HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-8-4, Page 4- ". . # f, • - t *Ca Alt X.1.) ').•girtr.010." ,r-) , #Z17•-•Sla,:f4S,',3 -1.4`;';°41. ,„C.--4 . p .., ....,7 040 _it.,,,r, 41.w. Mt.: .6,t7A ta14.1, lq...4Z:0‘a, <•'.-*z"?t7m,•-. ""•:',' - :' M0:...4•V:4-a0i„o, ,2 Z.) r,C, 'Vrv„!--,C('"CV . . r, . ..., . . .. . . f_44917,7rftz: 1.#,',"t.!..:t2t;t'e,._,I,,,d an 'tl'oo• ,,•.,ti --(,„r..,:.,;,,,% 4 ---era o14W444,-,,,,,,gb,..-,it, . atu !Ao.t4.itpita,,,..1.1,..volare,tc7v,p:m•-' • tizi f.-t,`.‘tr,f,_=4,) 5,47.7-'-' -- , crA -, vr.4•41:1 till,',1. r.,77•4',23;p44.4.7„,7„,1,,c4;3„,,L1•4 ,f74.?„,,f-D4 rioni.,rot..",, t:,t7,1 4 , 7 ,w: .,,',,k tt,,...._, e..4 tt.4741 c7:4'p '.4 6tvtut: 401g0, *:# .4":1,,,,,. -0477 t±1,. 'bz t7-4 •Oovt•n0-..0.4%1;1 at _ ,e2e44,•,,11-c,,-.774,1 0.A W.gr-1-444-„.1, ,cs4p)A- . '''''''" 9.11r PIA, -"‘"C:. 7,1,17,,..;04,:-0 #1,10 ..,cf• tl.7..o it,,,Tach,,:r .ef the .5re-414O 5.r.t•T 1, 'VP Cl.'! m --4••A: tg- -. -- . - .. InCliZa,,,: •,, ‘rizt3 t4-: Mu. pY. PPred 14 13501V , . ,:,-', . . . • .. ,,a,,allj'' D. M,t tna itatl▪ 'al C:".`,"''34-tattr= a,ltr,X1 14 ' *-4.,',41, 1r41,t43 e'llr‘l-Z1 elt1 ''.= eg RanmainC Uclb.'' vU,b CO ' M5.1.14.,r, 4745*.:47-.-4 ina (,roil. Msleigh =nes:110-, 00 eVitt. 12e ,F7n---/ L'''Z 0. *_.\-4--e'-'4':1. C;`- 14 t,,;kP. E .,=A hold -02-the "TiettlittvvAth.,140,1.4-14a° e`', e.).74qi,Itiot, 'az TM/74V Tala, at Pon sserta4Y---•OO:K74.. ',- ,1rcei'4: . .0. a" 111 id ga*-0= cT-te-a r:...it3, tp,-_:.stk:4, e tz, sant drama,0.4a^t-01M*.al. ids tT..•,,,t(7411ea ,Vati..,=.1 .Tmtti.t.cr ant Va'oing to life ia,ttp -pro-=(* 02 4,7,0AD _taA P. c=c.-',..1 r.,44 e.2:o nor 027., wt. Imr, qratt =ID 040 aipikialtrob) clapp m .t7, cz. m,,TA. vzs34, 0'''''nu Re4t171 it.att'a. 4 ,caLliam )Dm.,,t .4, t1.4). Cepr,41,1t ='ef'..ng ant to fail over the bo‘lo at C -n% .4,0 Pariag e2=1,,V,Itt3 ant flea Maaty,-7-'t•-•70 CI neV401) WAD tlgaSte MIRCIZte W.' 140 CW1t4 It:74--it-rt • 7!' gat= C,T4=6 C•42 ="3 CMC'ir,P of shota,la the kate,,e3r4tnd andt emo • .ttS1z7a. ff., czall. the airdienee- 0.7nVl ,-ahe' htt.teev airmalotr .,qt-`,1153-,-.4tig*-- 1/4-toract,, -mora--Map-oza4poit,3 C 444)yo .im: d' 414-1„ 17-xl,--1L----4. a er...3 02 00 God,. 40)4110,0g0.141 Ckle"'41= tZationz.11\e,-7-7274-tfAM, ..1,4" , ;Mat the Great Mirk e•tn, •Ce-*..tle4 5-:1.1V,5 aaa Matta' at its To le=n the-Pehea.' ita -041preasion aZ a ', rp d... Car'tl. Tir',. . TM= a-4 itt'l ter F=' -t. left by the beautiful 'htst 40.13;Otefigi 2e33.7.117 Co tile*Trg-Pl.faz-littsiq,- =Ire a -the de4th,..,00-410/0014--4-41=„1-- trotrtliffOrgt, Ct*,- caw tq",,,:o ca=w 02 me tiftnnY COalli gt0.4Pbt.p"d0tM4 li*PS7 • • qtaItIti0(01 " "Q $11 it I; Ci a MN SIGNAL ,Thaaa, f.41) 4fIrr 4TA,H T • C,41111644,1 ',1,fat mwa' br :0! VtI teL'::10V t 40P.7 two, et, e.3.%`4 • "te4e e42 • hat:0 ,?