The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-1-20, Page 2„., 1""44,111 glt ,,7,74m3 441. p cop= c43 -9a3 QtrsVo'Ir0 Qbit /114Z '4Dt alMatto, t1,04th TAZ030 •,- .f,t'3. tgWe'gr:, eee, , i4 A-140,07*-, 7*111, 4.,"4 4 , '1142i zuntV t1' t ZT,40t*_40., AO c;Ovo-rIrfg*Atoby., ,t).., 4;,,:.,,e0tettite0e n* zt1,117-t.V: .0 ebo •Wt ilz,grz.z., le Mite Of aaltomt to fata gr.. p.: - "0.14,1tmIN'' v lot, Anta "ltkre SOna.ftblip."". , o e - „ , on' Pt,, fcdcnt tir4,bvrall ' 49 *47 , 170111,nC; A'701, • 114 '''-a#14,--A4004,*16afilt g414.7gf.Vg-t tot- 1,0 opgtio* - VOZeWs-a Itthereleeralle kad tov vatOoitt7 c 21eral •''Ditil,042tevq4cetlon P-14, Strop. 4,t,t0# .71trp ger/ Pejo 000 Cele ittleaeie .`eeeed-bteeealTelVele.,T4. a to the Govertenentle tiontant- ttre—tip, • 4,pietriat1i0t, for uitam Nwilrationa-too, • • vbieb Ceeteda wae teing led. efealteraedeoropely 0140 'are, tag' that the- larger etee elle. for 'elefentee.PUelmeele 'Whinier% a 'rural tog' u: Quebec, , repudiated. td1nik /!Oloveentnent. Cry. NOW S. EffeIVIL, haereenetituencyeeaas.rejeetedea,. taladidate on, thisitaite` a. The _rjertAkehtkevreettellee Pttaya correapendeute, ere 'playing .„.. • I If Z*10144141 .r.a.4trNieuvae$ ,V,„?metatc--1, MtlIgin-A,f1Fguls T-1--eleterietheenz fratiWagteement-betweenethe — 4aorimaraktilT4*-agoz; •TrtqtPa ha*--ProWlea.-4t-CZto;. thlFst orstztv4 t,102) 10454-10-ra, rj• trirdiatilor at OerlIth, attat44.1t5 tiolo Vast alorQoa,; mete. flilerr Irieetiteff Ceeei 11r, Detre tyl* 14.11tfuo, ,We amid pot If a- ineantelir fee' letting; - - - 0 Vinceolpao, $312, kgt.,,,A.00lvauo, partite a Welland batter. wet:rated/ vdth-- the petiole of tea dare, in Saft. rt aeme- zeelocalretelaweetieelatesethat. barbering ratio e4 OM/ducted OnlY e :1Seele teay Ceet '471,f etrC4 tG tD 13tr,iat•• 4 ti t*ita:Vota,-- o c't? )79% tiE711; 3.tk, s mat Taego-Lat toIL MAY CA 0,4 t - v t , „. 1 1-T to DV% nee OtItitial It 6, teefeeliti Menne Pee' ate ° avkt irt211 qtjUilte AProa4vap, '41 thaz 41110 )4to c*a16 -411p Vtaint,4: Aukt;en anett,b`55idit- cid1Z. .11'troQii a, q;)1.11* along 0411rO 'ar Otrititrthe'lLOV„,t044„ ..kaYsILD.0 4,A1Vgl ., „1:4. IV, MEV eza, eat, trout the ,s44/10.07 temoPotatti, ofts irpvtu at -41e .40q and they. tteee 0=1410411 vow', ilo?, retna*a--aboat-e- z ooltrol; thoy, 40ret DEItTA SICNALr 1,3 .rzaaf,2c) zis C,42\tva 4L,,) (t. ...!,,,ee, ,-...,-...„eee• , •,.. „:•,,.._, a ,13,t;,o. , '11,1, tL,Z ,),„, ,--4,, g',4,••z. . 4:3,t, ''44 O71, ' C.!., ' v:61rv , cptatKa ip : ',.t',..,Mt.,'7 - 0- c' to ovo, 4t4:10 1,41,,,.•atm0,Pir,A P,•• '40eree re Ce: tl,q. ,-J*Cogf.,14a 4at.*07 ....i -1,- 102,-04:0 f3.toPtV4aotz ,.. ot optotan,a ,itg# ',41m1.3 t4tte , ' e 6.01;41fg, '',,W1'4,o'tt",, ' 0 0* - 4ct ::,,v 1,„:17:',(01,C0.;.4,ratl % ,.;;,1 ,• .p. -,:o * 111 ttl 21-.N. 4 „, :Ath -mtio 4,_. bltp,:.0 'o,11,a0,1, Oeat. QO-Q b ,106tiOlitii., 45 e, 4' OtA 4 t: liillit' 0 ,410:`,x1t.