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The Signal, 1937-10-6, Page 5
„. • 0 r:0 0 r 2037 rdik 0 1 %•"iT 01)10. •'"4.rtZ4 •••1 • z() •".1 PI TV. 0 ree-eee 7,74 Osrso eit,s,14) .• _ Num, Oct. 5.7, -Ilse mple pet - \and 4thleptraratotat, ,17014 as 411 4PI-4204-10-tlIOW ttmt Rev, e 4t[ 0,1*); 0[4(.404 dqatT4 . e 04e0t,00411011'"v elPte144 • to 04, bootaotcs. ol4tet. Ur; 04,0Itt,,V4t331ti P'Iatv„Io2. . . , mt. anot ,nre. zutt atte744e4 -a bita4,1 • irridays °eta -sr , • 44--15Zolite-wiliTOeenpj ther-puiplt at;•ther-iiii_110,0g-nerliala letl:"jr=14M2v4'41)414'h"°a 411 :Auburn._ In ---honor ,orttif.-rr l'ooVVErgterel-tillt‘<k-caossq0Z--gge 1.ssrs rattl tat m,( itcfl I2 Vetx)rit4tCA V-01-Qt,0' a 1010%14044 7klbt, (WO. 30: rAgmAt4 T`,1. attata 'ac2 t. arQT, L t t[P4k g umongi.,„ vati '404 tom0 , tOre4ta $ .74 'utokl.;.1*,-44fItt Ittle44 vao•. VA§ ; • ttplatiet- ;4'2• 1tpto44''vto.,, , •l'alemaittt4 nA'o,7 1.11,ittk.1170 , otTeta. viol., a dtottiolor,:orcro, toz, , • ;1•WW' :*o_-,*(Aittrz, VTAIKN 1,40 RV! 04e'•ii.M.P.041itaffIat$7.7.t4,iiii • tc(i. !,-OrMia :atPA.10;. ,e*-1,Ater,„oba.„Ve;v4tve4 11111,n3' 1,iniaer irprokoaA timN, ;,*4 44: Tt;t4o • attvOtto.lr: • #14,77,'Alt.a,'17141t*, touir :e :144:0410,°4-..117the'tillci:&11t714:: their h„onae. „%be -14de Tv‘Ite greeni =not tee, that "brown 15104 411101.tcI t,eAtiltit7 1401m43, ira the tast exiet *or e tbia geddillgibarm, •° t1,40 6dflto-otozt tstatl the tweat of honor • - '°A fiXato.4:111E.,-"X. at soveral parties and 'Showers., 443 Strom objeetionS ”VOI.r.ei Ia dinner' at lining's Odfe ate -receive Mitit"--`.t.ilien lite letter • Ilia0 read. a hr/a anatoMe lnut table fro be. onto (rtan.,is • a law Ina* , 1,111 atm, 4.,4L1U x1 11 4'4 aelidtr, • ettet -ga*: 4 Attott: owe*, TO, a 7°01 qv. '00.130-ozplt tuor titIPO,t4VP4' tAt: fiL .104 tig.,Wcoto dretA 11,44*,% tton act Tem Attloo*va1l. ate ro t 41=7 -92 17110 e=7, cot )pao Oeut. 14 444 eAlia.MP. :vh-loh ,r•S r0,1,1111, to•1140. Was, Jotea •104-0,7 • rt4, r•-011 , 0,IM111,Pan Nile church on iSunday, October 17- Mr. 177bite was once the pastor Imre. 411.10 filling is ihe °icier- of the dtay-: t is very bard. worl4Tas the corn down, , making it clincult to cut, and -progresS theraare- is Wow', The community was sheeted to hear • - that Win had- the- misfortune -threshic,ag,ana-chlue; • irieke, -'1)•• • (nee nertiad Ctillatnin.044111). ttNIA2112) her- presented her with =AY gifta tat mis- ebirthday. MINS. 'Wyatt, has cellaneous shotb wers held at e home seventith s mattinr. her honie srt Mrs. Geo. of-•-irrtv Remsell • Drennan and MISS Jlitutledge's... A. for ,the summer; -Ruth WI -or -Sell. e hest wishes of their but is Moving- to Goderich for the Adde4- to th winter." Inds go the *good \Ashes of 'many et's- for a succeqsful future for tile Mr. Mex. Watson has (purcTaased - • ew----Masssyttracter_Atid has "tut m4)1°' atuack-7-still-more--COMrn „ •',i'. • . hot EBALIG4E0 FARMS OCTQPIER 2,6 gvem. GOIDMUCH 4:M.,10kowam?4.01.0 0,1,ace.14:: 4324-#„,, S,,tations) si.....ner..