The Signal, 1937-10-20, Page 5a0. 4044011\1644,944,47.14,44, )44,4 • ' • V 4.4.404,1... vde,, s *04 ' 4140414444.- (0. tIAP,,Mtk,gt0' . ' 4 Age ti,inifiktaetteleoWatio....,. ' 1V7,01,4-4;'-qq0 011441t 444 VOCry%''+';',74Z1 " "04a01147479 t+0ra '4" • rO!, ttft 4C0 Vga r%"44,4-1 OA ,,,,;,0, al: ,,,,7,7,0,0,:iii,:.„'1::1,wt'1)1V72,:,44::; ...,. :Igit:04:':: ''4 4g4''''''. P4 i'4'.4. ' ci T _0. - ..,r -A c c 4 c•L ":'1Qz:,:',, ., ,- 4, ,,44 .:Z:.,,,,,,,,.: 4c4.1,1V 4'CPS;'.ci`'0 -,; 0 , 1,,a „•,. -,,, 4, I '0'' '''IIZQ 77: '''. , 't M B ,Cp 4,.-.0o03'.4.:.,p.oat'A,..- .H • Pik : ' ', . 4, ..T.4),-..-: ..,. , - , , ..t •Irt X. , a ... 4'44 4 .00:04:-50A'.Q ttc.87,141C. 170404, ct:1,4,.,;-•,,,,,,...,,, It.,:,,t14,1*„.„. ci',L'oo.. 0_,71'4,-'tt., .,,.: • . ., .... ,0.1t2)19ti.:.-, , 114 110'7 ;4:,ft 761.. 1Ii -.,..0,-0-.''g,tri. -..,,v.r..ttii.,t44.4,43mt,,o1.::rt,, , rca t7 ?I cc t ht rKrCO It , 41''' cll''?•4g4ttl''''-''Itti'*111t.t,*, ::::A,.7tlt7:'r. ,6:':. ..,-1 ...„,a)00.,„•,,,, ,.q,44a4);, 040,1to, ,,t• 2ixtt,'„oro.,,,,'p41, itt.:"3 gia' 441 7 ,L;c1t ',- , to. Ca'-'t!tizAtt* • 4ck; t.' 101,1,.°.".:: '''',,,1,1-• ; .9.:' 70- .-. • t, OldotizIp-,,,l',,, ttibAs g9.17.40 14„*„1.;p4,4, ,al, litilikp , .ro,plt ,. , . L. ml, ao. tb70,4m , z/,,,,tz...4,-,, ‘0,,,,' ' ' • .4 ,0.4a. P .,1 ..-ozat-si6..'l .00 43RO' iza_r, ri, tt, , 4.,'". , 4'-'qz.) 44 It.,1*. ,-,-Itriltio,'.144.0f-:14.0 i 4.: Pr'4"11" '1" itt ',' a ir-12 :- 4110,z " Izettp, op.o. 0.4#4V'...I.L 4 _ ' -1 O'lp- q145,44.41.t40, 1111#1,4*. D. SW gOli 0,:i• 'ic,P4.: " ' ' 1 ,14,,*li,.0): -. thOg 1=4-10.. IA li#4.*.r,4*11$,%•,4,11.0":'lit441f, ..',411• f2o IT 4,144,0441_.$0.7o0. NO, 40 '6t;i,p,' -ra.v41g-lito'vrAlv.G.,;. '4' '44 - • -• ,, '4. - olik,:.,43vo 40110,vo (444. (go PP:01. 10. 411,4'''.. ti: -. d40#1.0g„ ' ;cfe, ,..:0, L '' '11,)f0'..'ril:":',P7P':4"3?-'4.141it40",°10,11:: ) Z.C,I.t jrii.:13fir .00- t, ; ovia 430. e 40, ,tt,z1t, ...4,,,,,,,Lot , 04,4t,04.... 9ve, pg07.4.00,01,Gilito,,t7.57,7_::::::;,':1,.,:atzy,„„t*4to 'tito4,-tot, I.vpozta cla_, va- .4011,. - .4t0 .,14.10.4.#0* Ivrtge -t4i:. 'xri!lOtit '.,42t,(41. ',4,4 - t tP, 11:140im, cptpool,' Nt?, ,(3, • on on .;aa, • ,41.01,-..P.. * ..,„, , . .. ,.. .. , ,a2,:,3'..tteilViallcitA5Al. „,,k, -'.5t1I41; _ Ph "7alt7IMP;74 s4" Vgall' rattriZ7:;a :itlatt, . ' . ' '- Ili 0.,,, TU - 016\11 115"ercithiali50- -000 otOttr 3 ,,4 „ 7:,.. w,. _..-„,,-.027 ,.., ,.• . tbo Olit4co. 'altzlr'Olith, ligfat, q.41,4 ,;, .0424:A0612i -.*:11 Th0 alvaidotlfi.er wee4,•••in 0. alt,ciP.''A lur)13..: r*,. tt I '7•40.14.nte::0141'4' 0:1274'11xtler :Ida tivaz Whit)/ (501t15,..11P, <3.124.01;k00:b:'::,P41-' ,..,_ : ifeht Zrona T Wier4 .'Z7::!WP014 ; ;11.500 : lis--woott, .,. prz to, ottltoz.