HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-12-1, Page 2tri
Einicription price *2.09 per 'year,
OLEO if paid in advance. Suleteribero
Ib netted Statee will pleace add We
ger poatage.
Wedneedey, December let, 1E37
A bye-electio) in Victoria, B.C., on
!Monday, for the at in the Bowie of
Commone rendered vacant by the
deeth a Dr. S. P. Taira -ie. reoulted
in the election of R. W. Mayhew,
Mir. Mayhew la the first CLAberal to
ibe cent to Ottawa from Victoria in
enennett took pert m Data Cor the Concervative candidate,
Acting the electore to wage= di p-
---peonaeleof the propoaed trade agreemen•t
-between /Great Britain, and. the Unite4
atatfef3, avhieb be held would endaneer
the ritish preference on, Canadian
Mad. When the result of -the Poll-
' lag. wee announced Prime Minister
ggi elan henre a statement
the Government cardidate showed that
cengenada believee in dn. eepansiou of
Anternationai trade as a "Wore
There was- a MAI candidate, Prof.
Ger*. , ne9KelatITITee the
oeneeareeeeeeeeeiOe o:,taleaarePelleetareao-e..a, ofeseeeeeeettaienet,
Se.C.V. This waSithe Imre
Other "raeMentoue conference of
ittk and PinVehvtatV7,,=,zeng WhilP
the, states=ilLta111...tholr_ e _eintee act.
O 0 0
A. A. line -apo, (W.V. member ter
Noreb Winntpee, =Into percOna
dam sizty yearo og
of e to have Stele
sloes. It woold colinala
st n• ,
4, •
O 0 ,e
,We ought to get over thio notion
that the Bnklial. it to eacroteenen-e.
1i waf, a mnoterplece ealal*Ir terea
and compromicea are- TAM inapernme
Dent forms a uettlement.
ir2313 SU Montreal Day Mar.
We do not Onow that aneteody attnehes
wry peuuliar virtue to the B.NIA.
Act. It was a bargain beiween the
varus ioProvinces by which they
yielded eertaln of their riehto in order
that the Dda
Dominion of Cana* ,miGht
come into beine. .akloti it io pretty
generally conoldered that further ettn-
• caions of Provinciall--iighto-D
Province n do not wish to make these
eurther cOn02,5810110 they are quite
within their rights and there lo no use
In scolding them. e tuation cello
for very carefin and aymPallie netnego-
1r 311.
.1t4v $zto, lana m,a tt;c,
reVe 4C7,40'4`'
to ,t;..1t0, oad 0041tPcg; MV.Vom.
lano *be ot,wi
igligtr-errithe ir40,7*IP,,r,,-1?ncMtt0",,c4'
Intvt,T..!stla karn•Vm taaqit :41r01013.•
1,z0 It? '414 .1.101$44 hire,,,J'
the ait 42 laatg,v,`,1 ffAlt .010 Irt
goat. We all '1,1 Macrm111113'
at 'ma riketcKtif44. thtliVk•
the nt$4t tt turned, got, Iv
it 1,7alq. co cod lthat It vere,cmento,
Ing beade a Ore in the hon,44': and
pteemted out In tlgg told Yel.kz, cOni.4 ant
tlze little beads a Vozera ovx4t; ono.
J.plittirtey- .141, 'otz4 tan.
the inerninG,` When we went ..tiret te do
the choreal, One the ent•mile#
had h9pPesed that 11 Om* dild see. Vie
Cold had -taken all Ai. etretpla out, 02,
that Wee -eta harness and the (loci -
done cleiGh was draWn right up to the
post. Mind you, it tad ahrutat and
drew it right up dbout twenty4ive feet
Tev, dr. sore as cit here." '
Tin coite, that's tae woz•with; Peter,
he Oracted out 'to tell about the cold,
ate then drifted ofr anther c1,11-
Orem ke cot really wamed n,20
rand -tititittert0 tell about the tame .tka
dints,a out ug eszteT.tedu_to Go to a dance.
