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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-3-3, Page 9
''. , P '1 , ' . , ' 2,-,,,:,-,,.,„, --, - -,:.:, .... .,,, .:„ ...„.. r, . 74attpeill; .-0,,:p0.t 4 1 i c) 44:tzt. .44.4414 tiL! A It' 4000,VW'Z' Maitai ,34.10.40._ 74 ValoAt4i:Pt tbil DADI;cocla,' .,..,.;,,,:-.,,,,-,,,,,,,,.„,..„.",,,,,..-„. .,;„•..,,,..:4,0,44tV4).....,:„. ,,:..„;-:.;..,,,.., P410:3.,4',7741,14.M.4494,1M-0*. "00.041. 47.M.4,AlWar-momfe.-1-0,....4 - ,..- ISbe rottaw4 alittik an'''tha 'MO tient through lha .fghp..# .4,;11'0 !agA1W "1-40 WO" dam snap In, "1111Mget , ' OM `I got it 'la. 04-,attiv.-. 1.wait4, 4 04o typtok-4P,P9O 7b 71 01,1*.1.14'1Gulth, an' didnt Inl %at it woo 121101 looked nne . Straight ln,slhe fae, an to slip -ine.tey, to ,,d.°1 reelOt. '4,- kill 4ourteen men lin Gore 1. beLto....VgAilY.40idatWea°11#.‘44!, .-1--Xolz4e41 . ,-.thtMat-r.4,0U-,,OX'74,,--11f-ine'0-14,11101-a-ma ---MlInt-proud-Of ione day DaddY 104'00 attl'O aoor"1*"..o zather oo, . 4 ;g141,4`.' 'Ow Ai, ' illt., - 1 PQ,,,.q„-,- ''" . -tit 4t.t:1 toit...43aVz-V!,(:•;-'',3' 14 "are L . ,''. '.4°., - 'A- 4,-,.! ' .'00. ;06. r,4 . ,, : trYtt-.4111i tDOP;a - ' ' ''''. ''''''''''' '-"' - . ' '4.p. 'N f'''fr'' (141 ' 14110, V4,11 " ' . ols."-'wellt, ets.seeessissseass. levies. Ivo sits tzot or, owAt74*. to '.w44), atin,v,:,1! a Illor pn oaeitt The nctefti,da, re„ift nhermt. taim lIerUlte anit ttaigot ezat,m3 ,,,,,,,,,. „.„,,, i, , ,,,,,,,-„,,,,_, ,titaiiii4,.. ...444-4,....4.. i It q.077 ,tA 1,..ccoa- 4.1t1111,4ttnaeattOlotolereVtry...i.b.emt, 0.170; to: 'bole= og' ces$1.41;t. T. 1404.-‘ ts-sassils Tgautlasallin vbeiceeetorrattusritectetd chheirdereenfaterehov.ee a. ;44owtlyiita'1‘'4etrc%47;7474:4."4.`V`:7444aire.'•P DA% '''.100,014i6t.P riAllYe.... .cl ad, 0414, bade- t.4 -siet --ia fe-- 44' lnt. week' at " th4 cr4r44*-,atiral:414.41:14tmlSo:t°1114-1111i="44 Irotjt'utv11112:7e litodruili, 114)talortife, fovrartntiotytr.t flvictott)tilotbiro' a. iat-'t Tvdifelgitr.cit,11,1:1::111"::?:hflogiz°053Pril 11irti t„aolo .aaveoott Zottlaor, ale bo ot ii-o.i..ar. nit.4, mo. 0 PRIM -Lc- (41 ; =4- zica.-71c MR:WU . 1-1.24n1t1 :MV=olis ' 11,c4' 're:3 CV NV T4tZ, 44' 'A' "66 4 •• ValCtinte,VO4.0titC0 •111O.M111; W1P,* (tie * 4.‘ ett4e40. faVIAt Qtva4,37 kt.t0 1h07Z1q' ' P - tZ r.44111-4),Tt Vtt v,34 (3.fr..,4tcittoto zarynAa. ;on tria Mar Viu,ot), atppy 1,14 too. cottoo , 1a,at 4';411.P.,4f ,r0t.atP00: tra. • , Id ftop,to"a tiolon rrat11 over fM, ChM- Cam Valk** Whoie boz bootal ttehn latttent.. 1400 school reeeipt° were oier "40 , didolt want ;fog to..j.nn_ ow at he \had } • '°7*-1V4r'''''10071.43'41nlat3W57.4•C*-/trato.,...tvetv, 0,43, Dat We are cern' to say Mrs. John irktv. daneo tztara., thoro with .bto' Caoabter Mrs Mallen 4h,. r dtre-tr thirOgi daqtrair' trnetwarriVr ..P02104-b-zplentIld-tttlrat,'• mited. Tim meeting was e wed with otV 000E4,0. prayer. sinus trouble. `, • 1,, " The men of the neighbakhood had a %Mk, 10 Goad 1:1Acov rot owo hay° Anuntla these who attended the waSTFOIrttgliantlarch 4.77.4714", TVIV wee4.1=„et-ati.t.„ ,crecterv .ateeareene such -poor aeats thoV Oret ontOY 130-- tille4ortarS$ t -Toronto on -SgturdaY , Alaht rzeto L5oatos, Rao, Wiabtracto, x went 53/# .titaaltvt. 4 gapi0 4h4. luchid,..k.: l",91144tazat that'iv 'Ira different'in Life." op L. Inchtmali. trioato cov pitteopt ttmattneimt. strio Sorry to hear that Ito ha° ban go, * ply of wood for the church here. 010tmed It an, tlga letter wae on tgappy," sieZ sketx-r 04-'Pha, 'Oginn'td":"11)ait It Word "t want to Dlaughter Mr. end taro nuti and ohlitdt- 7141:3 12"tim4 count of the c4tritea hal* 11110111 g5111M (7'1117 b"diti°C* 1:31‘ latr.