HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-3-3, Page 8trr " Zpig-•ca Cantaz11104, rerMed reaaalne Of the late Mies Illus were ace ea Vehentary 14h in hitt Ceventy- bronght t for harlai,e _ o o Pilchard Vollden, '&ondechoro, In e IMirtethere, of Turnherry euffering trona, Cevere injurleo indicted „ has a horse which he dal= by a large thoroughbred animal he %vas a 4erty.--ena..yeara.ht 000 fele SChoeallale; who hao opereted tea Setae mill for tvveoty-five .hab as -vended butane= foe sese •,4,vaae ef infantile paralisis ban de- ., etteiqed lea.r the villaae, of Otediton. and eeboorand thurcbes in the village ttave !keen ordered closed. • e 0 0 0 no annual Geed Dhow of the 'South rlpion Agrieultural Society was held at Ilensall PrIdey last. There was _Moe attendance and a geed /thow of grab - and Seeds. 0 0 0 0 ,C • 14,00X,4 110170 fi •4436 61?` t arc too otlott 'tc dc; IntImI4c „tbe tzltcT4ta, That yotir Work Is APN? tht:OZIGib; 7404 700'm sop at al.11-0mj 011;shop „ And. the 14ettlep„ and' the ratrZief, ypur trouble!s: "MtelmOti6;, „And you, need a little ehalfr.31-. Ir your ,reet seem •.avant•.t.."-KloiY,.„.„_. Antt therre hard to dge.G arolied,k„ - It you're peevish anO yot11:10 ftai' eaeli th,V COOncilt lt,,S913„ PPM:. g9,10.0.c1cA,FT31,C-114 When you hare 'Or* VOW' '-IPP•4 Then yoU're troublelp."gitebePititit" And fou need a little rest, loadlng on a truck, The !neat charged! y„ r-.-ef3-- tat -iv -IA ebee-e 'beige 1 ALI'' You do -not- Cosi, 1W0-41. olliu -4.1r en ribe„ a Kok% ern), ead braly bruised GNIOr Gettlaa are44 And the adage .aale0Y,teent leats and body. ,'TB you want te stand and yal; * if you tio not, fee,1„ IMO v041413'1 and Mrs. . .111Orlock, Neither do Yet1 want to VlaY• • of Stephen- tovvnahip, eelebrated their golden wedding on February 2Ist. They. still live on the fain on which they rettled. 'after eeleeir marriage. They have a family of four sons and two dauehters, all residing in -their home neighborhood. . 0 0 0 Mrs. Mary A. Cantelon. Of Clinton, BY ear or boat or train- pamed away on Februery 21st at the That will knock yOUr "cicitelselditle ea home „of her daughlear.„ 114.o, Gleow 'Twin ne"Ireoure_ .1z....alIgatu;lormarloaDua. Jenkine. She was In her eighte-thIrd Then you're trotablera'aitelteratia,"-; And yeti neid hollOy. But -,you -do,anot efeed---6-4104tire-- Medicine nor yeti -CO 111144 What you need',st new eiestroumeut. New faces and new, thrills ;• • Go 'way for 'bout a mouth or two, Mra. leabella Rands, widow of Wil_ Year. er husband, the late Arthur 628 Crawford, St., linen Rand% died in Grey townohlp on Cantelon, died a year ago and she is Toronto. survived by one daughter, rs. Jen- 7thruary 23rd in her eightyesecond kins, and a grandson, leeginald en- TNIUCIEK CIPASIM. 15 IIIVEO riallgrOM -.Searle Vor more than fifty years she " -- kins. Doug. Grabani anwrowly ...pacaped.in,„wag* Ito leave the.lkig drift in the path delivered by • the newehoY. How seeeeneng of fee e their La ems a teacher let the United church Sundae ethool at BrusseLte ALT'''jDolit'-'\;,-1 101 tOt141 *),0 (0, kV7,717 =r7T,3vo rwtaV r„:„::'8, ;Q:-,Vcat4 1M '0, „CcM1 tO tavO 01, 4=145- .0701: at4m Itijfritll't-lbt;‘,°4!431t,fra:0(4 :Igargi go.%ttoa to Ot4=',a 01:0 of14M , ra ncv: ve.'vo-tcra, Ono- cr,iIqa "t" ofT41-6h0a. racrit,'„:1074301, 0:74.V.Ilt,t1,, ..