The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-4-28, Page 7essessee
taw. etiMe.owtf.,,,sto4o.vozo 4,E) OreA
ver :04 14 104
Canntda, tom '.113 so
deelltv: volt, Palladian ha=
their UM quality. .„
bean, with quality -solar 7yartteulari,v,,
cattle in Grey eQuoto bave made things
brighter -for farmero--tzho- are feellin5
cattle. Llest fiarvaers Lincoln ,have
hand to ,P41, the atoaluttll r %tures,
very ,notnlidng Iffentvvorth. Fields
have made good grotgla and are verY
oata. 47, 4411,i049 03#V11,1U0.4
sap thio lgar Very no.n0h, taloW Mrs
at OM Irmatencie t119, VP.Ne*
nombot, 02 sees)) hag teen
eleatted Out of last yeateS ritpt trop.
We maple syrup teas= Imo teen
better than' eapected latmla county..
111)30-07 111W,cluel9a--
Prodnetion 02 op.*, .447 fbutter
ontarlo tllarist MIMI/ vim) al oat 210
high as a year age. lEhe Mail= of
is estimated at 4,718,eao as Compare&
with 4,815.033 in Mizell, 1337, a de-
crease of only two, per -cent. Western,
Central and Northern Ontario showed
a gain 4n output,' but in I:lectern On-
tario there was a decline a 10.5 per
cent. and in 'Southern Ontario the re-
dIrst three months-. of 1038 total
creamery butter production in Ontario
g ' �ti ZU1044, w
-thr .-lld; p1:1.'1111;X4y S 1., 'A^ 4 „'M` - ,y9! k;1'.
41'61r rift god $ 1i4'+ fo u°
vIttede to On orottogtIon 'th otter
Mir eflort to <, at , atitynotav'
relatives illght p`reVa :Bing fore
the I Vt laaoclit, :...
fe7 Me.
of his eSiendes. itect late team to
124,i'd teen. dome' earner rat
the tees were still .41Ormant in the
!Oven.' Natulan eau te 'more disap-
oney Row with tOo--few supers ferias
0 to *tore it in, Or owarmo
seconding for want of /lives hOOSe.
them. Tbarse who are intending to,
import package bees this spring should
have all 'the _nec,essary equipmprat on
hand and ready to house and feed the
bees upon ,their.....arriva,i, Thoee 117 -49 -
this summer should also --prep e the
necessary number of hives to take
care of this Increase.
It is impossible to forecast with any
degree of accuracy Juet what the
honey crop will be, but It is far safer
to be prepared for a bumper crop than
otherwise, in order to avoid possible
disappointments later on, For every
producing colony, at least the equi-
valent -of three or even four full depth
supers should be prepared. Now is
the time to do this, the summertime is
too late. This preparation requires
that all equipment be overhauled and
put into 'working shape and any short-
age taken care of by ordering new
supplies at once. With* all tile equip-
ment -taken care -of earaleno. danger. of„
the beekeeper -sem then de-
vote his full time to his bees when
they require it, and it will not be long
before they do. Springtime is tho
_Mester' tieu I time in the life .ef...a bee
time. A little judicious feeding dur-
ing the tirst bright warm days of
spring may save many colonies from
death through starvation, and at the
same time enable them to nuild up
ninth faster and to greater strength
for the main honey flaw.
Tralr-,,%, ,4 5:1-A;;4,4i,17.4\t:4?0g4g.0,0' .
.'%,:t'.411, bold ezteseottlin
Taw Cay nOntml,
zurgpor 04141414a Won tagrmments
04timittlim og: several Mail 00m-
atinaill BE
'none CO
The ware
thrifty Farmer and Property Owner paints his barns, houses
a.rict other buildings eVery few years. It pays to use the best
of Paint, and we have it at the i 038 low price. Nearly every
color and quality.
We are now -prepared to give. EXPERT SERVICE on _all
makes and models of Electric Refrigeration.
Phone 240
bffniliwiv *mull
* 0114
In your search for a Suggesticm for a euitable Memorial, permit us
to offer ideas in designs. The design, execution and the manufacture
of (Memorials along with all kinds of cemetery lettering is our business.
We have the.essperience that will enable us to aid you in solving your
Memorial Problem.
We should be glad of an opportunity to show you
Design.6; wherein are featured Memorials of all types.
wile're, sold -blast sh9aki he used. ?veal:1101c tools used
should be used.
our Book of
Sand blast
where they
I3uy your memorials from the Goderich Memorial Shop and save
agency commissions.
)20 Lio Ogo2.Com
St. Andrew's St. Goderrich
LEEMJ13.24, April 25. -Misses Cath-
Gederteh, Prent part of the (Easter
holidays with their grandparents here,
Cranrelr Nees, --4Dhe April meeting
held on Friday afternoon at the Nittii,
manage. The knillOidentrtaist
haw, 'had char& of the mectitu and
rs. (W. ,Sallows presided at the omen.
