HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-11-3, Page 1• bib
01-aitIrtW.'5:07alttA . Seere47743, .00";
liminere bee -, ;1,0 of , the 0,1.4air;o OlZ.
._ 1ItliattIPX 41,11L, t!!' ...„'•1
eet!attou agilt T -0,41a lotraticelfriai-ozi
, . .
--' tTonday before P. IL', krefIG., ItkIttO•d:
W8 committed eat tract at tbe =tit
The charge AMPS litii 02 ci hialaktle
actedent ,aie Keatteatelditill, • 001,110e ievfe
lheiretlia, otteSittitayetrigitte ee'etober•
li whielt =Ora Weee lamed,
ertea----,,;----e-n-VestWittoeltatgeeteetei'egge_eieltegteteteett e;
''''''-tattiktatietteWateteatreetheetEleet Affeat er,, arta, ten - allite&itiett ' t
ital Ora theefollowiette't tetra= ty Atm to het e4ed re vut6 men! lee -
2 ilititattofethaereattenebted Ordaftee teee ' to the le4.7117amo a atany wore=
. eatestefteettaatateteeoote ott-eaerto ete-eateetec, filiktek. •-9.t t a 'tei told •92' 6 Gq°51e12
0-e'44-'ia-ce. tIlerertMettlehtltreeseefeteeetrargM' Migiti4toli''''''°141:1414-44'
the plea that the police ewere not veey--eyeo when attacked by the Ike
ready to proteed.
‘e.ets-e-nOteeiteentleyeteeeee etaesatenetelealeJta
ie. Rowe •repeatee 4110 evaitece givett
' 't-at1/4"k-swinituviggew,4S74.iteaviwa,
---:-DK-V.:--T:--gtleteeeonteeeeltee ' -
rewo,. slaist.14C..ate14%.,tbst.t 1,14Pre.d.
tim tui. lairo---- - - -
occupants of tOntiolee'a ear, Mr. and emelithe'totitneesetagetie tneetetyeettoeceot
-Mrs. A. Croce* 'Mr, ad nre. )Bruce Mr. end Mrs. Gordon Yonne of Col -
yd, Kathleen, 'Loyd and Illetteth borne township. sulfured a broken leg
ooke, were I tired. Nen/meth and painful body bruises and !acerb -
Crooke w.& but alightly inlet. At- time When he was otructs down near
tended at .9lirst_at.:11 ledges , 0"..11P14.3' carlovir on rDenesdziy afternoon hz, a
peertinge-Mme.Oreolte-wee. ittlaoVeti_ to _car__ dil --itlin7Wireofalli714.[E0T1-!,
1, .,. taiLa4 lieTeriTintirtlie- --eitT Witter iltatleibondotte -
reeeived a fracture at the bac* of the Investlgatede reports that the young
esull and there wart alight Nese for men Wee Walking eiong the centre of
reeovery. The injury was a, direct the r d !tied did not tear the ap-
result a external violence," the Phge` .prOecitine dor coming from the rear,
deism concluded. , ?eat ilt titeltiattealMeet pan him. He
Bruce Boyd, a paseenger in Croke' leetted. to the right without looking
•beigad Wheat he heard the ear's motor
car, testified be was -on the right side
of the back seat. 1,1tes. Crooke was duieleg a lull in the scroug wind. and
mated on the leperatitteide a the rear was struck. by the front a the car.
aeat, according to the evidencw- „ Comte:de Lever stated Hardy - ad -
ea.. 41, 2,),47,1rAttikAaWt 441:1,NRAW, , FAIL 74entRAM! =Wetly 4Id net Weee hie horn.
'broke over the top or tee -inlay ri: Dr. Weir,. a Auburn, attended the
kited Boyd. "The lights were f irly injerelleteroeklteteend removed him to
((strong and Pattorfe car was 'travel- Alexendra fiospitta.
ling very fast. -.lost before the mo-
iment of impactPatto l's cak ewerved
into us. There was no 'chance for TWO 5ANS RETIRE
Eikr. Crooke_to tvorn into the diteh to
avoid the accidea" --etterege • --- V.,„Teete-tepe •-ilp ..I[ru.pzrial OH
The witneee contended that the se- Y ,,.. OSIII&Adll
tual collision :feet platNe ettn Croy/tete • Changes ita the personnel of the 10CaI
otaf of thp Ina,....rial 011.,0041;12
aide of the read.
. t tedein OretteatedefeePs.02,e'thetie eft% retafeeteatitte- tis Trateireinetilrifit '
eorroborated Boyd% evidence, stating ete
teederich men who have served the
t Patton swe'rved directly. lo front 00 pa.ny a total of forty -flour years.
o2 bim after coming overdthe brow Of They are Gilbert Plante, for twenty -
e hill at high speed. four years in the empleg a tbe Grua,
_ Kathleen Boyd, six-year-old (laugh- latterly as Gales agent_and_plant miter:.
ter of the first vvftness, was .reported intendent, and R. J. Mealehece circuit
coffering beam inju.ries received in the manager, who has been with the farm
-decide/rt. eThe -doctors. any- ehe. Will „te.e4ty„ years.
not 'be fully recovered, for •at /east , .MT. Plante, Who has spent hie entire
three monthe,"„aler ffiefilek'ts?.#fied, businese career of thirty eectre in God -
teree. oereee'T,,,,esteteneoe,
s - •
•,•• .reetese
V 476
TZ-i,,A7- rtMrin
Y ,DPOI)V10 M 10 7
1 XR, M. Tf trAIVE1 .
-- - __
.. 1
'i ntt,'-,1 t -,,,-,,.H. '0 b e,D'• (0C-,-- to ,e4t7a
c.,=-,-= .. ;iv, .
