HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-8-4, Page 4-
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#Z17•-•Sla,:f4S,',3 -1.4`;';°41.
,„C.--4 . p
.., ....,7 040 _it.,,,r, 41.w. Mt.: .6,t7A ta14.1, lq...4Z:0‘a, <•'.-*z"?t7m,•-.
""•:',' - :' M0:...4•V:4-a0i„o,
,2 Z.) r,C, 'Vrv„!--,C('"CV .
. r, . ..., . . .. . . f_44917,7rftz: 1.#,',"t.!..:t2t;t'e,._,I,,,d an 'tl'oo•
,,•.,ti --(,„r..,:.,;,,,% 4 ---era o14W444,-,,,,,,gb,..-,it, . atu
• tizi f.-t,`.‘tr,f,_=4,) 5,47.7-'-' --
, crA -,
vr.4•41:1 till,',1. r.,77•4',23;p44.4.7„,7„,1,,c4;3„,,L1•4 ,f74.?„,,f-D4 rioni.,rot..",,
t:,t7,1 4 , 7 ,w: .,,',,k tt,,...._, e..4 tt.4741 c7:4'p '.4 6tvtut: 401g0, *:#
.4":1,,,,,. -0477 t±1,. 'bz t7-4 •Oovt•n0-..0.4%1;1 at
,e2e44,•,,11-c,,-.774,1 0.A W.gr-1-444-„.1, ,cs4p)A-
'''''''" 9.11r
PIA, -"‘"C:. 7,1,17,,..;04,:-0 #1,10 ..,cf• tl.7..o it,,,Tach,,:r .ef the .5re-414O 5.r.t•T 1, 'VP Cl.'!
m --4••A: tg- -. -- . - .. InCliZa,,,:
‘rizt3 t4-: Mu. pY. PPred 14 13501V , . ,:,-',
. . . • ..
D. M,t tna itatl▪ 'al C:".`,"''34-tattr= a,ltr,X1
14 ' *-4.,',41, 1r41,t43 e'llr‘l-Z1 elt1 ''.= eg RanmainC Uclb.'' vU,b
CO ' M5.1.14.,r, 4745*.:47-.-4 ina (,roil. Msleigh =nes:110-, 00 eVitt. 12e
,F7n---/ L'''Z 0. *_.\-4--e'-'4':1. C;`- 14 t,,;kP. E .,=A hold -02-the "TiettlittvvAth.,140,1.4-14a°
e`', e.).74qi,Itiot, 'az TM/74V Tala, at Pon sserta4Y---•OO:K74.. ',- ,1rcei'4: .
111 id
ga*-0= cT-te-a r:...it3, tp,-_:.stk:4, e tz, sant drama,0.4a^t-01M*.al. ids
tT..•,,,t(7411ea ,Vati..,=.1 .Tmtti.t.cr ant Va'oing to life ia,ttp -pro-=(* 02 4,7,0AD _taA P.
c=c.-',..1 r.,44 e.2:o nor 027., wt. Imr, qratt =ID 040 aipikialtrob) clapp
m .t7, cz. m,,TA. vzs34, 0'''''nu Re4t171 it.att'a. 4 ,caLliam )Dm.,,t
.4, t1.4). Cepr,41,1t ='ef'..ng ant to fail over the bo‘lo at C -n% .4,0
Pariag e2=1,,V,Itt3 ant flea Maaty,-7-'t•-•70 CI neV401) WAD tlgaSte MIRCIZte W.' 140 CW1t4
It:74--it-rt • 7!' gat= C,T4=6 C•42 ="3 CMC'ir,P of shota,la the kate,,e3r4tnd andt emo
• .ttS1z7a. ff., czall. the airdienee- 0.7nVl
,-ahe' htt.teev airmalotr
.,qt-`,1153-,-.4tig*-- 1/4-toract,, -mora--Map-oza4poit,3
C 444)yo .im:
d' 414-1„ 17-xl,--1L----4. a er...3 02 00 God,. 40)4110,0g0.141
Ckle"'41= tZationz.11\e,-7-7274-tfAM, ..1,4" , ;Mat the Great Mirk
e•tn, •Ce-*..tle4 5-:1.1V,5 aaa Matta' at its To le=n the-Pehea.' ita -041preasion aZ a ', rp d...