•ir•• et4e- ONO% 44" .13 74 , 044% .11t4' t4'4''',.0;t1t101'e t:zy,{5 V21 (ttx.a, 41#'" Co. !the 42-$ The .ViaCar, etaltt d 0aer tLlt"-e tdellOr0 eg,tke. ;)reZ en* Oa theY t1Pr VkAft14-. )14M. -.41# CB ftey PiVhc„-t4.1 tzrz, 01;7444t-'4% h0PETV he'14tr.d..,d3 tnt-. W:4 her ('*410..e444., Lyraae•iit .th07t0t,0,70,t0'4t41, " •10toa an annerzi, *antra' w•titg With, met, those WOrtbi t•ata • an.d. /4•03'W'p 1114 ,J• a aallt waratu gaz w_.1.q v..--_-=. Er.0 moray -2013r Yotat1a t• -10s„. _.an.49._tlhe 1malr:. ,Mg alui man. no evrioba =au= co pm...1- cram= weep io wrOdliges One a :the -41 • pA .r,--, t.71.,„gwzr a• 4e._,_1,,,. teatthoye ere -saver th ,naa Ora' 0 o tun it!" v44. g 1.4=ig ' 4 7r ha0 eZt°11151011110, *13: "-kiwa-wwp.:;4,„FacjeK, ' tzta01011.4X4.„ Pi4-tea-6, It'w.„ tlie ezr=23.. church With her small staff 02 nun= t Tative misty IG:31w.o. ragit= administering with patienee.te IFeter,Chiiebot, -wa-eniz-et itieedo-nf '301142erlail iseldiero. '-'1PME1--tttr4914i4kIttOn'latal0:101171E3adil centaur -In -the •World-WaeWltErTZ4.4' 4i.at:M.ttnIt'10.74-"ta:t ha had- two Ito=1, eifirfallT041-11ireoir - entemt the mzs, itILe,„,1 aux/. ene 02- war upon the natio s. The girst, Acme • 11 'pletelLan:_egatheazdi. E7,3m. -11,,ott errp• flained, cntd-,-c4: iumsoldierorrostPtettetleneezcztortin _ ala taaaa ca,7 Tv.ire3 L-3 ; Vita ot„ arater-the - , alltaTakara were intradua, 4. of? gay singing "It's a long way to Goldthorpe, vioa-presideut ve the Gorl$: Tipper ry." Then, to Prance, amt.' be - rich Twtting and Rbeing . latoiL fore 1 4ving for -the battlefield; ras The Ct.0:71,Zr 1/023 et 2. 00110 s nging'and horse -play in a little anada-azi4-4,0ant--tto- °tr.) iica,%34,, wow (44=4-74 Pg2Za4.., a. E. TiCIA„ ...form,er-Orntsantral, -41 ONT. 'Ur4.a.e-441.0a .10b. 6Ptb; • fig-,1).1.40.Sa.; Or:Z.:4; 111,,rc73al,C1-#0 Vaa 4.tZ'jI tI' ii o2•)71.0tAI4: • .iir- iip• ,Z17* - t zIx. 0t*pt/a- 04-ttttka • 0 tp-Vaa, nnablo,;10.;,att;•:,_ c41)4 W7' ':41talP17.0aPaa: 4140tt 1.14C*firtit.M- tti6A.31 > " 411ft TitL*4#0..4.• 4#, a. , •01 kl#11 , 4014+104“..1,44..., • 4u30, 47,1 . • ,T -:„-o4 " r -t41 c4vetf• 7; 4"--1 4 r) ts .. ,,,73',.•.,,....,,a,,',% -t -o -e.:) --,74,r-74 -,,&2.4 . .... , , 0 1M0 00t ;4t.4 31.1011' SSC gq11; the aW: ttan0„4.-..i012 CIO „Pall 3 gtugoT L.41 (t' no -d- 1.3z-'411: 770,cf- entongo •tto r-tj '42 great 0,i4 -e'-'41-0Oltitt*t-- 11 *Ought (.1.4a7w0t ot) a-dwelt:fa Cad la144u raajau. Cy .4 neV0 r I Oa a the to , rco,PopQ 'Etb lunt J1` -togEPtattolx atm 'y,t470. .1:301FTY ((.44EM•9; -$,Z7arSorie 4 aft..,43 0 r-144 .1,!Tzf, 40:41ga't Op: ' 0-AW1 tmortttniiV. at14,0.,wAsT .P .i1Pommsoltr •t*,74.4r_ra,ILftlr,?, t'ammt-. Vurov%1 14, ,aw.411,2t* rglteid4. and - • 0.• 4-Arglov. • 4.-Taa.AP-traT0.410rthalet(arci,741a,„ 0,,,Meele0'4.02 the earA. bott _tht VixP 'Q04.1V3,. -74-`4411, Zit t.C,11117 141' 1niteil#01 014 1411 0 Vel4v” -Weir P O47Wbring uctiOn4O, the'',perAvtion -,vbileb a attained,. • ----r\-47430;70gaiimiltot4 • GAMOW, Chalaraln a E.. NAIRN ; munsugg ▪ 54-311114, e. COLq, a .• 'Clt410 Vat.L ,r4 a "yearb...:„.tha 000 11-7C'30 RIT..tte.ss fjpa, Tecscir • - Aithotgra tparantd tiitd". Other oilier VP4'tle,a-bg conspimittatpylbeir ar,esree, ,•,:,h;..