HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-10-20, Page 1tk,g':•* , 401 g44;144V1k 4004 Tg4*V Witar.414,W %.4414.144 c•P .„ y, 4.0aMx t tat> orP 'm4 caatirW tbEmt !4a 1ttt.orleh-Q Iti4 tatitwAv., crlatt, 'c1ala.40 ritati" two 4a7a, , cj r4Pt• ttlOtlif4: .Zt,ttigtar 04) 4,4 =a: 02 44 a arlozdtar' ntthf a ootnialt0 t",,tar; 1„Viantid Want:41460;0r t.ttAxvAttto ecoriatatz 0 . ,,, .,,.1Z , -VDVAN ,004441* , • at%-,/c4,)TP' ttl‘ 'Vtt %)1711t,'4 Ott* 'ftatv *.---1t13 0, • to tida Vata-- lacitict ff. WairiAggC .p6Vt4,1,1:41P 111 vitolltatirth tieE3. •70--4701;z04 -Eh gti- '41K-734- 84,144CtOat, ;IZtr..-ita- tgOtt`;, 'Ptatc-'4 WrA 0001 Itttzr-Met‘10.Alirb-11:ci-q.. to ,w1191-1tor-elattaVii - Itt Vas •tiecided t-,-.1; ek•g, tato ttait-`: 'ad - 10Wit,i,Me has reached the Balite -hecpitralat•WI- IVo met: the *.d.rasnailY tDOPIMY*04 Millitola'qL -sVia54#.,, a 4,10,old4=5110=A-12 02 ga=hfr(r.a:::4,;%7 (fltheJair. ,4s4p azo*no.„ e -70.:=1WITtr,ATAZ 'Intabarol • 1r48k ,t; ats31 ctootoki ' e clo 4ot MIL att 177AW ittdaZ r tw. iO piltt %,0 `ag• wkiil Tao cr am th --t-zttetca mar.42:44ow 40•44•4,-;-s43,4ge4t. eglitoq (1n11. lp IF:4M necov 6* -1, tzt 1.mtx-40 L LIM 53he also' A44,4. LAU 't( d taz 041.40,r4 cagut...Va cok. c Nos' , og tho Utttit, Oho Mt t40 p o ,i 1 4. ., ,„ ,4 • ,,_ 7 . 4Ath ...v.Z.,... , , ItVF leZ3 - t11:4 M. Ma. 121m MIL'Atilg.t._ - ... 4111 0 Ca Oct. 16 0.4-0,1 "a ,-44., Vata-16 -. _ ___O? t, Qua., Ott. re .....:42 0.41 Aeb a. -10 ,..X$----01)- --#0,-- Tem., Oct. ID . C.3- ---"Z 0,4,74 Mk ' 2n-, hie sbn10a alittoonitt Eloase tor' tbe =Certain -tX,•'./ al° Vice was pmzerateta for I tozaitera- -alon of the 0011120. ComMittee of ilin9,Whole.Coinivirpre- ort-trk0=444,013-I?Cl•I,b?; =atter of providinzxplice darters canat Cells he laid 07er tgcr ation* , of • 0Oiaa,reneAlktfe.-ai-T- The iridistrial cott!''',revOztzd receipt oftendera- for tont an. volit=4, Ueda 177Ith tite.-4-egadellinna02 the "tta- 51a17 loading' -010, goV.0:144i2et, as art arnar:*-',itg*I'v. liatzu4.11 , Departiment, and avcompended nOctino• acee 42n40-24cx ollows: Plinnat•- Lee, MO ,eavestroughtitc; 0.sad gaohlatz. cha0.,04 ; Sat, jp-ovk 01_854:briett-104 Oprou1401.0; cOmpentor vorli, -0, L. eitizalkmg, M4121 5t,t12:44 'x- ttedot iteM4 ' 11tJ .” v740(' ci 01=0101 ) I'010.4'4C , .tlin-to, • feitl 45. -VZOt74:* -'14-6kOitit41;.4 4ti ,.•‘Tz--„:;°---,4.,,..,,trtati•v=.' -4,1thfitzt4t , motion 4., g04 .1.14 itftt4 ZlarAVV4• .440:4:,r "rtoott#: iTt3 m1r ' ttuia to ',..•Ot-Ilige'62-ati-V 2* 4 4 TC70 101.-t'-uell2N. • ralt•4 allon,,,14.,t1S -410,3talatt: *etc tertileV. .atteW,4: 'at) •''.1";:itt f.tt ltt)• 4442 czxr:4--t that &it D2rX*-* • It''11-,,,, i:::oe', d...,4 1.. a 4ttl,:- 0,4 dttaiza tlezfla ,,c4.1 it -thivaec-44,Mtett,,I0,. 0 'a', 420,tat bst ru 2iTt3 ?t4 'j-i-4,Alc,3t ,thow4 11/4* Cg4ta. 0151 tz..4-41./aLtatt 23 dgiti' '3t:5 t‘t4 ttt Vaatt0.