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The Signal, 1937-7-28, Page 15
111J, ia$t'e�{a.•melnt uw rsm.•" (�frii!Frjtf�t,�f1.'. Ag Y{r, k . Om i ad`„ , q fp his ".. la's tiCI •es 'Ow. t1 ViOon4. tlan.s a t,gh"_ PORh ian4 `fes eri, 1, + I t 1d ; a tL Q7!' R. that, ~i i$ ; cis vino documents tot the litoPer (teltl 1* anteof origin. �. gi ore tan 1(1%00 Canadian, and Witt*, Otatea-ncrienituriata. luad. their ,Ii143 aid frig s are eh. ,., : , . to � (��yp�y, the .�ry,� annual j{. j "Ad {ter ��y�et1 ,y. }� v 'v:,Z! . the. 0I iii `- nu ,il LLeren tion` '!$ �. �Abd,(n4 AN11" y plowing 'i match old_ farm a hl r?. s detanot stra On t4 .t S: held, at ?.gib C DItZSr; ; . �, DIaIL4x ,oIlb "' Ont•►, f 1 2 to , it lea t 4', . t i • 3C. •1 ~y to lnaxve vB3 .O reortb • .�;� by •�� '�•- Carrell, :�otmt'�- 'ir�att the f ac�txk .'°aa �faA� fair .manager ole the Ontario l?lovrm-aa'o 4 .g al 1 do . umater rtial nuc -i -ilii =ales dant are chafed }atln ; lD�' �+4 ,..- ,.,K .. 3ro tlau :t' .Q(D .014.e. _, A o1":Ill au '13 favi .. ' of- . t-- uhiibld-be lel e.fire the t� _. _ • lowing, �i tan�etica� oP �h4a :���t9f�'»I•r�,,_�tlam rattan, aa® it 10 k�g 'before the �>1l, $ charge of tnrrangeata ilia for the taut lets, and ,they - c ouid be fed regularly pmt. �-- each daay. en a melon ratio to help t _ • --eft �� �alra--ra.ngtoatani _ t (� ;,t� dile to • I,�e,''.- 4z-- ;'�eif�ln2;., ��� treatttaua3Tr�an� �entbea�t+�aua, o� the lo- �`r�b water and peen food ark aaiso — cr- costaaunitdL1 •p` r s, anal pause as desirable for then its for t e gr -old- - tb ality __ neveaa:siaal A teg._e4' ricfa leer r, _ mid' petitto' r i-.1 , • ie , i. " - >u a stir -=' ` i -;;;M---16111 -- Valz will. (Oa zw"11 '"�? (ones.' a,c lt. a , »tl'a , t firer• 9g 7740 411.404 Co �,'itr' Q!;,, o to ftVAQM., and i`t aid Mtn VjP ':.... ; a' , "..-4`t:31 at, atdotar i�c1 on '1a::ttat >ai7,' - i s c ti. c.r trot ri to4 ' a4 r a , she Ufa ' l ear h Q!��{ �* 1yy1rr,,;. [yy[y�}����,� y��'.ty .0 y�*yyy� �{fJj �i�.a1��*j� .• . ld, ''n ' A_. oe�' ^'T^' .4 . . 1a , �{lf ✓�iiur w bo tql Oft .to. tl e t .t .. iC la?:I 0 al?'h& ,1 i t 0040a01I r 11c3 - o: 4 th e . .t(.•ateb lu 4. ltd f "•tl , e •t 4s: folia Dttr . . rvei arar?t -c e . 0 d � ��; c F TI$ ,, want eat!` z"�i 6tr "0 x t . '.� . $ �: tav co cmptktma ani a 4c4ta G t 1� on otz '9�1? at t zwan for tl -o 10, is Q• '4�Ic' It to r atatee a4`l ttO ` tAZt , '. u4 gb. '«• 11 *.:Iti.9.11A' it,1 C't, ` . 7, .lt0 'a I . , b a 414'. gDt1C :,or4 ler- so iiE tt. yt,'un.o . oww: dd.. ho lo:a.'41 cc x.3t' 0 1 yoc(i fr1Q ,'cvlacla''th �y wan .c .leli done -altttl4.1t1 ' and !welt TEMTilfertriartlala spst (sal totAgmfi ' lei l tc1, war i,i,1' welc o ae: , -the 11tn oh Old lfoys, and (t of ,4? �J� t ." "' fir . t C CdA C3 1(4D1iG hlie.. »' .1 a t Jia s:. zl � _ ..........., ,.. �h ..�_�^.� to ,. ., . .-.Al.-.� - �nal�x�. sin .lid � . �'��� alb mot ���� $�' �,� , ��� - ��, � �ift4 iaLL ', it9: ;� �lr�i� t� . . rtt .