The Goderich Signal-Star, 1937-12-30, Page 2"4,1'Nn me 3-1,:p3tz3 -w.i•;•312 Girm ' 40, .t65,11t510 „ v774, 'Tx a4,- a-a,;:i:.T 4174t:Di lc,0741A9 ach,2 a In ...,. ViIc5.. i:ca-o• 14' ‘-,,a % ...c.•-;':...,=-:a.....t,4-,:ttt.el'..z411,,,, .,ra.n.-!.....:5:n •.z5 dt,Q1 , t itzt,',,40 4.41.7r g.'1 ; , 4 , 7i'4: 441Z4i/';,40 1 s;wttl.:1:4?:1: cl‘ .z: !rg;1::::, :.:,,r,4 ow t. i,i.:,..o.t.:Ii,t,:064 v .02 .1a 'TZ-tur V7 J2 vp1 z„,,,.., oi:.;rt.'' 0 r'76'5-tEa ttr 13 ct ' 50; 1;, ;, P "rTh.,.t.' .r0.,, 0'!, _' ' ' Zcr,, ',, tiltr,R,..41'.. t7,%•:.',.‘,7i,--'&3 Wit4.".W4.5.ft'l liolT4 eL1 --"P,,;i10,‘,7A,,,tv.,Mo. YvAtcac,sto.0 W4 --,t ;,,i`,0,',41va. volvii.u.'.9.,c40,1413,fir,,,,,ii4107,4,1. .,,;1,Zz.73.7. —8'4 ' ;W, . i ,,,,iovi .4,7: ‘-,j,3A .-.r.ciPaik '-Pr• -.4w . tr.` . '04, , „ c4.,.':::4: .., .., 711i7"*F.'• Oojilok;W4*rj.'4-ijil:(.I' 4 4, , • ,. .044 ci •-".c.•,iv•.- 4-44,44%,ati ,,,7.i,d.Rz)..0.;:: izi f.,.11.0 , 4- t'lit,,CLO tl •Eiiita$7.› Vilit-4 tC,4"Q4, , -- la.rifiL-41c13,..Wavara.4a.---4.,,: c:13 -.Vg. .,, ./24:51AY. IjO V.0,, -1Yit.tZ'cailS4W4 5,4Mt. tQ 0,Ciill'X', 'Ull '''t -r,'40 4M's lo,' 41C,3p, i 4-TC,Z, ,2%,11; V, 0/ q ' '-. vf.4,.o. Taxa . ei, $. f tAZ-0 ...,z. a, ,va,r,.-4),, , ger, .:0.,4,-„,,,,,,,,,y , !It-J0t7tr.'if t,t1:0-444;:'10:-S,i'*,OV,ar'4,,--.3 , -,. 1),,, i 1-7a ,-,, 4 CoD tcqt,t, 1,=i-,. .; .: P-4 siq. :0 , 44' i4,41; VON" 1,` e • ye mattptpli ogloOfd tap hilLup, . m ' th.W, cit piton .-qpv ongou'. toiiii,ata. rmnot': (Ito tqapetintoo VIttice4olit, 4044 WIRitAt Cad QM* Itpi a .$1011.1a0 ° allaoationa'. -for • - g,!.t v704:10p. - llrf.:C=1§matot. ioz I '4141,1T4 , iltiot ti t 07 .,.747.01fl,.V•:' opo: ttitiVirdnMZ )96-V.O.t PU; , K • la 02 Itegleignp4e ',,,, , -ct - , .9' 0 . . Ale; retent,„.41_stra1leln . oie,ticia., ir,o,or • ittopi: ititosa.4iiitiaro..12-there wore itiNtit4 oltetion wars? Tear, il'ot ontest ip to. 41epr1-ve...-114 „ the 0,41e.40 pi? eqrgresSing, • Tra. cb atiPeraot to any 'than thai he has "ionised eleetion,”, 4iite,,,3nan who hiss heti' ttiv,o0y.111011,atil for et10 nn. -eleetiOn" itz ttrat7 ii.4-11100',400!"to. :lattil • edltitarotO,atitobition to OectIP$ Ct or1Who_#,;n0A4.61roltIF'1,31.1.11r44 ii4.gaii14.- -or e .44 the litirffi' bt:Ot17.- 110t0),,,,7 1Z1)1011 r4,theitA'' reeilatt: tbe tintii. give 204Y ,Ifiewee.410? Oat lo ittittIlte-44t �v?L the e.,a0() tpotable 00 Otf.t.tlettralitties t4 yowl) 1.47*t/W-1,4 114 iga-lvt.•- _ , o dObi • • tto-',. 50 tico; 0_,.017-00hi ttit43 :Witi6::t0 vrdnbi 411'11' :144-4 t eVoliroz* tit*. P4.4'at:POP.