The Signal, 1937-8-11, Page 2,014 AW4teg,,e4 - .1744". .Ltk-• TO t OCKM,IP. '30411411)4. , '11",•ateta)li:,-1.;M tnteZeiption price/ Q2.62 yeare 34,C0 eold advamee. Sabecribera Uraited Statce willeP3ear-o-leatleat- D2ePae. Telt) SIGNAILeSTAR PRESS Toe Goderich, Ont. wairzzlacky. Atunct LeOZZIV,'Z 1:3ACM The Old „Home „Week of IID37 hat5 EracF into hietory. Meet of e visitors have degfarted—the decorc. aziotas are esenime down--citizeno ore =whine up on theft' test ,sleep,, mid rife iS i'tuth ito usual temeo. There are chew le= no to learned from any eepericace, end lent Tenteo celebration =a no erception to the rule. If the weers'o proterate %eel* to be "done over" regalia, there OT e many things that could lea done difrerently; sumo mistaken could be aye ; some me teto ested be im- proved. But by the time smother Old 'Nome Week is beld—reerhops ten yearn heice-there will be new hal, oe at the =heel, and many thIngsa-„quite- appar. eat now, the we after, will be for- gotten. Perhapa it is just cis well that no etandard of efficiency can be eetablished for the management of ,tvaeli---gatherrings; 1t.evorb1na -were • j1,11 „ OU os and hat 'wont be deetrective of enjoyment. In a large way, however, it might „ ellondhle nii-e-Cletrhe:ktiCF4iiiof • EUUSt hu arranged for their,en- .-.. .tertabament while they are here; but is it necessary , to have no elaborate and., expensive a t,,riest of entertain- mente that Arenuous effort is re - • for weekte in advance, and a bege number of the townspeople are -"Terpre-dalligit-A-Wirtiew of the program during the awls of celebration that they have. little k -18 - ire time to spend with their visitors— te say nothing of the anxiety over the matter of expense? cotWnittee. pro- vided an imposing Het of events last 1 week; but we wonder if the home- , comers will not remember with most ggeasure, not the more elaborate events on the program, but such simple !Mhos as the old-time echool setion, 4.• „4446,•,- we;.‹.4!..e.74t.et . othvo ic,20t to Pet= VOT' P, -oacetee -AV* eternatItelet Cete, CeuSeleea. 'Meet Tzt, 443,10 the venepra a the tad e',..t2te:121 flOt azIN14 • 151411P.IY wcIA.4 .V4t1. pelted t� eat them. ' 0 0 0 'without any foetal, decloratioeof war, hoetilitieo bates broken Out be - tweet Chien anti Obttalo. The Zap ore got only the °agree:pee, "'tut ttor- are eoing abott • their .tiely totAineoo with a tTevnge rtttblteOmees that Matte them at the 12000 of the Dent. Thee must know 'what thelt civilized world thitem of the ; but they are 'mite p- tuquo of omythine but cuperiee feree, sand the eaoy-goine Chinece etre gee match for there b that reepect. a haughty opirit goes before destruce tion, there le a heavy retributiom in store for the Sopenece war 1 o. 0 • 0 "Oki Girl" writeto - Tbe Orillia Pachet and Ti eGir,—Tie other day a twelve- yeoreed girl easeeed me on her teepee. -Of matitre, che wore ohorte. Set leen were brown cc sole leather and, thickly eovered with See hair. ,Thio got me thinf4ne. Nature lo • tilwegeeat work; When the hu- man Rake woo in ite primitive teat° the whole body Was covered • with heir—till We beren• Mear skins -cued elnalig elothit-- Now:— go. 4_4011=100 -04$ Oeir clothea net ?tee ip covering e 114 4.14, 1 4, race thaus 0volli attend' tho. netureomay have peopleerow tells to hee tbeMee oif their_ Tab7055.