—•,-, '-rsts-t,IMest.- „_ _... ' ,''. ,,,,,Vatschtrons 1.:mir,,,,,,,,I4s,.. s•-,,,,-,.... ....,..fisass . -g2VoreEff074T1-1‘ . Prov. o arEretaTerni-witTnincaviett; IFASFelrditarrard 1efland4., Nova 7W4otin •• _9,0mizip.. 11.5,-=-1. 30,—To 'Ottawa 07.54 LI2onz6EL 0040 . , (Cl=bec City bill. -3 -gr, t-6,-Lit''''4717-WEiniriS.Z112.---22g --"' BOUNITD MOP PILMS - /..• Ct _ Tickets, -F. a.resTransit Limits and l(liforralitiott-,, from Agents. , . r. , \ 640,•- three children. of relatty,s4 4144A-001,h34zorh;'•(;.86't'Irdi:' • "k 4.;441.0."7"fic 44.s0 s- sseeetsssess.....— iattamiw.&.it 5543-L. -Seven cash prizes. Yon =air '0711), $10100 1" C • Firr eeeeateefeee will be given to the winners of HIBBERT'S HOSIERY CONTEST. Contest closes SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9th. Ythiimay.-be the vinner,.: the store AO enter this Contest. Phone - Sir Godevich Gr_ EMI?' COI Tile-- Nine i.eople out of - tra-vj TICPara— =egg= tilhk 01 ‘1,111111 se 1,1 t and body builder. IIt ''rfiT0110-tre-cruthawarair-- deficient iraonrMed. ern diet. Uncondi- tiormelly ataronteede 20 • 'MD B9c -MD Mc -eto Town' The ,Goderieh pollee foreei the hteijtsnt are to get news unitormschart when' the' Priee Waa-4111-- nOuneed.at i'2',1-310-4161,Itidilrol-71-tu 11 --ber objected caul wanted to /Mow -why the increase ?toga $25,,,, Town Meer 0111°3rIIled act. In Ms te-book--and-found-that U2, Was, 0 -been or -OW i • - tot*" II • 111.2, fie, -price Or overal years 1 • 47,4712,, -V ^• ,tat1474:147 LZ@'Lr* ,attzep4,44, , pleo'•Zam, ;It tty•kr' tr:a 41m.411,0cmipao, ez-velet4,1 V141:1/tIC4 fOtir triCe.1„r, , W,T.„,110P. t 11 .„ P.1.11e1M11- lytto mta arc a 1:,="741t'ar Chr, A e. 14 ,ora. van'14., q41 er tio 4,1*, ba ,044 .,4„,:o0toa ap. ,z4„tv: •-• pate o 't^e ▪ 110Vitl,041 titt4 ito,s/411.ao tt. en • cgtallq-,,,,Oixtla- tr4V4'-'Xiii, *41030' klaMtlittot ' Wan •4ZOIDall ,Cit4 t,h10 comodittft 4111.1. charr,c • Wa4 ArdetMil Co' vroto,-.4 watu earl% 3.1v,t latozclf =Ater ,14/;tiet tzlit4P-0744 Oolacttllor latunt, 4antit that 113 -Ow *well N4,)r rano •41aza roDice 4,1trairtelilt7, On- a' er o2,vear cm Cr- when ono c'Met on a ,beneb. Or in MtAfl4 Wo'ZItast 'Skit •over With Soon," * 'the 4,01=011 iticel4otlto«Zeal vIto, the, inattoi conandtiO• *-the-ole• • 0=nm-tato V. -e,74 -,-71,a --Conamittec.-reatorta----wero-read-and •,. - • • -be- -finance commatee repelettill 741 cheque tor •$2-,Uttli Watr-rectived from the 'Provincial Governmelst -11a, subsidy- ArtQn mtII on the general - was recottnnemied that a _grant of .7200 be _spade to the Goderich Society, 71.1110 Andrew Shea ProPerts on (Cedar street was reported sold by public auction to Mrs. Jessie Aitken. for $1:10—__The._ ennigaittee-nt' -1,1WeVeethreelTovereeattulatotal be requested to prepare a statemeat r;• A CI, r-Str I got Wean for the pollee years said Dealty Reeie ktuctins. wileu:-it communication Avis 44 _ ago, read 044,' - 4.0rgnikt,,LvA Atied to- leate th - Graham ice house „Ite --for nese, the Deputy Reeve leaped to his AV-et-46----Oposeue have ha;dwito_vgerrttoitawnt: property cleared and it is- not to be leased," he exclaimed. -We now have •S•estl, • t M4 14 teMet Vat it4.41.444. 