-.Zt&.A. 4„,%=ttln3; ;'* ..e02 t ott htta',/ tz ,,at4•9 • ' '2. l II3'a.t?NroL 1tt&b de 1,t, alf&3. •„.. , ., ....,,,,, . EA *, .ofv.m, 1r 14'91 ,fivalnit lea -on - c& antit"':bleStriahact i foz A-7 i oFtOd the-, th,, 0,:110'4 Ixtfot1 totrered wit. ‘' -•et' •awk.r• - t-o,,P-7. b--4 - __:_,--- ' • — — • - lo;:.,szOltD04.1z) ica;itflep. o-0 '1f,-' ' cAul Iii4 diata0. •-, , • . , 0 ., . ,L,,.2k,,,,Irrpalits v7..a.,4. 4al=,_ to •Wiit0- inag,r,pat -ililleti$, Pata4'7ni riloatp. Aaj4WtikwAitM,OL: Akwilam62' 1n.C3Fr, this "ittreiltdaYt.after-lia'it: - -S, • . • - l•-. - • ^ - — AZ/ 4,14`%. PLO bzrc 1t3c",P...lo • Severai liapara 6,14 into• la a -thozoi-ateld;141. SI- td41,1tr'62 eigldtttetP.titiolror- it Mies Greta parr's, Ziffrezardirre,' earn - plaided of a trainia IA* *ma. Ems Laotian revealed a gra • • ' filatiaeld Thou/won; driVer- of Miss trhi&. collitIM with one driven -II -IL J. 'Wart, fGoderleh, lio1d In jall on a reetriew driving charge. A second Charge, of driving nOltIlMat a penalt. VaS preferred. 037 oititY• Constable A. E. Ammings on aday yrL11 ope3r 1**cote A. Matins on c'sfa ris -ere still In. h0e- tc:1:11/14 alra. Vital, but are on the way to .reear.ery. ty teeve'S suggi:tion for action tcti n4ttalri t_eir6711 F44.1111123.4t IC tip Ape/44- Uto2tiont Odtzo: •14U14e2.74 izo'r L*4;* that tko a• coa= • tcy fop ttka2ttaittou -to tho `=t, catto, wore trot rot t.4 'Vow enginoM hate 41.0" Idle 4402: 1=0 to L3 0.1a9tz tivizr "0= ,V...`''4•Connei1 vas =Viit )11.1te CoMmicsIon ttt. • • ard •Ventl cir- tat:tea:1 at t„he 011,1 ohonle have ce=tt• ents tle • - I114,-st4144. 4U&d.u.f imthz-lat iti4e=7,4r Vcga tot t2 tj 40, 12SI .t.V'O'' "0".0gaatt. 'otal to t ‘41- ' Jit -14t 41* -e agon 4.44.414, c:_14 e6t.4.4.1' tIta , ,titt.-ta"=O; th-tW • * Uoieatga nr41 road frizr t.pao. tritt 47,14,1,1r4,141' the -dvAvc.tk3. BZX7 and vra'y /act to •J3 .4- • L1011111t1•' A man of entensiVe brashness into, ests in this vart of WeStern Ontario, Germe Anderson of Lucknow, passed away early Tuesday morning at his home in that tr.= after a three months' illness. He . was in his seventy-third year. *Mr. Anderson wait a -sea of the lat ThoDnaa and, Moir tandem= arad no born at the family home} in -Achlield township, one mile.' north of Diungtin- non. ne removed to Lu ietnow a little over fort*, yeams c3o and coon snade his imprets it the business 02 the v11 - loge and -distridt.,1140,- dtaits:eztenalvoi! ast hi the . turlii3 and shffraing of triqPiec ,and 4,,eiarne tC00V711 a tho 4eApplcis. Zing." an later year° he end *gaged,11a Imo way In tine Ilan busi- teaR and at the time of- lab death he had mills under operation at Seaforth. toheU,Vavictaek and Luettnow. ilile liati several Eamnas, and besidlea gratring iatat had larae livestock inter- ests. man 02 ability and o'Aercy,' he ,:•:1 Icte- part in Vablic arfalra, was -ste fititeknotr for several yeamei rand replatti2 South Bruce in the Legislature, as -a Uteral, for two ternns.1ZltoVCIO a -ember of the United Church an VIII) 00 the board of managers of that chum& at Luck- ._ Vonig-tinree Kars ago he married Mied terthaVentrand We7t Vawa. no0h, -who/ died thirteen yeara riga. Itaater he, tOnarried Mica Mary tsto=tt •02 Irile= 6w, wino Marilvea tinerc la ono con I;t1V, the ,.first Marriage, rm., gra enaerZan, the. Oren=t Ilelyre of Vate;ntaav*, CurrIvina alto. ow Imo bro. era% at -1 tt".,- Mate= 'I B. Ander- On*, .a;-(=tAldal Ltadgrc.p. the hethtt faith 16-4,a5Ceitd; /To. 1lattna 1,':aztt 'Cam thento, eatrottua. tuid, 3 aaoentlanA, OtdIrtz4.70 itrat- V0Z*0411 terVitenhi cle taid latirl=0 atoz=i; 'at 0 dc41414 '1:441t3Z1t:t. a5 IAA tta vIzlote. T5.-.0-4-3*/4 eaa Lai '141 kat* co. cixfao„,,, ttr Alte-a0- for el'.2 c-1`7M•i-• tar. ' 'ete2'43'2or kV.= rAt1/ 0 cargo of r_att. a= V, Cotton oln h=n-s'-;,?20 Wheat20Jtzdaa-3n-a-_e.ovct4z; n),. B. 01137.nni..)20 vrit.• • Za, 4oze-a•Ltoth £2o - malt =-1,1 c2eVat—Ctotel'z...214 arta .witia MAW bothel..91 vt,_=.' eats au* cer=ings for the••••423. (taste?, atet, Cootie V= 12:354221-,..n.. els of 'wheat for •the and - Cote= MO. Eltnor vitt 3treat3-3uel-tarl--• atotto elevator Cutober to* r•-ott-• -11% CAD,P4f4a,.. barleyland*: head of .t.442atos, With 24to,0031,• trtmten of' ---Ite&14 cc:2 dats from Mittwanctee. Wite Troistoe to out the eakg- ear - go off- the I= two weeta„ ch1ppi233 in,00:D butters of wareat for LI *0-1-ts rcad 00 004,01121* 18. The Cement Drarrier car230 Ma -ea Sunday -unlit 1,WD tons 07 tita W•=tenIr Canada Itiour Ulilo andi left the came day. The T. IV -Madman is dire- vin 10,000 tons of oral f*7 -the Gotrich Zeit, Companye inVD:LEV, EtiE=, SOWLY.E7JCZ At a- roicetirtg of Coltxgate rt-itttate am:rents o Llanday af -1/1 tam Vera Liciraod was chlanenpaNitid....-at02 int Girls' Athletic A....--,ociation4 and Ms law Little VW nacz41 60,L3rty- • 0-15=, irn-pr.tntatives:..4-X4e, 201107,73 ' 421611170 iC 1Tn' Adad-zroon; it1K 40iYt; AIM* Madge oUti -mita .,'•-tte_ ttoi ; • 14B, drarrat; oiling and ,Arra -V4Mthy.; Jamie Bsechter ;otommer'-*Ji.1„•• Itaechler. „ •-,,,t'tgt*teltbsral#1 0 on. t",ot Oitelt zriittz-.3 • 'via Mr. raact- tits. tonst=stcr, -7RE • raank as TnnEC.1:7,..7 *the EtsVaD **a-, la:lab 02 Irc2at . vatey, I. unt. Mnnt 0t 731? ACZO, •tL 1I . • 4”. • .tstOpe of cesiatalltitv• 1f3 93,10: With' la 13. CO tedding d •Nc. J.dvelfi at, the via= ancS. , lepyirp? cap,7. , Ok raaag!"*ZA\‘'ZS4VIJInirli cEo aZ tactoze of Tat MiGnaL. -_21112=c11='0,..a.gw444 Into -the -4= th Ura. W. 110'4,kh, wascoar-r-A,x=l'totraad that one • t4e girls woo oakv- eiGht=n ye= of haveg1ve3 understand it no 1 4Itizor is 'to be, C44 to perm= do. le- (=net, otzniti there be trana- Inipenntonnlyggvt!..