HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-5-5, Page 1cs C•; , 7014, VaAt it* TOL n attd:11AL.SIVAIR. 1/. (11,1,1,41 444 ZQAr4nned li)tatw zttt VIttztp!r0 .111 ?A eliZeT14(=L1' ffa Q U0P-5 CE,2D'5 D4Dm7r rv7asSnr, tocr IF4*,',77, al -470 (Tge-Waltater Meeting of ihe Oa- crich LionS 414d at licitel 113* ford on TbarStla'Y Ov:P11,1114M Itaet uid addt\e----edIr)Ek'aorARL, lacw-40-34 2.14tAo, of Teteltte, r,ef the, Oeti;erTO Be-• Partraeptt of Ora me art rVislieaos, was oneof the notable gatherings of the reason., The large number of, mem- there of life :CaUbJE1.114 aotbez • citizens attending Wore present not only to hear one Who h s made a, We study of the propagotton and protection of fish and vvho is regarded am outstanding authority in this matter, but also to greet a Goderiele boy' who by sheer caleacity aiad industry has reached a position of honor and responsibility in ate E--K•viee � 144 Froviinee. Iir.a/alaay, on ot the late Capt. D. MacKay and brother of John and Nor- man MacKay of town, Was re red in Godericheend gradeated from the Col- legiate Institute, after which he at- tended the University of Trento, where he obtained his BA. and MA. degeeese ,While his brothers chose tto follevelitelinsineseeefeeelnneeNials Ing, fleptor went tate reeearch work and is, now supervisor andedirecter of the fish culture brancli of the Ontario Department of Game and tinsheries. 7..s•-_,.sma• •:•T-1,77:...,---:-.;•,- 6' -,-9,1W451:::::-.1.:4-.1;a•wii, meaner, whirgrawintroduce • Lion G. 1.-.0. 'Tarr:ems,referred with ef- sseseseefeetnortatesebbfailitn4ifeenWelifie town, "Gederinb means a very great deal to me," he said. "-Since leaving here I have visited practically every part of Ontario and in my opinion this lawn still is the beauty spot of the ford. Luncheon W118 served by a cam- The marriage took place in Calvary country." •mittee of Which Mrs. A. Miene was the PreSbyterian chureh, Detroit, on April Be eaid he regularly followed the convener. , 13th, Rev. F. G. Beekland officiating, progress of the toren and its peopie The head table was attractively de- of Phyllis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. in the columns of The Signal -Star. crated with a silver bashet of daffo- James MaciDonald, Ashfield, to Michael "Goderich owes its prestige largely dils and green- 'tapers in silver -holders. G. Kosmyn.a, son of Mrs. Kosmyna. to the character and integeo ity" of its At the head table with the guest of New Xprli, and the late Charles Kos- iteltTek-sla tri -ceilibte- of the -Men di- honor-vve-re-- M 21- rs-.--.- -C-.• iOutt, Noble• myna. The .bride, given in marriage recting its affair*, and to the calibre Grand,Miss Gladys Shore, Vice by her brother in-law, A. L. MaeLen- of its -teachers," he said. -:- - -Grand, rand • rs. J. Robertson, of God- nate was lovely in a gown of white "There always was a great stand- erich Lodge; Mrs. I. Wolfe, D.D.P., of chiffon over taffeta, made in form, ard of efficlAcy in the ,charecter of Stratford, and the noble Grand and fitting style with a flowing skirt to the Goderich's teachers," he said, fondly Vice Grand of each of the visiting floor, a satin wrap withi a shoulder - naming DT. H. I. Strang, Miss Isobel lodges. length veil of white and a corsage of Sharman, ILiss Kate Watson, Mr. 3. P. -----Briarcliffe roses, Illy-of-thesvalley and (Hume, Mr. A. . Robertson, iss Old- " PaerZPH =,- 511171,NG sweet peas. Mrs. A. tie MaciLennan, ford and Miss Hodge. 