Car'tl. Tir',. . TM= a-4 itt'l ter F=' -t. left by the beautiful 'htst 40.13;Otefigi
2e33.7.117 Co tile*Trg-Pl.faz-littsiq,- =Ire a -the de4th,..,00-410/0014--4-41=„1--
Ct*,- caw tq",,,:o ca=w 02 me tiftnnY COalli gt0.4Pbt.p"d0tM4 li*PS7
• •
qtaItIti0(01 " "Q
it I;
Ci a
• C,41111644,1 ',1,fat mwa' br :0!
t 40P.7 two, et,
e.3.%`4 • "te4e e42 •
hat:0 ,?•ir••
.13 74 ,
044% .11t4'
Co. !the 42-$
The .ViaCar, etaltt d
0aer tLlt"-e
tdellOr0 eg,tke. ;)reZ
en* Oa theY t1Pr VkAft14-.
)14M. -.41# CB
ftey PiVhc„-t4.1
tzrz, 01;7444t-'4%
h0PETV he'14tr.d..,d3
tnt-. W:4 her ('*410..e444.,
Lyraae•iit .th07t0t,0,70,t0'4t41,
" •10toa
an annerzi,
*antra' w•titg
With, met,
those WOrtbi
a aallt waratu gaz w_.1.q v..--_-=. Er.0 moray -2013r Yotat1a t• -10s„.
_.an.49._tlhe 1malr:. ,Mg alui
man. no evrioba =au= co pm...1- cram= weep io wrOdliges One a :the
-41 • pA .r,--, t.71.,„gwzr a• 4e._,_1,,,. teatthoye ere -saver
,naa Ora'
0 o tun
it!" v44. g 1.4=ig ' 4 7r ha0 eZt°11151011110, *13:
"-kiwa-wwp.:;4,„FacjeK, ' tzta01011.4X4.„
Pi4-tea-6, It'w.„ tlie ezr=23.. church With her small staff 02 nun= t
Tative misty IG:31w.o. ragit= administering with patienee.te
IFeter,Chiiebot, -wa-eniz-et itieedo-nf '301142erlail iseldiero.
centaur -In -the •World-WaeWltErTZ4.4'
4i.at:M.ttnIt'10.74-"ta:t ha had- two Ito=1, eifirfallT041-11ireoir
entemt the mzs, itILe,„,1 aux/. ene 02- war upon the natio s. The girst,
Acme • 11 'pletelLan:_egatheazdi.
E7,3m. -11,,ott errp• flained, cntd-,-c4: iumsoldierorrostPtettetleneezcztortin
_ ala taaaa ca,7 Tv.ire3 L-3 ; Vita ot„ arater-the
- ,
alltaTakara were intradua, 4. of? gay singing "It's a long way to
Goldthorpe, vioa-presideut ve the Gorl$: Tipper ry." Then, to Prance, amt.' be -
rich Twtting and Rbeing . latoiL fore 1 4ving for -the battlefield; ras
The Ct.0:71,Zr 1/023 et 2. 00110 s nging'and horse -play in a little
anada-azi4-4,0ant--tto- °tr.) iica,%34,,
wow (44=4-74 Pg2Za4.., a. E. TiCIA„
'Ur4.a.e-441.0a .10b.
6Ptb; • fig-,1).1.40.Sa.;
ii o2•)71.0tAI4:
• .iir- iip• ,Z17*
t zIx.
• 0
tp-Vaa, nnablo,;10.;,att;•:,_
c41)4 W7' ':41talP17.0aPaa: 4140tt
1.14C*firtit.M- tti6A.31
TitL*4#0..4.• 4#, a. , •01 kl#11
4014+104“..1,44..., •
47,1 .
• ,T -:„-o4
r -t41 c4vetf•
r) ts
,,,73',.•.,,....,,a,,',% -t -o -e.:) --,74,r-74 -,,&2.4
. .... , ,
0 1M0 00t ;4t.4 31.1011'
SSC gq11; the
aW: ttan0„4.-..i012 CIO
L.41 (t'
no -d- 1.3z-'411: 770,cf-
entongo •tto
r-tj '42 great 0,i4
11 *Ought
(.1.4a7w0t ot) a-dwelt:fa Cad
la144u raajau. Cy .4 neV0
r I
Oa a the
rco,PopQ 'Etb lunt
J1` -togEPtattolx
atm 'y,t470. .1:301FTY ((.44EM•9;
aft..,43 0
.1,!Tzf, 40:41ga't Op:
' 0-AW1 tmortttniiV.
.P .i1Pommsoltr
•t*,74.4r_ra,ILftlr,?, t'ammt-.