It rained all the way. and when he •
-411" ..0%Vn
141/°4;' 1140, InfQ .f4.0
Y, Ware or , :Mt. it
'• certainly trtie of con:ay.-Vire-a in this
toWn- • ' •
,n,co raaalr =min
(Peel Gazette) '
,r4:744 .401rD 011
r,i1.100 110, riot
-41anit, the fkeetireereell
Got there they were stretched co much
ars think it no disgrace to aslt fikte
ge.m...-..,entatliyea of the Provincial
, _
verninent0: fianada,__ igneetini
eenTerenee with menthe= of the Do-
nianien (Cabinet, have unanimously de-
cided that no parent, who has child-
ren ea hle of' grovkiding for Pale or her
cement, ehouldrbe allow on the old
nee gamier' lact•
. &arms is a wise one t kit
would be wholly uhnevactary ra4.
spirit of fifty y;, -,ars taco esdated Crab-
ada today. 113a tite past century Intel
thinG vac/ never he of as c
ren, oven Mazola pinched tliennelve%
•%.1•4-4-rQz-1,1..q0, *e=
An interesting cl intOhmetive a4-
dress on "Cana6'o lrourla linduatrY"
was heard, * metnimp. a to 1440.112Q,
aathered1_14, ZrttIolt
141•:kzfli,n14113,.)1Votel Thursgy iu
lateednt! 141110:4-*
*taker was Mr. J. D. T-4,,wire,ati, A -Ara
lvivutly. moved to'Godenich ftaoln a
IVton,„wkeze vrav act* promet-
aemstlaInG attritet toorl.,14
,that, ear mid district. - -
(Mtr. The.ratio, ;Gang a. tlk.r,t eam.
lad by the tr twist azareintlion
Quel=, showed ttr
he "ourist enatrnr
lat In the nethlrerlax41 of three hum-
dollara in Canada•annual-
ly. That a Ount pivhably VtIO ea.
ceeded thig year, he Enid, with) Ontiario
neeet flam'eonl-derattcon," to Cat&
VorAtfioa anti, Plfaht'41103, GIMP?
04t,S CaWk ttiv,V,.
and -P -Q4',,____10' '43
arter4 Wm/v*0 -
-17-14,CA tgatt _onuOgvallties and
-Wino? Thee" help, but mkt inottler
Ole ooVe of Wayo and me= of at-
veeticing,and•co-operationi belvicen'dic-
triet towns 'on particultw dimwits,
e dowse, a tomb mt=t be
attkactive. He said he was inopartig
•ateracted On arriving 111 Gael:mint/ hY
th TarantY of the town and the Men&
line= °title inhabitonts.
The twat-0ot 'trade, he otserved, o'er*
tainly demander -earnest ',attention, Or
Latfitalo derives- -mare
• =Vt. MIA ;taairistz tban from h
e-maints,nanee Of alb t,,Z7 •Gettins tlires:
eats to begeniC a . Malik alr..140" 4,;;;.: hundre Mon doliam• ,.,
--V,----au-llstanmd,--,h4E---Di :ear& -=-4-1-1-44,Y -----77e.,2-7c4t, Ce=Lteene..-Lona_Mer-eo
reported 'a Toronto, some paients, al- ,,Aray- trade which wrill rexesent
tbcntILI? °Ile to imtlutain their °wn three leendeed eaninIonee areetrally le
and Pits IpintirtT mom --co tight-. Mu=
"• rin!....Mmt that 'Ite too?..r og- hie 1-plintla
• buttolia-laiff corspendema onto
leGGInge and uced them, for pants.
Peter mevar • =Bed e neeen-
The Ottawa Journal having ex- la( don't telt 13We/en _about,
seven 1aarue hoots and. olitywneene with
preseed vigorauoe disapproval of tbe ouly yount vadtra. andea 5anoza
„ .„4.144PR-11:14P
Park as the Lieutenant -Governor's re- "thing; right here al- OM)
sidence, The Toronto tStar 'produces n 513:1,110 e /rinF
g ora abort- (Windsor Otar)
by-Ttre-Jcournal-no 21,4121,rdiTi'uzlart,:lr:k7-inggte8' famirt Recently we caw a woman rtAh,
&taw aGo-Ithalt:01/5-4&serg AligSgent, ,IsArtety-alnarc&coa Qap,„0,14...caxadiest, mr04-81,2`
:rieviTs..._ atta The JOUltithal caida. but theye are pleasant'
RtrioitIg4,-tInte-traere mg) a, *hien-
finf3 11112, 42111nailie charity all:round ; and
tlep tightent up the ease Of able -
treated %men 'Who pr4iker 141,kw,•bread of:
charity to that honeatly screed vhohkr
not be overlooked.'
