The Signal, 1937-11-17, Page 4t5 SS5SS
L ,
Da;3 ,t7eet(aer ataeadi better at lam
pakr. 01 thete sttordy Dro3t;a5.'"1....r`r.
that ad' kilt to mond tID to vq5.
gad Coaean weat4D;er
ha0V2 110011 wtat is engs.00 nu -4
we pree=t1 'hem the Actlc It-
sto7dyvaei teday. at your...ea:meat
'"'2'401! (0t7..2zze,5
t V1,1-1.4140
Zrtt 5' A4011' Z01141 r."1410
rAct tQW17:,:ltD1)7 clb! naCtrO tO
are e ItOtoogt,t4z,
rev tsuiset# 'Olio VNIftz7e, eft
in1tQ of :;;C,O, 05,:011Z4TZP4t Zo
,ZQ"tr4ttU-7,,,,og ti2cf"El4F04,
ot'? 7?L QOid
vqL CV
Laartment of lailaTplapov of
ttortattittl over r um, foilow rop4:1,1
=gtet, the 'County system; mom
Ealtford via Zen 10101t4r0r0
tretC7=11 vonmaalons 8 and Op Ac14eld
tevrchin IU3U to the -Luanow
wad; trea eoneecelons iwt-
Tuetteriattll tormrshiplp; and from the
Zurich road thrOught Varna to Erolinc
-Clarzbeh role) jn the tenn of
Mcderich was refuseil. Mlle&
A letter of thasfVpar=ived from,
-clai'er4tarietaiol -Inbj4.-etor
'made po=Lble a display of
cehool ehildren.'s worth at the q1. median
elm R. EravIC-vn, :ielfr3alamebt. ger:
warded-a-renoltation of---,tte, Hord -a
1,Gennt7 :ItelQbtea° "mad Ratepayere As-
sociation thantting the County Cesasell
for a grant of QI-0 which rtatb bit
E; -417r Jenne
Z.Ildii.-7-rbise, Ittetroiti:-- lar:1,
letter OOCOSSEtwAy4Ro_trio pietums of
and. Ole& of Burma County, stat e 11/
.a canvas portrait of his fath\er co
. he obtained for, .th_e_:.,Cenrt
$2011 Clerk .1.11.1toberts add that
v1,114t) Q11
to 4'1174.17.10/ a,.,47,-.=0 04, 0S'L7
'Ott:11,V t.
onp•' 24>;-;r111rt 407400,qiC
tlza i(4p Oal,;;tega
iprt• eti iiI 1c.vord
:;t1114 -r t#4412.:
2 r$dt* ¶7 p;
A- .4-471 .4.0ngtli
vuunication was ill
-7iFen-ntiiitaleationeto,eapluidir-Mkuse vEitte--mgattffeeprolimi*,--nvithg
to vt
v. t -
t atTN,r'41
. ofze euM
Pe, ,c6 401 tnf _47,Mr9e».
rct.tht• hdir9 OOMZP.141t117P,
of411t* attipttez. '
11?e 101Intonv
ail 4,oiinz.V.2eto 't.gOritift'zatioult of *the
,cta1v 1t taattlf tzosted
ae=ls, to otvztafpLocnictraape tiOr One 40 -
Vacant ,tvilo-had-reekei'Ved- -03 for one
Month -'s Sae; and •
thiaTs. it is the dzit's. of the 040141-,
ty Connell to peint a hoard thieh;
will- set'aidhear 'the !en -(41-4tD-2.%
mothers," said Reevd TOrner Of Coder.
_ 2%,70-xx_Rwattarl, of ccnt, .ez",
greaent Omar& ale
was throngh writ-
41;;Dtia ; V07. 22-,
t,INO Tmtoraa at,oT 4
ittv#11: 'Oa* 0414140r, gra, a mlo
Um. Zo*.1 ,QtratfO4
Vz',=$4,t0t4s4 LtItm lloge,
ti# # Ra‘tqlg4PA ,yilpftL941,
ap,00‘, hOteo of theltr daugh,ter, 141.41
Au410% gel'ar.4tte;*
WThoa Ooniinet0
;Thitteilv‘ ovveli • On
‘ttR4-zeino Th*$
4;'-Wa AutOter Iola': 'and
qn&Zir.0:-..44....A.6,;.-_kat •
_tylart-..tMrs,- -John Waders and Tara;
IfiCerb-iMcgridge Spent.r4lurday
Xrendon. •_
Cilgerd Oinith and., Visa 6nnle
IRrete, oa,mrathroy,olptit„.0matillaF' 'With
Dt, hts. 0. Weir .and 07.
