The Goderich Signal-Star, 1937-12-30, Page 5' Tbur LA1t1 r 4e. 2374 MI) -,a 7 -int bz 4c, a t }c aSes"-gerest-StiCtiitli4i:#71; 44V'O- , ' 4 *, fr'441.00,.,4,,ettiito.'17111.11723-40:---,911hilitiWatinatt613 tt, 6„ ',;', t, ,:. , 3, ; 3, -; ;a, ., , . U'1,-.94 P Ir -V -v t 0 rilOtoit0 •Ti ,,,,tt?z, . tt A,V!t ',' ilr st:17,rtakila"' lratrthoilaa4,.. h)k) ..ClIth relattvCa*Tiktr the, Ostridatm.m3 p . „ w ri ,1,, 4 .,i, val,-**0000, 1,,,tt A too 7411.. Pickard aiad c' hildren speLut ,-.;-„, i-.-., cti1t 7-,•:1};--;111- ,« h 1 147Vaty ;1117,6 , g 1, v ce hrist4}} r4, T. Coo, of , Clinton, Spent 1141-,t) ' gOa',1,411.ic• 'a,,,L' Vi4V-•01, 4e-,t;110141WO 34 w- li±t ,,it , , .*rilA ' • ol I a, t•IPO ,.elit tilllict40,113119,:pe ..‘ti„,e0,1tIL 31m, - -- •4. .4.,..,..1,10 0 ri'411- •,! , , X014.4 I I, Vi IttitA t oldie; MacMath is in LOndon LL 41/1 paraitia. 1 ill 0 e t1,107e/21 4 gqtaltal' ,c 0 Varritai Ari,71.7-1;7110,!'5"4, AU-7-7:71r.C72#116TrEat 0 4.„, A5r$1.542 1: -? IVO ,,, 45,t ii cl,X41,7 § :' , . ' 2 $ la -1 :.';'''''',1--4:7, b6. ditixpi pito ,-"gat.:.--kiita 4M4::;:rorinan kali? dove -lit 621,„a 0,11 r.,.. b fli , ;/,,olittict4M67.,-,..,-,- Initawa„.. Itas,,.....1*.Lifr_,,Atage lip. , 1 tilrlyg v 4,1i1., ro-,- „:,rztr4-''',"'S;*7.el:42 '''.'''tla-Se---- IN 'plibon, Mrs. B. J. Trewartha has be on 1„ `,2,ti bil t4-4„01 . .,,.1; ,iitteic044„;:ttilm:ox,:-77. , 4-olek-list---for-the-pasit-weetrr--- „ ad charge of the soirVice in Moon 444 , , rj-04„1-1=a4treFF r k 1 tiA”` i,t*,4aff7-1*1 -..„41V4g-gk'00fr:4t4Sr.-N.;REL- tfl5-§IN ', f ,11)1411, 'pttei4,4:,.rniio,: pnip t' of' d5i .thO •-• a by;:fP toangipeoplzaofer.fElltMa 'night': it 1144 g ' na .406h*. („lati.,.. ace led b3;; 4,-19m-, 0- -Vcatere Wilk give ,the story, ,.1,7110014.--a , it, ,.., ) IkallftliVr43,..ii .‘w lea i otrui a ztar4 W,v,c4tv•Ucf;f;41 w= .,- • vC1D th„ tqw,. a0, 'Taw; Wevt:x,14;Pa011ttoth „Lla,213m',4:'; t;.0•1:ATAM$01-a, 02';04p4,1104,-; ,aa(13 ; • 1 aQi1 tma, att. la ;', VV,8&t44 gm_ •- ; ""•' ;;;V74„tt.1,11,04, a tMl.,a• ij 3..,1,17416141, 4 '‘41,4,Vt,t141:1: t+) 4•...0mt.E1 • Ari615r0 000- .17,4t A rga..9 •.!•} ff :4,1.0•,•':irreo: 4 ;14( 'ap. '1 4 T4. #1,N( Ira part, $#;•#, T, i' -;412.34„,a 14,,W4 )13:P.A roA Qz.nr,a, $.7i4c,Ve,11,[4 c."4-47;at -'43"44,1 ..05ivx1QP rdtt7c301t%,,tV.,',ea tt„':;;;_;,,140z,..1 t-:04 Z2f.ara.7r, CU )7 •%.r o&p cam, ,ozvaaUcg, .4aalatt4 t miltottoail ona V40..,Vak 04t4 tt,*.,OpriMiat4,'attt. ziltittqa .'T voadttrl .W.Wiet.' • tvcto .174711oza:,,-3.tratttinth,,' ‘,1'40,4,4 Pt:CM t,41Waola,t, AOtti0;1'",;, q},r,t4),Dra 0;404110' 'attAg tao thM:e atittaber to44, ,(24ta ,k)1,'•.;(ma' ,}311Ptabti; ."g t ja,10 .zt °0111141:::::11: 141147. -14,01paila 4,4 4P,014,,,WilltraOre; • ,„ ;PM 214'04 omt Carlotauto Attt ; ^ outer 'v",.tIrgie`zar. who, lo W. a PlivAlir $ :406.0 WO ir rElkk}A:I. lllo s Me 04 rein eir t4 d re.JT C - ,. and. 0. ellinsOn anti ZtalIA: 1/14.' • 2attlasell ;King i '.; „tad Teitny. 