HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-12-1, Page 2tri erk7M (0,90 GOZNIZEOZI /1-= Einicription price *2.09 per 'year, OLEO if paid in advance. Suleteribero Ib netted Statee will pleace add We ger poatage. • TEIn SIGNAL -STA PRESS Wedneedey, December let, 1E37 TN1M VEICT011111,A, ELECTIOR1 A bye-electio) in Victoria, B.C., on !Monday, for the at in the Bowie of Commone rendered vacant by the deeth a Dr. S. P. Taira -ie. reoulted in the election of R. W. Mayhew, Mir. Mayhew la the first CLAberal to ibe cent to Ottawa from Victoria in enennett took pert m Data Cor the Concervative candidate, Acting the electore to wage= di p- ---peonaeleof the propoaed trade agreemen•t -between /Great Britain, and. the Unite4 atatfef3, avhieb be held would endaneer the ritish preference on, Canadian Mad. When the result of -the Poll- ' lag. wee announced Prime Minister ggi elan henre a statement .&reainA.424,1,:lil:"AUtitiOattrea, the Government cardidate showed that cengenada believee in dn. eepansiou of Anternationai trade as a "Wore '-'1511i'-aFirnognzidtreeanoo‘nalreefee There was- a MAI candidate, Prof. Ger*. , ne9KelatITITee the oeneeareeeeeeeeeiOe o:,taleaarePelleetareao-e..a, ofeseeeeeeettaienet, Se.C.V. This waSithe Imre biiirqaiW..tedn't1Wre-Vcicetorirg ;za=rratat.,,Lz.p,. Other "raeMentoue conference of ittk and PinVehvtatV7,,=,zeng WhilP the, states=ilLta111...tholr_ e _eintee act. - O 0 0 A. A. line -apo, (W.V. member ter Noreb Winntpee, =Into percOna dam sizty yearo og of e to have Stele sloes. It woold colinala st n• , o IPA .1,11 4, • O 0 ,e ,We ought to get over thio notion that the Bnklial. it to eacroteenen-e. 1i waf, a mnoterplece ealal*Ir terea and compromicea are- TAM inapernme Dent forms a uettlement. ir2313 SU Montreal Day Mar. We do not Onow that aneteody attnehes wry peuuliar virtue to the B.NIA. Act. It was a bargain beiween the varus ioProvinces by which they yielded eertaln of their riehto in order that the Dda Dominion of Cana* ,miGht come into beine. .akloti it io pretty generally conoldered that further ettn- • caions of Provinciall--iighto-D roglairvgraiairenti"intitn4=--41f41-he-- Province n do not wish to make these eurther cOn02,5810110 they are quite within their rights and there lo no use Th In scolding them. e tuation cello for very carefin and aymPallie netnego- tiation, 1r 311. • .1t4v $zto, lana m,a tt;c, reVe 4C7,40'4`' boTgrtt„.t4, to ,t;..1t0, oad 0041tPcg; MV.Vom. lano *be ot,wi ttxt.-13 igligtr-errithe ir40,7*IP,,r,,-1?ncMtt0",,c4' Intvt,T..!stla karn•Vm taaqit :41r01013.• 1,z0 It? '414 .1.101$44 hire,,,J' the ait 42 laatg,v,`,1 ffAlt .010 Irt goat. We all '1,1 Macrm111113' at 'ma riketcKtif44. thtliVk• the nt$4t tt turned, got, Iv it 1,7alq. co cod lthat It vere,cmento, Ing beade a Ore in the hon,44': and pteemted out In tlgg told Yel.kz, cOni.4 ant tlze little beads a Vozera ovx4t; ono. J.plittirtey- .141, 'otz4 tan. the inerninG,` When we went ..tiret te do the choreal, One the ent•mile# had h9pPesed that 11 Om* dild see. Vie Cold had -taken all Ai. etretpla out, 02, that Wee -eta harness and the (loci - done cleiGh was draWn right up to the post. Mind you, it tad ahrutat and drew it right up dbout twenty4ive feet Tev, dr. sore as cit here." ' Tin coite, that's tae woz•with; Peter, he Oracted out 'to tell about the cold, ate then drifted ofr anther c1,11- Orem ke cot really wamed n,20 rand -tititittert0 tell about the tame .tka •jjfi-Sop--itatade-- dints,a out ug eszteT.tedu_to Go to a dance. It rained all the way. and when he • • -411" ..0%Vn n- 141/°4;' 1140, InfQ .f4.0 Y, Ware or , :Mt. it '• certainly trtie of con:ay.