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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-4-21, Page 2
4.11nm e. tapw.ornSIGN/0e A PubHated hy Stud -Star Prete), Iste Wed' Street, Goderich, OntriG TeartitSVAT, AP Us 214, 1038 .12ACT° ese u't** ttt-DM-UNCRON=11.:VO erititt-etraltau treaty, whereby • 107Met nritain accepts) coneitione Pt4e11- we refueed. by Anthony Eden, Vet) Ortetter aritish Foreign, Ceeretare ttailed triutipla for Prime Ulu - .11W4 Obareberlain. The eatuation has ''et'4041 Iteeetb Materially eine° Mr. Eden's ikeeteetation, as Eletleres seizure of Aus- ,Wel iC• ta threat to Italian intertette, Oet4 Zuteatlital would be the Datuml feeler of Wes's now loott mare favor - ti* legate overturn trona atter powers, 4nd„ e6-rticularly Great 'Britain. What trad.:I cteurel, by elle treaty, however, •-neeteelo to be merely a promise of future Oteell Conduct- ,by -Rely, while Italy, ob- eel= not only British recognetion of et. the Conquest of Igthiopla but an Veep - Meet by 'Britain to use her influence OW ilea:sow of Nations acquieecence in -ftel3 %plate etkreneeree- ----ItalyI to eeltittraw her troops from Spain, but is :Get under obligation to do thin until the civil 'war is ended. et loving 'very ,much like a ,polic,e ee,mpromise with a bandlt on the leads that the bandit may lteep his loot if he promises not to take any more. At any rate, the treaty is hailed teeth joy in every pro -Fascist centre Mi Europe. it remains to be seen 'ivhether the British people, as distin- gulehed from their' present Govern - mete, will ee satigfied with the agree - a TZ BARRAN EPOSa.„7.02 That Canada has a serious railway oituation On its batuG cannot be de - pied. There are three points of view: That of those who would have thta two Heetteat-eallete; eseetems AMA ted eseeenseletteerliateateeetetilVI.3-e.. ---eaetretventne -prefer aneetttnaldamallote under public ownership; and that of government:' `those who would ,keep the present set- up—one railway under private owner - IAEA the other under public ownership flf-SoMe concrete proposition is brought forth that will improve present eontlitIons from the public standpoint The Got -mentioned view is the one . that, _we <belleve, is held by the. Great. majority of people who have given the seater anw lerlaus thougle, It is all lya we've bad about the fightingest very well for papers like The Finan- bunch of calves at 'Lazy Meadows this eat Poet to sound the Wart? vveek seat that we have or had and 141,11,..tiat_gmle,f11..111- gaV chaneve are it will never be am:deed. There in encour,agement, however, in the' experienve oe the Wail public eeheois, ire which diplo ao ere awarded for reading. Many og the polio read a eurpeleingly huge nu her of booen and are thereby deli:eloping a hetet that will be a solace and,. a detieht to them throuehout life. 0 14145 Mazo de ea oche informs) a onrlouo public that there le, or WWI, nO Web family ao that millet% Ohe portrayed in "Juba" caul other 'Melte- make otoriea. "People -el eet," ete ease, "are conetantly belling me they know the family i'vearerittest Went." Of coulee, the') will not prevent people from renting out to touricto of tt, lit- erary Poland "the %IT houeee in which the Jalna oddities dwelt in 'the flecet. seese o- Diecus ng the 91'0/peed .eatablishs Meat of sweepetaltes 1,11 Ont.ario The 'Femme Reformer cape: 0 A "trier 10, the_wieter eti rega over and cow); the a Welei 44100/0, the eartili' the liele a Me AMP* age biedeeheeeopee andethe voice of tire tertie io heard, teethe lane° allege enYthine more beeuttful Can vearcely be Imagined than. thin e idyll of filolomon in egemplifteation of tee seeten of seaeOette-Sprino. Them) Worele are oymbolicel of health, we4Itle and h pineee foe ail.' For winter le Oeit with its atteudant haretehly; growtlt and fertility ewe° with the flowers; joy and gladness wlth Ole" crIt137- wiltat 110 Wallts tO (1). Vire Velee of the singing hives and the vv474:71.