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The Signal, 1937-9-8, Page 8
(Nodqtts, Flat& Gaga* ,an LI$T 111sY1 sil**L:tzlorstials,ito,atoArst t:toon, 03143QEd gral:,u ,77,0 .bitnem entoon., J; TLttl,0"2:t6 li '4,13 tElt:5,)t:'4)t,no iftes741 f;!4x1(11, tir.a c aa r r4T3 13110 11' :1',rVont 'atr- 0j17/„ta'111(t.:711,, c). if 1 t ", •.ci.)..'.4Dg ,c.,41,1fiv,F, ‹,,:t1.. ).,,,,z t.:4,:tv".I.1,7,e•:4.7,-.3, ''Al.'1D;',' .,41.-Zs'a.:1 ,p2.0;47 Oon7.t,',';,-41.ac,..4'4,-, 10,1Z.X.Wkli 4"s1.,1\71J,D 2,_,'Jt?',171‘ ZM't-ItlEti ,AIlgo, ,17:t5r,a,a Zi'll70,11 , . . . , A1-t.---,`c1L1r-a- chiiciaizz ,,i,..--, .,a.„, ,,IJ ' , i, CM(3 gia=k31(1 '00411,E7,014 C.1(itl, gig OTV ezix,"01.0tOto,a Z ,t,:I„ ,WITIlo; 'nVINItlilpo, aTh in V6,3 " . ep,:'0,74,14-7,4Pgr,40 2111, „11, v111 aira crititt;`, --141:7M173,P, ttOtO.ht: 4vAtilg)C1', 9 'PO Olcsk4po eat*" A\M CV* L ctr,a ive4 to) 'In the tau ,pale cog Ilitpro To.,01,10..p..ronzt1sg, Ask, 17... _TP1,11294.. -,ct!it4ser 7, are Oo/-twib og liana tot Waite of 04.t,p; -tNit 111.04ter teIv44,,rm' gar= awl Itily„ gob 3n4 triillao Iota t thew '-Nro.,ilfti$74t7o, C41. tog _apti/ tv'o4,tr A',"1,ep.:,fatia4; iloto.,,,,,--,Traere,1114o4=1. ot-4.4.,AgtitqUa?4151t. fik "tau 0p5r*,,,,.431 riotli la asooraltra, to County nourer - . csti atult14 hoOttat , 114* ,,11314 to. Z1 , re ZIM14, OVITratall 37 --Ott= -sclmecoczpliiigteamnyeae- ovzot1,7W SIMECtAL .gincl.,,CORREOPONDEINCE COURSES arranged. tuniii); sp,,izaor.,o 1100 •rk,alnqiir41. 4 . • # 64 -..;74(tiolv,o t&, Iate,:-.41oIreim o?„ )114iltr'''7,44-$.nr,.:.,,", ' , Mtrint„ ' . 0,720:,%/k4ts' Ota, 4:: iter o ti iut h 'm#11 es i .„ 014(1M4,..,i444.,.1,4441er,lch, on . Tbura-' *011,4te:41,21446f,0 'i:i.t1,1.1goke,416_15H,04111:1 ,084KA—V4Al, 4.11 SJ1 • ssf OVid 1iT011Sigl ANo °lima vAGL- tJ1 von-Itttila“..43turvumf...,_ ou-wifroberitmitfrod'raril'...,7 VIDLIOPII01433 791[1:1t BTEAIMIT4tO ,b0u;n6V . „ A L L trettivvo- conNivitarai.,---At Masonic - hOspital, OundaY°, August 29• 1037, George Cornwell, i4e101rOd hus- band of' the late Igargarit kilathe- pon; fterit d o or own- • 144),:u nNon- day, aepteraktet *eth, Lucy i41ltteTt „kelcitod wife of Wm. DoUghortYR. lu 404.:AUCLOW3244.12,01,1170e,,,,:Te4diliieA, 'East Street;GoderleirreirVhurttra,at ,-14) pu. 1ntenient4,111,4UPATA122-,, 41gake.tetr-____;, 1ot-41 op,ttkartr,...ot