„*„.4 t; :0:1.,tz.,,zireraltro f494,,...,,Itrfork19:794„; , ▪ r 0 ' , I, '.)434,7 ,r., . , ..0itt,-,141-,i0. ' limt i 'ptt4ov:::0;t114all7eor)4' 40.3tm°;.l: thutv , '411 . to 'ea tatmar Of -C.eZe 0-,-.44Litttt0;s „ '0,40.04.7.'000t41 ttag,.,:- ' '74.00(Itk • 1:10. oe ,m3Yo*a04: walk! With aruloi4 4) f.bg'9-ziefa,i1:17,1,411.4.4.;77,-1.;41,.,„g„, 'fhtitips-H- gifIlagrit,IA*4(th,r1V,,favkatn'. ter„ ,fleeid 7. c,li . . .P cVtar4• ,t7•061,0i intitia lin itttPt,:rilglt 00' ' v240,7, .:•v °. lt4q*-. 40*, P.O' 04,-,:cstP4. Me. Oi-'4.:Iton W ..7e:' 'Aloe-4144cm 41:4-0.tuqs! to he. 040#' 014 Witilie ' .1(1t. gito $ to 14'2iGhhoga 01,74140 41t017M10; t.,44-q'lAo• he done, r',.401ChlticftutTrritOrcir 1,4:14„;:0',1!'„,t:1-, ' iter uclOhboa,.. 'Slomo 0.2.V"'„ -'.11o.-.1' *4:#,UO1114107„; ' bread. tri,t4g,i1:4ti '0:04ZW.W-7co„-ft..:11t4i':- '.'.',‘-'''' '. -------- --- - - --.-z„, --:-...''-.-,'-'' ''''',7•'-'..: 0, „„t4gozno„ Itto. 0:40.00, gom: „,A ,„,.,.,„„,; ,-. ' -ew, e A 4, ' 1,,, •,f,.,4f, `,,. „ 4 PIA. itoglnI4oa 40DtkMoar , r„,c01., .0.,. : , _ ,,,,,, 0... - , „ .--P, •te - • '' - ' •.'"e't"Q* '1444"44r" , -'"'e NAw, 'wo' 4,470' k44w„ -„rottIn, ,V14:3„ t In to 41)n dOt: ,vIttl 0',. • orroVi4m4ltrIv„., -. -4•Ghtive,,, AM %Me Iiittes,olt104: 140.1 tcmo, : atvpos ' 04. tattzri .. ' - ' , • 4- • - . ' • io „vo7,4.,.. ilio'Stt tot tier 11,64 -AM, #44 ec-,,,Izele„%tjetqr,,tortito437,,,ilgarj,,Atel.,11,ATLIIIIT,'-: -tie'''. egige*.ara:0-..eull.V.tr, Ond OA -;:tee- ,-... 11,*,viimtts., w.dieferesoer, ennse !lac% .010014, . 'WhaAlklt that Mr) Ver hia tart in Sere et' 441 41.Pit'thiona.."h'il.- . nalliiPe;IrtTelrntir --e'4"'"it'''°„nttt.' drlifte '4- ' lik:7 ;AW"W.I'jfLV4mA15" . vago.„:44,tp44i,teg.0.4.0, vvp :OP_ the re- onoWs.,. eari7h3a that ' h=4:4 . Vas.. M.4,,-.. „ii4iitititto, 6 46:41;ti 4tirolioetittive.04, ; 4 " 0 '-e° ploti5,t.:.954*0, ,06t,trgh cum ar. pert of t4tna 7to make W. VIM who .k„,,toi...tto,„ 4-; 4.ve ,iittlatta,k vent to :Niagara to see thl Pt xtrilia,04,t417,0•I '.4* --0444- '444 ttua ''.. oug4Ist cg•lAuflOte7.;Inv6liW;471411:12' ;gig •.! tIg * lion3k4:44041,-.4"„Tot,f172/111),„,,,,,,1",„%;441t,i..4,,,40 .04ingi;:i4Olr':urro isihnelly°I)atitfid.V:vre c411; i; , tealld h=oditt". oudonertbridge ovirsti, . ,irvt6.01,:,o5zootttp,fAiiiia,'`Gur,rtZgli'lt t°11"-4,„TrIne31".71mAve':, ormr-ito,:;,,,,04,-03..,0 ae.,,,-- 0, 5O O.'- tlk.. 004„tr,..POOlIzzo, Co 04,1,e1„ ceuez-lasked upon ,agolt rtia,y,, oua taithltil„:. tee ,,,-„."- ' - ' --: ' i--.17' 41.'-s'"-'4- '' -"'",,, e: s's.lght,O, ' lat the nungklaness eT at:(,.:m74i:)4.4„' ..4.1,111,0.:rIzlitutro_ct.-;:vk co,acriviawuetno,!,,waizo,,,,b,gazdot d.otaatruty4u, tot orvocm„ tunwl• 111 x:‘Mn.s. ret„.!•,71,44,11:127...,,,:totollnlint'07:414.,,„*„..4.4',,,,lerilit, ir ratT4Ii'vttab.net'701.rht,„":00Atie:fainnsodtreandaertraspsi.awooyneslt:et9iiizrk. apntira4rioareedit:73. t.b, 0W4hioenivsOwr;Ititt,04 urtihcel;,7tea..44.'frootz.41,1,„ttlitez etie;77 `-,14: Is- -ter 7ia.or Ere' „ .. . , t....-4h1.24,do.,litiiitixedrittlak„,;1111,cit (.94itcivrtirortg,;11,:raiw:41 4.4,i,rerlwth.7.'21:4, tewi:rilit,,,.,,7,..notar tat:t, hital 1:7; till:Four :1_1foro ..s. r. ;:,,,tt 1 it le, ' ‘:11:cue0 alpe:O..„ , „000440,12aveit f6tiltioittlIa4 .-.coae,1 the tiiI,etrjuitmovnobldfliasitie0_4,.mgfili laa Nt7 weeta: 4,7,te' 0...oquo. The „ hateseto 40 out. ,aray.:corive, spoill) Ogep of- the paste% male 'and female, 41,1,0106:.01111;011.t 4. oirouo fieryfee earlP 'in OW nere'Year. , wanted us to subeeribe f urrher tO the. snowy dayo there wale, DO sort -of re -,,the price was up ta Siniseilliers, but::auactwi jdogativoiviima th9 114 fixal _, ,. , _ _ _ _ _ When In . gee inalleaP3, Of ihm void .deliverY of a gor04tin elallY. ' Of aaal$a ', Thenaler.who.,,gpt4hermatte.:':11W-1)::.1".eo7;e::::.d:11:4::.,e'alsliel:;:im.