-7. -111Sf-asi#I-60TbiWa/RiMitet.t ' tr, ,K14 41, )7, ^ ear 7-4 ow the Inv esP1PP :alv loeel editoro ere eeitembetr natotil the problem a 1,131.6153a, IxavItta Weed thatnewsuger etportelp ret tremelmiottp hick Out; og C•tettit boat itrouble. L tleeeded ,to =Wee Or liere leek out sitad track down a otore' foe 110 qtUteten mo kindle' Plat tar) 1-71th FAS' ineetol Itabltthrei, the tecvn* to -ALT ghat /it - Noce. won't len yOla -241z. 014. woo Satordoy Wad EarelVe4 4.0earatSresprg44 ttlflolettlanip" COD -at it gle4 a' POmpeeteloo 011 Veiled hie ,ear 3)0 and t'IMD'3, Otardde One 4 (1°4 IPTteroco 21n1Q0'nla,4%411rne,_ ;try reet414'?Olbeetal'W,°')Viti' °a were wettieee o",T cdtinMvaiti Jo 4 Pann-Mtli titeett cco, ,Pfta :4M041e to 'Gott aa Match ate•peoeibk4 late on them !coroner 'fellow°, .41111. the et Milne, Ont. They Were $eat 'want to cee who wee .gebg Ante placesf„!! „, Neeet'that 11 .epOtt.• Ere. gee". 1t Woe 1a to irderaVgitcptv t(1114 5 1Feve4 to te mereha t's wife. Be pettifig the • eer front of -the-oppooltienee place oft In order that the custo 'eTa Would have to co aroued the cotnere , . .... and oce otoe for th• ..021,11a.eate hey bee:bemire' store. gted=giget - almthrar 01-74"A UP;X nP,ticed mac °tie of raw- otta tiOCOT6- 144etDed -60 ary way, he okeeteeocroc ryas just his wag 44 being rmean. Then there Vary J,LOnn not a .---istareeleteTeeleeestlerzeeer.ebeeePtet. 0, 4 411 • et nbottr ,.. Dam= mbitacg (Yarmerio-Ad ;pate) Boys and gligs gralu ,..0.70,5, fro our univervities ate reeeivin.'Well-deServed cougratulationo, but thlit:',' trcoing fellow who remained at borne o operate tale tedeleueel balliges the teem these last six is deserving of, a pat si vol trnas =ea se (Orillia Pocket ao „ John Lewis has thrown,' and assumed' control' ofethe-tion-l'a tisan League, a political otganizati In doing so be vindleatee those who sensed his aims and swoemetit as be- ing primarily -political. ,,Wtith the head of an Americat politicalteety de/reb— ating Canadian inaustrp, this country wound be in a beautiful esee. the exhibition of old photographs, the Bunday ehureh services; the meetings I DIP0LMAIL VI= t r t v• t ott. 010* a. 00rro two n ce new andishiny ears on either side of him, and as he backed out be entrete eertain that,: he smashed into both cars that wi00 on either, sid; of him:. He de4d their fenders and then scurry- -ingtofe he was like e at that had broken a bottle of cream. Nobody -evould-itatow--tite--diflereneee...and,„4 coven years vanity a a meek mon would be sated, the back. Then Pete! He came blustering along with that super -powered car of his, -and threatened to have the law Imes) on two or three because they were i? the masts, parking near the corner. He managed to _get them to move, and then shot his own car- in-Illift- -Paces. ' ' From 'there hevouldr-see what was going on, I suppose, and smoke that big cigar ef his.....,..and feel like What he likes to _thhtle he is ..... ..."a big shot." 