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The Signal, 1937-12-8, Page 2
v, • et" A\ 46 , patatatt,,f4 •%.= • i;;;(4 -4i -r• eltZ44,ertiptiota lCat "--naro, 11.1.paid la 'ThIlvance. Base -Tabora Valtad States gill please add efia - 'ii SEGVAL•STA12 PRESS lyledaesday, December Sea, 1224' ,=t•-• .0,1rAiat Olt,7 t%s,- 4:4=-,to<r!-,ItirWt7 In Ontario, 6t, SPO: -.141Y tt4m, voritfi" and otlim.4, tha df.,ttptic.,n leroiritrtherf..,, 010%1- OAP to demonstrate tnat in that' farnene Z3 r denartMent Ottatta VAC'S are OtY. per -4eiat:' higlittatitS-V.Taillza's.'!:°' The - experience a °Tim, wawa ceuerntes t...-.9744,41toraar.,...amtilcAtoLk lookedwit= this town is ricking 'the hest way of sorvinG tte3 irtmer prohleM4 L'MaIDAIPS VOUE Jt wI4 t ot5y to drtw -,grzzito a - wrong conclusion froa the result a zaolutars vilootiloa in Gederich. It la heingct1 that the defeat of Deputy SivelZitteislia and Councillor Lituraber vele teealaSe of their stand pn the o4AZZEgAa".-rikzAW.M9Pe 2r.h! to °=t position in favor a a mular vete on that eatmtion and undeuhtedly alienated some votes that hatl been ..eir support at pa'071ous elee- EilaK.'43).' intereatm-Inkweverk.vere at work, and to so e extent the vote -was -a---relectiton- o2f---antegenis-tkpelt tined been aroused in previous years and that tati nothing- to do with beveraGO . 'MOP -jos' -------4-Vesztatien.airi1C=Atixneat2_ -iandtratipparter of the telieraitteOzain_ ``'net prevent airs; %lett erington "•.-'12ietiteading•the poll, with a good lead eVer all o ier candidates. -one-most ...tbat...ttin 11 1 • 4, said is that their *oast •• tO • bevenage rooms did not i'dd 4e=o. - len • 0 0 0 ee.ea • r" -0 ,E ' 14 `111171", WIR N"rali'04 Igalistif010-Vo•z wr-...#7,nt, tito VallAort4 flgoehni PAPP.14,_-5A)Mtrt 41)4 .17t3tr; the occasion this year, taldn5 the War"' or atter Jibe opening tram. To al.. --tbt-W7r-Vour---fireurand. students 'of day_ and oropoina okaw; nall, to the staff of some s.,-wenty.ave hers, waie *tt-.1,ner. My cane ineaders of the morning papers ay after wandering over the se4 a many tvonder why Tueitlity'e Voution Vree fats %voted. reriarn to that of My oWn Press had later returaa of the Toron- 4*.Y yds* One of the atbeutatical teachers there. It 1,vas Ivo= When ..11 to civic eleotiona than.had trt2 itaies2 ialadiftu• Tareittr721R7- It7b5ela' IV:o44hoholi oraastra vavea a. reached. Goderieh Tuesday inorning re- /march v*eg.,the geeeta /am a waxes Mitaleaer anish„.14 ported the Mayoralty vote at the time of life Med' on the piatform with the 070, 414), Otefiviitoo, ',IrePleded bias 2,5110; while the diondon raper Ntrutatrautir°if pt:trtr8(thrullIsta'r 0•1,.'11%7441,, .11:31414tploc,o.-74:;1411Witriro 133.415,Agteatat*::. hediaara 4•14* Aotira. 11111 •-• vrona7--atz; 0.214 t _ *.M•iV - 1 %.17,4-4*V.1144rt tr 4 114,rd, r. 0,tArtbarria (7=h, -tats tVeLllasti cAttolital rrOlomp, ar0 _er.46itiman7,1,37. to:teacher* and rctaciars. ctld tb-tt one-csoner0r, criticism ot onr cekoot ie, "Tiro eiatla bol'S add girls Who - 111, 114 can't do int'elh145 e 043t242" listltdontre tipat,teidern •Of Inaitt4tr7 aoto 6444'4' .04 *tio, ir,r4rton'wizo Can do cmo. g well,..ti,e.°1 It JP go,41t4e bee4. make stOre that theY 023Wer 'WO af-4- ita of going to press as Day Bob, cipal. ,the vice.principal and the P1440411t0,0441" a4.sehoiars whO Nported vote at 12.20 a.m. as MY, tion, and C. COnlineriVoil, Vice- ellKl-the'WorlPir aeldevete7fts -Ott trropeatir, tow, .:,Wn.