HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-10-13, Page 11%::.`Ag.to.140k4ruidlt
1." 414104-11
101 sJit
7 ,ixVautfOrd
4 dr"1244194t *
rto, Q.
WO b
t .
410' t
1.,'411.14k Mir 1. A
i*tlot Ittvtigc A40,V1
:ttrot-o7'4,t Vsf%item,,
toloOlatoi' taVollt4'
01bonto' e0totptl lopaifOxti.
rats the 44i'ir;;;:o;
t b .-tort no c4Li:
of 4
•t 4U1
IttZr 10tsaation,
NOVI it="f# 41
,D26,7-,•!, CP VOA
-r/of Motor.
Volp, Eginliste
44.4440. tat
le,,zre:71 at,Of tha:‘‘tw•aocz.:7;tmoze,r ddruelvvohlat
math= 174.1tadlitv 9eZ
a Waging.° •
_ 0 ,
• Ztt liv
tr- -
04 t, v4do h6 late Ti Cant.
tilt* On Zontay night in tor
Demand Was
tor1 at poat- to, a 4.1aughtor of
_ton Market, at an ta•rty_p . Phe
with him --tariailt =air airy mrzi,
tiler 'huolinad diet tw\eimyzrT3-
Surylvizv are Wee po_ap and 0
daidlters: 0140te. OtV 44b' jhotier
ttead; Wiltiam, of :Carao74';:illka7T4 of
r II, 1.#44r.k. ritu
one. ,
e' -Ontario
, fr•oVai
4111, lit
*20.1C1 tif4 formeiv AJO
.regiign.4 rz,4
VRI., 17:-IrriFtaV,A. „
Or- NI-001tv-FaU, .44d,
. P. Pi, for North Waterloo.
tewavi;"--UP•reema 44.0ka tatil
PI 6 11110,"
Au -imam thic..bringa footlialVtIMeto Most- alsiad
, Elniveroittep, t_nt tli Yea14,4140,•21;0rttac attracted,ktro
• the 4o,1:)in of Marie and Ittalle• 4coarte. The two iletka- •
tivei hitt). the gcort of the.c,c1.4a *Da (4.40sre) tte, bee
after "hmvy" tackle from 44atie. Thereo no dila 02 a '
.....-110*-1;*:4104e/Orgg ''40,1(144-tmati.4414.1k42'
sots at
)4, 1 44**
•tta, i't#6*61.-VA'6,614.60. *P2t.. r. .
a ithe•04%6
-Ituma! It=
atm. a 1.161
VIrei,t4.2.4. 1#. iorOPty
kT° ME
r •
iste.r a toittoz-Li_
he was 1 te.,ititclireMil, .49
Ontario itatisipal 3o1ft4 atattaai
ohortly l3oi0 , toot,--_,: Wrrot Urdu-
' He von ',Zatdittinad4v0010.1,..,20r itto
WN t1Io: 4. 0A14,0s• -;D4, .
...ister of .P' i 10' V70 ^ •
r. k -44e.111p. ,403ttn Old. .to 1 a
°441fletr0 t244.14,14t A pea tat
-,toil littio,:. tp
,t11i70- oate,4 , '
, ...
.110111Ge .; "Ottmotator•', :!h4t:.7i.itIgd
,itioilist 4,1 i 'ton ,i 10'
,groviaaciat .-e_eet104;---
. ,
io ut a ceat,.. will . Ps 6 ' .
_.• Oradnate Of ' Queeied '., iillpi
. Campbell :t' -a filittinanclivOr...,*
EON, It.'75-• DEW& - Ujilsr. '
air. p)#;,.,, t Otated at •
IltalversitY..",, , Legi. - gt•-• :,Vralle
viler laillett ..-iweiddillig)i:
oid the ttario College.
ale- Was'
•I•3 yeark ago.. laltioident
'.V7oods r. Devratt-.1-0'• monager
the 0 Zarmers'-C:o-oltertitive tto-
duee Co., atid mired 03.al41eri3lt.n
'WoodotoCk from IOU to 1.1144:.(
iirst represented Oxford in the noti
an -14U Ott WaDre-electitit 'last week.-
-MON. ELgtOLD J. Ittit151t.,
- ter Of -ealfh.