-:,];*HP14.- 'IP- -after the Mon ild.r.!:(1344t1E.t.W. g4irtu za-ditet, thatio th es tSrlivare. Tuesday morning to particiln pate , e racon he 7..r, -charge Atidetie _taient 'of the next decade -, on review, and quallt„,7 and van - the* titr rAgtVAtaciIttt gamy .owsito were* 4._. ,,, ' ••ceirool. rim in heats, co great V720 the num. I tr,,k,:iatS•qung in ber of entries. • • =Ms ecRi. 3.,,3! ' as felkmp: , , MiaMenp,3 ft,,,CciZ %4, 12 a $th ,......ADOUsr-ZearrazCattlgandettialgle4, '' ' t,' •„:,-, -" , ., , _. 0 I. i, .,N ,,* d i!3I retnembe ,VrtrV Of the--puplia. Who ,t7.011.,t, 7 liOnt he menti Ay_ fsio -514 „4.. I 3v 7C30, am alaiit ) 1,- ' .14,,*1 ..'4. p e glivt dy, John Liforrgoak yJugene McGee. v. 6,10*. 1.),, ,_3. rx ak, 3 ,.- Itom•S rks; _ .*: 1.4't 3‘,. 4 4,,zriz, dila irriff-ittlic-gi-ar;iii_ r , 011, j mitz pi is; , , .- . 8 i. , . All 1 t it' 'dir i 4.-'0''', 14,,, ••• • ..• '..• 0, , A, yLe at . trer,',IPt ..all• -that-,:- 'ilk... -• '14-04.:„Ts. ig',.:Lit+,.y., - ..., ,,, ,t)f, „7,„.. , ,„,.,,,.,-„. „. r.:7-: : t )1, , , :$, I . cr- , Tiaia Eight17,1:n: I:Oar-L:61;17 Brad * • '1,,,„,, .._,..:_____...--,e- ate-,-,...m„.tiNw,r- ,---tutitt.,-,..--gftsw- ft--2---cavs,ioni.„..--sciakientkiiitithitriOequfametiirefiti ' 0, It ..146,.. '4 ' ..14::-1-... 04 a arLI3.-- -040=-004‘ ''' . .C.'-.'• 144.7..--4-1t-'1714121.--1. iffreneTZra-..pernartable-912.2 1.'117 by -ltlwetve years taidlinder-40110,01714- in ,, lar_tirot 41:1:1,04 t.‘...0 :to ..t.04.1:, ,_ :,,tititats4,,Itzern.4._Lrt 7.,. 19;wgia,„1..-1,..---1,,,,,,..,:g-z)4027e-oLiki:ett,„,,,,t ,,,,Ofze.ece,,,1F4w12,,,71 r,...01* ,,,Q,,,,,,i_t,.... ...,ini.....clintfw_truEilio-1,71itiv_,Ekta..1.:_r..-...;,4rirtxi,D.,74ittp onalat-i7Viebtei%- 12 -,zu 4+Year-ra - ‘, . • - 0 _Ille.„„p,elittifion.,,,,M 334.11_14_, ....late ....---,...., , , • -,....„..,, _ ...., - t .3 tii Ir!&'..1E40617" .-g- 41:117 hO'ustaTfar the tabool, of lovely.fsam . -e-O2a4a-za- .•e talp,onder Six years and under-184mond Pur- ToTia ''.e.!$:ers Who ',have bean eaTugnaed Pkturea Qle, ihinefts olizaatu am an amazement at the comforts- and dy, Max Spar, Ewart Bradley. in Oallitmat ,,c1.111901-- g•TIA...., rag. 3 .W tBEEY Prin .('‘‘)tZ13 aMILITPrOlt n'tme• fralellatnen- conveniences of a "Modern cebool, me- Eight years and under -Don Sproul, .. tatlop*usuataaa In yeaala Of the calling the coil mornings 'and other ,Billy„,Xewconabe, 1. ob' orris. - .- 14.1-a,a4f,t ...,,,,' -War' Liree- and' liehool Club by the palest- hardships ,siid , ,.,,,, -..--nt 4 4, ,4:i ' 4 fifOrWiENSSe 1J4e444, Rif 9. .i, rdy, a dressed the,,i3ex..7 Ten years and 12,11.4er77.