The Signal, 1937-8-25, Page 6CV o o /0,11,1teeM,Sa'W • (ZrZrOM, AfiT, 1." .... ‘ c. 39I• it., 3c4tI3 dq10114=oa 0.111024' 4 nr:lt, c11:1 •„ 4. C4' 410FtWo.',ittt l'tt4 for 104,4',..4-„, Dtc,1q7.;,y0 c' • 4'''°1!;:*11111 - hufddlinll ' ' vrio • frown conga tIV) 1041 P 144-:4 of' '!'4,-fogett11. 0- fat ° tue , of „ p4„04„,„--44`414t.‘',7brO etthil041,14 P4,1 14.404 n tk5.1 40niktt.4,440Y'llt0' 014'4 I! afternoon, Of Wit win4 • Agget trovaHeonmrireotri 1,.zorrainett,-4:44 tWittit,°t1r4$ Vaic-OrPta1.0 .10 vt311z.;z0 17411**, 01431 e*Itlees3 ° rool i" .flit:Iritraot a'44qontz;Z: ao ri. Iv • ots,04c roY ltehtighla 44, iv7t" vi1! 4Jtt e mos • „ - - • ; • irv.•,•, 1060 ztut ,ciattt.rwa_wrezv la. oparoyea. 020, Th.Oltrt"4,11terhart,- oz tr. *aft Meer -hart (if et40412.0, E3 Tett for Surf& and Val zit*,11, mar in the botyltals oz (14*at ortt.4 40.41L ate Onititoott, Dr. 'aerlitat/t. 114, ntePlillt of to J,JulterSitY` oZ a111t PL A, ,,Oudotoro, ,C1144 - t41,, anno1ntw.thet-enr,4eutont of. Ithelr Only .dailtahter, allargat* Mary, to Mar- *JoyU Taylor, voutraitt on of Mrs. !".0y1Or, a the late Rtury Taylor of tt1iC414.1 t tbe niarzlage•to tate •i*litartmk* -Workitq- 'for e count1-- h1May ,department in, a • eau ht "g. .t7c11, 04_,111;t,' Mpoi, ;,7,4t1)," ,,02`.;c7.11t-Z3citi-iit; ttz,o,ztael$, iopt4t, 14.04:AP TOSCO, 41. %1, Tti kttg T.,c1 \'7Ptcf4, 'la la ri13.-41t7rtioj Agwt, 43141111no CaVitiql Varg4r',0101tritgora. '1,4..;,1%.24#7104,111. V.Ap3Pilz, On', AV; egti7eiglna vear, who, Jona, 41teti'll T'7)4 z for tIztrii4c1;1674•44e1 V:012410 Nt,t4t3, oitc,MkIloom Po* tutrAieittA ft,.7At 011,1 4.%:2,04:itt4,•::: litl,z.,,.7.,,,,,:,,7,..,:l.:14c,4,43.....,:',,,,,,,z1:114.1f,11110(1?on'o. 1 -;,t1 ':1:' 'il'4'''.:7.&4:14°* 4P141. acm„41'; ttaier1P* t ait,,,141i44::cotil;to'ii,L111.01C4A,c,3,:11,04.o4t7.004:._::0; 0 ti:/40 teen 3ter.l.to op, ,',1Nfo: vIve, (lora utgr lot vow Vet CA& t ten, $01 Jonnittni, --44Vvy AA 014 ,liteidoi% ot,a 013 touttrliro..:,ra 0, tbt't -714:241, • infOrpt I 414100110,!, Itz`40.1014140'.'".nt; rorttV0.111...14;$1,40-,, tlk 'V1,4#Ptik;.V. '•qn, 44 '':010#01PAPOP 41t..p#1.0:'10 11114,- 00,4, .110 .r41.11(4'd :?,11 ,,,,gitcito4)01" '1,041-4' filln110,110,k044:01.4. ,q1P1+, 10,0 t1( 411x4P1.0011.4 pr)n0104,-, tkia their tutentIOn • fe will be a dliTernt pro,OzIpst,:-cor'e# 0111$ lgotwitir4andlog 1153 _ fOrds the eitle itIttolvbt, tin imPortavt *ok.t. of the lueetting .10 the de (Tara, 4004 the Jtitea types of -• falnn vet pit mot afort 11. aro to maim ..fote„augli vga'vrea-a, wawa. 4 In• wrczo-ot oa. Oleo was Inben to 'the Zedltiwth 4oggollar20.14tgo 10:114 0.1t5, the facto on zliteh the ttlaici- n countY road ee.Ptruetion tills had liv in Grey townohlp tilltO- Nvith the ezmytion. of that elle spent in El:taloa town445t David 110 -ten; -tihrdte'di'•ree'a DatteV411(1,40Z„L",47-kourtcal,-:-2-$ tettg