'vtrgt gittgrlo .11P3ltit minister 'not2•4
medical dottor, lir., ll •I tt jcattler,
In 'Toronto. ine all..,•.)-' la Allrector Of .1'41
. roma potata firm. tiotly4.11to yetwn:041:0
•he V119 thrAtitt. ZIA#10i, Mcilto ciutd .
- at North Toronto C0llejl1te-'4144 t
•Osgoode Hall Law 1Zdhoo1.',Pret1 fl12
to 1031 Was an alderman( 'and iii60
'Toronto : 1 glinton• fri,r the lothea-T.-.tt-ct,
In the(i, 'MI.'? general electtott, retaiiiii4
the i).!." 't week.
11014 aitiLIONTi fecti,Linirs. Attotu
1 nerGenerst ,r..,
)k praetlang lawyer in Ct itivra 'Pilate.
- 1042, 'Mr. Conant reggvied!-:tiS "Motu
Attorney to win Ontario constitueticY
. for the Elepintrn Govern:Mont .111a latt'
week's 'general electien. Ilite Ida mvor
bia4 a seat in t.he Legislatire Until
• uow. 'hut he wan reeve ot0311,1mr in
1914•wayhr in 1016 an ' . nt1 heI41
'Many other municipal peitiPlIg. nOrri.
of rnited gropire toyaliSt :Stoeit,: he
.,„,._:„1,L,.. ,n land granted Ur the Crown
to lifk,-f-aollt-grantlfather-:„.,_,,, 14 ri-
gonduoto of T T 11 i V crafty of Tottottir Faiir
' fie „Efall.
1L Ltwrti17
t46tivel;- •
M. f. tkitfisffir of
tnutlorttn eight.titne mayor, Ur.
idstollyhtt) is the only 1%4%10 4et-eliet:
who ran fo.a other. than A straight 'M3i31 2d1 t41 it
111,141tt 0000 '00
tire wen itranttord an all 100.;::.Ataaltoilt
tiberal rafter alttinaIn thcf00 ligefatUO
Gotaloto an an inttlipeilanh, Vr4rti
'White flake. Oat., attd 041tOaled
120140?, te'Bride• V-,VintOr
'00:.the old ott.qqa
410 did att4ZY
VOfl tol=an., •62-
St pink.'wf:A;e,
'Po Oct.
on., Oaf -
iLue, Oct. ....,...
5-TE2a,AT hrA [32ACH
11011ATetht 0.1117.7\c,jVilt0
fnet that Abe. wind
One oared large
eh summer zAet
tion by fire. :pfart
.on the
fire totally. del*())",--
its content.-
Owne,.* of the Mil
gendemon, of • Luck
.tran ,41.OtiOrencd" latet*,
6fStetalen %hitt
bitI'Vr4itilt", &Vett
bririved 40o lAte am'
Content:S. '
e Cottage wosur
tat been. elabedr for ti
The tettfs12, of the b
thondh it is ilelleved. y have bet,41
tleadentally 'started' 6 some easitza
W.—Only the
a an oabore
-tion. of i rote
' from deatrete-
a f pottage,M,
he beach, Vie
e eOtage and
,.. was Elias
• • The bitte
the a il teenoo• n 1
farm is att-P'
the teaeb.:tel
6:,scen6,• font
ie any of 'Ile
_ w 1111 ID
tittlez,710 -EU '
I42'aane ghls yest,,Itt
,-.61=e-6, at. ti -.Infettt1Tr0 the r
'Fltri.daY flighty •:18t,th:Eoutido will be
`r the mamma=o ome ecen-
,'-Whisai Vat) tirgo'hifed 03 T.ollintes
0�ayvresidenta, Ma -Air ER. J. 4;
on, MIL OA Wurtele, Capt. Eddie
511=744'.3. WiUh rohisser ; president,
o _ Drennan ;, vice-presidenta,
fr-1.04 1°11e; ceretary 3. E. Wader;
eliecultre ictimutttee, Ned. _Sale. inte4.
tt6tiee, IBtIU act) g, D. IL 011: r1en
Perey--.-Johatton, Lored Mouse, _Lorne
coaago--intermediates, ER. G.
