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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-1-13, Page 8
stjui:a„ iic3 1i welit tY. 141' 472 rcAluo, 4.04;) .r1=',2,117 etz.v4 cLat,t2c,,, Oki), ccdt '..,',,qpvitort Eel .4z 1,10 evtop ',117,to.‘01),,a/g1 trIz. Att-''' .4a,z01 0047/4t ttlt4 isic.h, •14%.0.*.r, tusooki 411 Zr W3.41?."Dralf,C;:":1 t3r4,7 to 4,:.•7 r‘-r•J ' • ',:',7cza'a a 1.47 =VI; Oa, • ogk1tv. Mgaporv 40140,,,;",F0 .:4mormAtti- mPt:_ock.tidtt' 0,to, loa 4%0 Ofik. lott.'• ll'a,d0d4'0A° 4412„1,144Udift14,44.4*qall4M,, •L 1;i-!PE10042400"''iP0.14-4d1 or,,TA4qgo,- polorc4,..47.,ttpg. Wti#44,1 .V0q;',31pro-;,;(4730,1_ 4 4 -Or bottOt4 f%`.7I4a.fr O.0„.C18.00.0er, 0:4114,q,.4614,,t1r4A4,,070,404.f.T.77..ot, tr.11tcL,, 9tp 4A,n1rict- 17-40.0.4q1- V4.vni4t, A Otr:o0. Itc904.1dot PcevaviOrr !b.? .r4frob04 10- 04 olgarago0':In Vv1-4t,17z7ano4b, "« 11.v '1(14f7,ii i a41 , .71-1 SIGNAL -TAR CXXMING) TO GODERiett _ ,va ii,l'3gm om,-..tAtp), ..74.0..' zp,v4Itil nw,,,Z14.34 07411 r. zoatol ,Itt, P to JW 1 ,4)+4441, el, t t .V49 *InriOlgii-5 C3 t4"...t4Q' mc.14',' , --60,44gN.-, .ill.,-.:'• igg.,,-P4Itt'-i) V* Roc -11(10.7 080.80 .1f/Orrf,,r Zet C.,1440: '11:4* Valtity:id ell,`Q't= . 0.4r,TcW.3 tk,1" FtVo • 4N2* VP :044, 'cgiM 0-,,,4,PP .0 . 401 WO e44N2A, 0 „r'0,0 gut.Qe..e rr himemoi i 11=4a -' V`Davo- Mt* r, tilste m10 tz3V Z.mv VtLb t40110z rd0c114A2t ; mpt. pt t• cWo • • w,t), r ant,' In 04 dzalr, .tivi.st to' by at\ oneliatiC � .ct. Agtamtr Toga IgketliaTd: tma. 7:one that: 'vx tnro.,,t; rlecetal3p4!, %rm. . 01,70.1*.t.7i,.” 7c4rt.gi4v,0--tha.bt 40-04i'vh1oht-Vaa.,,40.44110,'.#.91.. ' tho r4111444tatt-4I tt V741baii. • ;000-' 104Pirat 21000, col dpd WnW.4.4 atriOnOtratIO thic, unalitnarL catialy wad ',vim 047.-Zavde 267- ;11411111M"' '24P %Ili' '40406 tho sir$ina rinli -and ,a itlar,,.04nount to, the._pitVic Orattxas 'tiarla; gail ,-;ttawepouragillait.ntr.ATL__._.,et th,so thn.fhear.,47.33:9114-t40,44.4.4Tbe Tito tit.itz.0'--o,Hbs-te'i-lft#•Dt-;:blir-dt7.f64:' thelosa-of-a:valued- eitisent4n-e-pec..• son of ;Mrs. °now Atotiterr4 wife,. of Tostmaster Thes. Atothers, Ole Alb tr • 1,A1 rrt,FA 064'4, ,,,e1001At a4te.0,g,z'a, .1) EV at4ttlfeickOfica 41,4`.4-1• ai * c1.4144. era.' 1 ,., .., 44 0 -ttrov , ' ,Ozr *011 .01no;4' -401.mi - .441t4.1* 0'33owgera , -. 441, • '1041.04.;',11:41t.opk. 't004c0Y;' not '-'9 . rr• , '0* &Kt -AAA 3 '),:40 , „ 4 ;;Im.4103 .cAr'ato. 2440 We, 014o, ;7310:).:4t.