-.4 qisd IQ t „ a04*16,1.4. , .6V0,0 paPtitee o OiL v4411E3 thero)ligcit i' . Itt tlee atr„:vb116, 0 trim JQIilt-Gclarte0--. ',1-42114640,04,4:A.' 4L-,atsat...04.1liao,441,fzi Zit ' fal.W4uW:4-4.4 . hati&te__Inotill. fthet$Fit- og.oakelitaneei lintk*Ity and..atzbttio foethegOivee., ‘, rertel;'entatito? Ikea* taho.,,,cio_ , ith vetiare uTW tea t.1) 4=0141 L'.11:to il',t1noyed at Thvitigboll with., ititti --Platter' of • ;t4e. .4xt. lag 41:e2apiee og 01.1P..:00t0 vlevp,,ot toie'.101.01 AtAtiEe own, *01104, dlee 41W, dOelarest .2wovitt.to.1 ypittaWit4 reg t ..;04ta 07 t1 p laPotto,Or• :ii4d4,1lialietta1:170. 40,t:14 it4hiat' 0140 :i440.0tt -toe; itotoiitat too ' uwat 16.1- f*Htt:t4i-PMitiittO,01 i4 • 0.'; ZI,)we'i t1t0 n Ita0,:04t#F. rci ' i tPt, '4'16'4* ZIrac..4 44.0' ' t VftffAutIV. t4 '401' 4 ..R • ''' „,, gitt.TM ' . , 444,c\I ill 0 ' =1'.1itkint4. n... '*1 tl ' otit.'1 -0-1. , '4:411161140t0-.*tr -16Pt. t qt4 'UOV tp 4I1 •at t :;11111tte zboo totat th IVO ta hat.ti bz (1110A= toofc, tam, 41' tot h, lotki3w0 Wro,Ittzt t otTict -see her her %tog,' -Oil matte e with scorn. , to 000 that too.. - Then, In the third plate,, X,Attwro that 'mit 'Ale, I% be goli5, on about nizt business- in, `d, nOte hiteliteosiat,e fOnity. Itatett of- Vnt-(31:17103-04t V Goiteg to do Win ot s'VA' pir,-3311t3tr-orvi itgit It. O:,Oonroeit ,i've-"teen rawitozt that oiroti o be tome these deSts—a ir:ontiEniso von niptelf out ecfl Cet 4.1ce` dgi° about evervtiiina, . it,ly wife has 3144 40,4 t tit,,,Ag.(tbitt5.11144;,;,,MT-OvOr ar Ihnelt 4-7th'Aa'zaelO txt to o4pIn ar1 il011•4.414411'17 o*n hotithir thi 1t Ot4Witt, -21nriparS-otOre 411101AY0 .—:4110tt R'eM '4141.a's.L taL.,11.0d. rgOtb. 4144--014P*4t$4p. .ar.odice,iiL theAtaft.4ko t :,On 41 Teter',.'.,;:ofgto., that 00 ,104took: ONN)* itiitia,attOlge *MI:04kt Owe With tttit hito the.. ototook, Ittota orlb 4:Aittattoo og • •104agot' 'oktato Aft. :00vettltIme4 tr.'er44-3111'' r,,z; 111•4v , . ,•, , 1,1t.vtie4 Ottta to tt.111 A C.10 2gtta5 ;1141 20: Provi)m,..o 1P11-404`? O'ft-tk Mvaz LCA ci 0.411,7 ot:1•110 horse l'ci,(4 1 ' 00ctrfZeoliOtter.' '. Itglt iV,0,.1,,t , , . 4 '.-vor.:41:--or :401110.0.• . Apt - t44frott4aopt tiv1;illttat,* 0--.40.t4-ti.04:' a 1041 1 _ 'Oft0;.:04,•Wt:, ' oroto,ohto,",totirap„itie4„„11:7Htltn,:t.,44,r44 LtQ ii0'.5: La4:1 ' Ot....... Ot4Z. At Ole a 1 t'r, Oittt `VglOt., lOr----- t1 : h'.14, :.Jil kQt .7 0, ,,74iei;,:0,.% , . t ,ttc.0:,: Alooparl,,.01, ilta. latf0:<4; td0a.. t1tladlitt4.- ttoat'a r "4.;:14.144.- zl iiii,..--T :04 I , 41 fr 41 a Itehl.:41t041k-* '6'otit VItit-111' 1.0.c,'C44,:ftlii101.11,Pittifa''.,t0, te ho.taZ to 04 t,..v:,,suoita02:44, .4f1.1ht.4.41; 'ts1* ' t'07050.',..ii tak.iia6141.1ht.'.#;3t'v ,t11'6`titiZfai_ '.t't:'te4L'c'5 ' tt2lam404...)