HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-2-24, Page 4t'o rt.741.- too log • ..Mo' .4tTorC,a1 *Tha3:17 rt1t4It?4-Pf.e,,a1.0 t0;7-. tra04.q., .gla4tt� ViZ;31,0,7C-.:T • rig;„11)111'.4.04t4a tU3 ,,,Vonmtp •-ti•-a4.qoa?, Vta 'oz.-4111Mtaoa itWit? 44, 009,z ttotv 0 .r.4*,c4m.1, ttvo " gator C* CnI Ottzv,.- etz101914' tarom oebt 0%w* ,rov.v, ttc, Vkfikt -Prten, o4a 414 i the vargT; oo-rao, 10, tw.tlioo; t1'0 addteaeed Wets Citth, and Ape Trade meetings in tioderich, 73 Cd Predideat of the Nation- Veliptati 'Of the Young Aftezer) Chrice n 4eefoclat1on at the annual. meet - held at Nia5are V14.110,; Among at wawa- viidirAula le -Or pkbert- of Top:m-1w th ermitop e r'lltillte en Pommies, -and Politics, eehich la held eh grimmer at Geneva Mark, trzate ,COlnelfiehing. 'VI:Mtn= IIIMIDra The management end, playere of the Gederieh Illastball Club of 1937 en - Say -.a long-delayed banquet at nee Treduri Restaurant un Thursday night Ilea.' About fifteen attended. Plans to hold an early organization meeting .reeee deelded Qn, hut a in Was not itor the meeting. Dzecutive Mem- prezent were Goldie Smith, 3. III .1113 V4471441altilia-mOtlii7p,. .r4t1t1X1.4..att0.4410,7” ftonth lArttle4p, PaetY NO.W.1Zoilaa'9„•-ni, tUP.ra4a0my „ •,V00.04 Vt$cP 171.o344t Co•tt -god: Z;IT1(4, 01.4 lagt.14hrox to„: *I er ,pa1410.40110.,tbe, let 0240104(1111,01;4.4',41MOLT,,,. ro t4 .00,,,,W1,04:,401isl, ;7K41.04. .go.v t11.45Y.f044p4ago ti ideifto the Attleglgalti* reP, az) t' NV:23 elurb tacD1!olr41,1, ot4 iI tKa t_3 r::.:) •11:40t,.,tc.4 wdo,-,c1vC1 Co rOPVa t=a r)mzPg,', tor MO Pr-.57.3".ZIP Ircli;t1$4$L1 0'410"c4-700. 0 z!c t ka Ji"2o i 4.1/- Or/tau two- i7o.5tariam, Vtle- - artaol. .tralattOc, Vlotzla -Mob'...•v,4,-70'.0--4-VaY Tolpttoa. c,„-...„,"?' • cwzoU'pt Lacv.14 4Vt1 ;Ut Mt ila,e4.1(itpat -oR 0A,00. Vtily,r4i4top. 1141.40,4t;lercf,d'Ottia, •tbo'vqr, 0,Tapp voro laom, 4)2 tvo :toao; totvg0 toltool 4t0 e , 014 %ioaitrago 4.0411 00401 0110a; 1701..X.te *pa ozito voron't9i .v100-tuvatkit vt:.-tto Ord of hitt ?That na.eitaess' 4voa04: Or. /14',01$04 laatirltia 1,710rU on IMO titan '140414tne riaa1,1"Ptor adloa , • .K1411.44.;Plgt...0e1,0:1111_40„tii,q,$'pkt0- Vo4P0-04 ing,obtained ellteMP'1110110V,--- reported Shoese rtgbliers and,apprege; elub---itept teueh.- with Ottt, d vraromotrihated, a ova y Odjdron vincial exectitive Mee inectthe .1.4:Aater durlog the eonveutten and theregionet,eeleforent*:; Wa. F. fiatppf Welfare. convener, 'Swop lAlfe And rzolidga' tuatelY Terenty, orttolea• 0 oothtna oat setzdino,:deurob to um co.. 1 or the Interesting WACO: PreSented1)IlittiPMent 'wa Olt imediegi inapection of pre-oehoel a ,, atkiil kettles Dever- 41 ozmil- ileoeaarie141 and 'supplies:vete, Peirchased for the, Medicine cheat and, Wash room% The Cluli Sponaored two, Oratorieeil zonteStn-4114.4ireVelatext-Prize-14-and.