-Vire-a in this toWn- • ' • ,n,co raaalr =min (Peel Gazette) ' (0),' ,r4:744 .401rD 011 r,i1.100 110, riot -41anit, the fkeetireereell e Got there they were stretched co much ars think it no disgrace to aslt fikte ge.m...-..,entatliyea of the Provincial , _ verninent0: fianada,__ igneetini eenTerenee with menthe= of the Do- nianien (Cabinet, have unanimously de- cided that no parent, who has child- ren ea hle of' grovkiding for Pale or her cement, ehouldrbe allow on the old nee gamier' lact• . &arms is a wise one t kit would be wholly uhnevactary ra4. spirit of fifty y;, -,ars taco esdated Crab- ada today. 113a tite past century Intel thinG vac/ never he of as c ren, oven Mazola pinched tliennelve% allow4na 414 • •%.1•4-4-rQz-1,1..q0, *e= An interesting cl intOhmetive a4- dress on "Cana6'o lrourla linduatrY" was heard, * metnimp. a to 1440.112Q, aathered1_14, ZrttIolt 141•:kzfli,n14113,.)1Votel Thursgy iu lateednt! 141110:4-* *taker was Mr. J. D. T-4,,wire,ati, A -Ara lvivutly. moved to'Godenich ftaoln a IVton,„wkeze vrav act* promet- aemstlaInG attritet toorl.,14 ,that, ear mid district. - - (Mtr. The.ratio, ;Gang a. tlk.r,t eam. lad by the tr twist azareintlion Quel=, showed ttr he "ourist enatrnr lat In the nethlrerlax41 of three hum- dollara in Canada•annual- ly. That a Ount pivhably VtIO ea. ceeded thig year, he Enid, with) Ontiario .111i neeet flam'eonl-derattcon," to Cat& VorAtfioa anti, Plfaht'41103, GIMP? 04t,S CaWk ttiv,V,. and -P -Q4',,____10' '43 arter4 Wm/v*0 - -17-14,CA tgatt _onuOgvallties and -Wino? Thee" help, but mkt inottler Ole ooVe of Wayo and me= of at- ticiati-ertetritnts,,oalgag veeticing,and•co-operationi belvicen'dic- triet towns 'on particultw dimwits, e dowse, a tomb mt=t be attkactive. He said he was inopartig •ateracted On arriving 111 Gael:mint/ hY th TarantY of the town and the Men& line= °title inhabitonts. The twat-0ot 'trade, he otserved, o'er* tainly demander -earnest ',attention, Or Latfitalo derives- -mare • =Vt. MIA ;taairistz tban from h e-maints,nanee Of alb t,,Z7 •Gettins tlires: eats to begeniC a . Malik alr..140" 4,;;;.: hundre Mon doliam• ,., --V,----au-llstanmd,--,h4E---Di :ear& -=-4-1-1-44,Y -----77e.,2-7c4t, Ce=Lteene..-Lona_Mer-eo reported 'a Toronto, some paients, al- ,,Aray- trade which wrill rexesent tbcntILI? °Ile to imtlutain their °wn three leendeed eaninIonee areetrally le and Pits IpintirtT mom --co tight-. Mu= "• rin!....Mmt that 'Ite too?..r og- hie 1-plintla • buttolia-laiff corspendema onto leGGInge and uced them, for pants. Peter mevar • =Bed e neeen- 0 The Ottawa Journal having ex- la( don't telt 13We/en _about, seven 1aarue hoots and. olitywneene with preseed vigorauoe disapproval of tbe ouly yount vadtra. andea 5anoza - - 'do t� „ .„4.144PR-11:14P Park as the Lieutenant -Governor's re- "thing; right here al- OM) ertah sidence, The Toronto tStar 'produces n 513:1,110 e /rinF g ora abort- (Windsor Otar) by-Ttre-Jcournal-no 21,4121,rdiTi'uzlart,:lr:k7-inggte8' famirt Recently we caw a woman rtAh, &taw aGo-Ithalt:01/5-4&serg AligSgent, ,IsArtety-alnarc&coa Qap,„0,14...caxadiest, mr04-81,2` :rieviTs..._ atta The JOUltithal caida. but theye are pleasant' lisiblilia_sarmr-IMerTttai.4§Wen, RtrioitIg4,-tInte-traere mg) a, *hien- finf3 11112, 42111nailie charity all:round ; and tlep tightent up the ease Of able - treated %men 'Who pr4iker 141,kw,•bread of: charity to that honeatly screed vhohkr not be overlooked.' Ines or groin her basic induCtryg- aGrinnTture. _ Mr. Thomas urged that censerratitort a the country's natural resew= maist be Oven attention. Elezikge Etat Eltszet 111=arve `Tana.da has a wonderful herlinge in her uateral ceenie beauty," he cald ; 'but It we do -not make a concerted Wort there 'rvilR be a depletion clad the count*, will loSe its natural at- trattiOn Insdi-eonzefittiratlYa-- to touricta:9' - speaker eldvaimed Cenral eerae- ti,:enii-aavVeMilennteeted-- earel Cainard eiketive elsewhere, and a wa in s 4,11,9111011647,i,, eairetii;:lrveenee, vote ttarzt%OV Ur:" and A. VI:4*M" tvo A0,11t, vityr1/;, ,.I ea a trIdt-ut:7,11,pz.