--7:rof "boiroteuzbat 400,01°01•::irbiliperrnitedig. Pltuatslovere realize What a wealth A MO linaim,y,or thew foundetheit-Way turtle. heattb and 73al°11e39 t'bere jfl att%ethreo Jail, lIcrll:tivon'llheVelaPacttbat theibirim4).(eactd"s, earth." ,abtoonir: af.icrrx:r9_11e.ms,01,v7erlit taa;pzathre Coorintli g or their wiveeei; ttreee Previddd fee them. • III (c70L-:.1.:~Atz..c;too esss )4WV.flf -ntd t.cf:cf:,,f:r1113 .0 t-aAvx,":' V".'4 rzt4,6vo - qvo WO: ott• (34 zjZrtee=" eteeelo aotto d for no leg, end, thelesOlet )ere ‘itavo_to,-.'reu up.ythe# .p1.1,1110zit to jecor_lf, tor Al, lireeee erR ', ee, ,-"ee-eeee--,e..ee-eeeee-ee.-.e-eeeeeeeeeee DIM' WATZ ?DM= camoltop '(l@xetee Tities-Adveeete) Tbe. neW way a omit= on .- public and tecreedary cal:tools is 'cleat- ing under cevere eritlelem. 0041, plaint 10 that the 'nate Mete t haettl 06 -the prinelpie of-addle:1' a child to eleetv love le briaktest, and long We IDIEVRTRAM 1113,== is test; beit revlyed love is the (OollingwoodeLlaterprisotetealetteo ten erest thingreols eaetb." Ao the In Dresden cehooryrineipal wee -convicted- ofeeteaulting eauey and 13tette plaerteeure sought eaeheeeeene with never -failing zest by all botanists trrematetive eaperient2, tho wolltor, impudent pupil, but neither flue illar The need of 'added financial sup- port for hospital° is .given the justification, for th,le measure, but the history of sweepstakes and lotteries has been that private phil- anthropy and eharity is seriously impatred, if not almost entirely killed:, where lame lotteries are fostened. In his book, "Tickets . to Fortune," which reviews the whole question. of :lotteries, Uric Bender reaches the following con- clusions: "Any elette that legal- izes lotteries bhve a new ''''411410274v,stAveallaa74.114-i,MALOqt.45t--- ---fe-filq.41-fote-tite-fotioillint,.;-4610 • iteoptheteloa.hoi wOnastgheivechon-a vvrthorarlirehg, tp ‘elealarateehera wiaftiratrhnianil tw9nodoeciritt,re...nd atraserententhecellawathesr ele ... leee, aulehle 'banishes winter lecture by the magistrate, .,whleit he letlutegye - ' a .. s., neleht well tete VP- heart telle vvare Moet people !mow dune well what UV -Mt to disciPline Valler thall, Pamper opulence of sane and gratuitous please the bee, which, An the .magletrate mid, ure there is in the study of wild flow- would probably' insure ancere manliness era, therefore they long to make frientie- and greater reward in the years aheed. WItitt there, but hesitate to do co be- Little Johnnie in these days neede caue,e tney may not see their way Ilene_ treleing. , ut the other day a clearly how be begin. This need not ‘egkeisttate in Toronto stated that in deter them. There was a time when his opinion the great majority of even the most learned botanist knew juveniles who appeared before him nothing whatever about plants. He, were there through lack of parental like everyone else, had to •make ---a care and direction. ft is a sad story share so why not you? And now is and a sorry reflection en fathers and the time. mothers. But there can be a change, A letter (which may be mailed free necessarily through harshness, but of charge) addressed to the Dominion cartailing indulgence. It ,neight Botanist, Oen:trail Experimental Farm, Well be tried, out. t Ottawa, will bring a symp,athetic, cern- ad speedy reply to anyone lona to.PP Wtmtg,;111,1gittitalm tco,,,,orl oz,.. Piggm to 4 orta, %4o.k Moro' .4111414Prehd. ' atz4. thp 4=eze og., PiroveAA oe , APIA 001 401m vqo I to Of interneelentg Otettee'banteee eeelereeleaae4heti...eiehegeOlereageeee., '11-9P4 110V;,‘...Vertg reaerdar. that leletereVe Pivot (1 .040'4 t*Letell "147=0:111r•YOrnizarrtiro---tolFor-4-441.b. (7) Celeeeand time eded =dente, eierney . • , MEAT CANA,Icee, NEEDS eiewee..