HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-4-28, Page 9-re'reFs aieTelef CL' 1;\ Ce'eeL 7,,e7 T.16 Veeef teeatereeeee.,eeee ee tee ,eetr,=41,74,' v.. 0:T= Gee.. seee eele gep,e'rYeeee-,4 teiel&Q C ,Neee 4ftaete0401,' "(r0 , '04 tolgt-)504, -P.Z,344.*A1‘..,143' MAW,' lb Ow po0.,740r4",00410 4tetjtoto .0pt QZ4emodA tvAida Let his zittiv.0 PboPt hiM OMireW leeteald bet I'Veliet 1,411- 04140 OM ,Ita 6 SPI1 er's death' than., -to' have hLiitannznen'd aMant-trillitrultrttkrcIR u liekt done tor his coantry."' Mk% the touriet, he Mete 'all het up over it, then eceMea over .to 'Where ellees gathered. We're etandini in ob»awe., ale', heeel .was eeeteel., 013 :et .4 'elle`Zeeeleati t4e ain't 407 '44. tt, Tent. On; ban ha ASilgtiit-VeenTellt.the 4.1aMetrellAel.. it't N.11 tbrAt It ain't eenPett for Whet 4eett Val tie. the pony has dents that mak= ua ae clean it 04'c'e',.,..0i.e-b,f4e4nt) to tell 'atti rake ,Olenart alto tan't oeekt 'we're offerin'' 1 aM,. en:-..theeeleed all heard tebent:,e4 UP- our iri4lte .to eite AnAelire4e .•'ae it was ziert' "Do eine al yew @anon/ton know at'.,141.Mlaf*Wle Or' CA to hold out. 4 anything *gut that ponY," see tile nit! opolegleetleleP nOt OrAdtbei tenriete let tele egg rt'It'Aitet- Old =ewe Viet CaPtainl" iseee e• tett) UMW, 'heed ;aid. tns bnahe, ' eeniitet .14(14,0044e pancher. 4'Weli it elItit ter'elteive Wee -a little etakee • , 114ely that you can find 4,Inen in tile Welle'tbet elen Me. te read oren Weet eelio wouldn't r0eZatze that usitws," v4ib I'don't let to ne pony by the description. That there UnleeeWocoin' to Gina) elle er pony was in the Outer altaomicre." aleefeten teete+%lionlq!`" ea' 1. ttao .• 4931e fjentlentan What owns biro 14 that oU Jtgave 015 8eller Would heep goin' ,to sheet 'WM," &ea- tbe tourist. elraulution for the Wpm of "Well, Perhaps e all for the beat," 'eternity, -Then a brilliaet tbeleght ntt ee „dee barn neve eau ene. 4 nota t no tche got formillion- ono" - theatre, but 1 offered 'him thirty -semen e _tur.tlea .Of ll _ the pew over ..eete detneed,_ reea ictemd at the dollars for that pone,' 11.-oubtea thqt I'd take good care at him, so he fir )11' !'.7a1 W44 Z1 toiO4,400. z.to, 40t. V4t4SPnibr Odo•fti :go . 11704 ":40040., At -t3 MIA 02' 4,0034 ' eeeeoeeeeeeeet, .ae-eertieeete- Wail eareeeree,eaaeopeeeee,a ,e7ift n 4=014 ZraniVP.b(C4444414"1141' 'rott et). ething: dette, vhat doin!," Qea 1:-.44.kiant • Le4vain Inyte/r rlthet va4o An" tr'X'dsa 0Alt TAVatt (1'117 rAogo leo hard g02 im tmere`opportuntty. ; Vou.dt4V440'40 Ap7 $ou Unew lt; „hut g.you bad a ca P' Put an' out toreltan hal* 44-4? 'yoUr own, you Vouldatt illto c041,11 4 VIIV VtraTtqa digwong0 csettale down bOoto 113D tn MA% ononc_fli now. to,t4o tg 41,4*!",,Im PAAV 193421 b"'"1 tit ' Z Intend 141t, prat ea V OW 0, 0,, PAL zet IlIntmPtca 24gotirmi not to bcoonne buaines4, 4,4". 11111 hare ratt #414InnYt 4 coueolltwa Puiv e ttied not to grin, gar ago a rtY rilt 04,04 1r3210. 5,1.400 ;dm, but he teonithal -Put Ito , 111,1, C.Maga'dtle 79147M, 47TO a '44/1. bless your heart, tto7, Pou ,nevez . "0114E1'.sep . be practical, axe us Or business, you ''xIabgi. Z1/1 Anteowo* „..