-*2- tint7usrowooretrogo7:‘3.r04741)P-za tstr r,--,,,,,,..a,.4,11.t.,,,,,7,,% ..entebt 334W1g),Yeea'104"1204115't41:‘"atri'qr°4 e ty 7 cz Thir •Lbarneegitlea'lle halrl.71:7214, D tlim Coolatl, 7r4,p M4,j011i,,,,r1,474, as:12,=1 to pn2t7enti -4( M, availage tzn'arte0 at, )1 teeeef ,1 previous eeeaelene second- to The -snicteisilir Min' a aervtative nominee. In Monday's elec- tion he was third. ThI GUIGIERNATORILAIL ORM After considerable fluttering among the dovecotes at Toronto and more Or _,IsmAs jrAtsin_(12,t=1_121,o,nto an tiiivd Ottawa, Albert Ifates-Of-WonfO- has been named as lAeutenanttzGover- nor of Ontario. He succeeds Dr. RI. LA. Bruce, who had filled the office with general acceptance for dve years. -Qtr. Ilatthewsl is chairman of the -Board of Governors of Meltwater Uni- versity, vice-president of the League of INation.s SOciety in Canada, and was chairman of the Canaditui .delegalion to the MX oLeague of Nations econ- omic conference at Geneva. He is in - his sixty-fifth year. Some years ago he unsuccessfully contested a Toronto riding in the Liberal interest. His business is described as that of an -investment flanker." Although the appointment is made _ from Ottawa, .the rumor gab ot road that the Hepburn Government of On- tario, along with the intimation that _didAiot, intend to aproende further_ for the maintenance of Chorley Park as the Lieutenant -Governor's residence, bad expressed a desire for the appoint- ment of Duncan Marsh -all, former Pro r11 -Agrienttuve ho - 'as defeated in the October elections. For some reason or other the sugges- lion was received with anger and dis- may la certain quarters, and until an- nouncement was made of the appoint- ment of 'Mr. 'Matthews there wan thun- der and ligitning in the air. Ver strait° the Torty aletarteen in her ten o iietn int hando- che lIntexe7iti b-thitarrn- eaconotee__ elee walk over to ci tot eiechlare. Than inr-ttirmn thAtir,==02%,,,,..ft.7.4AgRAW. ,angtrangettgilk,,,,,M4P...aqr tal,(Et tvit Oct -114114 1 11 a 100532424,1441,0-PJAr-cm: I a, can ett,)% that in -these • or .t3 e. are oppreseivo, we -sboud ape hundreds of thousands a dollar° for residences of lieutenant -gover- nors. •For lot of mere show and -Otter:- . "That, and that alone, is what is at issue or what should be. It is not a matter for vulgarity, nor for ,personalities, nor for bad man- ners. It i a matter simply of devisin'g 'means of malting govern- t-lean-sort-strit of useltes attachments." And more to the same effect. • 0 The death of Joseph Jriayeock, who mpresented an Eastern Ontario riding In the Legislature forty years ago, re- cal1s-44W meteoric ea reer of the Patrons of Industry, 1010 in the '00's were a third party in this Province corres- Votrfiniime ereahaoreeterriveveareWee, 1 3. t the klife-e loafierb and we go out to eat a hearty meal after a ehrd. afternoon a tug and yerning. AF•111 • .1, • 0. twenty-41re years later. In 1894 they elected a number of members to the Legislature, where Joseph .,11aTeock was their leader, but in the next elec- tion their number dwindled, almost to the vanishing point. By this rime the !Liberals, had entered upon their fifteen -year period of office at Ottawa, Sir Oliver Mowat had removed from Toronto to the 'Federal 11111.1Se, and the 'Liberal Government of Ontario had commenced tile descent which- etlinrin- ated in its defeat at the poilti years later.. The issiles which had brought the tliatrons of Industry into being were for the time submerged, ',minevrhat.