-eeekeettefee-enereeeMe ..:,—..., e. --ene,ee - - -tritsteh-ene-e: - (ponces: It will gain a few thous- • sarY a net er-h-010-denliftee*ItY-Cehrtelee Siente-on tr'---catou, ALitetting--- "44bil'''''''''''''''esirel' ' chener Record has outHned the follow - ands wild flowers, their prices. and peb- ands of" &liars at a cost to its_ Ing list of Canada's most pressing - lishers will he sent. people of enillienS. It WIII iir. It is an unfortunate fact that the needs: crease its own relief problem. rt What this country needs isn't more Cal herald of sprieg should he will encourage new rackets and boom' liberty, but fewer people who take- lib - of rather a despicable character, but racketeers. It will not be able to erties with our liberty.• nevertheless interesting. . frown upon other -forms of gam- What this country needs len?t tosget Down in the boge, swamps and otber • bling. It will do intaleplable harterteethe-enottesseesitsechlellene 5.e.t.--ehlette-' Mae X-Peene.P.fseetes----1 ht P'"•oreetaees--froutetheepeoplee-butestee eeandeetseadaltjar0.. ----... It.' ull"-+:--ksinteal."11. :::Zreeirliet-417-21t1' a:-13P9114.1get0e&kagOgAggkes%-r9ge, dierespee ri' -trnitaloR151,a--Owit: ;':gio. "whar ffiTi etialitiee Tete-dreXee ' -tit 7-ii.W-Ineiesseepuletee front and eeeetilai afeee;remat to I* IA thCe nek;411)011004 0. ware hood in vie .teeteomptem epe Fifth evelene end 42nd Dtreat. altert- deed, root/014 yugtvro gee pump. ,lr'':alfter .$ta#04 Otaiiiitutp and , telt pe, that ohr etate a, Intertee"thala ‘thet 'Oateepeelee..• withstanding the gotta reiteratien nf the 404 heation to 1400_914 a. attro0e4i, 4v016o, thero gegx L. - that eceuaole we vhall drew% let() -the next great 'ware A NOVI "401* emus eorremenelentetvito itaoltrzt re, corned Egr011ag Rracue Old 01.10 oaw there- large grOupe of ellogIng, hoes erinking Ceetehealovnetialatie wile acted an thettell the dermea thr4ellt to teter Indepeudeece was not at ell et reaatiee to their ,liveo or happluesoe but elte etas astounded at the etate. Of elied Americaes. I imagine that num, Al 41111. tevvero begone delteriett IneSeee Cee370 Oat took ghoetly 'eleapeo„ end melted lute. cfemiler,edg vicceito into the =7 of the glee, te Teo are leevee bee.tettfed, yet they take miTsWrlOhtee .04,01 )?0,tee Ono* or ,Ouneet, Mule ibeco e InYoteelielle .et,a0 nnyeal, act, +Ma NeW .7Cork yeeteeday. A.$ 1 write iltyatinths and 41604110 in the . TWA! -are volt* diejeetedly groin Onefr;' theeell oigeelien foreethia ere valiantly 'flauuting their yellow 'filoveefe The .446.1nele anorfall, tenet here been tonie to a, elating roeby teenteerora Cambridge tUnlyersity, for they beat the New 'pa Ru toy Club- isfeeietee elerthel; -ate Ittreutitte, by the: (nem:helm-hag score o 85-0 et voani lalandall'e !eland ,Stadinin.- Theee leuglishmen sbowed their opponents sotile eXeeet dodging faegy kick- ing at sheen tingles. Nor did the linOvitan interfere with ehe Peening a -,Itow- little- eirculete emelt at Bowlink GMetla eitis spot is ett-the -foot- of Broadway. The iron fence, etill %- tact, was imported from Vngland while tels country was a British eol- OnT, tho-ugh - the statue ' of King George that once stood there .cras melted for bullets at the time of the Revolutionary War. • In their attitude toward events td comeeend wars that they eoestder in- e,vitable. I recall tee, tolerant °miles and head -shakings of many English- men When-T-43ot visited '0.0:014-0oetir- ,try Whett 1, In leterpretinge them. the American scene as well as I could. expressed the hope for a long era of peace. Americans are different. ' every bridge party or meeting of friends, or in back -yard chats, one hears genuine war fears expresaed with fervent 'wishes for peace. Well, the United :States le increasing, as fast as it can, its navy and its avia- tion forees, and has perfected very definite plans for the quick 'mobilize - Aloe. of its military and factory resources. They will not again be caught in the: predicament they suf- fered when the Great War broke ont. Their fears have aecelerated eongres to ouickey approve vast naval end air- erette -expansion... and...the inereatiee. mechanized- land forers: 0 0 a P10 egElev Lga Ribtdous By Harry J. 