Ines or groin her basic induCtryg-
aGrinnTture. _
Mr. Thomas urged that censerratitort
a the country's natural resew=
maist be Oven attention.
Elezikge Etat Eltszet 111=arve
`Tana.da has a wonderful herlinge in
her uateral ceenie beauty," he cald ;
'but It we do -not make a concerted
Wort there 'rvilR be a depletion clad
the count*, will loSe its natural at-
trattiOn Insdi-eonzefittiratlYa--
to touricta:9' -
speaker eldvaimed Cenral eerae-
ti,:enii-aavVeMilennteeted-- earel
Cainard eiketive elsewhere, and a wa
vote ttarzt%OV
Ur:" and A. VI:4*M"
tvo A0,11t, vityr1/;,
ea a trIdt-ut:7,11,pz.-*2-
tstr r,--,,,,,,..a,.4,11.t.,,,,,7,,%
..entebt 334W1g),Yeea'104"1204115't41:‘"atri'qr°4 e ty
•Lbarneegitlea'lle halrl.71:7214,
D tlim Coolatl, 7r4,p M4,j011i,,,,r1,474,
as:12,=1 to pn2t7enti -4( M,
availage tzn'arte0 at,
teeeef ,1
previous eeeaelene
second- to The -snicteisilir Min' a
aervtative nominee. In Monday's elec-
tion he was third.
After considerable fluttering among
the dovecotes at Toronto and more Or
jrAtsin_(12,t=1_121,o,nto an
Ottawa, Albert Ifates-Of-WonfO-
has been named as lAeutenanttzGover-
nor of Ontario. He succeeds Dr. RI.
LA. Bruce, who had filled the office with
general acceptance for dve years.
-Qtr. Ilatthewsl is chairman of the
-Board of Governors of Meltwater Uni-
versity, vice-president of the League
of INation.s SOciety in Canada, and was
chairman of the Canaditui .delegalion
to the MX oLeague of Nations econ-
omic conference at Geneva. He is in -
his sixty-fifth year. Some years ago
he unsuccessfully contested a Toronto
riding in the Liberal interest. His
business is described as that of an
-investment flanker."
Although the appointment is made
_ from Ottawa, .the rumor gab
ot road
that the Hepburn Government of On-
tario, along with the intimation that
_didAiot, intend to aproende further_
for the maintenance of Chorley Park
as the Lieutenant -Governor's residence,
bad expressed a desire for the appoint-
ment of Duncan Marsh -all, former Pro
r11 -Agrienttuve
ho -
'as defeated in the October elections.
For some reason or other the sugges-
lion was received with anger and dis-
may la certain quarters, and until an-
nouncement was made of the appoint-
ment of 'Mr. 'Matthews there wan thun-
der and ligitning in the air.
Ver strait°
the Torty aletarteen in her
ten o iietn int
hando- che
lIntexe7iti b-thitarrn- eaconotee__ elee walk over to ci tot eiechlare. Than
inr-ttirmn thAtir,==02%,,,,..ft.7.4AgRAW. ,angtrangettgilk,,,,,M4P...aqr tal,(Et
tvit Oct -114114
1 11
I a,
can ett,)% that in -these • or
are oppreseivo, we -sboud ape
hundreds of thousands a dollar°
for residences of lieutenant -gover-
nors. •For lot of mere show
and -Otter:- .
"That, and that alone, is what
is at issue or what should be. It
is not a matter for vulgarity, nor
for ,personalities, nor for bad man-
ners. It i a matter simply of
devisin'g 'means of malting govern-
of useltes attachments."
And more to the same effect.
