HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-8-4, Page 7kv, — ,o 41.1k .1"11tAir • ..-: ..--atar4 ,. ,_,P,PiA.,V.,„IM,*SIVOn:' ..,..,411*_,N1:- , Tri , ,o4i,,.,4, 6 .0.0_40,7X0 , ,,. -rAitflrnF:7:,sr,e„ao'4:::14::144.;it'47r1, e , TAm. 41.144.011xo, . 1 togrit,'•, ' , tr.'og.0,07,•, yilabt at-Ihe;,kto Y ..0tV4ria$71,1v-: a • :1*°K 't hir,ot,ty. I .i4. "t 'Or at ' - ' "n''' ' ,nr,E0g Anlv,. Ola.-_, , g„,!',0-, l'-:ZS'.1_C;t:' ,.., „ t- ZO.OL.:.4a0)1 lt!.(0.4014'Oi::40tkot. 01.lato,WO)• nlinnh. -1-i '1‘,.Inenan 0a.:4104r.. e. dt 44 tt?On '. ''tb0, atia ptra., ,ig Nd,;' .(rzatt. 0 I u ,,- 00o1o001i ogl: . o Otv or ..thaa- over, Zore. ,10t Over am; *en, ne? 40M- Odiarrod, ott Vedneadayt 4,att, _of Zatl,rtbfwite.ef 'Arlinette ',01tioacvoOf or tiu, her forteeeth yc1,,lter.:14.04taall. ono silauAtori PeAti ' :011watIVIIIItu0, of the' P-011WA icetttenient near Zurich, 4led July alth tAer, • a e enth'et • illneeei at . the ot fJ*79ne **aro.. Becidee bee U111, nub . aughtere. .- Araoe eatatle, well -Lumen =idea Of 0:44,9,4, Aledi Thutelley, jelly 22nd in .--tntnentgleeleth year. He wee torn in..VelnlpnarrUFWO lived in pirtton —Ale ---`-1.0 year., gor manY; Yea= * ' v. hc-e pley. of the Doherty I 1111 ,1, V - - ' 243UND-1-21,Wpintev---Stnidotonii- 42 -7421, - eh, 641-- aril g* -14t h 0- in hiet thirty-- - --ieWt-Yeae, thellesult-of-a-surestrolle; .'"Inwslra4k=1'';'"Iri-n-,Nee.teee.,Ete„ nosh, the son of Itia•eind laret.., !et ert .Stapleten, who survive hiM, one niter,Uararet. .v 1 xZEZ1v.."-r , 't• • ‘4, 4 10 aat• -"Olaht oNlidvfrig•aa,tue0 'and' Pg(44.P. whot-tant.o.:AO,..C*04 clzIA frege,''CoUnty vas. horn :WO - YO:0,00- NkolAttelil'. 7' Zatx*t *Ado 00.,,orifgalar. of the .,•••;,;a 42gol* Atlant,14 nilt,h44.16„)papoptx„were billorted cip-t4 Mra. ;seaf, ylet117Za te Xlea$1,00 PlaMftell. ?24-Vrt.0101.tte toWn zilage tete. ehlp, Mae vitip 180 00410 :4104 0 :won, ,couPle rgide tIto, 4$40.tioft 417140 idit '1,Pn4ntOlan years agoi, leevieU -Irtkat‘POr *IP t 7J4m,;-0,7•44g• • . wore preeent- at the- reanloA They ';tCa ohOtn 4tHthe 104 e'a Zeove V;aa Cardiff were 4r,s,W 3ntledtee With Mr& ?t'VUte'e 4"1-taYei to: tua 'Oardlf4 Zgorrin townc-h% 01, Vogt' . ate, - og, Teal, Zdtlee Stella bettor glarlad. Aet We'e. ee. V.1*447;'Zittlrn Valikt•tlieir 'only dangle, AlittleTt og, ,00404014,4,rs, TAP tor,oWA,,,o'144e1146.' I= Mita in attar- Iv; of-...44burgiv 00, M. 'ttntlo0dae,,,:of tioao Agan rtnoleonn, oaf :11AliOltone-18L. An.attGe, •Aegotern, and- cC,;011, • • 910 an „Agilereittire , ."7";""=-7:‘" • *0 ,o• rit-At TaVloUa,:;' veltat410%.•... 'sr4, ,ig11oLob -xi - 110 givtp_t04: ".0.y0o.t$!,,.,,t,"0.0. • were bttizi11 TityrltO of Ite 110, 1 Ceeintaltsa, tleh Ate'reriin0 over n ' welt:At; 'Met -velt IT,a,10•'110. 41 %ea.:, ,I.vere.'40atlY, '3 tar 'ne.*.iGurunexhi.9.. , ..-;. him with Seven eltildren„ pin of. whom 1 1111, `eluf athered at leat3t ott' 44:13,7- Ighe timao 0110 rsatherint riboad. S.u4 b0e. fore .aa neat ito,t aa praetif oabie, %Ida, Zan ,t-ptherinc .-ay not epode:es 'a i*antelailellher of eme..but Ono broody' Ilene Will cort 024 :search vet 'the It.oenti, eentainiihree eggs after the darn ' tea veaeed; femme to tattier tate inth0. 41O to A common-n(00M of difitlinct Aleterierce. tal 11111 „,.. eon of Mr.. aed Utte.-4-0'.74aVUon o4 IT; 4 44ailroti,elate Deereit, ACV 01Z aC114,1,01s.:14110 Cereatt<MY Was.Oriter s4t41444'wh'iel AL,;,'"1:76; °04111914 ?