„.,'gr have ,a4)out the Same talent .or 40 .laat - itire Oleg. Mara 'wort ,au grisly bear Wel 0,110,7 110 ao Yon . am? a On, alalt-xa --tito- along. -an' - you titior gat czawlin't, vogn novev wva' '34.1:r Tree; builates.4. Mau don't en.ley any- ertende el eV so la X was to ohm* a 1 *Raman he'd be MY 1get." 29:Mean of_ a Lion 4gad cioit yeatei age,' nee built It tleei any iwor/r wad aggro, eistal rent 1 :was a Ina iid then. Now Iron &tan' alOng in years an' I don't thtexid 'mate any more o' try LW' - "How old "are ya, aapPe?" see he, 'Well, 111 mars old -be - ore so mainly' more years," sez I. llookin' full as indignant as I felt, • ceekon; , • 'You're nothin' (but a kid in most Wage," sez Jrabez, an' hie voice was tso friendly that I began to cool. Then Oie said, "Why, I never think of vou like do the rest the boys, though El rely on you a heap more. You've allus been like one o' the mily, like. an' you an' Barbie halve played around together until most o' the time I think of ya as about the same age; but if anything in the money line, av,hy speak out. I was a young feller my,-lf evionceeean. neeetheeverenede4o-rern et ny_ depts. on some ce -your town trips, why I'll pass _you over a little extra an' take it out in laughin*.at you." . By George. he made it hard for me. one_ rumen:: heel tramp on, my corn ,anellte_next ,Waveerseteele. tete het.. -the- shoetidersee4butetheemore--. e --- the more I see that -I havwv xirritis • ih Accati Coh.tiold V. flitztzto 0 Co., 1.1t:zto, liaento 711 1_ thing bUt nutTrin' money. You zaa7 be Ilea some da, Tent it Veal be frame attendhe -to bteilli .1Xteve 'take 1.4y-efg if you Want to..an' get this non- bei.se out of your reerstem,. then come !beck here. 1.ou know 'at arbie !Misses You every minute -you're -ewer." "All rigietIsez,_ "V11 try it- _ want to leave this place one, -tile stiVii; as if we was both 'grown up, not an if we had a child's quarrel. az' Fil take -my lay-off buelditt right down to business; .but if it don't seem to agree with me, why, ru some back here an' make a report." 'Now, don't stay away long, cause he lirtle girl is lonesome for tom- par.y, an' as she sez to me the other night, you're better company than any book, ao' you've got more intelligence than a schoolteacher." "Yes," I went on, ean- -I don't re- quire (twain' as often as a fur rug, an' my hair don't shed off as bad as a .logs, an' if I could just forget that I'm a homan bein' I wouldn't be aii9 moreebot here thane the- -resteeeretle/O- fur- nishings ; but that is the one thiug that's on my mind just noiv-I'm a man, an' it's time I began to practice at it." Barbie wasn't quite so cesy tVget. waYetraml-ateelatilae4-2kala-44Pacill11411. hellevecabratoavhs •towehlobeerrectinterelino! he ai.tuiel reiti .-ireir dein nre without mentionin' any o' the true cause it was a rather delicate project for a man who hadn't no evperience In makin' political speeches; an' . Barbie gave me a purty complete goin' over. We talked it out for i week, but my mind was made up tar go an' the' -wasn't anything' the+ could stop me. unless it was miglai'y importarlt; au' at Mat- she stopped arguin' an' Juat began to look sorry. That was hard- est of all. 4-Illappy," she sez to me one night when we was ridin' back from Look Out, "don't you think 1.'m old 'enough now to ask Dad about what that let- ter 'meant?" turned an' looked at her -a -the sun 'was just about to duck behind th». ridge, an' her face wan in all its brightness. It wate•a lot different face from that of the child who had sited the question so long ago. It was sera jons with itst question, nn' it looked like the face of a woman. This was the first time she bad mentioned the :subject since I'd been back, an' hadn't thought she dwelt on it any Round %tip 2elt: 'Sal° 6211 firci;n1 GOIDERIICH 3crauailly bavzr gar= front all adSeLeent C. N. a. Stations. or 4e, pJiItu 're efill- VOW= en 1.1=0-o4 entli (E1). lllly., Nipinsing