%-one ha the cars, and .4otal-Lto kxito the iAt7„ gttl 0 tract- 10100 be -allowed to go -*-ttott f - • Thete to D- e etr=sichinc Iy wron3 and II hope thia affair will set people thinlring. .1hantitg you- tor tire privile of brircia-C thfa point Wtore your rezlders. •1Cour3 einwroly, EFAIE PLAY. -tixzf-auttwi-ta4a •A .11%742tklit: tr-fav of. the late- entorge eletoma, c:ed aqt*- at the t)oz--r.Pe Nitetaalo, cms;z, ionr, tico vc-ot-- -.VOTI :C1 (latrine? d2dt X.N:CT neetaa-ri'lv CII.earg.,te. Ourvivan(3, cM • Alltcp 7(12 r44\7'229 J'C3' Z TB), tio. Miliant. of .gntcr,46117-414_ -L.1n =41 • t2t4teto it7;,..477. • c3c-i1L. '1Z • cipo va, Pt the a,h4na•el )%o UnZ21;10 bci ViL.11.0c1 cicaa- E., W=7 • Zincardlne, Ott. 10.-Canal1t in the shaft of a gravel crushingqn4ataite, Aperation ,at :Lorne, seven Ez17th 60201 az here. today, Menne& ntrzab14, twenty-four, Goderich, waa Witt:It to /Chita:mane General lgosPital. Where he is reported to be 10 a eriatal at - tion. itIllte200/ InkarieS, ati ,4‘ii • oats and bruises, ate feared,Inntlgl_g PPaPt, =tent. have yet to be drile=intile Dr.- John reraucon, atteadttit ,t117.0i - clan. The .0eeldent toell fDtaee at a* gratei pit an the farm 412,4.=ea D4fina1a, wtnote catwel 10 '•Jru.--j Zru2. conatruotiOn to ota the lacDti- 'Waltz high'vay tr.etwoza triverzon 4a=ha- .eagdinca. • ttitrich taid Tia1141 bad. etIotht-Fattht to tho c It:M war aohaneo into Whit.14 he s daturd,ottia ac,11$1, +VolltWAvairleta ro-'..1=t4 ta1-41 he Vaa '11W, tto returnz compiled t3-7 mannielpal nc• or. Cay, the population of (Welch on etatetalt 14e 749 44:.$ raa -40m=zed .Wttin tact year -a gala of 40. -17,he lact-ease ta attributed kinr4Y to 'ixtrb1 activity, gave, malady in the hatcher and Galt intim- Tao total ac.=smenit for 1 mew= couricarinc with 02,011.• 0.17, the twined asa.,-,--melot for The C-,:s-ures under the various heads are:. 1937 1930 Land and h ..e-1,910,440 t1.g/21,CM 1,111= ass=- ,.• z•zott 321=5 Corporation. in- come 29,701 Par nehoola O2317 =AD CaVISZ' /22i1a IIDAZ • Coy ascots of the lct and 2nd God - atoll Wool* said twenty bucirels of alday McIntosh DM apples on Zatanzday to an indotent gtrX11110co an42 tk2 lo •W anal of C33. of whieLQ ttut vian reed ea clear want. • Mirming, 02/C=00 and evening the boya O!23t!= and cMilingly 1tL- Arit,atItttling- /MOM LI= tO hoz= and chop to chop, virile, 'otbera• wcre =dozed at amet cona- 4003 wort2 7OVeemitcgA, alt=tzi'cr.--czk co =1 yc.v. let=rola C.czaitza alcxr,zit=noter igien =arta &a „1:70;4 ki oaday, 1i2ht yOar. V£10120Zil' o Er140' 02 1t3, flni'rtlarad-,; first -0O21 tild i120. 1223 ClerOlson arni ttl. Katz t50.4A e!Qi- • �t tO Canada t 3c .15-ttli1g with his gameantn tLt tO0tI123» liOn I'M. Sib -father- vaa- a late capta • and tho• family came Got- erichto ,irm. gatan BanitIMicholdnan cies etiscated inn Godoricla and cola - duetted a canal and cptiv61 lialineas at Tomo to in recent years,. Cint-Tiv11t3, hasides cmother, at the Inace on Qn,shee otittzet, b brother, IL,. A. Nicholson, of Godericinand a cud tcroP-cis, * Nichojson, Z2ve. 1131. iluctminen and. tars. R. C. Milne. Me funeral ser - • was COnidue- 4,1-11 at the tome an atmt on Monday aOsrroban Rev. D. J. 