(.4.41:n1 ;6044',Mittha tlitv04,00t$1,0 „. o,-40.41c44..aftgr ttit4,1,4te-711ad e.7.4pe 1flt.):meeeAl. ',':111441„cmto. 4tio Mct ,u#sen *Iowa titp.Mftb, )11.4001'0M,CM01'', 'L.ttao:ot,cil*a;,,;tion1t4„ g ,!tTO 04‘.o'..41P3 g4%,Irri0 iw v, • p.$kR.to;,, .1q4 r 11$* 40:47„ VW:dn•a 04104 Va,tertIOID. 0% 41nP -Prtz 31 11040.,„4,10:00,!rgibn,,,,tfeitrottoitlrop 00.11,eiotooroor4 Rif* ,*111T -We' fo-qt itranigro •itifraileatt, -KA lot a heart attaelf ,and passed *away, shortly afterwards; Sire was . ber eighty-first year. lahewas formerly Annie tills and was -born lieu Tor; 4.0n124u4V,-,~04,0.44.4KIVAltit gt)-40. Vileit 'S-reiltig'-giftlikre 'came to this district, with her parents, • and after her marriage- "to Mr. Stoners they farmed -In these parts until lar. ?Mothers was ,appointed -lgOtirastor:of-lhnmannoirtvm.u.0.411r-g_. yoars ago. lats. .tothers-at sisted- in ! the work of the. alike and endeared' herself to all by her cheerfedleasant disposition. She -took -a -great intoms end in active . part. in coMmuariti egairs, ialld also in* the *work of -the tgannon United, church, iShe leaves, tea -MO -ter- ba4latol*--,--si.7,---thildrea-t William pills, Jolat -.United elturch-zonrSamlay, ..Tane, all a -Toripatto, Thorns .Gordon, •• of Calgary* AIMS* IfIdith, and 'Rachel Waiter Bishop); Of lifter'46612'1.2 'donee, viihkre- a-lorge-concourse-gath- - coed to pay their last respects. . The daughter, Mrs: Xornan ' levroo- wati-In-tlititgra; a- itor-rstois- tafaltib ziaTe •cit rc'r izettt-tog: vfi 4-,m4: ISC-boot,:eiblii01114 t?,4 - T4tuo. , tto4.).zb, to Vlait tt44 ri be lovitdrt, 00247orp4t* ttiO _.Vot4n1.14.0.10-4tt nct, 0.1O. trob- on, MO! • 4rctO,,,0 -MOd 00t 'v ct Autgn,„,t) Clinton on 'Niri Mir :I RIR no1'-I Watt Anx inloreaslo opveotItErYt'. 'On clinOng '1/4nt Im's of their ,mOthe r .."4:611741- ,,.. la 0 PX.tr.:011-jcirezv,!jiat,fg7 ,:tmom. 9114 0 ;IPW. 1.0 4 heig4,--tiftheh e'40jf4,:.'s4Gto -iptit., Vialtel, eha' - , _PR itindaeas shown 'the ' 4 e - tb OW% 00 (;le ea' .4:/k.P4entii aniff4PF.11W7.11211i - ,,-- . _ , • their dear, ii,otAlm;. 2%.0.,..41iikalat._Ao those 'who •.seig .00.110tu31 4.08a • tt77:ei):C41.4?;13.b4t. 4f Zelf tr:;Tb,,t17:41_11..t.i .#.tftfrqibutez . -", ' . 4;', At. Atib- 044 iisliet,;,,tw: eAr:! a_tr: . e.- ireg.WiRMP...44' :144g, - , - or , .t., ' it 0-110 ;Vat U` ' I, :-'" 1Pra "-'07Ca tioriiO4,1004 ta.14.0:1rPtsott,„147%ttulx:rtSorreilpr, - lane thiet., The . ply,t.700 -ge: ,._jvcattr"' woo /1,74,11* *ling vvhich was PT; 7,•0721\l‘Gillig OtieVitb " 11.