HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-8-25, Page 4%-tWt totl'A,A,„ 94ifi WW‘filiTtAi $, tatOW vaiZczP tr-1 tt'-;:P C44 Ziaa t3erl, • =or; , cz V•17.-:,t,t) vi,‘ 4r4:4 iv*I4110,0 p4t1e13:0435.N1-:i tzg Xleo ,OZ7,74: 'VCa '44'4,11krAtl 0,f4(1..ViZI4Z 4%•.,[,)/4,1ta Elf:C'o• , I6.,'-t,"111.:',,Sfg i'.40,11C0tMb 1:2,p• , gOtrit\tl, *VI** 4e:14af, -1410Z..tszeb, ,Ofggp:' 3r,*.4r*‘-igMz4 11,.-'potzlv4to 4;:to,:vam410,071,7P ontiloa ,-aks&l:411#P ogijome,10z144 0117,:ckL 4o Er40 ,. tItlitita ic9411;!. . Ott0,14/413.40,t7. tbo, 'Pe)144,t 1,1A1e1)i *-t4 '1400 4v0p ttc.00 )4)4 431oftnift'uitt, .rouov/DrattiAyt. c'S.„ctr,40 0M-4. Ci1700 .r4ztiV.:„;1-1 '4114 •7 V.J.P.:743 vOto tz-hpVely t("Iriatr4Ci 0.7 'ClIa2ttoa Etttaz4 041,41,1:::j'pW :c14!.:p7r,'-c441;c1t0'frl t4, vanz.lt.',44:0, got: f4mq. Sr4r4TA `'1,4a1',„ZtV t:1 4,,To/fo, oizb' .r* • t;'14w:t• ,14 o LC 1.4gx, •.. i. ,5147.4 W407, IiiiiR *40,,TirkgalatCq,,,,- `43 r4.t4 ilk" ,.tikai:13CiZ (it C,LtiTtel'..4.. C',7.r.- L'Is-4,) iyiiiii:AL0T QVi.:-.241,0" 4;44,70 ii :4-m7;14:iiit:itil,f.sc_,t'!csk:::).:446314:?),,CZet-i472 , , l2i'4') t, 4,1oc,,, 'LI'f;',9 ' gal " 0 ' , (IF .0tr4V4t-c.7'0H4,4, 49. Vag4,,z,,,•.,'(;:.,;:',4,-, ,,tc72,<LtunTito'.7,- 110- , . Ix' 4' .'":IrL''''': t-,.• '71,f.o,vz,twt-lat'T,zrAt44ti-110,--,-Olor 0 ,,, ,, . ,, .. . . )47s. tg.K-t4 Wog7,*-,kpat41$ t-l'Ottr Oroirtb . , i'l,.1.40 0:,',.. •4,- -.. 10,Otlawt '140011;4k. I ,t444' all4 • , g'•41-64'.,,00;:rs) ' ,. ,atig, 7 tov ,Z."3 on,c4„. 1,24,0rxr_ItV' kj 111i5vt4,11),(00 r Or!fa: rtt,21: `It 't.t141 tO'fbolt',134%, 0;1.1 6:„#1i, trgat aa prcprga:ac, Ziorth, at=Qt., oT,20:47,4 Thmr,q7v raOrn14.a.. AtZtttot, .ttp.Vie,41,14111-4M LOrza.),Warmt` ogijb •u br44-0,'og` thmoma ;gtotro,., ,goz4of .Oravaolvti% lortavirly o 1r4411). The memo*, ;Alla' tiog.gort4A0 $y 3ey. W. Lan% NW ,V4r.C4ret gacZteed - !forth wo.a liarrey:- 1'41711,, '131$41( acted, bti groolnstoan The 749.94gi ,entttle 10fpLJr Termite: awl. Ortmtvoviya. •' ' IngW0114 1111c31104t, T1144,'7,1EttgallA, irl, 00040( Viltaza man, riO,O. . molly' bred on, Tue=lay ,A›! too. t90 -;h0 , ro0 Kr w tle !WO 'aim 'at tt* wAre-,. rict 00, lplix..,,,,„, ' jaa.4 og,iaolikerao. 4 V),11 COnliga$17?` '•"''''s vili94, 4 ft7-petuid, .04-11, of mit' ,., WL)eg441v6.• df:opped- On .4,10 004, ingleting 4 pain, -4.) Ilt, ' ..V1160Fia, fni -bOrili and crushing the foot badly'. or , .,.. M----. Vitso =Kent occurred when lEilefitnan, 00 -.r.'4,-1.4.t„ nat-gazzl.... cAtkr-a--minT. of inen, woo, eagagett iti or thalltilli' 'ogtor, Ittgrall'A atkitzr Olio- mit in the warehouse., Itite wa a444114.44'.40 ;14torlat0-100, otion, Iv ov c• to the o ce of Dr. J.. W. *Ito, olo,,„4:, tlIth.p. 4P414; bt,the tifth 11.774114ce, where stitches were Placed " ' in,M •,/tt ' 4,4410..,0VtlAtrtooll Oilt.zal, la the Gatt,ts Ikkr9 , bones were broken. 4'14 s)q, tri* 1, ,poopa '' 44,.` .•I. ' a-tarin • . .,, _ ., tk,"tadtc ..,,,.,..i. a la- 8 1.4.!41 r•:r0 , j•E'Olf:' EttrZ lat...:.4. Z.tticigt. viity. vtp.a.4.4 ttrj •k• 4• ;notu04.,..Icit Iiidti7-4,ottrt-rstaftico*v41w,-.