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The Signal, 1937-10-13, Page 8
A e,mve 4.1 4t, 44.4,1%. 0,4064.. (1,444,,Maik. - 70.ACC AEtm ',ZYIkHGABTwor edet, I.Z-Mrs. B. 3. 42rowireriti vtloyed the weelc-end with ldster-la:law, Mrs. 3. R. McNabb, tlyrtle Johnston; -of- ett111044 •PCzners, s assisting •her aunt. Itns. Of the aravel road. Ont-etatirra,, and. the fall work tehr, Cone. 'IMItwatd, Student of PO- , Ato essamence litts ceel• ' "lea to maltIV,,,,,,fpr — nott C Ilataw,, telt Infarellna • .474. , r SPLAMO cnct 6411.0 village on tpattgday4 t'r0. Eirarms Mole_ were 0114 -natto Az•V? Zolm.,-14116 .4k4V,a4.4037 SalEr4On Orz-et , .4F r ' e _ff 44r.),, 4L.Taavt-hur caeal- vto mt. et7 '''aP c7(N.t ir0 4 OterA and tr:Z# 'V.V., Getting T',,-,k,r In,4 Le3 ztibz_iltva,g:.ArAck•Igavati3 i.,VE;:0 r• , tal u -: ,I'l, pmeth •„,,, , --10,44,,,1 a at Me igirconage Illri4: x14111 1t. )111 1040 be ',.1a of a farzforp v,›•ko taken _ , • II • * ct progeo , MM.& riati) Ave. •el. .0 • ” '41/2304 LTA Mll(atmcoo.'' tatelx., .*317 VAtitat 'aorttaar, .4„1 • v,,z3., tut, 4h*ey GaZtl -0,atttrey.- • , tcPat,if vetome. ac. a 1:6`a1Z-A 4'044 4itnt:1, 1 ,41t11." 04-K45471,7 tc,4 4,--Vat4tt atlOattln t tIvalt ..car st,rrY-LiflArm troop. 4)4,, otlultttr4it,zet,, 1,PhOf PetIOPI•• enecto, acticiltiza • • , • Atelltitg, 1,0 11.* at he , 1140 013 V.1414'''.44a7.. •_ "Urot. iSinuirart 42,1,1-ett aistr- TbOuit?an and .4.1bratam trt,111trt ,tr,tva trelvalW of their 4Istg. A#40:- .41,V4,2ta_41_1431 hoSOltal# (010gerieb# . eto.W"„trtlfr."&g.tz,t1MT! -4-- realtleatoU1i,4,01,1114-413othorne 1241111; ' Master 'Ittitmel Garniss- , of TorOntO, who had been staying at the haute of hJsCumfullia-relvta, Mr. and ,t.Irs. WM. Bray, returned to his inane ou 24t0114U to he on !hand tit re -opening of nchool after the eialoluiu Miss iTharnito iiDoacfh#, trfudoe,e110 spent Thanksgiving wee!r4nat at the home of her parents, -Mr., and Mrtl, Arthur Roach. •• , Mrs. Darrel- 'Mitchell -42. little sou, Or OctrOlt; Itleartliriffe end vrith air. and Mrs. Mt= ifforttiall. and, Mtw.3. Dr.--11Kessou, of PITO- ftord, spent Monthly with Mal Sproule, Miss glain :Sproule, •who MIA the week -end at home, returned to--her-porAtiop--with-tit - r. and, Murray Dyer end little 4danzbter,...at,„...Ktak. LL ---.plrents:----Rle • Vfiton wia, Mr. d Mhos • - Parkile Wiggins, Er. Vic mark -and vrife, and his misther, Mrs. War?: of Wyorgati, Miss TaziontzFon 3;Eitche cr-nol-rwRaln--erotr-t-treTevnegawd; ficii,4ammrkurtarelic:,== „lar., -and Mandray-with-tne at•1111parton and!"111,111ant, Ddirs Ndbma IlDreleaven, tashaeas college studeat TOronZe, sPeut the weelt-end with her a:meats, Mr.. and Mrs. G. c. Itteletruen. . --tittaVasAilwits-4eWonFilluEltayi_viar. !.:.