1.44, -"',''''-'' iiiriv Ta 4,1dirf ,tigaut 0hr-tilt:Tills .41licatt Xing, of nd ,ZIriA-.• 'c , 4;1411 'of Tor co to, :spent the .,0h41,3414cto .week -end ,cktil tIr. glata xzi,: tlf,fai44 Asonith. .:„.4.10s,._ Alljags„-- 4444: ot Worouto, is ending ,.= the- ,,,lh0lid474-- with her =tether, Mrs. 340., Utiltell. ' V...!.and .1.Ara4:".U.-0.,, Wilson, Ruth, and Z•ohn„ spant-'0hristmaa with Rev: :tr. nItil'.- • 1:-_V.,--.1tOgrafrror- Stratford. 4.*.T.PT--:-,04C041*-167,05144% is vlaiting with' alf:.-gia 3ars. '"Hariir Sturdy ;and Mra, Geo. Sturdy. . - At a meeting of Lite • village rate- - payers- on lytOilday-'Wen-ing., at the public' library the village tnIstees t 1...fe fa let 461 OW , I ' 1 •• ill ''.---,11-59,2the!grivv't47-itc.il..--,,p'm'41:;,„ 0 . .1r: taixf.,....di With. S sOla: "1 ''''-"411.t°1*-titir'lli" d.V 4altd thPe Ir• ThlIl in at cemeetIng 'sill duringthetohfec einhvaerniotit church w s conducted Aervite in St. "Marletsh:Tellealn., IV Rev M. Weekes; who broUght a Trewartha, social and recreational . . }:k , „ - 0. ? P dhristinas message, "The Meaning Of Foav'gziez- 4gza“Attaiz}drearthrePrtridaft.},PP '77 daft& uin ecorat 9-60. Rev. G. W. !Sherman spoke fn with cedar garlands and wreaths in the Baptist church on "New Year preparation for the annual Christmas -Resolutions," with his text from 2 concert held on the evening of Peter 8:148. The quartette favored' Deeember- 22nd. A happy Christmas with a number.' I spirit prevailed. Brisk choruses and _imam_ Dee.. 3 -.-Mrs jee mis.1 recitation; prepared under -the-super- ' vision off Mr. Chas. Pearce Were en - ler, Ed. and Marie, and Robert Da /- joyed. Pordon and Lloyd Stock eon - man, of Chatham, are visiting with tributedseveral fine guitar selections Lloyd Miller tin 4 Gordon. and ,teceived great applause as usual. nninthorgan-seteetion, -was_ given -by . '.0.1,414A94-0.40,AAW-KlAigAte-9lY1t3„. 11.V.gaWA,M,V,r,.:47't.IP41413IMS&O-1"-P.Wit lint-egiviidarkfitt..NtteltonfieSeife- Icigues were eleverly aeted by the • Miss Foster, of the public school, Is school children. The junior girls of spending her holiwys at her home at the Sunday school presented a drill. Sheppardtok and Miss Sharpe of the Their green and red costumes carried Continuation School is at her home out the Christmas atmosphere as they •near Dash4vood for the holidays_ stepped in and out in time to the quiet :24?