tpairgnatto* 't7t1 at. t-tVo liArger gP;t0 A414$4.,,A atrthu11 1P -41t. ft. IT to 1110414 t rortunittlep v1111no-"prot;4 trPlOto tgOtrbatiOn 101M ,IPZOOLICITO 04:P70 10t, 44\921. ,. . ,14s• Wozinto 41,44,4.ioi , 41lotrle iirto a VraCti: , Z,E4rgDZA a . ZOO 'I'aztairr t C4 tllatO V4' -k 04,4m tfe. 14 ,eo glo ' Vikpfreit; .,1,.20.111,),, Igtif$7 41,04,,,,4C4.1t4,Ptv- 0 WhAllc, 47. . - ii,',7r(ficoO41oov,ar- ng, .i1e kigh41,54 $ ' alikat#C,It no 'i?Ie 0 , ' t 04, rrcono, Ti•J1'41).,. A +24,1':.„2. cg;.1'44.,1 Ma' Et:19 0,2 ,71(tm7b.i� E ' ,00e117 a =MI% taUta 'CC= t71". Cer , 04' °1* 4Z.,s111 3Cb.al.a.401,5,r; „aa Iva, - 14th, zwri-,:c1.1' bta <oo. '.711;t441 C3 c2 Lc to " z‘grgt,,` .,0'43.1M'404"00: .4r oxit, plesqetr:H_ , , A -1001W .1110.1D,_ • 0 Z.430411,11%. :1400117, ,glvelar -,-halro 011Scli poOtto#,, 7: 0, „Itote:4,.. iid tbat 1 bor„, ted 0-0ii`t2WItikT,10750.ti:06.. ibor_ 'he .0t Irt,110.11-ot....o11:14:040,07 ,-to. ,oto ,o1047,6TfotiOns .M tIT4S , co0, oettfeW4'43-ViWIftettioitivir .4.0411 Z 14orelW call upon an; N,:qterS AttteffAVAINIX*404* --1143to peotaltemtek,lilwi;t1oxiikOk'dliTIO`i telug7t,likat7thttlice-ottOttituWeg. ;IRV ma rye 0 a*, ,,c,fq*,tq a 4 •r -r.34 . * -iU oV V XD Te. -11*0041,110 'Cade AN ' O.PrOla* -, -the ' Z !IV atc(AtiOVRit., n = t4 `41W4,13, 1 0" 04 VA40 Cta0 1Ztqlii' Ta , Na4P4 47-ro otitl -,ohatO„ :home vtaitli'Wo suit- ., itglii104231 Ole pettlehtr., -Pa0,1041m to 110X i4Qo1eeh. • 7,47. -68SIgta (01.*QtbE' anwitElp, BITATirMSAL gW401DaR14.11' pea,* ..hnown in -the.past tia u 'Thentvieut Produeer, wifl •,oPen . '01,),•Out ten '...aays" smelt 81 ,exiAatuo;t 4 :I,: tii oe. ea leOlirso Hairdressing .Sehooi Of Toratife,• and „ „since that ti.M.0.1.1*T-becu. otiffrio;ted.hi the-lon-04• trenifty ',sin -on§ of blinitt tify, ,ric „has" take!) , . ,e'rery branchy-i of heauty.pUlture and hos': tte, ,,,spec4(0. Xtrs,' I:16111.411e is also taking up the svork will.assist _Mr. Bourque new profesSion.. -11k_t_9.1,00141,1_11,10$1 'eadQ,Uarters fol Iseatity culture wiR :1j& Mrnxti'ti fu:tir4 Itrotdtog: .0tei, the- Ooderich. Vleaniit, West Street. ' Quatty 1‘lo, 4 Steve' • litrA!Te,,-ONEr GE Rijok OR two stung reoms,-either 'furnished or'huturnished; OM heated. Notclater Than 'VgtOb4r4 ',411p1y likox 4 Aos Piart-Cat)a-i.8414. -.114ALD; VIM/titre of the Iatv airs ,Wro. Ilrophey, 44.Quebec‘,..Street, lieSarfleitt;Keti 41- PI ee(* in Mohair ; If ,Seetionatgoalt, .Coitnubl Mahogany; $.1 11)1 Dresser,.guin Pe...004,0..,04 Set; comtil'11, We will a, sound 3.0.ung riviti4:,,liOria and t at the 0..1telt :Paran-'.