(4.14.911411. y 76ronto..-0-., and.in- -Stant* renut,' t:t2, tb*dol.:10' near Ceamokotd, Unfertunite .4o hate their farm dwe- Eng boUsO -el- Etirt*t totalk desproyed by fire Oa Su day night taebt of theisoimehold fccts we or'vl oUlgtigt, the fitc,te,,Let,ilpo,„,,,traEgt.lito hack Of.q1-;Intluse fl1131 tittd-lt tad, cool:Mart tafore the- 4=44=0, Who vete, b ,the-• front. Of ,the tviatSe, Wico oiors4clii Oting to the. iecilt 'that the wera cittiated, 'lib a, illejd so He LIPS= grOrn,..Phe was I. pos- #le to qn,lool; the pre, The losa is y2-0V,#,W'Srin....'14Valittl.-':" -'17eato- QM tato ouaor berpt crAo ,takeat Windapain. We avZle rt4rf'of '1Rld lucli is at an )11\ 44, • • ' • sig E „ and, . Wii;e,tef-''TdrOuto. visiteg n t Ors. Vanstone over tW rwt-izaid, mo--& Vz,..--tierbert.'15,411Olutes'cluo, • pulpit on tOnadai. „The V. met .tla =Oat .01114:41dil 7464110a.•. 54.4 _#1100, •AtfAt • with dad, lArs.,, a. 3. - - 1.1r.,•1, 14004' fa V 1 ,• ii,..1s, come, to ,,inatte lila-lift*:_*110, lab .00n., Iti?„. 3, •itab,01Z-1,0 1 * ...,,,,,, litt. 13.- * # 02. WorOat0,-1:0 lilir.1 Ae A an - - .PiteitertOr:. - tr,-,thci tot !W• i -t, aarentur m.. and- . At 4ttfa.. , . q4 tlf*Ii: ( p,, -0.;,OT 4.,o4oatklaa $4, Vdui • '' 04. -o- A '1:6'. ,Clatt(*i I te,b4i7nt' . ' 'lave, -a.. Z, -•2,o7,--It = ' 612,2, , 7.77, nIpri,=103 eff., 7' • oo6io?.9: 'I. V' %anyLt tulto"ThneTT'r fiFa: , . liultA.0z-og.vat*Atta wtiolcro,, amp 0 atart&I.411r- -7511-avotadttratIfloibtitt* 6096. trft Vt,to-.012-41/7.411;Q- tagflerattet°0-442r0 to 4.9..410 'orm1-46...attribtritgal_t* • •--&--142217 -1101471-201-74ota918.vflB ----callaOtmEtistrrprintp.-416/gritr-tW OOO� r stric-a. ,( it "clearly if ;art altif3C,B are omudged bY gum priatP? 011eanina lena la a wry t) ample operation. MI rot 'need la aoft, un- ----:-atari_shiedAtiflpirtrantatItirehtea ail** mo,..argnota,,, to ea. era haqa.detthld lens (one - behind and one in front of the abut- ter diaphragm), front combina- tion-441E1Y r (wed by tar big to the left, Whic Will allow yen to worlz throngh the '*utter oPening when aet for "tir4," rAth the handw 'tot -16E4) iinif • kerchief oar the end of the match phafter don't tto:taho broadside or load penelt.lif"ihe leo 16 ty.dtti 4220,17.6:0t4403actinrs subjects. 11dov- dirty 'breathe on At and Men rub ing °Meats can, hOsever,--- , quickly, with handkerchief. Ze even with an ordinary camera, if dare, When rePlacing 'the front lens, taken froman angle otabout de- Itolotaorget7 04,1?..Bott. -Amateur anapoltioting reellr . •Tate =ggoation to we& through- :.att,14111 g44--,difadrlikaid a Is Quito the shutter Opetaing appliea to uafe,t0 sEIrthat a 7 alOar41000VAQ f,Ikb t, outface of 1:314134 Ann failarea, ore t lentapo gt,f9,01 49 boa Orpatorm and,cor, lonangua, liaht4OlanC'tnotleb. -Wertz ,6atetteaW Part tho-patti,, at*PC,Pt-c4,1-r-atatib igoriltro -.1010.11).YAN ,• • 4.10. 