HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-10-27, Page 2-
441Zga i0,4'.400%
7.tz.#0 44,0 Va.CO vs* ;xnr
upucia. map rn.p,ae
n SlIONAlteriTAZ .12,2.
October Mth.
rgpMaso VEZurai-43
1) t
t ;511;a0
41Ite #;,leet rt, 'fknetl. 04:t «t417
61,1;4 -go; ,c,;;IvOltAvo`vg.<1,Z-:„;',' -V1)11)frl.
to tlz .1:te4wgi vti4iloptt Cslca41304 1.0,1Aftzwa
. 7 otztt to, set go4, zr.1414*
14M1-4.: '00
Iti,Wro.00gzato 01,113$ tciv 0,11P-1 Ito ,r1t #47-10G.
t-9,LVAZ. °
cP0‘ 151Zilk' lrg0t(41;1V 0
ittiOzititO lter ;0 'IrkVW t14"le
rope4 120 Ottzrta t4at 11,1CtP -catr`'L 141 404-.41 viraz‘o'vtljuott t
pearfng ot Mn.9r1l tleetion 1o44 t4a• ,olne eenceeelen4) 1r(0. 00"
Ora trol, 7tcp Tar., PktrabzWi, Oowrotv.csat 21110Y"'P.mr. rig=
Vatpitmil vtu.,1 illmrcard=4', 'ovor tIrp Valz, Pro$ to
tomb' tual olitt",6 orq, treat*, litzimv
IME,O. Oro% to vFeAlt to e'cl)Mti'v =Nitafroze thin*.1o ttilti.'"04.
and pet;otne'rz7-illatataraand.-A.IturA, 4.„Antagtei:;,, 10164: tefi:4
Tea= ollce afthe 1321020 far PO 440 ' -rAilgatut% U1)213: Ci4419
elk run:tort; perhaps well founded, of h7=t. 10 0;4'04140. 5,I4044424, .117
lamMieria eharMs In the Patera), ,Clha (131'n411-'3Pbs IF11:°°11gli M*1m7o•
030Plete fleures of the polling
Ontario on Ostober Iltla *ow, that
1,571.M. votes were lido to
an increase of %CIS votee 'over tile
tad of the liti= election, 1"7M
tile total V741.3 01117 lAILMO-7S3143
GlteD StlOt7 aalr,
heermace In the Provindal Mee tea
isreatly quictened intemet. 7,rovin-
cial Weirs.
-Ste Liiimrelievote thiteee4r, ehotee
increase of 01.010 eter that a 3102;40
and the Coneervattereeetote
GAM. There waa deerease tbe as-
grtrate vote- fOr, ithit 0.:07. and 0 er
"Irregular" candi 11:bie:.1:814eFals,
polled slightly over -italt-Of---the v-ote
teats; the 4,,,,anoerVatittea polled
eandidates, poller4.9 er
total and did not Vitra-eigae seat.
polling Only a little over'half the vote,
- have more than two-thirde of the
- -seat& Tbis Is not a new cirentatahee,
dis obtained 31.9 per cent.' off-V-Vil
-6.40v-on onlY 1V•portentrot--the. seats,
'Under Our system of, voting it would
be possible for oue party to obtain the
entire -iiety sea tp in the 1A,gisla ture
71th a majority of only 99 votes
throughout the Province, and it might
ftli.4.,,,toanz.„,414,44,n,raii41Oe Minority -oTriliTtotill
vote: 'Ards ItifferlifialieVemiteteM
checked by having larger ridintai, with
say three to'flve members for each rid-
- ing. '.ckd a system of prjportiounl
presentation., This systenx of election
isratiter complicated, and although the
present method seems unfair it ap-
pars to meet the wishes of the people
the dematil
for a neA bystem is very faint.
visite= olotor Cattlataa• a AO,* volio.
inlet, end the Ottawa emereopendent trerve at anY' etherettaViC i1141 'dl•wt3
coneidere thia good enoueb foundation praetimally no eeeegnitieni ennt Prop.
tor a re 0144' that Mr. Uing ift notivin Uwe. We =at bar -
and a new Canadian Lati al Ma
LU tollowine Mr. Eeplearn'o en- her development, dhOre jaeanliacalottfl
ample. Rothing, however. le more wan, -station, tut our Govern eat-
neittelY. The tereaent. Home of Com- supporting mentheee at Ottawa •cplara
OM, IAMB eleeted JI.S33 and ttaerer qtly have vo hafluertee
'Mawr retrains o,_nt, t.he eelde
lbre hao not lilted out half its term.