'OW . lilt ytena inempA ZateeePereeMeleoa 11.Z"e4elga, ere441 MI= 0 t''-gitrir=Z;e1 7itetl„ft DIP* •Zari. imeS•Donalde-4011 ar/dred Mon- day evenina , fro 7eterchora, witere omatatb ttze winter. lie was ageOrOyanied Cey Mee, "Sande Shanelest and her doter, Mrs. Dantean, teintired, M00% %‘_1.1eY made, the trip honte,-,-1419 miles—in three day. M. Donaldson brought with bim o •specimen of the sha4do0e which he -$11.20 4s. -a effeenione frultelneelerldne It la ejliaped like a huge Pear -9 inches •long, Mull over 24„ inches in circumfer- ence. Inside, lar. Donaldson states, it is tomewhat Ulm a grapefrutt and is eaten in the same way, or with a salad. Placed. in the Signal -Mar of- fice window, the monster fruit has at- tracted much attention. PROVIIV\MEAL PLIESmoamr Off Mita Gee/mica:. Seeltoll Time latleyed About seventy persons were present from Stratford, Seaforth, Clinton and Goderich on Tuesday night, when rs. C. Dokereee of Fort William, president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario/ elVe'yelEale, TeNtie TNb 89. The distinguished viiitor gave an interesting address, and in behalf MeD310111413—KURIIWY of the memevrs of Gederich Lodge, ci and as a token of tneir regard., •rEl• On Saturdey, at Detroit, Miss Es- WISL etteeeeree 1e_eeeneetratejeeeseete eefieren Nil Ida) theuSand--tona vitie 101bIodttlexi1-a :three •Ytattlo LIt =tearing, duritt the past vve`;e4; h coal cameOfl twO Wipe Retorts Toledo. e_Ots ThUrndler nicbt 1ast the oolllet Wander 11O, quarries Arasva -:02a4; utgiwo tone at, Om V, if4e. coa yard and 09 to in the '010/4tor. Wad on SuudAy nt,c4it ich‘O. _ baven discharged UM tons over t zatiu ehute. !The- qr. Ari gtonarrlreslet Vara the -4 head, a,the totes on Monday andllilaw' loaded 95,1 .1 bust4s of gzain ,the 1 • The str. Prindoe, after a tvvo-year -12-Pag--from. _active. rv,ice,--is...lbains--- outfitierit to sail for the head a ith- (Laktes for a thorough eteonliattling; and the str. Bricoldoc, which spent last winter here, is being °lightest to enter the pulp trade between Lakes Superior and Nfiebigan. It is extracted the veseels wIll be ready to sail in ten days' time. The harbor 'will be cleared of the last of the winter fleet with the de- parture of the freighters Brieoldoe and Prindoe and the passenger steamer Georgian, which also is outfitting preparation for sailing next week. k Corin:zot, F-Tt2 to rvIal7,r? iXIc TnillIr az Mcgo Twewelenr,oki Verna Miller, ,VotIrth %look pupil let 'Victoria pubile eehoel. Was the unaniMoue first choice of three Judnes at the girls' o'ratorileal contest held, at hoq Qn Thiersday nieht last. Eielit Third and Fourth -439,01t girle-participated. All the deb, cod tia,rtieularly Verna Ellter,._ were_ _Why:gomlinaenied Wigs; M. Aelterearei, vrho was- an adne- dicator with Miss K. Park and Mrs. Geo. Johnston. Clear enunciation and facile platform manner were outstand- ing characteristics of the speakers gen- erally. Zech contestant receiveda 'book as an acknowledgment of her ef- fort. The contest Was sponsored by the 'Victoria Home and School Club, and it was at a regular meeting of the Club that the sp.eakers were heard. Verna Miller had a wide scope in her topic "'History of Radio," and the com- pilation .of material and the delivery were most creditable. She traced radio from its earliest inception, be- fore Marconi's time, then on through the years, telling of the first broad- casting station in a Pittsbarg gar- age...the..AO-un 1.194 OfAVA.4.9,4.MIKA there, and So on to the marvellous development"' which have resulted in present-day' radio and all Its branches. Worthy . -of special mention was the -11Tforl of :Mist:011,44 isittiOi- who « 'e= t - ' -Tiftit-VVW,Ftlit'hists% Sir - of today, with its famous "sky line,' elentiedenreveennlene4finneerciag, 9-tsbee4: well-known features. . Lorraine Allen told au intimate story of the most important little girl in the world, "Princess ,Nlizabeth;" Norine Mills spoke of "Luther Burbank," and his intensive work in the production of improved varieties of plant life; Mildred 'Leitch gave an interesting talk on an "Enchanted, Isle," a bird sanctuary off the coast of Maine Nor- isa gave o brief biography of the "Princess Royal," who renounced the throne to marry a commoner; Irma Thomas explained.the -mysteries of the ingredients and processing of "Glass Making;" Mary Hume explained• the work of the "Girl Guides" and told of their aims and Ideals. A fine musical program was heard at the concluelon of the judging and presentatian of prizes, consisting of a violin solo by Mise M. Brownlee; vocal solos by Mrs. G. E. Myers and Marjorie Hoye, and a piano selection by Mrs. J. W. Fraser. Accompanists were Miss Muriel Moorlieuse, Miss E. 1. MacDonald and Mr. It. F. Player. The president, Principal R. Stone- house, reported a line book, "Itirds of Americas" had been purchased for the school library. The treasurer, Mr. W. K. Thomson, reported a balance in the bank of $30. Wed& _ resse-4—.