* indahio, to occupy his pulpit hero on ao- Ozrc ,to vi Ita Turner being Try telling that to a .phirge.10Ts czottacT Ilicaut7 enpert pyta wort= toto tt,p4, chest there tre he bad legt'Ilmitor.Ig 'mod. gimioule..44aze , on, '70ur tottp-e, NT Me to read about Oland rasV'aelf. roloy,(6 ‘741dea nod Eennoth. Camplon. knizizig3 tiazoodorieh heapital at Christ- k�0LThrsay afternoon getting out a sup. Waggon 'Sum II lc 41 4 4110 top. sto 0 -ea -AO t40 L014,41031.0 re'll "X On fearq.Iritgba tr4110. 7.0';137 ih tho qua/4410 he (loos."' ' rek.Oft azI,POttr, ,W06 wael?:*,110 amto to hall uma wttla Tab trotitto; nr, It. Eke% an" agatea-tuo3P.Y 4- riiibt, =,/,,, or- whaw' he 'eXat'Argela' thlIV 1, -0-"Zon killed a man meet yourcelf„ at iho home of tile former%) Narenta. In charge ef lam Tnnler the lest two rizato rolczt el4t3,1,t., ebfq fur-Bepton Transcript. Stnhouse, .ilia 0 .orleb. DI' WU" Sundays. WI' he woo‘oeNte-ler..- epo vdth autat to Ma; Wit, ar I have a. rlakt 04 ;ma stip,Ur. arat -Zara, 3. a Ellis. - : ford acco pant him to vorottto. .-etzmigzoscahar.AvaiLothaimacoria-T-alia Avitufpwl---:111044:--:-Aw*--raefl--4463_fr-sultola----utiled---at,leafilt--040-e- ttto- - P-odt. '‘---,--F11--,,P, "he 1112274-----4 b0-41tuatelm---0---1-15h-'44-'40-1-11q4-41111 nranity, laavintrreeelvee wo71"oik az TEIT'av27--14124)'4 thought he wanted yeu to go alone to school last winter; tvir, 2 nov4r told phy Gait rAth the butt of your gun." ru. 4m.'vgnolut Mut the weer -end ur. Lived col* or cerlbers-titkineraide lOenviSitila fOr rural the Attie, toe," sz1.3.1.., even you, it whopped '12 VIxe ttleY ce4 ohe4 _.., with her taunt, Mae. T. Zenitha And deeth of their deter in Clifonia. She fintshed-acaln. "If,. „a Person said I never had- a Mother, - EiverY- "It couldn't he proved," nes I. other friends of Blyth. ,, bvening at the Ito 4 02 the Prealideni, ald and Gwen spent Sunday with their scribers per ilte. - The 7PU eneeutite et en VridaY Mr. and tars. Bert. Treleaven, 'Eton- hydro will soon int razed1 to t= 0.14> on't trust me he abet rsot 110 eail to thing has to have A mother . eyea tl.' gin ould't be deed s" se°, -pine. ,,,,.,,- aamimul,a4,, 21i 0116klr7V,,,,,_ Vrioo tato Widaft1140111. tarinair3 vore ootaluebew anti daughter Mr. and Mrs. vow wu eus Dither,. .,,wkr4t, ..0a4n .,,,., 0 .v- wade out gor th0 year and 4m° V1°re Vernon Huntet, of KInio. J1 carprisCmhert.1.,dott salt t ga' „PPM% CA' g had One IOO VI31 00u1 "If t ea all You tblirias' Iris I' 4141 hone* . ' neer told him. wagr 7•13 that sez I. Miss Agnes Mallech and her brother 11, il r War Mabel Boaroani no2r Ertilr3- 00=alirity in.,00eley fat hear of Jae: have the movatby of the emee. leccordiag POrIntlial Ccoretaq7 144 3111 111 I hook- -4144.talsin' to he tell rse dmut her? Irv' 050 ke to tVx. hbn.” ronto. Mrs. Bell returning to the 11165 far ofze-eat .sassi aerivititorl she didntto It br*en lillt$ most of om ber? donet intend to just' lot" W444 him promise not to telt yo.0 until yQu tit o e iSt. 'Patrick's social will Ire held on V 4441444l44,. bor_yow.gotr,,cbe,,xTpro, and, 'ems allus tUrnoeneeoff _Alton _ozwypeeirj....yeur_in. mado We„st alter OPP Pao g aeaerial menthe The•tosessets. -.- lunch. A do -nor stie didnIt think broken tell me that she was the most heautk came of age, you know what store he MiSs Irene Carter left on Mouday ABEFEEILD neither; bUt vheo you 1091444 ot 'Writ ful woman In the:world 04' too mod to Seto ell age, -nt his word, -would you ttor Vanouver, where she expect° to tafirch letb' Rev. Wm. To Aim 14irr,11. To '4-l04 a n d ASRP1E1101AD,--6-Fea. 28. -Mr. and little and Vim -'AP" PuPtX as a picture, stay here, an'. such thins. I am going beglad t kg: ItaryuoaUrahamillimhatdehhalm h II t home. Wasit. ose- -naevaard- arnse 'hail me- -been-his sister, an come frone else g ti 1 eetle of the Westfield _. .. '6gDoisrrbestr.vieifItilefi cffattheholrmev107411% you couldn't helro but won‘der if she to- tind out who she was, an' I2 You ) e -e Ceettereategeneali Meathao The eon- visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Now." • • might bavelbeen your mother. 