'r\r-44 <002 hetaa onitte1111 wao ,In than.Vgp,shoura. ttitAt*,,r4 ..-coonnum Dnua ston. ?hone 90 - -GODIMIromm 311 Choose your Hat for Thanks- giving from LAM( BIIILT31101F&IE INNOBBS or any of the popular Priced styles shown at McKINNON MILLINERY Gotham Gold Stripe Nose ne,bioellsfing -and MateadellIfirs Lliamall clear." 4 count. The special niul-• relief committee krillInglifkik.,4,4rettAwl.tee'unktitfy puiauxeL6ii-,-.7elistiii441- ofeatee-eteinarittee ; +hot -speelateliatit day night traffic eonstables he laid offeee-tarateetealligils--be-replitecd--en- 1110---stireet"--illtht: -standurds•--na the Square, and that signs be placed on roads entering the town advisit4 of a taventy-miles.per-hour speed, limit.e iiRT of bite et),st of repairing the east freight sited it the waterfront be gent to the Goderich Salt Company ; tbat the P. U. Commiesion be requeeted to install a street light on Picton street between :Norfolk and Wellesley and move a light on Wellington to the we.st side at Britannia road. The compairtee also recommended that the IC. P. R. be asked to remove its disused traeks on harbor 'quay west from, ittach stubello the, bii town desire's to make a roadway to the be-I-li. Alterations al Armory Building With referenee to the lease of the. nitlifirifirIVVVI•ViifeCeTiFeFlW Nwtional property to the Federal Gov- ernment, for,an armory, conimittee of the whole 'tecommended that n com- mittee revise aqwei11r4It ions and ask for tenders for alterations. Members of the eomanittee are %he chairman of the indngstrifil cOmmittee. chairman of the public. works (>01flm-t1tter and chairman of the finanee committee Phe sexton of 'Maitland (pink P reported three burials in September. Building permits referred to the fire ennenattee , were l' : G. I. Holmes, to eonvert a brick building ' tilt311 ••• atOliti.,4, C...11ti4Mvt 144.0, ,f4r4Ot -tPATP 4t*gA,,A`4,.`44,‘'Iaz10,,rtgelt440,, ot4ez,c0lat4r,ep t41cei, ;,,,st:Tazr4 t 00goteid4.-1:0;• vitgtitt returiaina,', :ter ItOttoe• at' ittPV.,!.7, nt,v.tOR t1.144 rpgrata„ '4'otromtop, haw. ttao4, Titttlitta pro...114ohtirt Itptmo4op4,. • - • 00, atatrOltil vlitiltiaa 'hoz tramAto,' and nr• o. ',,,10141P,OfiC liaiheOt6Jattifiwpg,*.il many friendo here, •tarts. Dun L'evie and John and MM. Dale, ofightluth.-ham• -Breen visiting -with nr. and , • lay- Cana: - We are sorry to -hear of tile deal!' hf Chicago of_ Mre. Dowe, formerly Nellie [Wiallace, daughter of the tete Mr.•fr and M'M rs. aurice Wallace. We • -tend sympathy- -to--tha I I - We ate pleased to je.A1.1: 0,0.4 t1,41 — "- • reeeRr 1 Miss. -Margaret Armstrong of Kenil- worth is visitint iter old neighbor, Mrs, 44 -sat Zetn mit-Waite. Whanilleg, Itrrisitharlittrminr, MFR. -M. CI Mac- .Neunie. --Mrr1r. Mb; (.10Ke€Te- left last weeic 41 41,9( 1(t1 7' • it„ od,tstb 0E4'40_ 4 4 ttT , term t•411,.'1;. and -to, --igh-present-at wziding tutolvona.rs? in 'NO”. fler. 