Vurov%1 14,
,aw.411,2t* rglteid4. and
- • 0.• 4-Arglov. •
0,,,Meele0'4.02 the earA. bott
_tht VixP 'Q04.1V3,.
-74-`4411, Zit t.C,11117 141'
1niteil#01 014
1411 0 Vel4v”
-Weir P O47Wbring
uctiOn4O, the'',perAvtion
-,vbileb a attained,. •
• GAMOW, Chalaraln
a E.. NAIRN ;
▪ 54-311114,
e. COLq,
a .• 'Clt410 Vat.L
,r4 a
11-7C'30 RIT..tte.ss fjpa, Tecscir
• - Aithotgra tparantd tiitd". Other oilier
VP4'tle,a-bg conspimittatpylbeir ar,esree,
,•,:,h;..-:,];*HP14.- 'IP- -after the Mon ild.r.!:(1344t1E.t.W. g4irtu
za-ditet, thatio
es tSrlivare.
Tuesday morning to particiln
pate , e
racon he
7..r, -charge Atidetie _taient 'of the next decade
on review, and quallt„,7 and van -
the* titr rAgtVAtaciIttt gamy .owsito were*
4._. ,,, ' ••ceirool. rim in heats, co great V720 the num.
I tr,,k,:iatS•qung in ber of entries. • •
=Ms ecRi. 3.,,3!
' as felkmp:
MiaMenp,3 ft,,,CciZ
%4, 12 a $th ,......ADOUsr-ZearrazCattlgandettialgle4,
'' ' t,' •„:,-, -" , ., , _. 0 I. i, .,N ,,* d i!3I retnembe ,VrtrV Of the--puplia. Who ,t7.011.,t, 7 liOnt he menti Ay_ fsio -514 „4.. I
3v 7C30, am alaiit ) 1,- '
.14,,*1 ..'4. p e glivt dy, John Liforrgoak yJugene McGee.
6,10*. 1.),, ,_3. rx ak, 3 ,.- Itom•S rks; _
.*: 1.4't 3‘,. 4 4,,zriz, dila irriff-ittlic-gi-ar;iii_
, 011, j mitz pi is; , , .- .
8 i. ,
. All 1 t
it' 'dir i 4.-'0''',
14,,, ••• • ..•
'..• 0, , A,
yLe at . trer,',IPt ..all• -that-,:- 'ilk... -• '14-04.:„Ts. ig',.:Lit+,.y., - ..., ,,, ,t)f, „7,„.. , ,„,.,,,.,-„. „. r.:7-: :
t )1, , , :$, I . cr- , Tiaia Eight17,1:n: I:Oar-L:61;17 Brad * • '1,,,„,, .._,..:_____...--,e- ate-,-,...m„.tiNw,r- ,---tutitt.,-,..--gftsw- ft--2---cavs,ioni.„..--sciakientkiiitithitriOequfametiirefiti
' 0, It ..146,.. '4 ' ..14::-1-... 04 a arLI3.-- -040=-004‘ ''' . .C.'-.'• 144.7..--4-1t-'1714121.--1. iffreneTZra-..pernartable-912.2 1.'117 by -ltlwetve years taidlinder-40110,01714-
,, lar_tirot 41:1:1,04 t.‘...0 :to ..t.04.1:, ,_ :,,tititats4,,Itzern.4._Lrt 7.,. 19;wgia,„1..-1,..---1,,,,,,..,:g-z)4027e-oLiki:ett,„,,,,t ,,,,Ofze.ece,,,1F4w12,,,71 r,...01* ,,,Q,,,,,,i_t,.... ...,ini.....clintfw_truEilio-1,71itiv_,Ekta..1.:_r..-...;,4rirtxi,D.,74ittp onalat-i7Viebtei%-
12 -,zu
4+Year-ra - ‘, . • - 0 _Ille.„„p,elittifion.,,,,M 334.11_14_, ....late
....---,...., , , •
-,....„..,, _ ....,
- t .3
tii Ir!&'..1E40617" .-g- 41:117 hO'ustaTfar the tabool, of lovely.fsam . -e-O2a4a-za- .•e talp,onder Six years and under-184mond Pur-
ToTia ''.e.!$:ers Who ',have bean eaTugnaed Pkturea Qle, ihinefts olizaatu am an amazement at the comforts- and dy, Max Spar, Ewart Bradley.