'Lane, of Mnon Presbytecrithan church. Loam:anent t744 dEl Maniacal monkery, the pallbearers being John Wiggins, Harry L1ock, Ches. gordon I/know' John Nivins and John McKay. , IrSP 60, ' toiri Es..eolvtl lo Ore thaa tito 27' ••••441M-447-. ''''Cr Orga---C2 0.,;* -"------ -9, ,„,,gt „Coe lLcjU 7-*,--- vo Otid'Vt'a ,., - , tat Ot* Vat'7) 1r2trIlt4r17 -646 Vrof5i-2-to :6- 'oletceri. • ithovi vtlo hiti..;‘,' 'Ino =am 02 to poztlaS • ,.(altc* tfloao to ElotElog likal aro MDef to call L. D.. Do .1.ottoy, tton 41). who will areak,*-c) ti , .L10=1 04 WM14140=1 OTTIca not (C4teltem caPt,m, Tait tl:caritVfare trtik CaTtp- ate ge0ematar,,,bm# Maell00 cintantitanee vrt4,14, ftID0 4rout;O:atrittan areas 02 therA7cat. It vas. 421Diatad out that 113C3 011101,d0: 6e. ipackcia ha chamois or haT:s•• pers ; 4 potatoes ha tra, and c,iopito •rtons.• iTY1104721 agreed to clarg• &Reap* -Sacker .oS tho, itg; .E/r, . palltelrl Rao, •bairan o/ the leadtiC • NELLIE re)Si =It MANCE The death of les Nellie L'other Ranee, aced twent -seven, at her home on Gloucester Ted -ace on Thuradlay morning came with startling midden- ness to shark the trealdeas of Goder- !eh who had etnotin her fom many years. Miss Banco. wbo had, been an invalid since childhood, the vfrctim' of ak,alltuent which came upon her after the "flu" epidernie 021018, waa un- tibie to vralh and was Vattern about in Q wheel chair, •She was apparently in her natal health until the alaht Tn. fore her death, 'When she suffered an attatir of acute indigestion. he distil csw a heart attack oh Mummy morning. &lies qtlance woo bora) at Dur- ham, a dauciiter al Mr. and Mrs. Chao. Rance, and 1.1v--11, with them at ILlo. towel Wore the family C41102 Goder- ich in 142. azG? itzte-4123.autadi vita a dls.cteavrtalcia &Wiled doctors, Fits igt40c=040110 tiReaCielat at 1:14n1ng and =lag and cre34ing tifu1 • fancy work with needle Ond th=ad. ate alas enjoyed painting and drawing CIZ6 always} ma of a cheerful and affectionate tala union. fate wino astociatikl With, IA. George's aMaii0,00 church. iilre h erarvived by ter paretaa and a younger dater. EZta. oleo at Tito funeral ctrvice crae con- ducted at St. OCO)rcan 0144'01 on Cato., urea? afternoon, at 2 cwt.. by nog*. 