-,14 Oace4. to he loav01,46ut,:,•ic -ti$ time ipoto, 44 141 WP:Cs-Or4 CI,M1.)1t.., 1110:: wkal, li' iforW400 POO, k`-:1101,, V.tr,, 7:). t4tV1r4, gorlatiF - 4 ' Z.)1V4P:fmW4L 4114i Ulla 'rrygala6;0L' 411(4''U 4‘'4'ibtillre4IWZ" . ,,, '•1..., a, ' 01141acar41-, iti\. •21=7 . -47-4 1110'7'1441repulcOmi''' , 0 412,11,_ 77:44ti,,,e4fi. ' 7 larr-D t • '121.61 .M1,10^Gt 0 OM, Ai'n4r#4., '; 11131- #:: * ‘31V07.,(41,7,,lt' Vt"tt •Igig,:. ::;q4 ,s 0 't•kni.$1m, ti at .04z.Nt .,47' ' ',..,, rt tT IsaMr4 -w,mifto ta-,1,iiZ •0- , 4004te::to Aftrit-;, olt .to Vole., `1P-4, 419,A 4Etalaloi iragog.trtota 4cv tO vot; vgropr ' r4 the, avaa' tovzo kat•to oroottutat7 I.... .wor• tlit gok t,110,fr 6-14 $4! 01,(pf, e*:04:4Z.itlp oarlea, 64*V 1;"rth' Va.d.ted ,:taa LIFO, te*000: 1,1eld 1,1114, 17 0* the p:tioAttLtz4 if;d1.0 ogft (run0 and ..,40,04: ;44. . .044141 .w.414!oxlp:' the. ,t -g04.0 Vot4,L,!_by. qrt 6 Otordtvoo• Q,40 . 4 71.'40 "abontM .(>14, VOeir t4e Mira. aatar-Oltria-tW- a, tot Were retired v.741 ;11C: ,,,o4: ;4! .41311100::;,50 - th ,4earorti noztaDva, 010 ; '04 VOIA-011. MOCI417"01',0 Za„Yo MI ' roc .. vs, ,,, 00,1014,14r,"311q1:011,44-%1TAI", t..q1U1-• 0 "10 1114{1t 01T04-t7t/toitle, rt4)" T2,44, 12,,,M o ; 6- -.. - •••• 4.'4 . 41. Jo. ..14„ ... ..0,•1 . t',1• 1' 0 e„titi 11 1 1 11 A 41 a .1' , 4 1411 . waane at- ?,tr d : 'taltti) ilt ii'I3W& Nort Irsi011tiAtIt ss s • Of 1 - i011,4, out w 01 era ttlilt tat r.i, rOB COO ,.,,,,,„,, , 'L_r:oztga...,9b11,11,by,FA:1111ezr• '9 1. 1'8-.22 411114314t3L"gg Id .iora1711,._.141...11414°4141.-tee.'41' '-'4 zt •• ..........,41. ...c.v.( ..1 . - 7 iNISItir44;41-41#1#10;1440;dk,4'cL-k Ili Altrtt"gniZr W--:94ilit4ttleir3- flaggsaq_ '4-4 ..'111:111' E'''''<- :Tina ..v.... 2 8 ,.. 1 iy .M3:0 ,I...4......,i......... .:r -, , t.% e itict t '`a*: '. 4 I. ,,,..... -itilL:4101114-71XL4-41-q.. 4-1-411,41r-,1.0w`15...r,-)11-"u'At_ClV,„,,.. ,LiittIt':".'!'''154.iikiitriit,H, ,c;, ,,i1014,00ikig., thovalpd. of Kenneth -\ In''r,-, x*,. io. e , An ing-iiiiffiltite isTice 0;a. . ,, , , , . . ,, , - 4 , ..' tboir, 00-prort--04,,,v ..•Ctence ..._15.1.11,or,....,. r. 0.- aittliii,---AviiiKittiVi'74,740.1,.r10111tWt- 'ow ill iti It , tromrE„z.„:.,,_ tta,t,. ,Itlavt.timetiittir,,,,,4,titreatt,p,„:17111,,, ...,...4,,,,....,,,-,..-..,-...ssf.,.+4.... ".,,,,.., ild tida+; ininargezt-br lotrafs: .`-‘1111e1.° ,-.---err-V.4 / odigr--, ..ortitrz-4. -0 --Aapt,i -weau,,, n -in bili-litiliadii7 with - Ntshie-01* itriii.-- 0-- , - litmtpw/A: gatilloVy, Mat. Tom. -do you -Otero_ the.. leunoroppg_ei! Au, „.4L_t zirlitegfraar Ott Oga otaVref (Itetlierleh; with wham' dar'fil-,w, 8 ia: izoden;GeOrteliktItiren, ,,..1, ,gour. it. t - who 4n0r, ---013100(1-1M-- ta, ,iptio. ,,,(x-- .1:744051g-aprtron-Aite: hietit• ,..n...lishhig this ,?seasoni. --..-H- twa,it_we' We'ffle 01-17;---"ito-'-sint-taarr.AVetUnatttalag*Mver.,---latt-sitvitztho-cakHALI-son---47:0-44ek- ' ' 3' ' ' 1°W1L17 ' r°11111' III -.• -"ts•• --1,— 404,1-- Eit•11:11;ttjattt- -4 .ii. Mitttittl.'101-nArlift=t-Tiir..1-ATE.igg-L440,9P.---,HW-7404071.444•Jrtstb"---;- -callt4":1177. ,._ .7„.'9,....ac44,,z..1.-t,,,."1.7341.,.,. un t. , .. ...f.k. ),,,,,i0.4g,tniefujuintte.pat:Clir -*-airittliailitte-4'."'-'74.' ' r . e •liFifiT13iTi4T5FT.artii*iii:'‘.'Iliffigiiiii-liii.Wifica on ,iir#*: --'"t41MUL4g . t •Ci"- - - - .