in Oallitmat ,,c1.111901-- g•TIA...., rag. 3 .W tBEEY Prin .('‘‘)tZ13 aMILITPrOlt n'tme• fralellatnen- conveniences of a "Modern cebool, me- Eight years and under -Don Sproul,
tatlop*usuataaa In yeaala Of the calling the coil mornings 'and other ,Billy„,Xewconabe, 1. ob' orris. -
.- 14.1-a,a4f,t ...,,,,' -War' Liree- and' liehool Club by the palest- hardships ,siid , ,.,,,,
-..--nt 4 4, ,4:i ' 4 fifOrWiENSSe
Rif 9. .i, rdy, a dressed the,,i3ex..7 Ten years and 12,11.4er77.-Al'ili SturdY,
- ainacalliargalt-rePly- -r'' ISIt°11°171=3- pupiliu briefly tuid MISS Sharman read Philip Willis, Gerald Mere.
Willa '`.11t leeems to me this : Club a a isbut; that Mrs. -Sturdy !had intended Fifteen yews and undea-Jim &m-
ount eanalte.,put up gainst any one in to ping at the gatherini. The Song ay, Roba Hawthorne, Eastherson Wil -
Canada.. ; am very proud of our was entitled "Central School."' The iia
Club and 4 behalf of the --atm& and reading mao followed by a ladebyry of
Vilarealegaeil aseea
the 'school .1 talle much pleasure in- Central Sahaol prepared and. given by !Fifteen years and under-aErni
recenievinpgiettuhrtbsese wpericeturestun.';
in the kin.- The whoa' wan aunt In 1856 by the ford and Robt,
F. R. liedditt (Nellie 111aeVicarl. Salkeld and _Billy Burp_s„ilack- Tu
dergarten room. ,
r. Storaehouse then introduced 3.
Alex. Hume, of Ottawa, gold medal-
list at the aehool in 1914, who was the
speaker of ;34th,,afternoon.
r -
op= Imatty -and- f
the viderWas fataia 11 1.07
ixtiegc.z, Dr...metal oft=o7.a.is?Ville. CCM
Ufuldcazaof Zrarzala and 117.,1r. ma=2:1
oZ Coartah, ‘rime-hapaza 31-7. HUM-,
her, Aand ZMaliz3 of tom.
chileoat, Etar)11Rowe'Scaell-tanar.at
2.072/fi ..caerat41 the oaSkt-
4.d heat
e_thish el the 47.„_,wi.
iwrai the a,lr thD
thelmorite tan
lag ot1C-Ca 1111= er.t6=1 woe
fou.t sbrted,
The OX4,,ennt g;i,,u the
art -P47
• _.,, i
tkee_eo_eq4r4)14_ '
to the L -W.,; • hail Waa a, so=0,41
1 .
4442 t.,(1*Bh r-214"0..
400t. Cl.`;'',',.;74' ia Mo e. -.T. dr-V41Z3'h
.4,gtit .141. '$.1.t1/4k24) 'at:=4.*;) ?•S''
cti;ka. at.‘2•1:, " ViLd times --• all th
CO tr4;;a....c..,,I,Y41, trz= tt4z4 vas
talk C.t,,V'VniaW `il• tam fillt"'*4:7't ,
0, 4
00 . 1
Dilltgn,; Zer.
'1743111,7 MOT.S) ; 0 1
ra#, .... .......
tk,trilbiltt-atk E.T2
Czollatm 10121a.giras) 0 o 0
'30t33 iC31l1 1V1 '-1
1:41r.obia et.-htss,
;4Z Ct13)' 0 04
0434 041
-C11=0 Carr -3
. 1 L
..... 0- 0 11
act= alca 0,,-;-.4a, Imam*
c:24 -h) C
- -V•latss.4.115i, 041; 0.11.24.•
• eta• .3.a tZsv
r7',577r1V 11 0 1
vorD, il II O' e
loound4Fasad they leave for the
Shells !Crash,: machine gun fire cra
and Ur bravely TUDh into a h
st,M, ring as they go, soe .
never tO vise again as a voice
,sive 'There Is. No Lleatia.'°
nem for-oli-liti4-40-enti-or-_-eilaiil;_ to
brighten once more for the grand dinale
of the thrilling story.
- 1,,,r4 unia--and-John Hull were _to_the
, fore o the hug,e assembled cast as the
pagean ;came o a, close with the sing -
Ing of Ithe National Anthem.
IRINI‘114 et7 MM. N. (1011132Lall'inrifl;
-I . ,. •• quiem high _mass for fhe-late MTV.