!Mire to P7:?`, -rzawnriaa-,:eter,mras),
sue, to call tor en eleetion. And if Lest weentad 'aet Vreei.57' cailal
.-nesdp-setne_now materlA for by his datttliter cit the Aland Ut2
Igo Cabinet Tal can ilud. it within, the tanhor to t70 "441.wo=ity?
ranks of his preeent huge following in she had, knot, -re..
the (Home .-124117 Dun- vet:JO-two 4111111z2:1 ovC'Wot Teta,
a taw. itareity mai_ 119 fl
tash of improving the natimal ihi
at=careeW...,eglelleelteMeof t
t on, swift:Ts ,M,...r4.1110#1:4111 0.
to present te the electore as an aralb-
' fte, 10,4
t6t44..? 0 o,
0 4:
a elzU
(1.-Valaila had a dihtluguished visitor
Weelt in the person of the Bon.
I (null, United, States geerretary
upon-whcont the 144norary,de-
, -greetof doctor -of lawWas canferred at
a sp:itelal convocation: of the, Univer-
fay of Toronto.
, The -occasion brought forth Weighty.
daPeeehes frOM the visitor, Prime Min-
ister Mackenzie ting, and Preddent
I t
I, x
open to attack upon • lila' inerea4 of ltielitateili,
• .
l c.,'.-';. a / ' *;
'.,,tr 1014 tiM0.6'14'70 0-*44-.7zVo,t. ,,,4* I'l 1474' 4:191.:1W4 4at - w
(02 2*,taza itt;It tag 41,, lia-de
• Pirengt 4444" tboy -40r4% bog to
44,0* 574111" 1E4
Q14 .4.74,44 4 '0,T4 Oalit Far 44 ,14 obalfra and
a etbnt. tplaY pa, Om, atull oonzo aom ao
: tWO.N7.‘,C
„Vrog Oot., TAIr5
14ouvlorip Wow
tora, -7014. TIrce Alma alra,
. ,
enez,tee:ene` t. ,at''tr. 0;0' 4*'PlIftegeatti.%:?.
4-14,10t1.*-011-411tiMilloa-\-7. ore
.34440•att. 1410 Tli=1v• and vat
,POwell attended
ta,, funeta oerVice for grelvirl Han
..dt WitighsZe Irhe body Wee taleen to
,!tm.topt,gor•,y0FF,744.4t: ,
.1410r111' 1..'4"t11..tooztrell1Z-Avi. 1:t. WYtheliT'servalceBeant.
e Igirrisoinieir:'17,tbaf3 titrj-Msuat
tW tc/ 'dott41W;ce, oiDI#6it,t---tttttlttzro=,-.ov,tt-etomTo
- int
Oho °D7r. '°2 *It .ttaltromea'Cr4657i 1111,942,q41 g411411 14).in': Mafia. - Aaltradreza was lig-
efl, SI:An ;?.ather and Otto tg1141 atl$P 644 41° tenideto h a great deal a intereet.
!b4tilid Ygml" 1 ptatiroa9,11, p42,} gor vitt; ville4 40 ght10'44, ctIglS ir 4irromi Iteceeeee gorward to the tenth
4.-t4gz 03104 47..! 4LO .131°=-'1'44. 12 netiverear erace ehureh neat
tind ng4ter vat; dattL 4 .• c2ctz slaht y maw, 11 7 in
1 it
OtIndey, whew Rev. Mate /I
meek awning and evening at 10.8,0
and' 7 &clock. •
INte are sorry to report that Rev.