- : ' Si -- - i•gh4-kgnCnrtit"S'-eIVaPAW-tveVe-a7-rzeha•- '-r4 liPtile0--;strnek -sinking lits /nags_ in_ . ' as,ail . Ie Iiro .P..,,n.,11.-4 11(e litraped-hutue;Hiont 'Mit' erglim 'war) la° 'Inne'llin'anr or - said nothing untiltheolext day,'""'"'"''' -'14•Z.7' '''"'"" •".7"-- '• __;• m PonneroY, of Nile, oceupled the pua. ' t."°1't it' lt"'-"lik11113` ' --- ' - ' r 'ParelktlY not- realizing 'the danger of a Bennailler United church on Sunday •J. 11°v7 Year°. 8g° tile Ple1211113 b2ril the bite, -and it was, 'when hie knee • -of The: oo4rtrY., ,bitrirtra-trallowed, to 'atom. , . ./vE*1"°6144'red th2 /4Fae9t ill 411° ir4rt n d i` r in I that - h toll his 'Inetning' In the tlihsenee. of Rev* -Ce• ore _ea,n.: T1, , .g, 7 ,., e , 1' ,Nkylie,__ •, ,, . . fall into disrepair. 'The th4„in Qtruok ,--.' , • 'Mrs *alters atid -F144, are spend - 0 by .. tho, bolt a. lightaitu 1740 out Ter anAd: tre troy w*aass ismivmeeda 1:vteelriry caatitelern1,- inc . ' • a couple :Of Weeks. ,With her daughter, lire. L. Jervis, of .Hohnes- to tatty rebuilt. . irille. ,, . ..., . , 0 . MM. bit it .';'.4.0as to late. fie died ,arg.=:10 Av cimEgolt,3 , within tiventy,fottr,-hOurs. . Mrs,. Lorne &toot*, •of Montreal, is trrialikTilfltnialliiiir Ton . Sattlra47-•,, A' the Laatt-raOr otkxnmer ONNtitav WM m,,, :i „ung5-Crit3E7-13. __ L• liart:Sicippy larown is helping Mr. :ing relatives. . . spending a week in is vicinity Visit- ' ,44 Tstliocarfin„ a former. oto.ployee of Stanle,y ,Olitkpr•- nrk 0 ii ,iirigirandi .1,mro. 11...7.1erczrvis with .4114.4m1.4441 harvest thactiweelt. °' $&V 43177! 11,144gi;6?",,..:4142teltc.)f ' law 4/- ., biroo6ht--t610-ottettob-by-. --hmbito..0m.,- 4re -14f4t1*.3Antith,..26xo,' Vines?. brother, holidaYittg with their aunt,f„dirs. . frol#-.:the . 'States. The accuid::,,wei * . son, itbeinglalleged.. the_.,.« an old his„. . . Parrish, la Gederich. Ilanold and ,Cecil Olathe.- hooka oruxts be on, shaiditst jai Eli, tlii,--,1:1:0,4„twar.0_01-140-or_ct:_z_ier visited his friend,_ nr„ and %dirs.. Arthur Olb.F.Ion, of De - martin wab, taken before. r.- 0,._ J._ 0,4 '.1,1*. 11,a0tiopo*Jarrell, at Annoys, over trait, are spending a two weeks' vaca, r do.'ta court. - . 4' Mr..--441,1def4 ,alc•etimetli Oialcip-be- 4Ifil.'actad: 14°Iitalk-edill-e1.14:,.,.711.4., 1117. wIth thei, r aunt, Miss ,..LIP,.-,--andAtrotandelL. until _Mkt ngn lallni1744.., iliZr....--andi.-Elm Auhreyt litig, Miss Chisholm, -62 Brantford,. 0214 _ &fp marliguj...igungav . _ ._.0i1P. .....400.7f k 411,1, ,a,,l1. of Detrolt,„ are a- few ,days -with her eimsla th, Miss Dor- - .Gucsta of e past weelt at ',Rotel .viiiiluqfrith XII% 0.04"12CnC1fblai 312I- °MY 'Vtiltsag. • SUL4Eft were__: Int_v_ itt._, „ ar. Wall- .17,641e. s'. a e;'eherv,7604 ids later in ,,,., inout.„_ PIO_ Pelou . earns/mit, -Cleve-. km .43,•.....za„ zo,H311,v,___„,. atelar. slit: • -- ' Norah aparjay,Toronto; "fid. P. nett- We con,/ratialate allezi Sztente,14 Dm- nwaszgioGre, • , Inlidi, WE-A.111A Zito; ti:11.: lanntalr; i ";;;70,S4-.Sileit: the .veett,.6igrThrity-e-1-145-ir-- ----- ozawt eltr.---414 45E -ret -41M ----r• 4,--i4c0-1I4Z$11141b%1111tmLclirata'''Allang-Int (1,1:1141;!!eltal"Ilernrina°11,--;,'I.E...17: 17011'Inil45,1141.1.nra--viziAtifivelif'lettrzi.:47,•-1;:,.,.. ardt, Toronto. W. lil,, iStanley, and daughter, Teenton, Ont.; J. 