Thomas -WilSet Mrs. jaha
.0 - and Mrs. John Meialden
,visited tItb friendS' in 'Clinton last
met. ,17
anal Ora. Cecil D'sy t1ca I7,e4";
ogee OAF and- Tar. mtdaty; ot Of "Odic;
rite, visited on Sundae' with Bei, a.`.
church on ISniedlay Wafreonditetid b -y
•Rev. tr, j'. OIL Marriott of Goderieh,
In the 'heard, tecause he was unable' who gave a .very, inspiting ser on. '
to 174 action, The woes) was not
, :Lir. Wes. Oltemprd„ of Olintotn
holanzt-im—vm1111 -41°' it' =D ijilIltILIP. Wed-- Ntritia-hkl- --slater,-_zarR, Elam
aoinitY dsrtM111, t4) Gala ILIP l'ttte3
of MID Countp,OoultD handle the Verit .
Lam reettieron, Bliss gtees Ilet-,
better and ttmo a clot= cIlezett. oth pie and I.dr. Garnet 'Farrier, all 'og
--.12-doret, thin - •r.
'sure to bidr on the Moverament-stle d Ism Meehtel•Plata;
474ATITAitiTARIOrAtaggfttafter tree -Way rs. Jae. Woods ikae told q,1er farm
it iitoula hi. I have trierildrtiff tairyWestglelfettingt,'OUMatird
to get action." the West, who has come to live in
It was decided to as/1 0, A, Robert -
o's; dm4P-.•,112,,, to -address Conneilrcir the 'ilgi_faellerrotiv.,714.0en, ofeSheppartp.
subject. - ,espent .the-weeikeend,ai „hex hp
••••e-, 3
• old -age -Pe Onsr-staing- rrantrierO.P' ` _7" 01..'”gra7ton-- 0.•
• LtTlet—CaM _trAVIa„,414,Litt& returned from their honeymoon wbieh
111 ,00 E 4,111_ 4,1
7.fft,,2* Ditrat,
Sims 6-11D
Wtho ILD.
Pure wool hose for men
in a marvelous pattern
range with lastic or reg-
ular tops ... real quality
eesi exceptional values.
@OCv4t2. 00'3
Ff any 'other types avail-
able in straight tip or
,Wing tips ... you can
choose any one of 25
styles in Yams Mb
.1r432322,t6.31 • -t...4rAltUlawreIattNesktitaltnhowgIltsiteitY,
cases, if .reported, would be ca
Clerk Ro'berts stated) som
woudd have to be taken Witlif
. . .
speetor of Legal Whew, the
dons must be changed With r
the pollee -0 ce, magistrate's o
witness roma now situated in
mem at the Ocnirt ouse.
an alternative, of spending
for an outside once or install
-titories in the basement an
•commended) t new lock6 and plumb-
ing be inseilled at the County Jail;
that: the wooden floor and joists be
replaced by cement; that a central
heating system be installed ; that three
______e2Yezmallen fire extinguishers be added,
and) that masonry a wor
checked. Buildings an& grounds were
described as fair. beds clean, food good
with per diem cost per inmate at 10.54c.
On June 24th this year, when the
official inspection was made, there were
thirteen inmates.
Figures for the five years previous
other points. • •
,MIsdes.-.11dary Houston, of -Londes-
• boro, and Jean IllonstOn, of Goderich,
I spent the WeTek-end at the Willie or
their parentsr Mr. and Mrs. John
• In Houston. 4,1
• The thankopring meeting of nox
1.1- Presbyterian W. M. S. will be held in
the basement of the church on Thurs-
day, November 18, at 2.30 p.m. The
special speaker for the afternoon wili
be Miss Tollof Ilth.
Was obeli' Foster spent the week-
end at her home at Sheppardton.
Mr. and George Pilgrim, of
'''''"--rtoelle37,- -with eregarde4e-totaLenuanteLenteeettredititerettoseeti—ise
of inmates and high and low number ilom
The m tter_vekIL,In.
throughout the years, were given as '-
ater in the session. ,P
follows:'Still another matter for dieetission
was whether or not the Couneirehould
29 -7, continue payment of $50 per year to
10 two teachers' institutes. This was
17 ,';;; _ the equivalent of the Provincial grant,
10 but, midi the tOlerk, the Provincial
82 3 grant has been eut off this year.