1 N. illerOmette was celebrated by Rev.
Vatter11. T. ralion at St. Peter's Ro-
man drltalic church on @tidos moral-.
i g at to o'clock, and, the Interment was
In. ColkOrne R. C. cemetery. Me
'pallbearers were 3. A. Chisholm, 3.3.
Alt*Yes, L D. lacsallne, iX: Sc2rey, 3.
4141, 1 thl.z.......-4,-,.....,,,-,......r.,-.....
a ail
taro a(cmith)
0!JE11 a44
.... .. .. . .. 4 0 dr
rit5Lratr-&4.10; 0401/5, 040)14.
0 2
Psr; cavz----, tgatott
J. • , thit.•11 .1.y 1.
- -
A- .Second Class spelling 44 .11 in
which the folloWing took -3 was
most entertaining: Ann 4rtele,
,, ,
' lie Bu 0,1 maws, iftm:-. L. i nook
(Margaret 61 utritay) ; lam 1.,i e,,,, 02
Denver, Col. ( wary elark) ; 11,4; ohn-
sten of lessext Ont. ( Elizabeth , 1);
Inii-Siiiiiiis, Mrs. Roy Sparlint, (Me
Warnock), Mau F. ;40d:a a
sop ( r uth Hamilton ) . The, Words,
aTthough prohounced Most distiti by
Mae Sharman, were tricky (Val niza:
ear-oldS) and tWO rounds (leek
qv the
inners. Numbers of unwel .1 sug-•
I &MAIO= came from Iris Wa 44.,...k. a;ds exthe aoirklwito 4 ete ofatoeimili_ar_the"stralr _intavs"
sho_ tried aa arkr. her. I41
her ear and at the . came ti .3
• 14.*
,p, It ,. a Soprano vokps blending like water and
good target for the 1 she oil. The MacVicar, Nairn, Sharman,
4:4 prepared for the °male , Strazig kia,igiadeal"-uamol- Speiran girls
Mrs. E. C. Lawson (.11a. ,lis it. ;the vied.w„ith 'the boys for a place in
con) of Clinton, a, forwer teach* de,. the Musk, ffelds',.and rendered a new
,light.,3,- the class with a eontraiWpolo,' Praksugegivi, 42- "Carry Me, Sae to
"Lang, Lang Syne." 'This 114.4 fel- 014 Vid.14.1',33"1-, • '' "
owed by a few s.eerets .divulgell by . 'Ewa' violin i selecilleig,
„I'AttirOZIPP ,
° o :health,/
tve gem* olcItsr.r
;c1,:nc;4't130 anl
.44 Rac.dtQ4,
ogiu,torp4tt,tIv44- 44' Zilt747.14,0
tem) of Mrs. Zurkt4,' IfzIk4 13v-4„
sreitiev:m1117.64;41aVir.#41$111a<1;lt,011; 41.tP1
,by cP400par tlqtur .i
CjtaTatc°ja°'170'evertelr.Ve4Dritila' 1"1*fly.La 11.;;444,1!:1.'
ataillyde lel Itio7;". g?
tevlaliedt biteMOio bh
tgeTh14 15 alp or
her anzietY wbenatba iatt* ea ta l'\b„
vember b,y ehoonevOr. ,41edealeh•.
"s toxraentIrtgroutoe true! The iTeosaastItt.1,0'4:110011:140tetao..
Two months elaxed IOStfgra she htaad.
of her mother% safe ,artitral at ter ea-
stination. The rallwaY WOO pUt through
the year she left. Chtkrelz. services
were held. In her home, condnetcd
a f3tudent ralvalona41 and clutrzt21.
by an ordained ciergyptala TaTa.-
..ray built a school.hOiar);e ?or the child -
pen at Itilind 111Veir,,,:rtgi the teachem
:Ma triaZI_Oner 4ig,„ 4.11.10thilmhed,
was the .miesioaary. AZ 1010, TIM
Warnock, by herai e apirit tett haspi-
Witty, was a home. nulap,ionary lataaa
day. cod was usas
=oil lamps and tallow -candies -light -
ed, 'Enet coal
the. homes.
Mr. Murray owned
each side of the agit:tuitc pre-
vent the 'sale of intoxiertiWg.liuor
",""oTo 0._e 41,43,4„.4.0%1 thererand,
o vessel waS
visaggreft-alavittriivo"-oiat bAtlipv,°:
said Wiairseek;.-.'Who-iteiretinitr.