- --0211n4r1 C6214q21—The Csbrist" -music. iSeveral coin -teal recitations 40atifWitioneettef- the---Aulmtrit - Take:,-,:xtetinrettliXzille.,,e111f.Uran. Tdiii * WISHINO yO ALL ...A Pii0SPthiOUS AND HA9PY 'NEW YEAR. it@ 11 2t:V1Z3*Z13 Wednesday evening, December 22n1, In the Foresters' Hall. A large num- ber attended and heard an excellent program. The opening chorus, "The Santa Claus Express," was sung by both iichools, and this was followed by an address of welcome by Harold Medlhichey. The chairman, Mr. Ralph Munro, gave a short address, which was followed by a song by Billie Craig; A humorous dialogue entitled Was .given by Zeta Munro, Isobel Rol - Minion. Ruth Wilson, Joan Sheppard, Dorothy Riordan, Gorgon Beadle, 0 • 2 Ma'a 'llargcr'*437'at-7173, 10-retelf: 1FTS tiltb r'tx.aC-3i) 2 110-2.,., arao Gle xdze COVaree CeZdn9 1 „ • Ofir.4-,-"Zmill „. gliclic‘2,30 _ Pc7)71,14*V14 (011=0 1,44' Ott Mazo Zlz:aer Grir.:23 StiLtop 116 lie tqc,4 11/4., lyat a a la 2 6 'at) Vatc e1i4c,a2.17-4 0 0 ; rtOtt:, En , the poem "Revenge." .A Christmas tree was formed by the younger girls by means of lighted candles, tinsel and other tree deeorations. This Item was original and very decora- tive. The older girls and boys pre- sented., --a lengthy Christmas play, "Snowbound at Christmas," Numer- ous Christina* carols were sung throughout the entire play. 'While school- cholati,maa„,siragine the closing song. Santa Claus ar- rived in his gay, happy manner. The glittering tree drew his attention and be pranced about as the Christmas .ggts difitributed— EdAFIENING ''. iMIOMM1116=ell M FEHINIG, Dec. 22, -Mrs. John Helm, *ho was visiting at the home _ Lig MTS. S. L. Hilzratrielz the .past -two weeks, has gone to visit her daughter, rs. Lorne Wood, St. Helens. We are glad to report that Mr. George Twamley, who has been laid up with pneumonia, SS malting a favorable recovery. Miss Vera Little, a Courrie's Cor - bel', visited ouliftsaalay-dt-tire bcFme of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest bake. The W.M.S. held their regular monthly meeting last Thursday_ after- noon tit -the -Wine of Iffri}. El. Curran. • Mrs. Brnest lake spent the week- end in Loudon. She returned home .on Monday with Mr. Blake, who had Itatren /SOUL Own thst daY for an ex- amination. The doctors were well pleas with his progsicD and thought .. . in three or four Weelm he would be able to bear his weight. Iluriel is alovv13' improving and is able to remain out of the "iron lung" Lor a trerlo6 of sitty tatiatefi , They have obrerm'eneed macgam treatuitTita now, and we hop the result.° will prove (rizite auceecsfui. CSAPRICING, Dee. 28,--11r. and Mrs. 1.1 tram Moffatt, Zleith •and Den- -aid, df Union,. are vialtilign-nrav Moffatt's parents, Mr. and Lire. Richard Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Itilpatrick, of Toronto, are holidaying vvith thOr parents at Benmiller and Mafelting. llitalre'o annual Sunday school Christmas eoneert was beld in , the tali last "Pharsday evening. An in. • teresting program Was given, consist- ihg of recitations, songs} and two dia- logues. by the Belfaat and Oth school children,' 'which was well received; • also