,. F. Lodge and Miss :Marjorie Mamie,
in° announcement as to the 11 IT1011 11 tWV11ty 1111411 taers of he MaeGil-
either (if grants -in -Hid to the ,Provinces 11 Mission 'Band of Knox Prost)).
, for direct relief or the Federal relief !iorian elitirch attended the Huron
'what type 7rf works will he undertaken. 1day afternoon. -no. rally wtts attended
',Two years ago the Federal (lovern- more than one hundred children
Aleut paid mit $1290110,000 in 'Provincial froln Sea forth, Henson, Exeter, God
to $1 9;010,000. Another cut tnay be ,The progrnm Wag charge of the
'expeeted. Mr. :.'11'reaS Made fillOt her Itelg,rave children, and each Band ga%
SIMPVII criticizing Parliament and the two numbers. Goderich's eontributions
(Government for- having fa iletl lament-
ably to g,ive leadership as. regards un-
employment and ot her problems. Ile
cipalitles to ena)ile them to reduee real NIrs. I/. .1. 1.11 114,. president of the
lestak. la XV,: 1 all 11 large scale bolts- W.M.S. of ilitism Presbytery. brought
ems. held at Galt lasit week.
1,1111(11 Wa S served by the Itelgrit‘e
ilA11,14111` Of Nations since 1924 I 'Prii ' grout).
!yelling t'XIIVIIKI's of last years 41414.- - •
1 wit**, ran to 1. Including $2.3410 to
1)4.1 114; ,11 ehorus, ".thily a Little (flirta-
tion," to organ pacco mita n ifnen by Mts.
NInetie. and a recitation. "A Penny a
oli,,ofio•nottion 1. 11 lin/0410
(0 110 114:11 interest rates -Canada 1, -
paying (iii her public debt. Finance
Minister 'Donning informed the
that Canada is earr)ing its public (1,h1
1511 nveritge interest rate of fr(soi
higher tothiv than 11 1% 11s In 1924, the
sa MP. indicating a considerable 4'111 in
interest rates.
l'a1.1 141 10,11 1 411 E10Z111 11.(1 ns 11
king from spending too nuich or the
1(14 -first 114.ealneed
minister. with r hie+emetit
Gmernment's taking authority to r•. -
Miner. similat authority II 4 VI Veil I ll
19:45. n total of lilt millions halve be ti
refunded 11 ft 11 111111a 1 ,45 1 it1:1
Specie ar:aim
DAILY MAY 117 tO 28, 193S
Ilt11,71111-113N •45 (lays.
il•;xenrsion tickets good in Touri.-t,
ll'arior and Stantlard sleeping cars al o
atailable on payment of slightly highe •
patssage fares, pins price of parlor or
sleeping ear accommodation.
1401 '144)1111 4).1 rt
bil t.
or inv
94,9110,1411) in interest rates.
Mr. Bennett observed. that the aver- 17-S-0 O
age interest rate on e.N.R. hoods rom- CRnadisn Pacific
pores very fo‘orirbly with Interest 011
railwaps bond. either in Britain or
In the Cnited gtates. ,1Ie gave great
credit to ranadian Governntent bond-
holders for their ro:"(1‘,peratioo in re-
cent peara in the refunding of (WI mil-
lions of tbe public debt nt lower inter-
est returns to them.
Monday. April 25, waif/ form -111r Intro-
duced in the Clottantritv; on "PhorK,day
the 28th,
8841 Isboillitero of fl Witrlet-
Mt to l`a nada ato Oda rd" for goodq
ported to Bridal& and other foreign
Ctottidian Mountie la taglag aged in atilt
(mother field. oll to the benefit of the
When you, are cleople;4. nervonn,
irritable, ads Dr. elnise'ci Nerve Pood.
Mont people consider it most a/see-
new pop and energy ur.o
t] W. 13 ® D
The quare (corner Kingston
Phone 583W. for appointment.
Wednesday and Saturday mornings sat Lett@rano
Phone 47 -
Atortile Lrecerle
Now Playing—SONJA 1}111EN111F, In "Happy Landing."
Monday, Tuesday aa Wednesday—
History! Drama Arhenture life attd reign of England's grOat
unveil stArriiii.,
v( !tit 03. 'Warner /11111 .U11011 Walbroola
Thursday, Friday and Saturday—
Stupendous in story. scope and spectacle this amazing production earna
a distinguished position among the Jilin epics or all times. A surging
tint! lusty (isplytion ti great city). growth.
gryroate Power—.Alice Faye—Don Ameehe—Antly
Alice Brat!). and a grand east.
Matinees Wednesday, Satarday and holidays at 3 p.m.
(7i3D,2 LR.'11 1,1MIEREU
PROSPERITYi for the farmer
and rancher contributes to the
prosperity of all, so impor-
tant and essential is the agri-
cultural industry to Canada.
Farmers and rant hers frequently
nced to borrow — for putting
in dops, purchasing or prepar-
ing livestock for sale, harvest-
ing -and •canher prittitabie
The Bank of Montreal, because
of its wide connections with
the cre-dit needs of
farmers and ranchers, and
wekomes their applications
for loans. Consult our near-
est branch manager, who
will bj glad to discuss your
"a bank where mall aecotinti are welcos;at"
Goderich Branch: A. A. MC011., Manager