, 4
highest terms of the eaployees in the
employee of the -milt, 'Who %writer
alstainted-pollee- magistrate Bre-was
moth 'Squashes *on prim at the Paris -
Xposition, the Chleagoi orld's 'Fair
and at Indianapoils.
- By this marriage there' were three
children, Stanley, who died when thir-
'teak/ears of age; Grace „Wysaatia-
eer Gana), 4--Wankiii, and Iris
Odra Roy Sperling), of Durham, wife
of the C.N.R. agent there.
During heti long life, Mrs. arnock
has travelled eztensivelaa She spent
three winters In California, one in
e Florida, and one in Philadelphia, and -
Mrs. -la Nerwich,, Pails, Brant-
awthorne, Chas. Wig
late Adam Maeiricar, Mrs. Redditt's and, Chester eNall.
grandfather, and the keystone of the Ten years and under -Don Ainsi
school was placed by John eViear, and John Evans, Philip Willis and T
ther of Alex. C. Maelricar of To!. Knitting, Wm. Ltassard and Mery
ronto, Gederich qm By. The build- .Smith.-
ing ATMS opena- in -1M. MM. nritit 11Zmes
ditt lso showed a book presented to
the late Neil Campbell in 1651 for
general ---pfollefeney.-
le 'ford, Durham and- 1Winnim. She has
spent over half a century InaGoderich.
le Intensely interested- in all that tends
ed to the welfare of mankind, Una
In Warnock hae given -valued. service to
theacimreh,- She -ter -a past president
Ce.:....„fin Mama ethururdx?
Mr. 3. A. aeLaren asked the chair-
man why they asade the seats ac).
emaller nowadays. He complained
that he expeffeneed. _ttell more d
culty getting to 415 ret than ha had
in: 4DM/1W yeake,
'ra r" Tr,r6rIelralrain-M€2.
hninjosu-o'-•Thlrealiteti".114de itil.V4;$,---WIS'rTharl.-X-El. Datil° (liaraet sor 3. C. Robertson a Victoria
teen treaded to her by &Iwo rinci -Thenato. ieroice-Or
tO higia statiOno Effe. Iron. 0 were follow4m, by a lecson Ott in
cut tite.141,0 _Bev, Donald Ilif'4.7,411tErar
that tire Zito:70A v7he GiVH(.0 IV, which Earo/d Williams, taile1. to--
vv. Millie• -although- - t mistidO, -moved oft -P Caky ,*130-,... :311 11/11,caLti
aassa_ as. to--a--zpiza--";1:, tawny IAN. ;$., g; ti.• a -41 WI:a air frir ; lb"
Cr01.--d12--(111$040..tdin,s- 401r1r0 othe
dont voligorker of cgort, EGAA-*. hio by cartooning `his class-sitte In inmate 41cderiell4 Eilah 22/443°1
face 'Ls fortnite and t.gtrias 44 ard irtg'fashikra4,,,; troundp 41U-474...row, Mrs. Andemon (Stella Speiran), of
the Gaitteript ItitlAtt3 ee mor Ottli• =AI yOnt 14tti'11',41 WOO airea tea? -C1.= 1114tVlit, IrknalValli a hearty ovation warm'
laugh Salm MacEiwan Iaarahltit# to and Inapectine 3. C. Iteacota thenbeccid-
oPche 'ealat11414 1141't2:11 AJ:rlactr°1113
of Nasaton, Alberta (Laura Bridges), nts-remier of Canada, ' deitsdi bi4orfal ' &Dam,.
old =gam hoL= to-ta 0011,' VIII.: Upon an4, dint trat eine vas doomed C113117 -C35 41a4dt1l'anat44 the 64411114 with
fcar.two splendid maaings.
)31tapht had. appamillY, ; cot?. as ‘a pair>rgellerl-of four-letter r41141,130
*44,04;474-M.P.towow%/7„rtretp-41.7iitte"0„.:H rwiitarzttip't7catrz%;"',4aralzt*Zrill:a.gayszcz-tal'I' tiftliblED1131k-<iirt:34106126tCVC17%115111121
; $1 durthg .3 tamp ti4020 C1141 .104 -11.44. -the
-e-tze•-'.7-that-Earelacaill 4-te Add -thtbuigh..4t0-ifr.iititArnrat, the
just Aove to be An gairhst toe' ilre-e4aSet, names of manzo2 his formkt teachers.