• - . ,
. ..... -
--- --- :.cta.'.-T.' .-.11Z,:,--,)Ven, , 1 VT , , Gli two voivati 0-4roate3,., arovon,
pr' 44 tii:44:4* e0 ''irrett' :.-i41-; r
90f ttarz4VNItE00040444.0 to the
CV. tle&:."4 * tr.,,-,,t-I-••,.1ir-a
• .a.:.,4, -,--W.
' el Lar°11):OLC-400: ra ItaXie ::::::°t: .17c.imuctlz.,1,c7f 3artlito..81.4.., tract VAL= Fe Al#ctrAira beee eel Ont
o 4%)1,r,tr, V.Itth• On %day' at noon
6tr:7.120 0 Mdtar Vir,,,t,. MA •,1•311c.:3‘ 'Win= - .4101.
' ery •Ite -Warm.and•'igiaeAtetti the
,ni<eelling'Of lt.M._, nrchworaano Gatid -;Qk TM v;i',...), 6 14z a tvlta tos011410444V.. .t. least; o he, ou.
.th ----n..rt OlLot$D4* -170t4,44.P1;,'i-eaq -ilr,11.44011117 "Olt
ah011t ta0' 4tzatt atit.Zeb whtz,p, 0140
,(20.0ttea gia,104 on Tinentilay
ik . . „ E,7).,::,„a
. • _ igtaitt4t 11.44e ear•woanl lest, he Inaew .
WItepell?ei gat it.041-te toad May Bud a-,',4',.R.,3t:iq't`,)M IMIWin Oblei t.:c744V*Ittt0; 'ma . neo.
CalVo' :Owt.,„',41.11pf,tt tAttt 02. Sta. - .;;X: ' •,,,,--,'' '''''''',' . *
tar ilia Wihtth ther Ver0 MAIL* with
, mst,,
eZlid,Alcithitedn, WhO Pidiross4
.#04.4 •,, ;„.• zev, ht, (Raba , sea 4r&rOntO, an,, 111*.111q°1"'
h..', -V, tin; :Otte $#t a a stom •on .
•C3,4104 telu 00 tie bevattionzdAto: dmItt „<adfitor *of irate 0,00 . ttptigo,74'i,, tlao, vozoo too 0 34te oluca741„,and 116. The eemareGattim PvViletvziEl stmtt 202.0 rOltall-Oor. 041 tlaVP on ikv royal 'mite:nee V $ enteaded Capt.
Alen. Oralgie, A Cleveilandt, a nativo
.4,2 Imodmits„.02 ;..41ft -4 ,„ , 7,,z34,,,taKv loOlag4t104 of ill,1.1101#4 ., OtrOft, Iito,14iti -0. ttOttita 10k,to •Go fa Stw 'telP ll'Alitttdr etv4TIC/ kdd" °Ir13' '*a"" °714 )-r.Ial:It41 1.°4 4 '4it 41'-4Scleu 43"=*
ocao at liortit area vzoot ohu • 0,, , to 43-...oitqt$ tott#4, riabt. „He tvit seeder oe 40ariat3 ta stztep •ipsteiv.„. itill,ttrt300447/cOtt;svtige.••01,07=40 Ililtgrovj:(31NIta of Coderleh, Viten 'he pitotc41 the mat
(00' Ot_tite people aa OM witnenszt
"k1.0.-tittat.03%.*tkPOt§ii"KIW)164 „0•45undo•FpOrning-.14r.714T.Ohl,i1M4VontO4V00,4,341----Calte'Tebil4tt-41144- le°v*. v• 17.' 4.1:1.‘41' "IT 44 n tPt141).