-11. Gale ie. not feeling, up to the
mark the lent few Weeks His throat
has' been canehate him ;much discomfort.
»ff,teatint, ce.gurne;,fon uo, (ttPt ,001MOttlgara ?4%y de, anoonitsalt me
lig4tt-724.47,0514. ,401.ari tt.at -ca a: 04 tzl..i.nit ii.oro often lt le _by . a
tr Vra .eatet• gel to aw,-,ilen candle Glimmer."
mod rettro, 'faa' trzwforeiglat4loldarts,1" , sannatt bro,tte mil • med tone a
u,svoartgon yar 7c713, but ef her narrative to add 1 .a lOwer, -more
eenme,,yo4 nattst.to 'Oho .yeee own prot tonedinq ote, 'rait me tam dat
vidinta, 04:4( *hen 31 see a 'candle on ititht X hat c
vitot% t:llonidere tez,7et_herLea sharp sadness—
v IaeWs--te-10--aPt-Ato 4.1 tty..00mip, de vredder-lo- .411.(ge
r„, anft 100- ea"-a---raaa itro iin
t" 'arra-leo sY4`, tretl'ilt,P MUM' f.0 tell ear -Oder «at her-
.%erli laughed. husband 'ean't e*me ,home -7,416
."..11, 044 rog bor-Itlf$ tvz e drolvned In de sea. %Viten 'he see bow
on'A ,etls nr7.;48Inunab, 'waltzed ig rait ray ruder -and mit.zne.and de
eehiche Webb eleelalee4 Were r,attlers. for'1,7#4040"-fariheir-griantlittle-thild'n, -de .%tater,-4-tands, en Ade
o-Wae hoeilt-ivelit.4eWelleinfrind'-diftna'• will -1* --.).Z014, patine=4,*'.- el,reee.eytp... ,tek, wee. de
diseatched the make% ailttos,014' -0" - everereeeee bele 'Vecl0,11 4
expien4ttlon tbeir veeeseee ewe , 441.,doee,,Live ig east tell it to eolt city to de big eaetIe vehere live de lady
it ea geed as IC van. vat Wpm, all de land and oe_ccane In
from Nortileii fiirilrthe'eci2VO.
of-14)gs earrted by the schooner 3.1. Of fur and yingling Se eee on
Al!"! 11/ -go-aeoneseett-taneedneeeef011
g. it A
,7!..°11rA .14 Argil 4.4"liW ..0.4104.:LIM
,,01.01WIVAIDPIM tiowl'ArM.Tifin
-vat lesetvei- hi 'dud .golawar b3r
eseeko and' and at) eeteeee-
. ,
Wiese MY Moder -1111d 'EV api onick-away, but
11 (11)
AV' ,
the sales tax 'from six to eight per tones a sat apology odded, °My mod -
cent. It `May -take the net throe HOLMES171em.., Oct. 211-4Mrs. J.13. er se var a ver' krettyeNeemen. ,Far,
et ,MacMath-and.litiss M. Preeta,vl'Oted eree tellid'n in re as ,mee-Olga vareb
-ee:Vart autifilt-rwrimIt
stacking* et silk and White glitopers
potogro. Mit pearlen. iSe leaf my
leedees eau', as 1 it, in two braids,
and- Lesuie• n taer'ilnieden( df -taxati.,,giu *VP" ofi. sc latononey- ''.ftititiar...-Thlitie lien; -1,exi-riiier 'a littw
itich-an-entent-aa to.enahle., .t1,1.,g 9.0!...-.....last_wee4aftetspending a month at yar and lialf. Ve live in real flowers in -Sweden' in esinter.
eminent to Make another,appeal to the the 'Wine a IS% igter-iirgettiptvillee- hou.eeegoseeou--byede-sear ectelee---yuSt. Anywayteeleseevar_like de Jleemr,e a
Mrs. N.,abr'and two children spent -a littleltouse, but it can to ilinve a girl vat gets married .should to wear.
electors with confidence of success.
a few dupe, With the former's sister, ehed with a floor of Stone. De door, Den -my lady se gelid her sleigh dat
of, de shed . ie broken so it Je like a. all de people shotild comae end See on
Mrs. Penfoloina4 fi ummerhill. , .