* 4-0- , ' tt test: ,-, two., (74 .6V .tiOlcraillgol',f0- t Alo t a A ' I lop -'o;'. . 4.1,.. 140 tt. a- a ger* e 4, aliVi-col4app.,- p70.',044telxra t9re.34-0:0# tgt41#1.1V- t# 4zItt.Atft-,:14 r. Ue4,,,eaCZ),VO.4P. 4.:11g bT ee'-eleet7 nheee, VAPPg=e; T,414,1020 - Arc; eekacerb ato, 4attazAtna -14 ;R, 114 ori• .Caz Ltftccr,.:e40,, -2 7 b - fl OPZ-sl 13 tort =a% oy,o, 4'grzylkspItt •-; e 4A14.3 t1on'or ii- - 0.14 ettl #0‘.. g * t, ,r-1*11 ' '11•A' or ' -,-, ,' riLrz: . .r7•,, V , 4'alb .1 ' i i II 1' a ptid117 ,, 4. i'V 3 7 1 1 ‘1,':1-.:::: ::: :::: 7-2W' Utai;13T; M: '' 1" trqa: 1 - ;i1:1 7: : ::" .. : 1::::::00:_ 41e4;e11'13.--er-a,74't:0-It'''*%?./Pateitte.°*1Trtesdll 7.,.77.744,7? HiTre ef, 5,117,1* 4 t '',02;•. _ „ar thibi omailif.Wt::, eirpOrd: '2,F • ';4a-. aa -,•0:' '- ' i*; -,-r ,m, . lartP,teaW.oPeeatoettie e,„ Met the_ et.,17 s' '11/ -iffeel • di .t.i*ifn tVee'aint*Teeee4grzozatato ..o,,4,...iato. that e ,ttee a• It 1,tili`-` '-era'. z!, iri ' Z:- 1-40.0„k WedAg..,014). * . p1,74.; t ar 'mete*** fettreepti ;16 11,11Ock, r.:441vp,* de," -":4004' 0 " eo ''' -' ' ser -i- eee .ee ee eee -''' •e• ' lettleA` li,t• the . lee /leer; 4. , „ r:saaitgve vkwiappia •- 7 LI otbe 3!3 mit •Ite . 1-(4, ZAItt 06r4545.44441Thnita-P.-- e'on the hoare adistian:'and15-aii. t*' It; atid- When ,fee •91,001rne'LlgtPrr -,1„AP)o-ilttetEp4tidtit thb -filt.P.Pnd beth v_oo v -40.r ta 't1W - - - „. is. -tse Audi country! bot. vkitif to /*to' -thiS° to don thatthere io hostility' betWeeei'.4 dog and earraet/e. eeee e"' 1141 • : tzar-VaTaf ' ..„2„,c,r, , e.70$Cculj_tll P ,;4.1P•oVDZ,a1.* , . Iwo.. c:, . „uto 40. -, . r -T, tv tl; 4. toI-4,':,,P), 00414,Th , , '•' , W., 0.0 if$1, 40: ''' 1)46 4 0:4` ,gtio- u *Iv- 1-tom1,4tqc4.1 el QS OP:„,' • .` ..,—; ' nOing4t tioatto4tb AttprrestatoleeP oblates ITOUDV;4 :4001:14-1/'btzt.v79,r Mr -Pc betereQX 'Vie "''' - , r_ - lea-vOnte 'alg 0014.14- , -„Aver..., r • , i20, -s-iktor7t4tira4v6t* - ....*:). ;-.Ti,i',.,•;"„ ,, • .1 -.41,RIFV,41? 4,Z351411Z Xt76, .,;Optimai(le) Ot.i*aitil -the United*Otates „ Of entirely. their he- teeP the, East or to ensure the eafely eMeir ;property and. na- ttaiteeteitIpl,014ese,„eithtie.ronrelye jteepee.47inpaltagxlitao4inst .1§*„.101 t ,a4tOn that efZie•efI,FeiY- iLtji,P0i3O•S0•Lht42,4t4zr9r4I;t::rie 111Waoalebeotryeerbee. rmraod,b; 1k4:e use *Of war Inaterlake sepPlieolefroniegther ttritielt or United rr• ersoa,‘..olhlo argeo,.9„..7„. r .77.1?":. 114 11V-V-ittO: 41.14 i:taro-rod.,Ipobk51,.,ritzogavAli..,tb,,61„i„,;qmp_o fie teeelref iAdt etittiree WWitither 4e4icee, tion OVA e0tralized'uT114 0;erelene 574 *Tete, poleeeker:e Oen::: -ea ;colas; ,41etat4,' it$ totitiaSt reeelneugt *moat hnee'Of fartnerib " that .dieuttorship0 eelattai Zeus can -Owte 41.,,rtecen; ;1(114 he: eaultet-40tatien -creetitit. g 4441a *cir17.Vritig:-304,, ItiSF:IrAtOtt'ISrAte Opaltafl ,olpertator$ Oto Ly10- °Semetehete them e'q264/fieteatORt#0,,•ettitlil:attit?.