*-1-0-awt. coo,a1,1,11k.: _.1.,„tti4,,,e1. : 14:1 117.,.. . ...,,, •••?741. .1111:-.., ' ,,,,itroti,,,,, ' :ti.' ' mli- .1., T:1r s; '''':,':iiii• !.‘, '-' gillt0#4.40,..-3174.64'44V.I' 4 d* ' ,, a:‘.litlaiourApttiettr_erfOrtlyt _:,.7.714440.z% .. . -74701° .• ,_,,,a4; .. (ti:.44114, it t ' •-' Vier0 '44410St $61104,ttito eraboom •aiiO4,4i- ; R.P.4 ta 411.' a ,',- :;117'::,;7;1:10.7e00:-Iityl_trtliTtI*Iiit i'' ,,tilllit-I'. 47114'. .14 ‘.: 17,4*, ::.:3.tiiii...L 4 , el---t,iiit.'-iti, -,-"(6,e4'-'1)004.10-11, 4.4i Ira 14.4irr4H-' Ig.':11174f107.14/10' 'til.kiela 'Itic; . otOn an , e'' tAaer ' at,471041- ITito • diret'-ted•..,.-W11014-roug rtuog, - witteuilit ,PA:oproivr--ettzroy_thir):11:1 .... , ;,; o Iiii% 4.)'..4,0040: ,t; , .. Vit), *.O.n&if iti' . 4 4 :'f....,i,:. .% iand.y.,,,a.Dtekratkia was yergiimed sten,..JtntO Ole baett ee I* ti-,-,blir 0, '''s,..', in tV:010`00t0-.-.' 40132 tbolv• 'O. tOftr. Anorntlej. calo and -,•an.atani4e,'"' the..e10A0Dj,'; -, ••.. bex.peertt4srattrTg:51:0:1::::..t04:.41,:olatzlonitl,:evril ,,t; ,itz,,,,,,....,,,,,, 14_0044,.,,,,L-itz.:::t31*::: t,,,,,, 41...tiiiitli,,,1:".ttlaj_.„.5.u.-43-4911:04, :0.0"4:7o1.1.,:tt 'Wt"leizt.rkita,,in!ot,177;:cr-';:ithiatitc„,,,Iftirr41,12ite.1&6.11th.trrograt:utm, _i 4Mieri:::::1 076Wliii-flii0:',,tre-iiatoi: :110*, :ski:, , ,.. ._ :11:4111t,:nri';-ial ;;;Z?:400viroitioir7a further 4,b • :" 111401.,. ,, ., 4 I, t ' 6, - 41,4 ' 00 4venu., ,, , 0. "..P.?Pf.r1VP,.4 rclular =,W. Ito ' ,..„,,H-6,07.0: waited he .0to: *ill tla trortOOPR' taw. ';Ptliq0:,4 - 01`.41$--'vatr.trOl J.:7-.02/aitarifiti;42.'Weitoss'efottiley:,,,cia&--4deil,!;50g.,ilootutity,::, - the one 414.iVid ll.illi ort,..„ v/..ti, ,411k 13,47 • ,,t1b4;:!..` have itvg"b the Arlitt,Latrilattell aa:410•-• "".a :.ORP-',th in.401,4ei i511110',PlaValPrice.;`,40,01," by Altai ist.,'-hissaline; "The , The XidtoWtt Starts its fla$r, at tett101t aviti,,-tormail4r, of .furtlidr hid; Mad to Illealth;" by ,Ifeaca Bell ; and In the mertting SU" bio ek Inan 0 .dind„;..„' iia belaillid. his • pia* 100'4. "Red 43ros6 A.1, Japan;" by Pauline Las- . latitzer-41nou*„..k.:the-tila.tgoisa, .adjustS lie. maw • fabrtkold-ard- callne. _ loi 7•741110 Ce4,41,40-1LP.,8 ,XJrz".4PY--•Wnzatr:FDT7r43.----,,,,,t iiiiittritivir Icy, nte,t=f3e4--Ittelzoto:7,7,,,#,,ar.„..s-,-1-.170,..:7---Isiatea'H. ' .-4:4-....,,,-.--..---10,---,..-4-4,1,,. ,,,,.....,.......,,, Z.-=""'''''.!' • ' 1 r '- 4 - n'pical 4f Duff's -slum" or "flash" Igicilwaies group will'have charge " and10-,IS a Otring of ;`Genuine Rev. G. G. aurton .-o2 Ontario street - 'etfhie.:Pearls," costing perhaps church, 4Ualit011 conducted the service a$ .011ar and 'a halt, and not isfrea At tlaion churil.hi on .i3Unday and de- ............—._.-.....................................—............-...