•—se HEIC(110, MacKlAY, MA„ Su.pervisbr and Director of the Fish Culture Branch of the Ontario De- • partment of Genie and Fisheries in AfrpogiliRroject 'or Coderrieh. „, sessei teee es: with a crystal fruit dish. Detroit, fermerly of 'Stratford. The see**, SPeet-RIA.Anes,W,Mtleeklittng,- eqtrptneles4-Atreee-tne-oeveddee&eone-e the meeting, the winners it cards 4se-' trip through the !Eastern 'Rates. -They ing Mrs. Abell and ar. J. C. ,Cutt, win reside- a.t Detroit. Goderiche Mrs. Heard, Clinton, :and Mrs. Pettit and Mr. Lenaaox, Of Strat- IKKGSMI1N11.—MaeDIDNALD 111 sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. )16foe emcee ore sirhaan for others— She wore a gown of salmon pink taffeta =rtlez ef Big Mr, MacKay 's siihjeet Was "The Ae- (Bea Spurt st the Lakefront made in princess lines, with a bolero has promised to lead a flight of planes tual Rearing of Fish, and What the While two fishermen from Preston jacket of tuxedo type, and carried a here from Detroit for the opening cere .Proyince Is Doing to Oliset Depletion." fretted and funaed at their small cateh bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and monies. He stated. that from 1928-29 the mar- of a dozen perch on Sunday, Mrs. Wm. mativ-e sweet peas.. Mr. and Mrs. Kos- LesNproaf-- Dean's right-hand men in tillice ket value of Commercial fish in On- McDonald and Mrs. A. McAdam, in the ma ynwill reside in Detroit. jeet dre Javit Kershaw and Leslie was $3,700,000 annually, while in „sheet spece of three hours and ,from Ees — _____ tele who have been cranks on the sub - :1934 it dropped to $2,300,4XXJ. In the the op'eneite -end of the same boat, BABRWlline-SA-R61.Plujt of aviatien since they graduated. last two years it rose to *2,600,000 and pulled in about seventy fish. In a quiet ceremony performed by • from scooter days. i It is gradeally moving -on the upgrade. - There was no explanation for the. Re,. Lester E. Berry at the Berkwell resid-enee, Kerrobert, Sask., on Friday, TOWN'S HEALTH GOOD - _ Ontareesis first in the_production of unusual oceerrence other than fitat the ee? the Peovinces, but on the ladies were natives ofegrefleffch and April 15th, Miss Pearl Sample and Mr. Maitland Barkwell were united in ineWT-A4- -1-1O ugh, Went lehe Ply mouth, l te Dr. W. J. Reid, plans for an airport north of tile Maitia-nd River, on. the Fleming property, are being avidly die - cussed by a group of Goderich young men Wbo are deeply interesteti in avia- tion. IR. J. Dean is acting as Mr. Hough's agent here, and 'already has leased a 125 -acre It the co-operation of the Town van he enlisted to the ex- tent of the field, Mr. •Dean promises a hangar will be built this summer. Ted Powers, ot the Community Fly-. ing Club, London, will be here on Sunday to fly passengers on short hops, and if he. finds the location suitable he \v111mm ilr reein here' to for the nucleus of the Goderich Flying Club. Mr. Dean states that, if the Club is organized by midshmiper, Mr. Hough dish mot troati-o-rYourniglilen &aching, Have Pliciras We nun il-lipund U.S. shores of her 'Lakes are eight connected with a long line of fisher - States with which an agreement must foen, whereas the city gentlemen, for Dr. W. F. Gallow, MOSE., Reports at marriage. The bridegroom is a form - maintain 'thfisheries in ' all their fine tackle and trappings, bad er resident of Goderich and Colborne Board of Health Meeting Ue made to e perpetuity. Such an agreement, the not the necessary finesse in ineeiglin g townghip. The bridAt a meeting of the Board of Health 'e was given away