'Boyle figure in fairy l stories or in the :Silly miles of territory but .more milts to Symphonies of the screen. Their the. maim . cowls or monk's hoods are PurPlisti" What this eountry needs Is more brown or greenish -yellow and mostly tractors and fewer detractors. . mottled. Peeping from these cowls What this country needs isn't young I are round, .sinister little faces. They men making speed but more young mere +seem to be creetures of ,another world, planting .e.p.uds. but are, in.reality, plants. The COWIS <What this country needs -G -More are the spathes and the fame the paint in old places and lees on young CALVES spadices composed -of tiny Sowers. • ewes. eif there is anteetarture eftete,. more As many flowers possess an odor, What this country needs is to fol- cantaiikeroug thait:ellit'eteee pleasing or otherwise, the first instinet low -the feetsteps of the fathers instead would like to ,know _about it. Honest- Is to smell these. But wbat a shock! the footsteps of the dancing masters. It mayi be skunk, garlic or--Lborror of horrors !—putrid meat. This evil- COUNTII COUNCILS ameiting herald of spring is the fore- runner of what will later become a (Mount ret,est Confederate) malodorous cabbage; for these are the We are quite at one with :The God - flowers saf the notorious skunk cabbage. erieh .S-ignal-Star in its stand' against 1)o not be deceived by connecting the abolition of county councils. From this nasty -smelling bunch of leaves the democratic point of view it would with the cabbage of culinary fame. be a backward step. County councils Happily there G no relationship. But are a necessary link ibetween the muni - strange to say (and strictly in con& cipality and the. Pro:deice and a wise deneel) the skunk cabbage is a cousin check against reckless and corrupt es- eenditure. " They are a safeguard against the centralization tendencies of the present day, and they form a con- necting link .betwee,n towes, v11-. lages :and townships of a county, If they are abolished it will be be- cause the Provincial authorities want to assume more of the reins, of o ce, and to exercise more power in the conduct of public affairs; ale* because the county, councils have not always acted, with. decorum wbere assembled. aTiaer,.7yrt=irftenTielticr w too.ho deeture that the eountry cannot stand has a wicked glint in his eye. Ild's up under tbe burden Much longer. Jessie the brindle covv's calf and does What do they propose to do about It? he ever like to tight and :pier general physical tat enation ? Would they hand over .tbe .1 believe in weaning them off on a eeeele of the railway to some private eel as goon ag, possible, and so last centeete and let tire railway debt re- =in upon the public? It is to be borne in mind that the C.N.R. has an operating surplus; it is the railway (Debt, ineurred years ago, that is the feu:Site:tar, and se far ttobode, bag come a Corward to lift it from the shoulders ree the people. Or, as an, alternative proposition, would they have the Government of Canadn add to its difficulties by taking over the CPA. vvith Its obligations to "dedli` Wier "09- oardholdero an are ,er The 'people are getting rather tired of the everlasting alarm without any definite suggestion for an improvement nt the situation. 