'Z1. !limo, . ., Taylor; ea . Iltel“, R. .Ittunsel.,, Toronto; '1.41,=. Zivt:tfteel dzoziter to titellino Ei .Plloasatitt It ,at the hourea of her E. glary, Zororato-t BL. i. _White and tit+--dayd-t11 ' lier•concin, 1213S antir,t urm1.e4 (74°) nivkl .317111n2a4u Mremaxl” ' three- aons, . , Winnetita, ' 1111:1 I. -P.- -Zottla tt;la -0-actjk-N-:::: -.7. ..",- • - ---, Mr. -T,Itio.St Coarien, of -Maidstone, watt •Noore and Pred ' &Wore, Sanagatown, 'Owing 01' d. tva 'weather ihe tr.P. 0- vidtOit vlitb lar. 3; W41115” 1124 X,,.,gr. and-AlTrO. EL:Vat-diner, New. -111alotep *limier ',1,0faa- batt, to agrigrat- %70.01,.. ---- - — sa- .10rGf Mr. and WI:Z:0; Yett•ii. Villet''IdeelVt-ii;',..iot,i )..n .itt • wcirtg-, ILU , Mtn, 0t4t1110Y . and Zinn Ir<an6-- - 47, Zooaton ; lar. raid tarp. zaet nearle'. kokt •00. Otittilkg . 4,011- ''1.0 .Ileouth.7044-Itt*,...#4511t;.°0'ilt 146'1 .\-7e°V... Witeirtr-;;-413-11......woLa_1Ji SObt,i, 41°3'a Y6-1 . 412-'1.' ::* '741°Ifit:t: :6_ Qan. °.2e,11';',(ah. L'...sP,171...1nert, .„ 4-4 iititiitc.toorrea10. Ilr dlitt llra. ila tit': tt - - - ' ' ' l'it`,43tCti-:',”,,,..t, clt.. .,wi#Jraii,;,----mk, tind-EtroArt 7111;',altiiti4 -41fro....-41--itnitalley.,....and.:_slaughter: .44 tildterri- •oreato_. ti, otildr, Latz , . iforiir,, , ,, 1 ,, No, .-... . , • • ' ' :•::,,:76111i1:11:3fr' :01773:;2:111:.:t.t .. • ejltitigabridge_•tarden,lpatt.7- 'ben, -Sprontot. 'Mri-one, ,Ute.i1,--, -1V.04 , ., InetvIt. 7.titit;:taiii‘ht,1:3,14e011;f3lIn. t.14,0-;!:'146t13100'0:1A,4' .. , , . 'mom, toitaitt '',#, ,''ig I t ilUeis1,1110';' 1:AttW '01541. Oita t*t ' #1 otoet4r.zaett, .otorot gt.,. dottta,,t4' 't•--6461%.';---;-Mil. Katt-a4a-7'-4014-4 q. . , oral:4110' took 0 04140Vaili 0 14 ta * , :2046 T4 411i 11*# 018171104 •eltin4' rOltV . 11i,t1:41104' AlottdeOg4 "Itttatio- .,,,,, gogiliipSA _.**--gr tr/P. • 01,'VP.in'''MVO,t1Yetlt.,, the Wetttgend ..:4-131tIci'7, , ..41421,.e71: slisati:iit' ::: ,.:_ atii :1,44 :11 "--tti,(11 :': .iiit4'1,1' 1.,.;,•teo., tvil: Zee. Oaitolit, _Orra .0%ez‘e, :doctor.. '..illvali., .111411.41.,,,.,, •,.F.v4v,,..:' zir• bat 't,-.2)2(t.„..,..„i'tt rtieba !',,-1ZH4.tittlt,,,— :. ',Ts Li'Vott4 ZIP. M 041' atizo=0„, tr4thilt4: ' tif. 1134 It;•:, rtofttiOtaitir ...,t*..4, gi163-. larw'000tio.f,44*u:flat t7':,,v.41topa-:oztVie.oa0mIlav rao, frotn r10.:111. 14.1,,ISTO. 4004P,041.74.: 3it.1:0;s1616:1,,dtbi: v -',41,Z, r,',' 'itt#t,• , :mat ottv ,),..fr.:0LattAtr',•vitio :141.-1, ototp 44., 1110t4! - , ot.,-arnter cz01.0.0::' t M-.4.. ,'„:62.,:• 4) tai°,1i,:s-ar 'tat' It., - • ,., ' _., a 8.:::4:4f.:::10:*:.° ::,.:1.11,.' .0..:400,1•11.:0a tro ,dr.041tt'.. an ,,t.ca ge,-,,,itituttlit ,, ios------- .-c-• . ,.,t.2,L,,,,, 411.:..,e41,...v.4 ta tl.: , .cf,7 ' -10--,•. -‘3--,..4 .•i::-0*1-im:: 'x--- ..z0 .-q,:',' 0 -•,,--'-'11:. '7:54_,:ti::441: al • S. ROBERT KAY Itargaret anthem, widow of the late Robert Kay, passed away at her home here early Priday morning at tptv op of seventy -live years. She bad,been In poor health since she had 0, stroke -a Ilttie-over year age•- orn on the Isle of Scotland, she came to Canada. as a child with her parents and settled at Kincardin?. 