3,1116's Esther, alaellatla.attended the
tachers' convehtion held in Goderich
fin Thursday and Friday last.
•••• • •
e • e-
zotiy. of. the Ahtgyersity..of Toronto„ all
(breathing the spirit ofFeolidwill-he:
veen, Canada and her great neighbor
andeena' asiahre the essential. unity
<Of 'eentlinent &it hifidfi Great aritain
ani the United States in world again.
Gorden hits done areat
in developing improved traced and' polio,
-flat'aloinirdtapzreetween, Alto-unt
Down bete at -Lazy (Meadows we are
easy-going, peaceful people, and we
don't hold much by tearing around to
shindigs. There is one affair. though,
that I certainly wouldn't miss for any-
body or anything, and that's the fowl
eitpmr et the church. For a real old-
fashioned entertainment and pleury-of
good vittles, you can't -beat a fowl
Yesterday morning I see Mrs. Phil
heating up the irons and I know that
she's going to give my suit a press.
she's bustling around vvith a clean
apron oh, and somet
whole place has been
tarbefie, the pd -grey
n g......a nd Ethiopia,
ing about the
41.04 'OP. AA-
e 'hlaek-rooste
laments in alotal vole that the pride
of the ha$ loysterfougly dit3-
appeared over
'Get 'the chows done up early," the
wife tells Me. and all the stock get
their feed in the' middle of the after-
noon, and wonder ito doubt if someone
itatin't .04
Rut we go lellie-fottreupper. - I
don't eat mrieh for dinner...in tact, the
wife is iettey rot:Wing Ifowl, and Fade-
111.seetir eudg(0.1g
a re -hotue- after sPeratirt -a w
Nilisses Kathleen and Jean
wiedoce oiltout glass.
de so brave woman, vat. couldtt t to
eVellitlase is close op by a big deck -bring a fear on /lee little ehild'n. And
where in, Sotne'r time comes big excur- de people dey Make admiration on my
tr'sterimer -mrt,-----suiTpose-- hundert wader; -----,-Dey -sae- eeeteedeeprettlest
Warmth ' eteeeand-ed
traereereedo.-eme1W-M1141k4e-LOW q1,443ekikekee44 ,,,,e" She
dem hot -coffee, also bread and eneese, paused and breathed deeply. "r -Wig
'could have to seen dose slippers!"
"And did not one tell you that you
were a wonderful little girl?'
"Oh, vell-I var eight yar old,"
"But what became of youeall?"
"My lady took us home in her sleigh
nalt7,--I want to stay mit my moder, but
se say I sall come to keep care on de
child'n dat dey don't cry. And dey
don,t,.eTy-dek laugh Anzitt.-4.e:4A14.104M,
bells., De . need waS on me strong,
but I don't cry before iny lady. Se
var great dame vat go in de Court mit
de queen. 4, seat...men and dey do
my nioder in a coffin. and carry her to
a little chapel house in egmetaire and
in de spring von de snow is gone dey
bury her. My lady se put, a white
Atone mit,,moy m„oder's,name and some
peetry,t-I.ean't It* sait dosid`liaaron
118h, beat it says, `./),S: streeth,,in, 0
heart of her poor - iseede. leapt f
*Sweden.' " 0 ' ee „:', „e- . .
4And then did iollij,enint Omer'
"Ira; my lady se .VOte:Oh- my fad-
ers bro-der vat var in Ahmericah. Se
say (we can to -staY mit gaol% but y
oracle he and his wife, and we come
bantwmcit-teb -on-- Againerleaat,..nndeda
is all how I Came •te he hem"
read ite' 2,1qurim
tromp) ,t/% ,Plza
tVe ?CO -4
acorhouce itheiltttg4V-114-411.=3:034m
the- Scripture loo.=, rt; .