two- other -dialogues ,a1 vet) by -tit" young people, entitled "Grandma ;.F1 13seapade" and "Love and Dough - Mt. Finlay flhackleton. of MouLt I'ort, spent Christmas with his parenks,'Air. and Mrs. Norman. Shad:, liti. and -gra, WM -.Andrew gpavt Chrisitaaa Ecay with Ztr. eel OrB, , George iihdrow„, Luehnow. The followliv tenehers and otudentA ii&-Vollidaiiing a' 1116fr ••,ie-5'10-ellie h0=-0st URN Intattr 13101:a of INtaw. boa 1401: 'iciove ni-lotilett of iittio0d, e ' 21(5.1v g nett*/ Utarm OP,,IlltOWIle-t.t,, Imo. ',Vovta, Anderairi etUillaleitgh, /Tr. Ellm'et Zetiato2 lil Mildiaa',76-. /11I q-laitP t/O'21= 14%4 - adattV; And ptt5:1 ,e.) 1411t441 otzd Ma..4,1\-41.6kg *6/ ItAiletzt.Dal' • t11104 idkool ME RICH (../ t,C4t otpla rplt yitik 1=9, 7504;,7,.‘ '14.61ttOtoplt,!': :at) Wit0'17=4,2-0;:' One). 41.40:1;411,,o1, 404•,..;,-114o.4p74t? 10: OM...44 14. • .,4<=sit A - ^ OrM) rAtit tAli 4 TO.4 4;Nft:',11,a=t110,4, tt* ala,,4111 11,4ittr„. now. r,-,4-1WvarvaArnazotor tlal, k'Volt ;.! LI 14%.74 Ito% Mtn' % 74.4 '1440r 'iatl>.p/ga411.4‘ 10; Op `"4v1 Itoaft Pt,1•;. ;*14kitit -itz 019 MAT W. ttV4t 1* 140;7?,at:4t-4114b.14:;rim!oll,7. l°'4:1:*147:**.:t ta:sci.1,:,174111 11q. rinx),1 aipsotOat, than tuo mem /6$1.113 .41)3'414_1/ ',0t,gem., oz4t4, o 't14.4taop akpi dkool=t1t0 • tm:til-0, :14 la arat Atrinvote4-tiirgi, ImIxfol* tt 14, moo- wZ4.414 42 oat *za- Onlot. , 4g, thto 2-2,7tmpltiOiv),Uicin 'Goa Lpi,4WithioyI- - tt.irop'liwolt,0a0taat. Otao4 Ictl,m4:11? Axga tb'kopeeo ,%71,4014‘ctloalte to•gg111,0,4t1t41 votll'a)1, tzio tto OvAt 141**Paa--, V.I1Pft'er 140111,02a1 ZK3:64 '47 '1flwIrallot-44t- , Worleinet 4}i'lt,.1170vIdeat that the thlat'412 thP3 Weldld law= .tatlay.• Zoit=ica, thNv. eau 11M dontentnent'inta0 40111, an. ,tatk1OnaittrItb.*tatilaq.--47-414:.-} att0i, trafet'vctal'o* za= Mo 406 pg_aa7 poroiri —tIrao-Azustlp-tiottiweniors 613:15-rove,--rti cw,g-57:34-ael',0(4/4-5. Ut zle worm .14,pooro gt.2 02 or: io volkozttaaateW,_ too qaar,perCOW Itave eon •to wOrckilL}}} erla1047Ass Mad' the ac- 4111114.0ateafi,64 nYtat6zialt-Wealth. 1V49401}1V. 41}themS.tmO • with theigeasnre4, or the hok. A1141; tU).= &Iva QR cpaalot„,..anla Vies:1W fo,X'e thef,e6o andIFIlag tgaV...Igamala •haw, attragto1„4r4 tfarce nutzbOti feltowapert to the pathwdys gtZV4t.PistqatP41L6tX}%,d-..-, _ o 'oq ci Pg111,13111tUIttlitLAM.2426-1l1latt.:61141-4;14ated.zfat„L,the-watab,-oe.-. atiOR114D:..".41„EtWl„. 4151.X",0,' .77,k1A9f44.7,114.Vklig.. mr4r,,t,4faxvilqo - lovolavIratro-nd'.- :, Vitt tIllitt Iva° art, and'with t" whole unit; anandment ',And the second lo Ulm to MIS: Thou sbat Avg IV It neighbor Q Motel/. On the ,e two co.,. andreents depeadeth the -17491e'llaw-ratiteelMIAGte'-S1110- " 1 seighlrez. One 0.45t love God, unless -be secept and believe Ells trutho, and live a like 'of justice, charlitzp and low. One loves not his Ali*"."Ett-torAlak-M-_,J34-04.040-fr-4. :ROV,0%.