'flame away, and there was not a tra0i of envy in my whole system for the`Jobs" that -reporters have. It shoWN nee all the, petty mean things' a p#son can do. It gives you a sick ache in the bottom of your. stomach to think ef how "small" human beings are. The pompous -looking fellow and his Wife wait to see who are being --tlei inst another wlehout deelar. inte - perate, and then go to. churchen Ing war -wen regarded aa treatheree0 1 Slinday to preach Charity. Just as and cruel. Japan was , accused of 600111t ins church is eut, theyll he out this perfidious action at the opening of there all Raying; "So and so was the Rum-o-eapenese War, ' a was nal- I druntgolaateniShteeeeelienteale.,„,_,W,hatY0P.- i vercatly koridemned for ' But now imagntilhhil hnd one tm° ani• e'•- tereeleely me eagle eowe ty, tonere 10 X—i-elo a thief by trying to cteal and conversations with old friends and (Montreal St) aeqoaintanett4, and the !visits to fWe once thought that ja,...fortnal de - Marts of bYgorne years. As for the claration of war was a Onacalo meuee mule folks, .theeeeeeMed to getOttfele ure. For one nation to 'herein hostili; daiefest Joy in parading the Square im n fairyland of colored lights ,and tmonera, and in "dreming up" Sea =king veld:eh in- volve little eiZort or ez Tbe, kind of "old box' week" we ---engtzehTtel" terintelrleA much -a. a small,town affair for an ambitious total like Goderich; Yoshio:la change, and perhage by a time an- other Old Neme Week is held here a dife'emit. type of celehratiom—oittipler bat tee' lees catinfying— ay have ',1- D/eeet Ovieln<1.. „ A./.YeTay, Goderich and ratiron-Ozoni-- ty hod a gereeoms time tact vic4tt, otad oil:Ws-449" vtitiF L'arzz1=2' sian cut ot it taunt have been ;gird lyeeel.: "lb RID) MEAL Katms3 6 • • What a week • 0 0 lit.MO moat week for the young "ume.,-sled everybody gomee.. O 0 0 ."Otaits6 ApOeale to Chineteedots Ir perket Nor."—Newepaezr had - Lind Chrietendom turn° a dea2 eipearemtly. O 0 0 It is to be hozted thQ 0010K4 Io - en the &ware Oilittrot. th‘ tailed down 46111 the enimmer =az= -0702. 1.21 tz keep tee the illesolon of fairy- land' (le long as) Bre=ible. 0 0 Canedo'si Voteereoracteeol le a se of diterimitiotion. 1104 T-"ea'410#itir leap tat -410 teatime Ctrcl time ate tot feeeel -eathi %eoutd ha \Bald to Wel tO 1111 a Itiltell004g!1/ tr01 th.C114 tb19 la Canada, worn t'a1511.6 tab trr.- r • , •0 Et to reported that iNronto b to , Lave e.nother morning eteweeaPe2,. While <Globe and Mail luta "eeteeee (5 IX. $ 4.. 1 ,T\ I L 4.44— enteeeeenteel as a pieta of eke beneficent 0)110140es for her own huebane." y ,Inel.gh...h`Pr. who- o-..1.0.P.Ped ereoztr.M....a- established an oeteet °nal km, ways was a "hoe" in more wayo than , ep; epleac10:42,064maaetIrt.Pb to,I;IN csP 04 -e4,0er'tietesi dteeee' V2-cem,e1/ ci end opte-.4„-eoerelTArogabg„- ;.1 ODO 7130.410it, driporDila.41%.:61.79rClagrrit 4.• 4t14,,I.X,41MODao ,PertOMO "pe'eeeftl, Iu1,g Algt,01 76'„,ryty.-;11' hOtoeerapher With: teen, qzri s eout Wheteeer ;the tr, 61,23c P_ e We „Tenine of o et amateur photore replier Who Uoed hie camera to piee turer-rt=aafflfid -circle, Water mattes In lb journey fer-land to oealo the elosida and back to theland again. This) picture epic og Water began with aphoteeraph of a tiny woodland leeeetheervit=b4 brook, a river, a mightier river with t'its waterfalls and cataracts; the bay through irhich it Rowed into the ocean, the ocean itself, a cloud and sun.beara