Iffurne,y; isiniors, ,Norman. ' avreS.
erc*frj duties vliere. refterin, the
han41 of ti 9, adurney. •
17.0 MenpM.., vizzadtam
414he„taa m fing of. the 0011
.1Anitiltute *board it woo decided to,liave
a Toronto firm make tit e3timaa6. on
the remodelling of the school ramie
neemzary by the addition of shoo
Fork end domestVe economy to the
curriculum. Them, subjects ore not
Willag taught thisyear but-- will be
compulsory for the 193144 term, and
two new rooms will be neeesOrS•
the touda4s7 vrithliiL :L
44e1-6Irahani, 4orth,
=Oh 06.. ,7".,4144,744.4a,gacagt ° rm.
lover the'ilk#1,.'1/2,,dYia
• ear. G. Z. oIte of i.anrio.,
ado a _1411=t, itt /Ctit#4 his _cousia,
Mr. A. Itif. Ontersall.
Elte1bert-,014d1e, n23-h3cer of, the
A, 'a I?. iltoge_afiriligrallton, wan bozo
otta v11Itfor,Oiahltntitrilig$ Dry.
• and„,larp: lEf. c. Mellows spent
the '1,V1t*cid at Detroitat the (home
1.1w... I' erCrVTilhiaizuc.-
• tt.crila Ailey, of St, Catharkes.
sPegit' 'the 'holiday week -ea -treitit• her
patents,. kr. alad 4ra. 0. SSW.
'and 1.11'0. =ton ttlreile2 of
-Hrs. att6 El. wad gtgOr-frie-,a.'ulh
Ur -et Ott-0312nm, '112;:!andi Um.
grod. BRIce i jactf' Sake& vith
tund Mrs. . 3urri6 cit=mit
loot week-eid. -
Ws, tibia ledikeid, of ,r26:4-tif*
kr. J'ack Zallteld aud 1r4.040
Was, of Toronto, were holidalcuath
with Mr. and Dam. IL 4 Cal:held.
'Ur. and V.T3 Pleed Itt114, of Har-
row, visited, for several ii.aPtltelIgliPt
week with Mrs. olotera the
Nlisoes Ctmuag, at their t..174e item
'Baas itoh1Matitienn041141.',Sitaa.
aid Tar. ItAg, 1.11W-cm0sV-4-ci1 son, of
`41 latIMW • at mezaastn 7ezbity
''-• --
114 qp•M,Citilons heard Ma
:gb$ , 6 morning on "Mon
ShaiattgiVing." icv doe
Vett "Thoo-e, W2joiu rcci
,TMtc''441,D, It4ortir0,7 • Vnted out
4,,g0„q ?Wye) mom eitau a helief
416•1•04,t.:4-#1--aifirael66' ;-ER'e-•
gO'repnal faith which cha ges
V., the inner Obi
Otte eh* - was assisted at the
with EU.. •andl LUG. A. CI I'ltrUz=z1.
Mr. 3r. Z.Iro. Chas. Oche and Odra
and 'LlicqIEy1Up.415-ziezn. Arnttfr:
co, cps itho Weerend with
„..4)1\120.1.44-_44 GEzpnuar.
• uimit ,Byrose sPerat ald Oro.
G.A.„ leNt Wolneoday lot/ 91`tos
canto to attend the fifty -MOD annual
congrap of the igalvation Arizni, la
Ontario and Que.c.