°d,y1:4111itha:;.tdaLrrnt*Y7 Lianj:d. newsiVaPer mart caned and I don't kileiv," was the. reply ;`..`,,-. 71>u el_ ,..,.., ,tial.71 ls:reh:p:111,4ttioltt•Ib4rdestgr°:efotr%Nselittgvhaern_ etil,lorro‘tiitaixta, enta*lamailetildito, intheebioedr,,,jesogd. i thennrotony og ple ,wistee,s eaec re-UfferaT-the lakor TPZ, - oveleree3 the nevIesn_altaeerthpetrtntwewta:_cutie is, esaine.guaraeltipetor .I.: 1:174:Yeati;v4_'°:::::eall:°_„.htlt- "sisLtc:eflthe,8:7:11teadw:1:91,:sytin:e_hma.spapc";61t, Well .-eneW -tei- Wan 76,-Iffe-the htiddree-; ! ton; aa the wind Was too ley and searching to but to his eloquent plea one had to a belated Chtistmas present that cattle ; . perm it of that. One thing did (lug- !say, "No." One was coming daily ,auel 1 i all the nieer sinee the wefts aud 11.1 ea. follOWed• where we could ; and that 'leas a yearethe price of the eeld dellY nsenfory and it was se -Wee"- to " haVe , le! re!W , est, iteelf to us, anti that we gladly ! there were atter ways •tlter nine dol- dainties of that season were now a sVititer 0 • 0 los Vera Siebert, daughter of Mr. ‘ , 0 0 0 Reg. N., of and rs. William L. Sleoert, Zurich, Mee Beatrice Harris, 'died. last week in_Texase wielle on Atr_ )• .6sokbro, has been apPointed assistant way to Arizona for the benefit of her ouperintendent of Wingham hospital, health. The remains were brought to reteeeeding alars Nellie Welters, 157130 the parental home at Zurich and were ' drier twelve yearn in that position has eeeigned aid will be married. i burled in the cem4tery there. Be- . sides the parents, four brothers and _.,..uirs:_lnatei,,,,astillst, venom, mule nx three sisters survive. One ef the tehert -of Montreal, 0 o 0 Lloyd Veneer,' ensall, died Wednes- 4bmtimr"g "Babem45 of, last iiesvit, in st.. joneren Elo.. the well-known hockey player. pittal; tendon, tifinreamotrtae She was 0 0 0 r. and rs. 'Hillary Horton re- - inenerethiety-lbieLysare_eithe leaves to- their. ,homteette Exeter - last :;------e=ebteerole---seted---oraedeughter, * On Sunday evening-Mreeelloe: ----''-='--lier-fatherrItiehattl-,0 ehett-W.....Parlet fotewheetteteet in andis conlinedeto-here betle- "eiEler;ibragirtiete-Mrsi.--Messeereee" ... tind -mai* 'Croad, -IC nu-tve. iiirrir It to- turn some o -theta. can - jury on iSattirday itfternoon when Ifs - • ereFise Vorly seine liffeVir lled or week r two b eir- vassers down! ueigirboring th9-atrhtfam The world hiiste'f gone truck crashed into the railing of the lenItellff eoutea ,to the Wail box and to man told us that ale just- made_ ner 3 .1 - th -b ws so long as there are easy it is to-ehoose the path of least is firmer and can pay e h b d t° e ("vw° "Na" in a way -joy of it Sanford bridge. unit the filelitlag_lOad_ thelleiflhhorio te ael the milft, ovv take theePaPers _ r Uan , ewe° peetplesifteit eehe_da tiudames_ter the of salt crushed in the cab. Graham was driving down the hill when the resist -afloat that frightens one, ehall we say? -we * truck ekidded on the bend to the bridge had isetter say in a way that means no and crashed. The forcd of the eolli- -.was away from hOnne. . i ward and crushed in the rear of the The Temperance Man, as we mune 0 0 Se, , sion• shunted the three tons of salt for- . Ite.,..c,01,20, ..e.Y„P•17•„.754T J11•...t letriver,s.ela- -.The-drhter-erAw/ed....ou uninjured. The front of the truck was this time to our house from Toronto to badly twisted. get- us - to co-operate with him in -church-and community to -etir up in, , . tet In the tight against the liquor raffie"-- -a - . _ger-en ozliumi,:iVnires-Ve-clia stigalidr. , - lwoRin-217ountilhaiLli:44-1,•fdeaTMIlr7tn-4.1,ti%e:7625141:1„.hgylutgl; 0 0 0 The last week or so has' been a time of signilleant callera. Strange to say, we have had no tramps or beggars. eakalizetheY edoenetereakeeeteeeraellee of exposing themselves to the windy ,highwaye In January weather more Irr O 0 0 After rtn• illness of less than, a week, Toronto, is waiting oti her. s Mr.,. or - 14. dmv_se,d. ten ha is been in Toronto • with his idtrelefghtirgzuottre 1' Wingnany' hospttit e his semitz...sixth year. dent of a few weeks ago, while Mrs. Ile had been a-iteilititicrcirtre-drettie acvrtc'El-ewn-8---w-itil"bar--1,193,kektareekkre.-Pe.. for &sweaty years. His wife prede- FAvvrY, who recently moved from Stria ord to Tillsonburg, Mr. and eeesed him and he is survived, by two " --tate and two daughters. Mrs, ICdworthy accompanied, her to town on 'Saturday last. Itirs. Hortone4 O 0 0 many friends will hope for her speedy The death occurred recently at Lon- recovery.-Exeteor oTintoeseAdvocate. don of Miss Pearl Rollins, a former resident of Exeter, and daughter -of ee r member the late Dr. James A. Rollins of that for rillalf a Century town. She is survived by a brother, S. M. Sanders has retired from the Czar Rollin% of Cleveland, Ohio. The I choir of James street United church, Exeter, after fifty-three years of ser- vice, With the exception, of a few brief Intervale. He eerved tinder (Agit choir -leaders. 0 0 0 bandeshoro..geseXine Oratorical Cont Taking as hie subjeet "The Flood lap IRHIIIII -Itegiotered Ontometrist- , Gyea nisrarained Masses Vitted (17 Years in, Stratford). at C'Illbertson's clicweiry Store "Satisfection at Moderate Cost" -Wolter 132,Kon ,winsuargrit, Huron -Md Voy. Graduate Goderich Collegiate Institute 13519 W.rPST WARREN AVE., DUVOITF, `U'etee:aietle &eon 8558 .010.00•10e Togaey To& THE LEADING ptImitRAL DIRECTORS ANio Ambulance service at all hours, day or night 1:Phonsa: Store 20. o, GODERICEI Z. Wheelie OinC213110 Director and 1Lmhaismer 411 calla promptly attended to day or night fallIEJILANC.0 SURVIICPs- APteraea Stare 335. 3.55t7. stlatiliten Street, Goderich • magma Iuuim®t Lome.. earn= „n tufa 0/31012.144 2)111 • g 00 • g . aeor Oar C(wv26, Vtalal) Nr1M=' 'gt2 1 J. -.-- 1141 II FR Situation in Ontario," Melvin Bruns - don, son of Mr. and rs. Bert Bruns - don of Londesboro, won first place in ! an oratorical contest at Clinton Col- legiate Institute. , received as a prize a -silver trophy, for permanent possession, as well eta the school shield, which he will hold for one year. , 0 0 Dies hi O8th Year The death of 'Martha Sheppard, wi- dow of George Dale, occurred on Feb- ruary 170 at- the hotue of her daugh- ter Mrs. B. W. Churchill, 18th conces-, te. , r 10...1104 • 4, 71o. „. 01 evarMilejl ' 11' 001.„os. INEMEL. Frozen' Vegetehleo Asparegus, beans', corn, peas aid epletaeh were the principal preducts ;in the frozen vegetable pack in Canada in 1937. Like the Canadian frozen fruit pack, they are finding a ready market in the hotel and restnurant trade, but, as they require a tempera- ture of about zero, they cannot be of- fered to the general public until pro- per storage facilities are avellable in the retail trade. 