Picturo. over the ocean, thus picturing water being caught ruzpitifio.r its return journey, and -Vbis-ideaefar -from ezhausts the possibilities of poetic water pic- tures, especially when human in- terest la added. The majestic eweep of water over Niagara Fano is a poem in itoelf but a honeymooning _eclair In thaloreground adds romance. A. fair awienner in clear water' on which oundhine ellitenferi g ere; ateo a poetic pattern. of life and italic .11 poeudo-moonlight ptc over a placid lake of a youth and a maid ise ca oe (a ohot into the leather mar -with -a ,alaSall-ligla -Oen- 2n) giver) a poetic mod to "the _ zi 0 e a'017.„0 1,-44.ereebr57k7e411 :•0712.t•galci 1,tet--74 the petrtr tiotidn.. Teelece meet allheotreted. "Where 13-Qetern-czan41$43.4, ri24-1223o.c.kheMLeoteet!'b rantOTTPWaenleie.OL 4 -Jae . 0 . _ 21o'914.11.02174194.4194.414— ,111 'ttloiria:47-V4411017 110 Et/32;24 - are that vaIe whosel boob., the' light watere meet." . .3Md1esieare your opportunities; for making delightful photoerapho of water sceneo. But there's a trick to Successful water photography. Iltio icemeyeaematteeeofealroottersioethte' --ett ALQ....DiOtated. :Mater lup the right "feel" or tenture. For =ample, it's possible to ohoot opray too fast, no that it hie a hard. brittle look, thereby4osing its eseen- . tial flame of movement. On the other hand, rippling water ,should be ohbt fast eneeigh BO that the rep- ines are diiitECt, each with its own highlighto. • Another point 10 lighting. Choose the angle that givee you the maxi? mum.„ne.stura.,',' the characteristic Interplay of light and shade. No one ca tell eon exactly how to go about fhb; a little experimenting -will tell - you better than voltamee a words]. utteep thlo in mind. Any fair-sized body ivater reflects a lot of light. „Your enposures, therefore, , can be tauter or, preferably, your "stop" . smaller than for ti comparable Um- landecape..,7oh an ountor VA, WIEUITEEl 7 c?, vete gatitt Willines A. Liter/n(0r, Dre? Of' Viell-linown Col ie rne 7ip legit% lehich 'occuieeel re - et /0"Uyallep, fetnte 02 Moiling- -tte- hots tliMady . been etecersied „Ire theee columus. A copy of the Payal- be Venle.y Tribune, jut to band, gives ke report oeetfie Alunerre, for which the busine.se iteueee of Puyallup were ete-e0, and 'the foltrlog editorial ree fereece When a ereat man paeeeo, it is not the family atene that sueeers—the commentty shares the loss with theelo-- . . 'The eudden death of William Albert 'Llukinter came as a ton from the bhle, 4K/eking:the vehole State. ear. :Link - later was a familiar figure to hun- dreds of thousands of 'people, first theoegh his connectioza with Waohing- ten. Stete Colleee, wheee he held a peofeesortaltip and later a deenehliei again as /superintendent of the West- ern Washineton Experimaent Station, a 'Dictation- he held for twelve seearee and lastly through his presideacy of the Wectern Washington Fair Association, which he headed for the pest dozen s 1111A,44,2 • cff, jej,lirfen 0 A nar.ort,.: `n Abate and little OM glrethwIti pre' guest'? -at the ho e of UV, ;on eztya. cart. Mr. and Mro. R. Nuteteele tTeit, spent the evee%-etua. at tizo" hoz- ot gr. num .0anzelor4 'Master Kenneth tfaeLennan 11)e- troit, holidaying with