-41-; se puveliased b0Ohee' for the Bata -4- It-," brag and donated. PrizeS, ger coin- MeneeMent graduatee. , The Club alco provided pictures of the ova .Prin- coses, Elizabeth and Alarm:It:et Ro6e, for the main hall of the aeheol, The Club's $50 payment LO the ochool board towa.rds the ealary of. theenausie Instructer who the last -it Will, be reqnired to inaise, for With thinalltion ofeeiranie-tteetteretteiest-ctirrienduir eatery will be included in the estimates patautriomd • - I!a . . . Gin ENE-at.- -VADTCM-- -014VZLIS .,;- - ---SX0 -Blurt. ett:ANIIP '-ratllallii - • - 0.00 • D.*. "- , • regetted hY itidg!ng'of osthme.- 00W3 AND .1101-"N' IN 131111,4 FUN. . -,,,-- relaq Prevention of eold$ and Doily reonla; diphtheria to 14inj oehlid-' Teni wad Inforautt104 reattlAinG WOdu- ties of a sehool Mute- titte trfautet,4rVThoniSOnr 4P0rtea x•erelvto 0 =IA with eXPee- dituree of .C=4.-1-0, leaviaa balanee of' 03.00. The receipts were as followe; Balanee from MO .... 81112 17 15 25 Li r2ii , Poz741 arloyai,,v ot7,' _ata iL 161:410 . Vo ta.ferAtigle' • 1 , 4;titl $P3T/Pc4v444-.0,0 f:avOt 4elcP; P.10014411at riz • 0. 1Z07,4,0t#trt 00.tinV44.1P.0 Lel ., .10 ,;1.0'tliguo..r.1:: (1, ahlttlzap. 1. 10 oyIc- 14 Aey re1-441atf.— 311 0: f T.4P , - atgrtOr 1.4., 4 .1 4.:',:tig.' rote; the roost a , Divziriaa 4 '44103140.:,,lk '4;434 aVerav .P01-,..-A,t,:allttAill1W. - Allakitkreq- tp111046 ,Seere, 144 leozila g , . . , . , 4,, c v.1., '.4i.014411,A5144 ,i„sir.,-.3.€41..,* 1, ,..,-. E...•...-;c1:trzi r*--:;,,--,...,''...) c 1:•.a'P'1Q-'94,4,-ie.Li7,7V.::It7L7(:),1/4tgZz.t.'711'721:r--''c'"::i;?1:11:s?'234?1 4 1;6 )r-1-";14.'t'lile;'Q4;"11L'a7,cf.941,,,r3;' ' ,g4„,:::: :,:vt:,2:4(,•:c:::::: 1, .•„, . ,.: *,_,,,,._ 1.1p,tr.4,04v.3.t,b0pczlt:0?1,,gpe,24,;p.37.,:ilvq):14.51;c7vir., ,.2-.Tz„.440;,,i.:vi.cci4r,+.,',,,,,,i,,14,4,..,,;lt .. tnIttli:3811:10totwilltate i2tQZ 'Mt,. , ..ft7,3:0 ..zgmeiga, olt,,I, _ imtlerv., '. .4t4gzoge • 'Z.4=!;'4'ora 1,. t7 1 tr.i.aotli 7 :0:4:;.::::/.7:::::: -Ito .Zs.0: : ta t't 41- Watorpa.,,:*Htorvali, ' 4 Cro t1t7.4,1n0 tt .-,T. ,Vit.p to l• a pb, -SO ttO, * MI _St:111N., ..t1PAttitlialx.,.rEP,41. •..,10-P1- , tiit1t,41,4.,.„,:. . , 1044A*.aj.,,ftaa.c9r,;..,,‘.;,I.i.,,,,,lie,14.4,07,%1'4,t,j:n.,,,, $ A 00 44ttltd .0400.0 14.01,4rootw,i!..logix.4.,W,41tVestbto., :0'4111::1-11t4;.:1:14':::::;::.,i'''i11)4-11;--;01:':;;1,s':' =';:* ,,,,-.,...,..,.. WOOD,. ,301* 4i$Set '4iehk'ety o 'rho r0toltut.r4otlatI'Ckizi 144 GIPIS $n."14,4%1/41144f.', tro ' Vnited:Clinrch:Vaalwalta oe, d fiqhoai At)014,,on TOtby. 'e$0045 ioa W.4,70r .plitume • •Ottho meethaot,at Vaal. tali 'id), -pweia the al* ?Tito P4rtsr, i t.444 t next i,iionela,y. 'blunt* .g1.0.1139.,,,,'Of the girle pinyed gam_ the Oth* gathered -40)40, wt4.0 eio2d :"With the siuging o taps.' :v(tDtimt4.00 Oplisio3a, ixte-v*Ito duplicate ,held on - day .evening by the. .00derieh, Itridge 010 the folliovv* were witinerP1 let; 24r, ind thi. ttT. 157,„'Savip*sipn T; ,eed 'Mr. i. DennellY an, Ur. P. F. Oar•Mr.D. -,anot,po: gtzne wan be hew, next .1, enciny eveninke'T Gasetes raut 4scpm. "lop- . 55a0,43, '10 Op. Oettei� ee ...4.,..,....,e.e.,;„..-... '5..1....%!li'11,47.