• YXneu pou,11,1, d skoo permit 0-44 thth -Itti&-atiftieterebeTuequeelied r4f 301 , 41 r▪ i. Tett'te, litritiriOn-Ittw Ahatecoli „4110the ke.,,,e oriTe.,„tarttf6daev.,JailLat:Itt, motwttesep,,bee, beeisea_ ete- barn ilobr, ledraaftei, ,ously g4tat hi a zfittn "OxeiSPVid brief teferrarrelltim241eT"e5natge (eel' pou willudethare littWeitee wkine mother. Ickmrs deo' of chaff and duet cam cascading-. 40* Jim • 4 feelklieffietelletteetiltieStmiaezembeetceelencleom-yone bateeetega...elitheelti Li etorY—ficr 41eurPetese-" diewereieemeelel*Jemeetite-the* Ackr,t44#404.0, a: Geat Britain au eStaend rd 444 the ground, fox an weal to 411vvilYs 4.°111:115 5 et°14 ' 111° 141Ififff';Ukraire th te a stalLShe looka ttp at me witle cereal v 1, 'Ireivie. We consider it altogether OlikelY that the /Government will take .„„There are Peoeleeat 0_ • Then, as now, tb.e Parilamen- rcir ter-m had two years to run, but e earapaign was launched with high ,,2Mt.S of Government success on the et reeeprzeity with the -United C'rei 'The rezot is history. Sir 'Wilfeld Laurier eves defeated.--etpt on e Merits or demerits of the treaty, • Gat by realion of alai -United. Ztates .0 week'be a (pave mistake ()Stibnite' 'of -such a cam - in at the present time wheat friend-- hetwo'n Great 'Britain ante tbe fite- ljgeeeu.„-keethe enly__pLe!entive of ee ride ketetar .• , 311, . 31 , __o 0 0 Tale Canadian leanufactereraL As- sociation advises gradual reduction of expreselon of thanks for that new cedar post that I put in. le has a toeple of enags on it that seem to hit eche right ot. etealtee2ter.e.' •:-Ottideeadtriee-a.ektreageeetewhereeireetheeetateleeeeneesen that the reduction, Should not be too gradual. The -present Government in- creased the tax in one j.ump from six per cent. to the present outrageous fig- ure of eight Ter cent. and tt_ Is heeled ming. budget-willeaunounee a reduction, to the fotener tigitre, With further 'progressive reduetione in pros/ - Peet. I ' 0 0 August judges a the Ontario Court of Appeals one day last week dis- cussed, the pronunciation, of the word tomato. Two justices, so the news- 'ir'--Itirtirtrl}r000treml"-tte'toltakeeierteleeetieseetpeeneadyealete.—.„1:111 te,"-anOther "tomayte." 