hie) =vole perste, Mr. end Mee, Jae., gacao„p401,, Mr. Frank elTi to a ,lultrott, b I • visiting relativee here, Rev. Mt. Maceonnelle* 'Of conducted both seeeiceet 111;i fP Presbyterian &moll Ica Z. 1144er Mrs. Reilly awl ,childrem returned to Detroit efter tecten0 few weeks with Mr. "Xt`eil',Ieeeeennlid„ Judge: eWbatio the chaseee the Warner?" • °ratable; "AireeeePteet Judge: "Indeel, whet vizi lee 0.Ar Constable: "ire-trie4 ter Devoting all the energies of hio ma- ture yearn to its anagement, was 'surrounded with a wiee bowl og di- gregrertrttumarethfOthremlathio-"minerktitinTIOn°what-ic'ha-t- had grown and developed Into the Mond karma of its ai find yea a tEra eetoalsaie 4 Elver. lie trao heown froecabfr,alree-OffillWeittrariVer a it. talon elithefeir Matter°. _ T and vtleted life, an had heId anamY 51X3f4ixtlyttellyearmioragtorujisti_camBoeja_trn teltarib ha tom teethe vimi_epfeeouth fulen 4441141,flyii2,7sthcarl'i-Taatnal;11,43tr-fifiV-Taa tsi‘i hao alwieyeeeMetgeleith• yei,the , sellz of flee fitness of -things ready to take his Partineeivic affairs, was swayed by fine ideals. Always be performed his duties with credit to himself and to those whom he served. A conservative Man by tempera- ment, be sought the peaceful solution eulties--heeneountere were not incompatible with Justice. seemed guided by a sixth senSe which listened to all sides of a ques- tion, weighed their merits; and recog- nizing the wisdom of Oach, was en- abled to form his opinion with sound, fair Judgment. N'oble character, public and private probity, eociellestice, corisit,lentions la- bor—these are the thinge. that make the greatnees of men, and of these, was• Mr. Linklater. Leading a life of service, his memory will live in the tie4dompilslemet "or Illeilettees Of belpe fulness, many of .which vvill never be 'known to the world. ireewas always in the-, !leant raia1til. of those buikling up Ibis rt of the country, and his eounsel on public and private enter- prises will fbe -greatly missed. The e'esarebar,.hemie, hoe beep knoW for years, de one of the emost hospitable in the Valley, amongewhose inembe...re existed a Tare bond of zym Those who bave shared t genial optrit of. cordiality foued there will have Emmy pleasant memeriee to re- call ea2 the gracioue eaa elf Ur. end- Itenetlater dud- theft eom,, tBilly ntero--bia-ceentor.--yeat-eat_tes, Univereity of 'Whohington next 'fell. 4144 •t, • NIG - boyo teen-oSe atria- studY .7311:2-'1141U17Ca "C-ARDIE)ging leadera in the ca -were Dr. Frank eXterleg," olmireeere---Zeiteeet,Serkweereerejeam 06nzipro-ce ISt. eatharinee, Rev. R. V. ne2.1,142askv * - ,Wiloon of edount Albert United t one. henpecked "Toms" o lack agailinit "war," and co 'pit an end to end to hog !tato other people %) care Isa his ome una, or_ fly v,s6y 02 coo bin vanity. Then (lying he 00e0 home tryine to convince ,c7,0 en and self that he wottedtett have been afraid if 'lbw had caught bim. ome dey "Pete" te colyac to diecover that "ble -ehotal,Ae doe' •omonet-to mucZia.-Een - ean drive a big ear and smoke, an l'enovetems" cigar, but after all ahe- m- with a nickel in hie eeene. can buy eicar. 