Guns, ant tlitz, ,rozAttaa‘,:., lit
prayer ....... On CundC,7,12,017,,"
leaum _00,criplett tk15, vitzaa
church and dellve64171
,from the Wet,. , ft
elples heard' It -Wee t71.zeV':.:44;e--';•Isfi
ILMORat0H , Oct. 20.-
4r. %gegen rteaath and r. S. R.
011414.111, of Eltemseville, wereerenew-
lbj.-1400Cintaneee et Thelon on SundaY•
TIEfferilMsther Blellwaha, and er-
ten,. Porter .ettentied Ale teachers' con,
written at, Xietoria -echeol, God.erich.
lase Thursday and (Friday.
The eueber zeptis, of tnion
=aced, saYh* Who
cived? (Matt. 111,Dt%).'
=vine the choir eatag 44
Pilet Be?" Sent 0014110Vf
era*, of Peterboro, gice
tee. will take the ee'
party' neet Vriday. afternoon.
The Dramatic GO are holding a"-
2ais.s Nora ISoWerbY. Come in cos-
tume or beware of. the consequences.
The wettest for help to 1111 the car
/or eza,th„,.....,ettiL4Zii,izzaust7Li_ce4spio77:72;m1117,72
Unfien, 'Murcia -Net .-The regular
meetiee oe the 1(2.13. was held in the
elfurehemreFiritlar 'evezringewith--nine,-
teen members present. Bverett Mc -
dottfn, but Nollgeocfa..
oaten' veoutlooly peit.10:
-41) tql.01,01 Wit
bare returned to their dales in Godere but - nol de -reason' why -ve live
Service in the tbited churh next
Sunday will be held at 2.30. Sun-
day school will commence at 1.45.
Rev. Mr. Crawford Of London} will
conduct the service.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
erixert-Black. (met Feleth Herbert) on
the arrival of a baby gir , etricia
'Win. •
,Friends and relatives in this com-
munity are glad to know that Mrs.
Lorne Jervis is improving.
.Mr. Angus Gray, who was employed
at the TrIolmesville cheese fattoryi-h4s
returned to his home at Listowel.
Ch INereensa
fiemeet terWtheelle.1,141.-
wale-held on Oeteber 1Sth a.
of Mrs. John Cox. Mrs.
*a rtha had -charge or the protrana.
Charlotte Trewartha took the leseoe.
Mrs. W11 ,Jervis and 'Mrs. 0. Bodges
gave readings. Mrs. It Pater -sang
O solo, "Zresu,', I2over of My
Mrs. R. Cham'bers. who attended the
cofiventiene tiodericheteM07.3 glz,LAT
short talk missionary work. After
the einem of a hyena. the W.M.11).
elesed by reheating the tic43,r5'g Prayer..
e ',Month -
-the bohle'
. J. Ti
in de little so lonesome how. It
Is de big dock is de reason. My
fader he um to come home from late
fishing's mitout needing dat hesall
walk on de roads. In Sweden in
winter de roads swallow snow till it
Makes dangersome to you to walk be-
cause hides holes to step in. Ve live
dtife" ale omer, but in late ftlitlIM11
my fader be say, 'What about de
"My moder se say, 'I don't know,
but anyway re try it vonce.'
-Den my fader be go away in his
boat; and my modee se get bad cold
and eomes sickness on her, and ven
s,"Oullut.to 'keep egre on 118 by rea-
e 7t,AU gki.,* VstVi-,,,4a -lay lop 4
4. oot
In ,, f en At eont and vat eh me
(14 4, sn); learn le, Meek care on de
ehildlt." .-r• .
• "Bit 'what did yon live on?
did you geop wale
"ob-is' plenty uel, and ire make
hot stew of dried meat mit rice and
retsina. '
00ne Wu,' my moder se say me,
lailintilinle-ray,-eyotebein a bigegirte
I must te. %ill em so etings.You
fader is tery late, it seem, and win-
now 1 cannot to wait
a _good thirtes, and begidee vs e
Yea, president ofethee.4,._
to have a gebd aph- etite "when WO G<A•
to tbe fowl supper. • 'the old eeg
is- loaded dowa with, fewl and
"toadies," ant Annabel/2 has a ,tenall
prill rat into tite Welt lane at the
statts oony qtber eoutrtrtoos oap,,ettira.' "".-:Tirir-Vo enare.