, _ 'the 109,02 tit' -ear aa it' roiled ovter, otec"2.11•1'712. A- Ifteino• ClatliiblP 00 the
-x,ca.to 0110,0 ,t4 .4eg minzt_r Rev- W. r• li-at/e• ItheA'0101111OC-41,ti ' Walhat.tit'412-ffrthk:Atr:vivate• ' lia."71ttp• ;zcliiEfci:-*jar-:qtt4tgtz-vo--apt•aAt-•e2,-t4 ,01011--ttog,•=,•-•aa-...„.mcgi itreiv _ line, into the halter tere iDa
14,1, -.*-•..t:''=404..1g---40? iig„,,014.:VIKICPAN-
h,,,-ottz- 41rItt -,-. on trat ohe.•had cs= In niveraar7-40mleefr at-artlie4411---• g_antr.R•_-0Z 'the Iva i', 'the betier tis c,20
In his address on -"Prlie' Igisslon4 Og -MO Ititte 4.Mrt 0- et?. and-identi thurcil(-at t-epth7tervieen: ' tfAlt.,.01t7th6tehon It*taAt ttrarEttYnakk2ont rt:tfothu: C.31'°11rt/ atter8"a -*It'll a ''..dt-513-i-4-52
-...--1,- - -- ---- - 11.102,01) bushels of - oats, the largest
eve ,k0Werh• and of •the„eries of little
Qur Church,' Mr, Graham told Og It_',-.': his own. • •` , 11 AIC IC ''e 17311123 -fid Cartre4); --at Fililtny,le' vit---(Itic:77:'lai-c-‘—r-C3-----76-.0a1A13-- -011)2e- vh1-- il single consign= @ to be unload-M.1km
chilkW4. ar they reeeital ciNolea kola *trine woels' baba dlonellf foreign ifigi 41141 ow ato :v,vae'e and on, , Elvvoar. a large conOregation was Prelreliat-, 444.. brobe- 0. ria -14 a- mil, ffractu' red dna-ft bone title year. The cargo woo from the
,3h1=L1i* deldo•;--ithe--thsFA4-eat-;h04- 11,kr4w4nItrattlt4--ravgvitinttrith, 110 tICP itt-e0010, 11g117 katIF '''•!12.-;" as.maln2Pre4, •
tt'ilttt e2t32eil hittg Ilk'amire itm 41e1„;,111 and g=tbly int:email injuries. Catey
LtIna ta0n00- . Intl .1010t. to'o 44011071to hinzaeta,-while port ot Duluth,
„ad, 1047,45,44611,4,-,,,,4/0.4,:but .0,f49 home misaion ado. . , _,.
-e ateljAitt dootittOo a gto TV' q.t. Agriea aim.4 lerinicladeelad at g0-121411.0' 4'"ii
mlf,-,11 * ,.. -1.4..iattAiortn 0 a•lentier to Inop hit; artIMOR WAG t -Oen 27° P5alm e8:6- get°, were Sac=call egainet the wind- and friesda and ,a numbor of to,pc... _
,_,*alete ttrettat o the fZinate, and
ally ",::3,QtateAlArict 1.,--bailitrifialdt-• 440- wete tetite.11L110, Sqttl:. as he re- mo._ „,e, e . se ,, e _. . . .— .yealltrowathae tesorzine Salta tiactonetateouteleahtegra.setieoh;
r isa_v0001113g, Wet) Was oraveettee tee
elothliteetead:Wditt?ee, 'dad ..Mee„ Wee.
olonaeree lea tetiliee, -3cleange-gotteet .
turned 40 t104 Ourell• . V1316- tefft--26r car, and Zale, Whine Eilier-owni-the- into Gederichi harbor. and telativ0a
Them seao are gretWeat* ' ha:Plat:110,
;it_ . . ,T r.„3_,..,
1- 404 ' 1,,, I - L-4 I ..0. da, ail tv.,i4 5,,.. :,..
,,a4 dr, ,..f • r -
didet walk that fartafter (parking the tuary," ' .
1 ,,,e-Mtetteee,:eaetelMeteente have • sworn I
o , ...,.re .,, , niy.to p 7, •.1, , n
GMM,ii 0 41 irtC1lf—• IfLITEVIlif-tiiiiii, 5.4,§ (', , i 0 ,.. surve-tm.....,.J..,..„' '41-63_..,tiltieivai2s2LIrear 4,Tte,„,,i',,,,,,H"
4 ; relIt'l. 141i tItt .
$3.. i I Iti- • i•al • .
19/2 Okla. were breuant to Coderieh
4-144'r: ii:isu e. :,
(-foot besattm,0 ;;;alattliteasaeligthhoteeblan It fotrzot,-,..„,-0.
4ret4,7:3&4442041tie'toi.-Otit -.6i! -20,15400.l-rtheY -are_t4e4,,ecit., . ., • , ,. 0,, ,,,,e,a,,are470 at dm „c=4;
People, tbid, are not tired a by trah,;_andeetts-r%a. .. Isctodi7, who
,....• ,
.114',I , , II I II. ,•
1, ,
criey atad inconsistencler e ' i ' ivit :---%leve ;Iis'IT to Dr. 3. ILI fillra°1- th'e7'el'elt4or'res' ere used fiOr the4 enit'a
life, Wzover hRit he gound a PerS°,..13 hernia tact ahortly af3ter 1.1 o'clotet.