-clIfferoat-torni In 1910, when the United Farmers of Ontario came to the fore. h•GAINDIP zwarnokirnoN (Toronto tar) Str- Edward Beatty says he has quit advocating unification of the two great railway systems, but tbat urd- °deaden is inevitable and "no one any ugot-lieutes-tmovu ward can *weak only for himself and his associates. There is a great body of ,public opinion in this country vrhiCh is determinedly averse to the formation of a great railway oetopus vvhich would 'control one of the most vital of the country's services, transportation, and leave producers and consumers alike at Ito mercy. •--••••-•,, Just why 'Mr. Marsball was con- sidered foe the position -we do not know. Something was said gamut his being a defeated politician.), but Mr. Mntt hews might enure under the same condemnation. He was de- feated the only ttme he ever stood for at Parliamentary seat ; Duncan Mar- shall had a better 'rore than that. "Done" is not a wealrby man, but as he would not have to provide for the upkeep of a palatial Government House , that, would._not_ Lave ..prevented him from eamintaining the position, in the modest fashion which now, apparently, is to be tine' vogue. 'We cannotetnAP half suspectine that the roar of die- aporovni came mostly from people who might hare ectood, Per a politielen as lieutenant -governor tat net for e farmer pliticien. Mr. Marshall • ay in reality be More politician than farmer, but the odor of the barnyard --MOO toplhorically apearebag-elltaga to lam, and it would never do to have tbnt odor about Government 0O11ana It would never do to have a lAenten- .ant-Governor who would want to talk to visitors about silos and stejc and tracters tInd fertilizere and stela thinea; rather than about -well, Whatever -it- b--t-!-4O talk bout „at GoVernuienia Magee- e VW,U' Thi &art)) anybady -mention ,conv'entionste WOW r.appose they were lattlin/tnt tio'lltlealconventions, not about bridge. AI/tether Mr. Marshall was evin' konsidered at Ottawa a.s a Po.4,41)Ititi froV the,,Vtation is not knosyn pultOely,i tut, td. taw as,,,s ;Mr. aniettlattlieretelee4 ed CA U4 UMECRIS y Barry J. oyle - We hada fall of snow down her:e- at Lazy Meadows', Just one of those dayo when tbe snow comee dtifting down In a lazy -like way and starbe to cover up all the dirt lard dezolation that the end of .Fail leave& It wan a lazy kind of day no well, omit I found Wane in beside the floe in. the parlor with a nice blaze in the old box -stove just about tbe finest kind of entertainment rtonible. Yua to be certain that I wouldait 0Owit the dice rovnl -02 enereetic aircebtors„ nu a notatoparee_aseenethe_Pettare_e2 Grandpa Oelfer lare one with the cut freme. Old Peter Pad Wean over nora 8 o'cioen aud mine in -to _tit and watt for his cc or, after Imrroolic a half ping of che-dittf-3 •Wham() and three plpefttle of any cntoklirj. Gut 1 don't mind that, beerniSo old Pete isn't suCh a bad chap and he epite a real en - friWITRalitraffeMsera aPeltane the -kW] lu jk,e-Isettet:7 ara-u2d-rtt-41;grtiftf- --- tem in the tante ,e, she reached and seopt.t.A1 up Some fifteen QUill that the elabition 11 graid. Sheepomeed_Kiedtepa5.4.11P in7) up the winnings un!i the iele- ters in hand bad been spent. 