' Mr. au.d, Blume IlicDouald and
10.- and laza. Benedict, of 'MAO-
tatar aid tar. aitd tars. Will, •-.011.th,
Gionarao,, Zook., were holiday guests
of Lir. tad Lim D. Mellwain.
um ;David Ialtelitare and oon,
Eari.ald. McIntyre, talr. ctgrs. 4a -
vin Ruda and daughter, Him Joan
Bush? o2 oatti wet week -end guezto
of Mrs. (Capt.) John Viekers.
Hrs. Q. D. Mayer' and daughters,
Q.W111.49,174,..4.11411.4.1,141!A Bren#01r411
visited Lars. ,ghavees pareattVEY: h4
mtg. C. 1). iBeek, nod her doter. IIrs.
Howard LICNee, ovei the weett.vai
aZr. Tho% Glalley has Zetlir4te6
his home at Sort 'Enron, after czteint.
Iraitlte--ioura'mer• th, friendo in actrl.
erich. iley, is in ftio
tett, mat and is eiloying good health:
• Ear. William rirne, who bats upent
the tact live mouths in Alexandra hos-
pital onirering from blood ,poison and
I stroke, is home for a few days. •He
Celebrated his eighty-tirst •birthday on
• October 12tb. Hp is not strong yet.
but hopes soon to matte 0 decided •im-
Port Colborne, mere weeit.end. gaeoto provement.
lirrt).1%,0451, Atit'a
rie a:, z r'‹‘eatMto.
6,,tiat•••,..0,..0,•.44„, 4 "r$ LX a'..at1741 -
13114sv veleta ZoAttU% flliodarric.
ke7, VIeldttn)- et4tozzo
t4p zwirt_vt4xt3--44,toft:
griticAN. 44,Itittt.
,-0" V* ktvatollez
Vs'zikttat tho rttli
and, B474 0. 0•7`.4nt4., t,tort
aleyS74C"Z,% :107 eel ii-'41.to
4ftee tvollWU* t4t:Znat.,-Z3 Czotta)-'
cotala% sai01Iflk CraigU010Z1nonettetot •
and /brat -tali Ttilf*rtf, Git3 411
Tfaa.gt1=4, vM.to can 'trv
condUcted ti01,4? oPiro• Eavad
(Y t ("MilWr.7407).`,0,04 CX?
• .W. D.icktii07,11'01$41..c gratatil
ttruireb. ruterailtoit I14i.4-11oZolhorna
John Wioentan. WX*47 0;*Tml* dr"
ticer at 011atopp di2dA*VtriheM),
tl1Q '-wn, on Moll
lleallarle .1100 10M,
Stratford a. ¶7; 410ii
,dL; "sb it au'
Tiet013i0 Irzinkt
Elnaald, Mtitierlite t2a0
othy Mloa, Violet •it'itehf„Atizet.o.
eae,Shortried, WWVOttr;-
MAUblItturin11;1t6i1141•kfir41131i2E3Tettl •I*Ortr=2‘111Ct3;
0!-...eph A. ottiggirA Viagham;
old G. afOrtb:
NVIEDAU Tounoalr
•Pla*g, ZaCc4C2P_O, LS= MCA -47;
° Peter Bisset and John Eictlehen,
won iiIrst. ?Alm in the *bolting double
at the am7l1nd gmtat intIonday, in a
wag tfm vet% to di • r1 Q cv.:.'sr* for
young Itellehen, a newcomer among
the trundler°.
Othercit.), ners cxere: 2nd, I. D.
Manton aroil Nelson ; 3rd, Jam
litaeVicar 1 LICLaanue; tra,
3.-1Evel41te a and 3. -1. Lader; _Ott,
i:ioyd P.IdNe and Neil tale:fay ;
6th, Harry Sandetzon and. Harold
szvavir tscllygoe,
etzn04-rt tittatift , a t todsor At St.