-414111111": by lave lee =doer. uitei? Ale richer, eloreeern Via% wan un. 1.,emeitifez too to ,lesentegal, And children midmat-grandchildren. --7-0414eirtenttiVe' therewes AlnAt britAbroo. vbildrOrk..1f. Atr,..,aud Um'. Rutledge, of Trail, prenent, Mtn nntiedne hate 1.1.ned seventy-four years on.lin farm in West Wawanoole two milen West Of Auburn, and he has Innitotnininnnfletintlily.--- Every-- al even now be does ehoren about the ,1111 1111 •i .-iraaL nd /15 opler mud, z_tr4 pavilfmz, able te attend. There ere ten w. made in; Brueseld. V'eni Llieletee trprenuaell al; CiLe-ae,,n • Rev, Gordon A. Peddle, B.:A., w4,5_, -utgiot-ez- into -the or.., A rae---027 Clinton land RaYaeld Prieh.Fterhan churchee_nst neteig pkozabrari of HUM farm and only, a few daye ogo he held in the Clinton chureh. Rev.. W. A. . . etoeited four acme of wheat. veoen, ne _first nettled 94 nN farm IOnnin ,con_genaeneleandeeerator Presiielern, ipreabled azar-ipe" ; Riatlikne had. twenty acres end .R.e.v. artelt et_eaellgOAL... live helfeter_laileelghtt'enve, all eared by , teeRedd • h Ani414eat#..,ag_phrl emit:Awing_ his. 10AgeTifetime.Th inv• .6; It 6 41V' 1111 th 'Br '15t*'•rr F. Itt=4.,,,, , oar •,•-:1,4013-1,%sciWozy.:100i, 1/Ail, Ile tvittrafellot/00. ' drove homes, and with hordes he will .,.g....m. aelna LI 20794e2r.1 Stay. He refuse a to have anything to n of„,4--e„efteeneee4nde.— -- ,--- -.e..---, o -_,Mita-vaisdAP-_,....14,raii...,,iiiItuaezln,ZY, rE°. "evF4-atig*i__L-Ts. Iasi -a -iota *at- liotuadon_ off Iiiibr_'_2't.tif'.eae_ alffiat twee= ,lne: hAtone. 'OW, 9.,• A, .442/17>Miniii:ea' friA it a fteiregre efeelilneesteeeffeeeeas- hisfeer Mal).P.W • ' 110 EtrItted44.11471,,, TA a, r.,72e4DM glTaVt; 2-3Vtr -tatz," 10=m eatileb It 41 4, - r2v WSW -IC 7-f• 111. 1 1.4 tt 11.11, zgerifez-.6, - -Mak -."-oteasnY. -neodenavennl-brOthe ens and sistern. Winghtan has angered the loss of a well-antowtt resinentniti' death of AnaoEll‘beth Weetname widow of the late W. A. lohnse who vaesed away elenlyjeeth after, Lthree week' Ileeedied- -11,-er -Sever., year nd had been a ronnident of Wingham for date years. She. leaves two sons and -three daughters. Meemeezegm—roPtireenteeneet A quiet wedding took plate at the manse of -Waltop, United ehurch when Edna Isobel, dangntl„.of Mr. and Mr.o... 4•11. V V 4 1.4j) 1 411111 ,kgram",-,E,rr,i1,1177-4, o1413,10141.1.11411 _41114051.1.1.1,nt, TO ey TOO() THE LEADING FUNERAL DIR'ECTORS AND EMBALIABAS Ambulance service at all hours, day or night - Imo/nig: son.vm 21a. • RICH eir „ • ..IIVIKeetee Maillialmee All calls pronnetly attended -to day or night —AMMT.THANCm STEMcg.-- ikaamez: StAtee Dee. amilton Street, Goderich • ' 1 'VA CM it 1117.111.1.1611trid.1644;rAd It41;;W FAcetty0 71, .Govenioen of Chlea,gooand iour claseknee,„„,ele. ;HU terse Misses Anne and Janet, been of an atinenatenn to Wegt011,. Mrs. Angus Bates of jug about the fa borne and Mrs. arty ,,eunn of Van,- and reading,• an couver. -The funeral took lilac* at smokes, eafotth, oars ago he ) /k/1711";:' 1,11 , 11 .'"131 It' 11,1111 4,4 Inure IF.Deetwe ' ' the " Sunday sell LE tarr _ -0 , -Ellenezeeechu frrb.9j'apiOy oi Peter Dlecbert, jr., of Llite was an. Oran the Illindi line, near Zurieb, had a and he has been tnarrow escape when their residence ties. was burned Wednesday night of lest' Friends and r week. The re was caused by light- i reunion birthda ming. The family of seven children i RC-, Brussels, ., I Auburn, Dungatt,i escaped with only the clothes on I their backs. ii-lisi"Of $.1"n1139-14-- ninnInT4eh- - - „„ 4 - e ,i'tincileeteeavedebeleieeezreace. . A /earl es., 11129-42all'm °us9AF,'1,- Salgi'll ee ' 1 Aleoute "ate- eeperSons, Chili - ago the Diechert family's barn was — dren of the Sund achool of Lendes. destroyect, with a large lona. boro United e en, their rentst Men. Dlr. EhltataZ.7 '''. friend' and t nrs, enjoyed their at Wingireeni ififnutir outing a e _park. In the fienin ette wed for pasture -for live ..)111r. Chas. St art, Sunday school seven, temporary none which pro - Hon. J. A. Faulkner, Provincial Min- ., ister of Health, gave an address at superintendent, assisted -by L Council met on July '26th, enth all BropheYs Furniture Business and VIVingham last week, on the occaolon of pastor, v. A. ardiner, and .th::, vides access only to chickens is built • 'Undertaking ParTon. Mr: Brophey is merly controlled by a joint stork (nom- program of spor t i prepared to serve the public with tine the handing Over of the tempitel, for- Chas. Watson g an afternoot0; . • 7*'';',.-17.7.-1.1,` Mee% gathering 'ohead -14.11Adotett in the cOoleat pare of the. cellar if. no other tool epot Is etallable„ ps soon an rethe ,. Egge ehould net be put in., the lattee're grandmother. Mrs. Hor- . e eneeeneenneereoanea 102 ruallatelyi_f _this i ton wat? here for the week. returning _ _ _ can be avoided. . The ideal containet Monday evening. . for cooling eggs to a wire tray, A , wire basket itEi the' next heat, and Ilor- MCDIDIEt E.;" 1117 .'""/m‘.11V71/11SIERED haps the most Pnnntical. These ban- — -- ken are ordinarily eiZePeel-kor•eale as - - _- ., tmsto slayer eontatnera. 1 GODIORIOli TOWNSHIP, Aug. 2.- -040,tacoo.'66 Le4rxe . I Mrstpy , , Mrs. George McCullough and 1111 ‚4 ,4' 1' ""•l'ei-Ven ;,-,4714o,1111.t.'1,3 atliP t'01;4's 471 ":ferf 111 41-7:370-ei eeee:et,t-leereee-Z,,, ar• l4111Veel' atar4,,t).-oa*tov AIOIbtO•'=".a.00 g?..7anc4,441. 01' 11-W VeVe41,41ose. 'the *eteeVee%iVe iUtVeVIA'cadte WIttich 12tr;r17 tr,,:t.",4 movor,lz 4.atotlir, -111o, 4totting.rklane 13 "Jr fMl" titontillm - into .11-ro, "a a poi Taut, 04.,Toroato, Ill 11tci of Urs. Walton's father -7,atld Y. to igt7.:-0111;,„t rap LIOYd Berton, of Nb. care, motored up on Thursday and oat On Velatteee beret' They came also to attend the- funerel of the Int .jeglea 11.1rOrtOtl, of Godeeicie taron Riutto. Otrattord. spent lekidttay aId part of Elaturdey her nietero Aro. DV Moon, of Toronto. 44 olneVittinn belidaye with her mother and brdthere in our bum. ServiO will be held in Leeburn neat lfatra at 7.00 pen. Rev. G. Wylie relbeethelereleelierzeke------- Zslri.Landr Dirs. Franklin ',Horton and Mr. W. Moore, of Inntowel, were -here on ThuradaY laet, for the femerel of ,( ,rtf 0, 1 4714,, .0v• 0 „ eat ptto. _. to' otv, ,ttz Wbzt_ ;)t1Th':.,-tfltotO iEgi 00404 kaa-44t01**-1:A4b($ ,lae:t• =pion go, Itx,or4viti,1 Oritarto Zlialater 'el'AM:g1P1114.4. Somir% 1..a,lurine to jutto ird by or tutcmatolm.,- itIntll the lad,,cesiton, of the Ir.ter,vgla, 1100, 00 Act tkozAtell Qt417 to Shim% Go many roorts of cattle itelat3 tilled Or tthiainiied by cavace Oita W"ore. r*ItTed 4tion,. tUr,174aratiall that tit* eIded -Almlittprnowe bet. Inkzcktm-duz4 -11 areEen:14.-"Riiigel:0-etstat_itetieV30 "regireelleont ,reetceteere.-Sumbe :en range 'than ei *i'-ini-othWilele, and, the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. if a few a No precautions are taken, Puller. eaeee gram or clever range will pro- Mr. and -Mrs. Dave Elliott and m. 'Cli;t1t d the day work - e enjoys radie, ither drinks.