-Al'ili SturdY, - ainacalliargalt-rePly- -r'' ISIt°11°171=3- pupiliu briefly tuid MISS Sharman read Philip Willis, Gerald Mere. Willa '`.11t leeems to me this : Club a a isbut; that Mrs. -Sturdy !had intended Fifteen yews and undea-Jim &m- ount eanalte.,put up gainst any one in to ping at the gatherini. The Song ay, Roba Hawthorne, Eastherson Wil - Canada.. ; am very proud of our was entitled "Central School."' The iia Club and 4 behalf of the --atm& and reading mao followed by a ladebyry of Vilarealegaeil aseea the 'school .1 talle much pleasure in- Central Sahaol prepared and. given by !Fifteen years and under-aErni recenievinpgiettuhrtbsese wpericeturestun.'; in the kin.- The whoa' wan aunt In 1856 by the ford and Robt, F. R. liedditt (Nellie 111aeVicarl. Salkeld and _Billy Burp_s„ilack- Tu dergarten room. , r. Storaehouse then introduced 3. Alex. Hume, of Ottawa, gold medal- list at the aehool in 1914, who was the speaker of ;34th,,afternoon. 11.. 1 1 7 ,1 - r - op= Imatty -and- f the viderWas fataia 11 1.07 aawa. ixtiegc.z, Dr...metal oft=o7.a.is?Ville. CCM Ufuldcazaof Zrarzala and 117.,1r. ma=2:1 oZ Coartah, ‘rime-hapaza 31-7. HUM-, her, Aand ZMaliz3 of tom. chileoat, Etar)11Rowe'Scaell-tanar.at 2.072/fi ..caerat41 the oaSkt- 4.d heat us, • U,:0.21-2'titit e_thish el the 47.„_,wi. iwrai the a,lr thD thelmorite tan lag ot1C-Ca 1111= er.t6=1 woe fou.t sbrted, The OX4,,ennt g;i,,u the art -P47 4tg 41141i ••••• Jl (et sra etaaS tair 11 --------V-arer'' • _.,, i • tkee_eo_eq4r4)14_ ' to the L -W.,; • hail Waa a, so=0,41 1 . 4442 t.,(1*Bh r-214"0.. 400t. Cl.`;'',',.;74' ia Mo e. -.T. dr-V41Z3'h .4,gtit .141. '$.1.t1/4k24) 'at:=4.*;) ?•S'' cti;ka. at.‘2•1:, " ViLd times --• all th CO tr4;;a....c..,,I,Y41, trz= tt4z4 vas talk C.t,,V'VniaW `il• tam fillt"'*4:7't , * 0, 4 the VZ.Z44 czo4-74 ti 00 . 1 r,"414141 Dilltgn,; Zer. '1743111,7 MOT.S) ; 0 1 essgiO ra#, .... ....... tk,trilbiltt-atk E.T2 Czollatm 10121a.giras) 0 o 0 '30t33 iC31l1 1V1 '-1 1:41r.obia et.-htss, ;4Z Ct13)' 0 04 0434 041 C -C11=0 Carr -3 . 1 L .11:tx=rn, ..... 0- 0 11 act= alca 0,,-;-.4a, Imam* c:24 -h) C 613 - -V•latss.4.115i, 041; 0.11.24.• • • eta• .3.a tZsv r7',577r1V 11 0 1 r=.* 0 11 vorD, il II O' e loound4Fasad they leave for the Shells !Crash,: machine gun fire cra and Ur bravely TUDh into a h st,M, ring as they go, soe . never tO vise again as a voice ,sive 'There Is. No Lleatia.'° ,4•--"1 nem for-oli-liti4-40-enti-or-_-eilaiil;_ to brighten once more for the grand dinale of the thrilling story. - 1,,,r4 unia--and-John Hull were _to_the , fore o the hug,e assembled cast as the pagean ;came o a, close with the sing - Ing of Ithe National Anthem. IRINI‘114 et7 MM. N. (1011132Lall'inrifl; -I . ,. •• quiem high _mass for fhe-late MTV. 1 N. illerOmette was celebrated by Rev. Vatter11. T. ralion at St. Peter's Ro- man drltalic church on @tidos moral-. i g at to o'clock, and, the Interment was In. ColkOrne R. C. cemetery. Me 'pallbearers were 3. A. Chisholm, 3.3. Alt*Yes, L D. lacsallne, iX: Sc2rey, 3. 4141, 1 thl.z.......-4,-,.....,,,-,......r.,-..... 'e a ail mt. les Of ng GP rk- taro a(cmith) ° 0!JE11 a44 .... .. .. . .. 4 0 dr rit5Lratr-&4.10; 0401/5, 040)14. 0 2 Psr; cavz----, tgatott B J. • , thit.