The Scripture reading woe led by Miss
J-ean muter and- wise read seepousise-
ly. Ma's. (Bev.) Pomeroy, read the
devotional leaflet. The president said,
nominating committee asking for nom-
inations. A delegate was appointed to
attend the PreSbyterial , Meeting in
Josnes street. church, Dxeter, on April
tatith. The chapter of the study book
was read• by Mrs. Hamilton Cluttot0
Each one was asked to try to have
something on the nris,sion fields of Can-
ada for the watch tower. There was
an attendance of twelve at this meet-
ing, which closed ),vith singing 'and
prayer by Mrs. A. Clutton. A dainty
the Lord's Suppei will --be -observeU
here next tiondes lu connection with
the morning service. Mey 8th will be
Mother's Day Jan Sunday last' Rev.
Wzpro.r04.0". araPrez4. 111110- zizinctetor, 7,t144-nrotat.
troit thieinto.' brolm into it and
-guretensvl from, SUM )1tubrt On bun -
Ana) aCre3 the' am .001/w4,06
son and daughtOrr:tance vete tly from
Poland to mate la e Ca=sla.
The engageMent to amounted of
Nora Mina th, only .daughter of Mrs.
Matilda Gino= and the late planets
Gibbwo of Leamington, to Hugh David
Angus of Otrehrane, sm of Mr. and
flIti7,*stgue •-02 rivizatlz%- the
raatriaae to -tate- (gaga verrquietly Vie
middle of May.
David Ramsay, a well-bnown farmer
of .t,he 1st eoncelon of Morris,. died
on' April /8(th 4after some months of
ill -health. He is survived by his Wife,
a 'brother, Allan, on the Isithestessi, and
two sifters, Mrs. John Pugh, of Mit-
chell, and MTS. J. Earner, of Elgin,
Dr. Margaret tStrang Savage, form-
erly of newt% has resigned as Pres-
byterian medical missionary in the
Peaee River district. Because of the
pressure of increased .household duties
since the birth of her daughter, Dr.
Savage is ,now contining herself to pri-
rate practice.
The._ home_of. r and Mrs. Daniel
scene of a pretty Easter wedding when the Bilievale sawmill one day last
their yoangest daughter, Ddith Marie, week. R. F.' °amiss was just cum -
became the bride of Cuthbert *Carr of ineuelng his season's work and was
eternia. The eeremony Wa* perforMed adjusting the guide on the Saw, when
Grifdthstlrews • dr -at the thirds Joh*: -Tte wits -
:second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. 1 tteut
Andrews, •Glinton, to Arthur E. Grit- I Edgar -Gr tits
t tis, son -ot Mr. and- Mrs. Vani-am Rev. 3. +I. Underhill of Gotleslch was
;rittiths of Londesboro, was solemnized the officiating clergyman at the wed-
; by Itev. I). E. Foster at Parkview I ding of Katherine Irene, daughter of
I United church, Stnatford, on Saturday Mrs. Griffiths and the late G. '11. OW -
ST. HELENS, April 25.- ilk v. Chas.
essuguing ass! Miss Marg,aret,, at Wal-
ton, were visitors with friends liere
en ,FridaY—
Misses tEtheil Johnston and Dorothy
Aitken, of Bluevule, vk ere guests of
'Miss Mildred MeQuillin reeently.
The ICHNX 1111,1 Billies supplied the
Getting Ready for the Lamb Crop music for an enjoyable deuce span -
Lambing time is the shepherd's har- sored by A. G. Webb and Stanley Todd
vest It is also the time requiring in the Community nail on Thursday
the most exacting care. Everything Misses Mary and Elizabeth Selkeld,
must be in readiness for the coining, of Goderich, weie recent guests of Mrs.
of the new crop. Three or four e eeks! Miller and Mrs. Gordon.
before lambing the pregnant eivt,1 Messrs. Robert and Horace MeGuire
should receive beiter feeds in orde; toI and Miss Helen Tudor, of bondon,
insure a good flow of milk for tho were visitors recently with Mr. and
young lambs. Alfalfa, red clover and
other legumes make the best Ilays furl Mrs. E. .1. Thom.
breeding ewes; they are almost - was held on Sunda". 6ertintg-,- with the
tlai at lambing thaw. If thcy ar:';u1:t-11:resident, Isobel Miller, in the chair.
available, mixed hay -which contains al Sribur Ramage read the "Scripture les -
fair amount of legume sh 1 I I 1 son and Norma Wea therhead had the
Succulent feeds such - • I 'Bible character, -Jude." Mrs. Lorne
corn silage make a welcome a ddit i‘eVe",°11k Nk ctli°11:ritc:hf r1(•)'allicest hen st"Nut(.1‘3%.'
to the ration, but not. more than onel world."
pound a day should he given, as larger
amounts are known -to produce b'et,1 part of oil meal will prove beneficial
soft, flabby lambs which generally diel As lambing tlnie approaches, and
„soon after ldrth. At this time the the ewes become he -a vy in lamb, they
feeding of min is essentinl. The will require more pen aud feediog
amount neeessary will very according, Npare. vwes which are exPected
to size and condition of ewe. Half to lamb early should be separated
three-quarters of a pound per day ofl from the main Bock. This is easily
a grain mixture made uP of two Part 11011V If the ram was marked at breed
oats and ono part bran is general ing time 1.1111 records kept. The
sufficient. If mixed or non -legume', warmest and most comfortable pen.
hays are fed, the addition .of half a me receiving plenty of sunshine and
free from draughts, should be seleeted.