'Mr. Neil naegteusie. ,with hindrattSr ter. Miss Mary Mactrenalei of Tom:14 visited -recently ‘vith their manr2- tires here. • -,lativAMGLIZaaatigbaOskeZIWNgArat4TO• - faually.spent Sunday in Goderiet. ,• • - — - 4 1WieMi6r .I•vk — Pc7,23 .1ftv . •"' Ons Notior and Broyvn the solicitor will be noti- fied that the property is not for ren- tal. 'rax Colleetor Neil MacKay was in- structed to be in attendance with the Town Solicitor at the winding up of the firm of Talbot ex, Cornish on October 12th. N. L. Kilpatrick, diStrict su.perinteu- dint of the 13011 Telephone' Company, wrote asking perutission to move wires on, $t. George's Crescent te cut dowu the necessity for tree trimming and --IffigiPlife'rewevo,-13-/zgw6gatg,4NW vete property on Wellington street to Town property. Councillor ‘Binghata and the street inspector were ap- pointed to meet the CompanY's repre- seuta tive to discuss the proposed changes. - 1tt pairs at flIarbor Letters • were received. from R. J. Deacluna.n and W. g. ocitiiing, Federal membersa in North and South Huron, in reply to •Council's request for re- pairs to the harbor pier and for in- formation with regard to the possi Witty. of.. extending the north break- water to the river wall. r. Golding wrote he bad met with illMr. Deachman and was glad to lend Is support to the town's proposal. 'Me letter from Mr. Deachmun read.:, `I have placed before Mr. Garth!), the facts in regard to the dock at the eagt end 02. ,the harbor. Minor repaars can be made without desanite estimates, but in connection with this -thia-Caihsitewill have to- be inassed at the coming session. . "My understanding from the die- triet engineer is that a survey will be made of the Goderich harbor this fall, then we will be able to know the whole faetls and might then arrive at -a conclusion as to ,what might be wisely done for the development of the Goderieh harbor." . The communications were tabled. "We mutt follow them up if we wish to get 'anywhere," commented His Worship. mai card -NMI --CeradElla • The Ontario Milk Board wrote that a representative would visit Godericn to discuss milk problems during the week of October llth. St. Thomas asked endorsation of a resolution that the Ontario Municipal • A&--,ociation he required to present n brief to the Royal Commission ou Transportation with regard to the cost to the general tarpayer of con- spructing an maintaining highways. partLcularlY for thd use of commerclel interests; the necetsity of adequate public control of the competing tram portation agencies; the need of ade- quate standards of safety, and the equity of the contribution to eitlea and separated. tOVVITIE; toward the construc- tion and maintenance df connecting links to Provincial highways through