•11 .1.y 1. - - A- .Second Class spelling 44 .11 in which the folloWing took -3 was most entertaining: Ann 4rtele, ,, , ' lie Bu 0,1 maws, iftm:-. L. i nook (Margaret 61 utritay) ; lam 1.,i e,,,, 02 Denver, Col. ( wary elark) ; 11,4; ohn- sten of lessext Ont. ( Elizabeth , 1); Inii-Siiiiiiis, Mrs. Roy Sparlint, (Me Warnock), Mau F. ;40d:a a sop ( r uth Hamilton ) . The, Words, aTthough prohounced Most distiti by Mae Sharman, were tricky (Val niza: Ifa ear-oldS) and tWO rounds (leek qv the inners. Numbers of unwel .1 sug-• I &MAIO= came from Iris Wa 44.,...k. a;ds exthe aoirklwito 4 ete ofatoeimili_ar_the"stralr _intavs" sho_ tried aa arkr. her. I41 her ear and at the . came ti .3 • 14.* ,p, It ,. a Soprano vokps blending like water and good target for the 1 she oil. The MacVicar, Nairn, Sharman, 4:4 prepared for the °male , Strazig kia,igiadeal"-uamol- Speiran girls Mrs. E. C. Lawson (.11a. ,lis it. ;the vied.w„ith 'the boys for a place in con) of Clinton, a, forwer teach* de,. the Musk, ffelds',.and rendered a new ,light.,3,- the class with a eontraiWpolo,' Praksugegivi, 42- "Carry Me, Sae to "Lang, Lang Syne." 'This 114.4 fel- 014 Vid.14.1',33"1-, • '' " owed by a few s.eerets .divulgell by . 'Ewa' violin i selecilleig, 1141 o • 4t-ji• „I'AttirOZIPP , ° o :health,/ tve gem* olcItsr.r ;c1,:nc;4't130 anl .44 Rac.dtQ4, ogiu,torp4tt,tIv44- 44' Zilt747.14,0 tem) of Mrs. Zurkt4,' IfzIk4 13v-4„ sreitiev:m1117.64;41aVir.#41$111a<1;lt,011; 41.tP1 ,by cP400par tlqtur .i CjtaTatc°ja°'170'evertelr.Ve4Dritila' 1"1*fly.La 11.;;444,1!:1.' ataillyde lel Itio7;". g? tevlaliedt biteMOio bh tgeTh14 15 alp or her anzietY wbenatba iatt* ea ta l'\b„ vember b,y ehoonevOr. ,41edealeh•. "s toxraentIrtgroutoe true! The iTeosaastItt.1,0'4:110011:140tetao.. Two months elaxed IOStfgra she htaad. of her mother% safe ,artitral at ter ea- stination. The rallwaY WOO pUt through the year she left. Chtkrelz. services were held. In her home, condnetcd a f3tudent ralvalona41 and clutrzt21. by an ordained ciergyptala TaTa.- ..ray built a school.hOiar);e ?or the child - pen at Itilind 111Veir,,,:rtgi the teachem :Ma triaZI_Oner 4ig,„ 4.11.10thilmhed, was the .miesioaary. AZ 1010, TIM Warnock, by herai e apirit tett haspi- Witty, was a home. nulap,ionary lataaa day. cod was usas =oil lamps and tallow -candies -light - ed, 'Enet coal .44s the. homes. Mr. Murray owned 4:gln each side of the agit:tuitc pre- vent the 'sale of intoxiertiWg.liuor ",""oTo 0._e 41,43,4„.4.0%1 thererand, o vessel waS visaggreft-alavittriivo"-oiat bAtlipv,°: said Wiairseek;.-.'Who-iteiretinitr. , 4 highest terms of the eaployees in the employee of the -milt, 'Who %writer alstainted-pollee- magistrate Bre-was del,(Mmotranac&Palitztigituristo_-after- moth 'Squashes *on prim at the Paris - Xposition, the Chleagoi orld's 'Fair and at Indianapoils. - By this marriage there' were three children, Stanley, who died when thir- 'teak/ears of age; Grace „Wysaatia- eer Gana), 4--Wankiii, and Iris Odra Roy Sperling), of Durham, wife of the C.N.R. agent there. During heti long life, Mrs. arnock