result of negotiations among these the tasty perch. by her brother, r. W. 13. Sample. at the Town lien on Monday after - States and eheeCanadian authorities, is Taken all in all, however, most' of noon Dr. W. F. (;allow,re- at present awaiting the President's the 200 fishermen who dangled lines signature. , from breakwaters, piers and boats last Alitiktweegi-VERIVZI,404224100124.. —VW* ,negikend.Wgre ..rev,,p,:rAec1 pr.,,P#4r yeartg was disastrous, he Said, citing efferts. It yvas impos-sefire to esti- as an oirample Lake Ere, formerly '011ie mate the number caugbt, but most of the most prolific kik s ie the -world, which has fallen oft • in yield from militate, of peunds a year to thousands. Invatigatione to determine the cause were made, and the eoneensus of opin- ion simply was that overfishing had caused the seriotis -depletion. Largely responeible, he inferred, in the decimation of athe fish wee the use, from the American side, of bull nets vvhich are prohibited in Canada. The "diversity a regulations on the south side" permits of the use of 7,041e trap nets, whereas 'Canadian fishermen not only are denied the use of this type of net, but are told what kind and how Much net they may nae anti even creels, baSkets, buckets, bags and ropes, wires or chains. were well loaded. White the rod and tine men are dragging In the perch literally by the hundreds of pounds, commercial catches of the same fisb—or any other for that matter—are hardly wort bothering about. The best reported the last week was MacKay Bros.' 0 - lb. catch of trout and whitefish. a how they are handled c Jut the right temperature. Good r wults with Mn Government grant h for the erection of a " when and '<There they -may ase their ery near Havelock I nets. . ,, county and it is ho "If Canada and the United States Kay, that Ontar could came together with an agreement duce annua on the license -oyster'', we could get fingerlings. Little success has been alon satistactorily," be said, pointing had in. the States so far with this out that -the boat is liceneed on Ithe type of fish, th'ree million minnow*, American. gide arid there are no litni- regulting in 250,000 fry and compare- tations aS to nets. • tively fe,w fingerlings in an. attempt .Gante Fir& . +made ineNew York State. 'With the present. efforts of the De Mr. MacKay foreeare that something..1 iartment eolith:Louie; unabated, and anlcomingly gowned in. white ile satin. ws would 11,.11-yer-tu-'lle' 1"143=1-14111-tlw. "Ilk' una"erstsindingebenneen, Canada „. ritl i tour stream oingieres, ,,The streams are th., .t,hit,053"_stiotp.16,,er. nueeltx. jjj--...7"_ 'tassges4,41/""tlart44''''4'Ng4"--4'441- (440444.'stelte , of orange- rassonsseandeseastse atav2L-0140 iffivrifetiATE:TI.,a,k4sweitiArtvgain.mtilFt,o'''"at.:nhm, of litiliggiffir 'ersZest. . Slit; wns crowded in season by. am ever-increass position in -fish production which It en- '• attended by MleerEtnily Semites'. siete, ing influx of American fieberinen. In joyed a decade ogle ; of the groom. who wore chartreuse 1436 anglint licenses for non-residents •• On motion of 'Lions C. Cs Lee and green over satin with grey aecessories of Ontario brought in to the Govern - W. .1. Baker. a warm vote of thanks anti a corsage of White cernntiona. ment $272,000, and 'eat year tine re _ was tendered tne speaker for his fine ! The groornsman was Mr. Russell Drell - venue was ineretteed to $331.000. address. by President Frank Donnelly. i non, brother of tire' bride. Our sobjeetive. he mid, is the pre- llailonk.etillalliiMS After the weilding n dinner WO 44 gerVatiOn of our fifth for our reeidentsi Other speakers daring the evening !germ] with the assistance of Miss Jean of Ontario. • i were Bruce Malcolta, of Niagara Fans. i Lumby and Mien Olive Sileardown. Nr. Mornay illustrated port of his representative in Canada of the Lions The bride and groom left on a wed- leeture with views of fish hatellerti international, who brought greetins 1gI • iiing trip to Toronto find eagtern