'T ziltedhurelt,was--Ited7on-wed-ndaf. ga.-.,,,,-ekn,- - - . _...,___, ... fornieraa.thither ar, T. JEL iir.±, vlor,_ (2,11 re. A. Ataclaonald. X well attended amir- Interest -in It was true what she said, ito' 1 February leth, with the "Ob, I see it now -my mother was aftermm, pastorRev. . C. Wilson, in chare. might have known she was studyite the Creole Bell% the beautiful lady. ,, Marvin McDowell was re-elected to the about it. 1 might, if I'd had the 'sense He allus said she was beautiful, the session. Other members of melon of a hose, have known that this woe most 'beautiful woman in the world- 1 e, wbat made her old-like--studyin' about are Messrs. Wm. McDwell, W. F. things she never might . to- have b She sat there with her eyes flashin'a e Campbell, T. H. T ylor and W. S. -eta but I didn't want to let her make u ' eses. N. Hord- and Wen. foce.d to study. about ,..,4- Parks • - things 'at Wasn't so an' then be Ms- ' "Does that letter tell absent her. . Walden were re -el cted to the board Barbie?" r asked. appointed. "Who do you suppose George was an' Jack?" sez I quiet. !of stewards. Other members on board - -----------ull Ilirraii:agOir Itrrettd-it,"' set --1.-- —"That's' wharit-tratrrto-know•;-but - -- -Slie'dieW berr'browslgther LOP . • F ed J Ooolt Maitland "You're --it coward " _see she, 1 yonealnizotetelle nail to read it,pe' I ‘f.tcbtAr..P.Trusteesite- allard-1 Cook, ered. satt Henry, J. L. e 4li: Walter O. , ..._-.-41iggn' her_spur_lato the dirt, "That's- natilltit" :ei ll. •"If it can't Make it out. ere ---teiti-it.' e'o 0, too," she said, therein' aloud. asee't for ttte cowards, the' Ni-ould ael I took it an' read IL The writin' "Bet Barbara certainly did have somessayesse, Alva MeiDosees11, Charles Smith. Cook, Melvin Taylor, John Vincent, t. °"7.••• __ ja.„.iteft57-"Z.t,.,..:,rn;,M:1.4...„.t447oo'lio„ IrWiiiilfiii-iiii171. Iii.-.7.ifitaVAWQOXESELT-Citn_Ast_, ibL...sylth..1314,2_43-7BLITTLat.st7t„:_bmurel=treatazei,:zw*„,,,,IEDAL--iigr.;, try" sez I. book along the top. It sounded knew! Oh, wish I Fettle' grow as big' Mrs. Clifford Cannel, of Detroit, are hadut-tegOte-4erlegoUleelPllil eeWitte some one else, .what they say tbe Chinese believe,. glise had owe Two tiutt 04...e.or-ocr many thipe that it floored:. me te understand how she got- 'ern* that ylung, me harin' had to flgger 'ern Out avith a temp o''sweet. "Was theelOtter to ix?" see, get - tin' around to facts. "No, it Team t; but I read it, on' I vvisht I knew what it mean." 81 ,P11 le. yvv, The gvntiliethV el the eireenutvity weitton4,e11 to Mr. Jerieen Me4-4111 in tbe /tenth ite 111a Faqpr, 141Qs Ma rearet Me- mo of 1101MlyQ. . niama• et.mtle D. -Tin. 'V' P1'. met Wedneerlay evening with thirty, meeting of the W. M. S. was heldeat the home of Mrs. D. A. MacLennan. The subject was Japan. Mrs. Hector MacLean is evisiting h!s week with her slater, Mrs. Robert Scott, at Auburn. twn nrecmt• T" wag In Mr. Da n -MacLean has returned eloiree of Viee-r*ropiPlAs,s• mre. trom Goderieh, where he Was bually nne1 wns hv Jiro Weleh. (interne engiged in carpenter work for some alneeeell, otiovIda4„...0thr4 ree isms .„ eo,„ 111, 7/110ll Mei= (e,.,rn 0.1•••••••••=eume• ViTh 'Foam& DE7231,6t=6. - - When he-busband bad been atilaccte 20 weeks with rbetuntetient fin hinbaela this maim= hegira to think he would never work aain. At last, ohe said, to him: -Lees try Kruahen," uud (he ehange that took place wen, In her own words, "like a miracle." Here le her „letter ^ • 1•Xly- husband is f3ttibeet •te -eitettueeee • - no...4,41,re lemsen woe reeve fr,,rn P.rIm i Miss lathel MacKenzie has returned then and suffered terribly with his -29?