401 0 et. 'ittrflOt 101,627i 4 r, , ) - ' • .•:',--t--4-,-A •' ',.'4D. a 10,trartztt Etv,,Ital, '4 timi -41,1 tall ,,Irovd-'4,-`.2z 44, laav,..14v• ' 'ZliAP.,.00,144441t, 17-074101 'Alta • gO.U07,i toe r 10410',U a .141*„ telt. OA. r tu 'toga Cengre • 01111104L41T4P (1 4-ett:;1lottvib:441'"eivirell:iktr's: Dint,0 0411-1Mer4ilit Wexandra Ooderittir,-On ,UorodaY, October 1100 1101.km Oulltert,, -widow 'Of the hate 0011..a. Cantwell,. in her OpIll year. (3) roe 4171.41,1arsliel'aritep o „ vapA lefte $rca,,N4t444'42 rA1.1.41 ' I ri 3.11 1,L Y.00 • '40--pl,I4P41014110).441S4210 'tr.0,1X-AY'S RAMO SER,0 VI4CEL, Phone ;55, 54 Elgin Ave. 57 !Mt SA04.--SIX-400=D BRICK itOuse in al condition, with stable, also live acres of ,land. trAllES Me- V/WE/NMI= rtungauvon P. a 56-59x , • S ALE- OR RENT,- bXYAI- MT ,zmun• tsz iDir4=141/' furnished cottage,' at! 1, 11/2MMIOLD Alr couyenienegs. Vol. particulars phone • a___,..,17,/,_,F\HTMLI, 7A_117MO! . - . , •7,---- ....t..4.,..._,_.,„„____r-.., " 57 itt C+10-4' .,. -----------*-r--''---"-:E--'' VZIF-ir----------Zataii licitate'lar otetalaie ae.ove tab,1017. tit 411-illInallia:!:411: 1.110MION (S.411.44 OF 125 MAW GP ctigre,,$Cotxhibilintsndotitt-18-04itoadepatrirtj amcemtOuttolde,, ir.-Oart.iatri7 m..Stoodk, eaYrdnurders oillu Otkat-triatorlF41r-gaitH'-',__,, ' ---' ' -VOWS AT, Ot'v- r. 19th e.. 41"tem,eiHthti: 4..'1;11170:14i1"01:1:111Atrk:z.744P1-7 :9;flilae7vt*Ital:11115:41°;:irt'e'r*" ;.1/40-regi'erdi;11;!--'314.11:eTf.--.11ers'n".4 o ' ' 7-4.,-:,--4,6,-.. - •41 . ,.., __,,, vigc.,cm 7,11,01:-_ te--.41paareut.„1:701".°"Et _be,- 4112ttea'rl 'r4at'ilt53'474117 1:Y14 . ,sioi.00 . ..en'firle,,s at‘,Me a i 7,1 :epees at Toronto IA q , eaeb. be eitowa. iu ' Iliacteen rilidin, _vittitvi..0... ,,,m,rov•Imkr* : w.143112,611:fisa*, , I'CkAVott.*-.:tilikl- ..,.r, 14,-,-,,‘„ . . i,..)4, ' . ' - l''f"t;',tf,ra'W'r'ta.--- ---inatity-Ire7---a4 4=P+Q., , rgs toteiz' 1001- oa Or, tf ;.7=:.17, metal gri87 _...." t°134° -a -- ,:i„, II), illb 41 •:. 1:3141t 1/Cf'46161(legit. - - fC, c.)70,« qz,;,-11.n. .ItAr.kait,,Mr„rt,,,a'-- ''6;77-torp,404;' 7m--Ps-ITS-81,52:miriravr.truzzg:!!'iCIEssii: 41t441461115.""1:tfithtre Is':(241?-1/7Q2i31741Za'.1;ad--" T-'lattll'*;ht'rt':eU11lr:1:;:;tll5'Ut:;;l'I:;ij7t,jlt:::b''atl:itht.,se7:---pe:'s'on-is--i •l'h'aI:Tly ei:in:7it'ga,---1---uatt41-t11-1:e avali' frota tbt'Volt'Ves loull wag rgige outright hY Anocte? <v1%1;41474-4: •40tibla• =pa. couseettittvo yea= by so., lit tameaver, estate of ,John ,11: Donaldson, late of otwo 4z40104„,..3), ,,-•00#120, to„ tam tho ,Buraird, hari wen iet;dorotod- by ildin the euVilroluzte who oSadlardo,n, inorthiteu.00outuatitiye • .,• /III, a70.' • MrialDP,Iit. film itilt- 0 ', nnTzt,, ja.nroirrbuor2aanytetor _ fiesgr oratualti)_ceelnapeortit,,potowititontr. , illtiqael 2080f 4 onairt.,_itnocifiszonitu:z3; TRIVA. mi. INV it li 4. Z.Zir,,Witagfk.= -6. i'' ' e- ' 6,4-17.- , ..*'::ki ia,- :141,19.--: 0- ,.. . .t1IP -PLINArsIttm4Toirt'or--..before -0--a.---0111t-er te.,---- ,•--- liiiiii-- -udi.;,,,s- • r-ait---,jora.-64-via. "nto . . d Nei -I ,' . tp4:,,=.7. , .,. ,,,,,r .4. --,-,,,--:,-yuw,,..„ 1 tz,*eggi-5: /t-5.1-40„ .1600 of favo;ictid, ommoithvortog,_,._:,c.i.134rm: raz etrottitineitell aVhOn,:t1O41-10,tc),.)41Pjr-PF woo ea/m- latTe.".- - ' -7-4, '''''''' aktO- 9 1,, tiniii;:ii;iiikmallir sia 'd. they no ice. ,outeir:re't.01:013"0;eriav.hiineoitai.artt'tWrilapa4e74;- . b Man supplies now DATED' AtT GODERECH this Sili 436sloct atittuicodO44t!,- for if you • QF a be burp' Ito- tot Artie late at the , liri:11'11 :s4:1*aithe a"WimitlYtttilt 11 site'elvIde: oofr d• ay 0 October, 1937. Uwe will be OUt Of fectift-tuad blurred. don't •the ohancea ate, Mat your plc- ta°2anralteilts-e8unljztleer"1-th.:3=rw TOreeBriniontictoll ec• ia,11,12s.ftcor riials.ett,Sx. eedlootodrirerilicher, e_inO.nt., .,Ii 41 zgerea mot4er, 'cotteN, IiinicisEt, ,ria. the trade for 1937 is eAr.pecteid.:*08ach. have iltleEt '171TiltchiaNi-eut eS'.! and, aratottil of nolfrtaliity. ato.comumg i ,. : SnYanda;• ul Med et r in UoTa TIE CUELMTV faaita • ".. ' - ..,-.4.4Jatemestist,Aatiu* Of'.41361,6,00Kiistoina viAzzaplorimorm. Titii.A it, zt type carcass ccompelations is Mat Me gnirauls will finally he a , nel„,f.etil un- . - .•. . • der the new sycem• ;Ialtown at, "rah .hem41,seziNg CA ,41.c. • . ora „ scp.go,; 01'40.„11,# • • • vau0147; tianoszs,- "Tow Vie 'flow41 otreet to 40 4$4 44 AU" 70.044.4auttair.trik.%:, 'PEIITRSVAN.', Traete,itfalgar street, or rotny centh.AeNto,Tmil'otaelvfxn•nlftehedilre•saiclaible:10.cgtsuiseita.•trUfoi;,s(hilitoomveoit,:_. • tender. to'Vo ,100.7 ,P4W- 400444, '''41vOrk, ,u1.4h1g's, • 4.10OR at ? , A 4410711101MWS,I, sitlzazotc:04•44,400 Pki-4•14' RON,14,§1 plea-tmoracd,,tolltkv,, vgzToru riptztit 4720.4i, Allic'''Lregtil. aLtWitilid-rWokerCOWS. _Epid abOtit O „ tale:00aq outts-nlid-hrbod04. le.'ff 1,1*ffit „ OUNIEDEr Ca, ZON, Auctioneers. , 57-8 33 09,171t7 of caret- . Ongia,t on •the OnlIder `4 DIA 'trtnEs\TO n4arg, V-0 jyr:d217 iftC3 ti • %to ka-,7P*zitgo el-gidetit,q14.or arad .ot.e Mat cq '146,411tiiirkEt- no012nnt o adiart.ble 40 rOotil I. ttp4.13ato: • • , • ,t • •114 40 v114-.4bt -a414141A: areitAlly ttiry,4'Atioft,t02, •.ttttp. tIttcr dap, .41)n'Otti. ,t1rt t3?8 40m.tile-Mildixa- .,.'=eZILU ':!4s 'Erdmad' .on,;•‘ cZy )X1 ',4ay#,,satil,',In th Idtettt tine a , 4t; ,betto4t,.co*Int,4. _ ars4.#'1 GO 01 44.4tOtt4T ttL4t Qmeao -04.04tive: to golgt •bt,:tfo 144.. rtire 41,0ora.="Y- VtluoiL tinatetb• 4741110.4 ronty 1P- adade: 'kW ultdm the IJIifl 40E0 ha.- gitik,..4rattlEr74"- ' ,14 L\077f., RADE() SH,Q) . .trao vittn,st +ate of the 9tatart- est *radio sh.n-p0 In iqIn annonrp,..-„'0tt Vag tbia:COL DR- cat la pI hag In•raofelletZ th-e CaroP, ti'6111 • liffs ti6no eintat'atmt mad 4a a to o ockelito 1114.,•trza Olr, si'ettrt-. IlTed thzitr 11'44m -4th 44'4'; Itttat,„tir 0thle. ,-;.,laio,t4w pia**. $05t e0r11V, *00. 0101,b1*.U0 At' , 311,1 ••4',....traltift: 4 24:0,ttatatt::.10, at --1 ',,,otttt:31=3,all .14,tatc4.: .05, attar. a Val0;14'. 11 11 at,404,-,t444.6:-.VOZT ittra Otive npn ..,14titttotattk•ttir,.41kf. 4=.4). toti• ;-;:tt..ItshotP,dw,, #tov,n,,' • tla ita tato " a-,-4:11:adto „ott4, taav #140 Ott ,tttc; 14-.Adtt-t,.4 30, 40-„t4i 414-4.• stm-414itp$ paw ttat-3-van, , arlta _wait 4 ' 7 TroUDLEY E. ISIOMBS, • • _ _ _Eaoricterrgitei,14r --Mice-Ootart-latenee - eo 0,•••••••.....•••••••••••••• °MIAS- VI-rt./star-and 0 mce----Iffa ilton Stmt. Gottofaiqb- Telephone 512. • NK Li tz,?.rr1dor4n orfa avt 0.4,cgo 4oron o., CT .„- 5•76• f. •wuumitmEm E411q ..D . 074. z, skims, vs:, Avso„ •yE i 151k. I .i. t Graduate of the ir.PattOMV/./T Vic.;.41. Tonto and „OntarI,O. V'et - ri ,1 . 020:4i a IL 1 m 3.Alt vt si 4olatt,o-'' .u.. t,o . truat.vairitzats cm271 jif 11, eilFem,A10.14,0g.41grelprarett:Wlatia 197:41k21102r. wort:* riartethemstotslat7fitzt,,tilive .ayoale_16,t voitgorlitiftt 2olotr uoto raseeen=170. aesuott,ite atraieLetifico.141.246- aboligleTlitne:411F111134' :0".c;0_,?4,E j? -7.1511r3. • •01 ,-0-1,00 • • • tho Steater 423st �e littt0;2. thlo In- of Th* nn • mgrittptnot.t.o. Z.M40.4- - • 53 Waterloo -Strwt. L14.. ,Otecaor(11. EbleAotio 1,07. „ Neat visit tekord" 4'04,1060 , 0000.1$2 22114- ,2,111)1‘04 11013,1 • (1) r•fe •• • vest a vast, agrieultdrall indattrg m 'Ids- "74.4,111,t4Tir 01=1410M 1240., • in ti-antittlfeg; ,,oetition at tha..14yak otijeloi --",„,..,..A..21._.--070.0etilpiA...: -g!qii,-;,-tho aOntireA- ill& Of' the nt144-- " 1,1,•'q -genit, cez1-,;(eaptu:1150,ti.m- .,.illgiriiiini)'±: Ittil7fiisito7.4t;'1:ozitg411: G°1:tza`.4044.n7.07iadA,ga4ttZtelt#01271,:il irooell :13,04tti y1:91411:.:.r .480,84,4.•'Zeaes•rano,dollt13csi; el. liwflioT';i1P: 4..; ' , r IV. 41*.C, ._110,114,41411 _''.,•.L . ':: ' . ' ' 100,WV.Z.: 4E0.0.4-wo-,i, .1,-,,einnek0,1- about t1,5 n tha,r,.'' ttallell -Vowis‘ :ristaie vand a .,. . : MalliKaw7rZa _Za_ _ ttfer,,o•Ot, 'to-leit(ore,-,thitfi 'lam; 22 VelatY -tfeet' from.a tree white 1, jpgfeiliaip_eripwce-la a nay-. lin th•V-. delYn '1742111 the SAYMUll -1'C' " 3,6:v1,1144 -4.3te6r6, heifers and calres, 105 licid,,,,-road-. takkaii--on. Bit004Y,,, ,Eart tott'egYlkar uo, -44,021"17 .-4. ,3v!",:r4:1],ize,tvtillwillI,e4r4; 411171i1113:112,t4,-L- t n.d101; gr. -- ' Ootrer, of Goderibi suffered: a badly- Ai -Perim -A aPisinthi- IlOtitoita.- it 'ete--- . rutr---2-pky ' ke;:t11140,11i TregVAte* i'4, -q -6, L'17 -Zit-,-; -111)W,MX5retrati'Lk attitr:"ILZeilktifpW :litt4e4A04.1:0721:,:et'„elti: :43,:tart.:1;11:1..A,161: ..vrtath;ntria:etrb•.7041•;,.c1-7:7‘,erah,12.t..,:ivril• 41:;-r,,,,,. :04.4.711t1 ...lir: 7-772.0:,:tiorav,74,,,:c*.‘,1.04•,,...i.hluzi2;01::;teoliolarte•Wi yirmuierii.:417:y. ,, • •;•,•• . . ....--i : = (U'iti now ‘"Itt,‘.=;-;-4-1*-t ted163.; 1 ..'100 iktotar ftootra a the Arthur Ugnn ongezin3 n barber 040 143' c6a14'er•; 1 gleti valet -i, 1 Alite4,PzrOw : atelq. will be lield3Ault plouthlYt evening, a haircut !,4e 'Ops 9oon .told Att 1, c•tt _ Dieto,;. 3. lacinur4,01)rfazoet; 1 (.t gt:,:,t ', , • :„. O. -414,10.toto, ,.nzarlt,;'. r441.,:/: 4.,-,fartat,..ezent_go._ ., .• 1 „ -0,--r-letiatinitiorr-1--titst to. ,itiR ' iiito1c, V, .site*ta 'church. place that evening, Mat • lEIreary Word 16*,1 doole tarn ,e,,,,,•; i sobs ie;..h_ 1 set, 01.iir, IA L ,,the',„ POS 't l' ittplee 11 ' at '0141th. . !Icy" o i*igkl, to .f. 0,..ptivizttitu WO ii re.*1)rt of geocihe,t: :lc: tra,:ulleattaii,hezitv_o_r. -___zi -,,,,,. ap.oliati.i.,111,:tiritoovvItal seiglotitiztuirei:v1:ate.zbloltoutirst. .., , • •i rill », •_ _ :',.........,..z.: , ' . _ . ,.: 42:1441,i,o, ,-,4i, orio, , a taio,,,. over, intt. ,!,. ' tip,;, 2-„Agopt 4,4 ,... IL ,. otaca.,. mil,. 4t1,4 ' l'Ilv' t.thek;r7.s. natillid tit' *Aglaia miiia to other. '.4t reitat" tiAtiiedo'eOlter,.'"thati, shoUltill 4141471,,,s' -"lie 40211pe4led, to,,,,stanal , whenever• I be thti• 160104 ' gent? ia '14iiii li*iirritnit •fo't•Eu; NW, 41, , _ , _. ne ,t, a are feenwtr sAl: privately. rd ageoller." • . •• ' Cut:taint, tIlle tnrher, Was in um an ,,,,,,,,,,,,I....,..,- • . , •• 44°.ztable 71i.211 like atie!" j*L"'s4'.41177• ti:1 'itrier.taili148(". PAS:1;814g Pi0g6.--urhAizi-Ira‘' rantn? rd:Cgtoda. the lecture thn.t: -'-'ht. , ,• . ,. • ,, .,,... .,lq -4404-: Pred4(0,41 ck. IMIDlitg , '74,St 4-L11one-err% , town -3,to_mt.tp, kiAnrite.. ' • • -Is to otay. notitIng clout !the tatiO titat, • Got on the Adaile..elotii., Thi ,i,r1i114,,,,44.7 ''. Another it'at ,to taa4e-thonlo traM''' - (0,,.4 's, , 40qmikivaurez 2 tativOt3fe.wiv.,50,6a43., :h„,,4:„zoi,,,v1...4,,,, ..... ... ., ,, 0 , aoilt4t!OOPfegV4-('' ' '"' II' T t IL ways (wash wit, 'while the ,iitati-ory.;:ol. natal. words sometimes woaft. r-qtrktOra rea ooto a, , zt(mtu 0•• clelEtzsgTort .6,N,3-Zoiattek• ;ialem ix . • eaCorieb, riaot4,*24,4') -."- ' roAvids-,M VA! hi 0.11C4M17eN '-rf'-'-‘.i,i. 2 04'12211 illooltte-, al.(c%qtgrzzletni.--1.i... ett23 ta&vvoog olIcr;,_4=, , !, ' - .04 :t4 zpit?irri:•aviOttcerA71114010.070:1 4 . -,mytristis.re.:egett -0,--.-14-trypact•--- br-tittztoto k ,,74,. ' Pr...:074•8 on M . ,..,,lei 0 • , '1,11. '''.•'• iMa.', tomb • I ti • tsor'intzes, • - - fr) -NA .r • 461ii'depher,01.44larls# Ifoottliardti, irlTyrtlyrrrlf-403',1%'"'411(143:01141P. Ettihliedritatilt"A:a411 ''-'6.tozilritav't7o#te542Dtr.;(e'Alerlt,ferlr':It.g-P1471at•altaole01°‘ th&f:lisz*hircii;.,Iridtt '''z,07'10,.'it cep:,: ile•Dieti241- ttp,;.cal, inoIlane; I y Nre =int not obl.V.•4111rin the brother. b ittin", sto net live Pat• . er. e‘ . • 'dry, tian ,toittaadi sh, 04124: ,414v, aildra.tilarbite eag,tat" t&-41ner4,1t. go*ltall 1461416 '11etred any , iIo At tharat Mesa Who loaned cam ti r -U 14-oavitigni tribt.a0' „ • 16:415 atiocaz, IVO* oat, tin* for (Ott) ezcerit *tam tiour -can we 0,..‘ittect dlacehold.. ko,to.an:teaythen2t--..0t. tomb Star. Timm • v, intend 0,41011 to theSe 2r1endS.:01111,v4itivkai..ztott .141tizako. Otz.-41; itfti:Atklt tto,mbit. fatly for the,;t1Oral trihutea ta to ibtO•vtito .t1,4,11tit Oro' tOf, 1.40,411. Ooge wthh ,:thatfli 'dbldete4•4liailirttrt:el'or thoti' 130; ••• , •'44.S ,Cala • * 11no ,,ca ... etit, . tha At tt*oi.. it'4 • t44 zao'r24:-tzt,,,,,,tt.,.. ,Adt',:c,,,, .,', 417,,,,,,,, t..017 ttlyilltvtc• , .•'.a ,tt , t ,..t.'f.t.r..t0, Q:',11,;(--,,'„-,•:,',t,n,a, ..c.',4,1 '0 v‘.,:ht rii.tr ,t,t - ,., ,. s ..:1.i..4.tx,i1J-!N, i4fl:.!.,, - -I- ' Pec • OM fit I.: q1v4 rent otlo_•.14r4„ 'Lye:4,7,1 Vottn tbo 404. V VI -Vbittc, 141.4041,40.4..2,0 , dts -17.4 tito 'that' bite *ilea for-' 0414-10-21 "Veteri, ttit otolto c;t9V., 4111P4.I. t,',14al'sm;ct 2o2;3. PtcceiV egi0r.b."-1,1,4P4tr4A: ,giomillg;o,:t1r/ilia3ilig-lb'4"*J011411"i(4°V.*1112,;. 4rdi1baltia- taestv.ao4-0Wtp:4.--- ..acenta,--Vr. S. 8, Clinton; Same° 'matt, 11,11Alt; John raZovo 4,51 .1tiru1elle1d1 v. .21grere,7=0 1131111n; Ohaa. t2.'1Ellowitt,4iLb- ,takialto el,42mottp4 ILL. 4,20ra. ,14.011z). • -3 • •, ZolleotanicIcitm atcatd.aot t1II arkda tc-attla-S.' cit ttb 20gai Ztilitto Ootra • 'Gtt)°Teifiecotaitclatittcittit'o.,:'1° mora • itty -- heart thanks tO 'arid varkiajarly. t g ,tho,;116Aton, nstratioi.1 in ,tilire.,Pr6vinte, Of Ontario.• , r Lit tiK 3-- 0 „