--laursztfkabg„..1'24. must egereit.-e..towFdabW virtctylove ,eharitz.unti: - _ Christ does not promise His peace to all, but only to "men of good will;" good will tovrards God, good will towards their neighbor. In so doing they will enjoy a good and clear conscience, and consequently the peat° of Christ will reign in their hearts. .01 Is 1411T-41M,,A,,_Liratve,XX-C)ile -23294'k-rats- will-thi'hawnilifrthe new yealr."-Pirt'nfigsi jou a the world world cannot give, 'provided) you are men of good will. He does not promise to give you =the material wealth with wltich }Satan once tempted Christ. But He does promise to bring you a serenity and a 'joy known- only to the angels, to the saints and to a01 who earnestly strive to do illod's boly will and to keep Ells commandments. ,11 wish you this„peaee of Christ, which alone can make 1938 a happy and a prosperous year. God bless each one of you. H. T. FALI XN. ---- Rev. -S.11. Neeknritg„ Brigina Ckurch very happy New. Year." This 1 wih you, in spite of all the dark and lowering horizons at home and abroad, in the sure and certain hope of fulfillment, if you only turn to the living God. Democracy with its freedom and- the Christian religion with its true basis of a happy life are both on trial at this time, with the op- , posing forces apparently in the ascendant. But if we, as the propon- ents ikt_ileind_ibeIvriatian iktour:het4t...fie their --47.7•5015ZOMMV-atCattlIttIME,-„IlintittEr=4tr-VO-0177.-VEMEnririti-MIZIM-V..--'!" Thus it behooves us as never before to respeet democracy by liv- ing up to its high, obligations of patience, of discipline, of a hard and free thinking out of all problenas (refusing at all times to glight the gains of the past for the expediency of the hour), and also (if using the franchise so dearly won by our forefathers. Make 1938 a triumphant one for democracy and it will be a happy year. ' in the Christian religion it is indifference that always advances_ ,paganisms with their (Devilish effect upon the whole world of men, wo- men and child -ren. •Furthermore, let us realize that the effective over- coming of these is not in political schemes or on the battlefield, but Inaba- in Christians outliving phera in their practical lives, by the Ow- 413rosie14--o2-4czamr-dhr1sththe,indivi1na1---• - So as a representalve of the Christian Gospel 1 challenge all citi- tzens to turn to "the Why, the Truth, and the lAfe" in Jesus Christ for the year MS. And CIS' a 'church we, as Baptists, know that we can help you to a happier 3.838. An-concinsion, II add. that .the „great .1d-Eather.„,also. Wishes you the very best for d1132, and is only too willing to pour fOrth to you, and to the whole world), "bles-sings beyond measure," if you will only give Him the opportunity. Thanking The Signal-etar for the opportunity of sending forth this message, I am, Yours, for a very happy New Year, S. -R. MreiblIfill tRev. W. F. 