-1,v- ranai`44t -0"4'"t• R'n-cit'luxa-weere 'eaeecorero .71-irrN• gaenetoie a Nrev-k- -Ertl bark. Some time ag, 1 had him ier etlietoenteee a eolo bv Rev..ELS, Wilefssss. ..,a, elven 1..v Amen agelrhovell n"::::ns I vireill''.4rt;r W-riritalv/4:1P"'"}‘4'1.' ..4-4•8 t w tAi,,,,1 of title caTiiiitarry for a gitTil,I' trleci /di - ire inirgaihr e'd her b 1 h • : -er/1:nd_ Stra. aPti cid 13ItieKenzte hlt. n't thine; he essmist ever -vrortr- e (le. the house 20 weeks with it. I really f''all'4117411.114211-1liejad4'132:4llkaasjisda41"1$:'Iirratad."32411M4t74-4714"--habeilal'a 'ellild---L'Itr-Svir'fitr”-WITT"tildnit--/T4m-42te8'-'44 "1"P'"I';','"F47;4c"-T1 harf' "11°1' 11"1.1''''' 1174".41""Thli 4:1' ass i wait,' Beaton: it ii it iei-e-Iti - to -illy -Of- fli1411 aild -trim nalragrani- -Thula- ' ' along neea happy wedded life._ kinds of Emits you could mention, but ------- eee----- )e-eineete tee was closed r`1•11 theo3i,L*, Ir oPen in her hand- 4If Spider was purtY jovetemig:too. It told about -win you put the letter back an' try suarssyssssks as, los va*Itill enact/14ton, e' 'lel " • (.1.,',141X414.1„.!, I rig -11k-31.,,1111112eg It°7)itill' hasT°-Lilitv.K:I!:".a.--!'!..-h4e!-'s''Ll.12irrjr.tliettr3g.trtMehe21: 1nr.1.5..,,,,,antasz, ..:.....; tt.0114-W,475rirg r • " t- 1:-.14.11"VifinirVilib,- • itrtrn0 'n I e ifirrT8 !pi Ling enee eleare iirrteil to NA luniptgrIPITMAlotig7•714t , • a pro: , 1141;ST • " arents, Mr. atiO ,Mrs, -Jag. 114.11t0,11. I tO Igs worth its weight in gold. My hadnt never been able to tell whether • "I'll put it hie& at once. rir give e " you_ t lack or Ohe Wa0 1211..f!St. hira the ke.v at once • that is I'll slie have to knew sitruetime, but she aiii't lof Alvin Sitell. p 111 -!.6!-)11-11d 1 back lit, Itia jlitl tiltnks- to it ee te , it into h poc -e , an won vest.er - — - - - - • 1-14:riteOlaai-, Vita efiange'liniadi.-; stopped, nu' Ills face grew hard a:4 rOiriT AI BEEtT to tell your Dad that you have the an then after Jack had deceived, her him about it -now; but you get to stone when he went on. "'But the"s BENMHALER tuiraele."-(Mrs.) B. letter. lt you dont tell him, I reckon an' he had, been so kind,o.sh found Two of the salts Krusehett are promise to tell me if you ever find out. rn have to." out -at--he' was the one he had loved wll' ya?" some things that she never can know, PORT ALBERT, Mee 1 -Mr. Ere -1 the meeit effeetual solvents of -met, then she looked into my eyes an' him 'at she had •writtenato him before that there are sie•It things, That \swiss. , , , , , IlifiaaMILLIR, Mar. 1. -Mi, -s Iniiil, Ilrove, srpent the week -end with his swiftly dull the sharp edges of the At first she was mad as hops, an' the most all the time. -She reminded "Yes," sez I. "If I ever find it all ,an' I dont want her to even learn (sst 'Crawfrd. teacher at Purple acid crystals kuoWti to science. They lughed. "I'll dare you to," sez site. acceptine Jack, an' that now if he was heart." n you have to- find out what's on 11, 1,0140'1%1'a. st'i'llt It S111111 .ireots, Mr. and Mrs. Will Crawford. istinful crystals and convert them into out I'll •tell you, honest across ray w. y The' Was some woman in her even still sure he wanted her, she would "An' you won't say uothin' about her mind." time in the villege recently. Mrs. Nellie Le. who has been' a harmless solution, whieh is then then. ' "'4''-"eaccept him; but she could never live this letter to Daddy, until I let your Now you know, Jabez, that I havei ,Mr. it 01 Mrs. Ken' Bowden a 11 O. 1 end 1 ng the last few weeks at the expelled through t he na tura 1 channels. The' wasn't no way to bluff her, so near the Creole Belle. She closed my own ideas on what I have to do; I datwtliter Ann of l'routn, soent the' i said serious, "Well, what do you in- with love an' signed herself Barbara. "No, I won't say a word about that but you tell me what kind o' thin-; mr. 0" M.,4. J. W. ci,„411,111. week -end with aire. ill PW(If.n'S WI MI tS. ''' she said, fixin' her eyes on me. tend