The vessel itself is beantifelleoap- ,
i.l. •,..,M3A041,..Plavitna heeded the eau No euplanatIon wee ofeered for the .6"d:iP,1",1 j;:iih:irr'::r;aizoiw,aictiia
.. tir.IttOn embiatmrs:ritirroatoeli"IMVigi:::540, m, .." TtjFb'j5tt=arbswqnruzt;=tdaturawupatt,4xa oartrof' oti the
ea. ,,, e ,
latrusattittailMidiattik.. bleaita:FIVIAT4714-1254 '‘Vwcgriteg''' 4'175:241-49:1"a-gattlitr421P3r-46'811412416-'"
I lir-r_v,..,
ateettrtiliFelth_iicit_ere onme.7.er .owlaaosrda, t,,Iniii:.e,Er..ie4.0._:. They %TOM •Toturnina to-Goarre it -
... _142_1__ itt-teuttlytIetbe.eettee_e_. eoleaeotteree. „ate e(11..049.1.4.i• ef.,.. gill:V..001 and the ohip- .
g...ir; wen:* - - - - - - -.- - - -
members oe her crew bap at WO diet
teda - eine rooena_ leacn or the talrty_._two
The young people of tod y face temp- No part of the car's body eseaped
tations their fathers never Itnewand damage. !every whadow was abet- postal a eompact bunt room and tiled' '
they need the gempathy a their el& tered County....Trafilic Officer Norman
klapyrer, Dining salon and ofileero!
tn—"3-quartere are ealmost pelatial.
70.. _11.t_st_ . Cf . Row
Working talmost without rest, ctortz-
_ _ r _ _....:,
ben:fait:he elevator Unloaded th-e kAliG7A
C*q.AEOrksZ0hvJc3 v,7En
L',2s=le,7 COjec>.'e OV•13
b V7u.. Mc
I a
STMTICC —grA-aatr—
Pair in a (Dee CO • IllEtteh
Beth 1311allee nit tira Taad
The findirillori Abielifed
ditch on a county road near Etippen
on friday night started County Trat-
e Officer Lever on ail investigation
which led to the apprehension of e'er-
lielleod, of Sealorthe as the driver,
and 311s -s Hatharihe O'Leary, also of
Seaforth, as his companion on a wild
ride in a boerowed car. ,
McLeod was driving the enr, owned
by Dr. McMaster, of Seaforth, on the
way to Itippen -with Miss- °Meaty
according to Officer Lever. It may -
have been the moon, or theroad, or
comething else, but the car first went
into the ditch on the east side of the
road, then in the west ditch to clip off
a hydro pole, and back to the east
ditch to tangle with a fence. The
officer figured that wns not quite
enough, GO preferred charges againet
faoY girl for good measure.
'Caigleile IMAM
lions Cub Ouggon'la flzgag uQ----=.1., of a
arall.,,•zi Nav..0
At a meeting of the Public ISeheol
Board at Victoria school on MondaY
night is commamieation vvas read from
the Lions Club in white] it was Gug-
mete(' that the Public and k, epa rate
(School Boards in Goderich meet to
discuss. the relnstateraent,,of a Geltool
In their communication file pone
volunteered .no assistance, finaneial or
otherwis4, and the matter' was laid
(wet' for further discuseion.
The board allowed the Home and
Geh . Clubs one room in Victoria
Gel Ir uee durina their three-week
groa _•_,Iof training role leadership.
A N'Tit of thacke will be forwarded
to the ,Horticulttural Soelety or tulip
taillvs supplied the cebooln.
A communication alas receive& from
the %Vo' Huron SteeelteerY Kentielitte,
thanking. the boarde ger the 1=''bee Viet
toria Whiietrairtrureetbag slinee-for-t
recerat convention. IrLfis Si7=..lsor ekk.-7,20-ana 0. -It &gal: ITs
9 Petneitrale' reports for petoter tgfcti PL-41aich.3 ilC7 "Unta ragti203=3"
Lis inflows:
Central school. Prinelpel H. M.
\ahackleton--Total enrolment, eas;
taverage attentlance, 1O or C152 per
"cent.; penny bank depogio, man.
Vitoria sehool, Prlacleal It, Stone-
hotwe----Total enrolment, Co; avo.rage
attending*, cm. oe.Oltef-3 Zee' eehtee
gently Oar& iteporebe, 0111:4.0-2:
„ east Marjorie 1311Ilterinesaon wee
bddeii to the list of' s ;Sys wettergt,
moral and ,dpiritual needs are not Ent
by any other chttreb.•
"47W' 114, 1°40.
' •of;‘,
do for tb.e hunory and The sick in
ttamitid and soul or those in prison.
churCh you go to or whm you hang flj
eriCh; kai vraCTiel-iaMiligitzenctd---the-
growth of the COED ny erom the days liert and Dungannon on Sutelay.
of horse-drawn gasoline Tenuous to to-
day's large bulk 'plant and boat stor-
age and shipping facilities.
• ooze.
years ago Mr. lieceeehen was in the em-
ploy a Impirtial 011- at Loudon.- -
,Mr. IP -Warren, of Madsen form-
erly of London, to 23 to Goderich
with fifteen -Sears', enperteece • to sue-
eeed MT. Plante; and Mr. /13-. MOM
as, of lilamilton, previously at Ottawa
and - Kingeton- for a total of eighteen
year% 'sgeeeeda Mr. Mclitrehen.
The retiretaerats on sion of the
two veterans, essrs. ante and Me -
Oben' , were-aecepted with genuine re-
gret on the .part of the firm. We un-
deretend that both will remain resi-
dents of Goderich.