has travelled eztensivelaa She spent three winters In California, one in 11,5, 1,4 e Florida, and one in Philadelphia, and - Mrs. -la Nerwich,, Pails, Brant- awthorne, Chas. Wig late Adam Maeiricar, Mrs. Redditt's and, Chester eNall. grandfather, and the keystone of the Ten years and under -Don Ainsi school was placed by John eViear, and John Evans, Philip Willis and T ther of Alex. C. Maelricar of To!. Knitting, Wm. Ltassard and Mery ronto, Gederich qm By. The build- .Smith.- ing ATMS opena- in -1M. MM. nritit 11Zmes ditt lso showed a book presented to the late Neil Campbell in 1651 for general ---pfollefeney.- le 'ford, Durham and- 1Winnim. She has spent over half a century InaGoderich. le Intensely interested- in all that tends ed to the welfare of mankind, Una In Warnock hae given -valued. service to theacimreh,- She -ter -a past president 01 Ce.:....„fin Mama ethururdx? Mr. 3. A. aeLaren asked the chair- ,nueh man why they asade the seats ac). emaller nowadays. He complained that he expeffeneed. _ttell more d culty getting to 415 ret than ha had in: 4DM/1W yeake, 'ra r" Tr,r6rIelralrain-M€2. hninjosu-o'-•Thlrealiteti".114de itil.V4;$,---WIS'rTharl.-X-El. Datil° (liaraet sor 3. C. Robertson a Victoria teen treaded to her by &Iwo rinci -Thenato. ieroice-Or tO higia statiOno Effe. Iron. 0 were follow4m, by a lecson Ott in cut tite.141,0 _Bev, Donald Ilif'4.7,411tErar that tire Zito:70A v7he GiVH(.0 IV, which Earo/d Williams, taile1. to-- vv. Millie• -although- - t mistidO, -moved oft -P Caky ,*130-,... :311 11/11,caLti aassa_ as. to--a--zpiza--";1:, tawny IAN. ;$., g; ti.• a -41 WI:a air frir ; lb" Cr01.--d12--(111$040..tdin,s- 401r1r0 othe dont voligorker of cgort, EGAA-*. hio by cartooning `his class-sitte In inmate 41cderiell4 Eilah 22/443°1 face 'Ls fortnite and t.gtrias 44 ard irtg'fashikra4,,,; troundp 41U-474...row, Mrs. Andemon (Stella Speiran), of the Gaitteript ItitlAtt3 ee mor Ottli• =AI yOnt 14tti'11',41 WOO airea tea? -C1.= 1114tVlit, IrknalValli a hearty ovation warm' laugh Salm MacEiwan Iaarahltit# to and Inapectine 3. C. Iteacota thenbeccid- oPche 'ealat11414 1141't2:11 AJ:rlactr°1113 of Nasaton, Alberta (Laura Bridges), nts-remier of Canada, ' deitsdi bi4orfal ' &Dam,. old =gam hoL= to-ta 0011,' VIII.: Upon an4, dint trat eine vas doomed C113117 -C35 41a4dt1l'anat44 the 64411114 with fcar.two splendid maaings. )31tapht had. appamillY, ; cot?. as ‘a pair>rgellerl-of four-letter r41141,130 *44,04;474-M.P.towow%/7„rtretp-41.7iitte"0„.:H rwiitarzttip't7catrz%;"',4aralzt*Zrill:a.gayszcz-tal'I' tiftliblED1131k-<iirt:34106126tCVC17%115111121 ; $1 durthg .3 tamp ti4020 C1141 .104 -11.44. -the -e-tze•-'.7-that-Earelacaill 4-te Add -thtbuigh..4t0-ifr.iititArnrat, the just Aove to be An gairhst toe' ilre-e4aSet, names of manzo2 his formkt teachers. _kaduni. btne.0..„eztb rayik.sa.irgiuta,„ lata.$10.,27,==.14, 113:trz,old, 4evant3Ttiv. that the 11)xigkniz02 zsrt mect-,-,-,401,„.tyza__mtc-/...katzrzetto-rgrszota mincarz.z- trli7aftra40-9 ,V012_44.1“41'. 