• ' :(2-ormo'cl 011.i Itch
.0t. Georg' s AngliCiti 1 church crag
Iteantiendizr dedorated".Airith flowers,
,..lIaltZlIfolorptt tidavqa tna' tragto a the
,tazatan On Ltunaltiy, hen„ harvm
t1401,:tSgirtag Rerileen. '' ere ondiutteri
0 lbw. •Canoti P. 11„ irtlfixt, of All
:Sainte -ifintreir, Witultor, oesisted DY
*canontililihtfll Ftext vra.s from
tii`arq,:va..' He raii. Etitat Ilithough
Tlitlid,,i)'-no 01 axway wtio to twit
lital 4toge1'avithdt-Artritive evat-
tizal, 12.not NititeAvit,•oaeht: oho ,htiol a
tleallite 'ivirattisil panum% cla mini
to o:11$t:7. klio ITetattoraltip tbettreelt Oat
1100 tirAn. Parable:4i he elidi owe
:Oaitt4v. r‘totb. vtitiljieszenb, mean.'
,Illtm. "ftt $01w,ttlat4',Iltt ale LOrd had
1.-ivo fltth ,ifo: M g'at'ivr4-1-14 1124 gtta
:t4ae e.,Pltd, :L=w4 4*.tit on eat"
A.441 ettlt:'4•''' :tilts, .W Att
:43 rata•',11,6.t1Zi1tzi11Q, in, ,547441=,a„
.1'W.t'.1.itti'''Itt 4ilt,,.. ,t-:-',itt:; ',64
'fli0=40 c"..,77;41. ' .
wLell, COM CZ T.ittritietdeV' :?a-tfo.
Oditor 02-qb44,01tU4Oh.se411,',Vklb
tVeattot* at:Itifo'e aftealoon
at7,1**-'- *P-•;)- Comm---4t6r
M411)tZtf6;'r Ithige°ntrcolVejne;012g.tzgrtirs,4
ttratel" tablO c 101't and 'z'artrow 'sae
Z1=3 and ttlreght Of
E,11,4W-Ir44,70hpfar rata-4"-STE,MT- --
tro,04ciy wevid &aye ooi col -
tan, ran- 410ria.
Eb_v•M:..v,icit5zVmTnOtarz (Tee
B' INF • 20? ttV O3&
im\talvaii cam60• %.:0244tmtriolopc2:1101;41:5-""iriTcs
40110 t*, Marati croup) Dfars-
tt 'Vito P,..L.111m..1 Rk.aez."
The' tat.400..tattee Mei by Car-
Atal VCIO tte grqzD
C. NVA Walla f -m -a- UsiT-iNy
Aitte?=3 1131as EaI1`,2 at CaLlton
A large ,ntruther of patrettLero return-
ing fro Gotierieh to their homes after
the holiday wee/rend v7ere rudely
ghaiten up on Monday afternoon. when
the ISO train out of Goderich wan 1.r-
tially derailed, and crashed into a
Wingham-lthondon train on a siding at
Pinton.,. The only injury WOO gut-
tered. by Iffioward Mum, brakeman on
the floderich-Stratford train, who Ter
(*Welk a fraetured,artn %lien 'he was
thrown aCzinat a anard rail.
'he Goderich-Stratford train was
broken- behind the ere f car when,
it In believed, tte rail owitcb owung
open, The porzenger cars crashed,
lute the Mr of the wingtranr,London
titan, but _did little datnage.
The train from, Goderkt was 'held
up two bourn, finally being cleared
by ati auttillary from gtratford)
Viltt.44:14ttaag-4,6i 64= VAlt4Ito V161a4
ovsv 4,..-a,V4c.tY.,.'lltz lloW Troztr:zItt
ts0,1a 114
t* 1
atorna. it* Provitlet..1
T41-4t-144f,:toi 06041
auttito '1-1°
c,;=iitta tatal.,c7
The cleating addleco. "7,4 Conauer.