nich cities and towns: Referred to committee 02 the whole. - (IDoorthinity 2w Itentrino A Government circular advised ,ap- plicants were being received under the • DoMinion Provireial Youth Rehabili- tation Program for enrolment In a sehool of clomestie leience. Earpenses of the tuition until March, 1938, axe paid .by the Dominion and Provincial Governments. The circular was re- ferred Tr, the vecial comuilttee. The Provincial Poppy Committes. wrote asiting Connell's support this year. Referred to speeial committ(, 4'. Councillor flelkohD stated he had iRreTir erczml-rivinigto-fitt*-4bat-4214,„ relopbohe book imated inestity did lot eomprise d14ltr1etg mogt defdrabie to residents of " 0 oderieh. The out t ter was left with the ;special committee. Ian Colleetions Connelllor ifilmber Inquired why tall enllectiona for July. August, end September tbk year were lawn 82.011n on the amount eollected tact ye ir The tax colleet or expl 01 ned tits t cee. eral large ameunte vere amonm loo year's collect:long t, nil that qmalicr de- eatinto 1,tierp cooling in more elowl. Wig var. ' Com thzdapr rtnOtimi rePairg-•i ., •tles•Neenl. .0elesre•• r L S - OT lige. DE:g. dm e C:1 no. c tR311[11118 Clif gaff ILS EEG MWS SNOW • Ellactlen crancaOkaeo Ent og V--rualet 03,12 -ram to flonfludly. And VaILLIMIIIM Urrttaa new ulltra-flerninine ” "!,k-ras are staisatsta3 history. ... at -e tte •an Itooknc,,-? falaions for fail. And whe.'s yotta see 'Lew alleffttly taltiley flatter yourr fleol,„••:-.WellIle c,firle, WIDevarrz. co eonae and try them on. No obligation 02, course. iliEnotratted Me® etlicat at $8.35 t© '—Agentsfar J: etlaw.lindt Mes-tray1& aggewo S4~-,:ot and ,"IHIca.lbut" SLces.: V/IIILLARD'S OCOT SHOP Mow 02 Welt MCI? efts, 11 40. ^ k, ,• -,- -"t, - 404,401. AvieimpewArfpw.rtooptor4.04,0, 011WWIIVIIR _ •''' 'Mtit.q....— /r4^,- PJVFXR71,61g4"., " S— COPE ICJ - $0Pfaraaeaireek 11 ,c` GOSYS112 __ _ 11 ai ne No'av Pilayinag—'11'1123 1,011111S -PARE IFIIGMT and Peva IVItattraY wilta ITraluees Irtultlet? and Charlie Euggiles in "IMOILVSNIZ." Zondatuv„'Frweeday a N cduacockw— enil - A ftfi giving $11,120NE INEDWIEllr,---,,SOAN RUM-- UQulivt.1"1 uul,11\-1111- RitlarRIDND MTAILDILIEN and MET11111.1E MIIMC11.112111 - The -bea u t ifu 1 young' ;haling star AViraiirrirfr ' brilliant new lee spectacle assisted by a grand array of (misters and talent. 6,51-11171,\.1'LmEgar99 ..vmeineeze, -mr,=,,earmi_elle--ks-ue..--44 ea-zezza-aaereerelezammeessr, _ri_r, ! i..., i L _ _ i T 11P'" : I, __ il \ 0 h9- --,,,,,Vs.e0t.'.14 t ssIst• ,tass-ts4 _. aga e rill) 0 UP Ma lite . . I Al) a al im Lk AAL r YOftllI , II L tfira Me * ill , it ,itt) . r Alle I , I$TC litil ' 'S _ t:':,- • , . , ,111,..,„„e.- ._, .., ,tillta .2e . T I ' . , . I "14 ID ri -le ,. ie , ._ =I _ 1411 . , .. . 1 -oz. tlotto He • uIgAlk UT lib. 15e . ,„,•„..„.