9 0 0 Horses in Demand In nine breeding etation districts in Canada, saddle andelaunter horses, and horses for police, remount, awl light delivery purposes, are being produced In considerable numbers. This type of horse is in keen demand in Canada arid in the United States, am2 there le little likelihood, of any decline in popu- larity. Horse -breeding clubs among !Canadian, farmers increased from 125 In 1933 to 254 in 1937, while the num- ber of purebred stallions qualifying for approval in 19417 showed an increase of 21 per cent. over 1936. Seed Growers' ,Conventlen The next annual meeting of the, Canadian Seed Growers' Association will be held at the °uteri° Agricultur- ;.-e.-ee,„„e--eeeeee,,,eeeee of the banner producing counties in the •Province. . -6- - Current gem Regent• Bruce county reports a smaller mor- tality in pigs thie winter then is usual- ly experienced. Wellington county roams and eo man Y: itaenstul thing's tng of Inttrxteants. He' gets a malt sontewhat up0,tre salary; depen- nreertfie-+UliiiittrrY"eciiiiiibtitlens-:4P• people who believe in this temperance propaganda. There are people wha wodld sneer at him and say it41, shathe there are suck in who could be giving their services and education on other tines, and let the public alone on this matter. But so long as the reports that fall wheat -is showing up brewer has ,his salesmen and a place patticularly weU, as it has been, cov- to have his goods consumed legally, ered, with a nice blanket of sno-w*Mur- with all the distress and degradation ing most of the winter. The high that ensue, some of as are going to welcome thls temperance organizer at prices of alfalfa, and clover seed pre- vailing there are divertieg farmers' ntion-eto timothy,-- which -has the advantage of being considerably cheap- aer and at the sarGe time a home-grown product. In Halton and some -other counties livestock breeders are / re- ported as disappointed at prevailing market prices for- their cattle. In H,aldimand. definite move has been made towards having the county de- clared a tuberculosis -free area. The county council bits already approved our door. The man who sells patentetiMielne and turns up a _few times in the year was at the door and In' the kltehen, displaying hls boxee and bottles of stuff, guaranteed to cure. He is a ,cripple who ehose this calli•ng Per a lleiep. As -Ise 'has a pleasant way with Irim and peddles some very much used eine:talents and powders, he does a fair' hifPifiess. He carried enough heada-che tablets to stay The aches the moventent and the Livestock Im- of all the heads around in a ten -mile provement Association is proceeding radeus. All theepretty girls in tile with the passing of petition's. Middle- neighleorhood and the,fastitlious, fussy sex has experienced some floods in low young men peek into his boxes and areas due to heavy rains. Wheat is ,te, They have dresstng tablest that still green there anti in good condition, ''''"gf3' though fear has been expressed „be- need replenishing with " his beauty ;keeping commodities. 4 'eause df lack of snow. Quits a de - 0 0 0 mend for horses has been noticed The assessor man of the township has been at 'placer4 juistedown the road in his annual round; And I am look- ing for him any hour now. He gets the agreetillg that apring must be on brisker, both from American and other the way since le is here. He looks outside buyers, -at fairly satisfactory important withehis big book and when Prices. Horses are also selleng well he starts to ask questions. The dog there. (Livestock in Eastern On•tarlo barks at him. No, we don't hide the Is in fairly good condition