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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1937-12-16, Page 6
3 Vali „7- 4t=t4a-14- aft 'Ilirete We la Win' Out, treables up in 04%1130 -"4.40t'ttgati'd4t-00-0.-flzo-tPrIZIAT 414 -tr- Ace- 1-1 • '41411: ',Mt rigi" ttab mem' Crissmus. a'd times . 104,4 01;IM a4ltd lragni txt,a0pnate rleh t CMOS MOO voices clear and lilt - ',SO, taped • 0),(1 schoolhouse with ,mustic until the sg9-#" VlOrO mild .01%7% 014474o 14gS bUrned loW and had. to be replezt- .7g4001.. , o doors were flung open ' 'Ittraaa0a• -40040*. tier. carefully; aztd, volee Shouted above the Stagings • 5-3%1 `Tow, %PO otdorehmer from the qillage aced zitmte; ye coot au !mu, 10144. Ng* dot/ at the Cross Roads heard 'bout 40'01Pa all Igtf Silent 140* -11.61:4 Christ the SaVieV.Sto Christ the gavtr 40: lent night, tl eon of God, lovettpi Radiant beati fro With the dials% Or - Jesus. -14a5d, at. ,riN1147, Jesus, mora, cic; ViTerinT.2,,A5-4n, high or V-neiR, - piece' StYlps. T ea *rose, despot rose, 'ice blue • and turnoise Macs -small; medium and large. Suit - 06', iti0t,t1110-maltalpunan The styles.,-bolors and f0i10' SDA-ruply thrill you. Gift, SpeOal,•'''at THE .IPASIIIQM,SE024-,',P. YO' -all la right, Taste," he agreed re. Here's witching you MerrY Obristrmagr' •Atotantly, " t itt ain't a mite Of r.ente Astastasia stood, beside the packages dat•-alt • 44VIehliien, Pine tininess that followed the stolm to•sonitm Cri,Caraus lac/MI% tills here'S‘ 'a, don' kliow •how de white folim What's vvontin' ' doel. heard 'bout .ditt .here pahty," ,she said chIllen has had Wed times talked at Slowly., 'It warAmighty kin' eh 'eat, ro•bakit,aar-chitic ettza WW1 dat, but hem 310" -all Hint for a thrifty Santa I A new Winter Coat. Any member of the family would be delighted to find so smart and practical a gift under the Christmas tree. Prices from AEI our Hats are reduced In •our :famous Chiffon and Semi -Service. In Allen A and Corticelli. An ideal gift item, very timely too. The .quan, is - naturally limited so shop early. First grade of allingteli=k1 WADI A Christmas Carol preeerved by tra- dition among theilfuron Indians was written down more than a century ago by Mather De Yt4eneuve. The Indians declared that it Vas .p,rittett for them by l',"ather BrebeuC who did. such wonderful work DMODG` the Hurons near Georgian Bath and who •t•Fas mar - ton •ha -s given us this Interpretation of it* in Baglish: Vtras in 'the 11100111s of winter time That Mighty (litchi Manitou sent angel choirs inotead. illefore their light the stars grew Crarlitztasm and misses* 6.12e%, tleguilar Son Values les lehei'W. A. Of Cease's church held its antstial meeting in the Quild zoom on Inesday. CrecemT4r 7th, with goed attendance. After the oCkere an eucettionalist goo& year, Zara. Cal- der left the chair and Elev. A. O. Cal- der conducted the :meeting. The °M - Ors for •the gear at*: onorary west. ttro. dim: tea eonve=r, ca ((it*? fltitotatt t711,1 414 oney, don' mean yo'. has • t -O-- skip with gratifying enthusiasm, "aa 1101140 sees la way--_ent-i--..-1-dene been rememberin' how downhearted some oh thinks we can do surathin'. Cilcsro," Anastasia's voice vibrated with excite- ment, "does yo' reciebn we Could have !Cicero shook his head sadly. "NU, honey, 1 can't see no pairty. pahty means -Ireshments, an' dress ups, an' stet, an' here we -all Ls mos' don' see how we can manage a pahty, Tasie." "Well, I does," his wife declared, putting JuL1116 Caesar Jr. suddenly on -the floor. -1 sees how. We kin get 'nough fiahwood -oaten do grove to night 'What we gwine do atter we gets 'em-dar?" Cicero questioned doubtfully. "Use 'gwine 'splain 'bout how we am in OUT, hearts, Olera, 1 aims to cheer 'em up a mite while we,is get - tin' cheered ourselves. Maybe