'Finally the ..grind of the machine had &walleyed all the quarters. The woman milled with satiere.ction, and - walked out. -atlgt„,,,,Ape attendant if'that n'' wasn't rather a ZII_FttriaTfffVd.Vrg''''' replied that the 'woman would be back atgaln in a &taw hours. lffn explained she had tote and lots of money, did not play cards or the horses, had no other recreation than playing the slot ma- chines. Be said be contributed from forty to fifty dollars per day to the machines. • - • 0 0 0 Ar0141a. News o IAIL113URN, Nov. 22.----11r. Wlm. Wal- lace, of (Wilkie, 'Sae, who has been visiting his geandparents. Me. and Mrs. John Symington, has gone to Brant- ford. 'Rev. R. M. Weekes, newly -appointed rector of St. Mark's Anglican church, eonducted his fleet eervice _here on Sunday and gave an inspiring mes- sage on "Three Ways to Preach the i3peakirig from St: niatthew 10 :7. • -- Presbyterian Nll. 8. --The of Knox Presbyterian church held their thankoffering meeting in the basement of the, church on Thursday eaet; with -theepresideOL ;Ult. Lawson, in the chair. letter was read from Mary Dobie thanking the ladies for the basket of gifts given to her mother. The program in - chided poems rend by Mrs. u Wft- son,"lers. 'W. T. Rebison, Mrs, F. Ross, cut down en the farra when , they bougbt it and a great deal of hard work Was done before their houee v7as completed. r. Manning attended Londeshorb school, his teacheria being Norman gselrdy and Mildred Snell. At that time here Were a great many Watirnier tire -district_ _and I sometimes they were killed by a opring.Un. EIe recalls how ,tbe-rattng people used to go to apple -paring bees and hawking bees. Tbe social activities were few In thosie days., The motto wao, Early to bed and dearly to rise. On Novella- - ber 1874, Martha Cottle and John Manning were Merried by Rev, Lr. Allen in the manse at Clinton. They eettled on the 10th donee -bleb of Elul - lett, wheel) they 'lived until ther re- tired to Auburn in 1 1. Their eeald- oo__aeeeoaer;._eeeea eleebert Mogridge's and their din *air anniyeraary with their. daughter, Mrs. Marsh, Carlbwia, Mrs. Mannirs2 -patted away in 1i3285,in hee efghty- ,fiftle year. Gince that dime Mr. 'Liam- ning has made his hOrne with Mr. and Oars. Wm. Marsh. • don nobinson and Chao. 1tellncon. Tie callers -Off were Wm, ratitgltt and -eanakniore, ,Liary , Ilbohert. • Turner. •Lunch was served lEtebbi of D'UnaalltiOn, kap (so= to, boa- lsynteralerri of &Witt. Lace. • butte to alieod the touter with heir tleae, •autit, Ur& iltot6b, and Mr. Levi ElEar- ant time t4o*szent Ia the Vorwterat Lai1 enLlanday evening., wttolt a 0.1,1re. 4 014) 13. C. Wilson and Mrs. oltiwzr,-006 tn.% and Z,,Ira. i‘v. Stoopard, weve in Clinton on Zalmet. ',Dawson, ''tft were, teeently ednzAaty Liaraatet mattted„ Iattecttutt*elz atte-uadl. ‘c,.„=at. Atva. ,o,t,lutttj tad tv'',,;?2, calova igaveral are 6ontined, rind ,tara,,, atnffa: eatitd to tte houcei With the "Ian" and 4 i,l,Prr<0=MMIg00.100.10.1 Auburn a by Ilarold Reid.. Mr. Earl Itaithley eondueted a contest, "Title's Attribu- table' to !Christ." The meeting was closed with the singing of a hymn and prayer by Frank Raithby. The De- eember meeting le to be -in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Prang Raithby. 11213 91st Dirtralay.