'The'dk:Von-- ary give ,variant pronunciations. If you're blue•blooded,' it seems, you call It "tomewto;" if you're red-blooded, you call it "tomaytor if yotere half end half, you pronounce it "tomahto." Personally, we say "tomayte—to rhyme with "potato." hear jawo munching away and cuda being chewed. - industriously. It's warm in here with just little STa0VV drifting in around -the -gunny -sacks that it have sihomed into the places where vr1ndevr0 were broken out. I eit down on the- bag of chop over- beside the chopbin and, eontrary to idles 1-Thili"1, ..guletions of the .fire marshal, It 11414 up kthe old pipe, taking care that the burnt match is dipped into theo pail la water' before I throw-4taway,— You know there's eemething about farming that a man can't help/but like. There's, plenty of work to be done but you don't have any of those e clency experts atanding over you/ all the time, neither do you have tolteep 11 e Tabby-Mentaderseedown, the , "web,- _ tilt; iiiiiiiiifeliiiirtat -that -beateeeteed- comes hopping ittto my lap to get. her fur all stroked 1..pack into place. • She purrs In a really contented, way - and arehes her back up to get an itehy. spot taken care of. Now, we have a certain gentleman down here with a tantankeraile nature. We call himi " ttttinG4' " becatise 0 * 0 every time you:hear a loutle slam, and Somewhere about lefty years ago a noise like a canteen etplking, you Joseph Clatteberlein eue'leose froii-Vre can111°bet yoverelifeethat-Itts hinte previous political taliations to oppose foiled again nd stegebuttiug up agaliaat theeside-of the pa. a settlement of the aee-old Irizh citiwe Sure enough, St/41)0a • bast come tion eeblera would ,Ireve kept Ireland poki4. in to eee, if he eatet stir up 'inethmpire but iyitur a ..Parliament some life in the contented/ residenta o of it own—in eollewhai-flie---Eile" IT e-etable-asettelteegetsea-xeltaktelated ossitiou as &olds. TAida his sou, action. Ethiopia is tbe little Meek rooster with/ the conceited attitude and erime...„111nIcterAletile Chamberlain) gill ablitty to get almost 1everyone_ intb iy-eonductize ne4otiatienSeeith an .,ia„ a ted,Jiumor. • . • leedeentee Eireeerlaleh' id eeparated uttliaetty.,--the billeegoet, Wee *V- ino -awa-yeent a_ pile of stract.A.CIte boa rtlie-dmpire,' entept zor4.46vAseil. roater went `ift hilt., 1 DTWOCO e alealities, To the =der Or observee eteeeee, eee.„0„„eseetain axaoAnt pf duet of hietory the Motel in olvviotts. that 4deltied our -friend's neatrilar,e,..... 0 : 0 0. and b6 made a flying leap. -The leap keeulieL,d, ite hiflettreeltil*-4110-eigarfo The Ce111di3tfiE0 KI,ffititoelety/ and the l'elt1413„, b°41'6 a eal3012 ear”. tellittaceia. 16414A letVrilatidellield'etliolltilinalITIt" veltiet Itiel..eektiOtakelpereal in beneux _came leoetelee Owe, 0 , etee'o got of the OM* tuffemre 1 „ Mae. Noe Up.....volliCaeound for a Whiteei,i)0 tare! thine, curd*, nettleti, he...caid tee tei 411.1;11 34I'441tC°1'41:6.