-;-:-oeriouRii- •' """''''''''"--74.•to*••47Stenweitl,e.com ineeetigating Dominion -Provincial re- lations that the _VA rithate Provinces unite under one provincial government' and that the (hive Prairie Provinces alter unite to make one province, !Mee - ada-rhtur-would---have-Ave••prov-hioes- the Maritimes, Quebec, Ontario, the one combined 'prairie provinee, and UrttL'th Columbia (including the Yukon). The proposal. appeals 44) those who imagine that governmental inetitutions can tre parcelled ant necording to a design on paper. Already the cene meat has come from down by the At- -lanticetuat the pelage of the Maritimes tenleeeoatapeateat to __leak, after their own atfaire and will not welcome any suggestion for nnion earning from in outAtie souree. And what a pret- ty dispete .there would ite before the three Prairie Provinces could agree upon a Provinela 1 ea pita' ! . The' argument le that one provin- cial administration would be cheaper than three. This leaves out of ac- count the tremendous expense and in- .- convenieuce a travelling the immense .'411sta n ces from the outlying pa rts the pravince to the proyincial capital, wherever it might be. It also leaves weekeethe-liallewas teethe gabfeet • t_ outiralleeount the e -fact-that the far- , titer legislators anti administrators are the • old-timer. there wag' a line fire ea from the people the greater the temp- in the parlor heater and -I wes mighty d that I cut that wood last whiter. — dst • tion is that fro/yawed ../aoraine palmy temp' Association, -were 14.1caultria l‘a:dvP .t6174 - -111 • figures. vice functions, one felt a little nervous and 1412e;ette 01,t,Attd,P4111-1144 WIT1 .Z. der to caul) the late evening crowds arke-"eaeniag" iralrerea veleith are 13)4b. theaear-Fevritt-tr1440-41t-014224,3;deVae. * 1.1, ()Mem yeu win met tire Kiang is Iroise& well before midnight or. lilted t/40 less exalted dram the ilfe that as 1*ga/hie IDO ra$, lo, and give it a good lead over the next a little subdued at -Ora araedag all Yeti the Ileet4tel' "vver47•4 011142 the 610re auk tafsela Ottrialtal rviatt-*exuei*. /1-ta'Sg•Plifge;*.c•tte, 4**4kft; riaotVarratagersent lor,Diace2 !Mal*, py _timaryloadaneCto. varied_ Mble 411'0°0.. .ra 140 lagz17-1=6"- of Toronto that *cannot get *their pregratat !tot tune, tout4-_ "morning" 'payer Until the morning; and the passing over the' platform or .th2E4--ca. 47#:telat adortaitt-tt, tita to • lisifed at mid-day. It is perhaps not lent company they Were aud, tot, Imo- Mem cl-`41574,41 lad• that itht Verr 4 the gt•aduating ciaoti and - the Prini vrwehadf ' a31,,,4,17Vi",'-'4,,it,4,,,4„,....,ktf;`. - .114 but a metropolitan newspaper -ntatur- ,_ winners, at the itaIll .of their nangs,9 --,f.„- ' .,,,---;-' 7•-u. _,,,------,,, ,----- --- --,,,,,,,, izt--catert_ta_Alie,..110M19.#211-..--,...! invoztded-ttratf-volixtrit ;-',iii'*`'"'Dt4.;'111.'ti'''''' -1144-wit the -gar -rather than teethe and the pleasure,of,1,,,,Neanning_ k Enguoik-i;V:4-4"4"4 4...,;.„.„ iasinurtoeiviam:Azorahae-:. -..:,°,•,.4,7‘.6e smaller and more scatteaett etteelelatleMo Young fame and Dalian' tIII Intr41:10 Wliscul ••• . -,,,, - - oo- -•or - ," " --- of ,persottaltty Which disallowed one: MIS ora4e 0,100,6,:oattqt'lyt tt'a•tiorc.wizs. at a, plistance. - dull uipante. ' . ,'• . Yale Wm.' .7k u- 9"46?'" - iw,uu. ' ! . tgz,1 ‘.,(711Pmn 44E4e4-.if,i L)o'Itz o. mr-IlltDr .M0 ,Pov, tt de# Ooo. V. 4 VOtZ1104. Ilto-oe nal ,trr.k.J' -,*,oToM;t'OitM'---bga .