1Ia011 to to 1,aay, tleadowcal Somehow the thouebt of garlifine atakee4 me think er2 the ilrot teL tk home amt. tanupi and went eottetleg. That wao teutte an. evemt Atolieheel 0 Noire here= until yen dt11111 allrnoot Gee yelirlf In it, had'efee eau emit oe tarrel ray hair TilVittritta-tr:a=ltailima0M-0 .Ilrls*4-•ar3d1---v,ratum0-,--that,_„„xxo. really ptent, Drapipc down thet old eonceediote clad oWiteetref 2owini the rivee r0ad), tecienll'elt tOntitg ale" eletsto 01144 atak.1 bet til4e enieturceereea eereeza. „A--eabbat -,.4e" 4%7E17 p,o,, 'w•telio tintainc at1a.9 ovrer ki tat) IhItzaxact010h2i1iiitepa -41et- bc ttor Poe'tra 12" o -61b- tatorical---Cottrty 't:reg11 ct tp eaoteere nerve to Copt dollIef crxo aroutil 43,0"eltt- tog Po t:*2 tt a:41'1120e tirle ' o 011" it. Rut it did mot put a elaine-gun ere. /airplane tilleTy barrages, deed me Windrow° cold altreebtered children. , . 44s IPLINTSZSMIPM— (Omni= Pr -eel A d ,rLeerta etaeterrite Ate .the deatb of IL R. SelloWe, * dghtee two, to2 to.1116rteh, Ont., ovei, tt,3 wph- end, reculting 2trom L-14:11 travelibc ghotoc2a0,,a-tegitts r flint tr,t: bfaz, 00 Meth a few days. ieeviousto The tTavetlitu sthoterailaph, atud woe aeremeed in a ear that tat - lows. bad et-reired Stt„:? ClObt. tV0-4V ; ffaonaroitate cludie4 q -ere a feotuee 02 tnatiy Capadiele fzt reekiee "decade44 eeee • 4-Ctieee - ' tie iat2cdcipo' vtVg.„-ezit4li camd ttnaeo,ila the2P thO4 art:10110CA citnti,otertID, not' •to a tam= dnthnotact aki,,-%4DiateMotr =disTrAtfa ',teat v` 'kat Camitacm • ',1,-ch'ek t-42.1 mnledlitaltt%Ittailtni,,&oz=Zg wratth- revealW' taitotwa7at: 411-? e2 tit= ana for the 11411eronk. at: ye end' 02 tat''. atillettl` elizate pAttlE03 IaCIV cOteetibeeed, Wee cen,7 eratien. ' 0•••i-ee'ellateirtit)44-me eeet.a,teete. trAta *t= 01,41.4i1One Cad peeeeattio teree vieri' -to Cate tcosotw,r ei4zzaw v1:40 4c14 r,z4t.ot.#1,-Alig tcta •to, liny‘ 114 •ete eedee4" bp' to Chain *itlbt4w\e' titccUo Mot 4L'i,716- mr.st tItotzur, ooz,t-tty 440,0 tael; mow, cig41G1,4=4t,it. ; 2 -Ocht'Attior-eilltat.- steatite a fairle indexteent ut=„ibint-411'. vith W aet that ilt. trA hto . gt io,r-lt tinown that it hoe 14 11.21 IMala 40MC41- tdilit0 04:#200t4016 i titc*"bio to the Conservative varty* ttieir,g!r:C1::°k/a ..211'' and ,it ta, +mid that a morning papr toll%oxv- otiootrvtrarIteetf- __SocVOtita the Conservetive enure vent tee loutelatif Wore -fie neii PiOVIneral adatot. 1140t11111411. Jt".3 made that 'lie' 04.to4lec INOtleostitna Norpo2atIon diego-it 22v4,44vert.2,*a, vroaraszto ate 'that it 4A; 'vIttIttat cttl ictrozacmo on zrt- vtatott,0104tIono. Asa leCue eld90:1 ft uoutd t:444 • tit'.4b. ;4'41 .11'0.1t.'4aa the: eta etattle,.* )?attont (on. ti4*Ilabt') "tiortor, what tliao Ito" laor-:-"Z:10*.liiregl. 141 , &Tate; tptta • . , ff Diu , n r:e gra, t794,,' 'Cm% otO• .11 ttat ' stzt t • vad 414 -0 „ • -• ,ehureh, and Rev. Ceterlee leeslie of moN0412rdr.;. 47010#: E.