- nor superintendent ot I of the former „ , an for Sinni-tirn !lifelong Conservon4 fives attended the rty from Trait erston, Meaford Nile and Godee • onn ..neeeneeellennt7 vnelngrowee vigereuil stanch- with ti 'Zs'inehly - vet r- and- '''PereT minhateam -a4monnTif .L Old ex. Speirate • •••044,0.1 t,v1 II 1 ' C ••11 provide conepeneetien for Om* cattle ownern, the remit belt": "The Do Tax and itkive Stoeli Proteehon Alet, which eleerly deilnea -the lelimnatOill- ties of dog owners end municilp-alitien in mere Onnene attinnain are Tailed Or injnr . Whether or not the owner of any dog killing live stock in known, ale -iiamtattvittv ha which the live steeti were Med Or !Oared shall be lie to the live stock owner fa" the amount of damage as ascertained lier'estoek -valkers_en.no - the. Plgotntet1P147.. in order to collect, tie. owner ipt notify the munielenlity within- forty. eight hours after he hes diceovered the billing or Injuring, and the cereal= must not he destroyed until it has been seen by the valuer for the munici- pality. If the owner or the municipal coun- cil is dinnatintied with the report of enejatenetbey men newel to the Minister -of Agriculture. the Ron. MM. can Morahan. within thirty -days of he VW". 11)14e,appust 3W made, resit, and the Minister may &Me a valuer to make a further investian. bon- The -Matt .ot Thisenninere.1410 it AIL 11111 .111, .„,4/111,p1(11. , Fee • 1I• itEn7c7,) le C n'• •••• JeTeeeeiere--ieezeeseeee: _ tent, awl amount on the damage done. ______ enen dud wee annual, &van win memo, Is _returned_ if the meal — forneited A' the luit, feetrieyettedeltheandellese-Robt,-,Davkle-ets- Predetirten-, .etbe sexes are son visited teteantly in Brantford Pe" IA If no live stock valuer has been ap- separated when the chickens are from with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Anderson. poIntel by the eonecil or clerk of any municipality. the Minister, of Agri- culture, on appifeation ef the owner of live- stock, may name a valuer whose *evening. The program was in Om= repore shall be filial and conclusive„I Nam Beth McConnell and was pro. It' six to nine week e of age. The brooder houses are moved to a clover sod area on whinb, there were no chickens for fat leant otae year aed the chickens are confined to a yard' until ineenoaxn.ebertatkene,„_t_teeee and four months of age. They are tiontrinnoned to e range •on which there -.were no chickens the previous year.; A pas- ture field or a meadow from which an early crop of hay has been taken is ideal for this purpose. Range shelters The August eneeting of -the W..11. S. will be held on Wednesday, August 11th, at the home of Mrs. Harwood. Owing to the service in Gederich on Senday afternoon, the service at Pinot' church was withdrawn. , -evening- the - Union Dramatic Club held a most successful wiener and marshmallow roast at the lake behind Robt. Harmer's. About seventy-five members were present. Hot-dogs and marshrmallowe was the menu. Games were played in the Ct3273M 14err, tatAnor ilarm211-37, Manr.d ZaInrod. naMrliOE4 ur., of Morden. Man. are visiting veiterethe--tattert-elairiteie end- aare. Chan. -"Fowler. , Mr. and lam Enytnond Flunlenna and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Crosier at- tended. the funeral of Mr. Georce Noylore on- -Saturday, Mime Helen Slather; of near Dna- gannon, has been visiting with -her cousin, Lorraine Mennen. Mee Atemeeegliprienennti toe' -mo„ .Inch and Bobby, oefieelMiTaTe"--ifilt7 ttlitie Mr. and Mee. John Menary. „,„,,k,11 .1,,or toe rn 1,:teft n few. 4 • ,••• ••• now. Mr. and Mee Ben Comfort. . of St •'Ontlnknitneeeanidennue-Tai nef-latelfnEteeee -14kWvonieliTtiFtrir'-___e.., • ---nntn'an Meier. Harold anti Venni IlaIntle. ittivid and -M-Ionenenephineenae---, .Allinter, _on: Angootine, visited One day last week with -Mr. and 'mint. 4. Clifton. The W. M. held their meeting In the Innen Of a notnal evening on Mr. . Clifton's river liatn last Thursday the _council being liable for the cost oil Reports of the award will be for- and a social time spent. vided chiefly. by the oirin. At the lettantinneasewelleasennanuntelene of the' metnitinnilitelt-Wannn-WiTd warded to both council and live stnek owner. Copies of -the AO as outlined above . . can he obtained by writing to The iniventock Branch. Ontario Department :onnesiostrueactelithof twwio;t17.fielet.ntaia.4eriparlovaindde, , Terietto. t lint. light of a huge' bonfire. Tin» evening of Agrieultnee. Parliament Buildings. oneneeeenteenelter antinedlow ample ven- will take the place of the Augl- eot - tilation for as nitaiiibirds fer- Width' "ncentenen - en -en nonnaneee -,- en -. . 4. e.'neie .,.. .. . .-,...----- .roosting , epee is provided. A feed hopper whieh is protected with aexoof is loetated near the range shelter. If ----MWNSiFEEP cOUNCRL FINST WAAVANOSII ' around the feed hopper.Water the members present. Minutes on supplied in. troughs. This method of Communication from the Depart- laet meeting were read and approved. Ateenan Brophoy PaCC,171311 To An Boya and Girllo -,Every .Huron Old Boy knows of • -pally, to the town to be conducted as Fe oroleialinitY enleliprise. --- A plaque was- titioeittatin- inenaory of the Inte Dr. 2. V. ,Kennedy, as a ?result of whose efforts the nucleus of the hospital came into being -thirty years ago. nyttr24-00 Nee& Broken by ara . Joseph . Spears, Newt& township Ifarmer, is in the-Pahnerston hospital - -with a fmetureCereelr, the result of -a fall to the barn- floor while repairing a carrier track. It Is supposed- he took an epileptic fit when about thirty feet above the floor in the barn of Walter Horsburgh, with whom he was employed. At the hospital it was found Speers' neck was broken in three places. He iG completely ra- . Onel,,ee Girl'a Rade Bed= Miso Mien Heywood, twenty-three years of age, daughter of 61r. and M. Hector Heywood of eereter, is in. Vic- toria hos iii hal, Lenden, in- a serious condition as the result of injuries re- ceived in a Motor accident at Kincar- dine, where she was holidaying. She is suffering from a broken -back and, ereflou ititvrital-ineuriese - Mlose-Hey- wood was rid -lug 'on the front fender of an automobile when the machine hit a bump in the roadway and she was thrown off and the wheels passed over her body. liZerilB of IfInm to 0330 gell . Part of a late shore subdivision near Grand (Bend Is to coma under the alter - in) hastemer In VIMACILICI9 a' a court order. The property- le i7enown as Beach of Pines Estate, Limiet s° an eriginna 'development of' a leo'ronielli tely 5,430 beret.; on which Detroit Interests erected a elebileuree and zi munber of emeamk, .00ttages. It is right In the cleart of the • well-known t'inery. &Wel., eat. against the property was obtOned by A. a Parrocomb, of London, a land .Carveyor, who worked- on the original layout, The sate ibae been Get for Octivber 42. tete 3 11a.ffi UNDBRTAR:'ER Heron Old Boy. Graduate Goderiele Colletiate Inetitute 111510 WEST WARRitN AVE., =TWIT, MICHIGAN gelleeletee Gingen 11556 &(:), Skove 19.1, /6' • Itt 0 ErPr, 0 It3 #.41\1" 0 Li4,1.