including pictures of the silawning, a from bis city club and the good news, pointe. Mrs. Scruton wearing a dress v.a rious atagen of Witching, on to the that soon there would be .1m°r° tions of roge beige with wavy aeceegorlea. time where the fry, •fingerlingsor -- Oluhg north of Goderich, in Bruee IThey will reelde ai Dungannon, where yearlings, according to the type of county; 01.141 Deputy District Gover- the groom is in the lankery business. efully in finonge been made tehatch- Peterborough , said Mr. Mac will be bine to pro - millions of masltinonge Aft fa gro 4 the ceremony the wedding break - ported that 2'41 school children had re - was served bi the mother of the m, Mrs. ElizabethBarkwell, ceived the first of the penes of three . as - The injections in the antieliphtherfa toxoid - VC/ -431-341s§. 4tng ramn1g. At trenernt echnoi ii 1 1 y couple left for Saskatoon by car for a trip-befde taking up their resi- received the initial treatment, at the Once in Kerrobert. Collegiate 74 and at the separate school 34. 'Phe M.0.1 I., who is assisted by • On the WedneSday evening preced- Dr. John W. Witlince, member of the Ing the wedding the bride-to-be was Board of Health, and Dr. .1. M. Gra- the guest of honor at a social etenine ham, Goderich Township M.O.H. with held at the home of .Miss Me - two nurses, reported they vvouid visit Oracken, with Mrs. E. J. Allen, Miss Victoria puitilic school on Tuesday. N. Grain and' Miss MeCeacken as joint osteases. Upwards of forty gutsts The toxtid results, it is sitid, Iti were present and Miss Slimple was pre- . • g • ninety ler cent 1101 an sensed 'with a handsome silver flower diphtheria tor Me. and Dr. Gallow it ported there Mel heen no adverse re eentre, table mirror and wall mirror. stills u_ to the time of the weenie? SelltUTON—MENNAN The town was reported free of corn- municable'disen-e and. in fact, it was On Saturday morning. April 30, the stated the hospitnl was eXperienciag an home of Mr. and Mrs. Tennant Drell - unusually sleek time. non, Bayfield road, watt the scene of a The town drinking water pretty wedding when their youneer r reported te he grade A 1. • daughter, Evelyn Mallon, was limited In marriage to Mr. Edward Barr Sent ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. EpWard C ISernton of Clinton. The weddiirg • ceremony was performed. by Rey. le .1. !Lane. of Knox Presbyterian (boner'. ;under nn arch from which wits sus - trended a large white hell. IMies Via ; inn Brownlee pliiyed t wedd ing :rnat(hr Pink and N1 1)144' Wtli OW de corative scheme The liride was be cflah, are placed in their native waters. nor Men Waters, of Clinton, who ,Thesteenitag, he sp10.10 101-gettionL hrough't, greetin, from the Club there. to rattler than a suVstittate for nature- botiot greetings from the club there. 'For the an;;71er, .Zri tTneT,Cny revealed tA 0 on a prize for, the the etreatina a team, (kers and Mulectie atz..1 hottl.. counties IlicIdtOn /104101..ctOoke4t Yttli Ur, alto,drelv, In order, the gotettletrtit4.:Migg.4P4, '0111 , sztw„tx, ttv-bilativeg ty,i6 pay the lilt 'fgre: iptit:' tyd, ctliztrizP temilifaiza tbtoattuth ,titmh, a wad -A. in. lam:tine, C. C. Ike, A. 8t4tit a40111./eitou Tletieta*cv.ro diSttt;)tol for gale for the trtraW, itO he held, at tile dna on surtivev.,-..--10,-31=214t0t1_04 gq01' ap nth, pad ttgA3 E:4"Lt1;kVI'144tY°I6,t'cre tik,1744=' 'Liman elbatAt ladle aallt" On Mt, ducal Ci'7,43,444 V.=1211taa' tivZ-,-.141at °Mow thtr. to .2,0,110a1 truaitY,,1=0 viti 1Z3 o1cth, g,4311,41110,4tta clam =t-ktiavs, caw ft.14 olovitc4. Pao gold of itto '5L1 titozi,td IA colg tovirlaov. at ttundo,to 4=114:elq3 11,1 and 3tnho while very 47140114 but,. Ireeaoco of the high mortaliql, tIfeY' noW hopt ki bateberteo until they' MWto atate at whieli t11, 09''Crave t)4tt.t'aatteo10 Attending the wedding from out of town were Mr. and larsi Archie Pommeled, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Sernton, Mien Enilly Serino& Mr. and Mro. leek &Tutor) and danah- ter, -Pajtna, nil of Clinton. On 'rhurtAlly hvido-fd-be tvils entertained it a felecellaneono ehowee at the Itilme of Mrs. R. Campbell, Plc - ton street. 