to do about it?" , I kept on lookin' at the page a longthere are that she mustn't ever learn,. "I don't know," said she. "Dad has time after I had read it. I remem- “Now, then, let's play tag goin' ".1' maybe I'll see your way of it." I MISS 7 ikli,it tidfeirgrOill r igntlr,,.,, ,1: • :1 until you tell me to," sez I. leet so nettle, ether things beside his berea what Monody had said when 1. Jaibez looked down at the grptuel , weeknd at her home isi Duntrinnone tem -per. stumpin' around with that thought li e was out • of his head back to the house," she said, with her . - Hp stiff again. Oh, she had a heart Eh- seveat broke out on his' fore- thrnef ro..m a Mrs. I . A It ers an 0 ,( sittrt • wit 1 her cane, thee be thinks he has lost the! a -bout George Jordan an' Zack Whit- in her, that child had. 'lead before he answered me. When - key to the ('hest. He goes around' man, an' the Creole Belle. I knew 'at he did tbe' wasn't a trace of friendlio , danuyater, Mrs. 1', .Trvls. lielmesvtile.! Barbie was studyin my face, an 1 . Less -in his tone. "You have done al Mr. .Tosenh Stewart la able to hiy "You know the pinto has 'Starlight pertendecl to spell out the words a -yes," she sez, "an' on a two- heap for me, Happy, and, if there s, t , fiin eftor fin fitesol- of illness beat on -turns an' twists," sez I. letter ata time until I could get full in the money line that you A large erowd attended the eeehee anything centrol o' myself. , think I owe you, why, name it an' it's and danee sponsord. hr th, eflF, op dred mile rare, too." "What kind of a bell is a Creole mer an' never spoke a word on the s• but you can see for yourself Benmiller on Friday ni-ht ft'nt 'WO ; 'She played away through the sum-; vot7_ ; Bell?" sez J. "1She ain't got it spelled that we can't go on this way. I have- being present. The prizes were wen he right neither:* . Mrs. Elford Moore and Nif". Reg Sturdy subject again ; but she hid it most too; n't asked you to do anything unrea-! the consolations going to Miss Chsm- careful, and Jabez saw the' was i sonable and you have refused poieli hers and Ma Million. Mnsie wee, "A Creole Belle is ' a beautiful semethin' on tier mind. "Have you; blank. I don't intend to explain rny-! i furnished bv Mr. Cihristilew and Mr self to one of my ow:n men, and I don't, segnsa. Intend to 'have 8,n argument with him The Ladies' Aid Will meet at the way. This is my ranch and, us Jong's )111;1Tne_i°efere_MinrsstaldV•or Wednes(1v, a.: hone on Fritlav every time I want anything done my; my own way suits me, that's the only Friday 15 The Wrld's Day of Praver,! man it has to suit." Mr. fa J. Wfilters, Mr. T,ester \V-1-! "Yes, you own this ranch," sez I; t,,m. mic, D. ve.,11-0,. are Mr, nee abut you don't ownthe earth, so I'll Mrs. Will Feagan motored to Piekford "I haven't fired you," sex Jabez. their Meter. Mrs. A. new,r Mr - on Tuesdfiv to fittend the funeral of, move on." 4144 y--ou want to; but you'll have to be Wl_t_e-ra_ and. she spent her Yi)!IIPT1._ Dewar VN as formerly Miss Cleirltee• "You're welcome to work here as low, like *the other men from this on. days around Ilenmiller. grumblin' an' leokin' for it; but he don't ask if any one has found it. Why do you suppose that is?" t nin't any of my supposina" sea Y. hat are you goin' to do about "As soon is I get through with this Anto, Aciden, Fire lInsurance UtIFMI ZSTAM-List your pro- perties with me. A good modern house for sale now, with extrae. W. J. IPOWSILL, Godericlln. Phone 202 P. 0. Box 438, 4 O Cary Co Fire, Accident and Motor Car IINSUIRANCE Representative London Life Insurance Co. Oftee-itlalatile Temle, West Street, Goderielt Neilsen 11141111, Manager. 