Reeve P. W. Scott moved, seconded
by Reeve W. D. Sanders, "that 'we
extend, our thee' to Mr. Chas. Lane,
151- rePIP e-retiees„t - f-DePut4t ison- of our, Late &muter .Lane,. and
Reeve J. E. 'EtuctIns of 04iderierrithil expreis OUr aii*eelation-of the' gifts
'Reeve Wilmot Haaeke of Goderich
township for information regarding
the appointment and dismissal of
county constables, the Clerk read' a
report submitted by 'High Constable
P. E. MCCoy.
Accoaling to the Oil eerie report,
county vonstableG might-beeappoiiited
or thirty days by a magistrate, for
any length of time by a bylaw of the
County CatukciI COunty. Cettr
-judge, and might be dismissed by the
-same means.
-There are eibitteetvaetive constables
In the cimnty excluding Municipal of-
ikers, and all haftes and equipment
"of ariee'llaff braratettaleged-orsitevi.iiiiir-
been recalled. Only one county con -
Stable to on'salary.
'Deputy Reeve lifuckins asked that
the statement be tabled for future dis- •
Gorgeous Coats that meet
•the exadting demands of
,,ialMr,g,:„ttoman, who ,rea
kliqvis fashions, and appre-
'e.iates quality. Collared In
niost flattering styles.
range of sizes, including
half.sizes for the shorter
uti ma mom 1*--M3tKET ii YOU PIJflCUA
vouR win con 'Now :
1932 102
1033 131-
1004 121
1.935 96
1936 11120
The report was referred to the pro-
perty committee.
County Cone -shies
catz'cllitzt JJoiltee Ana
In presen, tinga report of the crim-
inal justiCe auditors Clerk g,oberte
emendedProvincial Constable Mc-
Coy and to-untY--CrOristatle J -Ferguson
for their co-operation and assistance
during the audit.
Reeve MOTall asked « by the 're-
port Was signed only by 'Mr. Roberts
;and Reeve R. M. Turner. WO
always under the opinion there were
'four, including the Crown Attorney
and the Judge," lrm said.
Reeve Tummy stated that all the
work was done by Mr Roberts_ and
hirace4f, assisted by 'Constables Mc -
and IFterguson, and several reeves
.voiced the opinion the Crown( Attor-
ney and. judp should) have attended..
believe if theiDrown Attorney and
zelitgte-onrjietite'tenkatkea _01 URPt
4itt:il of reVonsibtlity„" sale Reeve Me -
X411. 'If the tudit is not agati, ay
it alma Is not Comet then the Cotten
la on bur tuatara' 'should -era an4
are vetztonsible,"
Valet tile Crown AttOMY choitild
a".c.,..Aatonst," tai0 Mr. molortg, "'begat=
Iteltribtra theta Cates. In Ytarizl gone
by ttie Attorney tWat awett
on the audit' t did. notaott avow
eit-,t to 0102 it, 'tte'AliCe vpe did the
tWnrner,latest ant t. ,bere. .t;z113
'little Chance of„...-.deroit aa-th table 42
ikza cci en the. ttattiteo ttaa
.•! ,
,reort I:4004;
tog, a l'INItt.02ctata tlbat
sea"ta OMra
tOntat to
ovoi, .ta
=oti tta catca 14r thee' part..
nt.17 irmrc A.
thot /ec'elDtalg! 0.1 422,03-0
twzrat,t1:14, zAol " to imolz
altta. tt4 .Vt,41,t kt0t)116 VAI-
,zirgs fa th:,) t,'..Z4gli,*".o- cr=.070 t111 515
:44-tittiatceJ t•lote'
that, ttle to0,1afty Tat;hWaya
v4Ittitotattln 4ttl.-12 Ctzz
-12cItt,1%a vtotacz
cmiLtzt IQ,...z.?,0.t-z-=z1
=via ct-v-xl ntc..
of portraits of his father, and instruct
our Clerk to transmit a suitable ex-
prmdon of same to Mr. Lane, jr."
Carried', MA •
The Council then adjourned' for the
In a mixed doubles tournament at
the Royal bowling alleys on Monday
night; 'Miss 7.01Iene- LloY4-, a d-.-....ELarry
Phelan headed the list for •chicken.
prizes with a' total three -line score of
1189. Second prize inners Were Miss -
Bess Tobin and ,Thos.-Plitehard, with
11.70_,Runnera-lip, were Miss Ruth
Or4 A= tzP z.owaalzra40'
PQM 0110 7 ,IVAUTIO7r4 cazoo,
_c4-'7?-1-);_..,22...litgr-rreal.°cip 110 e.'07c,•4`2.1:121N'LlI'l).e:__:
Gifts, of Toiletries, by , Yardley, .,,i:711oublOtiti; „o0d ury,
Bonjour, , Du ;Barry, Harriet Hubbard, Ayer, and, Othos,
• Toilet Cases of Comb, Brushes and Mirror, Alen% Cases of
• Milftary Brusbo, etp.
lowpoint,, proving after a ceuPle
t7ekela5 under the care of Dr.' Gra.