‘4.uf3 St4,a,“ Seawall Ladtte-6,eaf _under Mrs. .1. -triftY niembere 131111ebrecht, nob10 „rand. also sought -ginreuabl3 of "ParasiteR• - - enjoy their an nal- °luting. Sports There is every -reason to believe Control of Aseannerno Iftneetiea out a eprner of 4Itte park in which to that serious outbreaks of asparagus beetles during the cutting season, such as that which was experienced this spring In some parts of the Nia- Hullett was providing for the cost of gore peninsula and in Norfelk county, treatment in that township in this could be prevented -if a__ regular prae- school section of all school tice were made of dusting or spray- children by diptheria toxoid and ask- ing all asparagus patches with an ing that East Vawanosh co-operate arsenical after the cutting season is regarding children' in attendance from over. The early injury in done by the this. township. No action was taken beetles which overwinter, and there- at present regarding this treatment fore the logical method of preventing' till further information would be oh - such injury in to reduce the popula-1 proportione aPply-Inge _fin ..the _folkneing .rates _of -taxation seem. tion of overwintering beetles to very I On motion of Beecroft and Ruddy arsenical nesn7 014 appllina it tol struck for the present year; County all asparagus plantations. The app -11-- I 541) ming, and genera :school rate, rate, 6-4-10 mills; township rate, cation should be rep,neted when and 3 8-10 mills on the dollar. itateeaY• where necessary. 011Deestling,--Use an 85-15 lime -calcium is a reduction of three -tenths of a era will be pleased to know that there arsenate dust (85 lbs. hydrated limel milted with 15 lbs. calcium arsenate). To insure proper -sizing the dust should be purchased from one of the Spray companies. inezen.ine—Use (1) 2 lbs. lead arsenate and 211w. soap -in 210. --Call water; or (2) 2 lbs. lead arsenate and 1/2 lb. calcium caseinate in 40 callous watering is preferable to allowing the birds to drink from . springs or 'creeks, as thine -PftrenialiOntle none= tions which are favorable Or the quality furniture made by interns - 'OW& . tionally knowirfirms. He 'han•ta Eidelweisa Rebe4 stork of spring's and mattresses on -hand- and._ if __what you want is 'Lai stock, he will be pleased to order it were in charge 01 and supper was tee under Mrs. -the noble grand)t Mrs. David ,McLevia erved by a commit- , Free. Assisti was Mrs. hi. Do ranee, vice -grand Ilton Members of th Clinton, Seafort and Exeter to sq ton reunion. Tit curt, and the mci program of spor MeEnnight, of Et The. oldest were Mrs. ob fleaforth. and old daughter of 14. and Mrs. Oliver Iliott, AtIrobed. Fat and thin eK,i went to Jas. El.„ by tifeinnion F Olin gathered froM • Wallop, Atwoon pd the annual 134... r4 were Sixty pre- ority entered into over which Glen ter, presided. V 11 _nut -went present , °clean -bet, 4)-f ejorie, -two-months- honors respective liott of Atwood; Geo. Glazier, 98 Bert Glidden. dent; Robert Ca vice-president, 0 phries, of Seeefot 1211,73E2HG iMAFEKINge Aug. and Mrs. J. W. Alton. London, spent the weelt- end with relatives here. Snne Glenn, Dungannon, it visiting her aunt, Mrs. I. Cranston. ,11,1r. and Mrs. P. Shaehleton were up from • litanaliton for the holiday. Lliee Sante Alton, Belfast, is visiting Ut. and Mrs. Ernest Blape. tries Ruby, A,Itoea, Wife Wee -holiday- ing' Siete; return ho. e at - London on guitar:iv. 