1/.4. .19=11.4'94 Llia Wilth 'Dtiday afters= programs t„ no. cony?. imacom-winitkm anta zia,%-zat itkeinsr 4..aag,T toccattoz, r/bitt---titer their glace at &a tst ecteezavcs,g„gen ant a aat/-34a rama .1124211'1161. ts-oi '.C -21=4:4-16V:= 113 at 02 the class room and Oiled say love you'litriaer Mae tave r,r day. Mrs. More (alna Spaiiranh ofst,) 24.-tompop =mg "Ten Ibie3 4r-lat to -Me Wers-SO Dear" arat received the iitleeditoof , the catherino, ,t12, .112chman,.!M.P. for Noath Ban,' /emu Pithoeigh, int a jprgi. _citzttnil tiva,r440112, imreziiPureciatrutloa'avipacio-Graz-acitzazia. from Ma, ac b liitoWt, toWnship at Orange Mil, Where. WO itather Wa0 the teaehee,,for- ova, K-d4-ty.. 4. yoc 443 415642p,,c,Ezemiragir the world •today Ittiat-cv-ertot 1110 di- rected to the initence of the i,katelle .Er4 tta. otvilalen ttat bat, kr#2dtliro cn=rtil tnpta 1-attiozi.aa all <Imo 10, sw __ttreroztout.-.tto . Vorklinv-tzazo.apa GUM) ez oztr t itaztietedro,., ,zavirt4 30Ter- ea, t Y 1 4#. ty.11310.11.0a E13, tit .... s -,,z --,z„ . tauG_,• %). . 3 0 0 ar elds" ,cap- ' 0 2 111014 4 0. Goa* ... . 00 0 ants Crt*..:Q.;..a., ..•44 .urAV.132.0 am), .., 0 0 4 V3 t2.)co 1 ` ;•=p tt17:=4.1) 4. / • t,P....*;40400v114,00.4 ..1,104*.; i? 4 4 .. . .... , .1,04,4,,,,41,,,O 401.0 . ,‘ • 't taa"Do „ • • ',COMM aaa-• 44/1c zto a- tto- , .7 cw,0 cat 0 cerfacc,4:, Att2111104424-Vatl L%.747 ftr' ,464442;tilitefct4KI,,y:_t11;aii-thiafizotiza: *tot pm to. rtlitto -• I V irpt -w41 tAt-'1,14 trarlf!'444 0 i- 4 5)1, _ , . WKS • •. - 4 retr.1 cv kIct.',0„,:fatt:‘,4 ct1D 4012:11r.'.8, c.aa til'Aat"..O.*4,• • -1 tZ „3 it tao 02L -741(4v 411ezo ',Laivkt-1 pa*.r, warp ,C74ta Lao, litZta',G2 ra2a1.7.,:la* rtta * . VatIor Otie.112.=, a:Catileat 'a •tho Mratim1 0110 toy& ,AL--....41eatiera %1110 zl'op c'ealt.41:r14zak. • -46 the 1r44.4 4:112 the s.111 totenil Op , gat- ttat el Me Pt*ti 113 Zito_ tv tizzu paid*, Itov. tip? latawart 1*1 Itrulgila to ttv Atayrt N4t. vitla 4;e'tpel and; at Zvi ltliad 114‘.-a Ck-val=t adMIC4trea Zor tabu =73 Zik.,==ru an&the late Mr. ;Strang, at- catictl, -itto 1=4 em,s, tOpiptirs'ea Moan,' AW4 olIZ•tr4t,ro, 410, tOott, daft a SttartV lato, ' it-4L-izttatlo•Iiatl,-tt;lrt)-ttt.t „14*1 t711 I2 -- 4).4 Otttt'l wt,at.•tea ao. tz-,o tto 43 g,-4,„st'a* 4t*rt oit_ltd ' Eight years and under -Don Sprou Cleon Young, Boss .Sparks. Twelve -aatrs and under -Don Pry, Bruce I -tattle, illy MaaDonald. naa aaeza Ten year and under -Don Ainslie Philip Willis, krehle .Mac onald. Fifteen years au* under-Harol McGee, Mince Beatti'e Jack Tufidord. fen „ThIEUz_92? r).:a1g4 years under, twl round-aBilly Burns, Dave Orley Cheater MeNall. Twelve yeara and under,. once roma. -Rarry ___Vil_sesthaaola _John • Holmes Frank gameollim , - Eight 'years and under, once round - Leonard lactlie, Archie Macironal Jack MacDonald. In charge -Starters, . fitoneheuae $St. George Price, H. M. Shackleto H. C. Pillsthger. 3udges--11r. W Held, 10. 