_kaduni. btne.0..„eztb rayik.sa.irgiuta,„ lata.$10.,27,==.14, 113:trz,old, 4evant3Ttiv. that the 11)xigkniz02
zsrt mect-,-,-,401,„.tyza__mtc-/...katzrzetto-rgrszota mincarz.z- trli7aftra40-9 ,V012_44.1“41'. 1/.4. .19=11.4'94
Wilth 'Dtiday afters= programs
t„ no. cony?. imacom-winitkm anta zia,%-zat itkeinsr 4..aag,T toccattoz,
r/bitt---titer their glace at &a tst ecteezavcs,g„gen ant a aat/-34a rama .1124211'1161. ts-oi '.C -21=4:4-16V:= 113
at 02 the class room and Oiled say love you'litriaer Mae tave r,r day.
Mrs. More (alna Spaiiranh ofst,)
24.-tompop =mg "Ten Ibie3 4r-lat
to -Me Wers-SO Dear" arat received the
iitleeditoof , the catherino,
,t12, .112chman,.!M.P. for Noath Ban,'
/emu Pithoeigh, int a jprgi. _citzttnil
tiva,r440112, imreziiPureciatrutloa'avipacio-Graz-acitzazia.
from Ma, ac b liitoWt,
toWnship at Orange Mil, Where. WO
itather Wa0 the teaehee,,for- ova, K-d4-ty..
4. yoc
443 415642p,,c,Ezemiragir
the world •today Ittiat-cv-ertot 1110 di-
rected to the initence of the i,katelle
.Er4 tta. otvilalen ttat
bat, kr#2dtliro cn=rtil
tnpta 1-attiozi.aa all <Imo 10, sw
Vorklinv-tzazo.apa GUM) ez oztr
t itaztietedro,., ,zavirt4 30Ter-
ea, t
E13, tit
s -,,z --,z„ .
tauG_,• %). . 3 0 0 ar
,cap- ' 0 2
0. Goa*
... . 00 0
ants Crt*..:Q.;..a.,
am), .., 0 0 4
V3 t2.)co
1 `
4. / • t,P....*;40400v114,00.4 ..1,104*.; i? 4 4
.. . ....
, .1,04,4,,,,41,,,O 401.0
. ,‘ •
• ',COMM
a- tto-
cw,0 cat 0 cerfacc,4:,
Att2111104424-Vatl L%.747
ftr' ,464442;tilitefct4KI,,y:_t11;aii-thiafizotiza: *tot
pm to. rtlitto -•
tAt-'1,14 trarlf!'444
0 i-
4 5)1,
, .
4 retr.1
cv kIct.',0„,:fatt:‘,4 ct1D 4012:11r.'.8, c.aa til'Aat"..O.*4,• •
-1 tZ „3
it tao 02L -741(4v 411ezo
',Laivkt-1 pa*.r, warp
,C74ta Lao, litZta',G2 ra2a1.7.,:la* rtta *
VatIor Otie.112.=, a:Catileat 'a •tho
Mratim1 0110 toy& ,AL--....41eatiera %1110
zl'op c'ealt.41:r14zak. •
-46 the 1r44.4 4:112 the s.111 totenil
Op , gat-
ttat el Me Pt*ti 113 Zito_
tv tizzu paid*,
Itov. tip? latawart 1*1 Itrulgila
to ttv Atayrt N4t. vitla
4;e'tpel and;
at Zvi ltliad 114‘.-a
Ck-val=t adMIC4trea Zor tabu =73
Zik.,==ru an&the late Mr. ;Strang, at-
catictl, -itto 1=4
em,s, tOpiptirs'ea Moan,'
olIZ•tr4t,ro, 410, tOott,
daft a SttartV lato,
' it-4L-izttatlo•Iiatl,-tt;lrt)-ttt.t
„14*1 t711 I2
-- 4).4
wt,at.•tea ao.
tz-,o tto
g,-4,„st'a* 4t*rt
Eight years and under -Don Sprou
Cleon Young, Boss .Sparks.
Twelve -aatrs and under -Don Pry,
Bruce I -tattle, illy MaaDonald.
naa aaeza
Ten year and under -Don Ainslie
Philip Willis, krehle .Mac onald.
Fifteen years au* under-Harol
McGee, Mince Beatti'e Jack Tufidord.
fen „ThIEUz_92? r).:a1g4
years under, twl
round-aBilly Burns, Dave Orley
Cheater MeNall.
Twelve yeara and under,. once roma.
-Rarry ___Vil_sesthaaola _John • Holmes
Frank gameollim , -
Eight 'years and under, once round -
Leonard lactlie, Archie Macironal
Jack MacDonald.