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: " -1° Silver collection,- birthday party 110 81) M eta 1. , Sale 0 birthday cake . ' BO 1414411/0014013 .,,,eee,00,-.40-.27, 1.6., ft„Rig_mckg,„...,:6, ' jule.:4-44fwt.,.. .i. • ' .„ .1" Chapter 5 Collection, girle' oratorical 7 '15 1141.44tiorom.:,,, , ,Ava.v.glpgreapo Collection, boys` oraterical ...... 5 051 ,nlzigareane jtiniOetAualpol to :214qP. One-half proceeds echeol concert 07 €0 GOderieV1,4 to40ro,''.40-, the „II:04)0', tor -io: . ttlovt...-votevt„. Pree-,e(*gaidenrie,e,--ee, ve.e;7diiItteerl'ilke TireWh7Taleirm Tle1etsale,--Book Fair 0 25 IlIantle-intereet '`1331,43:' '103. ter al,w14.i. .0/4 140' -rozi4 encl./eel:4e snWinalD. Tbe lUnear Tiferif 7-FatfaUT: - 0 andt.'Vet 417131`01-0:47-0- *7 48 score at trtipley onMonday:;night.,- A pee' rant. Of music was enjoyed, Dadmera r„. 40r4latt ,:rfiSE.7irtr11eltaligeTAX‘PI tareckow ; vocal solo by Miss lone": eerleee, 'has..not Moorhouse, and a vocal selection by been )11;innouneed,. _ ToYier.',,-. • f1. A tap Unlace by Misses Ruth Dren- 41141'.0111=1.14114, OWE) Q,VS nate Dorothy;,1 acDonttld and Geor- .The/Wingliani. Ip3,g1,20- '0)100 Dalt gine -Ryan and a'S-hort playlet brought chell Bideltehirtir to the" limit in the the program to a close. finhl homeand-bonte, peries of the hi - The playlet purported to pbow how, termediate seetion a group .3; w.-0. In order to overcome ,,misunderstand- H. A.,' but lost out by a two -goal do- ings and,peehaps 111-fee1ing betweete.the tate 8-6 -on the round. eh game school and the home, rs. Co.urtice resnited in a 4.0* :Score in itchell's had founded the ellotee and -School favor. The Blaeltshirta, group -lead - Club. The part 'a were-taten by- 'Mrs. ers in` this section all through the sea- ROL hushtuad didn't son, vvill meet Chesley, group 2 cham- vet_of r'atrOlitag MeritrIVIU pions, in -Ire- pelydowns; -playing-- at leatherlitaane7teachereLlree'Vo, Phef3teyWI-day igglit'a di at Kitchen Baechler, a mother. vith•-a deSire' to on Tuesday. , becotte better aecitiainted With -lier ehildretes teachers:, and - ilo,honton, who acted- --the part pf the one who brought all tegethee CI°, dire cult their Prahlezne, ,pon, 0 Toronto over the weeh- i23-00.—ralat 23.—U BLYTH, Feb. ss Alice Roger= end with her parentsiVrank and Mrs. Bogerso4,... . * • _•' The pabsing of George W. Snell i:it meeraeortmaE, reb. 21.—w iss his home, lot= Sii, COntession 0, newt, Irene MeCarilay returned to Detroit Wiawellosh, on ThursdaY Lent removes last weetc after a„ mouth,e visit at her a popular and much respetted eeddent home here. The late Aar. Snell her im.owthatere,r3fort8rbaitow7:4180..atemee:Cinta:orrith,ro.pebnyt 111:141:Ellit'vecic it:* ajPirtsY,r''biluet4111ritee4 egiiPtPly"lit tanE9st ought -he had the week -end at the honie 0 his lath- tnueh-Improved.-an er. Mr.. ,i! organ Dalton.. he was able to be abont .his 'buelness. - Ott the 14th inst.; he bliateke Ptroue rm. Miss Rita' Wallace -is: ' spending a while with friends in Detroit. ef paralysis from which be never ea - .Billy and Mies 'Mary. Mina- lied. ,(An obittutry notice is published Master In the hail .speau4at wee_t_encitiovir.h9me ' Westfield ziewo in -this issue.), .In „lift: Auguatine. .... . . --Mae-teliaeera-and- taelithere -of B , -sues maroret vole. who wt wi.8 ili , Tzodg_ie, A., r,..