• 0
The death of Joseph Jriayeock, who
mpresented an Eastern Ontario riding
In the Legislature forty years ago, re-
cal1s-44W meteoric ea reer of the Patrons
of Industry, 1010 in the '00's were a
third party in this Province corres-
Votrfiniime ereahaoreeterriveveareWee,
1 3.
t the klife-e
loafierb and we go out to eat a hearty
meal after a ehrd. afternoon a
tug and yerning.
AF•111 • .1, •
0. twenty-41re years later. In 1894 they
elected a number of members to the
Legislature, where Joseph .,11aTeock
was their leader, but in the next elec-
tion their number dwindled, almost to
the vanishing point. By this rime
the !Liberals, had entered upon their
fifteen -year period of office at Ottawa,
Sir Oliver Mowat had removed from
Toronto to the 'Federal 11111.1Se, and the
'Liberal Government of Ontario had
commenced tile descent which- etlinrin-
ated in its defeat at the poilti
years later.. The issiles which had
brought the tliatrons of Industry into
being were for the time submerged,
In 1910, when the United Farmers of
Ontario came to the fore.
h•GAINDIP zwarnokirnoN
(Toronto tar)
Str- Edward Beatty says he has
quit advocating unification of the two
great railway systems, but tbat urd-
°deaden is inevitable and "no one any
ward can *weak only for himself and
his associates. There is a great body
of ,public opinion in this country vrhiCh
is determinedly averse to the formation
of a great railway oetopus vvhich would
'control one of the most vital of the
country's services, transportation, and
leave producers and consumers alike
at Ito mercy.
Just why 'Mr. Marsball was con-
sidered foe the position -we
do not know. Something was said
gamut his being a defeated politician.),
but Mr. Mntt hews might enure under
the same condemnation. He was de-
feated the only ttme he ever stood for
at Parliamentary seat ; Duncan Mar-
shall had a better 'rore than that.
"Done" is not a wealrby man, but as
he would not have to provide for the
upkeep of a palatial Government House
, that, would._not_ Lave ..prevented him
from eamintaining the position, in the
modest fashion which now, apparently,
is to be tine' vogue. 'We cannotetnAP
half suspectine that the roar of die-
aporovni came mostly from people
who might hare ectood, Per a politielen
as lieutenant -governor tat net for e
farmer pliticien. Mr. Marshall • ay
in reality be More politician than
farmer, but the odor of the barnyard
--MOO toplhorically apearebag-elltaga to
lam, and it would never do to have
tbnt odor about Government 0O11ana
It would never do to have a lAenten-
.ant-Governor who would want to talk
to visitors about silos and stejc and
tracters tInd fertilizere and stela thinea;
rather than about -well, Whatever -it-
b--t-!-4O talk bout „at GoVernuienia
Magee- e VW,U' Thi
&art)) anybady -mention ,conv'entionste
WOW r.appose they were lattlin/tnt
tio'lltlealconventions, not about bridge.
AI/tether Mr. Marshall was evin'
konsidered at Ottawa a.s a Po.4,41)Ititi
froV the,,Vtation is not knosyn pultOely,i
tut, td. taw as,,,s ;Mr. aniettlattlieretelee4
y Barry J. oyle
We hada fall of snow down her:e-
at Lazy Meadows', Just one of those
dayo when tbe snow comee dtifting
down In a lazy -like way and starbe to
cover up all the dirt lard dezolation
that the end of .Fail leave& It wan
a lazy kind of day no well, omit I
found Wane in beside the floe in. the
parlor with a nice blaze in the old
box -stove just about tbe finest kind of
entertainment rtonible. Yua to be
certain that I wouldait 0Owit the
dice rovnl -02 enereetic aircebtors„
nu a notatoparee_aseenethe_Pettare_e2
Grandpa Oelfer lare one with the
cut freme.
Old Peter Pad Wean over nora 8
o'cioen aud mine in -to _tit and watt
for his cc or, after Imrroolic a half
ping of che-dittf-3 •Wham() and three
plpefttle of any cntoklirj. Gut 1 don't
mind that, beerniSo old Pete isn't suCh
a bad chap and he epite a real en
friWITRalitraffeMsera aPeltane
the -kW] lu jk,e-Isettet:7
ara-u2d-rtt-41;grtiftf- ---
tem in the tante ,e, she reached
and seopt.t.A1 up Some fifteen QUill
that the elabition 11 graid.
in7) up the winnings un!i the iele-
ters in hand bad been spent.