-Ut7; • Obi at4inti, is one a tito new vlikeettresis; Onto. ° ; 1t3VantlUCRatterS4n carried oZ the Orte leItehrel. vibUe r. Etowc capturad P4=04.111; '40. !Sanderson wap:.a, “surPrise Winner, 1313 •-• 01a* UPV1112.1tOt 01704 014 'Girl, Won OrSt paw in the thrldre contest, to% tl The Mount kle-reliettitateariteltiareit" Teilt4:11)"t14-1;rer:rrnCC.'vri,litlen "tid..-the 4°2 :jeer att witelts;',441ri; icelaream bad " • 11'J • ItaLlttlp44, alto, 1.4-44.1it*nVi t4tite. tiTnto,4 Irilodorich vns24 tr4.4- ber aunt, clIxe. 4,-mta=147-45ortola... ,,,,(1211:accennt, of -a ter19015.'cold, Eronor- ary,riZecrotary *4-41.41goo• to Otay at bogno tor tllo OVeatag, much aaall1Whi.1 0,- T,13 thirty'dibotti 402414 at-hoatie et the"auron Old*Roye ,;4'ociationt win Va.tititfiaitinz-mt,,C3111- ,topid tY•-avontort rOata, on*,4,Wedner4r4 ovoninr/, „Taunt:try Inb, ICA and Sea 'tit) to every ,:inronitto turn out and theat 'It. 0 .40 0 • -• It poO't3t -o131twv 4a- itia'ai MatfOlit ate a rratia.41fe At A.. )a.O. .1g."0 toOt raeo the -Pleal*L-* ' • ZEr. E. Zt chola. Ocatortia, is a -evicalitoresIde t. e to' a son the late qgot JaCI=Rikt conerti Inter - o • V ••••• a list of the Lieutenant-Governore of a hie ‘giO;iiip iiliWsaatiaitlaauot- 'erreti3gAtni:131F111-..1...:12171e42142. ,ontiirio once confederation. and -notes gr" The -same thing could hav: nuiPeopl_e.. • . X to go to InUarfaiorilit4:Ca itiffrlfutte_a_nemattv_ef, .....thows..x4 been tiaidl Of' the --boys who.. ledeeeree., 8M11", that--platform---to-reeelv eonnected with' party politics.. It cam- had won -in -diplomte' -phi, oricerti- _ We dou't ./..tttOV:, • a heajd'Ailin 'W:ifoferVirtmartbsimouvltept'lia.milet. worth anything en suet, matters g s. crevtrd • epereamee. through the arts comae. 'Fourteen anyhow. 'but we believe that Mr. Marshall.hed a good ordina.ry Wee- more girls had secured their Matricue- eat-ion-1 that he taught whool for a latioa pass. Then there were the ''''"uaulm AnTouall Meedilatg 017 time; that he published and edited. a newspaper or two; thatThe who oreadered one of our leadiug plat- form speakers; that be. --f high political -posts in Alberta and Ontario, and- weald seem to have had some experience in- public life, und to have performed some public mone Twenty-nine • ,tikra—ttki`i* 4,,—•-• (00 ir eek Seeter.•eteereWeeeeee . . • herviee. We don't see where he might not have -been as personable -figure as some who have repre- eented royalty at Toronto. The Con•federate apparently shares the opinion of other _papers that the aaseiseatetge the suggeated. appoint- ment of Duncan 'Marshall came ATtll: prize -winners who looked' flushed and happy. The boye were particularly well groomed for the oceashm. Some me-hatleteen-amele at mirrors that night to gee every last -hair "StrifIght----veatomPlik----Naaa--430.---no-th. and the tie -just so,- to say nothing seventh annual meeting of the Huron about the care that had been exer- Old Bois' Association of Toronto was cieed to get the right creftee tate held in the West End Y.M.C.A. on Pants.' 