*• 4priztvita- Tetuthven United church. ediso Ruth 'ti'm Egleetieeeef*temzeratteeewcesero of Lucas of tSt. ceennente _ _Anaemia Huron wee held Wee teday.. ,tetrone• church, Toronto, 11,241, a "course ch11.! feeling 7aa ardiote4 actitact tbe dren's work; Moo Violet Oa:anent, Plating of ottth*Ittes foe beverage; Preabyterian. Girls' 11Voilt Seeretery, roosne 411 iron teed the LlsetiOu ,02 the a.,eourse.on..4..liNuttb_at, WorahlDr1 Taiga .fgef114.;PeAnizeT,:sgar/ gondezumst„In-net za,, limo, 02 the Ontario Ifte. unceetahe Oerrno., %the raatt42. of an: itioug Edueation Council, a -equine -me early---eivgion wao,lecon 3- the Idadeeehip.;_, War. 402$440-1a40-Itteatknip912- Garet, DIVarte- It? -pandit-Oh:1C , r•ie ':anirto Oltergia -dtten': ere beedeeeet gee. 3. R. c- the ,eandtttotO .notalkhatteI It- Me co cama Geeretary „. of the n- oral and Oorieeivietiere etartlea be tcrao. Dasirous PlEnealltza•--Cou,gil, LI, 02 '4=-SitaT teszsmanoe prittelip,e5 end ouzo „on "PrinetAeo and itetholio. oi have a littoitetorytegzerana-togord. Tegiglimten Ern- Itto Atallitcatn' Of Also the 'cal/Aid:Ma galttitto.OhaeintiellY Olarkcort wan' eauiee and catnap mother oppos.ml to beeereere edeme and and john Vergnoon 02 Bra Piton' Bravared to Ottr,,rpritr.rthar frifo tO looked after a> 111111 have the anyktInellt tilie Ltiquor tot' •t. OILID ..N322{g VIESIZ COURT' 1.17.ett.n Onatilee wilth " 0`,0s-47,ci#3 DV= The OLT Nolte Week Spirit of eo .aldezht,9:,arad toe/tote men teamekeeeeMeneeolteethe-elefeloteateke Ceurt Thureday oksolng, wheO BOW ten &heti: _vet itiapimz24. cth wLtroit terg-1,1') oottl- tctv'4 CAltrAVOI-----t72kr, 4 110.-TaG 42,ationop the..te l'Atite.e i.so'ig.e o2 emV122;,ttA ib cgtalaLl2d tazl'tita,Crtar-.6 .c1'2I'vely, um. n..wilB zernInate cin, lizeciplxilent to elott him , ..-, • . WUZViiirtc.0 ' > 'I: A 3 0. r ,046tat .0t* gat tagorelgor. ua laoy. rt. V'. to, 'dab ctill zaiott Psz.040- _ t„ .44,0 Oop4,43 og t46.,44, tp, Ago yrtab ,ma by tbe foot that 2orty-c6.v0n ltlel'el'041213 2or telltale:Oa' e=teleteoa, in the' ,51k2 iattgbatteliii, oluirtz,,mo otia awri 202lowoh„ip taticao tbo toogo4:4=a-cbto,. for -,41111 -;14,par.*#: esentatikr1 .4dt,leiLIV77.'„thq,Vaie te;t yearts..storop t't=iitteo sloo Levee rat:veal, Wereeitoe egos tbworp, Ake, P„24t0asr. et,146. ZrcOra, -61/_ict'Cort,tato',: cnotr.atota, Tind tur,;3 Taotty Wotattrgat5, o (LIM tatoga, on Haravav , irt =tot „ Alttaa r t tam „ i.e. • , „ 3„th ttid ,t,za2 11116, atatlaolity ',/ut,a, litt**ra 42 the -?.1.4taret nate oe4eXretta tees Of the *tee' it teed the dark- eltaY teeM 411Sotct initt-; tette% • , "elea over tnv ohothler, eed feeee tee v1,10,40 4 -fay =0t0 Vi0.•• Dik tovra to aro otr., 111(eZ3l0 .01::104414tt th4t, ittao tab 141 ,masenerte„ _bee p4oly::;_litirpzttaa ot. 41,aatto21 tor tbo ttOttoc .02 motortctiz' and eturtey ot,tb ta6voyc,,. Er tate. ollattot02"rabanotto,',Lavsty. 145-11Z161EIT.Obta Oatado t)y Eiz&tc ebcptor on "Mottoes 'for totobrIi* oOtilittstr•.' .00t4t4z5taelolyigrotrest' ttia,T ,t,14/4z011, )b -Y Vourtee t4111-,'* dorq.121140;it tovoi,t/tat It wog tztu Uolinc Ondivot01b tbcItlator$1.0 4.4: 4/kct's•- 411144%-... matawayel IxttItt=at. -,° for bb Lt tozattil,,g4fOlsool 0.0 444 4440:6 10;4141 dett. titta4‘.14 , 01 Zbit4b: Apc# 10:-=-L1r, o& r traa)r 40; cicit d i- at Wfth oiCig • '15411jiatiP;' • '1,510? v2 a rt. digit -An Vi.nee -21* 11:T.340',44arctil--02 illeoEffs7- wew vAlnezir titvielpar 'Geo os,=nlinc, hi alluBbilo ,, One 4nien wale Voted -„Og3 -and gook; and the other waa 0=1 - cm amdeeeete,- with' cue alteenativie of thirty doseeeete jail. etteilY•Agttier Qmteee Imaimilzec7,,e; pald,a.122te giCO2.43 anfl, 000ta after pleadlee,.Cedlty to a ebC2o/ge of etc -aline 1122ereeter2Weetletzt otore 'at Th2,10thampact, vtaPeill ette,PINe 4,1712,4.. IM4847,P41.