'Finally the ..grind of the machine
had &walleyed all the quarters. The
woman milled with satiere.ction, and -
walked out.
-atlgt„,,,,Ape attendant if'that
wasn't rather a ZII_FttriaTfffVd.Vrg'''''
replied that the 'woman would be back
atgaln in a &taw hours. lffn explained
she had tote and lots of money, did not
play cards or the horses, had no other
recreation than playing the slot ma-
chines. Be said be contributed from
forty to fifty dollars per day to the
• -
0 0
News o
IAIL113URN, Nov. 22.----11r. Wlm. Wal-
lace, of (Wilkie, 'Sae, who has been
visiting his geandparents. Me. and Mrs.
John Symington, has gone to Brant-
'Rev. R. M. Weekes, newly -appointed
rector of St. Mark's Anglican church,
eonducted his fleet eervice _here on
Sunday and gave an inspiring mes-
sage on "Three Ways to Preach the
i3peakirig from St: niatthew
10 :7. • --
Presbyterian Nll. 8. --The
of Knox Presbyterian church held
their thankoffering meeting in the
basement of the, church on Thursday
eaet; with -theepresideOL ;Ult.
Lawson, in the chair. letter was
read from Mary Dobie thanking the
ladies for the basket of gifts given
to her mother. The program in -
chided poems rend by Mrs. u
son,"lers. 'W. T. Rebison, Mrs, F. Ross, cut down en the farra when , they
bougbt it and a great deal of hard
work Was done before their houee v7as
completed. r. Manning attended
Londeshorb school, his teacheria being
Norman gselrdy and Mildred Snell.
At that time here Were a great many
Watirnier tire -district_ _and I sometimes
they were killed by a opring.Un. EIe
recalls how ,tbe-rattng people used to
go to apple -paring bees and hawking
bees. Tbe social activities were few
In thosie days., The motto wao, Early
to bed and dearly to rise. On Novella- -
ber 1874, Martha Cottle and John
Manning were Merried by Rev, Lr.
Allen in the manse at Clinton. They
eettled on the 10th donee -bleb of Elul -
lett, wheel) they 'lived until ther re-
tired to Auburn in 1 1. Their eeald-
eleebert Mogridge's and their din *air
anniyeraary with their. daughter, Mrs.
Marsh, Carlbwia, Mrs. Mannirs2
-patted away in 1i3285,in hee efghty-
,fiftle year. Gince that dime Mr. 'Liam-
ning has made his hOrne with Mr. and
Oars. Wm. Marsh. •
don nobinson and Chao. 1tellncon.
Tie callers -Off were Wm, ratitgltt and -eanakniore, ,Liary ,
Ilbohert. • Turner. •Lunch was served lEtebbi of D'UnaalltiOn, kap (so= to, boa-
lsynteralerri of &Witt. Lace. • butte to alieod the touter with heir
tleae, •autit, Ur& iltot6b, and Mr. Levi ElEar-
ant time t4o*szent Ia the Vorwterat
Lai1 enLlanday evening., wttolt a 0.1,1re. 4 014) 13. C. Wilson and Mrs.
oltiwzr,-006 tn.% and Z,,Ira. i‘v. Stoopard, weve in Clinton on
Zalmet. ',Dawson, ''tft were, teeently ednzAaty Liaraatet
mattted„ Iattecttutt*elz atte-uadl. ‘c,.„=at.
Atva. ,o,t,lutttj tad tv'',,;?2, calova igaveral are 6ontined,
rind ,tara,,, atnffa: eatitd to tte houcei With the "Ian" and
4 i,l,Prr<0=MMIg00.100.10.1
by Ilarold Reid.. Mr. Earl Itaithley
eondueted a contest, "Title's Attribu-
table' to !Christ." The meeting was
closed with the singing of a hymn and
prayer by Frank Raithby. The De-
eember meeting le to be -in charge of
Mr. and Mrs. Prang Raithby.
11213 91st Dirtralay.--Reeve and Mrs.