'the =fly gitto of the az;en2Itled frieurib vere presented hyr Ifolct 11,67411. Gartzl twat, 'rra'06;)thi6" pintiage.Tagtr.4•11rui ArAttr wuseall (nee arokaloreat4z) of Zo-- tatato, mad Mt, 0. Miler a Obtlerfolt Lztvtlr'-ta-,sertteCt Om 4'11=1041. aclated Ura. Wilbur atohzlon snd %Ira Ilacin. , SI ''PP13 a, • .41,9 razapz, plum WA= t7.4:10 , An, addition was mode to the poniee One& otetitenett hen) Which eleTiniretne it, Previnelal ConStade Maar- A• Webb, Meter- patrol; arrived in teren to tam over his,. af)dottmellt on the nine Water hoyo:Fpy. tonot0010 Webb, who. enioes here .frora 'will patrol the 'aixtreollti,inflestmteh faro • Caltacar4lts to tirand With .htis wife _Conntable Webb hos talren. 'an apartraent on thev,tnnare. • A MA= MIMIT Serob..weProaa.. VA.110,n71 Prg=k3,Qc Atztiv, tittaren 04'4'44.73 ..L911,7 Valles Into Woi.r?"0.nee,_ eft Manttlia la a fit of despondency brought on by Ill -health, Sydney F. Dickinson, aged thirty -Seven, committed suicide at bis honte-en- Mast strpot on Friday - morning last. r. Dbesinson had been under a doc- tor's treatment since last fall, being subject to nervous trouble. Ele had worked' steadily nearly four years with the Dominion. Road Machinery Coin - pony on a cutting machine, and it wan with some of the eyanide of potach used on this machine as a hardening conrpound that he took his life. On Friday moraine Mrs. Dickinson had left the nonce with the youngest child, while the other three children of the family lad left for school. A neighbor heard Mr. Dickinson call -for help, and a doctor was called, but be- fore he arrived the man Was dead. Mir. Dickinson came here-froreereng- land as a youth. Ile sailed the Lakes oshortetieneessnel -went,-Westesvsiths farm workers' excursion before re- • turning to Gockwrieh foueteen years ago. 'He nuirried Mildred E. Van - Atone, ef eleenitilerenvho sur-vives with teuPeecehildrque--- fttnertil-setzilte Wag ediectii.e- at the Cranston Funeral Home on Sun- - wiia'Izgiibnirr-tt00srrv-iAi'..-Ztt.', of Victoria street United churchin- terment was in Colborne cemetery, the pollbearers being employees of the Do- minion Read Machinery 'Company: illarry Barker, !Harold Rivers, Percy Glidden, Wm. Wilson, Wm. Johnston and Melvin Cot. KNOX CHURCH LAMES' ADD The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of Knox ehtireh was held in the lecture room last Fri (ey afternoon. wlth thc p , Mrs Jemes Bisset, in the chair. The de- votional part of the meeting WON colt • ant ,..PUTOPYS ofMr& W. J, HPI37 ,rt group. The Scripture wn rtni1 by Mrs. Norman Baker anti prnyer was led by Mrs. Wm. Sanderson solo was rendered by Mrs. Wm. Mc- Donald. 4 eplendid tell{ on 'The British Isles" was given hy Mrs. .1 H. rrs:k the nnd was lunch mites -ed. The meeting was brought to close witli • prayer given hy Mrs. T. Wardinw 3 ler. P1111071)GRAP11-111ie ART Misq WIIrtele's photograph*. of Chongher fat hers chef, were eon- sidered among the month's hest. One ! was reproduced in insit week's Torun' to Saturday Night and another won tessind prize in the Mnytair mitgazine I competition. THE GLO E OF DEATH I ANGLERS OUT EARLY comma .01. Trout Beason Acts as Akron Clock for Many Early Satutquy morning, long be fore daybreak, disciples of Izaak Wril. ton were stealing away quietly to their favorite streams, the day marking the opening of the trout season. M5113' motored to Grey and Bruce waters, but they fared no better than those who drove to the Benmilier auel Saratetia sections. Many returned empty - Winded, Winning swollen and mudds atreame for their iikluck, hut those who had their favorite haunts enJoyel better fortune. One angler had a careh of elute oi nine in a stream not far from tlader- ich. and a pair. father and son. (1)41 1111! nirpeteen some miles farther away. Incidentally not one of' the scores of anglers Who opened