dey ain't thought fo' years 'bout what won't cos' a penny, eic'ro. You let me do ft, honey, it'll hearten us all up." Cicero's brown face broke into sud7 d. en smiles. "Son," he said in re- sponse to the questioning glances of 4nlius_19aesar Jr., "1 slio' did pick yo' no nadstake." "Does yo' reckon folks will come, Taster Cicero inquired as Christmas Mt morning davvned clear and cold. "Does yo' think they'll comecitnowin' Awastabla smiled knovvingly. "Dar And wand'ritig; unters heard the come • sumphin to- do, What's cheer; Icome to enjoy de roadn' flab, an' :4e Cic'ro." A "Pushin' crowd" there was When Anastasia, carrying Julius CaesaF Jr. in her broad embrace, entel the Within a lodge of broken karlt the ten- sehow,roem that evening. litralliar A raggAd robe of rabbit T,,•••tin en- " -wrapped is illetaalty found„, And no the hunter braTeo d -Sew nigh "Jesus, your ging, boVni bleaUfl is beim; In Bawls's Marta to The earliest MOOD of winter timo is not so round and filir As was the riag of glory on the help - Jess InZant there; With gift's ok fon and li.eaVer Pert - "Jesus, your ronz isf born; jespo its , born; In flnoelcis Gloria!" keterma, your =Eta, to torn; In "oelfla 10 Is' MilZste ZtMra C4ItteUlat4 LIE at ',Ilea. ItQr141/444-% tolt% *aid Ilbattz,A, -- ctz 54,p, ttt white teeth flashed in the shadows. A, lump rose in her throat' as she -steppe& up -on the little platform..fiere .were her own people, eagec and ex- pectant, trustifia her' to bring them somettang that would lift the he.avi- neas from their hearts and bring the "Volfm," she said softly4 "folks. ;fillet it grans to be togethev 'rot:0'611s roar - in' dab, wif only de,.fiahlight light- en up de roortar ...AACIAWflig Ignored the re art._ amed. come here," Anabta ericanats, an' we got to Wetuferize efiZeitt• ye -all wouldn't like to think 'hope ." "Thint n� titinkia"hopit •mus„ "agoPeall knows eat. We 'Ott, an' eathao oia oor tables„.! ,how Anastasia, turned sv,Ittly on the *Oxon. Mame' tit) ye tr.uv'ty eb heart. What, ana CritaNntis;ilnytiays? Am It, 11 tthoi57a IL tett .thitas lo :due, tut Var. 4, heap• ; Ord; than.44'lla what dgrx-.:424'c'"isin:,:17,7, 711'7'27. members- of the Goderich Bridge Club A pleasant evening was spent by when the men entertained the ladies on Thursday evening. The men, who were losers in a reeent team -of -four atebroutdid-themselves--in-giving -the ladies a genuine treat. A vote of thanks was tendered to Messrs. A. A. Nicol and R. Johnston, the committee -by whom arrangements 6i the dinner were made. After the dinner two of the remain- ing three teams played off, resulting -T, Gra-hara by one match over Mrs. Sknnders, Mrs. Hays, Mrs. Coulthurst learey in, the 'finals. - _Besides, this match another gam-e-w—as held, resulting as follows: qst, Mrs. R. J. McMehen and Mr. F. Donnelly, plus 9%; 2nd, MrS. Graham and Mr. der and Mr. Geo. Jenner, plus 5. oxy %cm pay Da Tip po-,,,ott want. eine co man,y doctorq,'IreWs. of families daily —lc #.4apirle., necessary, according to tzlare.etions. Usually this pill eaca cinch pain in reFimaror qktluibc1kY Grheli"tefftrot..'tfuch pain which exhaustO you and imps. you awake at night —ash for "atlapIrm". el "Aspirin" ta,blets are Made in trade -mark of the a2Tar Compan_y, Canada. "Aspin " the togistereel Limited, of Windsor? Ontario. Look Ca c..3/4.1110 CAIIAD3 Mugabe lo min szplimprclis,te' CifiEn Chace Fllowen Tort. the ocemon,°©111. We will Lave a large stock of Rowers, Plants and Cut Flowers from" which to choose. Our specials include Poinsettas, Christmas Cherries, Begonias, Primulas Azahas, Cyclamens, and Christmas G30. STETATIr Nab= 2110 .G62.2.rfieL 75 Skcu4, g tri*t7t����• m at '�' 40:). 4vzo to 1x1 ; # t♦a a4 Biu �, 4t4 *QL Ca `c5 k[ eta'siel icarblaZ 4illza:42k,441eara 4144 lattao