inqurance-t; tarried. A19 3„19r414-4 ,fa'Se5t1021 iss 'Mildred aiklino—irri` 4,it# -001.1 Oh in, . ezo dn4tfsil, trolnyear.Caratritae 11.7rdveraty, A.,.tplo . She land her 4 r Ii.1.010400Ito'Toil Theitea 0110011. . "an, 'm,09170111 WidE tnalsc thMittMen4lon. 4,v4F0,1,144 Ottva45'.44). vlealgta. ZO'04 ot4 . tcOV L*91 t i7t$4,ct O 7131..:c;41.alirAt'01:74167,5riviiiti:r:4°V, . -11‘Lt 4 attYltd therhfiPte: 'and 1[ etg, 1 Pttl 4, dfx .13 Zt 0 ty re -10iirLirgOttOpiort have Itnowil. 0 for that, that-lnoutUs.--of., Anaust and -0 tOnzle litek7tWit*-04 3.3.11,ea inost yr taftle Mouths in the Tear If 'of tal? '119,4-4114, 61/ (;g PrOdngtIOJI,Pale .4.11441401N-Stt ,tarzehl: 'A7r133, :44'44:104,:•04.004,4141!gal,' this, one. The 4.0T/4,4", tTenAl of' egg W11,10 kits y I We ' tV.Attf gli.• • .. nd,n_Buceasful flower nhoW Vatgitae:,EFZLZ,gV'. '"11* A Ity. , irm.'• .. etz Iltatn ec7b140tW tea titfl"Miti tt 'jL 11P4 EPDAV. 4e0 1116 10111 74-1M - atom 2744. same gO orr tthfcie, dow etIVeJillt2c1 641)y • ' rPT,PtIT _&;r3 ,filDtV\T-47•14N 7'411a. .1114A .4___"7,741100---''.---..------------- i‘""•-,7----, 4.... ,____ A titai7a3t7 Dititith, OMO'litiratier"'"--" tltott1',. 414.44, 43:24-1.2Atiirtda Z00% mare hit. ti •vnt ang =UMW =et 0.0114170,- ?fr42,1,' rititt on One1.1.111nui No Twat W31 No larcr PM. ri '''ZI`O•4; tollizailL____ 1z tor life. d3etshim 1.7-011. 'Me 11;M:4 CO qtal-0- ,'. vita---ield ply olta-13.)., mat li, 3 7 --- ."-At _anise .0t.Qa .4,.p.p, Q1.0 tsilgOta, -"-r-tri-- ,,tav-loe„----. • ____ rO CA , _ 'ME)j)gla, DRUG- Snte----- — — 114-47e2,-iziz, .04.,: tt -,._,•0,00 oecg pe. fic "• ht araltnteltedja!'ithe.;m g, e‘liottitt, -r.tTE1' Actoapt:, r"--• ...,•,,fia...,_..„ ., lOverzr eeert, Iheiefore, that . ear( at *ado to xttit1ntr40 production at, PrOilt4 this 4,,henIt itilit 1 Added -1 A , " 41 t E • g.,.. ,,, , ; 4t.-rvatizto-uzstrateats9,-;At, the' ifula ' '' , 'room} ,conoervatory *Irate matia "-IVI.*:'•9-'4° 414 elyth centre, whielt were WO ' '#"*",4.t 9,1114, ,Moinorial Vaill itualley -icto are4t401171 4.g, 1°, '01. ,Orawford Of the:PlAttnt.'04., „ . tory faen14„ the follo•Witig 0000: O. ,,, • omr,. Aloz* A, lal. . (luau were sucegsoft4 114011, Mut- grade= (tutermedinte), tillaiine vild#, (hon011); Oracle Viit (Idabel I WO; 0141 2,,,,,lat.„4.40,1,tont, . 09.00) ; Gb T1k-, :70W.114014:17. Ilnaryl'- Atit,_Ppett (1.t tonoire), AMel(,COOlt" iliii014"n•la 'itOttOrs)-:,,, ,13-1tty 4mult11 040,, oraido, a (ooer. IntrOducto:ff)'0.,14; .AlYtatilert-,41hotionsi.Y2;7:00ie ./41 '',11. .149.40:t.,•,:,APIable.,:' (Itionqp)" :h he.14);;iatt '•44tii,, •r; • an 102. $e 1t' ickaVlit . eT.01144,PAV,17,-4-;'"' il 1•1•"*1 a °Iaillol tliee' :1; tt:l7" 0441741rae140:1t44041t t , 0 igaoe'r 'not IP_ Vesent,. -4= cZkOnreP,V.,- -tz,,,,,t40 rortirothirtge 'ItOof , le 12-'-'0104a)-1;iip:47 a em,,n't- We verma, Ito the - -Zs:. IL'onieroy wits V., 7,74:4.. A:7: 1°21'3 .