'Mr. Milton Naylor and Irvine, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. lanoen171111111116-ne.,-e-e-, eve, Joyce Glenn, Dunnannon, is visiting her ermine Irene nenary. Miss Vera Dep.:et:by h,elping. Mrs. 0. Erritigton on the 6th of Wavranoeh. Mr! and 'Mrs. Alf. Armstrong. of London, were .up for the holiday- ,to ' if 1 I pounds, and ds, of Clinton. , f Clinton. is preen- pbell, of Sea -forth, d Mrs. Wm. Bute- ' in secretary of OW • , • Matialland 0...clIC C.oz=e . A 70a 13e0pLav Zpea water.$234.86; Joe Kerr, trucking, $819.74; — In order to "'educe mechanical in - S McBurney, road superintendent, Golfers! Maitland Golf Club inn jury from the spray rig to the mini- --c-im," ; Roy McGee, hitching tile, $2; vibes you to visit the course while' mum, It is sugge,sted that the „spray- ,:,-,;-:„.• „ .4, you are in Goderich. The nine -hole ling should be done from the top of f,';"'_'ne.4:2u " Stewart, cement .$2.60; J. ;0792. O.lomushecr, glare - In Western Onterio and the ratere wind over as wide a strip as Poc-giblee• ,,,L the eanalloTvtell the SrpirfT'wiallitifttrae zulvel111:12, oil, $2.20; cGohlanne, yc,becigrativengi on. droacdhee2,kint,aCir;oaRe-d. course, is one oe" the most beautiful among the most, reasonable. A we)..1 meat et' Agriculture re conducting a township chemical weed -killing demon- stration eteetieeel.„ Owing to the ness of the season council decided to take no _action in this matter._ _ Another communication from E. Raithby, secretary of r.S.S. No. 5, Auburn, stating that the township of will for County purposes and one mill for Township Punnooes from 19341. The following accoupte were -paid: Elliott's Book Store, collector's roll, 55; The Advance-Timee, voteety_ $01.68; A. Rollinnon, Auburn, po- lice village accounts, $77; road ac- counto--Obas. Bohinetin, crusning, equipped club 1,ciouse and luncheon service are at Our disposal. let* *Ili be. miming one of -e -veal pled. aures of the week if you do not pay the 'Golf Course a -MG% - • Pariter: AVou're not afraid of valy home, I elie-eitMe?" ilect ftond ,Tto, Ion can't atop 1 too eOr 14 ' 9 _ El. 1 ham cufilita 4rem terrible ennatipation ninee, the birth of, my Gra taildL 11.01cd everything. Vert reluctantly? I Wed. your ilLnelTnate with no gonth, iz it at nil. 'inn& to my turprice, It have not hadto- tate any =lid= silica Vilna to .tr,;-0 Apr 411—Nra. orb .zyre Mama oilireao on re- -1=3*i,- oora• gation taanall dee =cats low' in "bulk." Zeno a Afg,-1t11A14alpplica thin me ed voif'4AgggitiggietituTI:1=:A.- formn :a cat n`tana,,rpntly (Vona= Gut the ,n9nterai4 also futentilotiiit..atain'll to ton o up the int'nliteni, and iron for the blood. Itnjoy Vain fentad trootdoti ot inn'' Matt t14-113.' azd ;with mint Or fittgoo .;0.1r ctott -44 ttoi Ilattatzliar.114M Vruar_VOn'tr, LUSA:Intl 6441:14e4 tay riolioqu • Long, narrow patches may be sprayed wholly from the 'outside. Still an. other suggestion wbich should matte it pooeible to spray wide stripe in Ott an extra long bear bluonlall be deed and that part of it should be told above the plents bY on or by being art. 6, 1:35.241; T. Robinson, checking road 6, 131; Wm. Irwin, ditching road 6, $2.40; W. Scott, dragging road 6, $3. Coundi adjouraetb tit meet again o-ri Tuesday, September 7th. A. POI: 111121RFIEDD, Clerk. S1" • ,002770 MUM 2llueo I want to go beck—oh, yea, I do! To walk erne ore by Huron's bine— Sit in the Square by the °mart Hiouze shade, Where long ago the "Grasshoppers" played. Across the