3. Pridham, Rev. D. Lane men Lindsay 0 0 0 of the W.V.S. of Knox Presbyterian 1, church, and was privileged to present to the Rev. James A. Anderson a Limoges tea -set trona the congregation, and a gown from the Ladlea' Aid. -She is now a much beloved member , of North street United hurch and of the W.14.S. of that congre dun. d • A IDBIU \T. es e, AUBURN, Aug. 4. -Mr. and- Mrs. Rola; Adams, of Toronto, are guests d at the Auburn Howe.; , Mr_ and .11Ers- Wm. Dodd % a Toron- to, am visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson. d, Er. and Itiro. Donaldson and family, of $Goderich, were with the latter' , Mather, Mrs. W. C. Roberton, on the n, holiday. . LIE and Mrs. 3. Taylor spent a few J. days with MT. and ,LIrtt. 31E4 atai by, Mr. A. M. Robertson, of doderich, win occupy the - lpit of dInor United ✓ church on Sunday morning. Zeilly and. ..natcp Erta9 rE,elly, of Aoriatul, who v*rie "alatiting Mr. and O Mrs. S. *W. CaVter; have returned home. , Miss Margaret Doble,' a Toronto. ^ Plilelk the holiday with her mother, . MriP Wm. 111Vbie- £3o. JBLCheSraey and farally, of . Seafor , andl Sanning, of Londesboro, visited nra.,..,L D., How- att Tionesday. ,I1ev. W. Mani% of 00rUMIA, V708 in the 111111302 OD Monday. , Mr. arid Mrs. /Uttar wd, of Lan- don; called co MI= 13. Blair on MOM - day. There was p deb larger turnopt fo the girls' crams on Wednesday morat.,,,,,, and. in*est, ormalretatftya-See :i.c6 that almost eyed` raee h41,4 be dividedAmdun ttItO &eats. Itesult5 'were as follopo: 'roar years aa uII1411211-11idelb trait flag, Noma Beattie; DerotraY Ploggro Six reora 'cad; untier-Itatie Cab hoign, Catheeine, Optt, -Beta ghishole. - marmit yearit n 3; unider-Volores Ye •*, Dorothy -Bradley. Barbara ) „Rai, tJ4, ,1: 1 yeato and undertt-COXIIII0 01h1.11- dy, Claire Blasst, 3oce1ytt aerrigan. Ivo years and tquar-..,-,Manirme Sturdy, yeLorna Smith, Map -swat EOM* 111. 4'.1116.rat, '.s.,To and under-.4.2argclre Eanamonsrl, Norah Barris, Dorothy (girt. , • • • • • 174Ut0 and tridpr-Vaney Gritz, =la 010ep obtotz3 - ,011814 yc44rt, av,d, tuadleiaaparia Al- Dez,509, -Brad- ' yi.;aro „ 44' utdor,--41Grtrtida Etattie,,itmt6 ar4r470.4,1tp, Ctrairdp.. #141t 3.. yeiird atd',.0124610-114111tatt thitholo, Lt=ailEi 14414 Noraii Bar- rio. • ' 14,0K:4. , " 4 t40 aitirZ,V ' 71ii2. ptaIitLtiata i4tad',6zr,,IXaa •Ooms1-0., teridee V40, 1-11.10&41ito Vifte4t1, yecia-tue-v4-411165 tna wow, ittikvoi0 Oram. ...mchttivo:47,=1=ttlf,:a.14-01,iterzo—,,cateticatik440 ti Adnier,-.13341.-ti itt:welvt 'Years Oa- titt-t-e0 tazll'a - tultvy 44::Cvdpitt 131Potti. 1 :),,--- V4ro --a,t0 tztldritt0 ta ••••Ep;.:,,t.-----''''-'-'—'""- Mattit; ZThrtira -4Wiiila, Itvoti` tfrzai. %Wog ye= aird tandeo-puirgaitt: at,aral. ' • t IL ati::40.s.,--7i..,Vt4 Cair4Veltlth trill' Matta Ytal&aad 4:g4Slik-000tlikkant 1tii ':).' A. -,.........4, .,. 4 _ p. z IN .1. ardl DI gig Rt.? infat&ati= ttds.- * h. Db.:7„.1120 r Ai* Itrauta Mauro , d.0^,41,3 Cat.Ta $120 A1d :it'IV,Ao ta'atAtatmaollz v'CO