the season caught a speckled trout, for the simple reason there Is no such fish. aceording to Hector MacKay, of the Department of Game and Fisheries, who addressed the Lions nub on Thursdey Inst. Mr MneKay pointed ore the term "qteeklett trout" in renlity is n misnomer, thot "char- is the. eorrect name for the prized beauty of country stream.: •,114,MAi &Ater, -44141gk4041 LrwiLuv eller, it: )114 111 lcny there never was tt more tasty morsel token from n frying inn The angling fraternity are plerowd to know that the Department ef Fist, is stocking streams in thls dist Het and fire looking fel-ward to come gee! 4)4 in years to voMP. FUBLEC SCHOOL BOARD 70P.:6.n itd:?rurthcurpatlVecortUgn:Atoorcmhiohsreol•rDvztattia-h Rev. J. TA Andertion, of Winzlhars,,aa the preacher for the dey,, 'Whet choir under the il realer, Ot ttr,, 11....a_elay- eir, rendered tmellinatiale. t1r. EttallPh laendercon z Ic*td ti- 4t . the morning service there Wao goer - tette, "The Old Read." by Mero iEtoweU,Ineolor, Attridge rine •War- 1E ilortt,rttptrugrittatfork.14 ;Attain' 1 2Pazattlzica Colborne as eoloiCt. Te Scripture %tad at the =ming service was the dramatic' dory of rill - jab and the prophets of tlflaai U Min s 18:1T-89). In his sermon) tho er 06i -tired the two altara Qtn1ftL aide by side, built of the Maze material', built. for the mule pumice, tint one aflame with God, the other cold, Ufa - leas and bare. There are) throughout this !anti, he said, many planet) of wor- ship, some mighty cathedrals. humble otneetingehousea. •They are built for, the came purpoee, yet Come cathedrals, some humble titilidines are alive with the spirit of; God, „while others are cold and deadt. Two in- dividuals, ise'sald, sit side by .sitte in. a clef -role The---life--on-one-isaeradnine- with the presence of Jesus, the life of the 'other is cold, and .forniall. We ask, "Why these diffe_rennes?" and the .10serer.1§. Itint.,onn,Ptngligt•Qanjroup (i0( ,explP1:7cre191411,-- thlbere very often the question, 'Why is the. life of the Christian church so cold so formal, ao dead?" Oan it he that God knowa that in spite of the pray- ers offered Imploring 'Ma presence He Is not really expected, nor wanted; and Is it for the same reason that many indlvlituol lives are so unsatisfactory? The whole 1Pet-111013 Was all earnest and forceful appeal for sineeritY 111 -tvorship-,-ibr the opening of hearth tb the God Who waits to enter, but Who will come only to those soulthut 1,7111 welcome Him. The Evening &Mee -Conn t lug the 'Cost" was the subject of Mr. Anderson's sermon, at the evening service. (inc of our most common frailties is attempting and planning things with- out first rounting the cost," he said, and thet Is why our divorce courts anti our bankruptcy courts are con- tinually in operation." Men and %%Innen turn to JeSnsPhritat and join the church without first count- ing the cost, itnti when the burden of the eross becomes too great they give up. -Christ wants as to count the rest and He does not want us if we are not prepared to pay the cost." "There would be little evil in the world if we would count the cost of the first w rong step," continued • the speaker. You have some temptations Isere for the young people of Goderich whit -h, thaek God, we hate not at WInglinin They are the beverage rooms. I dent know what on earth they are doing to your young people." If they could only look down the 3 ears anti see the eost in.deceney, honr . , . er 111141 .4c1?-respeet the ,young people wetild never take that first step. fherein lies the whole trouble -they 14 not (quint the cost. •Wltry to persuade ourselves there eis he no cost for us—that we will f.1.41 IMP Unit ;411 we have A 'good time' ; t lie doen't want heedless or !emelt, less di eciplete Ask yourseivee . .1111 I prepare,' to pay tI e erie et being n Christian"? Am I Business at Nilo:Slily :Siltealeg Held prepined et pay the (oat of following Monday Night lei ie. ens? Jeslis wants us to It is not, hy tiny metres, 11viork ewe that and re, play at ceder -isle, prom,. • The Christian lite is the hardest setestle, fel. at 11 meeting r h.