15lhe MIS married while living th,epi, to • Robert May and they- came to • Goderich about thirty, years ago. M". EtaY (11 1, here three years to a day before his wife's death, on August 194 ,Surviving are six children, esp4wIger,--Mrs,..1.1olanstaannd. 402qoamak Et, -I ant a- 001000E-0_ ,:,..-traveller,4 writes a correSPOndentv,'"and due to endless traveilina 11)7,•,:tr- and • auto. mobile I tind t4at I: '4.0o cousin pated if I co not ,Ve'f,ap,•)167selit in- ternally clean. Zrostchea azato is the • only thing that trill;:420-1141107egectively and not interfere ito, work. I take a large dose 04,-Ztimeheirk every •Saturday night and .01V'Untticlay, when I have no work toS Slaits act on me. On wechAnY19 emait dose on rising. It In necessary that I be 'on lay toes' all, thi,q‘47,01 tbo day, and thialt.the enirtyrat-that It slhty Krusehen Salts b .0n excellent recipe for maintainitt ?condition of• internal cleanliness. -The ntuntio salts in KrUschen stimulate .yo) ternal organs to sna00thc 'regal • tion. Your 'inside is, thigi kept clear a those Impurities Fhich,„ when allowed to accumulate,' rower 1110Whole tone, 'NE • , ert'oc,41-,a'a 4-4 rt4n- Fetle4 teL,Ahle 2 tt , sot-av ,iosit4=AQIUL 4420i/i1W <44 ':AtIg` 46. kV)Itat)ij ft*•.thtt4•1/4114,••,.' h.10, IttiO ,W'Ort4er'Si. ato't,o• torwattte- ,th. leo a..-Ii.,.-4-'14":„:"'„,=';_.•..,t".e„, ' . -.-7,-.,,,,-...r-,,,,.i..--, ---: . .._,.,,,.„„, ---7„4 - R.7, ...r ' ...-CW! .'" 1 ' 1 ". • , : ' ' •./. • ...). .. / ' !ii . Pboar,4 ',4"J'- 4tIgkerie e0 i)0 -.. , e7 • st • . Ova _ , , Godavo,cga ...,..Vriii,.1'04, .. . - -... ' 'Nam ,. 0 ientur lin BgnarIzOtODP with Om% Arther and 4 Motam1• • _. . .. . All 'flue Coillegiate, Public and Separate Minton Text 3 ,1 1,ka, •and Supplies • Schooll Opening cSaciallo _. _ _ _ ._.._. ___• , _ • ,., 2410 -nage Clack Cevered„ Bulled aerie -lie iirititi • ' kgonday, nocciipy a v33,e..4,3, 1030114114 IMIVIrOfrilrliOfill Vo._tldwOltoe. lin tniee6 1 • .--17c-any,',Teo--14OgnifiZ&,0-4 trxeteetit,d-- K•.gullar 25e for - •26.0 110-1112g0 litull''''' 321:orea00 ag°1‘ - Beguitir lloe for . .•„.. ... ' . , . — _ IrlinAnigirtiest Picture • ment '. , Ftematat tettataati-Ontite it lost - f well UnoWn,•Plirye of all HMO, ;Supreme in the field of entertain- Vgyattl-,--Dkri30-alcittit Mtwara • • rtaXrdz,4, t'Pav2 IgelliP , , • filar ..4p 0 of4746, LOoeiitt Langhter - - t nese I:, i'atiS.- are new and good lior Notes. SC11110011. PAGS • 'Fine geed ddrablie kind at Deaf Note 1oks Govern aVO4:3STil-F7 0S701Thle' 0(hart-dey--. _ .. _ _ .... TEDDILMILB MarliliKa3 IPLIOSLIAN t-prt__ --mq 0 09 ''il ja--W-Pla,, tra611 .-- rlig o.,. ntent authorized att • 35c • , Men. Mate Lad Nete 113RDohs at 25c Qm(6 115c each O Bicerelise and •VAR& 3'.(30kti Med with =Main plain, altrzetive picture eitive-6, in colors at Ee crolc3 Rec eCch thi CoOeF 00 ,-,-- . 4 •'lively laughable romanca starring • Pall'Ott"Daua tam'al taw Wet? a rip -tearing - --olitdroirr--- yarn ge.4traitl: 4, Duel az.ta.o Mil 111)hta"tine110.. A._ 0400111 00151001..13,11.G vtill he glivel.-atar. 721aM to to student• buying their 'Sehoeill Enttalles Eire., also to each papillae and separate cared student WO pligLGavirag .A. Mit_roar IN43torn_Bilia IFIZM with thermEtheall...iIng3DRies... . ,............. . "O4-.