4 EDIITOIRIAL NOTES There has been a general chorus of eDrotest against the proposed abolition . of county councils. Me Hepburn I managed at last to get him penned. eequire all hie courage for an In the corner. This time he geenied ,proposal. to get a elp or two of the ...... gagged a little anti blew the millt up like a tittle geyeer in the pall. Mks 212ed finally to get the idea, howerv, and stook a few aipo off the eight it was warm Outside, and there was& good bit of fresh air coming in of the famous African arum or calla the suttee doors and I de.cided, to give lily; sheaveS of which will be proudly this frisk -y gent a taste of milk that carried by the June brides. was handled by a middleman instead It Is realized, however, that all of going directly from the produrer to Canadian cousins of the arum lily have not the offensive habits of the skunk the consumer. He blotted away all the time I was cabbage when the pretty little water milking and kept up a general haft- alum smiles, and the jack-in-the-pulpit baloo from. where I had him fenced Preaches in May. ID in tbe nert stall. Jessie was a 'Towards the end of the month mey be found one or two very adventurous mite worried he an p ling over the top of the stall or elee wild flowers blooming in tbe open; trying to gitove her foot into the pail possibly a precious daisy -like Robin's In some county councils the idea seems all the time I was milking, and I had plantain, with les violet flower heads; to have prevailed that the members quite it'-etiliTitr get'lleigtitel-:'"- -------e..-- ..ar-atz..,9,egwjarmi_gmes..1014 ite,e_see., were out for a good time; also that But at last" 1 wap finished and 1 thWe Vete etildtr tee ititekteententy -ler climbed over Into tbe testing gentea themselves. . stall. lie kept his distance fora. It is also proposed that the number moment or two; in fact, be never of ridings in the Province be reduced mon-eti as I iroved the pail of saint over by about twenty. It Is considered by and under his nose. Brrraattt! Deltri went the entire head with a splash to the bottom of the pail. A wave of milk went up, and down behind the hlb of my overalls. Then up went the heels and he tore around the stall d I haps an early adder's tongue, here an there. -But in the ;protecting woodland sev- eral early and old friends are calling, calling you; ambling in the caressing sun and at the whisper of weirdly- some that our Legislature would be sweet Aeolian harmonies, swelling and more efficient end less extensive if the 1 Kinking with an alm-ost supernatural -number of members was smaller. It cadent e—those 'mystic pastorales might cost less its the way of indene, harped by the gentle wind on the bare lefties to members' but would it?. twigs of the naked trees. The almost certainresult would be ' that indemnities woied, he. Increased in lieteCIEEDOlki2 firareINCIID accordance with widened responsibill- (Philadelphia (Bulletin) • . tiete The only cheek of aggression ethort Then ridings would be ectelarge as of taking the terrible hazards of Gee- bo be out of touch with the member°. eral war 11) to make the aggreesors co fear the potential etteking force of the trationo that stand or Peace and the supremacy of law that they will not dam .putthrough the more risky parte of ateIrprograul. Nfireeireeese in tone, and still more in military, neva' and air power. will only .precipitate the cort of exet,losion, which Washington, in to -operation with natio= of good will the world over, is trying to yre- vent. attenrpt to carry out t 0 Nowa dmpatches fr (antes tell of factories el the United sed down by ote C.I.O. until the employeepaY finger. That was fine and he :kept it 4'heer due3 to that organization. Pre- up, but the, wear anti tear on, the Onctler , dilepburn wee right when he fought ger was (sauna to to a little too much, .1 eradually tried to alip Lt out. laze imposition of such cenditiono upon aAtt le° au, _mare end. yen calf Rae Ontario worldnemen. drintina by himeelf. That is, until he dimevered that he had lieen hem - lite St. Catharines Standard, refer - ate to the rumor that the member - chip of the Ontario 'Legislature