For tills purpose, light, two-
sided, folding four feet to the
..1101 three le(t tire vet -
By •enetina in the w:1 t
:ter plit'ing 111). hurdle at right
qiibt :1(91 is less io
t! Titere k no (Lin -
avra rov, in„ Elliott per.
At the nrat=, Forest, on gaturiay,
April leth, Data leene, daughter of
Mrs. 'Ilaylor and thb late J. Taylor of
Format, was united in Marriage to Wei -
ter ta. Saird, younger oon of Dar. and
Dam. George T. dant)rd 00 inrucelleid.
Side on the d orlee.=1, 00 of Stanley
A quiet Master wedding toot place
at the home of Dar. and Dana. John
Elate, Tuckers/1)11th, on April 16 „ their
youngest daughter, Dorothy =aline, be -
*Inning the bride (}2 Menu eilavitah, COD
of William 'Slavin Cita eta late Etre.
,rulliii 115,11.0
, L, , cTR,,,,,:i,:tr_i:Iso.,,,,,a077:".t3liti;d: sii-liJ
vatttrt or;.
Mr. and Dans." Clew rinin re.n.'da? at the
cords tastm el, td'enty-trine years of
burno and chock L.\,!0eivelD
on the 2n4 oz=7,49p, P.97411107A
north of gt, Col .14,nhatu time -Ma tad
occurred while ennettel v=,.1713.41!P'5
arm. Dead and rib= ton'
on tale pole, and it io tr.eltrelE1
of the dead wires whieb riaa
lug outing over to Q 111/0 WiTA
Siatin of the came township, Rev.
20,000 Mtn of electricity thrsough, bl3
the body and hamb. The c.hoe..
belt saved him froM 4raftelat
reepiratioo restored connekinenscs, but
the unfortunate latt313 died early the
followLug morning listopltal. The
body was taken to Math= by kilo
mother, who also had been otayinG irl
elated,. The young couple will reelde
on the groom's farm just east of Hen-
-Dam en Blue Water
Highway Burma
Samuel Hendriek, who lives on the
Blue Water 'highway about three miles
south of 'St. Joseph, on Tuesday of
last week lost his line barn and its
contents by tire. 'The blaze evidently
began in the haymow. Besides the
barn, which was almost now, twelve
young cattle and thirty-four pigs, in
addition to farm equipnient, were con -
Loses Finger in
Sawmill Accident
MorrL nafodgwy
Trtto ModlOcOno Vous 12( Nuke
Dr. Karl A. Menninger, author of
"4Man Against Himself,' published by
noted psyehoanalyst and psychiatrist.
who, h father and brother,
runs the Menninger Sllinic in Topeka,
lieiniyob, which has been described by
"VTR irr fit 6151TOt
ehiatrie hospital NS est of the Alleg-
henies. 17
English, of "La Libre Bel-
gique" (Free Belgium), the famous
the German oectipation of Flelgium.
l'he motion pleture of this hook will
he released soon. 17
) Why Concentr
te on lieer ?
OT;ponents 'of Government -Cbritroi 'COnCentrate -their '-
attacks on our industry. This alone, to any thinking
man, is enough to throw doubts on their wisdom.
If the cause of true temperance is their object,
rather than a -tactical advantage, they surely should
not devote so large a part of their time to attacking
the mildest of alcohe,lic beverages, and one which is
not habit-forming.
But because a democratic law makes our product
available by the glass to working men, under Govern-
ment, Control, the opponents of the pre:;ent system seek
to drive drinking underground where they (lo not see
it. The truth is, that the individual is, less likely to
commit abuses in public. and tho arf.' e:,sily
hotel ,it does not. foll()w that ho ;icigialit'ed the means
of intoxication in a hotel. it (lous pi(,v;
t4). prove, ?their
Protect it with GOOT, p made with
Pure Whit° Load ha Oil. 1111,5 tismo-proven
wmoid-ihe surest, most -(n0111522.. --
1r re raarliEtZZilairOCitild211.— ,
ifcialas ocomonay to ,use oho
Tests dhow that NWIletilia. .ilivo yours a
"Mote perk at job con coot you 75%
=ore than tho sumo work de4o with Pluto
Whit° Lead in 011.
Pakrilitse may bo
paid for OW oil
incoimo through ca
caoraf Loom Your
We find no definite evidence to suppnrt the 1 [ivory
Mat satisfying the taste for beer develops a eraViiig
for whisky. On the contrary, we believe that if beer;
. . . are more easily obtainable than dist illed liqu(Jrs
and are sold in different conditions, there is reasondnle
ground to expect that the taste of those who wioti to
drink will he diverted to the lighter and less harmful
''Toward Liquor (.orzirol..
compiled hv Rockefeller Committee
0 This advertisement is inserted by the
871,toprfi in the interest of a better public
underldanding of certain averts of the
probtemq of temperance and loyal option.