...,t:, Cataa -, a, bc?..' Ept, '..!ol„ 4' oltatm u' WOO' rot14- tv vit4othp -, otv tat(tatt=7' tato, , th'at7 qhfIrlf PW7,1 4`47 kt„ iritov&i,12.1 1.,,',.'si-itt.,:s47,4cafMta,,tr tt,,g- c,ttv at`tlitt ==, 1",k4 2t tta rcatti, cr_.1Z2.at'i) mtAivo. ratc,,,,13. ttv,, , -;U Li ii nVJ fLU<Ir c:.1114 ,ct,4t,k-,, ttJ t.Itc-40 , )1'0 art n •rig:- at Tf..,,7•11 a, tit9,3 tN't` ,110, '1if 4.1. "-;i'..:11„ r,14,,-; 4'71 ..'14‘,; ).!`"it r.Pl.kr\r!: V;,1 411' t-.ontg tt-c,,;- 7 VCA:7 04-1,!!...iy-tt.%,32 ',A'.r ,,•:i r',.17.,A r4''TiL9).''''' ''Y'' r . L c ii:c.3 e.,,.n6' .tq 010 Zal".4:7.?'',., PMYL:,:aC",' - r'6 • iii,',:v.t.t.a t.,,...5'4 ‘.1-ttz? A '',14171114C;(1' ',1011-.,,.t":274`aCt.f:1 rf'.i Ltic-o.T.2.15,..-, , ltn.'D t) f.12, 1,-.4, 1.1)1*,..,,n,..'...-:"-Ai. tori;.irt?, .01";',r;17.,1." e:f.fot.04.-i* '.0.t: „r„It ii.4,...,43,1111. c..'#t%in4or.1:-,r.-i- roboy 1.,.., ' f: f 5*70-0-,-A any, 110,4/.441. 4_041'4 I L( Wir-A,41'. rut 1,11,.rtA),, hoo; etili We, f? itoovtaestilly,„ t4 ,44411t IS*i fliv Ivo twir tr'rieitt,k - float may limiles to, • P rllk 4* n, (4)+14' ,of 4$0i, n4 *414 ikikt, ' beyIb. t's10. Otolitto goor *- sod wk. thritvitth fieviinsi Mee* otcommoot of Mr. nopeps,,t,. 41ilova, 11,0 Aril thins 1 kap**, t 'nt,140, 11,0", 4E1, betbiature ibe Timothy boll Aholitedi -1.140it sch001, y r oban tior at mod over t el '!4'ite.040 t,tir,4‘.; '41( '4';':":‘ 174 lt,t1tr,:zt,, ., '.1/4r.o.tc., • , oa ,., ;6c.tiT'23tiall..c5r.), 4's . .., .. .... Trb.at ,m, On 1<&,T44 tvayi .....i. r , , 1,0W: VtitItilittl ' ifIlitt,,t1 ill ' V01.1P4'.,-. ' ti,`,40,11, ft:110 ilo,KAttt - t!itAtis t.t.6 .r.i.t4p, ,L0,:13'4, q1.4.4:'.C;firr .44.1.1% , ! -it ,r11,.1 ttrATAt.:!-Y'll ?ft ,124,$ 1.141.4t.. „ 41.! 7 bLI oifilotil toe^ 114 Or: filtAib;'- moi fro6m. 10-rkt* 11.11StgliPt onet liner WOlor;1 ht r rt Air* 'Oh 4ftrs riiI V* #111011f. trorp, ttitzt-a- „ _Arlo emy rt7mitiy_wo Vittcr v,,,rtiote,Nrvrovii-vv rtis • dts. (kg 111 fl TOV, '14't 4-#61'"tt . t,,t• ,1-•;m 5.3 -vg 4..',4tit, two JOstinet ,clooiottro:kort. 400411 two prir. taw* fora ear to At row parsional row4i#:, insotoottr Ole Too olionae, you 4rolk-fooe- 1.14i1T 44 Pil...63r. = 'eff' )1. It' r _ fliirot ort I 4tevik r0* -!!1' gtIt'4„ , itieb!At , osio 0,r tr, (Okt-,174 1414i:it*, 4.1W4ii**- 4o- *Wad.« mit.b4.01t, joInt- ,enfri 74,41tint ::\itoL4*:100,irwrolk; 41#41:447144114141:1:1;m''::"1161 ;,eit:617114"-'01:67:;4-01.1.641: 4n1. r4g1 t,0 •0.104.4. ,tre,11 1h4,100.044,k‘ iii04106 *46.4.4 wit. tier, 406441 pinto, 114110., h44(mr,floorr, sapii) sea 1,40For. ,r4worp 14,4(1440 1.4.4141* lig,44tesoaff,.: 1,404 'two Ihe'rete