HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-8-4, Page 1ur ,x W 1 G ,t 414,1,1724 a you, iV f4 ry� Ff1 .5 +.n 5 ( x'4r��.aemrs'ea: ?rb r r • g ,a. } • 1'��x'xvi, �•w•wYY,, 1�% •,�,9�(U 1. 9, ' '1 v itzt III • 1 t4 SCCt�'q�, )k7 ti S ! ' ra W '.a l'l....,iS,+a44 ,. ,M g.'"" J�Y �(�(rl C' •sp ,s ,tJ 1, tiR 1 �'' '-i: ^' W�i;N,'PV4�"7S.�F' M±�1'.T.+Y.aII•y5�1�.4w.�M w1;M^)'.nA.,, '�i:dF i. { y_ • Hlirs i.W L fri 41� t tale 40orrf4troa "fg Art W, were in - 4,11 it tan Vt ,Y tl i IY ,, t+. to0C3144,-41Z4 t t,�iUipwtl�l�� 4 oR • • 4144.14 Rif • yam' ]]JJ��¢¢'t �h. itnr;� Illi � l) � t �1Atr I I � 14' �:j^rV����'+r<'� ��v1xPr^x?. 40'.0 tzt4e3 .. ota ,D4,029512317; 0 ore e NE ilfalOtwe •• sA P'4 au 7 11 .4417):mtttlatiftt.:41. 414 4 "r`Yf,4sWn'�� yrYF4r„, ttit tAb 1, eV etr,_ t'ec_p, 2-41",f --,tD4,- _ •It,,,,s,,x. waft web -az. .on ,tcbst-ti,it*ate-4#714 Zan and, ItY the colte,go„llahti the eica- pie, 1'- ku,yx 111 • 1110 lb ;IR[1WpCa.(.gC' . vypOt.:3Ri�4�- �1P1�y�Md iottilllM y alt nMbt xf , a►A6.41+Cq�; iiN7[ .r r ral 0,14:61-- patio bonne • to et, • rwit- Uncle , bad iw-di'V • km 13 II • 'Ogre, were defeated 1:ap-Irtoriae. toting* . -4010143 defeated 110 eba,.-rptoztct*D1;t4-,tv0•04tAtt4,..p.tit0 ft the LIOW eta rc 6.76 tag thzAlrito:4 4"t Wore Om' itpgy, nom: cat atm; ed tan - tam ..000C3011a1P-3---tiVIARMarlitt5- With CcIte7ificalat4=-GlatterlitaS of Mau Alfred, after a aturprt4,,atta4 kinaaeor3nto;mitto oltran%cliatowzr,f3 met:111,174 etr:tr...49:1PV:046:1140,Syettraitna,doli,-,abu.s•,nttna- aeet4: 01-.W6 coronation of Odward. pot -Of - 4„ by Arebbichop of" the -collat. isiZi6tt PW,415.baillti!tf;ptrez min • On fallt00; '''/,110,1" she hag the WO V 411 to 0141pelk10.. :,6Z:vattot43 0.10 ,t4n-Ola ''';',•lerm ,,,I,` 1114:1,,,,t,s7;41,,•.ttil ratgallt 6.1zzt 4,1=ettza to CI vata croctit„1.4 it =a 91;eu. Moat 144. I1A 02 TWa- cmatb. t-4,14 013 ozt trottb-tvott v40,) v=0 aelo 0 4.0 r. c000nkit (lance nOmber wan one "104 Wad 44pleVA eniq of the inot.,1 tat Cat' tui. • k. Two 113etticib Old r , yo, one who NA 1 LIV34,6* by Rev, Lea OraV202t of that be had he= bapt conerm=1,„ kJ in t : tk =eta Vg? ot 114 yy •� +� I !`'� +'+n74r.'Cn`iucmCgr'!71 `A'. K� t4• t+ rt �� �i 'i^ -r *:�f0.4 4N� ; 4M�r pl.. -6 444- N Y ITO u r r , llt hl,u u `,Tarr 4.•n�FS^YM-f[1-. t4 �• Vim•-! (11/Iyny qy� (� jy(J�([+/�({r�I[F �i�{ yI1' .. tl 4'.,.�.f:.,,rM1Yl±YV- �.Y. ,,!1"'!R'^' "x. /1f"W'W�efk}xW y , -,l11tWAu� , UllQV,4 ' "�r'Fk' Ma.° a ry e ,[�N I wit y l , ..„7::41 -.� R Ali the ¢� h .,,,,7,,,,,,...„7::,..,,,;:::::;;;;;;1494..---:::76:::„. ♦ E [ MdW Y�. 'a4 w 1. •' .� iF wt'[��,YNl, } l hrajry�(�tlnt{�rt �ptoa�{r{�� �yltn��4 �,. f * rNy .IN a y Y+H'�1-Y 70 T, A"' -Val' 1 M :g44 $O the oil- these flp,-.0 . 0' m t. 0 O Ile. You ma to • r". tri Bann at. 0 14. • t{ .xrN pro ft otoyotota' 42 di) c?EtavhDa Vet? with la hanClo0t40. anti choir xasi ;9000 went with them."14 vord:3, they are 1111:,,,! With a wealth of beau- tiful meaning. • "Ste weds; of _rejoicing ha° begun with laying of our ,triandahtza at. the feet of God. The Idea 02 friend.; fore the human rnee at Ma itrorit znoinbent. The 1)1 tac,-4 that the ehuich has is to apAy- tercolf to the whether it ehall be ant.ftcd by enmity or friendohip. The terriblemega of the last war. ant th.2.1ceOlate.0 dmacta- hin3 MOB and 101 • 44 OP. 1. • Ltel carftiti 11-9 tEd • ott C6 .1Z4 Z matt lta. VW. 4111, ii4T ;14T cOlnt,V0 --s",244 • • • • 4 It 46t1 111. ptgat20,0 ge„ m4, loea1 loam, oicegtled.:ther centre lc** in the