Centetall ULM. said beyond CC:OrmitIle on C.N. Mire to Illepuslenaktg este lillearrat. eievereeerTiellii-fervIee. iiiid troll "X-gkis. VIIDA 17 You Wanit 2he Rosa That is what you get when you paint with C.I.L. (Canadian Industries Limited) Paint. »It costs as much to put a cheap Paint on as it does the best. You want a paint which retains its color. You will and this in all C.I.L. colors. The CJLL. white is made from ANTTMO. It lasts longer and is ALWAYS WHITE. It does not tarn grey. We carry a geo-ek of Paint Ofillo, Turpentines, Vairenislen, ete. 134e11-1111gardwarreo Plumbing and Steaneeitting. For PLUMBING, ElEATII4G BY pm, um, HOT WATFill or sTralt, we can give you prompt eer,Vice. BUIPeN nil& IDIZMENIDABLO.-D-11 Anthracite, Bed Jadtet Steam Coal or Ford Coke. We solicit your orders. Chao. C. Lee illanenes:-.43tero,it2 Valls 011te Ifilattor S;45;0, navy La.. • \ifv. to eagitt 0 KO atl 8a alt sova ettzlvti, pot*. .a„ uttit to ova t55iit G2i,tne Sao" tzttaz '0,04 •CPr'-'141 itl#417 tilea.0 610{14 tontilnadat4 a5tAr#,. tio,14 aitti a co it tit 440,,Lc:3,Msarlic.1 V -414 -Cull -cicate fera,t,1,--4-19:11.v=„Gt000 cad vgrzo feitZitr citd , Alkairse ator 111141VIIi$411‘00. *UM arr gt-',111o ,03i.U.41* r1At-tW-44'70=-11 cV1- ,54 - z vmt tfh=,Z 0.-10,111" '14VaZ tbot, Inuit% 44! 0 r0g0P4:4;t1Ym 044't hott7- deriU, ad'e .etzt:tp. ,,,m;uota ztarr t•Air-00. Ina ePOlta!--0-441 MO* tiar$t P/141 4V44441 Vavvaot*,' Who:* 'ain't AI* WaT.1.10.-Cr.5"4011trin-attlir t1 ?2i AlltsvfoZ" 19"'At714 4444'; t°t1 4.°'11'vg44t 4V0r. ut01.4" 01,0 ovnuza Otee 4\ M7 ta0r-a tlat A. Van Mt' a OM totoi7.011, waitCO 'aten4,7, for ihiza a' Aizat's intsi=s. to tar any, ,the' ctItt,faleaudo 4, 17=13 tuna mtztatuteit• teRttle aboate--ebont avUt 'Your irwu Ddaderok toe thoaCht,i.t woUld yriothr ;Ma ntill mita 70nr '"W.zittilla!*; Nit.t ;40 Ant OnQz.' t ttgom 11_ „ 31!' -wouldn't Ititw - ,o37.071t4 vx-odzi'''.40-41•X; obut If 0(1)1.0 do.. 111gr, ,nte ,t= tow ezum: oat touTe rsib tv* to bek. rd Oro .ao-41114 tory miuutocm.. 41,0 leagit you Wiwi* abotzt her, IW Just /mew athotat , Oth Tana he all right., 'Iron can't eeoin to set 'mlego. even a' other When you elon"t 'know o thiteg ebout tier. ma tuow iraole wen, .741 cea tefl i' they'd do wader any 'hind a %nonditiclas, are If yOu /Mow what they have den% an what theevo. btien. throttle MI blow purter well whet they are; but when you don't know onything at it makes, it bard. awful hard." ,didirt have anything To Gay tolier 'that would 'Itelik po I didn't cay -any- titbit!' tiei" table We -had ridden jite while she said, "Happy, I don't went you to be a buoiraess mate The Igasternern that Vile me up worse thtm any other mar are the business men. They allus calculate btrw a thing could -fltie turned into:money. Why, if one of 'em lived out here bed put a ease 'value on ol' Mount Savage. They al- ine make me think of Domg3ey." What was th' about that buckskin mustang to make you think of a busi- ness !man?" sez thinkin' she meant a little ridin' pony she msed to have, "I don't mean Debbins," sez she, "I rtiean a character out of a book. Ile was such a good business man that he let imost of life slip by him. I don't want :Cron to do that." tirriert-fiCr-r, 'Tan' It 0' guinea hens, but I knew that a may be tbat beginnin" late in life like business man has to overlook the in- t.hwalte received a communication from I am, I 'won't become enough of a born ignorance of his cuatomers, or Long Branch aeking him to he on the (business man to get that WILY; but else it's twice as hard to land 'ern; s ) lookout for two young women who the' is one thing sure--I'an through juot sietled ! left theirahoneese there -on -a hltelehlicing ivith mr nor sense. I'm not goin* nit gol-lar-laftirritilte-wriiiirrebriit-- l-Tiro.