'Phone 230 RNSURANCE and EIFAIL ESTATIE Gez Otur-Antontobille Rasa Phone 24 Goericlin c Ileallsenrch when you an have most of It done by eetricall Appliances ? Boueekeeping Can .120aero a plea- sure or a drudgery; let us show you how to make it a pleasure. Some of the appliances are both ueeful and ornamental. We do alll kinds of Bllectric Work ]?rank McArthur West Street Veloltone 02, Goderich 0.20 472.3uu'd.-Giro 5i1o4'1,1 L tgoj VI3v1„(5V Dd'ff Mt% woman of Irrench an' 'Spanish blood any idea what the child's thinkin' who 'lives in New Orleans," sez Bar- about?" be asked me one day when hie. 'What do you make oat abaut we was figurin' some on -the beef round -up." was tblokin' fast as I eould, but II I didn't answer straigiht off, an' he still pertended to read the letter. So Jaibez had been in a scrape with some a cross -breed woman, an' he an' this, :leek Whitman had loved the same girl, an' the' was a bad mix-up some -1 oticed it. "What is she studyin' bout?°' SPZ- he, mighty shrewd. "How can a body tell what the hild is studyin' about?" sez 1. "You're with her most of the time where. -fact is, about all you do is to play "Little girl," I sez, "the' s a lot ^' with her these days." wickedness in this world you don't 1 "Any time my work here don't suit know -about " • you," 1 bog -an: but' he snaps in, "It "An' the' a lot o' wickedness 1 do ain't a °question 0' work. If you know about 'at I ain't supposed to," anitige her you're worth more to me'n she snaps in. "Do you reckon I could any other ten men; but I have some knock around this retch the way I rights. I want to know what you have an' not know nothin' except ehink." about flowers an' moonlight? You cut "Have you aeked her?" sez 1. the little' ta -Daft atr purr, 011itt- It`h7' sez he: square" "Well,. J want you to understand 'at "Well, you look here," I sez. ,•;( I ain't n soy," ger. I, glad of a way don't know what you do know an' I out "I don't know all 'at Oi on her don't know what you don't know; but mind. an' I don't 'propose -to guess; I do know 'at lots of the things you and it' I did know, I wouldn't tell un - think you know ain't so, if you picked less She told inc to. If yon know any It up from the fool stories some o'; way 4-0 -make me tell, why go ahead these damn cow punchers tell; an' you' and I'll stand ley and watch the pro- ught to be aehirmed to listen to 'ern.", ceedina." "10h, yes, of course!" she fires up.1 Well, be ranted up an' down n "I am the one what ought to be while, an' finally he pulls himself ashamed 9f the stories the cow punch -down an' sez, "Now look here, Happy, era ism mara use way from one' the' si a difference between a parent end to the other; somebody else says nirl' allY5°41S fiTgP.' "1 own too to that." Ken 1; "but whnt have I got to do wihh It?" "Well, you can sort of hint around until you flnd out who're on her mind, an' if It ain't somethin' fit, you ean tell 'her so: 'because if it comes to .• show down, she thinks 1 aught to tell her nnvthing she wants to 'know." "Well, hadn't yon?" sez gallai,lintti. 7 suppoete-hut hong it it's mightv hard to answer sornethin' an' I ought to he ashamed 'cause I ain't too deaf to hear it. Now rhe' s e lot of questions I'm goin' to ask you as soon as I get time. I want to know why-" "No, you don't!" I yells, ninepin' to my feet an' blushin' clear to my ease. "I 'ain't neither one o' your parente a' I ain't your tea‘her. If you want to kuow things you ask eaelisee. If you don't puha curb on yourself I'm seine of her queetions or to give rea- *goin' to flop myeelf on Starlight an' sang why I can't answer 'ern." '11114,1` n..czlagreo streak for the Lion Head this very minute, an' I won't stop before reach - in' the Pah Handle." He fidgeted around a while, an' She knew enough to stop bettin' up pair o' tens when she' see the other then he FleZ, "Yes, I asked her. feller wanWrirbe bluffed; so eheii77.