In charge -Starters, . fitoneheuae
$St. George Price, H. M. Shackleto
H. C. Pillsthger. 3udges--11r. W
Held, 10. 3. Pridham, Rev. D.
Lane men Lindsay
0 0 0
of the W.V.S. of Knox Presbyterian
1, church, and was privileged to present
to the Rev. James A. Anderson a
Limoges tea -set trona the congregation,
and a gown from the Ladlea' Aid.
-She is now a much beloved member
, of North street United hurch and of
the W.14.S. of that congre dun.
d •
e, AUBURN, Aug. 4. -Mr. and- Mrs.
Rola; Adams, of Toronto, are guests
d at the Auburn Howe.;
, Mr_ and .11Ers- Wm. Dodd % a Toron-
to, am visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Lawson.
d, Er. and Itiro. Donaldson and family,
of $Goderich, were with the latter'
, Mather, Mrs. W. C. Roberton, on the
n, holiday.
. LIE and Mrs. 3. Taylor spent a few
J. days with MT. and ,LIrtt. 31E4 atai by,
Mr. A. M. Robertson, of doderich,
win occupy the - lpit of dInor United
✓ church on Sunday morning.
Zeilly and. ..natcp Erta9 rE,elly, of
Aoriatul, who v*rie "alatiting Mr. and
O Mrs. S. *W. CaVter; have returned
home. ,
Miss Margaret Doble,' a Toronto.
^ Plilelk the holiday with her mother,
. MriP Wm. 111Vbie-
£3o. JBLCheSraey and farally, of
. Seafor , andl Sanning, of
Londesboro, visited nra.,..,L D., How-
att Tionesday.
,I1ev. W. Mani% of 00rUMIA, V708 in
the 111111302 OD Monday. ,
Mr. arid Mrs. /Uttar wd, of Lan-
don; called co MI= 13. Blair on MOM -
There was p deb larger turnopt fo
the girls' crams on Wednesday morat.,,,,,,
and. in*est, ormalretatftya-See
:i.c6 that almost eyed` raee h41,4
be dividedAmdun ttItO &eats.
Itesult5 'were as follopo:
'roar years aa uII1411211-11idelb trait
flag, Noma Beattie; DerotraY Ploggro
Six reora 'cad; untier-Itatie Cab
hoign, Catheeine, Optt, -Beta ghishole.
- marmit yearit n 3; unider-Volores
Ye •*, Dorothy -Bradley. Barbara
) „Rai,
,1: 1
yeato and undertt-COXIIII0 01h1.11-
dy, Claire Blasst, 3oce1ytt aerrigan.
Ivo years and tquar-..,-,Manirme
Sturdy, yeLorna Smith, Map -swat EOM*
111. 4'.1116.rat, '.s.,To and under-.4.2argclre
Eanamonsrl, Norah Barris, Dorothy
(girt. , • •
• • •
174Ut0 and tridpr-Vaney Gritz,
=la 010ep obtotz3 -
,011814 yc44rt, av,d, tuadleiaaparia Al-
Dez,509, -Brad-
yi.;aro „ 44' utdor,--41Grtrtida
Etattie,,itmt6 ar4r470.4,1tp, Ctrairdp..
#141t 3.. yeiird atd',.0124610-114111tatt
thitholo, Lt=ailEi 14414 Noraii Bar-
rio. • ' 14,0K:4. , " 4
t40 aitirZ,V '
71ii2. ptaIitLtiata i4tad',6zr,,IXaa •Ooms1-0.,
teridee V40, 1-11.10&41ito
Vifte4t1, yecia-tue-v4-411165
tna wow, ittikvoi0 Oram.
itt:welvt 'Years Oa- titt-t-e0
tultvy 44::Cvdpitt 131Potti. 1
:),,--- V4ro --a,t0 tztldritt0
ta ••••Ep;.:,,t.-----''''-'-'—'""-
Mattit; ZThrtira -4Wiiila, Itvoti` tfrzai.
%Wog ye= aird tandeo-puirgaitt:
at,aral. '
• t
ati::40.s.,--7i..,Vt4 Cair4Veltlth trill'
Matta Ytal&aad 4:g4Slik-000tlikkant
':).' A.
IN .1.
DI gig
Rt.? infat&ati=
* h.
Db.:7„.1120 r Ai*
Itrauta Mauro
$120 A1d
:it'IV,Ao ta'atAtatmaollz v'CO