„..... .guently.' fetching as, much as half 'of. Uvered a forceful 'sermon on the sub - the 145 "price _printed onthe tag. it?!_t.',‘Thenztarltawli:nt,IPsf athe Soul," from = The routine of tho gi144(.;JPinta . is --tr-,-,,,,o, xt ,,,,_,,,,,,,, ' - thewholeworld- and 1-ose'''-hIs 'io-wir soul? or what shall it ,:itaxtrtin, „,,atilae.,, to., ii,,i;: ,lvatairi3„,lk:?-titins0442_, gagb,last,h., e:In barker .haa brought In the nucletis- Of" 314:aATIA. Tr-av.fige, lisyr bis-zual? - 14 sa,a04. .,pueh” et eveetateie, the •aue, 4.1..,.., ‘,......1- -cv"-,z40,,!..,.: „ - o....ati Iiiitaximi..qtn.,,L itna, --•-: titinesi- mounts tho stand and starts bewl--r meetinforthee797.'1,14ce.ii:;":11:eheludet• on° - what is called a jam sale. -I wonder 'Wednesday afternoon at the home of if any , of you peepte," Due begins. lAir, Ai.ithc,,,,„ fondling an elegant- -lighter, "were lu rnii... t7ri's"'"'-'...1 -7-1411"''''1419-1wlIkIthrs.tall.it.: el IlaclIvrain here yesterday when we gave out free 167d--0117---,roe '2.: h;""-m..ti-a-n& setivenir0 IP0 ,avvati40 the sale, we E ,Eram.,4;,,,,oe t„,...,-,„ier - pwiy or, The lIghters to the men, and about a- bun- '. '""4if14TE,he'*j:/ta4disst/b'ot--D‘nthr:; intondediqomou4totorab_rolout.,02::100.1fett,_. theseziwde,ts: ::::gatvvii ,-„11:,..:7, .....„,;_''''' . a, .111Hit_ Ntre,:. • hg,ii-1,1,,,,,s0nO ' tallY .litifuable ,9 lthly - •:.,,,!..,.. _ ,_ srottiit linittjz rg,;:pasortt:ititria, r- $ti 111 J tO 0fl.. . *7' the-iiirt4:1tr1 , 4-7, 1. i I • .,,, , ... , 2‘, ,,,,,o 41,00.,r,' 0, r Iv! V0 '4,oad ,4 Id 1111E 244ae,itble rolotztir-440P '44 rclgrzual f4ttbrtt110 vormat cl= ptki 'ono D'rejiob a. a:10.35-1. tat= tal to e Itquit rovelt and nailltr1 1 aw nOtIqn us tale of 6i44.4:00-44 =c',,,,-•-•-:,,,-,0 , .,r4ria,,, xt, .4,,t, ., catl.v, '4,4s, .t00,04 't -Z,4, ,,c7i:, „ , , , 4tg,d;,..gaiMOtq %; ttPs:i , t, 3tr..4vol, :,.0„t0.4 ,,WItcrgli;, 01=-z,tt,0 txpg a4*2 : t1;q ,t1t0tr,70.7 .ob0114..1:tr '., c tt c31*- ,o1 4,,*taTA' ,•,t:-,71' -V4r4,74-.c, 010:0.11 n:.C1%11,::4-t114..r.40V,: V ,otav 4,,r, -111frl -14y1t, .v.,t,...544 • ,,,,, -fl 10144'1,4 ,4,-, 11 -':AAtd "0 -, rpitt keep you Oct011,. iMpoetoci fthclOth vintilep ggight ot lav7esto:.71,71stili.:101,401 Vit;:ottea ,. • r acc--V6:-'7-6-15;--ffilmma ov.-16:n4n; -of-11'1151d 46- &O. C7.7Eitg,07 • --AIL aes-are here, zipper • astenars-c-off-4f Am"' ii6V7 navy and wine. Sizes 14 to 26, 38 to 46, and hal sizes, 163/2 to 261/2. -a7:0,m760410e, Aud-,-,a_SEMAts,g*-30' a trig tat. t . !KW , „ inititatiaty- vitt-"4-1,i1WISILVF-eldfE bids. couple of eoritzederata stand gaping up at him in "front of the,.. counter. "Got it. dime to start Mort • Sgedi 25 Ladies' C velvet 49ke - -44. A: really. _a, ,di.e0 brotniia, value in black atici tc.14411 : - hiS lutely - Ofter The rich,,,41112* •-Nvith,4**tglo fresh gt1t0. ..opa gey t ART- -T-110: -kas-n) ful whit isloc,41 rti 45.4 Ort. amaueor,rirrrwar.. gouiirttoSve,o?euy n .t01110.; Nital 4).tAtat:011, slate', 'that 'th(4'.; h#4107., . Tap, 61q , -4 gleTillaFts '1,,, . ".0'.. 