--u, •, 4:9444;;IrW ''s;441, 4.41,49,Ltraft,,pt ie ion to I .0i1on§ ' aii' PO . on the p1uts ate golly, grnrre, .1.09 to 120 i illitl-:01di,olsitftilf.litil(Ka 011f i; welt." aflit1''''FTt5P-Wgight,-zzList4retgic-------04kre° -,,-,7-- thafrotttonnt.' of grain 'fed stlightly in Are 'fjT' calves raised, with 0 04er- to Slid 1,141) .,-tta* way /0001t, ii Zi. 01"411e141;,14.1:tevr'lcuoli-leat4=1-4ttueer::: :::t21;: -:-T' it. 4..7.ges 4945.-41L---:: t1.;l;-,.--rt-4195tilblt:,,.7tIZEF6-114. -TheOrtep,iebr.' _illaawirn_ireldr‘t.'4.°Pw't,--! iav:Thifeh,',';,-„att_e ".-ralsed-Ork- --taie--Alleke0: _OrifolgSW, obserit'eUrtiter. il --t;41113, lin,.104.., --:.:#,,-keIfotat,_ 'We0c.1.*:2,az:-- -0;:arp-fiete-pmv,_ 0 .0 ta '-it--rTk#0444-.;00.1 eot*r;to-Aiviettf6s0-a-, - A' frO two `13,:e". neces#17 , to '<thaw the , water snits. '."'ItItensitsl, necessarily onployed tt 's,s--r-,,-f.ttix -fill n' hot •,, 1,.. eesiihm, often• -art- , ;MOW ‘tti' ' iltr:,44a.,-,, Am lit- orderTte encourage Mei) n caffier,X. - ---= -'-- - - ' - '- to drink more. ' One subgestion Is to put ,'three . or • If the birds ate running outside in lite yard and:the natural ' supply of four &Ives ••ou each nurse, eotr, Tlye cow'total prodnetion should :be gal.': green food has lasenTeaten tip,`lit w1,1" t ,..,7,. ay the flock owner to Ott greerikiroat.'c'e15) -°E.141f--!i4ilh -call ftwirk-et514-44 ten pottnekt-of. milk -,daily:.. „,11.0 ,,the, 1;;ither field and throw thelta into he Olves num two or three tini0; Ile,: 'yard ler Pest...Old. layerta. It • will day, until they _are tifty to slicty days al:;0:,itif%St,tfrA,31-011!.414mg, jasibaltelV:qtates right nicw,oNt ,,,ottai .1107, :4,:rwerashoc=0.104,1itis.._ joebe ,,ttipoiae. old, After that, reduce , the nuriAing in .-,-,a- -....,- .-.......t..' iNetintenmy to one daily, -,...,61`4- . - ' . ' "-: "' 4130111610g,,h1 . th0 third week, the Ihilte .041A. p,pit)le , '1V--htiAt. sta, , .4*-:: t 7Isse,.:-,10- ' 0,44,-.o.‘Aticai. !n1 Lure ItiL----0,61.-Tfirittetlit4r,,t s Irt t )13:tettO IA, ' 11.'ineat 46,-tilargiiiell ,Oe' -611141- .4e,tik_ciannAh -,IK ta e =I sr - *-,.. .t ratf of --illi,ric TO 40-fga1ions of, tromr 7iIi6:5st, 1.L.,,,tateal„and i dry skimDF4I- Cant 'mi ttl?, 'the Itiordeintelt? iiiith., -°!lk, -.f tle' '• time the nursing fre..' 'fidentoy."-lie'tni°146' ace a tiny, .each ca4 should he eolasuraing approzriMately . two yowl& of ;meal Per dn3e-- -. The „,:- 1,fokingjoti,nWAls grtidnall30)INF5,. 'fijitiVtite iiilves,kan ibe. totally •:,„Wenned *10014 'serious checking ,of.' _their gtow`th. _ o Diipplutg Sheep. Ticks in Sheep are more easily 'diz; •eernible after shearing and perhaps. oh that accerrnt -the -dipping of sheep: In the early part of the year is more commOnlY practised that in -the 4a11-, 'However, two- dippings a year ;art' recommended, because n few ticks ir the hal MAY Allereas.,e' large ----4u4‘ hers by spring. So far 'as -early lip- ping is concerned, all sheep not al- ready dipped should be attended to at puce. In the U111131" -weather -thcre is Atila_diabgex trom cold and-- the lanibs• have reached afi -iigme"T,o" Rfirs4 well.