--Reeve and Mrs. Herbert Mogridge eiatertatned at -their home in honor of the ladT's father, Jehnollanninge wine celebrated, hie laireety-terst ,birthday-laat.:Wednestlay. Mr. elauning was born in Devonshire, England, son of Edmund aleaming and Elizabeth Knott, and vvhen six years of age came with his parents to Can- ada. They landed at Quebec and year before. cmning, to tne 10th con- cession of nlullett. Mr. anning can relate many interesting stories of their lierd,shies -There was only ono tree 11, 3° Mrs. James +Woo& and Mrs. Geo. DlaW - gon. iss Toll of lyth gave an in- teresting talk on, "Our Bealth, Our Country, Church and 'Schools.° This was follewed by a solo by Miss Elea- ner-Wiheni -and reading by 'Doris Wagner. tkti hearty vote of thanrm was givem to Litiss Toll for her splen- did talk. Lunch wag served 'by the hostesses. The December meeting will be held at the -home of Mrs. 'Edgar Lawson. L. en ilt-ilie.-On iiilriday even- ing, Novemr 19. in the Fciresters' 136.0.14. No. 1182 held its annual di-hOmn, With talents pemeat frora Blyth and Londedhoro. The lira part of the evening was spent in %dur- ing progressive euuehre, prizeo being awaHled to-111717'Weg.--Tcreoratroft-Elyth- and Mr. ,Ernest Patterson of Auburn, wbile consolatio prhzes• were awarded to Mist; itisie%tell Auburn and Mr. Lorne •,Bnill irdimboro, The fie- inalnder of fEe evening was spent -in &Aetna the tousle being arosaled bv Me and Mrs. Gordon tfileCtirtehen Gore term 121 Ica zarith- "4447k7 yott •vitatimR," ova Peter Isetina,ialter the =tote la-mallz toZnIntsarou01 ktm, "%he winteto ain't nary tat iiCed to reitt=lrer. 1401 In• 'a when ve tad' that ikellew worbing or i1, ttt UC Tal,=U Igun Zoo, MU, 11:4 tt.t.d COTt itnat‘tc' ,414'01,10- Oth ti Idi quite' t 1414% 4,,tz,o;sittavg..- a let , their trictai VW Ort4.0 LM, LI • lilt= 'pill' to stzT-,.., tta: et,4t gatt011 .11=03 42ditttv* zcaa cla M*o10,70 eatartiOth of Toronto. C'ettinc) the tlatt4t.'saat.ter ';--4e, atddrente w/416, ,u4)Iola -104t1d utel• v4slited vitt& 124,,,;(0, Weir On Wed- bga, .43attOi'a vittt 4 pprte itedlalta 'txrtt, Iso -,-IfItt54.tht,„,i,X4citnlIzawad- tt , 1,41.41,1.0„ ,v116717 -7.-------,T- , latkit vutab T• zt,'4411. 1174itts, am:1), 0,531 Via Ittat • .-41=1:1 Vt,4 ta4akt Ltoy411, tk,'tiarealeati. kto returned .set Out2o2 n.o O\', j3 at4 dullAttO, N'r'. ' cal4 abot bow Olga tz,-atto walt, 4.3to trc40 , tti' :ttatit.11, • " ,ska' lar$c3„,t0 is • - ti • -aa'rdo oltrattou tilmttettiltu° 4wia "are . •teld InInt43. 4Ittki,' 'at Ats: 0241t ilecom-itto eayr t;ito bt,:mt itt Int.V.1 and ne=.- Vat t "WIWI atd Oir‘ac.i• 'day 6,,,,itl-'73f41 • Ittliattz,; *1• '4: al „ tr..4>,74 r.ttat,=,7 02' ILO, 1424%, t=44 1,141B V•AtirittA„ MC:=5 ,,,f2•47,co • • , 0. t21,10t6n. steo, VI -1r arpacc41 ou tbdt `44,MC1 , ',tittot4+,4 Itt4, ar,Aaz 01,01110)• 41110i t4> C16VO' t 414.,614-41n ta,r4.1 'szvicdfatelt • Leta 1,,t4 19, ititt,. ro,,,,*4 trao trAt. 4',ovluze 451,,vszt t‘, tz4Qi io'a 1-4%-a 1114all ,Mtv "011V`_,fe 11740it • TItt*,' it"8t4 5-'41/444-1-444' t'`• , • .,h CI 1 lt''..,ItIrci..t,„1,1 ,U; ,. •'`,,,e1:=4 v ,, r.. --P. 'a e.,1 "ctA.t (') C;Jlt t34‘,•,i,i., .64 014 4'ak•tati: tLi• fac, tov, tttc(„3 t ' tet and theen`:'in, Z -Z):11,7 .eft t rf.=-`i. a r "11 4,46 r kVA By preAtiln t.00 b. tr4 the camp of/ co..Mpt1s and Chriiiiia indlaton. - 0%4 eatd,L'401,,sr4 tult this tincia-prote timatriat., •-70e.'the DEL g41 --2Q76 • , e.