may be cut to seventy, observes: "Sinee it lithe leegistature) was reduced. from two or three jerky revolutions 3.nd ee'Sk the ',mit luneed Out from the came. ' et-itgiemmadltarkiant'omln) elmeitenTiletlAifidte=deeteette:fe ".4" ion1441.. boozled, anal he immediately Waa co ca to chow 'the world that yen dimply couldn't .tert.a.ealla WW1 tlellithaglike that. The tail •• went whizzing around In We are suffering froin another dp- nreesion. It is called a recession. The next will -he an explosion, a vvit remarked to me the other day. Ono of those confidential Babson reports I have Just read said we should have a sieftireeeldf "Thtee-mr, "tele tee tow -so. 0 00 At the Newsreel movie theatre saw pictures a President nooeevelt making a speech . to some Georgia folk, Is , vibrant _vole and Harva.rd- •accent brought no sign of interest from the nudience, nor a single 'med..' elap. In ea hour's showing of news ,features from many parts . of tbo werld there was -something poignant in 'pietrtre of the7 last - parade -or the. Inntskillin,g Dragoons just before they were to ,heeome a mechanized .force., April 7, lees. APPENDIX OPIERATIION .1Foup,..KogIram-pap -co11,13, ir Isiterea "ettieteattetheeeentrehrove- -three 1:71t1Tgh ell; e l'ia t :IQ 1 erDee. Pereeeleyeetiormeamar 7.,,,es wsw:iiere. .7 'flee', rags, pot -holders and shoe laces twenty-nine years,ago, on the 21s1 of 7,,;(1:1'.- ,,.„,wr:rinnle.:47:71,4•11: 14:41eltver 4st170:41,r7cale to9;&fflivertownv.2 siewee'Theeteliettissetteek:doote-mees. -6r- less---ii-eatateito.eft, --iurier-3-,.; ;irrieted.tife. .eieri re hn a . a i qa ppea red. In his etead ing that time he has earned the retitl- e; the honest tette of family mon or tation of being one of the most suc- tynnern. And this- is sigotfleant.. Gone. surgettn,s- ins-theelerovinee.: No are tho.se lusty days -when any earnest doubt he has performed many success - -'40-rettheetafteleacitedoareseetieeleeersats.eltasa ° 1/4 Fl pr -,allfiett10!118 Will intake'. reduction Vleether helplessly et old eeele,,„ old odd farther to the general outlay r then finny went down. And believe 0 0 0 • you me, there Ave more pletfeent pima ID thin world to fall. 'Lite ealf, Teat Perth County Countillor hns n nreke the task compiett,i, ititrzed tsain and the milk streamed over nee Por, a moment or two le wantto .1-lulhaste the bide out a that calf, but wIttett lt looked he Woe etazielea there with hio head corked. tie bee dee Ids Jelft eerklue araelete....„.atel =me - how °cotter Jell toy no;ict Cmned up eat ,dicn ppear,, It tette What It tetieerAlne" Wet (4.t40 aniOe thnt it,tteate0 -tho tittle flo btriltlittZ,. • nie;la (iiWtat It114t, .U4110. Cer pthitetaeiZ St4rtli tIP round 14 that 1 e/1Of hie ereil Wein to leolietet 10 he i'Ltetilet, beet) fool for c40wnic3 nroitta .40 ,Intte Veeeteelete tet wee:1'11 teek!ie 'thee.' for eon cella kle eito the.feiet thet, h lee thielt, it oeree letele1t, 11 tette= Were <Ill ahout the catil eftee, WO dale) tittaletea et111.1 ete.4 la= lit&t '-eiteleattereset teete, t,,e`te, or:441e rittfoct Itro. In411 trAtiZo to to 04' aealL% Cat3 ta*fee;.t lt teef,`e,ttte:24Pe, Cermet idea of how glitch things turn Otte who predicted that, if county coun- Qua teee ehdliohod, the Government will leppelet coneeitelonere, perhaps two or dtttra, to loot: after eaoli coon- etee2 eey each. of Ulm a salary dttal., to vtat the entire counsel now :ettetivei, 0 o 'It 19Peobebly trne that the Influebee al the reilloAe eealtiet reading. IPeople ere lateiteellbolet oe to time nt141 an to 31IV 'IR451,, titOttlOWA *0.110 ta, ALt7'. te th4 1O 4t lo vOily .oatv thikt tbet teey- /will not ceeteh rartita.t elefied he zava ,cttilktti'o cla *pith thb, ri•atiao' t41&,,t hale lit=aio, a.'4.;...tattlre v -41e4 t4zUtt3 tatr4113 tf:a tme,24,";Z t*, Pelt vx-".44' youth or 'skilled mechanic or handy man could get a job on ,his honest