-Ite' held the, Votvn, er4411-! 14,,aft-v.13 Orldtr; ' - t IrIateltlatt$ Ott' -211a )00,A. .rateeting_ok.47 roltjCouss# cotalscil will -be-held in ha - 'COMO 0.4t4m1),Icilii, , JCPIvirt ' itroggt,_ _ 't • _400414 6 •,•__ ,i4 trkic.itT,Tadada.Z.,,,JaArfarr 17*Er--`41-14-filiiiiiarit elp it .. , .brouir-iim a °,1:2; .., ' 7-erii *, ) --es ri. irig46-1theiraSistabc41"telliiro-raPilY -tentiOif:-Of.' *Amen.- ,should -Witir--the - at the time of the , recent late which hands of the County Clerk. by ,jan'ultrY ' deltroyed their home, . ';.;- 15th. ' 1-2 474 C011iiit-ttPy:BeliterTh2,'IGoderieb, Ont. - bazook faivpred-, Straughen gal/ eolto, POzed , ev.) Mortimore, wife of a former MiniSter here. This was in keeping with -the topic. -; t°4214 -115V0 St44 rts. , Tames men has been--‘*eileeito- Toro ow ing to the 1llnet0,of .her father. AfltraPres4ve-serv5.0e7ot-insta1iatiolr :of Oii cars a oe!-4v00,10-omexiiizatious- 02- tho- churelitWitehikiti.;40MitiV-'s-0111 AMIARAMPEZ **it; bt '0 tit tit N,441111;rhan:,hoi:!iestend.: ftnl.'"We6hor.i.,at -ter Bev. vr. IL. ,-Turwr, andthe ,.re tans were latttir reSt in- ,Ipunga' ortterie‘, tory. qthe 14,tclibearers were _two sons, )tulta nIlla Malmo, three • nephews, Otot.thew,lartl,' igtoth=i and 3. 0,, Stothera. and O. 0. Trelea., vat. no floral trWe ware vary, nu ereus And toecoa to.":the 10.11 .0443.01dh t.itte dettaq:4-traqiield' by all.'We.e ly symvra athite v7it the- bet*av. e fella ly. !Sim 14 GOA, bUt not foadttem ,er.4 Zatur447 4roa ker *Mit to Ittev.,frlotitet 111. Vafl t VAaslatigt014 ZU0 \taa---acco' itanied 00 her brother,- nr. 43,,,rna.C.44hOrnair...44-Vtronttor:JAlo--alt had. hem Czit. MchluCtOn *Ito re, • atilt* fOr• 420a vipiting his tiother imootto , $ . • , . 0 ordlrat dbool;, Udlue.04 ef; • ft. ,1144146 4 fr,dtt;70.,:k!rriv,t;.1F8.4ittefriiiibs' 8:1t14.":700,of.21m, . . A AKA 100 1.""449.-gAi.S4ZarPTI04.--744-14,"., esday, January ' 4th, to Ur. aria -Mrs, 'Leslie 0. nitang, son, George Blehard. WAVICATIDT.-E--.,,,ta Florence Orb:mule hos- Vit-OL Iifftt-Zth, to 1*,--ti6d Itaria;.-0:T14411z lett (formerly Ipatrice Vestry. ok Cooderitt),. datiOtet, ,on 1Sunday January Oth„ to Xfr. and 01 rs. George 3. Bosel {nee Mildly 41unfa1vy,), • daaghter, Joan ,Bmily. ,FUILIMCPZIlitc--lAt 'Highland Park los- pitak-Detrolt, ta. 'December Mr, •1.237, to, Ittr. nd .13Tarohl, Fal- ba,- a Self (m) ard Charles), ID I INII) Xo141214•02-4.