1So mtiny of the graduating Thursday evening laet, the 25th inst., girls were robed in long, white, flow- ing dresees, some silke and satins. with the president, Mr. W. A. Buehan- Hump 011(1 Dego Tonatttal--*- CD2cego Elacacall an, in the chair and a good attendance It is to be hoped iris not the priee that has to be paid to he graduate a members representing every section at Danforth Tech. The longeet and of the old' county. loudest eiap was given to a crippled The reports oil the secretary and girl. After -ala ate -heart of people tr.eaeurer showed the Aseociatioa to be Who couldn't !help liking the way The ullales of euebre and • bre ly from the big hugs of Toronto Una the Prinetpal add-reeeed the graduates? were 11;:lulged In the remainder of the "(391111134nee" evning, after which a dainty lunch was their echoes through the Province. Ills play on that word ment" was 'very much to the good., served, and everybody went home showing ite, s ggeet 1 veness for what theee boys and girls had reached in the wny %tartly and -responsibility where they cross Ube crowded ways of life. Their day of toil, stress and strain Was not over.• It Wan just coal - menet lig, offering- t hem finest oppor- tunity. Their diploma or prize was - not to assure them of one sense Of sewrierity. it was a call to them to -ge fforivard into lite imbued. with the law that respeets the rights of man, the golden rule, and to 'show the faculty- of 'how--to--get along _happily with one another. They' had now reathed the place where they surely -NNeaUltiament, to 'study without being driwn to it. --f? heaealaer he was afraid their trainin-g had been In vain. They had a 'body which of coueee could not be added to, but it could he kept 'healthy and clean and inIsmottwinentwonty had a mind which could be a noble thing. They had a soul which might • be found as a temple of honor and virtue. Principal Merguson in •his earnest, sincere renterke made us halt back to what we hitt iella-Orstaie ly, virtuous Arnold, headmaster of the famous ltuOy !School. One of the trustees provided us with the teinee hura-or in the excellent program. He told stories that. made „the hosts of young people roar with delight. We (ihreFinia- enjoyed -the Net as. well. The story of the fat teacher asking a student whae it is thatela centbry can do that I can't do?" and the replY, "Take bath lie a salt - ear," went. over wen. This story was tesat to many of us. The teacher asked, What is volcano? The pupil answered. ".A. naolantain with a hole -ande' if yea look down the bole you could see the -creator smoking.' In some 62 the hoeilera be recited we were told how Joan of Are wan Noah's wife; a erra:CA4 Widower -Le; the husband of a dead reatarian; steel wool was e 1(400 114 Jodr.aulle ihat etrete't me as funny in the prime - giving were the plumbing prizes. That marely is pm:netting new in 'pehool life. Why didet they teach plumbing when 11 trent to =aloe? There would be fewer helplesa around. the Image to look after the thechazisations of bathroom, ete„ teteta thitvp YllasE g LEV UOWEig marry 3. Boyle MUM I was reading the paper today with the wind. starting to howl in the ea rei mei the snow that Was coming down 111 Daggy spots was getting tossed against the windows. Just lite last -1EatIon- eeetraeuganceented berme- cratic methods. We venture to say that if the union scheme were adopted for the Prairie ProVinces it would not -.4-43--teen..peorste.fore_a„formillable...P15?!..t. anent would arise to dissolve the union. if the prairies ever become well wpm- - toted!, the iteaideney will be to make more; tattier than fewer, adtainistra- ' ' . If reducing the number of provin- c141 OVeranitarts is advieable, why not do away with all of them and have everything adaliniotereil from Ottawa? ErDtrironta, NUTIES 111.614.41.1.141....114 "Quints getting ready for ,IS7enta.ri- Newspaper headline. Goodness! That reminds UK O o 0 Thee:pet Fair will probably have an indleeet egeet In. drawing attention to the facilities for reading provided by our public library. - O 0 The strainling- of the BrTcoldoe chould be a strong point in the reQueal, to be presented at Ottmva for a re. Creating of -Godericla harbor and its approactes. 