1. • t. L.1111s, 02 1:11tetener. formerly of ittorga'a church,ar41cted by Bev. utlea,=,,,Illez„teryll,nthteormetanultiat tr,,vviag in hag Vercy., Sarkqr, Ornect 14cLaod, 6-4 Mau, Boma, tril&di Lar- der and Co. Larder. Attending tho funeral frota out of tetit2 f7473 cl..11r. Bauer and the Miwes Bauer, of 'atil-l0; 'Llr. and Mrs. 3. •LIlepd anci Ur. and Clro. Wca. • w1thu tit= .t3Dinantidge and 121G3 Oole, of Galt; lira. W. a •1044=204.1e. Ms Vinyl tlicholtr.on and • „Clinaller, of Lenon; tr. LL tatt;ai tuci ur. D. n: Czott, 02 the 2rt, 11pcntange 004 atratgordi. tzAk42calt, r_t•2tea • r�r. ••.;'*v Lag";aftetctbvin. •V'. ID. team. iI3,4cC• 4troai t4,17410P-T'ortI:iel.=- elio, t,,,,zoetim e.,0 WeIre, tilaate and to* 2 0, aelei,4a tOrMattlp, ttoz4.frrt:tzu Isoatiacelas dat.,44,7:z .'Z,set%ot; e4n4eisin two - ETODIAW Kie".GrXiV ANNO.....14.11•41 Q0I/J:t L.LtrI1 11c3 - Ong etri2,0 • A i4J7 rite •in 4 "borroVed" car (+laded a bran Ay for two Datt- ;14 02° 01122ME3O-1Oat in at ate= v7i4cla left them thatills;* chalien and egt2 ca,5 impaled on eho wnvot2 llufb of a The boys, Iieehert Neaa, covental, end Garry Meter, twenty, "Iparrowcr 0--Q-- ¼i- • Wein. of Daohwood, and tat out an. Zurich. The car cot out of co trot oa e come+, rolled- over end for- eind U e ditch, andl the top emoted Into a tree, where it bmanne impaled on the stump of a branc„b. lishot, 'hosts e=pVed with a ohattira, and, Drulses, and were remanded q week by Jos. lit'attercon, 3.P.. of ten - sail, each on l)299 ball. They are charcvl with davit* without mit and taking fl. ear without the 0741eV0 consent. uusell JAI orshnrah, rand Carrot John oton. both of Gorrie, esezped injury cihen their ears crashed head-on in the edatre of the read on a hill near eorr*on iSurrday- iiiiiralt; 'but- Qom iveg ikif'ered 9 hot i end bruigeo. he CM% EZT.M-V Cala=2.1-C. 1 of 02:5 gn=My 11D2= g.att.1 Detroit, oet. As.-caDt. ollnirear McIntosh, of MD Oast Grand bonle• yard, ottit-ger of the City off 11340a121417. • One of the State folichwak dleparMacs.mt• ferries at the Straits of Tdectinae, and a veteran of fifty years an the Great Latter), died on Saturday in Marine rtiozattat. , -Born Ataculat,,,.44.42.24 in Oc2et-1212* Ont., be moved to ',11-tralt when hp first started calling. Me wan a .szet president of the Shipmasters' A=scia• tion rand a itionter of the MAO= of Columbus. riche gra ship he =a- ttended `Map the Sam F. Hodge, and zhqnent ve,-.1.e, in order, were the Ine,r ward, el tho Ward Transporta- tion Company ; the Irdajestie, off the J. and T. turley Cony; the Ad- - mtimi, for 112. B. E.Dollillen; the A. T. IthaneY, for the 12. ,rt14=7 Com- PIDY, and the l'ountagt Barham anti the John Barium, da&-hipe of the Sohn j. Badman Line.Intosh Wild4 made OaPtran of the MO of Mackinaw lave years ago. F.P.F?„..11910..ot 13t. eh -1r". churchto&7 (Wei: prare'rd Eirlh6 Goo1?.Warrick Puneral tome. 1= Cast Grand boulevard, at 130' o'clock. &aria1 woo in ttivant (=vet ceinetet7. E;urvivliag are t1;70 4Ct03411* ten, and Valerie:, a =other Mary A==t:trai, and•--t-ae bra - them John tr4. ar4 Vrahk teat). caria00.02 /4z -um, it* otTatz ar„,4/„ 02 the Praential ItrZaranee CO C4141 the OW 410M1r.ia-V4Z-el t•A