Prater eetlnga"--,What-reatir-y-ain
°PIO, re n4d nt?.t
tvorking,- t000esee eones-elfdi -
Mr. Graham revealed that a prom-
inent Sapeneete leader had- acted that
more missionaries 'be flint over there,
asserting they had a tremendous i -
fluenee in that - country.
i'Ais•-for-Olninar the_people over there
are -thanking God for the tObriatiata
laglialefteetateTAAlle 4.49,145,0„0"rikkgai0
fe-it'fire-tireflirthWitrifiLftEettlfil' -
thankful our missionaries are in theft
midst to strengthen and help them to
stand up agairtst the buffeting of the
The speaker stated the need for
woaene in oreign fields was greater
than ever, partieulerly in India and
Africa. He spate of the marvellous
work, being done in Korea, where
Mae classes test four days. There
are 245 classes with a total enrollment
of 9,427.
"It is amazing how eager they ere
to learn," he said.
MT. Grahamalso spoke a wort. in
the Canadian West, work for which
eome mil:testers receive about $3136 per
year. Why don't the people of the.
drought -stricken areas get out after
nine% years of failure? he eetred. Be-
iedtr;It 4 Wee ith' etre .t.:11e
'Ttii3jfragkii'Matt1ICY'Cle Vitrickilt
ind the rains will comae.
'"One Good wan," he oaid, net
the people of Sastetatchewan on their
"When you lo d your cars and send
'them out West you will have an idea
of the quality of the geople. They
are .not beggars. They are not fools.
They have Ith In their cduntry, and
It will tome back," ite concluded.
---aere-Graham _agate -tea° at Port Al-
)1Tatointig T ..7,trann
W6dIng -"' - -
The November meeting of Central
Home and Sehool Association was held
on Tuesday afternoon. There were
thirty members present, Mr. Shad/de-
ton's room winning the attehdance
banner. The treasurer reported a
balance of 041.46,
The sum of $8 was voted to buy
prizes for the children Leaking the
greatest progress durine the past year.
These •prizes are to be awarded at the
next meetIna.
The president announced that train-
ing classes are to be held in Victoria
school for the executives of all the
PIIMEST OU' 'TEE ElIMMON Associations of the Home and School
The Menesetung Canoe Olub held Council. The first class is to be held
Its first at-home of the season on Tues- next week and promises to be very
day night. Owing probably to thc helpful as well as interesting.
stormy Vreather the attendance wee fourteen girls, under the direetion
not as large as is. usual at these ttetb- of Mr. Player, sang two delightful
eringe, but tbose, present had a good songs.
Mess Joan'Groves then gave an In -
Wresting and instructive talk qn nu-
trition, or the right choice of foods.
-Mrs. J. W. Fraser played a piano
solo in her usual accomplished inan-
, At a 'meeting of the Boardetf Health
at the Town Hall on Monday afternoon"
a report of the Ontario Department of
Health, read by the cheirman, A.
D. McLean., gave Goderich deintaeg
water a "grade A" =tine. A repeel
on milk and cream samalleo token from
Goderich ddstlorbutorg alao was re-
ceived from the Department.
The sanitary inspector reported he
had investigated and cleaned up nn-
deatrable conditions on the nate.
it arms decided to send a letter of
condolence to (Mayor MadEseant who
Js still confined to the hospital.
There are no .contegioue direeases iri
IlOtierich and only KM Case' of a cOet-
nannicative dieeage.
time. Mrs. W. F. Saunders and Mr.
Jack Johnston won the prizes at
-We' Mrs. H. MeNee taking the con-
solation page.' After a delightful
hutch denten, was enjoyed for an
hour or two to muele provided! by Geo.
Littlero orchestra. W. J. Baker, R. J.
)icallehen, 'F. .T. Little and A. A.
Nicol were the committee in charge
of the event.
Much interest has been taken by the
ladies in the offer by Curry's Kakery
of a large Meer cake free to the first
lady claimind the cake vrith 'her given
'name on it. Those who won these
cakes the past week were Miss Dor-
othy Medd , Miss Hew' Hartwell,
Mice Isenr1 Seedy, Miss Jean Walter
and alto. W. (Elizabeth) Tebbutt.
One cake le given away in this man-
ner each day this month.
• and'IND 11/1=14, Ot1/11,43
Sign naming as'r-,4,-41- 11144 a terti,;:ite
ty miles per hour hac-• ri=n11:17.ar-4
nouspleleee On Me' 5ttied
ateeut the Walt; • ,oe,
iF07 Ifoa9020P:a tanopq
74.10c:::,..r IFT/H2.657
Tuts-week-ettet-V-oarieti can hope to.
Day sale that has been offered in
fanny years. Bills have been distri-
buted throuighont the town and sur-
rounding country and the thirty mar-
chants taking part 11, the event are
o ring very special),-vaittee.'
In order to add to the Interest of
the buyers fifteen- 02 the business
Team re (Garble; d total of e25
ea911 23,zes. .outgra-3 will <Ile -dim
te-ut by these store's With every dollar
purchase and the lucey tickets will be
(brawn on Saturday *ht.
So don't 2orget-3tA[10= worth of
merchandise is on cap in Goderich on
Dollar Days, Noveniber ,41th, 5th and
6th. -Look for tine stores with the
Dollar Day banners.