around in that beck kitchen a d the
when-cLanotessor_to President -111Wea- sitzsi gem, and c31
• Telt is to be chosen hig 24C -t), OZIriltdi old nen*
'.pros.Ptztive- into the shall cad then co bade ',see
eandidar forthe-Hatir -howr- t° 4110 Otortt
then eondueted the 'business. P an3
were nmde for the bazaar to be held
In 'November. At 5 o'cloch a dainty
lunch was served by the JuretetezS,
a410 pea-
Ir. II W443,-.4wer 41. Warty teXt
gnecent_atahe rklular yortnc ,,geopleb,
meeting- ianW
ibm-ay; 1r/b leazirett
tuolt the .ehair.,, The pianist, Mad
ner,_ateora;dutedkr.,_„, _ y_
meet all, iho oltreslendeein the Oliee.latair_retId the, le=on.
,666.6dow.m.or .10
Perhahe November is preparing to
dhow October what an autumn month
atom& am,
0 -0
Lt. mary0 is getting quite eityfied.
The Town, Council has decided to La.
Mill stop -anti -go; ughts in the busi-
ness section of the toWn.
0 0 0.
Paying his respects to the RO-Well
vommalselen- stomas aultoltited by the
Ming ,Govelrnment to report onFed-
- a1.rovnItfeletions, Mr. 'Bennett
eerie It- °d pack of erns." Which
tnay be au intimation that Wt. Dar
nett lb atin on the w.arpeth and 'doze
not intend ane longer to be so polite
in big refereneee to the Government
\es he, ims been the inst yotkr or two.
and Wlielti--1 pay my tesentrdve Ce110
they Give Me a slip of(pate:hoard VI
a number on It. • Zveryledy man() to
he soelable. I cie '111uthie Tho stalk -
lug to Ike 1110131r0w and the sea» to
have forgotten that the have been
jawing elt eacluethee "tor over a yettv
because one of thee pip had eaten
four of Mrs. Thom)'hrie e1tlehen1
That's over a year,' ago, but they still
kee0 remindint Ch Other of the fact,
%rhea anything goee wrong. Tenielat,
though, they're putting away on eitarg
and ,attint 4:1,4_1f they were the beet 0Z.
Mends.. " • ,
Then we to into' the biG bacement
room where the beg tables am re
It's warm .11b .them Vale the Weddly
041=1 of_ eats aeltig served...41nd the
clashing of
..sear.tax. *
Ileltieh, states:teen are working des-
peret*ly to .prevoit, an Open 011threaR
02 tvor in turope and have germonnted
crisie after „eisis; but the' swift. turn
'of events may be too much for them.
'there may. come day when the exile-
diepte of pope -WM be no longer ef-
fective awl the Iron hand Iinve
to he oraployed. It is agninst such
coutinmrey :theti levitate bee been
so -tliat,„. her weight .in may
Ina was 0V0111. are Alma a
34at, the ckzence -of mar. erearwir 114,
lalerhert delliet4d, Orie*taltr:on Ohfl
flan eitizeuship. Chariettrwat-
tha gave a VlanO instrumental, Th
1111114; 14 te,Srt a few of me if
'alleeelettO Xke de tllIck7 and .den't
any ere. De little
Ott tarD9 a fear and cry.
"erP2121 tiatat:r
t It
woo. _oveatig,,412.4.,a2 he.r
found high in the list of .
meatint --wcs 'bre:tight to a clol;e with
clutint and thelaugahltrenedliction. '
Tao vow latubt 4116_ yottra_410
(Tre lielding a tociet ,oveeind. tit2
bagetn,ent. , Four talented debaters -
are werhing enthusiastically -rt
bate. Eutt14 tattolea itottto or° ide
to tbt interegting, /tea&
lugs and a If.P.113..papee. ch
cervell- at -the ohm. _Of the 45470gt:Pliu
'Tonna people and adults from stedi-anii7
far-cre-heartilY-1 OW to conte 'and'
enjoy the eVenint, ,
r-74--410,1S,V=021-20:0sp_ e
lava' ItutoffioAVtit tig;Or,
.44Cort,-4 rlicht 'rettY •6o.on
dab it bg4tt,1 110 bet
tord ..patfau vtite-iv
tisilG liti1d'Etjff-deliVol
itifta and tte t4411t a b1.oe-17bY
4011.:t14411 C20.: •Slit lens in heo,
.w.ttr„:40 ito*,(te:40% two foil,' 0141,
ottlj 44Atiri a little bytau).