4. It _°.. "a 'tit e.oda-02 "el ,2 .LVLLZ tuTarA, i'jtor '1-actimail , 1: aro tiox40 Zotha-,.0 ,•,,k00;.i, lila' te '4,0 .any voneg 11,-ttrwa,.. awthet:4-it't a -2 - otbc convea 4*-64141‘xcir#,!-Wao-V tath-titir lE""VrkoliVel,'0"faii:24-0 bliC."-"lield IlLtal, i 0.". 4ti_o 6141u, re. 'Iltioia/ *Cy:41. - k i litiveth. -0,2 ttis'1)147-er d- ts-tne4t0.1 tallar44/4 4 9,-'49,tri:1`?0,0restitt IT.014.. l''' .rilt,'ta"A'Im4.7.4 4 fairttOM theThe'dMteaW Al-Als-ElOt itO-F4-11.: 4wtat -Iliva taalloatiii4-of gir ,fiarztb64- . .k - tottiargoel ata't*,-lagM--4411:14,,-411.-, tlikW,..1_, 0„ Smutty tailoilia; aurrecii yoke in _laack,_waoden buttonsAnd_juatch. blieklE; navy and red. Game 'Ta the Wind Illreegabo Novelty woollefts, _pAncess lines zippeta**IL-tlip_,.gidite length of the drOss, colors wine, navy, brown an ' tile. Sizes 14 to 20. '4 AL/1W Civaccf4' nsbip Cho�. ver -p: rt.3 1IiI1 in both entv .14 W./ oat 0 p.itt tt14:1•rolvir mtviitia onot t'. ..sotand .46 to'tiat 146‘41%,-1.71,11 YOi* ‘411` ket tI*1:116' d'Il°rtat jpatatoto ihvo: tio ette A _ . 440$LL'or4 t 06111 blit,,84aY 01 the Cada ti arder Ponder ;$ eager Vy, = nz 'berg* in the order by a ft•-,te. Wit' ofr 10‘1.0$ t A yott 6407.,,M'e014' &owing frOg tbe'Ordarlo thzurance ,Depart., tikoildal tad ttrofigea.'W.411st , 4 b36000)0114 areZdi 4' '4 ROW thirpttgb. any member 'of an /or .infortitatIct, ore 0 :4:1) t4ti,oil 4144101:', -044= 4 t11,4,'Yo ,o... •-,, , oriVr o ulf43w 41 tt , zte4te, szi ct-1 t.i..‘ -444 f()VIItt A, 04, 1.11.4trgc-','•.;_c 1g34- V''L v 4,„rtralrt 441ti1 IC Izaza04, t:T110 Ite4 2C -,t,'412 nc:,",* t•I.4t4:3 ,56s, LJ LIV\t/M 7-WZ tlAtr:evt Ito. 2, rove., :21!* rtnry, c".-4 , 4.4A4.1. *4,4 44 ,,„A,A413ovia.. 440A.VP,Vial 411 QC) t?, tTa4V,41,1 eW1'4 0,,.444.4 0 4 ' !..41‘-,4 4:t -74740 rI.:2a) kt&libcZ174p4r4 413 ttiac1,111 04,0, 4 1,40.0 1•0.40/0ki 44!1:4,1.4111•• 00 .00 • 4. Ott 0 11,b -L i1 .'atv17 12, -tit ic - i201 64"4.6 tZ I37 tioto a t444 ‘V.04 -"7s zot-4*.o.tt . tqopo.Y.,2 0 Wa7- t. 0,4 t-444.41t(5,1'tt:, , lact vZD ;a4 ovela4.4. ete* Jatotta, Tao, ,-szi imoto .17,,44111i i7 441..004 1. -I to,ta otra 11* vo., tarrmetrts,t3 $ .,,tv:410aVcn wvotx,11". ;:t:TI:Itl,titiCtICir'":441:44C7r'4:iill izzz-07 t".1 's• L 4414,11 pia; tuitill a and,,canned'').-Nit Vestr Crric1 viiEl txdTC�h7t di . , on ton 94 vattl, IcOme 111:44 %yaw gata 116 t raft„ -J1 $10kligt6rft )tIa, otkfr,2 110T1V-At Itv.ita e0,11Vg?gabnatiOrisT ai,c1 Z,(400-7,11ii liactioria acaTc1k _ — 4:4111111- -