ap- pearanee. One tragic aspect of the present slump. as given in an estimate hy the Welfare Council of this city, is the plight of some 400.000 young men nod, .women—not Including those who are in school or who are living at Our riding, ;Northeast Wellington, 113 oneethat le CO spread, out au to be une wieldy. Theo 'in the Legislature, there would be leeened opportunitiee for the expreselon, of popular %Anion, fled the power of the caucus an,d, Gov- ernment would 'bef proPoirtionately creased. If a countycouncil la not UN:Liar& with say twenty members, thte On- tario legislature ohould not he too Ictige with ninety'. ..44.44+44.40•444,1•00444.4.41.4,44.44,441 =NM A WV21:ili TOI'M SPv2ALL Irlatnien.4 • .404sfil,VW.4421t.anC. ffir.,..64/44•44464.44.44444.awattralieltIO Me of the thingo which keep a email town) small, and ma -Ise buelneee or practitine a proem -e'en so hatareoue, is tire etursher of people In that town who earn their ineome there, and spend it in the =Thy large city. The 'Crean town detatiet is irritated by the local eitleen who got; to the large eity 4» patronite the cheap odeerlaine (tenant, wbere Ititeteelf atim tt tho blig.tovin tailor to Imve hb elotheerinadee tlite :Metal fOtrie lawyer e platoe when the 'big city lavw to. Olied In tea afS 1 tee -4111 eatte, but when he Iseettingniiarrl be Oen to ate ' big elty to buy hieeeartteee'e eneegetnent rth he locket 011=14 ia outfoc4 truzt the theittett tv110-roa5 the beauty +peeler eoee te the city for ter' coapa anti emefee, Yet ke allroeo Wife to ,ris to that teireebteitp fee bateealer ',pieta:ere 'wave°. Let lele;i eteento uri who40 %Athol din eactittei2t: ria clowA Ti I e a' Meet tittelete hie liviee oat of the et' iteee Of 4 lekelle tt to opteel (40 Colleted that leteme In the town. If he Mee*tle reoPle. of thattown todo bOdttes-i lawn I* vittl tt=as' foam tromL,.za oro tL'e t':ott-t -o.catt'iati... 54,4: )4r,:tsvo the:coil adorttlza. 'the lontgaita C4s1 .ana31,4111 610 Tott=, ttt03 of tr4';‘, tiot,v3ID the citZ haw eel a114%t Ittaebon4 v;atild on4t pint trot to' hil6,1%1Z, that the :ttte Ito:0;4',Itact ra i1 ittontIN hat4IIV the 1o41.,5Mloso.ato too, tray tatlotr cea.:v0744.1patvore:',0tra- . 0-o-tra4 tt)'4, b:4 tat4t...4.1w.it%:4 t ' ful operations of e difficult and serious nature that are unknown to the out- side world, but when he performed a suceesgful appendictomy ou a -four- months-old baby the daily papers of the Province featured the news of the oper- ation as something that has made medical history. Raymond Rock, the lf four -months -old son . Mr. and eers. amitnieed nist seek employment— . John Rock, Nvho are employed with Mr. who cannot :find work. 0 se - James Kerr, of tEelice, had been re - 1 spent some hours at the Hotel moved to the lestowel hospital for a Astor one day -last week, looking ovet hernio. operation and It was, while per - new printing machines and appliances forining this operation On Monday now offered tothose who work at the afternoon that Dr. Tye discovered a all Preservative' T e °ccall4» 11 Ivll' which- was -removed, and. the -child is 'redly inflamed and infected appendix an exhibition held by the Employing Printers' Association,. The represen- tative of a compauy that makes a certain slug -casting meehine informed me that there were printing plants in this city which did their -work with- out type of any kind. letatrices, molds and casting maehlnee sufficedt, with- out resort to type in cases. A sales- man for a new high-speed offset press showed me on the cylinder of ehis machine transfers of reading matter and pietures that had required nothing but photography to project them et '0—Mr loreiting-eserviceeeNo--ty.ye,,or. cuts were used. Anyway, the smell of printing ink was fragrant to my seeses, and the handshakes of some oneetinte contemporaries a pleasure. , 0 0 0 Anti-N'aziism is one of the pet