1»441 1,J
If you are having difficulty in seeing, either- when rend-
ing or when .out on the street, then your eyesight is defective
and you should consult an optometrist at once.
Through extensive training and mildern equipnieiit leree
are prepared to discover eye deficiencies and to fit you with
the glasses you should wear.
Lily -Do yon remember, WIllie,how
you- sed---toqaotehl:tae.stinc4o4.:,:
every Watt? -
17111.1.1ees, dear, and noW I catch
you in• Todzets ;every oMint..
Drop in and see if you see as you ought to see.
BMA MGM 1322N202
gitP0 Vrkatto and .1t!' ust
' . ataF.1
.„ nfider,•:MY-trrat6,-
!Warr 40,3 Ane, C144 out 4
-6-0 .40-Orrtr-410-101%.-44 ,
ne.'110*,4 haVe ti
er Ws, on, but 'it is lierfiegt
There-arp irate0 of 111)*Orit Olti # tfitetlit'arptt tat& -aiwayota•r, :One: etthetetilate,:at tidt-eV.r
white tabled &ins; and the- Itest" other, t ye --
silver for mile6 around hus tem pumpkin, teiepbeery; releitte tvo thair stat.4
brought in 1.11.th0 VtO en., ere and you are Itching np the lest ertembeelif,
there you wOuld see eriii3 a Small. the erust, 4 woman come; 'along with
red ribbon or stritig on ithe handle, and plete of Wise apel tellevibig „that
Nfeleeoulde4ust :mine small there will be ealte. mumps, menap
nervous woman auxiotudy, wondering 16 Vt• it piece a 1,1-vg.,..vItyalikt.711-,,,„z•,t44,.
if she would get them ail chocolate tate; and sormothin% tete,.
Roe dote that Mae 1106k good) 11%0 with a Igeagant lee -lint Of te-
tag tilled up I amble eta and up into
davvu the 'tahle littie way tto a the 14107y.' A PI,Peful tobacto
bowl of the wire4S ever that oftt pipe, of rainella seems to
there In front or it-Tharlie .Siseo plate help "ilittest the food. Tali by the
I gee some of Slt,t4. epecitil time I,0111finiehed thefeoneert is start-
chili ragee..„...down Wide ‘tite dislt 41 Ina in the balk .
'fielded bets, i see it little taiontitairt "Metes notating eteeptienally abod
of white 0100 4tiettg......and OVer to about 'that ice4eat. ' 1 'ant:Pose city
the left a plate Lot, the, 4uley, mi (o a- gam would. consider it ao being dhiett
toe., ali alitmdso. and A0401104 *MI, stita'' ,410Wever, that don't preven't
hotly that this would be ittigtttlie':146t 4110 fioni.JIM *1-4 -000, la_
:4 • -- ,-- k)...1... 4 si. ,ot-t-oLva 'lLir, 4 '.4==
1.0,144,---w:4,,siaiu_mjle= to , I - --,- -,----- , , ._ - . it , =mu raelict, a- tut_ 1 '-ivaiv,
didve- 04 'ruitr.,10tOrrovJe view war i aiwayo .have a cart of ,elteite e
_ _ . , , 6 Pi-afilia Ofr:AIICe . iCV?cele6.4'
1 t04. ritettO 401001 Itta:V‘i,
'M 0- osOal• -When 11.6 ta thO' Plai
ow, amid mita Day ttrot+tu,--411 ooloy.