considering deg or, tie It up in the barn, or send the scarcity of home-grown feeds and it off for a run with somebody while the high price of commercial feeding he Is around, as we have known some stuff& to do. One of my neighbors at one - 'plate esee-liveed "nevey.'hnd deg -in the- sion of Goderieh township. Deceased , among the tobacco growers of Norfolk , al College, Guelph. The dates set for was in her eighty-eighth year. She the meetings are June 15th, 10th and from $300, to county and good teems are bringing '" . Demand for was a native of Goderich township. Her 17th, 1938, and') Lens are under way springers and new milkers in Prince husband deed in September; 1936, and for a busy threedays.- ItIsex- Edward...amity appewro_to be a little uPix children, survive, also twenty-eight grandchildren and twenty-one great- grandchildren. 0 0 0 Bleb &keel ylaw Defeated at Welherteen A bylaw to provide $110,600 for the erection of a new High Schosel build- •ateWatkertenewas robed .dOWA efeelt by the ratepayers of the town, the vote being 203 a inst to 160 for. The Walltertoo Itlerald-Times, which sup- ported the 'bylaw, touneentee the bylaw was defeated, =Mere can not rest there, for the old high achool must. either be given extensive re- pairs or a new ono•erected. It is be- lieved that in a very short time the building now in use will be condemned as a fire trap." VerMeT Reeldent of Brusseis Mrs. Eleanor Jane Cohan, widow of the late George CeitViae, -died at---th home of her daughter, Mrs. W. L. young, Stratford, an Saturday alglat, February 19the after a two weeko' ill- ness of pneumonia. Formerly iss Eleanor Jane Anderson, deceased was bern, at Auhurh, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson. After her marriage to the late George Col- vin eke Med for fifty-three yearn at Brussels and, since 11026 rale had re- sided at *Stratford, Mr; 001eeins died In 19104 Zerid tsievivitig rite etre auu and five daughtere. The remains were taken to Damsels for interment De- ceased wilt> in her seventy-ninth Pear. 00 .1 Stickan Gtta r;t alter inko ottlenteerzjita inardee es;111 out wan brouiht melast week whew - young man caned e Epps aport „shop with, the view or ttr,tullna ltr UP ol(1- tui • g316 troadertzl ,tritt.'f• he re - a strange loot: trliien„ he 4a4(40'cver.i41 ,1f0.1ii)*Iet116 itt teitte311 out that the onr.tieular itch tialtIon. 44 W, -,`,.04W( -g0163 .11nt5 Sit__Yeart/ tica. -1'-lt-tla'a3,1Agstat thronglp several hands singe that tI • hia-tit li&d)01rn an4, ,41-4-*Ittett-t:1414y, martin ,tgalde It car.,7 „toot prow 4q147.Tohlo. ti*r&,',Itint..thtete tkpIna' Lade thitolth imiet4dci' 0 '4', 004%1014 6..1.1L -7' # t tiN pected that workers in the promotion of improved, seed productioe from coast to coast will be in attendance. Officers coming from the West will in- clude the president, Mr. F. W. Town- ley -Smith, Lashburn, Sask., and the vice-president, Mr. F. L. Dickinson, from Winnipeg, Man. The secretary- yeasuree et -the Asevelettion-IsebizeVia• - tee se ee • T. G. Wiener, Ottawa, Ont. jRecords Moved Cost of Iltnising month the assessor was around, but he 0 0 0 fed and harbored, and.'hunted with two or three the rest of the year. 0 00 The wge se _the hired Man who lives in a cotta•ge not far from up hai:s from Ireland and is very talkative and likes company. Another hired man's 'fflfriviarteTorthe' fireditigt ildlisf but this Irieh Iady onebereotneede.y .)Way *olo Dacve3 Movement of. the 1937 bumper erop OntlAllrfa lay from "Ethldiniand