-iii*-71TML,-7,,Zay"-Itirrqffae, .;saleitmoo=oes-Wal- tal1L-glaciam re,eeeeaVr4a4'rthetAa7aer =121:_hregraehtlaIrcarti-laiiw-7__11.1Y7,0111,0513:CIttc2:ZII11)dti.fada'-:0*. d --"Whataineyour _Ilatateattler,enteia..-IL_aen teretisesummereetentereeeeeweett alOg -14.P.AekkatAlo*-..a14-1469,44.01tea .WeiS7Rattaallieglaahattataajteageaezelateetaysat-.Ver, • veteran of' a hundred wars; (ids flhief forwarded. this information to up Nv D1614 311111 eomes of it." He wns not author_ who was his best friend, One sad day' venerable and honorable souvenir of (Long [Branch. , ehe. "Where you goin' to shart in?" sez bygone eges?" Well. that blame fouleized to detain them. Both young leh he 1E4141111(111e hihsatpl ranyqeursarrnenl.d aTd(111:4tit went on pilin' it up while the crowd ladies, it was reported., were blonde and night "Ilow do I -know?" sez 'I'm just egged -him on by efferite two bits, an' one Wag only seventeen, her compan- the God bless daddy, Ood Ideas ream:et goin' to knock around till I meet up four bits, an' six (bits an' It drink; ten' ion reportedly being a young married and then shocked the family, with' with a business openin', an' then Ian "Iia ha, to you Jimmie." so on until I was disgusted and turned woman, goin' to put my full might into it till I 11111 1 111 pony an' sea, "Who gets the ten dol- evouldn't sell him to me. He said he tars?" didn't think _I'd abuse the pony when ;111 gets the ten dollars," sez I I »sts sober, (hut I'll have to own up This in business; I own the pony, I that when a friend -when a friend pay you wages to sell him, the more you sell him for the more you get." luvites me to have a drink, I can't say /de looks at me a moment an' then inno-thain' li s eemgroadarn sight o' friends tl." tie oalls a gang around him an' se4 to The' ain't no use in draggin' this 'em: "IElere's a richpone, tellers. lot' out. Afr that 4-our1st had agreed to see this pony -well, he was too Whine old to teed geese» with when Favaaii punehin' cows over at » the Diamond Dot, ten years ago, au' now Happy. wants me to sell him, me gettin' one »fourth of all I rake in over ten dol- lare-an' him gettin' the ten dollars. What do ya think O' that for nerve?" TWO GlIaLS nii riru IMEIN Laughed like-. aa --lot »On» .mhtreteheefeof-,priti,m prelet;fie tree that pony like the saints of glory, Bill. he -tintAlyySeld 'shim laratine for an even fifty dollars -an' it was. ere that bouelit the liquor for the crowd. (To be continued), !b. '1,11t.gt.t,1:',to. vls »M,71 VT 2.0E10% "Mtcr, 1? 14 qt4ItTom44* »-»'yllmlip411„,° rata, V`14.„: , lato 1C,CP.111: oraCis/ oval it3 Ett at -o. igiul 0 It)..omimla tte, $(4=4. AnrctOrtntmzo$', laot.v. ltte, Smt th0 WaSter tinelKayo with t-07 Gra inreato, Mr. any dish. Note tine tollowing 'told • toy. 1Dy Cct,ty 11.3r4f* course theAlavez a a tOat rime lanportanee, Mleal=a1n.D0 411 te years, is strondY Ceatur* au; --gimft-forget.otttnettmcM'''Uo:gl-Ciat lookti cood: avian cv,,m3 to tante cool, ULt.the vIce inousewiCe eaters to the eyo 17ho1 sweparing hoz =nit. rodtplatokv• ta0144 be31t15ta 41141tS1 VW be made attxrattivo ar e.lo11.7 r1.7 t7tailter fottP-» t= as =maks that prove the truth e/ Min state- ment t 1t4fr,.