hates of certain groups of ipeopte in this city. It is expressed in innumerable European dispatches, articles by columnists, editorials in papers, and irequently in, public meetings. Like all such campaigns, there occur some ridiculous manifesto dons. 01n, e months ago a _sharp-eyed lover of liberty diseovered that a number of large Getman cuspidors were in use in the City Hall. Atter a complaint by zealots they were taken out. But the offending spittoons were put beet: a week ago, and a louder protest came. Out . they went again, this time to be replaced by tee honest -to - goodness kind made In the U. el. A. Of courei, 'dignified newopaPere treated the aleair with a becoming Itemor, and we readero of the dety'a grist. of fearsome news' enjoyed a relief. repelled as making splendid progreso towards reeovery. Those who have been in the medical professionfor a number of years claim this is the 'first time they ever heard of an appendix operation on a fouremonthseold patient. --1Milverton Sue. Dr. Tye is the son of Mrs. W. D. Tye of Goderich. 7 (-).,,©zarpzioe 7120 —76-tetrdtitIt3 41 PE. tag - If constip tion has you bogged down so you feel tired, sunk. all played out-et's time you asked yourself some questions, latoreiyheg .1ushatvemeemot .bereatottaegeagst, potatoes? It's no surprise you're conetipatedi The chencee are you don't get enough "bulk." And "bulk" doetaii mean a tot of food. It's errand of food that isn't con in the body, but leave -a -Ts: - soft "bully" maze 11 the antes- teei btnzel « Ove- htit you lack, your crunchy reelletr '9 cont .22a111* "bultaateyveorgu uteya itt Nature's groat intootinal , vital= Be Vat Alielaran ov. clay, drink plenty of teeter, t°, tate a new ozt lifol is made by =acmes Londoe, entario. tepid by (were ettoccat team and Ta meat, If s tict 2Cr ' to iSciint ileatrick's DaY u 'German band of oix lusty « usiciabs was arrested for _disoreerly tonduct by waitlig, in the detentioh pen in a Brooklyn court for their &ice to come up. if these Germano didn't atilt° me 'When Irieh Oyea Are 'Smiling," 0 the delight 02 court etteedeo lawyera And revorterp Could ten Trish judge like Matthew Ie Troy floe, thou? Ire could not HO even I weakened ee Mueli that he, eaid he lIko Gettaan street bands), they vietiv hg-Iiingera of eyeing, they terainded hint a v3, attl to`•'<t 110 Ilea' „ 1411.,SUMIt LAXA•LIVER .PiLLS* .16'48co arct,i1t1 " " Zee RiclocL) (belt ao aro ioad tot? ciocorgtim home orrott40.' togo. Are, lee -Pectins i,phivaGut of the bot ,yorletips to aramo eny day. I 0111 hay° 0outtal= ef loot year's shipment and ofterieg, 'them at reduced priog, to Make iyont for the new atoere ' GIO.$11VP/ALIT 'Mono 105 ' Gollsokra 47:411 111A 1C7,3 -rvi3 reees- kcV, w. 4 As A if-ve.vaTITImo 4. 0 Drive in and let us show you proof of the EXTRA MILEAGE and SAFETY built into Goodyear' "G-3" All-WeathereTires. The broad, flat, heavy tread with its four-way centre -traction diamonds — those husky, sharp -edged, blocks of rubber that grip the road and resist skidding in any direction—the Good- year patented, extra -durable Supertwist carcass—the broad rubber contact with the road — all combine to give you more mileage — greater safety. See the evidence — then ask yourself this question: "Why buy any tire that offers less than Goodyear — when a Goodyear `G-3' costs Da _more atelee tee $0,744,17,01 tire?" E, 0 Y tir 'Oval 0 • =- yg, 1110=It-t Zz"1.2. eesete It Et I htti Not if_ you Wit ROCII 'tifsw,( Cod, Yeasd Colo (which is stored under cover), rrl Coaa.Ciloonte-0 Anletrecote Can%) attay„, 9c-avvoiltat, Peecalhozaluo Coa, • All Coal and Coke forked. We carry a full tode of the aboVe rue' and ean give prompt delivery, no You ltnow that it ia Yelle prielleee' te have a load, of Coal et eV other commodity o t to the tomb melee for re' welehtne. W(i' invite thie Ct C31;QTL - 11(, At440 ,;„ 4 04,..argi::%g2