0 0 0 fiederich merehauta have laid in large stocks, for the Christmas trade. Tal --ax? hi no neCeseity to go oaat the Dotal atom to see an eIrtensiVe atite. Coo of °holiday goods. 1 4.;,',e; -S.1-• here -1616r -thosicleormed fellows are talking about the busi- ness of eating, and of how emne people ehould have a diet, and just mope along on orange -juice and toast and koititir Inhty-MitoctleTer.and-eutybe..a promise to their stomach that as soon as the doctor was in a better humor they woeld hare a beetisteak. N'iotte, I don't bold much by any such actions as that. To me a- man.% a men when be can sinir-gr good meal down under his belt and. then go out and do a good day's work. Somehow or other the sight of vvo- 'nen picking any at. a little dab of this and that in (lichee °reminds me of old tillidelejayur little red ken. Eat:A- ter some grain on the Chat theehen house 'floor and wateir -her picking away. The only differenw is that she eats until she's ratislied, and that'a a lot more than you, can aty for Crave of these, Pernittity woMen. - • -- I wonder how come of. them would lige 011 ftorm. You take in the pin - ter and you're a.nxions to Oa OU EtO the bugh tor an early start; and,tray- be the wife is away. Yon ooze 414i,1713 the kiteten azgl the fire is out Mad them is a stranbe, silent chillia=a at Me= -to--emne-:over JUst•before the °malt of day. tau do info. the pantry. and the floor Is cold and you have the et. Vitals dance rhea cold cornea creziOing ettp through your stiockint, ' Itou're in a =Ty and the butter to U3 'ha -4T as a rat and =ally the ,o titt it.1 rather ‘far-letched cay that teit'e 114.entesantelGovernor the Peoelmeial taatital. atZ4Vattatir* nethiag to do tvittt et*, '-*,„ttitcl•-nt. it is =do kr, Aid fedi. ttlio4.c'iament. and the appointee eroe.ratt the- tIOUtate -itteolan Aleotiatssg ee. ea(' breaz t -J 1W11,,z22, voti, try to coroa' L0 cinittir on, the ktrodd, en= ouci 311.-4) atound 11 wad t,7-1hz-3 little &alb .61 Weal ,dind trItter., tot tanally ot, toe ,EnucZa ,tmItt Clip 'wa- pat and 44e LI that thtt tea itxV.,,,,1 le* tiyio tor 'tz-14tic,aztal,". ut Vsletv hiiIl37 011z31$ ,the leitto . 311 trot' aotta, 'or ti 41tte 1.1 a ti•till trgtatt. orttittt, U lat, cool. rind, you, t tz- litt7, to ratty ttNnsit;titl relo,ltrows ItIrto shefect=7.U7,--..z.• llgtt late the t1az Iron •*1! !tV1-A,-tv4t011.04"...Ott_t11/0,,010.04Int4 tr4t., :`,0,441,1414,1eA'' 0ot.,-tazut dtma Tz3 4ta1tiFriati tZ4t4tolo. England, thit, °titer t -d,, fkrilrf-la ,17V,•1,4, T•‘1,to handle ,sii:4:,,,=“4,=:so, trIttal*,:atla d tl,„t the althea. elek, ittx 41td. , -i1t IQ ,C=44 ta# t.v3.‘o tI t:5 r,"a tdiutIma 111.,p • • - - ° .ea'a-ehtt-a. Ito , fga by tray c�U1 I ara 1.1= 1.-°---(10,0„ tza, t:,,,..-4.1 ititva. to taii.,foiCntr`4,0=4atv(a,p,`':?-1 4444 alit oi) alA 41111.,1;t4or,,, It,to la:','.,t, 174' .',A ::-.4to•V,',4o thla ttatlan tTat'---0,Vtg.---li to 0,....tt .1='* 4' - • 6t„-„zat'''t a Vilatat . --, 4‘ — , . ''''''' ' 4 ':' of 4llz- a .inz ' 0o t r_4'...a 1,-,.,z) -,1 4 • ' .