Herbert Mogridge eiatertatned at -their
home in honor of the ladT's father,
Jehnollanninge wine celebrated, hie
laireety-terst ,birthday-laat.:Wednestlay.
Mr. elauning was born in Devonshire,
England, son of Edmund aleaming and
Elizabeth Knott, and vvhen six years
of age came with his parents to Can-
ada. They landed at Quebec and
year before. cmning, to tne 10th con-
cession of nlullett. Mr. anning can
relate many interesting stories of their
lierd,shies -There was only ono tree
11, 3°
Mrs. James +Woo& and Mrs. Geo. DlaW -
gon. iss Toll of lyth gave an in-
teresting talk on, "Our Bealth, Our
Country, Church and 'Schools.° This
was follewed by a solo by Miss Elea-
ner-Wiheni -and reading by 'Doris
Wagner. tkti hearty vote of thanrm
was givem to Litiss Toll for her splen-
did talk. Lunch wag served 'by the
hostesses. The December meeting will
be held at the -home of Mrs. 'Edgar
L. en ilt-ilie.-On iiilriday even-
ing, Novemr 19. in the Fciresters'
136.0.14. No. 1182 held its annual
di-hOmn, With talents pemeat frora
Blyth and Londedhoro. The lira
part of the evening was spent in %dur-
ing progressive euuehre, prizeo being
awaHled to-111717'Weg.--Tcreoratroft-Elyth-
and Mr. ,Ernest Patterson of Auburn,
wbile consolatio prhzes• were awarded
to Mist; itisie%tell Auburn and Mr.
Lorne •,Bnill irdimboro, The fie-
inalnder of fEe evening was spent -in
&Aetna the tousle being arosaled bv
Me and Mrs. Gordon tfileCtirtehen Gore
term 121 Ica zarith-
"4447k7 yott •vitatimR," ova
Peter Isetina,ialter the =tote la-mallz
toZnIntsarou01 ktm, "%he winteto
ain't nary tat iiCed to
reitt=lrer. 1401 In• 'a when ve tad'
that ikellew worbing or i1, ttt UC
Tal,=U Igun Zoo, MU, 11:4 tt.t.d
COTt itnat‘tc' ,414'01,10- Oth ti Idi
quite' t 1414% 4,,tz,o;sittavg..- a let ,
their trictai VW Ort4.0 LM,
lilt= 'pill' to stzT-,.., tta: et,4t gatt011 .11=03 42ditttv* zcaa cla M*o10,70 eatartiOth of Toronto.
C'ettinc) the tlatt4t.'saat.ter ';--4e, atddrente w/416, ,u4)Iola -104t1d utel• v4slited vitt& 124,,,;(0, Weir On Wed-
bga, .43attOi'a vittt 4 pprte itedlalta
tt , 1,41.41,1.0„ ,v116717 -7.-------,T-
, latkit vutab T• zt,'4411.
am:1), 0,531 Via Ittat • .-41=1:1 Vt,4
ta4akt Ltoy411, tk,'tiarealeati. kto returned
.set Out2o2 n.o O\', j3 at4 dullAttO, N'r'. '
cal4 abot bow Olga tz,-atto
walt, 4.3to trc40 , tti'
:ttatit.11, • " ,ska' lar$c3„,t0 is
• -
ti •
-aa'rdo oltrattou tilmttettiltu° 4wia "are
. •teld InInt43.
4Ittki,' 'at Ats: 0241t
ilecom-itto eayr t;ito bt,:mt
Int.V.1 and
ne=.- Vat
t "WIWI atd
6,,,,itl-'73f41 •
*1• '4: al
tr..4>,74 r.ttat,=,7
02' ILO, 1424%,
1,141B V•AtirittA„
• ,
t21,10t6n. steo, VI -1r arpacc41 ou tbdt `44,MC1 ,
',tittot4+,4 Itt4, ar,Aaz 01,01110)• 41110i t4> C16VO'
• Leta 1,,t4 19, ititt,. ro,,,,*4
trao trAt.