The stores or arta' taking part in
thiregreateaatataseee -
A. Oornfteld,
W. H. Blackstone
Tebbutt's Hardware
M. (Robins
john Jeffery
C. W. Worsen
Goderich Dairy
J. R. Wheeler
Jos. ' ropbey
Thos. Legg
People's Store
Villardee Shoe Shop
eIloderich Fruit Market
Geo. W. Schaefer
IP. 8. Eliletoert
tBabtrette Gift Shop
et. T. Armstrong
GOdatiteli -Beauty- Serowe'
A. L Cole
'Blames Redio Service -
Eimer Cranston
The Fashion [Aortae
Maple' Leaf kery
R. Howard
Hanna's Kadio Service
Ventra Restaurant
Outt'o Variety Store
Signal -Star Press Ltd.
Reg. McGee
Hollywood Beauty 'Shone
•. •
The 'Favorite row nartertainers, a
"Communism is the Callr;2 of the war quartette of talented ladies from Lon-
betwetn Japan on& mina," gold Ifigqi don, gave an entertainment in Vorth
Beatreee geribinottOri of Goderieh to etreet rnited church on Monday even -
quite a large and intereeted atutlence ima, under the at=picte oe the Wel-
t the readier ,Weekly raeetieg of the Maill'O Aeeoelation of the eburch. The
Britton-Ken:lee voup in the lodge roll m
o25 program wall enjoyed.
at MaclIay last i'hurgday night.
"S'altanf, said tile; Weber "la tot
ialtAtg cia izalkitnit
Gatiting agabast lattosian propaganda
whIcla Inas caturatedi and Corrupta
anima." 'Developing her tiner,44te, tit4
401,izell that mi.Trattri VAItto for
tnic; righteOlistets.nOW,
Zritalin ha.1.011W410 •ate -the Vaa;
cici Se4t4d rada
Ca -Clan,"
Vr1.120DILAC ,
totgatiotetten here lent wean put ore
one of the briefest and moet amicable
strikes on record. The Mesa deenStred
their trucka oft Fridley elaht venire cOuraa g. •
loadiag the Weimer triai ' pad .0.4t ntOOn the la.d.leY of the co& -
a tiM,Utztt talc° to r tion of nut chnrch egleelea
ytag. Theyeeettneeeteleedot ‹ilt fa, -st=;Ita= meet ehlicresu (Ilkater, foe
,teatat Mee,rtt the day et:LW te. ree Which tte =ea pateed a hzartri. vow
at tar w bodr.
ers. "If we look • r enough and deep
enough we Will and good In erery-
- - -
-eeele ta,re' told tbattlettuswentinto the
many people have forsaken this cue-
tom_and are without the (preparation
for the trials of life which religion
gives. Q./ the many religione of tee
world the only one with apirituality
Is the Christian religion. The best
days of the Church are yet to be,
when the people are brought to real-
ize that the house of God Is the gate
of Heaven.
An appeal for a speelal, anniversary
offering met with eplendld responeta
collect -Ione morning and evening
amounting to 644.0. An objective of
$700 was named, and it is expected
that promised contributions will nrt
that figure.
A &Dad ravc.nln3
Rev. F W. Oralk mild Mrs. (Valk
were the guests of honor at a credal
eettentog.oneeekertefeeeehaldebe the be -ge-
ment of VIctoria treat church under
the direction of group 1 of the !eureka
'Mass, of which Mrs. Jas. Adams is
Games were played and thoete pres-
ent heard. with pleasure a few words
from Mr. Craik. Another . honored
guest was Mr. John Elliott. of Lon-
don, eecretary of the Laymen!Aaso-
elation of the United Church, who ad-
dregoed• tee gathering briefly.
Refreshments wore eerved by mem-
ben of the group.
PatvEuwt Its Mediating Atn-
-6516-Ja tn /alit -kb" "
Three Years ago a Goderich boy.
(Frank Vines, ibund widespread fame
when, at fourteen years of age, he flew
sole at the London Flying Club, and
now o second, leoderich youngster is -
week and of the corresponding week
of In st yea r were an follows:
Mau. Min. Max. Min.
Wed.. ()et. 27 42 40 42 26
Thurs., Oct. 28 -42 SS 43 39
IFri., Oct. 211 54 61 53 40
at., Oct. 3955 44 50 8,5
Sun., Oct. 31 43 85 40 80
Mon.. No 1 as 61 51 45
Tues., Nov. 2 ere 38 62 LW
A QuEuir wA,,ww,firtm
Oild-tinto Tv-0_4ft ucliir aca- fin Dacwran
-Peke Illlave Ceneellinnt. 2kallgUI Uttar -Am
Old-tiniere once again had an oppor-
tunity to hark tack to the "good old
diva" with the rgasning of another
quiet •IFilallotreen.on etteadaye With
the eaception of a bit of fence down
here and a gate gone Prom somewhere
else end a plank entangled in the
halyard of the flarepele In Court abuse
Parer, very little damage as done.