county is now in full svvhags It-iseeetimerted- that last year'e crop of 3,000 tons will be exceeded. A large portion of the crop is mov- ing to the large dairy herds In' the ['astern States. - Considerable alfalfa is bane ground into meal for export and domestic consumpilimillp-to rfi1it -dram meat milky ha") 'been grind:tug In the Caledonia- district at one thne. -An Other new outlet may he provided as result of a teat shipment just made to Nova, 'Scotia for a Department of Agri- culture experiment in feeding, young deer for the first time. Although the plant is one of the oldest undef eultie • Pullets elneorder_tee,miegeetein the eost of raising pullets to maturity, that 141the age at whieli-thiriy ley that. &tit eggs, recerd- of -au feed, coal and titter used was kept during the 1937 season at the experimental station, 'Summer - land, .0. t> Starting with 680 white Wyandotte chicks hatched an three different dates, Ap,r11 6, 14 and 29, respectively, and eooded under .coeliali broollerg; 801 were gold ad bii iuidjroasTers, and-a\Tew asereadrto--itry pullets. - These latter have been Inellided fer:pierpotes of ex- periment at their, -actual weights and the -prevailing live price per pound. Mortality, caused mostly by hawks and, coyotes, accounted for forty-eight 'birds. The balance of 241 represents the number of °pullete coming into laying vation, it is only in recent yeers that from Septenaber 2 onwards. eggs it hoe 'been, grown here generally, and lad by these birda hav_e_been,credlteu,_ ft seems to thrive on tile ;heavy clay aer ouch inclusion would only create a land. '.131.alelImarid and Peel are twofictitious profit or untidily reduce the who have hadtvosseFsion of the gun, end bee been ouceeasful in finding four preview oWnera. It just Gees ta prove thet homely la Vale best eoliey.---Clin- ton vNeivsiike-Ortl. C3!It1Arfm.a0e „ 01.4eaving sthe safety of their Ilc• rtillop farm yesterd6s morning, two Innocent calves little thought that be- fore nightfall they troultii,te Involved Iti"-a series of trans1dti0t3 that- had polthe and (Oh*taulIty auction sale 44==m .&r,-,,t1D,14•• Parint f*tg:Wv'•Ac eordleag .et 0110,, Mutiny COnolly, un- til LIOSluop farm hand; p`urehaa ttle "plVtl Vedue,lilay Morn- itletktt•intand btliataizgtheit to towk 4tietc44.I=1.•i'dr4Z11 tho too:Amity coot of 44ear1ng. Irte, tuitte,Oer of elitekellareadetl might easily brave- bon rated l'of by two broodere insMad of three if hatching dates ,..tillfamtd- tile.rkbY rednehes 'the airtoeint and cost of coal used. ,t4o_-,a41pouo-totorm„...loau1tt3, liPitut, fleet prices ware blgh., Wheat gee otperluTout .eoqt ,§01 per ton. Ito:Me-annual', developer .inaall of Which lame onantitio trete contained co41t V*.ton. 4 order that': the figum =illy be �f to1141, glztt&nt to those' poultry.izsep- vhc raIr:o 00-14,„,,politc44,$rota Put.. chastd: ,Ibv.c110 ditet.tc,:tIte Ci.lt of tue '01dOtidt OttVehtuka' liaa be rett- oitea 4t.-0141 Vet itlinbed, theo. rox- imat4 ttletr-og Ite-hvg- ,Ibret4b la the 11L4 11 eakuititta the o attoloz cnte.- Ornt a the OA got 04% 444 a truotot=itti, farm* Ilias iti t4 terottd• Wetbungiat ecz,fil ,t7$2,2_14,11,-;3 raelteee5y 4.T4It'44i2k r,41e6;kauktlie30 •011.1 2.4151=3 Mat bl,rit4 to elarae 4ad(L) =1110i Vt10 t.14t1 it4 =to dort: ak-4, Bray Chicka are real money- makers:, can prove it. Place your order here. 100% live de- .ivery tatamnteed. 11:Duffield Ontario eeee OS 0,0•••••••••••••,,,*-,.... 