„,n erequel,its .2 cups eophed, dried 14 14 cup etta 2,6 teaspoon salt -» teaspoon poultry seasoning 1. Enblespoon tonnoto catsup % teacpwgz power % teaspoon powdered 1::1GQ 1 ea, sliehtly beaten I cup fine dry bread crumbs Rub Ulnas throtigh coaral strainer. Add ertunbo, cia`a , nett, pepper, sago and egg. .Shaere in the form of »sivall ,eyilnderre Roll in cruneire, dip in I egg beaten with 2 tablespoons aid» emtee-aeld .,afgeipt rell In crumbs. Pity in deep hot Mt (880 deg. F.) until brown, then drain on soft paper. Place on serving plate .nd garnish with rings of fried apple. saked Limas with Ilgarshnrmalliletm 8 cups c.00ked dried Limas lie teaspoon salt 11/2 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons brown sugar 14 cup hot water „.„ L4),,!..ex • - .5 to al »matshnial1ova Put Limas in a buttered casserole dish, adding water and stirring In salt. butter and bronn sugar. Buke in moderate oven (350 deg. P.) for about 20 minutes (until thoroughly heated). Then_ place_havon ,strips a -ear -top,. -dot with. ruarsiunallows and plaee under broiler flame until toasted a golden brown. aa 4' „ Little ,Billie said his, prayers de- nrp, aegoromt$ tata. o '04uirg0o (1417,3 ran L'2-1. motinerktInI.»»;e1'4rcnao Mrso W. a, eampboll. ozavc3 Zer daughter. Mt -A, ,CirOzteri; at. CA:1We. Word ago tratai ct,OzIvelloR, tihO drat. on April 1.2th ofe• Mr. Ctephon-Coot -o2 ,Pesidp, vrtao woo. tor11noz1p Agtizti Magto,t, of Dom* fmak, Vr''ood ,tgazzo- by a diii a tvo potndr45 tero, the eld=t coat havingete= -teeteey few years ago. Mrs. CI, Jefgercon, T.11.rq tlamierou Segentost ant Vte, amt. tare. Cam "Je2eme111',art:t Ae-lEt weer with ant zaro. John),, Zfeq:z47. cony and family at Pittnvn, Jeaate tle•=. PR Ooderivh, 14ster We't with tar lilarentsl, Hrs. V. MOSS. Priscilla : 8Uu said he'd 'eve me for ever and ever-" Prue: "Lb. men ! " ConapaRea 1Too Skala Goa cla 020 CaariOg !cote of pia tweet theyeaan't he trtr'witheent frequent tripe medicine eheete "I Not doze up anci get it over," they tall you. Btat &store know they donit"getitoveruelan-tantilthey get a the cause of the trouble! Chances are it'll.. ... teeelnd ,‘ the cause 12» you eat .. most people do meat, bread, potatoes. It's likely sou don't get enough. "bulk." And "built" doesn't mean a lot of food. It's a kind of food that Isn't consumed in the body, but leaves mit tee_teetea -one eeete -- that iat.1 you; -your t1cetet1s-a-- runeboebeee,P,11.taccac. loggia Ati-Bran. It contains »e "bulk" you need pino the great intestinal tonic, vitaniin Bo qot sall- ran -every day, drink plenty of water, and just watch the old world »grow briahterl Made by Kellogg in London. Ont. know the whole game." it off as a joke, tellin' the blasted ra "I don't believe that's the way they s- 1 cal to take the pony an' try to trade do it,." shc._ "These ones that I've beard braggin' about ibele' business men don't look to me as if they ever did much knockin' around. They gen- erally have everything all planned out when they begin, and then follow out the, plans. Are you goin' to start in some town or go into a (big city?" "Well, I can tell You more about it when I get back," see iheeeteakatbased three days in San Francisco curet but I didn't like it -it was too cramped up, Ian thinkin' o' headin' that way -though." 