(betweeh....,,God'erieh and- Apiuniller) , on, Tuesday nef:, They tt geed thick lot. -Some,up to fif- Oen hundred.- Date of auctioxr will he )14 4 -• cruND4telt 741f;-1 1 • moo- ttia, ittt lha12,014,4 660th. bot t1O.57,,A hag Ot lot 44,3171r :(4) J t» th14 Vostmea40,;44,..c.gott.t, tug4p4Irrexcr,!- 17-4,74 41z14..,At.11,i Zotb,,,p4rcout, win ,lot.ZWet ti Ve.."arv!, AtO oirt7 eztlevc> n4Znzt,,,, • 41V7 -1T t'IPO ciNDcn rtv ',,'"vozclaympo um, EADMV. ,TiT3,0414ca 1. ea0t, Un Vo' TA4,1106IOz14 4W,140, U7CL.ZVV.',(N0aW p.lrfl %T .174T;g*,.. (Y4t& ..filuzIgur; z wOttt • At= Nm r1.0.,2,"1 P,3%a,,attoec'pl to 40,75/40 0RoT4'„,D07c? „ vali#pzeCOA tH:(13.Mr:EAD ,w.ZO4T2ga ohpr*ct Aiailatom Outarto 'atmt, MraVoita,, onlfeF rIrpthroo/3,, tbr %'groPtioti :rtzirr a QiZIIy to Au00oneers, P4.4. ettaki zit.; Coll- IrEiltOAT. • Ifitttifift7arltearMia-V.r6rW) ° and ,G.O1ci0'7-4021i1E0 Thnrik pi 111W, OYES. =sump; .earaSsigs ior pt,•4 re t A OP, ter6--Ale7,4, 'Th.oaodf 0 :141' ge%rrtgleab;To5Crthlti;4,4t1.K°I;:rian°011262-SPecrerse-11- e• 1' 1 ectezcsi.Alex. Broadfoot, Sea- fotthI Xa (24 Sholdiee, Walton; Win. Q74. -Lon _eahore; Chen, Lodhbarcilt, •nablin.; lathes Connolly, °World': Mamas floYlan, Seaforth; . Arehlhald, Seaforth; Alex. Malwing. 113lYthr Want '1/COregor, Clinton, 3alage4s4ratWts'; 133674.07;. .11141tp_14.„._CIth„tge,pitpl; Ra 13ruteilejd ; R. P. licHercher, RA.' 1; ; _Chas, P. Hevritt„Ifin- earetine4,* 0,cat, 4 Piectionsl• We, are initructed „by the Corpora- ; ?Pedestel _Lamp tion -of ft -the -Town of Goderieh- to 'sell br- t etable,'•'81,reht ..puijlie auction at the pretuiSes 'Cedar 0,01,tk PedestOS; ,'Streety liaturilaY ,s'eptemher .12)61 at,a0 Z,ottl ai 13, and 14, „Park and Ilarwoocl Survey in the town of ,GOderich (the - late Andrew ,Shea 'property). On the lots there, is a .1 azid3/. story frame hon‘e anif atraqe_stable, berry „buslink_Od „fruit -0e,*iiinkrilv land, is Meendlit Vtriterf rictrittaited in a 'good quiet;part Of Awn, TerinA: Twenty per cent,','._of put, chase price to be paid at time. of. sale, :balance. In thirp_days, • rho posses - be„. _ -I,' • ° attiCr St*: A.u6tioneers. C1zna .1h ed • Machine; 2.COuChe; 1,4461. • Viettrl'o' ;-iiWetri . ',41.1x4o.,;,,, '000F' :-A1tPP,1i---.