For the greater part the youngsters
seemed content to_matte the rounds of
the town asking flor candles, of which
many households had laid in a gener-
ous supply for the pure:Dee. At that,
one shopkeeper, a lorer of children,
bemoaned the gate that so- few called
on irim this year.
Many of the bop, anal girls donned
coetu,mes, more or less grotesque, for
the evening.
The only complaint received by poi-
-kO..teas.,..A Ueberriee Atteeirelece....te: ,,ttettitely;,...seteoesbrice_ti5
ship. A farmer called and demanded
that pollee rush out and make whole-
sale nrreets. 'He couldn't lind any of
hie maehinery:
• -
Carp la' lees than forty hours.
Captain Oraigie lo a on of the late
Mr. and Mae Alex. Oralgie, of God-
erich. While in Goderich he was en-
tertained by kb a brother and alter,
Win. Oraigie, Elaot etreet, end ears.
Andrew Itowlie, Elgin avenue, and by
O roust% Councillor J. W. °relate.
Mrs. Ah'. Cralgie arrived from
Cleveland on fFriday night by train and
mailed with her husband when the
ship cleared on Monday morning for
Toledo. Captain °Fatale bas worked-.
himgelf to the top in fortyeave years
of sailing the Great Lakes.
On Sunday the Lachinedoe arrived
light front Cheboyegan and on Mon-
day the ,Lawrendoc arrived light from
Tonaveianda. Tbese gifts clear -?d on
aaondae for Mos/Areal r1tb espect,iv,9
loads of do,arra Ibtinheiti- of barley and
69,000 bushels of wheat, taken from
t he elevator.
The eteamer Fort Willdoc Is en
?mite to Goderich, light. from the bend
of the Lakes.
^ Seri
COURT apavs IrvaDAy
1Your hatican oxaclCra•
Cri=irr.23 Engin=
There are no criminal easel and
only four civil actiona on the docket
.for the SUpreme Court sitting which
opens here on Tuesday next before Mr.
J ust ice Cheerier.
In the case of Whitely v. Botz
Mortgaret •Whitely, widow of the late
on the way to making a name for
:himself in the world of aeronautics.
Ile is George Dovveer, sinteen-year-
old son- or Mr. and .lera. G. N. Doweer,
Nelson etre*. George 'has long been
interested 1 iplaneo and fiyina, and
Inst year he went for his first ride
with barnstorming pilots near Goder-
ich. During Old Home Week he spent
the greater pert of his time at the
landing field north of Goderich and
tinkered around the planes landing
there at., every opportunity. He ale°
le an avid reader of books and maga-
zines relative to flying
bast weekeend George treaelated a
burning ambition when he flee' solo
at the London 'Flying Club after only
four and one -hale hours' inetruetion.
He has been hitch -hiking to London
for several weeks and studying around
the Planet; there, and finsily he took
his first leepon. with Money he had
earned doing ode jobs after Reboot.
Georgeez enthusiasm is• boundless
and is Oared by his parents, who are
sympathetic with his ambition and
give him every oPportunIty pneeible.
The boy is big for hit age. standing
five feel eleven and weigbing 145
pounds. Bre formerly was n valned
mereter of the let ,Goaerieh Boy feeout
Troop and is highly rmarded by many
friends aft a yotrth of high ideals.
United Omar& Timohytery &caireeates
This FP'ennity for Medd= TIL-FavrEig
At the regular fall meeting of the
Preebytery of Huron of the United
Church of Canada, held at Smith's
HUI United church on Tuesday morn-
ing arid afternoon, the following reso-
lution was unanimusly adopted:
"In view of the appalling number of
motor aecidente and fatalitlea on the
Rtreet€1, roads and highway° of our
Prevince, we do strongly urge our
magietrates to cancel driving licensee
for lengthy periods in all cases of pro-
ven reckless and criminal nealigent
"Further, we would respectfully oug-
gest that organizations and public
bodies might pass similar resolutions
so that it might be quite clear to our
magistrates that the public is behind
them in the inflicting of such penal -
The meeting. attended by enventy
mini/eery; and representative laymen
of Huron Presbytery, was in charge
of Rev. A. E. Elliott, of Flueter. The
Presbytery was addressed by Bev. I.
R. •Mutchmor, nesoviate secretary of
the board of evangelism and social
service at Toronto, whe led a diacurelion
on the problem of that department of
the cbureh.
Other speakers were Mr. run.
Toting of Loyal and Mr. John Elliott
of London, who epolre briefly in
tetainietit vein of the, early life of
the church in the gmithert HIII dtotriet.
Rev. W. P. Lane, of North street
United eilucch, • Goderich, an aeeretary
of the administration board of the
Goderich Sumnin Camp, reported a
satisfactory season enioYe-d this year.
fie reported also as chairman of the
nianneo cotamittec of ;Huron Presby-
tery. All reports; heard were en-
\\I \
By Marge from &Indiana to Goderiet
tO WaitV,..oiattiv;at
Uautry tnto Tata coalman On High -
may near Beagetra
The inquest into the death of Joseph
A. Murphy, of St. Volumban, who woe
killed an highway No. 8, two miles
eaat of Seaforth, on Saturday evening,
October 23rd, was held in the See,
forth town bfiU on Weduesday, Oc-
tober 27th. The coroatereg jury found
that Mr. Murphy came to hie death
from bead injuries caused by his be-
ing thrown to the pavement when the
buggy in vrhich he was driving Pins
(erode in the rear by a motor driven
by Rose Rennie of .Seaforth.