•--„,,,--- . . GG”' yaw' .Sapplliee Savlly „ - . . achtille caoF Sg•ecth lo- Caoyapllee . . Oc:440,1-.42(go,E4 fln mow PAeltr, - „_.___ . , ___. ..,..,_ c..,,.,2,1.,./,..A'Lw=tedp.cri f 8 pc„Ezi, to tatty rebuilt. . irille. ,, . ..., . , 0 . MM. bit it .';'.4.0as to late. fie died ,arg.=:10 Av cimEgolt,3 , within tiventy,fottr,-hOurs. . Mrs,. Lorne &toot*, •of Montreal, is trrialikTilfltnialliiiir Ton . Sattlra47-•,, A' the Laatt-raOr otkxnmer ONNtitav WM m,,, :i „ung5-Crit3E7-13. __ L• liart:Sicippy larown is helping Mr. :ing relatives. . . spending a week in is vicinity Visit- ' ,44 Tstliocarfin„ a former. oto.ployee of Stanle,y ,Olitkpr•- nrk 0 ii ,iirigirandi .1,mro. 11...7.1erczrvis with .4114.4m1.4441 harvest thactiweelt. °' $&V 43177! 11,144gi;6?",,..:4142teltc.)f ' law 4/- ., biroo6ht--t610-ottettob-by-. --hmbito..0m.,- 4re -14f4t1*.3Antith,..26xo,' Vines?. brother, holidaYittg with their aunt,f„dirs. . frol#-.:the . 'States. The accuid::,,wei * . son, itbeinglalleged.. the_.,.« an old his„. . . Parrish, la Gederich. Ilanold and ,Cecil Olathe.- hooka oruxts be on, shaiditst jai Eli, tlii,--,1:1:0,4„twar.0_01-140-or_ct:_z_ier visited his friend,_ nr„ and %dirs.. Arthur Olb.F.Ion, of De - martin wab, taken before. r.- 0,._ J._ 0,4 '.1,1*. 11,a0tiopo*Jarrell, at Annoys, over trait, are spending a two weeks' vaca, r do.'ta court. - . 4' Mr..--441,1def4 ,alc•etimetli Oialcip-be- 4Ifil.'actad: 14°Iitalk-edill-e1.14:,.,.711.4., 1117. wIth thei, r aunt, Miss ,..LIP,.-,--andAtrotandelL. until _Mkt ngn lallni1744.., iliZr....--andi.-Elm Auhreyt litig, Miss Chisholm, -62 Brantford,. 0214 _ &fp marliguj...igungav . _ ._.0i1P. .....400.7f k 411,1, ,a,,l1. of Detrolt,„ are a- few ,days -with her eimsla th, Miss Dor- - .Gucsta of e past weelt at ',Rotel .viiiiluqfrith XII% 0.04"12CnC1fblai 312I- °MY 'Vtiltsag. • SUL4Eft were__: Int_v_ itt._, „ ar. Wall- .17,641e. s'. a e;'eherv,7604 ids later in ,,,., inout.„_ PIO_ Pelou . earns/mit, -Cleve-. km .43,•.....za„ zo,H311,v,___„,. atelar. slit: • -- ' Norah aparjay,Toronto; "fid. P. nett- We con,/ratialate allezi Sztente,14 Dm- nwaszgioGre, • , Inlidi, WE-A.111A Zito; ti:11.: lanntalr; i ";;;70,S4-.Sileit: the .veett,.6igrThrity-e-1-145-ir-- ----- ozawt eltr.---414 45E -ret -41M ----r• 4,--i4c0-1I4Z$11141b%1111tmLclirata'''Allang-Int (1,1:1141;!!eltal"Ilernrina°11,--;,'I.E...17: 17011'Inil45,1141.1.nra--viziAtifivelif'lettrzi.:47,•-1;:,.,.. ardt, Toronto. W. lil,, iStanley, and daughter, Teenton, Ont.; J. 'Z1. !limo, . ., Taylor; ea . Iltel“, R. .Ittunsel.,, Toronto; '1.41,=. Zivt:tfteel dzoziter to titellino Ei .Plloasatitt It ,at the hourea of her E. glary, Zororato-t BL. i. _White and tit+--dayd-t11 ' lier•concin, 1213S antir,t urm1.e4 (74°) nivkl .317111n2a4u Mremaxl” ' three- aons, . , Winnetita, ' 1111:1 I. -P.- -Zottla tt;la -0-actjk-N-:::: -.7. ..",- • - ---, Mr. -T,Itio.St Coarien, of -Maidstone, watt •Noore and Pred ' &Wore, Sanagatown, 'Owing 01' d. tva 'weather ihe tr.P. 0- vidtOit vlitb lar. 3; W41115” 1124 X,,.,gr. and-AlTrO. EL:Vat-diner, New. -111alotep *limier ',1,0faa- batt, to agrigrat- %70.01,.. ---- - — sa- .10rGf Mr. and WI:Z:0; Yett•ii. Villet''IdeelVt-ii;',..iot,i )..n .itt • wcirtg-, ILU , Mtn, 0t4t1110Y . and Zinn Ir<an6-- - 47, Zooaton ; lar. raid tarp. zaet nearle'. kokt •00. Otittilkg . 