-41.14 4,--.2L-i-,.-are -bolding for, soine_11111e, hateresunied.her.dutlea.. -474-...:'4 1,1ctQuir Lila 1C-ClIsM)rial mal thhi junior teacherateS:S.e.hle.-2,L ems,.1. 11drueret„Shapocia et-leatAtt 4410 4384' tra21144011515-1111ttsititi' rev:Iti-ehul Jitell the substitute for IiIISS Miley during next,Menday night, . ',, ‘lier illtiece. , - ., . • ' her.40122.440,41144,,eit, . . ' Me. .and Ltto, Blavoltortl, Herrington • 145tV128111° 11"1*at1°11 1118-et145 "MOW trie "ftftreriret IlIt-r114:iftrriegtolt"steadaister. day. We conhe ' congratulate tnew s eee.e.. Death Ditet44%7.0'*4r404t-' .-,,, in 4God.s 0 mil, 1 --.- kiss Irene -.Taylor, nurse -in -training and couneillor on their aPieelateats. eriehhospital, who irecover- .,_., Ec,ro__NtaLseeell.e.4 hop iii,a. tviit,„,,,, ot zevtrviodilkoz,dazt_a ,g_teo. jaer_rlous iiiallnitieec4siiereret, wurbilcerdit the death a an JO and esteFM441i4-- a a 4.11:11L-004-54030,- .- s /dent a this - centliniiiiit.4'in it -11§,,* -.7, „Itzeovo_00;L. (i,. 1:44,_ Along with_ w_ on of IlIre. Matthew. OVemnore,_,whm ,olitc.(1:6,4e,vouctoekty.:1044itteaoy t-z-rpooa_4 -.04,- rttes. Etotittitigs, ,-1(st-,16,0th,,,Itiitreetititnainciepar6 laititesthoof °It Mrs. John, Ittnightleye pioneer nettlers 6 -11.264'63-lieillg---ba(11411- .1 0410dortruitietAi sitaandeiiuntilvdeste.boe4rrYe- :lTtriwrilit.:01.11151:weei.1154 win tome latyth , on March -12th ;.,eal) a vibit to, Engitind, " fivrA0,4hutttseso--y_gars. xithi, she 'Or dalit$452rat Var., -get 31--,.,,,. ettl'aotit-41Pt habbiak,,, atilieti ciVeinaer; died if° SI 0, 'a tral:ti'.3241Y-te--*IVi .)Tt -14 nine Year te --nt,M- Might-laat eltiletdetbie . , 174eatitult tear,,,,.whe Ilea linen 4agite'lli• tit 'the' hen*, Of ,lier daughter, a4$ t4pta ttpthm Teditzara .oe.tifewt-o-ly 484 tisi- tadt,,_41 "a 410,,At M7147 :calf •-atk40. ttle,T,ofiOtitea• Irdaat7-' rt. Pi1:14:3:11:17,71:00.4 .L7=2 ii:tostmattrA ,121449 eve gam' 0.14414,,,,,i peo IfyoutledY1U U0 eraet ,01t.r.clta,mt.1611.texoen4ceohee and nervousness. Come in LlizTazzr ono- CDIFTECHAPI rp9pLogo ‘14 11.17on. Cozang7 63:07 yoora" • w A • - :For some days Ir. James ir,leitt heia **4--,1).1,1_,Jagagedte.-V-Ith-rike.eteg--et VOilezein,eenieldergel,W.e..estnelt turen-Orlifst Iretriet,y 'Shop to the dote Pert to theAitgasew-Siurft4e:cltoges Ebel). .1.. I •Z .41)M411:11,6W**/$181Z01114Pgii' iu Cutt purposes celebrating MS removal o -new Anartets -leY,-Ofrevini the Pah- , lieTsbute SurprisingetargatesF-Vereful-1 shePPere art a'SlEid-to wait or his 20$7 EbL Dakce Cc c;ch t7falla hecter• 2 20' aeizo — ter ollmca ---7-1k 11 2031 Wiitim $edat61 W.e..)1. S. Chellewe is showing some itteovement. 'The nate XamsaeaViellnel.