- "Whitt did she era y?"etz 1. "Well, I'm goin' to find it out, some' "She looked me plumb itt the eyes. way or other - I'm going to find out: an' said 'Do you want Inc to ask you everything I,;effht to know before I'm i what I want to find out?' done. I love my Daddy, but be don't "Wht d id you ea y ? " nez I. always play fair; an' I'm goin' to find' Ott.t What I want to find out -whether he wants me to or not." I Wan in a meat. "Borate," I sez at leer, "suppoein' be Is playin' fair? Supposini he has sacrilleed his own happiness to keep sorrow out of your life, an' supooeite you nose around and diseover it-vvhod be the me 'at play- ed unfair then? You're powerfnl young yet; you're a heap younger'n you realize, an' you can't know it all itt a day. He'll tell you Witrit bt eati, 'ate gou ought to trate him. !lie loves Pea More'n ittiything else in this :wide Ton ‘ri1tZ11146 trot Ilium, ate She trembled focal' to steady her - gen', an' I lhoked off into the valley for a moment -1 know he lovese me, at' 1 .trouldn't hurt Mrs for tts world tot reel oftlf iiiieugh to an' Irtzt golte 1071* bim. If he 0' tell me now be Tuts to set dai, "Have you asked her what's on her mind Otte time?" sez I. "illty, I said, 'Yes. Barbara, if it is something you ought to know'" . "Well?" I se, after waitIn' a bit. "Mir, she flared up,” sez Jahe, "an' went on nen-antic about it strenee to her why gide wan en inueit different from other flks an' there You've been like one of the flintily so long 'at `We don't pull together any more, and so if you stay I'll have to send you out with the ridins gangs" I looked into his face and laughed. Mr. Benson Stritughnn, of Toron Is vsiting- at the home of hi. parent.. Mr. and Mrs, A. Sifrangban. mmil, SklitVIICIE BY Ant ONLY though even then I was sorry for I'reler the new Bmpire Air Mall 1'(1 loRlY.11fa, aa' krWrieelobeMe, all.tirtla-s posted 111 'at he'd tniss me; but we was both 544 we, was, so I rolled up my stuff, loaded Canada on and afte"r lieb•tinrY211r(1 up Starlight, an' said good-bye to little:for delivery in certain "mpler, coun- tries will he enrrled heyotel rngland Ba ride. !by air as the normal transmission in That was the hardpart of it. Shestegti of by .surfare tratrimrt its•-•ftl didn't cry when I 101d her 1 was goiti'l present. The countri.s Include llevet -that would -hi' been too girlish -111(H South Africa, Indin. Ceylon, for her; she just breathed hard an'i Straits Settlement and several others. Jerky for a couple o' minutes while Wel T'tlr the new arrangements, /ho looked in opposite directions, an' then l postage for the countries affeeted will she paid, "Flowill you come back next,' he six f-entm per half -ounce far let time, Happy? It's over three ym'rsIters and four eents for po.tenrds. ago since you left that other time, ani Nevvspapers, msgazines nrl'printed on a Week hoes with silver trimmed beyon4 ,England. sueface frensport. matter will continue to be forviarded you came back Just as you said. riffle' leather. Howl' you come hack next The arclitnery letter rate of three cents for the ifirt ounce arid two cents for each additional ounce and two cents for postcards to {rent Britain and Ireland will remain In effect. STEEL PLATE FOUI TUG time" "I don't know, Barbie," I said. "but 111 sure mine back, true to you." "Yes," she said. "an' Ill sure re true to you, all the time you're away and when you come back" "Barbie.- I Raid, "yon haven't treated your father right. You've lot him see that you're worryin" abrrut qornothIn'. It bothers him." "I ain't -made Gut o' wood" She snaps out fieree "1 try to be contented, but I get tired o' beta' girl. Ive half a inind to go with you, Happy" "Yes, Init the other half of your mind is the ',icd half. Barbie." I Rile Neeeelm gain.' to tele -yeenea.e.secret 'our daddy Is twie% as lonesome Ie= von are. and -lie's been through a heap nf trouble sometime. Yon miss th, mother that you never did se, hut ho misses the mother that he knew and loved and I want you to promise to do all you ran eheer thim rtp and make him hper." "1 never thouffht o' that hefore.