on't. else 011t 011 "The, !toad toi-,,Uant110,4
1 v•I'llie4tticepttito„tilfo talte,
lit ti$ that r.-4?4,1ttititOrt atoat 4IttavitV'
s*;' *a WatillitVl add Ole
b4 to to, stop'
hear? dulf so WI- try to bei
met buti!"temes-toughing ou her dud se
muSt 't:ti held ou by de shed door; Se
loolt• Infottrs de road and de Mean-,
tOn:tt't.nitt .4nowt WhiteAnti Mit 00
• 110t,,,ttit Se» Witie'-'101waf lila ot
440. do
Int board actogIAO dial* se0t4
4frroati:a lir'hite sheet anti put st 'bead
euehlou and my moiler lie doWn aud.
torek, her Init nioro ether shot
wor„. in the present 'State of Fetropte
.0;4 •
Votii4ment bat:. Ina .1ta(4e upon •
»a 02tit° 14'.4,tepa
ral; rty's
ltdratng .t•tottt
, 110.1. 'Van's, iteVit*
ti -t,tiitato,„ it3t. kz;Avo Otebi
mciti schen 1,1t. 44,11VA 4t quo OiC
tables, and milt for stg' to coldo
along. What's it' toina to tr,.? Therk
02mad tutotv vat, at $013-2
d, QlIdu`*11.
sOrt,,Of coap6'021.i• tWa,tadvit4
44'40 ;tiegt t,
tzvktto, iti,,t,,ov<*oadot. $
6,...atvw of bttatt. v.igt 4 (12tar'.ttrito.GU
10 it4 wad a %Vita and a 41,41ettr",t;p1t,
iv . atd 4,,tou;,:f.tata.,t11,rt
,potatst,.q. , ‘•.`4t1 0IJ LL
gittrl la itatill F.:;`,Z.
-t” 10114 11216401%, i113", 'let „tie talotb.
sOrq: 4varuk, eptcnfic. on3.
" 110' ikt$* $4, GOt dot liste
mit ;ay tar, nt niust to come ruler
t^p. hito Yet, 'brit
Wfatt-to Ott* aWraY., andln diSee
„rAy' ?:ft 04/4ghtert Vert niFF:
otitable.1041;er7 'I
t,a,-.1:tb eatt,
tfit it teiMel. MOO told..
, -tt.„-t4›,,,a-ail-'7
,butft 0040eeI0t clav
0I1s0M0A14, zaade bet lattaki...,..tut. ,40Y 7 2a =it tn,Y. 4'aftl'a t4unda.5,
At* zoj'Oyal..oviv; Ititot9
.tob"P:Moltt4" VI.14 he.:t t;•jea-litte 4
ante ihitg, at, the' '04 lihiteititt
111=1, ye UM OV
squitrVAD 1-06 GINS YOU SNirti5TACTION
Jqn Prgunxz. . LIZT 14S. NAVE YOUR
14,10 4,011 gt,A41.; At\IED colkIVINcED
Z`,410:1,1a •PlaliNTWO4
,tor ottn,doi:k.t4474,-,• .
tare, I" ttOele:,-,',•tZ41..t.4
gotatitta4t=a.,. at a nt,,,,f4 ,
e‘trt. C•0
0U eo t tizat,l,,,c.t..* .01(t,,,4p,:0 tfm,olt itt,o, ,..,,..(t, -:,-,:k .41',.,„.4.,a, 6c4. c,.ctati,
1240 ,, tt., -
.,:tiel taz,l' c=ttfc':;.4 g.C4z:4`.0P-4 •4 't.'aV1t tV4z).' )tr,-L'ath itiolcn' It .611
ritld,bb vo.,;&.-1,' r::'..4:12;,.'lvttr -.,-,Z',.t,'-'41; ir,-,'...). ',1.,a• t,A,",4.i„, .1',.,,V .1..':,c...,7,1(..;!.
1 to ttil tz,=-1, ac:-' L',,:,,,t13. ota ., ,(;',':-tv Cc »'2 t..0.112:,,Wtri k1;.'7c*,,,in
- ,.--
, tv.-2. a • ..-' ' ,i..4. c,-..-2,-_..