-- TO. P1ta,1., Voderielf, 11• 4-0y1 raniiirr- 9, 22;a 34,0, St "IAA widow of the. late 110pa14 lailtezolo,, in her Why ear; .Z.Tv,ttoopo.bjqr • oc, ranna17-, 24. tit,---litu.tho party, R411:' tOnb 1404)4 .goVb Mor;.cloidOe 1i411 ; Wintifieln •to'IP:s414rOVI! ,,Zto d. nod week. :.b.Qierthy 0-4450,. .1,1t1(4-IThr- ita*-41$444'Ina,,ia*Itgat.k..,41trt --.4anuary--1 Our j far Tbe. concert. by the Faiorite Four,- moie.1e20,,f4c/erct aotedilbo, bob4 Zor ttorth street ;church, has been op. urIol da R. 1tIUe o- caul; ,owito le! .•itilitt -soloist, 1Zra., '..vairkta O'. VP.0ttr'groolcat vo42141, '04 tvi.;•!4liteepto_ted4intoi, senagat •ant. Vrolia," • .Attna.44,com meat tva TOW-1-dipte;771041r1Ziiii- :1$.7a-toranko, . 4414,41131114n-cti_P14.2.0. 14.44 'of (Local tild'flattle:40114:the.Z.IU*be#,,. dotion women tam 'tete of",e • dittioL: -Alto 4114141*w.-..;4020tapF'g' 'uomittzt, z6nutzt7',17th, a Ootootkin tiao, zdetct-cia„n..' 411. di0 e the tovnL . , .• - re ha:4'6 Orn - .041 .W.2_311145:243. ti ,z47,41 s' it tt,',1% 11 OdV0• • ipav*ant Ito tiztn eti46 dt.lteht ttla .0trst lastailmm ) , P*ull..gtiVA.ttiqe-1111',":202.134 7 •, • Walk , .,1,,t4 45 V41,4 t It5 acD o.os. 040 6E3 allottg witb 3 Tw 141111,T. 0 1, i1k5 itI1 SZL to rtiorL..tattd:. .010 IltrottP #01 4oldizio amnia bora, Ilpt , ono ea* Vatkont2., to oltitOZI 'Oin Wtolaoeo 11 kglioa..vzill ht).1012,3. • gorth bit4.-taize 460 PtitZ »Zza, tftasted.1.bave 14.0 tto I ta-Ittc301-0d* thia Weelt$ tooloe:0,-zz Ti* 100t vtu*1.- ': ate 1,416,0ff W1.1111M,`ti. 414- , Oaal,ett hoszatAlo irt'71111, Cu'It0tcct))p1(”4"gtolatirztli* t'Or 4 , ,,raocip„_ pattm tole, 1,$ 14 Ito*ItalltilOneon. tlatti) coltifs tto4tiiwtt, -dog r4lar -tbot4511;*- asul. hop fot; 'Lev tc-,,toration ittealtL4 •Utz, roteityltoi.inz. tviho I bon- *I., Madlyin;anti InOtto Matt co rav•att,-000.1nro-i conte.v,Itat '114,ttae. liralttat3t\Welt 1 :tailor& tatilf4/ tnedleat a-vtalpa rs -111alto,p, 1,r1 novr• 1rcMt t1t1tvw4 bta erkzaa b 3,c•141010, tbo lz rzmatoall4e,111:.',-,t Ocbt.ltoatbc,, 4;42,4'1 thov et4atti abgl!i.b:Z r-,‘,Inta''',;de lt,pzrtoti raztav tizntizzt,t, • 7.,..L.tlar'S tci at.) Vt.,ttarn.`1 ptatim t.vitnIzz, E.1o=ra rbz,:aar".: - z (:'11,:*;I:ia"ML14,1:1V117 -'s,',',7.,Z=0 Vf..n ttz ,&41 -cat 2 ttat n 6". rc ii,„1011114t5 db cAc211,10m worry when a piece'of' tlatitilliactry eve breaks: • Bring It to JuS: if lea' riot serious we , will merici it .while 411.1 wait: Pidavy repairk 41.4,0v • MEXEDIROM; VdkolgLagontrigtyl pict,i eg.'