•• 'he. '111 do the best I (sin hitt ron'11 co.pe tyWit to f me sinme",ne won't Von. He Pea ?" • In order to. better battle with ice the tug "Morgan," of the Morga n Fleh CArtopany of Kincardine and Port tanley, Is helmet equIppeti with steel{ plate. The steel is being ;dived ahont t Fs' 1.41CV for breaking' pag.ages thrlmeii e. 'Phs is an old-tIme idea for pro- terthig the how of a wooden oraft, hot It IS he fieFit time 141 fiPl. sral •1i 41,11 .1 dmlen has lg.n In gervi,e Thc we] is held ng time the bow the •,--,1PrVti bv rav•In4 11, ,•1. ',IR- 1, 0441 11111k )11 V(s a (1, Ifbd -n. '1!- ,over the lesQ orote-tedi ti,va oonstrueted of w,;(341 - Kinear(11,1,• News. MED Van -11U112 ETTII 14,1ni nettiv thlnecS -"at they wasn't 8911, Vt*" point lank. 'Do :rll want me to age liss" qt. '1 -lig it with her. lfle wssn t And You'll Feel Wonderful - Never Headache°, Tired, fit to know: an' finally she gait! to me hinds on 'flen 1 deekle-1 Mit 10 r.611 whit want fn know an' If I do mord around 114 4 rgrlee Stet, COltlatipated our. and d ( n t know wile t 1 (I • • 11 ' • b ask you will you nnewerr " "Whit did you say?" I sez. :'1,,, Maui !mow whfi to say" nez 407.• "Zillp 10040 Ili Went from any woe she had iver looked before, and tater a fralbuto 1 sez, 'No, Brbera, I don't think yea had better ask me, an' i don't think yen had better think of 1 nor onore,-, Dool yo, think I did . "o." se 1..,"you did not Ton nithply at tr-tlelp"pc4; you wrilted under ton itldt, 3 41,r1,74t DV' e0"4 414!"--lai? OM% cocau, •,• 1 (lin' gn 1 teak Iry stuff' nff him, wekeT1 nu/ tongth mitateng fro,' ;the home heed. shook hands with her /gain. an' 'darted. ialerieed on to wird Ald find she reed env thoughts. "1'11 flake flownie, to him now and na-,In." F4.9 Ptn. "P1111 Ill en eve there and 15114 to biro elven roll ond Hapy, latppy, we'll 'both, be lone- anme nntil volt romp bnek!" And on kleeed her en the thee null red • away the serond time. (To he continued) If= LI= 114e lamed cretra in yew LA, oca mut to an itonet eha =t &a:3 low deep. la ate-elase to ed'a att^uoll Inzatlive, aireca Fceett n=elet-.'-'ee'LZere '1,?-ez deo talloye reoellea dee coaelea, 1158*420 elands tan mem. VC1.11 eff24 well vcata, fivar wall. &plena teeceecia poic=.dd and yco "FreE2-0-42vee eoictilly mho y=la iivez Vett idkritia a OR, Mit= 11 erletoreed deteria fca=la-fotito ani --Lea Oyez reeteet teeetai thzarArseia. OSW L/1E-If N C3 7RUL agOM TL ©GS WOPE2 - SEE 1111' VINE 14 Simply rue a little 11-iawaa' Floor Glo right ott lino - Icons or floor, *read it lightly with a cloth Off logharadled applicr, lita 20 minute. it will dry, leaving a bemotiftd Wear resisting polich. Try 11-iewes' IFI004 Gloe0 and prove fOT yourrglf how conve- nient and easy it is tO 111102. MUOC31MS MSN'MG -4'f;114•Pl; - rii•1/4$;!.1' WV' ae * InJ4-efilas tiaaa AP - IG -31-ST OF -THE i`v2014711-11 SALIE "Lily" Brand Chicken Haddie 2 Tin° 23c Daisy 5-Strine roonee Swansdown Cake Flour Liptoveo To, Sultana Rzeieine 1 • . . • ea. 27c pkg. 35c 1/2-11b pkg. 33c . . 2 lb°. 25c 11-1b. bag Ilac . 3 . 25c Soda Blacuits, Large Meaty Prune') "Garden Peach" Tender Peas 2 17.... Tho. .212 Hasp. or Straw. . Jain lar 27c Vrimehle Pickes, lige. 27-02. jcz 25..c Mother's Cootaizo. . Made with honey end oatmeal All Bran . . . .143e. pkg. 211c cascade Salmon. . . . 2 11-1b. tins 2.5c Jelly Power°. .5 glcirs. 25 "Ba Qua:day" Granulated SUGAR, Surprise Soap Menem, 2M sheets to p ie White %Ileac , 3 filazudy Ammonia 2 In It Shoe Polish P6llmoive Soap 10 Bs. bars 211,e kg. lige. banks 25c. pkgs. 22,c fth11 3 harm 117e 1.5c "Ayk-ner" "1111illerci7r Porrh knail Beans' 31fortitilnig 3 Tail 22-e2 . .110 25,,c rrinto . 52- PeEveo,,Pber2,2, 46 S. C. Coqt, Ph ron,os 11, 2 4- 411J0 ,L 4.1 1,4 • ,rt