-, , .,"1•2 ,1,-;.= t 4=s-va ,c„tt, ri, a":„.,•••,•. AI di 11 ood • do of . u 1 111 uae ofol and-fplirgera tifertont ,ot ,Razel' - .M„.„. Wnd- vvisitors tt-tho li ,444 :ot their --tia;.euts, Ur.. and VIM aexc. Morton. ttr. ond Ws. Frant4 Elorton,l`of Lis. tOtlel tisitadt-selatives here and at g'otter 14 atilt eNeeetilia4. , ---- - • Tales reari niter, o.f. Guelph, was at MO hoVe' of her Vare 1).% Ur. am' Mgt ittrevit,,-, 211Unter, over Sunday.. Zoe Cott, who waS working . for Vitra ° res., of Carlow, for the flail Mr, and•Urs. James 'Horton and son 44 raentlai. la ho e, „ . Teddy iwas'e °Sunday visitors with Mr. • Eif' ton of laseter, ‘whe w a ia,a0.,1z,ML, 41_414us. Gen. Falconer, Goderich town-. tgpe tor a amalmr,o... e,lm, Oat 1-1 • , 11.1 L r;r.,•-:,f.,Z1 ri,IC•32 to, tom to. oitattwir4,1ovIPIID-747,1MW 4Z,74(tqt stMt obar03. Oliver t Pnz:44-ott 11 ya4w. 0 vita tw Hortma, and' fatxtily 41°4 Sunda* laooaf. - st .erek -onr martt, brtlitt , tile threohloaie ChlohOl vao 0=01 4 at tbe ere Bto4 cocw, tep the bits ditch dila ft Titivdoltt 414 kot2„ Dave and Kith, and 'PlOterr; B e, and° dauclAer.:4Mt;"4.4..M 111 t , z res ding in town, r20.10k the winter Ilienth.o. Ward has traP raM3",y"! occident which '1144411'; 11' t". ship. -urday night Whilifitlflafill Vezty° Ote`eeelie johnet4re, ef Niie, and Cherlie 4aorat have taco gutting wood for tile garlarle•M the Igmt T'Aes41,1,ag Mra. Joseph Cook was preztaring dinner sh.e slipped on a mat 41-IMPRIVIOL2-ttttrvelite-4-Trist-tit two placp, Tap. Cook is in her eigh- ty-fon:rib year, hi* we are Berry that thia aeeident should haillgen. CaViert ounkl, of Dunlop, who was itairen to Goole/rich hospital Ole hopes tom •to be hack holpe at.P • acmazaw, .ENTkov. :-The popular from work Oa blk,1 ITQAMPIP,110 eflalig2d with a car. elile vat ttlzaidt, an don hospital with V.V4P,t1tista.„" any old friends and teelltivilla hem areall ,s ,orrY, to hear ..02 4to aceideat, n „ , PIValOnralt ItlaY IL7a0 talking to his Aunt Miry. Ste said, &wen, Mpg= yOU,11 start to Scbcol 6.11 "Mat ewould 41 do an dehool-I Can't -ei1, 2V2 fehad-aaele_geogiSa.Ko, 0 entertained even, mad. or write? Aldo% . 0Outateron.In IMO. H. 01. is a chip ;tia the old block. . e,‘ The folloWing ate the calcers elected rdiner, T. Effe- area, A. a Keir:Jear rgipt 3.,1Dianean. nee e m,,t04.441Vhec,...1"1,-3. Ors. mawitbt-wes. Wean, vsnume aT•-•_. - - *Tai,fi/127ar;-45-ra-vdikt61711'` Mrs. Jos. Beck; Mrs. R. Holmes, Mrs. W. Sanderson, rs. J. A. alaelzaren, Mrs. S. L. Scott,4Mrs. Zimmer, zaz.s..-1. altleVittie, FACTS. E. :FloodIT, ev.' G. W. Hanna. Past president---rair. W. A. Buchan- an. t -Dr. r. Belden: ItZ?11,- CO tmzo kr1pc 'POOVOing. .d.d TR t'otteWrofti C 1, A t•-r•Ni. , .00, • alte-rata.aaq,. vzzrcatct'w_tt,?°_P4-IPfg,' Attottorow.o. idddi ozoo-,41.7 - oirgasm k vice -presidents --°Mr. H. M. Jackson, Dr. J. G. Pergusen, Mr. Tt. W. Tooke, 'eft. A. alieQuarrie, Mr. W. F. Ctnete- lon, Mr. G. M. Chesney, T. Mus- tard, Dr. Byron 'Campbell,. Me. W. -E. H'auna, Mr. A. G. Smith. 'Honorary secretary--1Mr. E. Floody. Secretary ---Mr. 0, Sheppard. Assietant sec ret a ry----IMiss Grace Sterling. Financial secretary -air. John Moon. Chaplain-.1tev. R. - Auditors -1H. I. orri h, tGeo. E. Ferguson. Committees &loving pictures of Goderich Old W. A. Buchanan, Mrs. W. A. Campbell, ---[-SEtePORtiontirsz.44P111.