4,011- ''1.0 .Ileouth.7044-Itt*,...#4511t;.°0'ilt 146'1 .\-7e°V... Witeirtr-;;-413-11......woLa_1Ji SObt,i, 41°3'a Y6-1 . 412-'1.' ::* '741°Ifit:t: :6_ Qan. °.2e,11';',(ah. L'...sP,171...1nert, .„ 4-4 iititiitc.toorrea10. Ilr dlitt llra. ila tit': tt - - - ' ' ' l'it`,43tCti-:',”,,,..t, clt.. .,wi#Jraii,;,----mk, tind-EtroArt 7111;',altiiti4 -41fro....-41--itnitalley.,....and.:_slaughter: .44 tildterri- •oreato_. ti, otildr, Latz , . iforiir,, , ,, 1 ,, No, .-... . , • • ' ' :•::,,:76111i1:11:3fr' :01773:;2:111:.:t.t .. • ejltitigabridge_•tarden,lpatt.7- 'ben, -Sprontot. 'Mri-one, ,Ute.i1,--, -1V.04 , ., InetvIt. 7.titit;:taiii‘ht,1:3,14e011;f3lIn. t.14,0-;!:'146t13100'0:1A,4' .. , , . 'mom, toitaitt '',#, ,''ig I t ilUeis1,1110';' 1:AttW '01541. Oita t*t ' #1 otoet4r.zaett, .otorot gt.,. dottta,,t4' 't•--6461%.';---;-Mil. Katt-a4a-7'-4014-4 q. . , oral:4110' took 0 04140Vaili 0 14 ta * , :2046 T4 411i 11*# 018171104 •eltin4' rOltV . 11i,t1:41104' AlottdeOg4 "Itttatio- .,,,,, gogiliipSA _.**--gr tr/P. • 01,'VP.in'''MVO,t1Yetlt.,, the Wetttgend ..:4-131tIci'7, , ..41421,.e71: slisati:iit' ::: ,.:_ atii :1,44 :11 "--tti,(11 :': .iiit4'1,1' 1.,.;,•teo., tvil: Zee. Oaitolit, _Orra .0%ez‘e, :doctor.. '..illvali., .111411.41.,,,.,, •,.F.v4v,,..:' zir• bat 't,-.2)2(t.„..,..„i'tt rtieba !',,-1ZH4.tittlt,,,— :. ',Ts Li'Vott4 ZIP. M 041' atizo=0„, tr4thilt4: ' tif. 1134 It;•:, rtofttiOtaitir ...,t*..4, gi163-. larw'000tio.f,44*u:flat t7':,,v.41topa-:oztVie.oa0mIlav rao, frotn r10.:111. 14.1,,ISTO. 4004P,041.74.: 3it.1:0;s1616:1,,dtbi: v -',41,Z, r,',' 'itt#t,• , :mat ottv ,),..fr.:0LattAtr',•vitio :141.-1, ototp 44., 1110t4! - , ot.,-arnter cz01.0.0::' t M-.4.. ,'„:62.,:• 4) tai°,1i,:s-ar 'tat' It., - • ,., ' _., a 8.:::4:4f.:::10:*:.° ::,.:1.11,.' .0..:400,1•11.:0a tro ,dr.041tt'.. an ,,t.ca ge,-,,,itituttlit ,, ios------- .-c-• . ,.,t.2,L,,,,, 411.:..,e41,...v.4 ta tl.: , .cf,7 ' -10--,•. -‘3--,..4 .•i::-0*1-im:: 'x--- ..z0 .-q,:',' 0 -•,,--'-'11:. '7:54_,:ti::441: al • S. ROBERT KAY Itargaret anthem, widow of the late Robert Kay, passed away at her home here early Priday morning at tptv op of seventy -live years. She bad,been In poor health since she had 0, stroke -a Ilttie-over year age•- orn on the Isle of Scotland, she came to Canada. as a child with her parents and settled at Kincardin?. 15lhe MIS married while living th,epi, to • Robert May and they- came to • Goderich about thirty, years ago. M". EtaY (11 1, here three years to a day before his wife's death, on August 194 ,Surviving are six children, esp4wIger,--Mrs,..1.1olanstaannd. 402qoamak Et, -I ant a- 001000E-0_ ,:,..-traveller,4 writes a correSPOndentv,'"and due to endless traveilina 11)7,•,:tr- and • auto. mobile I tind t4at I: '4.0o cousin pated if I co not ,Ve'f,ap,•)167selit in- ternally clean. Zrostchea azato is the • only thing that trill;:420-1141107egectively and not interfere ito, work. I take a large dose 04,-Ztimeheirk every •Saturday night and .01V'Untticlay, when I have no work toS Slaits act on me. On wechAnY19 emait dose on rising. It In necessary that I be 'on lay toes' all, thi,q‘47,01 tbo day, and thialt.the