The finding eontinued: "Owing to
weather and road cotelitiono which
prevailed on tee night of the ncei-
dent. and considering the inefficient
light carried.‘by MT. Murphy, we can
well believe. that the accident could
have occurred Without a agent deal
of negliaence on the part of Rota Ren-
nie. ,But as a warning to himself
and othere we reeommend that he be
granted no I leenae to drive a motor
vehicle for the term of three years
from date of occident. WP also re-
eornmend that the authoritko impress
upon all drivers of horresdrawn ve-
bleier; to bare etande rd recom-
mended and approved by the Depart-
Coroner .1e. J. Burrovre of Sen for t h
presided at the inqueat, and Crown
Attorney D. 11. 1-loimes examined the
yr it neesee. There w a 64 a bi nding
enowetorm at the time of the accident
-Flying in three s front litontante
and. tutbiliry was poor.
to Goderich.in o n plane with pri-
vate pilot, 'Dr. A. STeieort Strefh landed
in a field at of Menesetatig Patit
on Saturday at dusk. and drove by
tari from- efloderitth to -rine River.
near ,Kinear(Une, to cleft relativee.
The pilot nt fleet overehot Goderich
and flew to reinenrdine, but on being
unribte to locate a field Foetal& for
landing there he retraetal hie enlarge to
Allioderieh and dropped down on the
north gide of' the Meitiand River.
The pinne was a beentifte feat-pan-
es.ter cabin galleon Reliant, powered
by a •Lycoming 245-boreepower engine
with, a erilising ap-ed of 140 Willey Per
labur.'ft WCIO- Tor. tsmattleta Ciro, trip
ee tele ;art 02 Oztorio. The Vete
Ma oo ite Weil return trip on ttloa-
day 00;stit Tao=
will, made April lOtb this year, two
days Wore his death, declared/ valid.
Mrs. Erma Albo 'lotn, daughter of -tine
phyalcian, eought to haw the estate
(placed in the hands of a Trust -Com-
pany as executors. In the will Mrs.
Whitely was named sole beneficiary
and exegutrix.
There are tyro divorce actions, one
from Goderich and one from Seaforth.
The fourth ease on the list is one
in which (). 'F. Carey & on, Ltd..
brokers, of tioderich, seek 01,414..10 ("Al-
legedly balance and interest owed by
Herbert McFarland. loronto account-
ant, on a purchase made July IS, 11)33,
of lee shares of DiatIllere Reagram
stock. Tile tlef“ndant claims he made
an "In and out" order, the mole to be
sold the, same (lay it WAS purchased,
but the !plaintiffs deny the claim.
.The• adivertlitement of F. 'T. Artn-
etrong. R.O., was omitted from the
[toiler Tray bine. The adrertieement
(Vfli le Pallid an page 4 of elate paper
end it Wilde a epeefal intetitet anti
Val114, for readers.
lehip.metat Menet) Saturday teeth
Loma etanterihantien to trYeetYn MGaivrt
The refrigerator car which left on
Saturday by, C.N.R. for Ionia, Snok.,
ns a miler lontribution from the people
of (loderich and vicinity. contained elle
hags a potatoes, turnene, carrots and
apple.. all but 200 bap( being donated
by the people of the tuljacent portion
of Goderich township and of geltfoed
Heiahte. The 249 trams eere purchased
with the trash donations twelve& from
the tow napeople.
n addition there were about two
tons of fruit, canned and otherwise,
peeked in eartona. lioney. entitle etc.
One beautiful half -gallon .jar or pre-
servee met with an accident. but the
carton was carefully repaelted by lakv.
D. J. Lane. who worked UlLget1tty
with Coufiell•lor di. 1.. Saikeld in the
loading of the car.
-Mr. Lone had 0 pedal interest in
the shipment, for some thirty' yearo
ago he. ton,Iht gehool In, the, zelgitbar-
hood of Utune. The dietriet bas suf-
fered from a seven y ars' drought
Went t t' a Hardware, W eat street.
are offering graivranieed wool' tubs. No.
olze, at the redneed prree of 01.69
This is only otee isf tie =fly ottrac-
five Weaning at tfito poputar hardware
antre.„ during Donor Dayo—Vov. 4, 5
Naos for a training seliVoTfof/otd-
ern hove Keen completed by a Coln -
ml t tee of the Heron ;Home and eehool
Council, end the circa "eines" will be
hem at Vitoria oehote, on Teesdae.
November 2th. at 4 o'clock. The topie
will be "The Correct Oonduct of a
Meeting.'' and vrIll be .geli voted by
Ups. W. Saunders. This Mining
reboot le a privilege aeen to reeraltere
of the 'escesettive 'of any litcon and
School CIO. and 19 intended aa a
kelp let ;.rovialicia eCalent and M407-
evted tzNtetv.
17- •