'Lane, of North street I'rrited church, is out of town this week.] LEEBITEN Bro. Prank Elliott ; J.D., Bro. Russel Wilson; LG., Bro. Gordon Elliott; Bro. Lloyd Wettiaufer; LS., Bro. Nor- onan Garrett; tyler. Bro. W. G. Mc - ;Nall ; auditors, Wor. Bro. J. H. R. M- I liott and Bro. Lloyd Wettlauffer. Hul- 1 lett -Lodge-4l.P.11., Wor. Bro. Oliver Anderson; W.1.1., Wor. Bro, J. M. Lel- :per; BW., Wor. Bro. John (Harvey; J.W., Bro. Wm. Leiper; chaplain, Wor. Bro. WM... Lyon; secretary, Wor. Bro. It. Id. Townsend; treasurer, Bro. T. Miller; D. of C., Wor. Bro, Jas. Neil - anti; S.D., Bro. Peter Brown; ..I.D., Bro. Wm. Wells; 1.0., Wor, Bro. W. Mountain; 5.18., Bro. Bert Brunvolen; J.S., Bro. Harold Adams; tyler, Bro. Jos. Ruddell ; a udi tors, II rot4. Wm. leiper and, John Flugland. LEMBIJDN, Dec. 2111. -Mr. Clayton Ritchie spent Christmas with his moth- er at Seaforth. }Mrs. Alex. Horton is visiting this week in lAstowel. M IGOE'S Dove and Harriet Horton spent a few days this vvedi at Porter's gilL Mr. and. Mrs. G. Falconer end Mr. andi Mrs. A. Tichborne end family, all from Goderich township, 1:7sTere guests with the former's sen-in-aaw and daughter, Mr. and , Mrs. Horton, on Christmas Day. The concert et SA. No. 5 was well attended, although the nicht was bluaery. The teacher and }pupils. de- Gerve credit for the tine program they gave. 1111,IPT112:, There was a large tnrnout of rate- payers lit the nomination meeting on Monday and it la certala that there 'will be a contest for the reapective municipal offices. Thom nominated were: For eeve-4W. 0, Mart% W. EL Moffitt; for Councillow-SdWard Johnston. Del ORM Taman, Robert R. Watt. Herbert floater, John Petts, George Johnston, Jasper Cook, James Watt, Harold Phillips, W. II. Morritt, A. L. Iternicli. For School Board.- : -Lyon, MAO EilbriTurrizr, -Wit- Ilam White, Ddwin Cartwright, Mit. Pearl tWatson, V. M. Bray. Public ST. HELENS ,ST. 11.F.11.ENN, Dee. Y7. -Mrs. Stan. ley Taylor. of FAmonton, Is a visitor with her mother. Mrs. R. K. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jansen motored frotn Toronto and spent A day her.. last week. Mr. and Mrs. DurnIn Phillips were visitors in Goderich for the holiday week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Woods. of Dundas. were here for the week•enu. 'The following were !Mafia' those who spent the holiday week -end at their homes here: MIRR Anna 'Stuart and Miss Rnth Ramage of Toronto, ityttrity--etrinviiigzawner-j6taka . Dodds, Miss llorenee MQiilIl1u, Mr. 