>xit tit awl ' ',bone; tke . Ilan : owl**,.. the a ne.Qi fence of the public through octoi' tr �k t3 ail ' the=.' • . i d . ,.. � ;to �� rai�aa dlh tGQ�dt' r,�a41t i$� vouuad� and- honest afl�,altaago, o�a.•r►rr� �;�j wu(D3$C, t ¢ o1wut * ",�,r Ie , ll$ is a i •, . „_ ,,..�., -;/X011 'vtALtta'ss in statttaltner peal. >a ko ant come of •t&nar' older �` ', 11' 9 }turd ., to Qoderieh bo' r ia;o,csitia'.41IDio e that are iknua held •inns a akeuat1 bee as ��atanlier of the: eve $ram Teacont --bxenC v 'h. old anal 1U .4°$ more c among theSe` yotltngders and win : i • t.teP Pravoutte �;.itl11 Get rid of half -sick days—with the headaches, the listlessness, the P4aalways tired the " Frequently,. equently,.. they come from common constipa- tion ... due ta.neals low in "bulk." All you have to do is eat -a de- licious cereal regularly: "Evsezy_ Morning, for y- ra,1 -have" goodhelping of your ALL -BRAN, ---tared it means -regular,- daily elimi-- -- n ation."--Mr. E. N. bring (address on request) .. petrogg's ALL -BRAN is so .much r than drugging yourself with Within the -body, ALL -BRAN ab- oorbs twice its weight in water, forms a soft mass, gently cleanses the system. Ems two tablespoonfuls daily, either as a cereal with milk or cream or in recipe's. Three times daily in severe cases. t. Sold by all -g�r•ocers. bade and guaranteed by Kellogg in London. • Citt _Tv—produced frail -- til' farm s tributed by O. 1vld- gams. Pb.oue 539. Visit Our Farms, two file east of 1mmfPlletr. Eug114 IRI lll9 I© No. 4 Sieve.. 4• -tib.' Pka. 1 `• ring it to our shop and have the JOB DONE IUGMT. MIthor 1 au of Port. t. fir` A1itoaa+. vt t aA 'tato Uttari ar1d9 Q Wends -.il tc.:.. ti.0 111 accompanied *re. athe4 4 uir1e,' t a the Martyrs' Shrines where they sprat o couple . of .pleana attt days to pater. tPat LSullivan enjoyed. a pleasant ib to the Martyrs' ty`rs' 9 livine, viditinG, a aanaona friends for n coupleof- days, Mr. yLIr. and, Mrs. h.. Hebert and boys,' oL Detroit, are spending their holidays here. �itr..Wilfred Q'liliughlin, of Detroit, is home on his holidays, `•`"- 1?f you cscant pure lee, delivered to Mi 1.41111 n Dalton n is home from 'you promptly and in 4 capable and Detroit fora week. __ _ -.- a ._.. O'Gaannor and Mr... 2 t11Y -_-__Miss � - k tizaannrtaeol �� caul ry _ _ . __ __-_ . Mary Mr - ' Ice Plant on 1ingston street and your I Thos. O'Connor with their Sider, Uri). 1te will be hronght in as -ftp' nninutee. 1 cond�on, and her two sons,. Ito anti The plant, which its being run at'y '4L-1- ne •tatgton and- A. ' -Colborne, - -ha gained the faros of the public because of the tn:itary conditions surrounding able pry, reguTarfiy -ra -Hiss b tE:. I r, n s, •• are your icy �o` that will fit y o !a "B1,oating ii; n'itn-ever-pr 1'--•da'nvr with, dei ecw.a.§ ann pasture, particu- A 14 ,yam ,gyp Means for lessening 'this danger, au vised by animal husbandry experts, in- 4.l.abde, Never turn a ow out on al- give a small teed of- dry faay 'Mare ate,t;At ve as suA,X of water sa• l xaesartlEia'..'