--The fun- eral took Att place on opday from his late residence, Irth line, l orris, . of lames Nichol. The deceased gentle- man was a reeedent of Morris all his 11.1arrne.: Helmeisheen-la.poWliMtli for seine znaintha vreelt prior to his death went to Guelph hospital to undergo a criticeal surgical °Pete- ttion, feein vehielt 'lid did .not -survive. 'His wifm pr-edectased him some years. He leaves a faintly of- one 'son, A. 1P. Nichol, at four daughters, Missea Alice. and 'Elvelyn Vichol, Iiirs. Sam- uel , rear and Mee -rlorence Lievebig- Ging, all of MOrria towsibldp. zr.tara to -44o MI6 tVaa die° pr,`e4easea• IN.. 40.24o d0.6,i, 'S'oolob. ' eutviviza 4r0 t-wn T11,0=0 atudi Prate:, gail two , ari '01:4144;Mataileh-llad-4ta.-MIV. °Vomiter tlalatt, the' flrat4alcalaronp Ireao• , ,Za.$0004, C0144001, tilcioicottadre,2, out ailtVatrIela (realtier, 411 a vo. volii - o.* ,platugitap, ticalac the r •'altit 'ti6io ttriindu-fiolia 4461161 i,t114-014 OCOtatidt Tillat*IPI thlOgalia aiftltokiii-,1tt - ioe.;,-..-piticy ,pt, ZII".aito-4pPV$t otit,tdaewrgittit*„ x4rAtt th,6Hefallotl 40761tOTOrillwii bt- Varzit;,--. 20v-...1?Agm.04av't ti40' rewaiew, taad'aa0 Ow itt•1atii 'a 'Mo. attrvo4 ' Zio . vn11,11x=ora_ ..•• - XL towto4**: .&)taill• .0, i=t6t1t, A tiraVtlei Atm 0,, 111.411tet,,, gatapt LI,o10 .oria*z Oillitvslo, Vrtetial 042,..a atotarivevtao utiw44 --ittlo izto‘ 1 tept't7t4'7„7..rt.„ MI-ebtaot Ofir.iX. -S.'tidttiz- n,'Wo141,;.5.i:.40t1 Mutt Itonzeimra, ilit 'VOA 410,1•14Zamea,V-a=0131* 6 ;trait -' ' 1, ' .4 0 3 alitorintac6 raca4.sh attl N4fag,1 fo; 1))140 aat,':Cettaati' it44.11tct:110a ,-Ciia0Vla V,Iqta lapttoa-o<,•,-72144 t ,v4411 ,antmtc4 Latere•sfilovt tt000tiou Atia onor- iTeno6 woo to ,51 VWdi 6TVA :NA: " Zia to I t4tot-t, 1tAti. %IVO a ottii,lotto Eine Iroteollt4otAltinatkZ. it7444v,c,i-mb oftttwAn.T Iza 11(40.0 1,11,„„t ttot 4 ,i?...*toitAa?fft,'Ilolivi., '-ifiOraltzli 00400. 11',1..d)or0 to&ttiltY-c-;,14(ta ;17,9Mr4ls\tt" t`441, 1111 tor a t- '• tt* t_ Mr. and, Mr. It. EL Clark, 011(111- bl%), and 1 r. and Mrs. arry Claris, of Stratford, were gut- s on Sunday (with Mr. and Um. A. C. Clarh. ' 2" l'02:3 IF,o4t•CitDp6 Plozo iSCS '14 'The season is bete 'foe good Work Shoes. In anticipa- , -Von-of-the demand- for-solicHeathershoes with good leather or panco soles, we have a selection of Footwear at the lowest possible prices. That will appeal to you, if rou consider quality in Footwear count a for anything. P The goods we areAhnwing are made-by-the-best--mamr--- -5-4urers and will giye saMsfaction. We,invite you to call and inSfiect- our -stack. , . . Rubber -Bo*, first quality at tlie lowest prices, are here. _ Gila .....,... „.. , , ... .. zaa Gaorelich 4 r , 7111P.ItMCVC=CrVii DUSPOLIOW. RaCeeaatel 2,2= ,411'11.1---i-17040t--falt=6" t e . e:Eitme- A 61e,24 Md2,I awa Mal Mama= OCW'03 . I - Eircz.:11'041cb 11\. D420:. MOMWD6 41'4=4,10- c6; , a vat.latto-tVa • ..t.i.4t5.elc,...Toltverm3faiz, atf 6 'pa - ttr PgAtIty, 144'4' C%-412,1F.=,,'"EttILCO(ltle 'Vita' 0:44 =41'• tilt MoMa3VJAND90,,t7 "Laitiv Jam?-01,-Ticit;s2.40,-141,7.r.ato aa -Cho /titteso,t,,,c' t bt1tm. ft g' @lAg , t2cte," , tzir, il a