„,,,.,,,,„„".,"„, . , to „,,i , , 1 7 Q ii,12 3, ' I tR311[11118 Clif gaff ILS EEG MWS SNOW • Ellactlen crancaOkaeo Ent og V--rualet 03,12 -ram to flonfludly. And VaILLIMIIIM Urrttaa new ulltra-flerninine ” "!,k-ras are staisatsta3 history. ... at -e tte •an Itooknc,,-? falaions for fail. And whe.'s yotta see 'Lew alleffttly taltiley flatter yourr fleol,„••:-.WellIle c,firle, WIDevarrz. co eonae and try them on. No obligation 02, course. iliEnotratted Me® etlicat at $8.35 t© '—Agentsfar J: etlaw.lindt Mes-tray1& aggewo S4~-,:ot and ,"IHIca.lbut" SLces.: V/IIILLARD'S OCOT SHOP Mow 02 Welt MCI? efts, 11 40. ^ k, ,• -,- -"t, - 404,401. AvieimpewArfpw.rtooptor4.04,0, 011WWIIVIIR _ •''' 'Mtit.q....— /r4^,- PJVFXR71,61g4"., " S— COPE ICJ - $0Pfaraaeaireek 11 ,c` GOSYS112 Phone -ZIT- '- * -fg6idevv-ch No'av Pilayinag—'11'1123 1,011111S -PARE IFIIGMT and Peva IVItattraY wilta ITraluees Irtultlet? and Charlie Euggiles in "IMOILVSNIZ." Zondatuv„'Frweeday a N cduacockw— enil - A ftfi giving $11,120NE INEDWIEllr,---,,SOAN RUM-- UQulivt.1"1 uul,11\-1111- RitlarRIDND MTAILDILIEN and MET11111.1E MIIMC11.112111 - The -bea u t ifu 1 young' ;haling star AViraiirrirfr ' brilliant new lee spectacle assisted by a grand array of (misters and talent. 6,51-11171,\.1'LmEgar99 ..vmeineeze, -mr,=,,earmi_elle--ks-ue..--44 ea-zezza-aaereerelezammeessr, el..e-con , Thagroday, ,Fridaty, and &etymology— wnL11, 1,;(0GMIltS--Evelyol Venable, Stepin ,Vetebig and glent 'Taylor Present a revival of a wreen masterpiece and a litunot-treat DAV11111 HAIUM" Added Attraeition---The Coronation Story In fun color photography. - [ • Matinees --z-- Monday, Wednesday a 1 (1 S,It t finial.: at 3 p.m. Calla g '44ZILIAILIVIrlf SIIIIZENE" starring M4,TIIIIN13111k12 1110111113tUD1'' --,,,,,Vs.e0t.'.14 t ssIst• ,tass-ts4 1.1...1,1 1. ,111 . llaaDprrocintion.o2Qea tnllrannicot VAL v.rplith alb' madam afi cou'ntitii b.co bcaup gLIV.WC-4 '5.70 (*a you Timemoy.scv.76,3 ad= go? the v.7c:-.11 Oth to ,Z561 04415Q; • 0A11170 vszt.m...sma iW akoo, S'ez Ent., Mak and Ca Limo? Cle Easily asS"lrnilated SZ. bath . 4 1311,t0 Sani-Eilmoh 1 0- • • • • IP'opooe.,ant Tooth 1?)owder (inqienum) CoIlgato's tzsgeh Palo • • • • IlVe Vic2x9a Vca-Trro-Noll • 43, Tr.lloaano, 11.oa, bottllo with oppnicato? 233c 0 771. Si agt33 .1a,""MF1,171 • .1•4•34011 • a7=12-'•1 repritrumr I Ced•11•10:14.114 6C -z ‘L0ve7i3 Mozt) Vict SS; 0 go? 110a ..r IFily con F?rgSwcatteat Raz, 110e. 0157 Ton. . 40cr, s 1 I'vlcootteo 49 40; 7& Coughs, Colo. Catarrh, Broneinials {FEE MUM'? Zel.51 ?AV perclo et3 . , warTPfl El RAZOR EI,u,DIFS-- atilhaeo iDDE3 5 go? 20c Vaht Auto Strop. 5 go? 25e IEvo?-Ragdy 5 go? 30c so• Sa.ay Finya 'aEOG DIISONIFECIANTS CM2.7E.13 llekl3 Lycol Crtecoyil nenyle ILlotarime Nygeoll Cagoolic Acid EpllotePto Mall and Cc d Limo. (1111, cm. 35c Lorije •$11.40 30c Made() Etuattiva Remover with bottle 11-11air ci. . 50c Face -M, 460 &teats 25c ssif DR N E , NW SOAP • 140? Ott • 0=ILI3TATV Stith ..Gortizhos •,.riar- gam— tottvob Holt Solt, tut mum -Ile 59e 9 4-• c DUE)? 9 Camp 11 qc3DEQucH Dnue TORIE.- I - •••I 1 :