Iia tt is hoped the eye will be
We are sorry to report that Ur&
Dreg irzOodligil is ill we holm for a
sErecty kwovery.
11MPig .0.41:78-itr=c3
ab6T. \110
atc, hbe ,portrayed4g
- 4L
00,4 ormv.,D,
TEM& EVEop ROM, 26,
at 8 o'clock •
,n -tort. 1111WIreat t"
-tee..,%I&A,Me'•AFtelf -
-as. East
, Mrs. A. R. Walker has _returned to
Toronto afteLa brief visit with her.
father, Mr. Alex. Marikenzlee---
The regular monthly meeting of
the B. Y. P. U. will be held in the
Baptist church on Sunday, November
21, at 7.30 p.m. 'rhe meeting will be
in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
The service in the Baptist church
on Sunday was conducted by the pas-
tor,, Rev. G. W. Sherman, who spoke
dir"The -
deiirge visited ----With ht
brother, Rev. Wm. Raithby, of St.
'Thomas, last week.
:Mrs. Mark Armstrong has installed
a• new radio in her home. •
r. and Mrs. Harry Fremlin, of
Clinton, visited with Mrs. John Fer-
guson on Saturday.
Mr.GordOICIWYlof was in ToraiTo
last week attending the motor show.
The condition ofelirs. Wm. Redger
Wir*-:-1Mairgaret-shig11,- -who -aPTY
both confined to Clinton hospital, is
Much improvetl.
Ur. and4dra. W. EL Shettpard and
faultily visit Miss Margaret Smell
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Raithby and
'Gordon, of Morris, visited with Mt,
add 'Mrs Jas. Raithh$ on Sunday.
Mr. and 'Live race Oaintpbell and
fatally, of Oa. kland; ivitsited with- Rev;
WitiOn. aid .4741:1:: WiltoiaLko
,./A=ht.70.427y azuw.,—The cougro.
g;ationo 'Itnou iPretbYterlan ehureh
held its annual fowl supper in _the
fiaeemiiit of t35-6--alljrch
-evening, :+tov, II. Some 400 people:
attended and the prbeeeds for the.
evening amounted to .--$135. The
taw. woo -charge, of -Mesdameti
W. T. ROhison, lit,dgar Lawson, Fred
ROSS, George +Dawson, Doble J.
C. Stoltz and A. M. 'Yungblut. After
the supper a- play, entitled "A all,
Town Ro eo," was presented by the
Dramatic Saciety of St. Paul's Angii,
can church, lIiton, in the Foresters'
Ha& -
Fall details -of -the Plan in each
. ,
Ciapitt 411 I -711dr Hi. — ec i - emt fe
'Phone 47 -....,...... Codev,ch
• -No* Illaying-Bakile Cantor ant the Raymond Seat" Quintet In
"Mall BABA Goes to Town"
iNonday, Tusecolay dt N ednesday—
• Nary Astor -Raymund Was-s'TiMnillbledrativithrund-Drsviat Nivea
,E'r4Sent the greatest romantic adventure stoiry of alktiree,
66 7
--Mil3 30hTIE1, OF ZEDA'"
Thartroday, Flriday alRld SeTtral 0 wy-
with a talent cast in the lilting, laffable, lunar musical comedy
-11' IrE- (0) -Fp °El it. EFOOIT—
1 = WA_ And bis ercin.strit. Wtth POI.PY...
_.„zeat.i..,zia ,,K.PPAY
Matinees Wednesday, Saturday anal holidays at 3" pon.
Combg-laretta Wowing and WareilOtt Baxter I fil -
. "Vvrifte, Illeeter and filrateres"0
EMT Peathez, 2-ocilt.ftiii
Cke= 117c
nag® .. . ... 2-1110 -2,a) 28c
▪ 01127A
t,Ar.-c 01:-
tIseS4• -m
Mara 5111Z/M.T.Sle, .LZtAt.
—IV...Dough:le !r..n.8-ant Of . Var,allit
Zto, '3a =a .ri.P.\ :-,;"1 a _
spent ...the week -end withhis.motheri
.. Ors. Otopuel Aim, Sr., of Goderia.!
visited at the`hozle 02 her im 41614
laa riitc...'It. : .- :: , _ ,
Vra:7« virputt aim \ of. laiaaliftou oral
Vonday, et the hotthi6 of her parento
Z -Vs' MCI Ma Vint 4.41age
Vies. ,ZOhn Weble visit-" 'V4frith- reta#
tiVes in ifloatla 04'1/owl:v.