'Sep ly STITsiTforti, 44orge- acclamation. licazIllbatioue-RShe amfuni Q1111Itn of (113010). .inctallation nt. th6 (01T1 02 * tty-tit -no falto.vIng teachers are hOme for Lodge, No. St12, and Hullett Lodge. No. the vacation : 3#111WE'R W. 1). !Luther. V. a A. -11.4..17Ziart_belgt, in Lon-.tioriLor - Irene -Woods orn on 420nday eight Wall, Rt, W� of Weitertoo, Dorothy MeQuIllin of Bre: Z. . Tlerlity andf Iltt. Wor. Bre. t Sandwich,. liorothy Webstet% of hon. .4. W. Beaeote ,mastera. 6 es&fri; 1"�r btiritiihia-11COIVig- tloatb0 ar4 aa follOwa: iltlyth Lodge 11,P.M., %for. It 1N1; W.M., or, Bro. Harold bAv., orb., iti,-;;A:0`44141p9,orbtgrito;: 31,7.7t7. 1:3114-0, 'it nnillibP11721f.;Agrieultu'itl,‘ ("01100. and,' gr. gr. 1110tbert ,Taylor, 'tie , Nompt- t°7041** *C1'64 narrion T.Oltorp rtittland take. rar 176z, Mo. Tiorzigt; 'nt ditigt 0ag with their lather, 121. „ -Wr;eott; o,n„ Tor. (Ion. 1)orine Webster (At 'Carlow, Mr. —or " 13. J. alfeintosb, of Vineland. I rtantil I cr the weeh with her parenta, Mr. anti:Wm. I): Todd. WIRE GREW: 1.4\!0-4t c.,1) qu:,41A-40, TA•taLl. M,40;9: vzotr-0 PZ,1 ,V41471, 0044' .tIrOma.,741-4.-441, ZAa ' • AM }qe „law xtlx1' A' takttUOt: -0404u: optorati 4i4t1041,,i' • TAIroz: ttole,:640, ap•o•oato.tio?tio,.-,_ zw"?w-z.11=3:4,04ti WottOlo..,014 clad, A.Zfr.:-. • 41,411.'.bt,n,citop.A ti.trN=4. z3;. 'tirpor,+ou riaa 1g441,,' cat*; tiolo t510,„„Wavte4;.,t710:,,,vailp! acooazant vat. t4 MT, M.' 0 eirIts, and c4to by Mr. Mel:1'4We% The Musica1. service.s were atid0 th9 inotIon-:02--th0otaird3ratKr-"i6 tift'p rill'. 4. W. haulicatom ,44 Rtt-43 alreio clo mytto coptilag,t1 at a% Isatolee It C. elmreh iaelnd4 taltdeight Mac:41 0a ChrIctlaar) ave,. wIanai mar44. toatacil 10,7 clar.ap conattien., 0.1040,. ch*zi---tolabt,;4''C'•V;fM.IP ,aa0 macs' woo atina_by lar, MOD. no, Cdpra, tkiter'6 intry, Up,* don. ,Spetial Rotate coW=II b7 the choir, solo carts 1MM-I tam 1111 Bourene. • • -cacAn&c„13,T4,1t0 OL`'},M474) At %el} stivet allt4d4ellitirldrrtol: alai Ohrlatams sarvidea were eevidited 40-11.Xfanre,1=a, and- the 'choir t4litratItnilreeiwtiiiita ,ander-tire-direetiea-e24.1rtr • HJI5s,:oist jklad,4. — nat bY ftib3:13, -,;(14Vaidon ..P...a..saltexklaapsa-4„,authemcr=” Vitra ChrigtinDfi Mora," "l ilfla Low- fr Manger and 'Sipa. 0- 1404- ;:,:•4;,„AtIlk4.41446=1=4411ev--OV:*t- ^ •Ii:A„.(es rrOil ,,1'lft,,,,,,›1 ,g,,:v;,5,1)z,r(zisic,47..:r.4,',:::2;26;:tal.i,:iii,;;:7,....rri,:1;:ii:1:1*.;".;:c.:::ill-4:14,:t40,010tHoeirZ , , , a zatoi ,-,-,v),'ac3 irz,7 I.v2-,,• ,. a, Zppbgt..',wecaziAzny.. p.,•, . '''tp, .'''.13•:;'..,",. ••,-;-.;-;'s- :42.::,rtuzz;i0:11,;41.,-.';:_v;;;L:„:„ :::. d, opd ic.i: hottptto;.,,,;1131.13ttZtz., lz,•:;,...,.4,,„ tet,, ,',1,5•F7, •Zotzxs,a',P.acleb. ard 40144.1i..M3-4,413-4•.41,.V.4-37•777,',7;•;,77 Pm 414 02 b,Voaq,'10.41atr,110aMto:n112, a ,jgoti;,,t010-.:gl';,,tip,:4,ZtIzt.Z?4,,,- i'ZI47,;37;.',.;,' :4 Pt; :;j% : 0,44104,..tli,4ii.1,, $4,,,'",-.76,ir.,fr,,,!:,:',,.'1',,,,••',,q,•,;74:4': ., •;• toi• l, "-v .0,•:','••-:7, V' t,,H ' t ' . t' -14 7' 714E PIZIYATE LIFE OF OA L, 11,111111" 1111111111 MITT EZV, MO. El TIM DIME) "IctuaRntlt7-4WSTMITSVIM61,11-Starni ---,- Rev. George IL Turk, retired United Church minister, died on Tuesday in the Toronto General Ilospital after an illness of a few days. He was in his eighty-first year. tr-4,1Arttr , • 16,a, Methodisi (now United) church. Gade• rich. fifty years ago, coming here fr,nn Lueknow. His last visit to Goderieh was about three years ago. when he spoke behalf of the Ontario Tett,- perance F\',Iera tion. During his long ministry he he'll 4.-harges at Winnipeg. igaileybury, Mark. Toronto and other places. His last charge was Grace chureh. Bramp- ton. .Ile...tetired...in .1924 and -went, 17-9,W,Sit.. 3. Huntington: two daughters, (tail and Yvonne, anti one son. Oeorge Wesley, of Toronto; also a Akrubr. Mrs. M. Si Atherton (if Barrie.. Mr. Turk wa.i .111i11 Vt. of Vienna, out. 77— IMEOLUMY—r C4)11.NELIUS STAPLETON Taken to Alexandra hospital on Fri- day hist suffering an attaci«if pneu- monia, Cornelius -Stapleton died there on Tuesday in his sixtieth year. Ile was, horn at Tipperary, treland, a son of Michael Stapleton and Mary Ryan, and when nine years of age came to Toronto with hi ,R parents. then to Goderich. He was a stonemason hy or-xt, ;Pr VIM,/; a;-• 5;.-#1.'qtjit 4, _ ' Ea% ocznc azo ,c=acv bc.-23 t yen", ,b,U7D ect1 - VW Ls= cawagr.-.21cOv. loos ma [la )0? --1:1 dt a. dam Aigh la Lad a • low la ooh. LSJ Jac4m4._ 14' JQz Cccfioc&AnzahrneN Coal Fawdl CoPie (C. C. 1E2 Harttlwrze E-111.1177-Af.ma, PrEcogr43 PAT 1111=110 Thanes: Mere 22 Ikligag =Ha 212. , -ar. • ,QM.F4 Unig -C/ Commegackg-amant SA, Len Date MONDAY TUESDAY WED.NESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Place Baptist Church Victoria St. United St. George's iNorth St. United Knox Presbyterian Speaker • Rev. W. P. Lane Rev. A. C. Calder Rev. D. J.Lane Rev. S. R. McChmg Rev. E. A. Moorhouse 01.1FilltIN-41 FOR 'Mk BIBLE SOCIETY. ALL eITIZENS WELCOME. I) 4'WW'ZeVWe' wc3vzxi;/u QT:$ 3adi Up TAT Realolume /)-YiallE Miming Iknoy Hew Year to One Emil Iflaliver 05 Capsules Each Capsule equivalent .. to tablespoon of -VIteimin Tested 11'otl Liver 011 25 for 50 for 01.0 R3 for 01.10 ADX TABLETS , 'Waterbury Compound with Cremate Ganturteoll fl.00 .1-ferm.1 110 ff,Oa Liver alt Ofte 1$11,00 4.17-c:adePri rift.ak, 1Frev1r2ti0n of Cod 1141Ivez Maraca 01.00 • 2 for .72. E2'ti1 liCZ New 'Year upone (lards, le. 11e3pflete lira11i nut. wit6 (MO Utter au OSe 01,410 Ayerean New Low Price 4 ozn. 4et, 10 can, 01.00 Frost's Chenoteall 1";t11 011.115 ,$2.43 lig and Mineral 'route faphemettb Rae!) capsktule is equivalent ttl, .tiej teaspoonsfuls of Tected e4co 011., 25 fa.7 int:C7J- 1107 *.; 100 go? - q,eclea tZ6," tniago= Vs:Z2„t:Is to on.co wo cop ax3 9 0 0 4, 411 1, , 9 44-4,5 0 0 v z.'""