±441elett, t9o- iftvLekt:t_O.j,,`111-0..Itiinit,:_;'17....::t'sy.tetr4 • - alfgh-o-gazit:. g4,1412:.-Slittl,r§.; Rattan Rockers; rp-Ptoei- moo :Veranda, Sett Otara 'eariaralte .pay- ts and-get-greir -cards- receipteti at e oya 18:41.4 'GrOcOtil JcsihOStOrl ,stroO4 bodetich, or la. BOWS Goneral Store; anteid. Next visit Bedford gotel,„ 6, lierieh, Wednesday, September, 22nd, „Sr() IL 2.00 to 8.e0 p.m. only. —WM= Pt= vitIM,Zi CHIROPRAkYrOR AND DR,u5naps - atuon,;42 Goderich, Phone 141 • Equipped __witk. .ei•rrq."Inhamaitic `P 2 '-vato ortaiglc , adip,'111t� baths. Electronic ale and iehiropractic. and nervous .diseaG tendanee. 0 ce hottra.0 to 0.64. to. 8 p..m.'oa Tuesday, Vriaay I tat- urclay,- and; Oil.-VidiaAir'etilt-116:::,.1121,..`- •,*-amtgatoniampiktkati. by appointment. onday and bpdttitebeIL A. N. ATIONSON Residence and ottee-Corner of South street' and Britannia roa!si, tkr., fog a er'ieth Thia ye* ,previouto aorta tree- citriciiktaF P 1318 Igo and hoqno =its ilaDita.T Isusa,,VgATIMES. Voor Choice TM'S 0 uOttliar3CtaMatlotic3/30000000 s or Oaelcer 14100: atoe4 to- mt./41111h OPiPZU SUcei •mizaAv!,P,a.,U: No:ciL eptetallelL, ter eei in be ItialOiandt,' Pnl*,111;yer. - gOtt.,:t0$7j1j4,44W110 hz 19G,'WV .14:inno.t, la‘Viti the-tinni 1A440S: Ati-Mit16'v:6b: .PeeOtdliMS‘ Oari*I" ° P6ikt 24,101,aut who. toi,t4 ,1031iior Alf4,0‘.`,10341, Aitt,uspLIkt.0404,..pluod 23,„ ftilz xowor,40.-„tho..iatmot 44.iptttl: 1,01.40, and "t*,',a, _ eze-4,uoutt; .-1#0 Ito totuto2 . ithOut.Akfita,'W 'tap IL d41, It 4 tts - tAfacT!' ' ItX ei lovOz iterltr4'?- 11 lt4.116=-$41,-L.t Oiontito- *- itt V42'0, s,$tz tteAt.• tt."1 atz,:t4 o.•,t-l‘t; tr4ti tcgl agr "Z3 ',ittoto 4w4 4uSe 7,1:3 ,;846-dbei a ; ,,,,Itztt at etw'r;a41104 1,1 'OW 111101,21 6,17, (it LiIO C 1: 111.t.tot-eitit17,,, tr nta„ :ott `,01notz, ziw ,u vap..,t4r$ rIrttit> ow,dat% Vatti 1 I'Ll,r!116357'a , ltt,,,'t,I. "? 5, t tin *A4t;:bIt444'rff'iti:17,26:47-I.211 . , w il ciltt ,,,,,,,, Etttw.t,, 4,631Itt.w.,,,v1 -a , ag .2,,,4-,m, ,11-441)4ell ‘4i4rtal ':,li3txtb tla,7•12t„-_...1,6' ,• ,, ....... IL ,dit,IiiitsAtio-,4,„:,t4-4 4' __,,? ttr's,'"°- t=6 c3 elLi'titto ( ;_r nr,,..141tsth'44.' k ill41' ( , it _...