'Well, as soon as you've give busi- ness a good fair try -out, you'll come back here an' tell us about it, won't you?" sez she. The sun had dropOed by this time; _but I could still maae eut her face in the twilight. The eyes were big an' soft an' gliateny, the lips were parted an' were trem- blin' a klttle; it was a brave little face,, but it looked lonesome. Some- thing began to tightea aroond niy heart, an 1 didn't want to go; but I had put my hands to the plow, an' I didn't intend to back -track till I'd 'fumed one full furrow. °Yes," 1 sez. "Honor bright, just as soon as I've give it a fair trial him for a night's lodgin'. He takes my saddle an' bridle off, ;in' puts 'eau careful -in the hotel, an'i then he takes the pony across the street ar.' begins to rub Mai down, He rubs him a while an' conibs out his stringy mane an' tail with his fingers. Every now an' again he backs off an' exainines that pony ms though he was .leetairitye oavontir,»» stea lilt'. I couldn't make out what he was up to, so I stood in front of the hotel watehhe him. Purty soon up comes n tourist ntatl ' has been lurkin' around in the dis- tance. "Iirhat is th-' about that. txmy that everybody tak'e' F 811(11 an interest in him for? " sez he. glancin' oyereeto where us fellers was gawklif. "Don't you know?" sez the feller. In surprise. A can't (mite recall his name now, but I think it was Bill. Anyhow, most fellers' names Is Bill, skt well call him 11111, 'Don't you know who this pony is?" sez Bill. "Why no," sex the tourist. "I just arrived this mornin'. an' I'm waiting! for my uncle to send in after me." "Is that so?" sez Mil. "Well, I'M het your unele knows who thiq pony he This pony k Captain. ‘Vho is your ..te:eue Jet Yea-itulaw..." , eeele7 »_ "loan come before it snows if you Why, my uncle is Charles W. can, won't you?" she sea, an' 1 nodded. Well, for my part, I'd rather quarrel whew I'm goin' »to break any ties. I stayed for live meals after that, but they was uncommon dismal. We all tried to net as if everything was run - inn' to suit us, an' we all made a successful failure of it. When at laampton," SPA the tomIst. "You don't say!" see, (holly knows who eaptein is all righ t," "Oh, do you know him?" Se7, the tourist. 'Why. everybody knows him .arotind here." sez Rill. 'That's funny: they told me he last I was ready to leave, Jabez shook lied over a hundred and forty m140,4 my barid and said, "Now this IB just a f ram here." sez the tourist.' -"Tint vacation, Ilappy. Have your outing whet is the' abort Clptiiin that nwkes an' then come back an' settle dowu here. Do you want to take your money with you, or leave it in the bank until you deckle to invest it?" "What money? ' sez I. He grinned. "Oh, you'll make a business man all right. Don't you re- member givin' me stx hundred dollars after» you came back from the (Pan tilandle? Well, it's been in the bank 'ever since., an' it's grew some, I reckon." "Well, let her keep on growin'," sez 1. 'I'm goin' to learn the inisinese before I invest in it." "That's sense," sez hea "Did you eVer hive any experienve?" 'I was clerk in a restaurant once," sez 1; ''Irut I didn't like It, an' I don't reckon .1'11 go into the reateniant - Barbie rode a» long way with me but vee didn't talk much. I don't sup- pose the' ever was a time when tee (both had to much to say; but We couldn't seem to say it, an' when we come to part all she said was. "Oh. Happy, 1 hate to -see you go, but I'm dare you'll come back in the fall." come back as soon as I fee/ I can," see 1; "an' now don't worry none yourself, an' don't fret your Dad -an' don't forget old (Happy." We *hook ,hands long an' firm, an' ber eyes seemed tryin' to hot:. me un- til 1, eouldn't look into 'ene-but didn't- kiss her this time. We both noticed it, 1111' We both cnew 'at while 1 wee partin' from her she wls part.n' from lo r ehildhood. PLetin' cram anything 'at 11've been fond of Is • eigItte -eielleterselieree; ielid se 1 rode 4117-44 exam, _. • ----- (11APIVele THIRTEEN ifecleilneae lIaIlremaineso I felt entirely different thee time. I waen't =an rtiti under anger an' un- just treatment; 1 was gain' out of my nwn Befftn1 an' oc.eanee1 bed left be. bind me the cneeleasnem leiybootlel cue woo reedy to Vole, an' 'plant an' teat for a_trop„ mow gaiety, no him so wandelfill? 