Iraqi anditorgnrs. T4070 AMP- large cattendances-alcol JL11300- Ore t11012 Enon church. b,g1M- flinch in Isla obil c0413 not Copt ,note the aboessw Many face; Mat ansed to he (Wore !aim the CosigregatIon„ but it slap a tcacty o/ bta old congregation who 400-111111,reoldent la the Iowa, Isehad letaned to love co well. ertZliETZ, hullallaug of the Tem*. MD upon the te;p Of the pillar° war6,31117 wOrh; co was the worth of the glilars deb, Ur. tdeRertald said that 110 AtContintred 3) tion of anothee war 10 al th'eplantzgli de upt ico 0, a t7,u: ,11(;),,)%0 ak:2112 t`:61344.646'' 411-1 tb 6 14=V= 44.7o• tr4006ritt3 *etp mtlo -catty and sweetly now. 111 o irtatz74,4.‘, • no tea -table, attractively arrarzga wl club es. Govert% V7(10 MAIM?) ev a th-livvatoPY" t7e-Ildfo8 calm Lam. 1.1t- rAment. Tara coaltroxit. (seat ,c-Tgo tea. Urn, Celebes. and Elm Comer- futsml cortCe finetttit a firing par - =zeta nugabered over we hundred. - Mrs. %Tramiel, form&Ity Margaret the daughter -of. Martin- ant laageaMt: Leigh. Oho wao estimated In Achileld near Dustaannon. fan went, 1Via, 0 Blind Elver, where ate war) ar- tied to Seter !Murray, who, with th0 late Joseph 'William of Gederteb, car - tried on an entensive lumbering !mi- ne= at Saint RiVer, which they cold in 1880 and mom) to Ogferich. Lir. Military Mein agooitzd the 4;6: f!cd..0:414., .01.1ektit P-V41q.41" Am tatty jit, kOat ant let it come into '46'jatil an our illit-titted hitt; "'cat -dor v..4° 14°c/IDI SP'41123 LIt=. Attu trototo wcto. tato dototot rao AO OLD "CMS Virlart 1:0=1 mao back loot night ta a quaint ohl. town And wandeind the chady etrzeto up and down. 11 !stood on the eillrar0 anizi C:aCtIal at MO c/oel, .Ast winted at me --"Relieve it or not." Asia ha /001=8 at dowas •the aide of Tato rat=.. "Mara cp with and 11'11 turn bachIttime, Ant chow you to= picture° of Auld Lena Gy212." 'Elle chg. all dolt, btze end orgarthvict--- nom wondezful, oven z=ar Capri Anall r.a2 loth, Mar ix= ttot cud to Grow Cto tto harbor bill, long, , long ago, MI a tow pletures---11 caw many snore: Ow old Lake Matron ib mot alwayo ant faart the Worm olanal's lop on Lighthouse MI. trr-a pieta= chanazd and obi what a 1-1D $hai igth-ett riding down Harbor Hill nab the full moon chiming and allow glictenIng wit00. Whizz with elate and boot: 1 used to race To the ott Central Gebool the i•hree !to study. 'Lazy friend° C3W, yet no one Glatiz.— who t=.7c1=11 to the cound of rassfa funeral march. ,at UotooRtill tle woe fiikt and "Ileact 1Ikrit" woo Honorary p:alibearera were -3-udde- T. Dunlop, H. 0. 171111entn, P. IV. Oasey, fox OW rdo=6 Ve..t and winhinc the ne Ont. county vieltorc' Dight. ors ade behind the Clinton' tract, which also played fotins the basidetamil dur- ,coug, Zurich, Grant 1/--1-da, . night. no Clinton treq0 , lgT0iViti`A" an (mi. their new uniforms and their trumpet &Mims provided a La. -acing part of The throng indulged in harsalec° ade around, the ezszare ant judgina of tile costume° torch Tlace at the stand Pet= were awarded ac followa i Leal& fancy—no. V/112md Col - dough ; Ladies' cot:de—Atm Carter, Lim O. V. Coate; gents' faL•clk-71.111- dret 13 -ell ;,Gen2cs' comic—Ll. Taylor, A. 11 year*, foney—rgettY Coo.; itc*Vo ca - Ides. 12 yearo, consic—toua. Penning- ton. 13111 Penninaton. 1213T. OE? 121LIEUOL113a1 Tho clat.ti win try to give po=ibie. of the hirmecosnera. late Hat will include the nail= lec.dciarcd cl the ,022411. non booth. 112' Vialteza have, not 1.41-'0'Llet.,-7-4, will their frit -ado