• t't 0°1'2°4 °.r° those eyle3 Of WS.. qt.te made eleOther the neceasitiee be be ..!e. Oi1i02.3 of eltatgeat the receter aitel then renaelt ipeoele-he.re beet* wait) 'hoiteit=7r0,1 hetaselit;iee agataist the Walt , the fehelling and boitibleg2fig eitiee end 'I ellaU4t ntratiola. baeto, . outside the rava -of? . touetry dietrittee.,'%ijeteee be "belonged and vemetVettintheal:013 ,eouutlez elee .a an.a tuildrora arse deea t2tt'I''' V64°11' 1'6 tit414-211. ,•11,44zte, itly„ ttavIltr, tit,w jattilAvit stool there witlii hid *warns) Iti, a .cort ot gutv03,4*-7-,d04-ant „wto,..„--Zr-„-V1m.„. -ter o2 6Toitli ',.Clifincii '63fii•3:li2 -Wit§ lielletraea eiiiietPliceSfetinatel-elleif ends of VIM EiVi t'700.01.tartg&EIVIEtai t.3V0114:„Vd-t0: tO 011410IIIP tlie itinner . „Donations ma$ ..4,0 ;cod -threnglo 07 t6' ah,74.c14,t1114:11Eidttl-etietftr,eePiregilitri ' illanit or diti,lit to' the124 ittJt-411a.„ 1,126 . eta Vetehiretietite itbeteeene' dog..tti..Iri v4.,0...ortifor, t..4 !data rontet Out. , . . . - . , . 'Chi* that %the eit,ittoOtteill, In the /tr0tith' tente-ir. "aileeller liattdee. ae tie- nor " /Ilia tt! 6-1 ft4 C4 .:tifie 4460 ese Ettelief Pow:14-0 -1,4riiii 61144 -fa-- ' 0 , .'.*.,,tttita 41117 witita dVirle elloten terteS ' e barnlate% 64 1126 ow) oil tlotto,ut HIllikli` i1=-Oritat,,r tzttikovm- 2 e -&-to--AnanstLeaticilth...-erib antin:471.th3t there is no longer any elatiree asietiaen Dar; Onee'h rr .11611(lay, is Steet in toil. By tieeree from -Berlin, Manger ra iroAtilt.Tr matt Atutee3:,-lutitztOlormitnemi,-aom-tg F© acomage • presented by a deputltion the Canadian 'Manufacturers' As- letion with therecommendation that retu1Ant.eXPe,1141t0eVe- be reduced, • -milt 4 °Ilightelling of the burden of freetation, the rehairmen of tile letattin- e:liotterrOliTelp relations, eonanissien -re- •0114 to Vire efitect that the, advice • 'oie..nsefut if , 'the 4eletaati:04 -Vold state bOW the treduction,- In e- Onditttre Wale tO lee male. ----irartailA1i15O7RESAINIdtri6 teas that, ii n.manufacturer vare timed' . 1;11,44 it,e"taftie problem, lie setlatitl dye ee- etete to ire eut in ho va4/(riP ,001thrtenentl a the bUst, arld. teach: 431ipartment would he Id to do.its part. 'netlittelloi'ernment -.mein 'out d;- !;. eteenelefte "ee. taps, it does not OhltAti 411 3 taIt1rare-tAll-4M-14 Get the otterlt"e ply leelee lite toe and eaves. the atelitayer AO colve his pwob- ezz in the-iest way he ln. — Meta tho 11l1lic, WIttiree cervant the - GoVoteenteet le, tezelee a a=3tt,11 ixt.av? ''64etinillitite, it le elie to the GOV- enmeut to genre out, wi=e- end bow t 434 ce,Oreeeaire. It le tee friend of the Oovernment 0 eta= the _-peezent Jatoteettotee taw; ttit_titto.41'4,he ettotepr • • 111tilettiter, , the eiercbant, 'which are Provinela and elOge to t people of the". 