.'e times; don't turn the cows out on a freihly4rrigated pasture, or o. ature reeking wet from rain,_hea vY._ dew or : t+e frost. Much of the da'n- +&m £ ` '�` _\l: ' graa.� TQE , gcas with a�ru --nom s�W ..th-,_e �stures. The caws prefer to o legumes. -sTi-eh—ifirifltxlttr--Atr-swee rclocer and wilt take the edge off their a.ppet.t.es before reeding on these. 0 0 0 • (itrolling . Siugn Carden slugs are always most abun- dant in wet seasons or in moist situa- tions. They emerge at. night, hiding during the dad benesath the soil,.,aand -they feed -chiefly on the . uadersur'faces of the leaves of beans, lettuce, cab- __nage, cauliflower and such like plants. They rasp off the epidermis of the leaves and where the infestation is heavy severe. injury Is . occasioned. }Aire all other pests, these animal .,•can. be .ntor y,,,: 4trolle,r?�7:7 dial- measures are applied when they are small and few in number. ' Ac- cordingly, the amateur gardener and I the commercial growers w hose crops are being' attacked should give the matter immediate attention. cif kiastern Canada, the slugs are controlled by dusting the infested plants with hydrated lime in the evening after the suu has gone- down and the feeding commenced, Care should he taken to cover the upper and lower -surfaces of the leaves and the soil immediateiy surrounding _, e plants. 'Hydrated lime is effective only when in the form of a light dry powder., if it becomes hard wheu subjected to moisture, it is non -injur- ious to the slugs. Consequently a few light applications of the lime at in- tervals of three or four days are tnneh more effective than one heavy dose. Another method recommended• is to spray p y t'he p1'ttnts .with Bordeaux mix- - . x-- - ---- --'-'-____ tune. 0 0 0 Cans giant mein „its The ' yield per acre of alfalfa, hay and clover, will range from normal to above normal in Central and South- western Ontario. In Eastern On- tario the per acre yield will be below normal and in Northern Ontario cun- 'sidera,bin below. 1Kenor'a, Manitoulin, Ipissing and Temisitaming report the yield -fifty per cent» below average ow- ing to winter killing and heavy en yalotwoss of new seeding' during the 1 summers. As a result the total pro- duction of hay and clover is expected to be somewhat 'below normal. Cut- ting of hay and t=lover generally ranged from fief to ten days later than first cuttings of alfalfa. Wet weather interfered greatly with haying dpera- 1 tions in .,., its of Southern Ontario. The acreages �of neem' g,dings has made excellent growth in Old Ontario, but, only fair to rather unsatisfactory de- velopment . ii Northern ..Ontario due tv9 wet. The condition of ,urea throughout on Ontrarie 'VW' reported at figure of 1.413 on the first of July, as compared 'within a Month earlier and 94 on July lit, 