enirtyrat-that It slhty Krusehen Salts b .0n excellent recipe for maintainitt ?condition of• internal cleanliness. -The ntuntio salts in KrUschen stimulate .yo) ternal organs to sna00thc 'regal • tion. Your 'inside is, thigi kept clear a those Impurities Fhich,„ when allowed to accumulate,' rower 1110Whole tone, 'NE • , ert'oc,41-,a'a 4-4 rt4n- Fetle4 teL,Ahle 2 tt , sot-av ,iosit4=AQIUL 4420i/i1W <44 ':AtIg` 46. kV)Itat)ij ft*•.thtt4•1/4114,••,.' h.10, IttiO ,W'Ort4er'Si. ato't,o• torwattte- ,th. leo a..-Ii.,.-4-'14":„:"'„,=';_.•..,t".e„, ' . -.-7,-.,,,,-...r-,,,,.i..--, ---: . .._,.,,,.„„, ---7„4 - R.7, ...r ' ...-CW! .'" 1 ' 1 ". • , : ' ' •./. • ...). .. / ' !ii . ". -''' - ',...,.... -.. , e7 • st • . r 0 ' Z....7.:447•47,Zi--.;; - ..' ---7,4.--,:.7.--e ...,..Vriii,.1'04, .. . - -... 1 n g o ar - --- - ----and halve tt -illed-co-mplete - .4 All 'flue Coillegiate, Public and Separate Minton Text 3 ,1 1,ka, •and Supplies • Schooll Opening cSaciallo _. _ _ _ ._.._. ___• , _ • ,., 2410 -nage Clack Cevered„ Bulled aerie -lie iirititi • 'Pendia, IPens„ Ink, Butlers, 3rasers, Crayons, Artists' Supply and Reaves' IPlaints and g;rushes.- K•.gullar 25e for - •26.0 110-1112g0 litull''''' 321:orea00 ag°1‘ - Beguitir lloe for See the new Cirela Books at' is ---WS-7,--:;;;-- Illiard-eovered Exercise week - - t nese I:, i'atiS.- are new and good lior Notes. SC11110011. PAGS • 'Fine geed ddrablie kind at Deaf Note 1oks Govern so4, 75c, ., o.,. ntent authorized att • 35c • , Men. Mate Lad Nete 113RDohs at 25c Qm(6 115c each O Bicerelise and •VAR& 3'.(30kti Med with =Main plain, altrzetive picture eitive-6, in colors at Ee crolc3 Rec eCch ----r. ,. ,,,,....,„.„,........,,, ,,.._ ._.....„.- , ., : _ A._ 0400111 00151001..13,11.G vtill he glivel.-atar. 721aM to to student• buying their 'Sehoeill Enttalles Eire., also to each papillae and separate cared student WO pligLGavirag .A. Mit_roar IN43torn_Bilia IFIZM with thermEtheall...iIng3DRies... . ,............. . "O4-.•--„,,,--- . . GG”' yaw' .Sapplliee Savlly „ - . . achtille caoF Sg•ecth lo- Caoyapllee . . ___. ... 400 . . ... . . .. - „_.___ , , _., , ___. ..,..,_ , Pi actd,orid-vt ve fee se 6-cd'bffil---7-2p noc---Fora-067 s (4; (0) . ,;., ',DARK SHEERS -to wear .ndtrtaid Iiiii . . . • MU( - ismialb-new -and srnart. . . - -ALPACA CREIF48-,for .niorgt. for al wear . riglif &a . _ -a:it-Oita, ;stfieeand latest' touches-- sleeyes • fa?&Teirrigtis:eCtswitfze; airieOcilti-ITtnten-s;s,s(eltfhtovd/rzed fun!tolligne. •:,,SiSdpS. to-pdit ev.dry:ipte and .siz,e8 tfor every figare..- d_ T...._,. ...,.. ,.. tgreen.. , ., , 'ciths .,, ',Stat., edoliiitiatest abiely ?oito*viiri • • tied by navy; , wine •nd -zta\irlo ,rarap . at o1nb 11 V.:40ttpt..tril` T4L., r Gz t4rdzaw,,g: :04t11,10 ---ma gtt.t, • • • , MActhatgy -zottL•xstOt .•at Lt. 440 . •.7514,240 g4At.,.1,o'Wsn'ttO o cc 'Mitt Wit"i7. 81 - 00 440 1t Vitti c7-411, ttitlri t.,74 :C:4-totnat , tmka, e7414, 10.,..'431 t tomb. tL,414i.lor,44am " 11?1 cititte,tti-qt tL8Lavz actt.3. Ifl5 =1 •tott, vttt r:ii4t:!•1 oza E 09ubIf 0, 0000 t t 1 0 04 N ioltz200;:,14" 's,A,'tattLP itatcgti- getOtaQ inoivto r T T LY t uvv,0 trt ims- and. Ibtettits-: , sv, a brirnS, ors'-'14atl; ttid ilavnto TO SHOP"