41:22ereik -- No country the site of catutda, iwith Its POPulation, ,preed 'along a aversely settled '2rit/7p, it comparatively.. few. 11=01, MittOtik 'promptly attacked tlieenettrest Chinese riareie in leilaffiE; ban ,WradveMerlit garrison; thus launching Japan's- pres. any other way. Theorists have had - Mat war of coneftest. , a gre'at helium ahem leSee" it is about This lo -the ilrhad Of "realism" which time some -practical minds were el -- fascism- undeistands, and which seems lowed, something to say about- the fu - to be about all it Understands. mall ture o2 'this country. wonder, therefor, that tbe•fwieepreee terew-Brunewitit-isetretptently. held up e-erlreadyeetteerittg-ate-eur•-prompt-ae- as beingereeedenary -toward tee0• iou eeptanee of lapati's apologies and re- of the 03.N.A,..,Act, whey, aS 3 matter' 4etstrances 1Ze11owing the -sinking of the of fact the general attitude of this Pitney. "They could ,only Send notes," -Province io.retlectedt,In a demand that gibes ehssolinies Foloeentelliet. And we be not called upon to „igrap the unfortmaately there can be little doubt - Act; that We-T-IrpProtfcb, the pro - that Geeman'o fascists and jiipan's chess of realignment along the lines of taseiete are thiniiing sinallarlye evolutionerather than_ of re_vohititm.„ _ The lessOn is clear. We were right min' in taking the,MIPanese OwA e- more at 13==.NSIM BB WANG MGM ; their wotd, but iWe were alp fight to (ifiurieo Fa11z Vow) In tlialirst, la ThkAarbh_Lts„tolitdbe thankful for and v'e vziU be :WileeRequow.77Throwitinitg—iftv r.10,4- evertnar strictly' accountablei th4.,,, future. we're getting kind of tiredofchicken: Strong words, backed 12 neereesury by :turkey and goose. A nice rabbit stew force, are the only .thing:*Ithe faselet would be a _heavy Just now. reepeete. The way to-aeold war ultimately le* to Call •Wetet bluff Another reason - why .romance lasted the Foment it occur% whenever the _longer in the old dayS 'was that the rights or interestof the 1:InIted 'Stapes !bride looked much the,. same after talt- are involved. - ,ing beremalte-up all -off. ,4144-,Zeini,61k tftle'Veithliething- ere -a „tereiNeeteeteen your -1.4100a 2,e e • '.i bap4r4D -VrT, 0 Gotzraveray, lirtplOV2 --;,,-. rs• ,,, , 117co mrzpy mtnee!cex• , (fee „Pee Pleee--evele ceejtelere,„e lees„ 4170,71-ei a 'itz,zo.,t.e$ tieeeeet4 te 0. A vi .4 eztf,tvl"Tg%ritgcg*i;e:;.'...V , ::!1,1.::::.:ki.c...12::,441.tcc 17:t:Lmalltt&toocl:rtat..18,111,7:1:,,t,s4.,4`z- , ,_;l‘;:c:15: • .-Tiv-iciit°--ilf.4o1W12-m.:-&-al'ideitcPil_tlyet„Ik-;" s„t---s- ' . ----...„:,...,—, . ...„... . ) -ZITO' . , t Al Fi O Ro: r 1.44 \NAM 44 • :\„ acme -ram. ••••. •• k, A‘ ---::_----.--.----- \\• ,s,, s. \,• s\ , (.?.3 1111 '4.3N ft is if you --burn-- Jacket boraaesdc nt is stored under cover), & R-11 Come.C16=4) Aradartacite Cod, Belden feeseepeiee„, . ilheeeknone20.0 Cod. A11 Coal and Coke 'forked. We carry a full stock of the above Fuel and can give prompt delivery. Qs. Photomieo --Stt,i;Vei. 22 Nrcha, Cans M. th 4374 *1? - P -7 - Fol4,41.