Infaitiand cm -driving go, Or else in a boat 8 -long in -to row. if with Could return jest for a day— The tither I'd no and the,thingo I'd (41,7! ino , at ray , nendoor, eereemeeloriegvi* limit' friends nle And my Old Renee Term there by the lake; fliOn lay euitcase in my hang take. Ituron'o tenters1.4te, eee iron GOOa. Phoro bgrAde" TOt011artAls9' croon, Arad visit utaferger.lteti places, To crotch felt dear trememlwred facies. Ola, may old illotiao TWO, rtz all aglow Volit: X94 and tille feleltele 11 notel to know; ' In just -one Mine Weill it's "there bp— I hone you latelv net forgotten me. OLD-TILuzza for you. Miro. Smith rushed into her living room. re. Smith—"Oh, John, I dropped My_ diamond ring Qie my finger Lod can't find it anywhere." john (ealmly)—"It's all right dear. I mule across it in my trousers. What is it that always waine with its head down? A nail he the sole of a shoe. \VS\ 5:0 ,tAVY4 , At, A a 1 1 v -v -a2 131 mazOmmwo0 ONCE VIK10 00 B510 0 , 4 t 7.7•44\ -IL nen ',nen! ne e' At?.. 1KAI Dalicloup Table d'hOea =oak modareealy plceel _ Bradest 50e. to S'1.0,0 Luncheon Ince. Ono S1.00 Dinner 41.00 to 41.50 Also tledezed a la cone Rican. Use Cavadia4 Maii4:4a1 &vets )boy Orders or Safety C4-4a",2Plag12. ••••,0%=11111A n'en7r-on , EN fun-packed! (LTs at jasper -33A a gEorri- Qua dip each way in the air-conotaidoned comfort of the Cordivacilad Lisziricd/ That's what your 2 weds vacation °Oen yoz\-8onlf. tennis, Gstai g, swimming.' ridind, tagElloc or loafing, vsolthI 1 e informal hoopitality cof 1 Jasper Park Lodge as a delightful] cod& background. To matte the MGM of dab year's holiday — visit jasper National Para 4n, the Cagiadiact Roc -Wes. ate at 09= Part' Lod' IrT;GentrlOnwinc ted002--- meat. Accognaidecition 650 gm*: frai ath r..217criave,gt 245=1' ° (LOVI DADIL, vaCMC,=.11,CMGED ILO ,C1.30116 Meal agent =IV Asa, forcaloA yo= c:;40A "6.17=211 Ifolormodoo oo Co Pomo, 50154(00. Oa. Pez can, cpougy coo4 p=cao k7 .0AMa ettLV VEEI V.P7. 041 GigiCLWVE %JWLtN N 0 trefarryttla FR tgt • 'Zf"" ( • •--- • ._•-• •I‘Wg0,14,5 a ITO 1 Sle 12 W-Ih gdgre , Do your Painarleid while tIlso . • emcees f.3 firm 0=1111 L.,,,Lig A,11.2e--- 2lta will -give your home the glow and lustre you desire. S our IFeniranam INapilay W. . 1B3llacillotone H --6. tieg BreadeetereirGegieNalr ' 15 -If. \VS\ 5:0 ,tAVY4 , At, A a 1 1 v -v -a2 131 mazOmmwo0 ONCE VIK10 00 B510 0 , 4 t 7.7•44\ -IL nen ',nen! ne e' At?.. 1KAI Dalicloup Table d'hOea =oak modareealy plceel _ Bradest 50e. to S'1.0,0 Luncheon Ince. Ono S1.00 Dinner 41.00 to 41.50 Also tledezed a la cone Rican. Use Cavadia4 Maii4:4a1 &vets )boy Orders or Safety C4-4a",2Plag12. ••••,0%=11111A n'en7r-on , EN fun-packed! (LTs at jasper -33A a gEorri- Qua dip each way in the air-conotaidoned comfort of the Cordivacilad Lisziricd/ That's what your 2 weds vacation °Oen yoz\-8onlf. tennis, Gstai g, swimming.' ridind, tagElloc or loafing, vsolthI 1 e informal hoopitality cof 1 Jasper Park Lodge as a delightful] cod& background. To matte the MGM of dab year's holiday — visit jasper National Para 4n, the Cagiadiact Roc -Wes. ate at 09= Part' Lod' IrT;GentrlOnwinc ted002--- meat. Accognaidecition 650 gm*: frai ath r..217criave,gt 245=1' ° (LOVI DADIL, vaCMC,=.11,CMGED ILO ,C1.30116 Meal agent =IV Asa, forcaloA yo= c:;40A "6.17=211 Ifolormodoo oo Co Pomo, 50154(00. Oa. Pez can, cpougy coo4 p=cao k7 .0AMa ettLV VEEI V.P7. 041 GigiCLWVE %JWLtN N 0 trefarryttla FR tgt • 'Zf"" ( • •--- • ._•-• •I‘Wg0,14,5 a