14118.. in Northern and •tlastern Ontario the condition figure -*so 103, in Western Ontario 104 and .in Southern Ontario 100. Live stack have made.good. gains, with milk Clow at as high level. The production of cheese in Ontario incmased from VS,- 8S1,723 S,t l,72s pounda in' June, 10 1, to 17,- 09,672 7;QCs"8,(172 pounds in June of this year, hlthough utter production showed a irmafl decline. The early stop of po- tatoes tit SIouthet'n Ontario Oresented MOW uple arona-e with vigorous, vrell-developed plaaints and satisfactory yfe at . e•r zra it i `lr zy : t ,Ait_:tap' ,gro h ' acids 1140'a -tet rat. The late sols , iii a ttg on well oft, the .2ro r e. in +� rte I(('� ,6.o'&,»mhs+t 1,y,,4. .. Vy� 3y¢�_i' bwS. .. A ¢, W '+i1:NiF R,u,.«. .: 4w. V4. ..1P.'�d. "if' _.1 111+. . V,K.._ , rt:. tib do L>yii Luvftto Iar>'oiOld Boyo analGirls. (Did 'Boys and Girls --You are invited to' pav -u._ visit to- one of the mast irr.,.. t+ itT tz rg 'h - =1iF' tY }aria .. 1 [ngh l in,- owner of Hillsdale Fiii ns, who supplies a local dsafriti ith Gold= 4a�laernae�111kt extends; the i�nvi--I' ▪ pedigreed stock and his herd Iia l► tiiic% tes'ted,.jict _acctredited. , His cattle heave worn "prise at--trUcn hers of lin- T portant shows in Ontario. ,Nethr. Guerciasey the weett-end tat Mr. J. ilBtcvrller'a.. Miss >i 10 a. Zia rtia -from t)t. Ata auctiaae was borne for h visit on -E1==. day. Mr. and Mrs. and l in>atmaun and ft1ta- ily, adastet Louto Etattcs Mr. attC Airs. Raymond 11lalyy nasal fico t t1 sCrag,_ .astmiadae-.►_Mrs. Frantt dimidg, vist_. at M. S. CC onn oat Stat Litt r - •'�•i':-vc, � � � ... srtt "vq,:,,N.�',+, ��1:.!i�+�utryaks�rth.,t�•-�.�;:. �r. .:�;;»,: 4} 'u;" 7�`�-�Y��d•.�"�''�y!wY"1.�•l�'"'i'6rw .»vwna;y;.w.. 1 ;.F ,.w}„�y, '. For over 20 years .the SAULTS COAL CO. has been . gents e„Mie . r this i i class fuel. '"'ea'-.•_.•+wv^ 4arnr++���..; �Jk%+..�' Wes o teak-- wee --Den .: ,,per` , . p Trizc wni c eta -g n ° fie cam' t w° 0,79 clic alaco *c .. • We &semen yon ptrornroptl ellen etry-ounall eotatallil i ..a?rrvcye. 'AUL T$ nwIrunIIDif Ph (mqtr --/ o-� Cokes - Pe>ettlt,ra ca,40A - Il ' b. iiia ' Vit tinr0c4 salted 16: n2,0 lbs. axd Veda 1,0-13z. Tian stile Pack 4114=1 :.w r � L? is tt dn• nC3 . ��.",+�✓µ� . La ball taGa$ e, Bunt • ilcsla 51QJG Shirai i?s Assorted .1411.11.1117...S - pka. o a Harry Horne's 15 -oz, Bat. Puit,1cii tiilall 9tto g'ACaD 0a8=112.0 oc. a3G%e.03 c`�.2crF:an� c.70 pmovc.:n, Ca. p,,,:x ,Q Nj cicorly aIQ erg: g your In¢on>ik-'fb k1AQ o riQtt cr Ic turn, 0 00C31 ruoc C:: -4 cm? c --o t� - a co =mod ==.47. �cp=C +2c c c•-•,•.-7Co �r rcenrce= osfew gets auze Emocol, c411,11enge you, to bind E qukli .cerf eaca� t motorfuucll o 0 mere cru c n fjuthats e nc k r� an,(� � �9 is ,unip onapg r© too vale high knockkoo, powers incdonnIan'izeg pari o ffkag; r educe o onatim alzked geeet ang 0 0 0 tor6iedbirtai from harmfuR 401 fi ction makea it g ire for your anotorco Ccd