•lig Chriot la Our 12conom1e Ittife; wan
given Rev. J. W. Duman of
12T. rt:= met cry of tiro Cunt.
m-naloto, diszeted togamil OhriatiamilV
u2 "Me in tire CV bye and byQ," erg
tvacing some of tla economic eon/UM-n-
.4= la the life of the Woalld.
trace& &vouch the star:anal as-Pakc-ra-
lag of the Idloracian of MI,
led by Count -:Ettaina, ouch, mon-
Tagientl as the Caw M. prim reform
liEowird, the modern cokoloaary
molosent under gamy with all of
IiOIMe welfare to the czoildr. tithe
moult° of the revival in (OnclanZ un-
der the Wealeyo and others. fee am-
plimotzal the need of the ermiltwita3
Ohrist in our own ilttie anaine= world.
Wtt have little to coy. Ann,
moat ilbely little effect on, (le mrld,
but we ean chatte onor,-rni
tnw1ne o4d. and matte it Christim"
Th cl4=41 with a ringlorg appeal tO
ev,247 S'enna prowl pont to .acct
the challenge of the Controlled= Ch14..
and let Intim reign in their individual
imalneas, profeagional. or everyday
liter. Mr. Duncan closed the rally
with (the thenedletion.
L 111 11131a7
ring prize In a draw held under the
a uspi epa of Pr I nee= Mom, Lodge.
L. 0. 8. A.. at a dance at the Mecca
on Wednesday night, was won by
Brum MacDonald. of Goderieht The
first prize was an vvpright piano.
Other winners were .T. 111. Lander.
(ioderich; Murray Col-
borne townghly): Phyllis Jettery, nodo-
rich ; 111. M. Boyes„ 223 Queen otr--t,
K itchener
Dr. El 1111. LI, Mts..trag.07, Voll-CutOvra
IPT1==etst. trio Vs=nts
Tomosno. oet. —Wen known
among 9h.armac1ats of .both ea nada
and the United Stabmi. Di% la. B. John
•IZtanbutry, cmretary of :the Canadian
,Acsoclation. and edi-
for of the Pharmaomtleal tfournal.
died Tue.l.ay in Toronto. Ile
guttered only a brief Mama.
Tiorn ,at Hayfield, lie camp to _To-
ionta-to.....attentk, ocknol.:•-__2110-41a,a4v,
gra dun te of .Tarvia Collegiate and the
old Trinity Medical (lollege. After
his cmuluation in medicine. °Dr. Stan -
bury Voett into the drag 1131n alul
come yearogo battl IMP oilictoily asso-
ciated with the Pharmaceutical
• Dr. Maoism .rSH ded at 71 admit -
tan aveoue. 11110 woo asa-mtber of
Aadreteo C'oapter, A.P., and Alt
Carttivina,,are Lb wire, 'Ms, Joan
con, 111411, Zivw Irdttlri
pcza:tpm.,' lava
Slut, a at.
Their ear gslruza by km.,. -."1"1.-.& aec L2t-a-
Mr. 14. 3. Milk wao oericataly in-
inned on Monday afternoon in the only
holiday Weetr-end motor accident in or
near Ooderieh,. when the ear ii. which
ft/6 wag riding, driven by ,her hughand.
wan struck by a ear driven by Gar-
field Thomi=m, Itinctredine you
man. The aerident occurred, at Ile
Manua' corner out highway Not. MI north
Of Goderiot.
Vr, -and Para Work viet taken to
Alexandra horzpitat. Er.s.11tutt. 'crab
eoncuggion an& incerated kind and,
tam ig in a "very canioufr conditiom.
Mr. Mark ouffered ttrurtured riba and
an- 1.11191t1W.Pn
GPM nt�W0f1te
ear, &Ina of Kineardite, escaped. in-
it la altwo'd Thdltiapon swept wide
nround the Morph= eorner and craated
inro the front Ur. wileen omp,
driving it vs:Irv:any over tho etz.,:e of
a four -foot Mt&
eounty stion.ttstde A. B. ,r4...rzaliza.a
w-ttcatoit and laid a charge of
•leso driOng atZail=cifi-aom5=. ttto
In ittlti, 111. latt 1-9-0,1401Itt
c(tet..11,. Czn.
Lliza. WA* two =Wag taz.:ZAttV*