- • Ticks andlice. are. two externa parasites:thal are common peat to - sheep., They sap the vitality. of hotlk: ewes and' tatnba and are the cause of ranch disconaort. ectlore the beE; returns :, 'from ,.shee%' be done In- •the, stosnieruid early fall. of -the , year. The -"Cost of diPi4g shotdd -nnt eltpeed three - eents per head. Dii are sold 'in two -*forms, Powdet anti liquid. Any of the st.tat- &Ltd qiypil -tarry direetions for Ilse -on the package and good results are lignony*ohtnined if directions are fol lowed. • tonatatihlty ' tants' -have ar conte into .cencinion Wm In years. 4i , 61,3, ..tpa lizittt 4404 atot' more One cif ,ik 44411a---eoSta4d dipying; t'Ilieey, .1 'tt ugh 41P ° for ‘-the hith ti 'after tittif rnvoing linlia' 16 nita la- Witalted. %hen n lot OZ.,,taltgey are 41 '1 ritto-oPrattretY tilie,vositIOLA110.,italow ,a0(11 the labor iii-Wea:'V--,Ft-tttii,iif:r-- :iathiii -- -te'ttor 41rooinlo utatetiv.,'cietitetle ati4 iide t,l0i-1---,..nitli'n'Otitt'an4ale.rti'i'.-tliorr:ItIttgp , .- ,,,,,, ' ., i rItti4:koz. rqsa , 20 , fo. litor4...tatitlo tot Alti: coat ;410, imatloti; OVA5 , • 1101114.4? ,eouct v7try t0 djp E 700N o 1W4PAVQ042%0KINZASINUSAL- , -pnr-14141-*Onktinaoetr-Ow 4114 ,pisatg$ 4P11.21. als _ • TESLIIMIOL4OUR- N7A.I.R.1rl $5047ION coLLEur cto4ritig 41taa bt.t; c;a aTI:eltUtrgtatt.(14ai usy • ilho roev vo mit N. 00.413 • utAttapfloroAl! orot144 octrbmauct ve Lidt‘toltvita adv „ ratt-4.adoza, 'mat boo „, . Cowavogt, so49 fat? tzczio-oadr-Ja pretietts t t� Etlatei-u-V4atcza ;,p.¢=1?ftelutto.11.4mnita " Vag4455 ettO 000--E15114 ovraci_ -totti 1t1T4,..k pia 14,4t. aou, tte,i't3 Ott CZ 03,"c.ti,e4it:014:1-ral.V44 •itcal =0:41W ,V9tts: 4;r0o S3.antl to Q ,V%,15a0. ctr iracd aa( , • drivo-. r.,t=c7 4 -iv -4 .6.010 oz 'MY fP.g. lilcOV'tn.Totiocitaa ico tktota fro= to Altari it eat ail otacat4qatamoa9P(:.,_ ,1.4xl- „ bauvcd ttalu A C'PO C2uStiAl? samtav ticIpoMMTir- fitotatzta 047-0 framotto_troalcavop Pcsai,„%cv 4t.to. , Qat:Matt at:Ilktro.423 Asa • rot) oti4 Vavaireit5J. tittoct.tal yett cd Won .6-4,1clon vara ptr,-a v414. 4,4 VC Utl.t c eter4 vattaliti • 4 ,V4t'aOto;1 626 a *Ivo .61 teie Otiltr„ 41v10144104.t '1310 1b4-4,.cti I2 etr46. 44)Liv ,sca ag 4414 atvo tta22-0* 1:1, t atac ct-tt", Mtaezoa ot-4z1.1,1Meite-703 its* IOto a ., In, , ,Con�u,' AtilitacitoOkl: :ally. br tospioittUtell Midattlito Ole Mt italue lot your filial onalri: tim it::t.ptitt: ftt,atirt- ,41.11thrUltalc 4)6 , , -_ tiv): 10i6)liOoke 16, tfoorig ,..;‘,..., gutcc un 400; ",it Toeat tile loot 4tottott. \ -,. . •i ..nondcd 4 If0Ci Ath • c•-vrttalifiritgiv1G