-Beidenridrs. haPPY- Home iWeek, willet tad been taken by lire. H. J. Hocrgins 'Mrs. Geo. E. Fer- guson, A rs. ,14onatoot. tRefreshmente-Mrs. . Thompeon, Mrs. le M. Pringle, I's. B. -Stowe, es. W. A. Doner. Programe-eMr. M. Wickens, Mr. W. E. Hanna. 'Mr. A. MeQuarrie, -Miss Wanier, Mrs. 3. 0. Forgulgon. iPublierty-ilir. A. G. Smith, r. E. Floody, lir. B. . MeCreath. Tisiting-Mrs. EL I. EXOWn. Management Committee -Dr. G. F. Belden, Me. 1. liEdLitiren,---W. A. Bu- chanan, R. rooks, 1131. la. 3 eon, T. 'Mustard, R. Sheppard, John °Moon, mid, B. IX. dacCreatt, nootly, at' Morrishe Geo. E. Ferguson, Mrs. G. P. Belden, Misa Anne Crittenden, Lars: p. Thompson, !Mrs. IL B. Stowe, liars. -L. 'M. -Pringle. -Mr:, E.---BLatma„. Geo. C. Young, Miss S. Walker, IS, lc Wickene, Mrs. I. itia. Brown, Dr. 3. 0. Ferguson, Aa.'ith, D. D. Wilson, L. M. Pringle lOonvener of 'dietri.ct eommittees1-- -Mr.. A. 0. --Smith.. E1) "Ltriet tlisrmitteza Goderich-.B. McCreath, chair- man, CR. C. King, Mr. and Mrs. Athol Mcguarrie, Mr. earl Etisa Carrell, Miss L. Beck, Mrs. H. J. 0. Cooke, Lira, . A. Donor, Tar. lamest M. lee. Preston. Strang, Jr. J. Page, Qr. and. Geo. -C-.--,Young;Air. -and_ 21. 13. Stowe, arold Walters, Mr Ralph !Sheppard, iss Doris Hill, John Parsons, a. Ullman, Miss Sthel Zarrow, Mr. elville 'Mr, and Mrs. II. E. (Worse', tar. and MI's. W. E. lEiranna, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter. goatortn-ctr. IE[. J. Hodgins, chair- man, 'Mrs. °Hodgins, Ear. and° Tiro. D. D. Wilson, air. al. Jae -teen' U. and Mr'. Geo. Love, Mr. attl lam. A. E. Ftorbes, Mr. and Bard. G. 112-. Catea: -neyr-tars- and-lars.--37-.---Joraea-- Winglhatt-tar. B. Brodlea, chair- men, II= °Brooks, Mr.. .3110 t.,100. V. Gillespie, IA; add las. , Mr. and Mrs. A. C.'Clhapanin,,Mr.„,atad tars. W. ta Pearson, 12ar..dth Tars. Hugh Watulitolt, Miss Maley Patter-. eon, Mr. and tars. D. Robertson. Mr; caul Ilea W. 3. Zerr, raid Mrs J. Latilane. nissels-lar. 111. Prinale, chair- man, Vringle, fiar. citid LIM Geo. Thotaten, lir. and %ars. Searlett, Mr. and° Mrs. My Pryloe, Miss La 3ryour.4, and Lars. Cu. Dr4..and,,I,Ita. a. O. Voranton, Mr, and Elrt; , _MAN -no. John, Mon,' chair an, aril 'Moot, tlr. Q'' Lin. Marry Sloan. tiro. I. ta.,.123/61-724, attv. W. Eroati,, tjr. tat Ilra, tlota,„ etott. 1.1r. and Llto, '%zorita,„1.1r. rottter-dortio:-4,1p. .,0=z0 ft-rzralate-and Ti. (12v44:13: V1.--Ya"TrIV Fred .Brophey o2 Cleveland, 'were shown during the 4e -retitle.? and are 4ine record of some ef the Old Home Week activities. The picturee are remarkably clear, showing a large see - tion of the parade and many groups of _prorainent citizens and 0 eiale of the town. '1May‘or alacilOwan, G. L. °Parsons, Cowncillors Humber and Bak- er, Principal Stonehouse and many others eareea mong---those much_ln_av 1 - deuce. The pictures of Miss 1. Shar- man of the eentr 1 school and the grpmps,an_the_palmolzrounds are ex- ceptionally good._ l'-'...-..111a1-1,Valret. Buchanan, J. 4. umiciaren. Bev- C. McDermid, B. H. MeOreath and many others of the Huron Old Boys' .ASSO- <dation of TorOnto are also much in eildenee the' Piettireff. • - Annsug Eazme 1P'rweatS - Among those present were the fol - 'own*: air. and ;litre. W. A. Buchan- an, and !Mrs. G. F. Belden, BET. and Mrs. 111. XL<Crenth, Dr. and 'Mrs. II. J. 'lodging, ,r. and 11114. John aloon, °Mr. and &Mrs. L. -M. Pringle, (Mir., J. A. MeLaren, Iltev. It. C. Me- inerinid, Mr. anti liTrs. I. 11. Noble, Mr. Leek Kennedy, Niir. and Mee Guy, Dr. and Mrs. Byron Campbell, Mr. . I. Morrish, Mr. and, Irks. H. B. Stowe, Wig.