-333-..7•131" Ceeeree )7e0,e(Lee, tie tt.e,,, 4teee _ iat qt1; tWirff— rIn 4-2rwrctesTatritlitv• nom ho cut- ,dtitaio utoittortatits, 0 earth be. titztttatat faiitt rePa il Glee itireeete•atl*tita'ttt Ot.',41P1Z.4._ 1 Im40.1411- tOSIVOIllr .0patp ', dtfa qa1i1ta1ee4.41 Il.. i tt - the tan. Ily. three months awns,. er food, no .114utiL'„ . tivo-0.4?u,otont am 'aottdo I* eas Of VI , WrItete 'were e . 1 Oderle/e lir 'the 1 lialuden' Water'ilta 11fra4r3t e'toni- lattiiiitee. Oireltee'S • - three • "/ft.0 4; r; .Tha. t.'4''o1zllt, bao- dri*It.a. ,frople iitx, two 'ilunako,„ Otio .• i* lialt." 1114 ..‘ltgo4irwiLl'.ltIti::#-' Llila1 ioret:te.:in,.'•::'!,:d-,e:a2l1g:::tit:eteIet::V One1::;"';• :t-ee .. ' * t ttIttlat That wo.a3 tmo 7 reel hli tr,14,to, W IM'optav ralYenn(Alt „ 06v6) outitsavr to sattamtand itttgr 137 1t A taollifsing manner .ttht0.. Veuld O13nation Intlght,„ uttet1P '406' litMttgy0i attAtio.r; ua6 4 41..6:0t411673 vrotuob. otitdigo A utantatio vomuy, attottAt tb .0eMittera. ti are .1naAnate„,,In td:ittlo4t11*.lk. ttttmlom titiv,rac.etgt,,laitta0Willz%: ,I,PAtgattitt.00.1.4)Mtil.k.OV. ab11111 attytto iCtrle V1140 ttitat!' Vi6q lain :1 itaUroci ttllf,l c ta 4ol.,itt.'47ca,c- aV,1 tt,o,c,%-„ItiTzia-AViztitati Czwitikz„ aczahtil 45-1=7.1-tasv`v.,-lactt , ettbzris,t,l; o 'Or6. 0,2 tiett,k.ift tn II.\131? 1 1.C.;:.`„V„..t?Z.:.S • ZP.tit:',4" pt. 1 .--,i1113 rov r, :f 7'2 iret!„:„',e,"111.et 3.31 root .f I' iuti•VVI 41 , , celoinate eel/el:ere tee "eeee- • ccoacr L'1.4* Igo I= , •••• ‘3013 09.9. ay rairrr. mOnttIN mom t‘rirkisic. •ct 0 , d t1 t• .*.r.r.'4111 bine, Inohinq bev,er loocuro, love 0,,,ed Cherrolat. 177 PERFECTED .4'vDRAULIC rARAKES ‘ofes. Drake, fo• modern wow+, Wilt/ten GENUINE KNEE ACTION so ,,Imfo.fot-A. -o ffrenr V11,3•I,1 s Fmet. ride On Molter De twee ?Acute's. ROOMIER ALL SILENT ALL - STEEL 8001E5 lo -pt • r,e..erv 1J.Ntitee Cop s u c Sorel, tlos, fr around More trood- leo: end /lbw* -r3om • ! 4,01) Avit4Ovilf•tv 7'5 fv.14 ',mt.* fug, 144'sv rtuE 11feLivfouit 4rotirlikuijo )40 41a, r 0 GO C773 3tvicolet itzkz.xtz3 l•73-3r)�,femt,,,,,f,,- ,t,)cjC32 4 qttiovi -Seay tattal kat=zzt7ci, 764,1-ticact Ind'fltd t CI1 riVc_znhav VALVE -IN -HEAD ENGINE • Giv•no fite most ethcreeti tornhInotion of pwiv etneotny cndtip ndobil• ay. 0,Yes you thrillono IS•H P. perletnistese. FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION !helmet's droll% smolt. enedleutld tocruding. divideolly teettcaltd Ai etclosvee comfort nod , &feisty footure. NEW TIPTOE-MATIC CLUTCH EIMICor , bolo • ptes %VC V'' eiletetten. 'ff"ar Is refirtod. Ito 141pricolicce rem tapered z1ayoropc.,:eRlavor4:074airo • ovtollett Pratlaret taw rte t Oet the •m 1re, RitL.41,0r):An hag*No orA vottt e4,it I 1 111 10064.,,.#10.:tAkit. 4 • 11 tr:1.1, .4,,,VA Ytthl-tmt, 9 left 4,1 LUzlic2c. %,za Fstt-4, 6 43, it• -.5110 t arr"