• l'ilb rood It will cull for all thut is best lic S411040 Board on Monda% !Light the ' .1 oti. is Ow happiest road the ;who,' nomagemilit if,. was world has ever known. It 15 bemuse !asked to make ii report .11 1/..1111.1 4. 4'hrkt s, so much that we value meets 44 4,4441114,. nt 1ii lir ;414 mrp y. MI tiler. In .order to .1(4 r( t110 phi% log 'zeta- 4 Itrkt 44111114 1114.11 a ad 011144.41 On , KM) early. the 10'11b01 1)!4 w; re sweet '‘vtoee peetry niitl 11/141144 no min do. ized to Telrehnse tints 11 401 halls for • 15 4411 4" t he jeurney'e end," saki Mr; 4101erson iti conclusion; -so tate up the buys and girls. Th, 11 ea -erre r , our ; ros's, whatever It may be, and 4„ ih,. „f p1II„I' ,*.74:1 1.; II% 14.11 r it glad for Jesus Chrbvt, W'bo comp:Iris! with A7.71‘, 12 for 11, 111.' I irasrt;„*t{t:::1.rt.ttibillirt:III:m3.11:::11.:11 an arttiletn, lied,' last year Nil', Geer:re .1.111eete tee wart. • Song's of a sol(4, '1.) Divine ,,Z11 VP 1144 teal revert ef 1 (iT 4 i; • Tiede; tui ,) 41.-. Vara Barrett, ahd offert,r) 'thy, sduetion by Mr. J. )0 lift".:1„.1:;141ir( 471 im1.1:iar4.11..,:1„,ier.eviari'll'"Isi _kitty eriat_ elev. 11,,,,inpanied by t worgn I (Wendt] nei• „r1141-,4; 1,11.r!. 141 ,114.4 idito 4e2.44.1.rstt11),---stt4fldeit both :roll. and imnio loth!, ;14-pos's ,,r riii• fig3 Mr. iiing's Tra%clogue ' $12”; 9'2 IhIrinir %Kit ,,t :II ' • seheel. lirinelpal II. NI Stio,-I.:4 teal 1.1 I 1.1 1 441 ottwher oli Monday ilort4,1 an 1154114 go 0.11ila1,4of 91 37 hearsi ul saw with keen Interest ki pAer ,+.rtt of thy '21n 1.111,1. and tenth t‘Nr1:1;iyat:rri.%14),:., N.iitriow4;c..Trig.tiP till); ull4tigi'todef- 1, totalling :449 :",7 taw of North .treet ['lilted church pie- _ • ! and Se ezeriand. Mr. King was tore, he had token on 11. tour through lent iiroitilst and (4101 rmacter at 'North ,trcet church t Wenty years ago. 1111 V, 4'1111154 entertainment was un- der the auspices of the V1(omen's As- seetatien, and 111 a brief musical in- terlude wlectIons were gieteo by aMate qua rtet te. Mossrs 5. E. McDowell, J. 11 Wh4.4.1er. 4'e411 Attridge and J. L. night • CONTEN2/1,1113 to he one of the moot aennational of all the "thrill stets" tour, the Olabe af Death. with Wallace Bros. IF4hows. 'ffilltunVtg, Ittintly And Grady Nix. demon motoreyele-ridera of the "Golden Mote." 'they ewerve and roer upeide down with a seem- ingly reeklena afeendon, oltieqtApping death or rit leatit certain injhry eViltr -torvionala • -witlihe ezollow Obese. ;The nlobe is con- strueted of itasItetvoven steel strips and is eighteen teet in diameter. The Glebe 0± reentli is preeented twice daily, free to everyone on theegrounds. at the !Amin dub irritnilta With WtillfVe ftrOa.-ahown starting on ,Iliondoy add eontinulna all wee:. in aid of erippleit Childrpn, at Victoria Park, eaderieh. BETIrER THAN A SVVEIEPSTAKE Twenty 111e4e41 Goderi; h 101.1 ness kIt,Ii seta are (-opera 1 lag in a great metchandising e‘eet (11 Frldny and Saturday of th IR WC. May and 7. .‘dvertiqing sWeets hnee been Issued in town and over the dis- trict surrounding tioderIchwed set forth a gr.at array of rnone.,y e,avina otoportunitiogi for abase who come to Shigl at the D011ar Day stores on Friday and gatur- day.. Prnetleally every line of Rif r' (11814(11414' is co.rercd in the list of torgains, and it will be time and dollars well ivent for every - holly who eameo to join in the trig eroatebeetitat wilt , be in town - title week -end. t..1:",1)"r1111111,1 1i11r:ireonipaniflieflt by Mr. 1141. F ['layer . , STIE WENIfIlliCa i TeltiperatUres of the last week and of the cPrrerTondltrg wenn of teat year, ! a4 reeordell officially, were as 1'olic:4s: i 1038 1937 Mem Min, Max. Min I 1 Thurs. April 2A .77 50 47 38 Fri., April 20 57 111 61 86 Rat, April 20 43 37 Cifi 40 1 San. May 1 .... 62 SZIt 71 30 I Mon,, Mae 2 (19 42 . 73 :10 i Tuve. Ma' 3 :.-Q. 0 74 1 Wed., Mey 4 .77 45 13 51 '