- 'W. A. Compile% Mr. IL C.. fltme bury, Mr. R. Leiper, r. and lam, M. Saudergon, Mr. It G. Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs. °W. D. °Sprints, miss G. Hamilton, MTS. • S. L. Scott, lain M. Proctor, Ilfre, D. 'TheyeapeOrt, %Use V. Paterson, Bliss air. anti flats. M. ,Scarlett, SZr. and Mrs. 3. IP. Gil- lespie. 'Or. and Mrs. 231. C. Sloan, Mir. and Mrs. R. rooks, Mr. n. jack - son, Mr. R. 11. eteppard, WM. L. Opeare, Mrs. Geo. 'Bo.rtloy, dalca Searl an-gseY, Mro. Hickson, MISS Jean 3111- 1-er, Sinr. J. lit---tarker, A. G. °Stuart, the Misses Laitautchlin, A. LagGativpv and anati5t others. filc,k3 Rev. E. C. ttcliertniti and) J. A. Mc- iLaron hooked up in their weal euchre gnme with tbe usual result. oThese two should stick to lasting. 1;1 oi )io i:ab 0,7471 ,t=-1 and that ,tvas bunuse them was too muekatt=etion in wanting around tin the Zotiigantileftl at= tiu ti era.azt.- ior 411 th 1i11e, tun" he 'has (tutu. coet,- Ina W..1 tzealtz f14. alt 'tirrty V.4% 15t*rytht213 tatItty slain' ttib Owe. ql,tct ot eoure tcle ttotza *to .ietcati;Mit SlakLzitwM-p ot imo!InC'h " ithIl ct3tattt -110-41:14,4‘ Lila."1,4,111k 4:47« Uti Old iTot.11,1-i-ita at -74414 Ot? p.ktztt tO 0460.0 t.4 at.,1 -Lil 4o, 1;,;ii'llt,„ te,t, ie.t=t4:4 otb,f430 ,.91N11.10 tOtA• ,t,cezt 01$ '.$741.11v 4 41‘, •t=n3, tat4 VolzreT t=t1? tja�t0 tt,41,I 'Wc- ,ittatlo x`,'J,Lat, 1:441ti#4,',8`nt ',S=1„,•14 ''t4att, '4 4 'Oen" Ti4=1-4=' Or -Z14 1%41 4, sty° Huron oid Boys' are candidates ,tor aidermanie bon= in Ward ft They are N. CatteXp, korrnerly and Alan B1000176, formerly of' Exeter. Dr. 130tra, the new President, fortnerly from, Geaforth and latter11$ 5ilnton. 0.its a anraeon dontia with a large eity praetice. He is a live valise tad 7:111 naa a Ord -class Ire- oIding o4leer, and it "fortunate in bay,. ing such 3 capable executive as MO. aelden mita tad). the quailon. ,phitilia of itOtana qiit-o,',vatiV.014mt,'und '2,ty2ar lad toy. tsttny 414 Ittto tItttnad the Ihil,a4tAI-I5I..-11,4M--Z.1 nittkY A. tellaW, "70. 5fil4od7i, 101toor ana Z„ W.Wolteeath ' tsio ,t1 ,4%, forralo' Clinton Ma Elm, ,atitt4t3 Zaotzom 40474-4 hot) o/ the lake 11614Z atat .1a4t t70;g: aloe a Uzi; 4 railaWlk lare tad trav.„, 1.11-41, (W.) 'tat 14 14., Ittanto and ttio. 4'. .1. 41%•••=0„,, BRIING HOURLY PLEASURE TO EVERY MEMBER OP --THE T} -{EY ARE DEPENDABLE AND ARE UNRIVALLED FOR, TONE AND VOLUME. Mil -wore DO170011113aratiOI110 anven - widetizett. ,dollagaziTem.- mlla1i91 :-ii© Neretlena 131eetrie Degu 04 Ectina Aye. 71-34 Phone 303 e -.1a a ale ,1 • e Otaaracittio teao,,t1c*Itbt. Cato. l'Abtrozt, =414 lalvt TI° Irrril i13l'5-13l:11iadaY', •Cr. 44 Vkle. 114, Magma. tit3oyClotir-t-42r. Z., !Pziztc,ork., chdfir *1 , MattZ10Grace 1.Sterlin'3- • '.• -okatt(•:1,1ra.„,,Jr'. ttitnotard; U1. and to. D'otrt'l trind6tteplZiw Cadte'c'Mr-tiet'i Wan1 .1tItclaltney. ik ThtO2V 041‘.4 .andienO ,Ma ttn'tP cI11\14 at,•412 CwColf4 1,CraV1„ N1t'r&--11), Tata, 1-14 aral V.to, 4..O‘r"%1 Oa the preoteceion of mai own cdslz dad secnritieS we Eacie pleo. vied vaults of tried and .tened streagth. 1111 these yanks vie have installed Safety Deposit Moues fox ghe arpnvetzience, of alumnus x;/11zo • ilesim t decuard their vallunabBoo. "Mow Lsrito cao micifildbIle aivariotts '.31124tatl kw/ reratatd. . ttasatl*: 112144 aaatate,s 'e'X.>14.4‘763a tt7-,t,) Vu,i74‘ •