1Te don't look like rimeh ef n pot y to me.", Bill looks et the pony and then e looks et the tourkt. th,ti he looks at (he pony nZain nn' F.1117, in a low 'coley; 'It sin*t on his loot -s. It's for what he's done that trinke, etiptnin fa mon 8." `What's he done?" sez the tourist.1 "Did yoll ever hear of (aneter's ni,,iswqrre?" sez 11-111. "Cof eourse T have." SPZ the tourist. zettin' intereeted. Bill, he wake np an' puts his ,hand on the trolly's; neek. an' then he turns PP% nroudly. "This here pony Is the hoe qttrvivin' remnant of that hiqtori- eel event." "Yon don't Full'!" qez I110 trynrist. `What are von goin' to do with lilin"• 7 don't want to sly a word ,fignin iiIP finet,Cd.... eountrvi,14 sex 111.1, boldln' iffi bis fond; "hut mr connt, • nin't eat the gr' titiide It rirt to hart - when it comes to loralea. T dea'• blame eondemnfn' the riin o' bosses en' sellIn"em tn %re ont their 'Dore Brie: In in tollteena labor. bit when it entneg to n ho'pi IgHlr To IFitove Cherin-VAtallity-- A Good Maitre c--gede-o-Gle-eo" &eel limo, calas3 tit] C2=....-72ady to hold aitkeelvare-sa r=c4 cath, =A a elle wtc:21174,': v„r2 raie? F..2trair ozc...-1. El a br,.:,1 eve.13 a=! tak-O 'ya!rto ° Co Ce2, COIhZ ezete Lea, 40 Lay.Sc.--1r= el'acti= %it] go. A Lod210 CL-ra C3 fic.2 tm.-2o11ocr, yeze aaaca, egn gave:, craeake c=egy "ar.:2-04;t3" CM=fnoceJ a elee aarel ereed,ei ceecel wey V -z= e=,1 t=t1,k11, C\LX=. cc1UZn-r=ef.a0 "Ffte.a44kCev k.) reeeteee. Veyt 14'4-rfcithqd.VP2 •••••' =EP J • •••••••••• Leksirtrascot--) Pal .engur Maiter ne Luxe (oath unsh :-.-eee're'rease'eMwM:Ne439e0M • q..ftreW,I,M4r110,6Pas*,•,N:Nirlel.,1 'r.V06,i040:WWWAVAeasZaiWZVAMMW;;. • 48 1111 " 111e 1314,e) 0 4:A H ley money ever along with roomier, more luxurious All- liouglit ... You'll agri... With toe.Whell Steel, Ail -Silent Fisher Bodies ... health - i may that Almost 4 licv role!. Anil riding fill Fisher No -Draft Is'entilation ... and eaae sold me! »an 85-1}11.1). Valve -in -Head Engine for amooth, reat fill cruising 'pee& that IlitVer "At ally speed, on any road, Chevrolet riden straight an Ltill arrow doesn't horrh, pitch or sway doesn't 'heel over' when you- round the corners. You feel the car has ifs (own uncrring setime Of direction... that you don't haVe to be constantly Oil the alert to keep from wandering over ,. 0211 the 141110U1dttref-i1Uriii-rOirit41rlarii. fellow's right of Way. And those Knee. Action wheels on the Mosier De Lune just step over every bump and homier, lk+11, wife says riding in the back Kent i44as comfortable an up in front 4 Deify Chevrolet in the lowest price Gehl offers you germ i Knee -1%1114M* tire you out. Try the, ride for yourself, today. lielax! Compare!. And you. too, will choose Chevrolet for riding avid handling ease. " ()n 49,,,ser ID.. I SI r 14 'Idols. reitrafr" Knator Do Lento Modoto from 0092. Delivered at factorY. Otthawa. Ott, , Government tax, freight and hreine eV to. Convetairiet terms may he arranged thnniati the General Motnro instahnent Plan c-itsge PEI‘Y RIO PMIBR woUltit KNE11- Att-tinftB WES AM! ALL-Sna BO GIECD. G. mgdEwAN Cox. Mann Ave. cad Videth ;40,10:4'AP: