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The Signal, 1937-10-13, Page 4
7 a yli • IL^ 1 ms - 1 . •' vipm 4 arc«''t'; X". `i 11'0•4:1114,1:_v:0/1 c ntr 1 ("aeeC So CCee ll 0 vLyLO COMMegli F!.1hs A f�,'P •mow` F,. - •4. os tairxi r 1�% G7DM a Val ` teitaiouti'liCt trate C loii;'k``rl 4t : ell-- a _ lit a. � told . t..; • 4YM ta . a 1�'"i: andand� I� �dY�$1tlldl'1Etj�$9Ed family, • of Gado -Mel. tint •Baandaay et - - t a. 9,g, p,p, St :FP. iii l - n. 4kr: Via., . to �¢ �1 �. ....u• 21..... _..W.nnn. rye' aAtA1� a A Ut: m�o/(ony 'VIZI SII . Mary Phgli ... 1 lra nd Ms. l§lelson 7L1ed wartha, of, ii aa, clli`d$ -Mire . A'lill'telmiUe _s Vartha, of TO' sato, swat gauurdlaay r7itih 11r. anlI M5ns. Gm F. ONv ie. Mr.. Cam& S teAihster, or Detroit, . . ,- „I.: ..- ';,' .t, . , 'Mmunit -'*-7'".•-----...--,.....---14.1(i41 ine .4r We au c 1 mal t hao- dYf rtes I iwt ,}- • w •n l in o"^`fi'Y.:,.� n. • ,t • CUP • a[u 04 5 -at Idle )4 L 101 kr,..op2e4k1-2.11.thoconlig •\ df [a1 tt a ,y' y va b .:• rG R. the Oce, 0 Man . grate GadVia- 0,11 itoz anal& «; - Ofnito W14•2.0 catloot$u . all cam renisb l'> qoattlite. ut is su1 our,106 to 09 P4,1. vi tyr daatmzin.3 to God. l` esi 'ao 1t ra>'anlg'crow Into: tl teeD1.-ei lielreeeeteeerilijecenieyen MAO Z.` copnpxaitn'ia - ygeu=ne -106, T A _ I .-40r 44 soul n t , acro l =MOW. it ,ly 4 i4 ,131 diGumlls ` to lrt always. counting' what you havei)ib'$ 'gat Wu lwel'a`that-eneit'hete •[ to eee 'tehait we tam ° -r1 e #� � vouunnualty- that has ne teen' ._. oua.st_ p1 hr. II CY'82trot lelot4o4 0 - Zt is -,very at Witaith IA, h• l Ni� a 1111 ul TOO r Ip-.'-i>.a' =ma FYo , ' ,•',`�` .»�, - •" 'wtr.•rxr,y,s`a', rem au d !to oaae o' cin and glatines.s by datitivaating the cpia It ateregralakeejrpeteane the ben to, which .-ellod Israel. • It is not an setret for one or t ,o_ saintly ,people' It fa /. th,�e{7 1yy�privi-- ild to &mow iti odds wayt3 dad • acts, ' ` The biggest .bleseing is that ItIe foregives all our iniquities. There _no f - $^¢��Y�. j "A' c•MJ{3th - e eeReam! .. _ •r"a' 'ot[iE KJ'4`.W°' +k'�+at�p"• �7��'. i�ry aacgo • u-og them �i`�N� �•1,Y: � 'd'iCP:. d- F> . - � �i\�L2 "" :�$4NC�i 1iH„^�'1�iLAa �-.._ �.•S• �f ,`d� �•�...:. � � � 1.ei rT�u.,_ LniA V e� f a rrA . n Mende ndsb and IIfi'v t . Ie lwaain. ` ' TheB, ,:..� tae a Bulletin hid items on[ the min A a,. nr i , nee MI • .}t wit 47l'• ..I' ?iuiti do i ." e , i&'ia�cac s •wsz0 taa'lO blY Harold } O1Tcag'�`��r�ue ` ♦ �ry� om C�warby and wag eigbeld �y Brother ' IeIIQ'wain, Noea Sewerb+y et I�;.11 yrs. Win= OIL y points were brought out for both aides Jl.,. " , Mettle; Gee negative bide: Pinna �araaade-for- a anaasqueraadd to be held in toter et the home of Zane Nora - weeby. Luneh.. wasr by the hosts and a racial time e'nljoy by 'one. The sympathy of the community $o eut�ended tb 1iZ triennia line in Brae death of his father at Wrath '. The family attended the funeral on xaday. I fi?aa. f and, . area ► Morton and Teddy, of: II eau . t •iyu Y Rahe home of M. and law. George Fal- coner. Bernie ` and .rer`rr t , or 'onion, end Mr • nd Mrs. Fred . ullough.A Mer- vin- Land ']Ett°�tt eeofe°°- deriele were week -end visitors with Mr. and Wm. Fuller. . . An aannieete 7 service was field dt ion ddaureb, Taylor's Carney, on Sun- day un- a y eveniate. Bev. 1 , �. tcorbo e, of Victoria street Unitedeh'dateh, Glad- erit�h, eondvwted• the service, and pit ached' an inspiring aeraaaon'. The. tactile was tall11191 ed - by a splendid quartette from Minion church and Aq ies Muriel y1M borhtouse rendered a tine cola. 'The church rraNt u 11j' dd earated with flower. There wra s n good at- tendance.' G9b0--The Geta er Meeting of the matie club waaa •t, '4 •.- 1111 ?Ute. ,e' ,11;1 1 mux.- , It. „Ter),_ry, ?111 r a'. ,1 true 1 u�4 It,.o � 4V .Knew .+✓ 1 t< b ! ra a •111.?!!eeV btirc ttAi a a10 d eft r v rt ' A Ciiq cc ogctia boiaaat601 C�itt� 7Q .. M~ �a p ti•+r+11fk . tea` ,� snappin ", . ` %$BG�fiD aIle %' travel, a camera, .deem :,aloe-• to get $ titter f a '� oo ndena a n� " Butt; m'you -may saY, "nee, alrenly .made good snaps3 ar,b',I, III4 ,Un °h moo. '.'hi�t'`olzlo'"tlter�lno¢Dt�� Nobody can anr4rer that queotioe for you directly: But it's dollare to donghmet'a at, there are doeeaao of i��I P .4 / evening the T4tillittiT teeth= of tiro Y. P.I1J. was held at the home of ta. ,Rarwood with ;tventy-sLir members -Me "Pathfinder" was -read- by Norma PococIr and the Slut Awe- (Psalta 7,2) by 'Mather IdeIlwaint An Harwood. and John Clements. • Nora • Sowerby wad the itopic, "Pioneering in the Church," end- Bev.. A, le Moor - The meetieg closed with prayer by Moorhouse. Lunch was served by the ladies- Suit char ioractice -fol- conducted in Union churet on Sunda: The edifitt. was extletieally- detonated with hou.. plants and, out flowers and was tilled to capacity fer both ter - vices ev. C. J. Moorimuee of Lon - 1111 ..radw pid Mom', 3. Luattglously Fur -trimmed CoatS, . allied: in- the latest. new* *and different, ,Snpert the smart war the firs Ire - treated. • 'Coats trionmed with Wolfe •pablie Fon tget $ AND UP • We love 'Judi bOttlist tap a l'y'itteVlalls that ate tev:74.-- Vdtivas, that r4 .ence ve are V,foctil, Sweaters 1,0 414 • ree 9Q r,tn A A•� 0tr l afraid au$ c o$�ig t"4 Piet h4 f1 i Brent 7. IIt'O a touaie to taaa e, OI Q(�4L?ti3 02 �Ip77. f, to- et• a taboU t l<A tr""e tate. If your eye (nlvYo theeeeeae, etc ver it ie. the cbanceg are that .your ca ori c7'iii en dry irt0au With such helpo .- acro the in - =Tem 3iV€' photo -400d belbu (for ;dela P stent P®floc Ora are avail- .� r avail - Ole). you can do�.your"s apel mot - indoor as �r7dn at ay aV JI� f' r �lridtw,a,�IFTW.9.:m:d�.iXKweeeFx tt�,m a TM -'ria• • /k•. ,,r ethings, 1 tea The secret Qi lincling lam:.. -During -,the. Qld�gareiarp knew no hack of food or cid thing.- if ply a matter of keeping your eyes we had wine through the a ,ion open,: Get the habit of fooling et in the right 1i11'ndd we'should- have had thitlgs---everything-ae though you plenty` : of ovveythiug. ' _ice ever- had, nevou seen diem- ''afore. It's lasting youth- in Good. IIP `you rant amazing the • way this ,habit will to Zip young, ori' the right aide sharpen your interest --now dulled of ,God. 'mercy is.as high• a the • by sheer' familiarity -in even the "When the World, Forgets," was 'bean- wartha of _Toronto; and. a' duet, "He Knows It All," was improesively (Sung store The choir sang an anthem, "The -Beacon of RigWousness." At the evening malice, Mre lacOrhouse took as his text •!‘Fier Wit,h the Wart with ithe mouth 'confession, isynadde un - .o. Z. utakweis a Goorkil, and an the choir Mist Sunday, Bev. G. -G. Burton of Ontario,street elrerele Clime - VMS -UMW ever irgattrzomr.,3 et the home 9r2i. tam trImicifmr amptzu la eta most. tommon.place things. appreciative eyes in the heads of Maybe you've heard tbese words -ffome,of the fineetelecee (A Ph!): neeer 'dreamed it Wad the mat- Ei i•�'tttXkltryx�9M'=%'" 0 iK F 1 will keep you warm in any weather. These C special, ianported lrisll` cloth made to i^4ths$a' and having the weight of a thinner,' •fess ebsely -; r -vv. i,. Soo Now i SayEa ae n©�aCCraft Oveamato $110.50 up CO Pri-Whem -'bone Sal U retired member the Royal Cana- dian 'Mounted Police, were eompell to mile almost miles, when the dogs they obtained' w Tale cook be too els and too y for to �. --dory 1 tfi e and_ _ i�ud. _ e and .(Yfj••fiU$'e"YYdaT�litEd� '��Yd�.'ssi3a'�`"�'�A nna N'.+Y � ne �V`+( 1 :raY tiaronghtguided, by Eskimo, and aat tilmes the ,.,ohe unbroken! country, .Nr@ -e.•0. .ak 44.44. ing. Today almost any picture is possibleeetuid at any titue. Of all words of praise for the snapshooter, the sweetest are these, spokdn by a friend: -"Well, would you look at that! I've seen that spot every clay for the last fifteen years tt -on the front steps, the Iss John van Guilder.,:,. serviees are b;_bag held at Nile... -The Indies of -the church weee busy on Tuesday afternoon quilting Irquilt to tend in the bale to the All enjoyed tithe service conducted by Rev. EL en4ll. ef Ethel on Sunday His theme was "Treasuee eseektars." vielted MteSeell's **le, Mr. T. Snell, and Mr. OA Ora. IT; Nixon on the 'Mb -oneegonrnear Nile. M. O.' ttiveat, from the West, mho lidine--eollege in Toronto, spent fhe.iveilfr-enZ aunt, Mr. and Mrs: W. faillOWS. Mr. and 'Mrs, ebert Rowe and the Mary A. (Mutton. a hardwood floor in lar. Wit'd tams. fit nmaemBIAD granite -and anal lake? wore -down, the was short, for , ey Thad to trek to the 'Churchill, where they 'boarded .the •yie;•-and_�aYs past_ Vets_ house' fear that they aright miss the t and be compelled to stay n thee dogsat for a year. They the . r .Abut •tine dogs were it poor sen�ition and they irdeilreleetted--te r _, it -the ripe'°lz letter ty�g��dpr �tli4 �do strong. They changed their team re- peatedly and tinnily arrived at Churchill with two teams of dogs ,numbering sixteen each, but they were still compelled, to .do their travelling on foot; and by the time the port was educe ,..._then •-haadl--iin tb ri- pa, twenty -eve netiv Who , acted guides. In J` wi men breeli lore ice intim- .. ns n 11 d h e s in the they 'had, to swim' •tae d :a Iaore in 4.14 • 1 w>p rm tom` _eve: ett to tine,o' ti •R 1 \ R4 li`a,G 1 11 I numb and sore flue aun wonted ex- ercise, bands that were :touched, with pry} ° e $ enees -=a f - - =JL:L-'W+7M•.,.ui�L�'�=1",•r%�IFwfi!'-Yptj..., .., � -i... [ , ibbi t end! ale a relate. 'with ,reµ �. �,;,3uax7.`t' • . _ s-zz.•. t.$r"s',.,�� iw(ti',+'�%�i `.a.�'nu°ttxlxssVY5,3i� 1 rl,u ,spent the week -end at theie home here. 'Re*. and Mrs. -.T. ff. 'Demean, of Thernbury, -called on friends in -town on Sunday. Me. 'Reavie is _spending the holiday at his home in Sarnia.' Miss Myrtle has been on the local telethon.? etafferor some time. left foe her !home at London ttiday.'" Ntr. and Mrs. J. wsen, of Kieg aty, Visited at 'P. 1 161eMillan's re. Re'bigt Button ie. visiting in. Mrs. Owen McKenzie ad her daughter Muriel. vireo spell mei. at tteir !home here, left today for the Mittiattdota toe' 1b41:0' 41: etti-ttot "1.011P isiamtai ttlyrt.4 attr.:7: 111.0 Inn= -tam c1,01n cptta*rz,=, 1-7043 cr.24 Mart CumfitQl‘cliztO 1:47 I Weill tkolito eee Si m whiter with Mr. and MTS. Allen. Mc- ,txe bonds*, (Louden. _241=.144,,Tagrot Beee_of Al le ladle . Melvin -10P trepotarto vas re - teat apigilgtasOlptant ace'. of the -Ontario, Ere EaSseY- 1111 '32,4611.arza, Tar'rP1 Rm. 444' 02 "--Qtte02t0 • ,4T ttt14, • 44111 • kvo on your Hand -tailored Suits. Best warkmanship . guaranteed. /LEY ties of mineral wealth in the North be- yond 'the careful Ste ent t :t rock favorable for PTOSPeOlik>"? nd lie hoped to go back again, because, he had mere- ly scraped •the surfaee. Any Vroez-Alialty Punta Weel-erd SpeckE, 4.1 25c each If you want to see the family beam with appOciation when they sit down to a meal serve hcvt, spicy, flaky -crusted Mince Pie from ufaoy ,oataetcy 01002 VUE35.? 57 1.14o, ROI tei.otdot,4* toot de vat*, It .1 tt„i,atiatl 43:* oteat Iltottati e.:;141' Allmt Mitt VI- Vrotli=n. tr F. "141t0t1/4= at itavgz rtaMt2 :MO pre, cIzzakm COA For thildienonisses mud tale; Oak tailored styles and fur- , trimmed, in pure wool fabrics, correctly styled and well , I Attitt,g,OLIPV,Sti, -V41.0.4,4 shades and smart sfileS o Wear 11 41 For ditildren, misses and ladies. Oontinations„ - Vesta. • Drawers,, tilooniers -or Panties„ ail wooto -silk--and wool 021 in all W-661 alld tat ticiot *for inisses, ladies Aak Odd, pairs and btOketi sizes Ittyser, 1 tt8S. black, buv • leo