• MCP, Zell- tt,9 GDOPSZACZta 143)21, tO areeer In evert the pleevielle tme7a. Oho dated tor cae had teeeeceir.44 and eke ciao um:1We te get to Goderieh. Sea diVellt&redete ere oee yz.z 4en, Main Zogmaie, IHrow- teb '43;ct.,41!):ViSriC 1;2414.07.4 guilty to a e4letepmefeeo 111 121 at mot —alp taz)nf47,,,,0 ,).;• rJ-i'; 00-Mwoh ittr4' Icaekv..', &Menge . oilmen anplatwall ' there ware 02 • nigt14, ptti=arattic eirecalotee a %,s yo nth rA..etitit,;- ..' _T-1 _. -_,,,"11 it2 catio7y ..- 0,4r,rerX}:`, v#:4 (--•-.P. ,,,,, z„,-,1„..„-',_.-.„..„.._..,,, 110 tor # . 42-4to tritnt, Jzzie,, 0E4 tarc, 4r 62 reCivlilik tieSi annt, 0. LI lo 4 n tr-A0 ‘111'02,a ir-tra..rwAr4. 6144,4' vaot azo ram rat, 6,„ 4.*•texztott4 ittelltzliim, Ceeere-40 ez,441co tliCe Vex. 6,111 ,etae*--aYoik--fW Valletta moiled 141 '.41ea? t.L1—.02a raw \"7-1" 1111'4" todte ieate *04, toni) -cat lakattati`oza; Mva. -ec,riiiiota 140, liEuttelelete•0 tielewele reel); ,Atetee IV. rata Ltre. .1700.ca elea cod ottemz laowellt Mar, 1 -Sm ata eettoeyeebekeettreeeeceMarierria, lekterelielvezecc- titeeelreleoaeoeteeeece VI& the foriner'q slater!) twuclaa (204 Cona0414, ca ,Oziag„t114 tWitterot Ittotaakstb41 tbUit/511 licat tf=t- mat, Ot•fw.' 40tur 0011,0ziob. ta%bo win t :Sete ritta:dv:m44r4L:tr .thz Ita:. WM Steleeeeelllotteethee47O1.te4, ' ,rir',ik..'; rs folzi 1.-41:;01,0411:::4:47;;ti. ,Itli jra=,147, V:-.4:.',,,,..4.,Mr. anal , ,-, .7,;::#!, ,. „,,,. ' ."7:44, 4' 1''''"'"......4, 4, Zialltt4 MtItZT41 ' ' ,-Zat'l *tti` 'itaan _, tat‘titr tr-c1,444tOtal4F-=',/ :-V\16-411ta:n.16:2;ab4P11. fcici,°:, .4,..Vt4. 4":41;1;111a1;:tr' 11;01 7 'W4 f,t''',f4) '1' "'`,..-bi'lltaltatto, tx.',' 42 004 cn.,0 f;444W, '44 'CO' tI Lir 4,41W 'ill',11r, ' Vadtr r4Odlo,.f.:. CtitY' trAintiott tot* 'Mkt tacd St4a.t4tatO Oave-'4 =14=. att y4a, 41,:l1t1?iTn .4,...144. taw. tare tarao' ' 04 Aatito etOt.:,t4•11t6 baitailt;••=tora te V.,6 -,r Mete ,'t btli7'.: litt'.: f,,41=.11 4''1A' Ma.- Vz 441101211t41'' t7n,n,', ' t,i,,t)t' ''.61,P*4 teeir Mit= CIttvittarn ttittO tovt14 Of 4110tt4t4C itg4 -40',Vti '140 . C`I•A,,,, ,i,% -:=i 1.1.6.-It.na S•i010. nt•-411:141,004- ‘'t'o4Ity,,,tt-4•1,4, 44 t4et:': , .1t6ittttt. 1:11.. *tat ta ,,-Itet; :ea 1141 ‘4%47,1i&--ta,',atrtttl'-'r,o,Ase' a - o'itttti -,, -cal, te.i, la ,th. • , 1 -:.,-,a•, " ,tciatv,, war, ' . . tw <, vele 444/tee:eke,: -Aeetttetid ent4 ittva rat to to a=n6lataabori 1tttare) crociza t.441 tgelettrader .the iatetelLeee W.1.21 tete Oete eeteeete.41,'qZi4 1140 5r4tOrto tlottidloz4 11.411b11 ott'444, Ck tattitclAt.t Vila vattxtl; 0,',,dtv-s°,) 4' 0.1,c.f&•:-7 11,1 'tae,4'4"4'4 04i11:41t1 ici .11t4 bts tttat= ,•',4..414Co ttt,G;,., fi4tall#7. _ "04 „ • t V"eletree -1-lettattei eora--43otberte; Zerinoto ant.1•11m- =ware oevs, 411oileartar,itIvAtd orzo tE4 riroto6aon. 0 tor,..— Wia tlao 1-04,666. 5-5) T :444 .146 ,4074, VL: 34 etecles ap,p4T ofrn MA G fred' #0,.cAkAya 4-For2 a12(54s.D.re4 eet, " _ere feCte coo= Ise" ete41.-Me/M. I to- Mee) Oa ce-=1. .C14'..Svm , 0 0 *0 1640in * 09 Owe' :eeeetee.- j AS I 01 11,":SP 4 4, 17:781n7;2y aattere SHOLL _ 014,0110N ticpc.fix `1. Matzo MO Coa?Ach AMR EVERY e • Lin7 3:7 . „ete