451,,vszt t‘, tz4Qi
io'a 1-4%-a
1114all ,Mtv "011V`_,fe 11740it • TItt*,' it"8t4 5-'41/444-1-444'
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and theen`:'in, Z -Z):11,7 .eft
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By preAtiln t.00 b.
the camp of/ co..Mpt1s and Chriiiiia
indlaton. - 0%4 eatd,L'401,,sr4 tult
this tincia-prote timatriat.,
g41 --2Q76
• ,
reserstat4ofs,k ,easilyunderstoodable
the -Soak's
etakz- _
I I lid I H 1 r142.3--PE,HAL1C,' .
eposits •
Payable on dental:yd. and after nonce. •
Yale' �n demand. --
?Me drafts issued and outstanding.
cccptances and Letters of Credit Outstanding .
Plnancial responsibilities undertaken on behalf of curtamers
Yoe off -setting amount in "Resources!').
bet. Liabilities to the Public . • •
Aqns which do not come under the foregoing headingf.
int Liabilities to the Public . •
Olital, Surplus ,and Undivided Profits
Plild Reserves for Dividends • . .
This amount represents the shareholders' interert in the Bank,
6,*eir' which liabilities to the public take precedencelLiabilities.
• „ $717,799,105.99
1 k
a 213,945.47
. $752,736,753.71
meet the foregoing Liabilities the lank has
Cash in its Vaults and Money on Deposit with
atitt -of Canatin: • • •
Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks
f5a ,fiNe iiTcashOn presentation.
Money,on teposit with Other Banks .
Available on demand or at short notice.
Government and Other monds and Debentures . .
Not exceeding market value. The greater portion coninti of
...giitt.edgeJavritier_wbith .mcgore 41,.elqz_dater..
Stocks . . . • • • • •
Industrial and other stocks. Not ex-ceeding market value.
, Call Loans outside of Canada
. $829,633,950.98
• $ 86,2263720.23
Seetureel by botds, stocks and other negotiable securities of
• greWer value than the loans and representing moneys- quickly
avai\lablewith no disturbing effect on conditions in Canada.
- Call Lans i Canada .
Payable on demand and secur▪ ed by ▪ bonds and stocks of
greater value than the loans.
Bankers' Accepta ces . . •
Prime-otrafts accepted by other banks.••
(equal to 79.58% of all ILiabilities to the Public)
Other Loans . . • • • • • • •
To manufacturers, farmers, merchants and others, on condition;
consistent with sound banking.
Bank ?remises . • • • • • •
TwO PrOPertiet only are carried id the• names of holding
rollikxies; the stock and bonds of these companies are en -
tardy owned by the Bank and appear on the books at $1.00
in_.eactIL ram All other _o_f_the Banits_premises the value of
which largeyl- exceed; 0.3,700,664; appear rinclis; thii hearing.
neal Estate, and Mortgages on Real Estate Sold by the
Bank. • • • • • • • • •
1 Acquired in the tourso of the Bank's business and t`is process
of being rglizeci upon.
Citstomers° Llabllity under Acceptances and
Letters of Czait • • • • - • •
ftepresents liabilities of customers on aroant of Letters of
Credit issued and Drafts accepted by the Bank for their
&count. •
er 'Agsets Oat included in e For oir.fg
Making Total Assets of .
meat p4,7oc08 of Liabilities to ge Public of
$a=ritsg ata excess of Assets over L5a5iiities to the Public of
53 76,MT-9721
Profitaforthe year everled aflth Oar, 1937, after making dproto,p2intiorz
loyCta44., p•?r,470•Eca:,,,I, at le PC:04U' priVigkif foilgtia"
7 42.12Matilairlattik e :+r4 f itliett
Provietior•Govern="14rOneacmountios to 8942,95754 . • .
11)4videals, p.m mthittoSlidtellogett . . 2,880,006AD,
4ppropriatioalcrV.1,11:4 Premises . . . 463,00040
Mararau ProOtanL ACCOnat, 51st Cdokr, 1936. .
Wan= el Prat cad 1Ltaz 4tairria forward .
3/01111=5 'D. 450
.? )
aVa,, a 14 'a Lee'
tale 2.7
• •
G. V. stlimin,
'i'c=„5t2Cd .67 170:s
t• 1
1 "