,a, IV$110, tittoii.vanlar by r`1
. 1.1441wain, to-. ' t Wonday at ,G
Time ladlea• of tdirlettcommunity are
Voalha on quilta. In oreliaratio0 -Rot
mItitit a trole to the dried -out arci
of VA 1,Z4t. ' ' • '
'atia Wita WM Vaib,. vitao.
a j.i. .,,tptt..4,6%.i1brlitioticetitity,64e464,2raV,(4, 2,
to tilk tfit6=erta, brother, /oran
,. ,
tk.- Tay, trliolia-rM v t
_ .,.5-.i.l.q..-11i.g1),
i 6 Would *-1-Sti.- '
• 144th..',VH-o2Ittittto*.ush1p.
out MIZIoTtina Ji1:4141) and ,,
a 0; mill, eats; ,t3tavil.pd of
otimieti, ozmituo tolbatoe2 he
, om:ct=totl-af ittolhoria4 iti ittl., 0
o .
6,1:4'-tlfita11141,:tVit #Itt4,',?;lei. ,
lIte, 'goy reitowter, plto utzt mikloa,
', 'tind-021t2-tratn hOeit0 0, otpto Of
t=ti.,,,u aao,„ Oleo it a -r2440, Mb:, '
Zia= Velallta(' tatotaftta ti
,. t','Itor rohtz‘ tan*to
I, a QuottinC,t1-'-t., 05'
tlo. Vo.n.l'ilt:,„tot,N utz tao ,a4
'ilvz ti o tt,'4%-tt, a A ,V1I'VC<.1.-,'d at.'1.
..v..4e1Q3 'to, 105..1 ,c,,-0,, tItast iim:a-,, , '
ea? Zstom12 &tit .. .
eat utallo f,itraH' age
6ria,kam Corm
tik:0 25c
,.. ,
.- -1,,
EMT Peathez, 2-ocilt.ftiii
Cke= 117c
nag® .. . ... 2-1110 -2,a) 28c
▪ 01127A
t,Ar.-c 01:-
tIseS4• -m
Mara 5111Z/M.T.Sle, .LZtAt.
—IV...Dough:le !r..n.8-ant Of . Var,allit
Zto, '3a =a .ri.P.\ :-,;"1 a _
spent ...the week -end withhis.motheri
.. Ors. Otopuel Aim, Sr., of Goderia.!
visited at the`hozle 02 her im 41614
laa riitc...'It. : .- :: , _ ,
Vra:7« virputt aim \ of. laiaaliftou oral
Vonday, et the hotthi6 of her parento
Z -Vs' MCI Ma Vint 4.41age
Vies. ,ZOhn Weble visit-" 'V4frith- reta#
tiVes in ifloatla 04'1/owl:v.
,a, IV$110, tittoii.vanlar by r`1
. 1.1441wain, to-. ' t Wonday at ,G
Time ladlea• of tdirlettcommunity are
Voalha on quilta. In oreliaratio0 -Rot
mItitit a trole to the dried -out arci
of VA 1,Z4t. ' ' • '
'atia Wita WM Vaib,. vitao.
a j.i. .,,tptt..4,6%.i1brlitioticetitity,64e464,2raV,(4, 2,
to tilk tfit6=erta, brother, /oran
,. ,
tk.- Tay, trliolia-rM v t
_ .,.5-.i.l.q..-11i.g1),
i 6 Would *-1-Sti.- '
• 144th..',VH-o2Ittittto*.ush1p.
out MIZIoTtina Ji1:4141) and ,,
a 0; mill, eats; ,t3tavil.pd of
otimieti, ozmituo tolbatoe2 he
, om:ct=totl-af ittolhoria4 iti ittl., 0
o .
6,1:4'-tlfita11141,:tVit #Itt4,',?;lei. ,
lIte, 'goy reitowter, plto utzt mikloa,
', 'tind-021t2-tratn hOeit0 0, otpto Of
t=ti.,,,u aao,„ Oleo it a -r2440, Mb:, '
Zia= Velallta(' tatotaftta ti
,. t','Itor rohtz‘ tan*to
I, a QuottinC,t1-'-t., 05'
tlo. Vo.n.l'ilt:,„tot,N utz tao ,a4
'ilvz ti o tt,'4%-tt, a A ,V1I'VC<.1.-,'d at.'1.
..v..4e1Q3 'to, 105..1 ,c,,-0,, tItast iim:a-,, , '
ea? Zstom12 &tit .. .
eat utallo f,itraH' age
6ria,kam Corm
tik:0 25c