. soaos, r rMligt-tW a - -pc-, -1374 MO - •••,1. a. Ri Et ATTiallc AND TIRE figavIcN, -timitoge, For prompt tire and(battery- serviee _ Ote- Clouse • 'Z'argion NeW _ iair BEMYEItS' tSERV1Cla TI afld Almiti7ittospital, tie; Phone 40. Arna Goidoo „Square '!Throat% paLondon,-it)• • 0141.1 , ,ziouupa_ .27t1W IQ"; ;43341,, • 4 7"-2, ._01tignap1S, r pFeallEILTIDP 116R.MUrAl l(NOTER- liPatorltio , Street" „fa., 'tratford. 00,---4-417arm and lableted Telephone:: - - town, property insured.• attppt •,-INiaxt visit OcdTort11 agolAttiVot,,,Etre • 041104440 oiaimaitt4ati..zasativatra-ie dent, Ceaforthi tary-Treasurer, ;Seaforth: _Oireetora-4104. --41rOgfogt'4,--41c5a 7.0filtaf.p4 fOrth; James Wt4141,1 Van. Ignone „r40,TodeShOro:; Chris: Meohbardt; filLor -Coranolly, tiottorte141 lar.froMAL4at. libolans Vroyian, Ceafortht' .q7;;.:- goderielx,'1151Oite 841. • - Architrala, Seafortir; Ale. LlaWing, J4quipped • 'Mar electroithopetle •Dkv411.4--Orazt woarecorreinon.f.-tbsvcbs.' Meetronto, electric treatraento - atIre% fllut, 1„,400riect and elittoptaqac.. Vhfonic, orCanic aur.„-_17,04-,Lort,44.,,40htt- -tke0or, -1/A1--;-.1n...-- at- .teadatte; :.70.15166-101114:2:1€0., g1 MI 1, Publin; 1,0hart.t.1 4:tew1tt*tn.' 11,11,44 on Wilt0A,IV; btlil Oat- eardiae; .1t„, marovalt »; !or*, qrday:‘, an& on Viaandocr.ta", let to 12 't1:24• •Onin or oat ultzttlit0 • eoiley•iioldera «n tnalm 411 inOtatttolat, moot:. and.; gOAtzdir otitt-4 =1)0-0arati' ,nitp,4044,aa:,4id viiniatiarc 1te411. tigatdrealltlia7Mtatilltr4TOSitiii d ,EM.7221=g0"7- ---- 0401atro, .1Z1n8:40,•Strdet, aed?rgeh;.1L141.clozaeo., dud" ornor 1VaioVo, stIonOtat Otorot attrot.13dtt1=14: ro0.. moinz oroimito ISW:=• AND ViligkIDItAlio VCTIONEIM . - effort made to give satisfaction. niers?, sale notes - discount Ineating-Jef -Victor-1 and 001101 Cittlii will- he held ThiatTAy,..0aiaitarY1M Pk • :Jtititooveutox .v.000 vidokki orporatia has :been . • nsvint-61 and Al! ri =beret lire likaqi, to, ha Orezent. • Ttto reat4a2,1notitna ots. Goiterieb .Towf4ip fwesstai- Auttitiorg will, fano 4ortg. „1.5ra.. , (*wad utri e co,n- 43fre0t; Irlint.d47, ▪ at77eAth'• hat 0..44 toViti�fq,oderteli: sCon# 141 rt14,42.4L04.-ViveltdollttC. 0tiq,; 0 fiv0AW nei'w.14;tirrkov-4 treocic .1113 Catiaalaa ga41, • coratkette 1141c ostalialiitho4 bazieio08-qtp<slciaa, attqaailosie Tfae ra=ziaeg lorgedift119133azitz4111 entad omootao tuvlioztaga& 11416.Amoc11104, at, t.:1,3t,12t tiatt,,Ittter3 oitt-sz- 4r...1.0;1,14:1