%•.,r"'".."2°Y.:Troe.z.strizsocrAtrelei,nett,ilkikoa - reserstat4ofs,k ,easilyunderstoodable the -Soak's P71A:SIVENT etakz- _ UALXTJUES I I lid I H 1 r142.3--PE,HAL1C,' . eposits • Payable on dental:yd. and after nonce. • .Circulatiof Yale' �n demand. -- a ?Me drafts issued and outstanding. cccptances and Letters of Credit Outstanding . Plnancial responsibilities undertaken on behalf of curtamers Yoe off -setting amount in "Resources!'). bet. Liabilities to the Public . • • Aqns which do not come under the foregoing headingf. int Liabilities to the Public . • LUTIES TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Olital, Surplus ,and Undivided Profits Plild Reserves for Dividends • . . This amount represents the shareholders' interert in the Bank, 6,*eir' which liabilities to the public take precedencelLiabilities. •'' • „ $717,799,105.99 1 k 243428,895.M a 213,945.47 '----enteeeeee 7,759,145.50 2,535,661.75 . $752,736,753.71 RIESOURCES meet the foregoing Liabilities the lank has Cash in its Vaults and Money on Deposit with atitt -of Canatin: • • • Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks f5a ,fiNe iiTcashOn presentation. Money,on teposit with Other Banks . Available on demand or at short notice. Government and Other monds and Debentures . . Not exceeding market value. The greater portion coninti of ...giitt.edgeJavritier_wbith .mcgore 41,.elqz_dater.. Stocks . . . • • • • • Industrial and other stocks. Not ex-ceeding market value. , Call Loans outside of Canada 76,897,197.27 . $829,633,950.98 • $ 86,2263720.23 27,718,431.85 • Seetureel by botds, stocks and other negotiable securities of • greWer value than the loans and representing moneys- quickly avai\lablewith no disturbing effect on conditions in Canada. - Call Lans i Canada . Payable on demand and secur▪ ed by ▪ bonds and stocks of greater value than the loans. Bankers' Accepta ces . . • Prime-otrafts accepted by other banks.•• TOTAL OF QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES (equal to 79.58% of all ILiabilities to the Public) Other Loans . . • • • • • • • To manufacturers, farmers, merchants and others, on condition; consistent with sound banking. Bank ?remises . • • • • • • TwO PrOPertiet only are carried id the• names of holding rollikxies; the stock and bonds of these companies are en - tardy owned by the Bank and appear on the books at $1.00 in_.eactIL ram All other _o_f_the Banits_premises the value of which largeyl- exceed; 0.3,700,664; appear rinclis; thii hearing. neal Estate, and Mortgages on Real Estate Sold by the Bank. • • • • • • • • • 1 Acquired in the tourso of the Bank's business and t`is process of being rglizeci upon. Citstomers° Llabllity under Acceptances and Letters of Czait • • • • - • • ftepresents liabilities of customers on aroant of Letters of Credit issued and Drafts accepted by the Bank for their &count. • er 'Agsets Oat included in e For oir.fg Making Total Assets of . meat p4,7oc08 of Liabilities to ge Public of $a=ritsg ata excess of Assets over L5a5iiities to the Public of tit. • • e cell 20,665,157.41 437,381,825.01 2136,235:50 19,878,944.34 6,857,700.39 36,138.52 • $599,051,153.25 204,70,812.11 13,700,000.00 1,192;681.35 7,759;145.50 A170.450.17 0029,65i$950.90 7520754,755.74I 53 76,MT-9721 PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT Profitaforthe year everled aflth Oar, 1937, after making dproto,p2intiorz loyCta44., p•?r,470•Eca:,,,I, at le PC:04U' priVigkif foilgtia" 7 42.12Matilairlattik e :+r4 f itliett Provietior•Govern="14rOneacmountios to 8942,95754 . • . 11)4videals, p.m mthittoSlidtellogett . . 2,880,006AD, 4ppropriatioalcrV.1,11:4 Premises . . . 463,00040 Mararau ProOtanL ACCOnat, 51st Cdokr, 1936. . Wan= el Prat cad 1Ltaz 4tairria forward . 4 3/01111=5 'D. 450 Pracideat .? ) aVa,, a 14 'a Lee' tale 2.7 • • e.e.aeleeeteez, 040%328M 3,281011= i24,320.c0 1.056,554./3 01,1d4,061.53 JACMSON DODDS% . G. V. stlimin, itlizarlat2odiaa7a,zat 'i'c=„5t2Cd .67 170:s o Prrr, t• 1 1 " 3116?))0 4a,g