1.0.1q0n0 Not it you -burn Red Itglag„ is stored under cover), 1-1( Cotepaanted Attilnraciie Cod, Baralley, gour-poiumat, Pocolontao Cod, All Coal and Coke forked,. We carry a full stock of the .4 above Fuel and can give prompt delivery. JT Do you know that it is your . privilege-toItaseeet_load_ of Coal -or any other commodity sent to the town seales for- re - Weighing. We invite this check-up. IF'or liskergilescitre, PEumbing and11.11emiting, give vno 3 cal All work -fully guaranteed. az Les 111120nen:—Store 22 Might Ca& HS. *— At the ll-licecter v Roma girnip Rai °:_°12,vesll From GODIERICH MARCH 1211P 91'0 WIINDSCDR, Ont. ss.05 DIETRUIT, Micll. and return 3qually Dow fares fronvalli adjacent C.N.E. Stations. Ask for handbill and eoraplete information from Agents. T -53A. CI MIL :to 111' 4d d'tto • ‘ki",0 att tAmttbot tat':t voahlbtl 43 Ot ti tfTao=L1tX1 vtva vatxtz-ticti it7 „cFatit la, AP ; Lc ttria,'••••tl..,t1 !.„ , 446LI letatIn ag a vqp.Ar..t don« lt`10."Roittrt 4.,1ife 'Or hreiteta ,I.CUr EX. eeeet4ee• •V• 05116 0,0tow, VOtt*V40,'vtit2k1. - • Ceka0.. at14r„14,:Dm 14•04 11.110 Needy egaiilideethl Yvomillovare ellaQ ,Pmg. ince area areciaed vagovadoo Og racepemed gintmaciail etli6iitrgnolomea.- • - • Thin policy hao been COntlineed for over. 60 years it the firth belief that vet -gong who uncleratancls the facto would want thia great woe: to continue ... would agree that- „no---Ontatia4111hould.--13e. -diarriecit thance-for- health cre escape from deformit7 if mere money memo 1 ©VC; 95% of four bedo are in Publict Irardo. The Illooplitd receives -41. otglipxra atm the Tomato- Yederation for Community Oervice becauce-patienta.are accepted from all patio o2 the Province. 11,1'70,alt1lt eteidik1tooa-e411ti huthana top generoun public tO talle dare of an annual deacit . 0 1/ Velb Veal*" io 00.40StIgS, ,„ , z ..t 0. Pllc=a,t74,12 a. azaaco 6o elho 24p2 38czuc2zpv, , .6.? eacca primdas, T=L -.42a, . • etzsalattleiri strclotait6 titto R'acoftlaztt. eateo eteea tee, Elvo 1 Ot211141= tzdit:3 otl (Wert Ootavie tete at- date eoties tee Palo COIldittaraxtt, osoVieloolll, Otto or1117 etaatacd. ect Nike C0riilta Olingd-0 tettot:4 02 Iltd 411::Z0c0. vv,204.tx,-;,:zna 2 Ingc::1 012341v,w ,t;111$ 156 q a a 7 .0000 ,....114.11 ,.t..etteti_ei teetee cteee tee erteeeee.�ettte teeete elat4 t“tea' 10/: 4 ed l• i i .,. j .-,:a Needy egaiilideethl Yvomillovare ellaQ ,Pmg. ince area areciaed vagovadoo Og racepemed gintmaciail etli6iitrgnolomea.- • - • Thin policy hao been COntlineed for over. 60 years it the firth belief that vet -gong who uncleratancls the facto would want thia great woe: to continue ... would agree that- „no---Ontatia4111hould.--13e. -diarriecit thance-for- health cre escape from deformit7 if mere money memo 1 ©VC; 95% of four bedo are in Publict Irardo. The Illooplitd receives -41. otglipxra atm the Tomato- Yederation for Community Oervice becauce-patienta.are accepted from all patio o2 the Province. 11,1'70,alt1lt eteidik1tooa-e411ti huthana top generoun public tO talle dare of an annual deacit . 0 1/ Velb Veal*" io 00.40StIgS, ,„ , z ..t 0. Pllc=a,t74,12 a. azaaco 6o elho 24p2 38czuc2zpv, , .6.? eacca primdas, T=L -.42a, . • etzsalattleiri strclotait6 titto R'acoftlaztt. eateo eteea tee, Elvo 1 Ot211141= tzdit:3 otl (Wert Ootavie tete at- date eoties tee Palo COIldittaraxtt, osoVieloolll, Otto or1117 etaatacd. ect Nike C0riilta Olingd-0 tettot:4 02 Iltd 411::Z0c0. vv,204.tx,-;,:zna 2 Ingc::1 012341v,w ,t;111$ 156 q a a 7 .0000 ,....114.11 ,.t..etteti_ei teetee cteee tee erteeeee.�ettte teeete elat4 t“tea' 10/: 4 ed