HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-7-28, Page 9• ••• •4 "I•S 141,....14,Y. • ,11. •
• A.
aodericliss big weett Is right at
Imnd. After. vsOnt4is.:0g:pse:pration Qk
•v744, August ittt to 'en, vntt±,
_grappled with events) to make a_mein-
- ble -celebration- .00: the- iltoth-aiantls,
of the founding of this. cetni-
• entaitekattatuVataetiti
, A
itt4e-havt titettetz te .0_ 14 0 2 ei
Vit010123. issmed.....,ander the directio
P. -Callow, to Goderieh
n kel'A •agreirb
pm" od,
Rd of these replies,' was prepar for'
publication, 'biut other demands on
apace have evened pubitcatien.
the "eNneeet0;404geeleger,
unien, and elreinentjtatteee
deter'some from malt 'there Inetr't1
a.ssurance that a great and *'0,11,liant
• host of old boys.and aktmV114/0.,.04
• „ htInd-fOr The big week. 'Some are
here already., o era are atriiing%very
• day, and the weekneed will lundotibtet,„
3, 1i! r 4• ,
The o teal program oPene gly
with the eletnaeh servieett On Sznadaet
and proceeds through -the week with a
neeeteet eteetgalateettatte
- eanteszetaettretteeneentletgatetetein
os/ I
e. l
t� interest not�hIf the vietting Olat
boys and girls but the people of, the
whole county and of .regions beyond.
For the converaience-ofveaderatetpila
of the week'sprogram are given on
another page of tble papei, To
--Terdbly, 1CdViever;
aplat ru p sg through tilt the pre-.
tetette __ _IttattetkEASeetteeeithettleeetente
to show the VinftOrn that nothing itt
too good for them, and to lea.ve no-
thing- undone -that: vvill -contribute- to -
their comfort and entertainment while
they are with us.
The invitations have one out-ethe
feast is spread -it is now for the
guest e to come and ,enjoy w t has
een prepared for them.
Yelling Sera ff 1.-at/.3 W.63. -Oen
Although still suffering- considerably,
six-year-old Gerald Spain, son of Mr.
and rs. John Spain, Mast 4treet, vi I
was painfully burned when his cloth-
ing caught fire while at play on Mon-
day of last week, b reeeiering nitc,
from his terrible eeparience.
The little boy was playing -with d
- .ropa he. hadake ital-vhen..it-toga
--iia etairtesildeMtAtetaleeetelde-40-16Z-141-
towards 1210 „maker, a clerette,ing hp!'
" man torch, aethe ea itet about
his body. Ellis 34 ocher Elatated tO
beat out -the flainea' 'wit)/ ler' bare.'
hands, but not beret* then toy. Wait
badly burned about elite- WV
•atiticuagtoto *1.444 'dal:tett bik
put, w,nino-;
' AT,tePt414 • Pzent:,..
enr haw, pi -tit
ple„.11.7(447-.'„. - •
'.et ar4),, two ikr4ittii•
otttet. mato.. chare at ,0::,_o'clock Ant
,thate a ',id/WS:deli- 'Sze.
number, of - outstanding artista
have 0,04,zented 40 contribute numbers
-ether, qpro* these is,
v..,;+. t
ly tnown_as, It is hoped,
-to:eeiiiiki--.181airriEtoitmani- Miro
tio choir i Westminster Abbey.'
NOrval. ,Pitblade eleveteyeae-old son
;of -Me. and Mete e'n . Pahlado, of God -
*rich. who isitraoApitifuily burned and
eutt abate, t.„tattetta, week apt late
Sunday Witkexi he 'peached off a Oh-f5e-
of -ffiintowder 'while at play, la well
on• the-Aray to- recovery and will not,
his eight probably will be impaired
tliktit,,IY Wad:meted fOr life as a
result a the terrifYing eteeerienett.
-The telfertnhate accident, attributed
to a monk:, thriller, oteurred when the
boy-violtedi nate •Ge011eill Oolitorne
t(4712aditat-The ZAoangsters founad a
can• of ganyorider and decided to re-
enact a blaoting ccene witpessedette a
tfigitirrirkelrirars7Tifige: Amoral-
ingly they pleeete a pile of gunpowder
tertallattet. Qt-.5:12113Z,..a +4'9. 0*-11-VerEk
J. A _ ,,I:AIL,-t2UaglrateACtia:,014A
ibits wheat the, igowder *red, cas they
Mit See' laletutte, e„o they Illed
a -bottle Witte, tele eetettuck aentatch
in the neck to iltleS fuee, and lit
the match. Norval took the blast in
tate kat eetnottle..was...ehattered
by the exploding gunpowder.
1810E23 UOZ
ono nzez omo.! Lassies o2 Ceantral
This interesting event on the pro-
gram will take place Tuesday• after-
noon, 'August 3rd, at Central achbol.
The 'session will begin at 2 o'clock
sharp. Be not late for fear of conse-
.quencee. Come with lennone pre-
pared. Get throats in good condition
for the ramie lesson. Bring 'harmon-
icas, Leteetost-teloline, etc.
The Inspector will Fromote those
worthy of promotion. -Girls may wear
,alrosassver, their„ Sunday dresses,
Rovs,munt,-haveelean-fams and ha (10,
TWd.hbiirs a pure enjoe
good boys and gide.
- reetniAlle-,-:1=1:1021D
At Deer Park Chapel ecte datatday
last Marion Berthaektaentende, daugh.
,Ler of the Late er. riled Niro. Sohn
laaeKenzie, wao eaterried to ,Mrt Jo
Alvin Marshall, On of II; cr, a; and
the lat Mrs. Marshall a Goderich.
Dr. esotlittnfale 4e1ateti. Dar.
Rol i3ld Played the wedding
The bride, aleen in marriage by her
brother, Mr. A. B. lietertenalle, vetted a
gown of white eblEota ntade ott flowing
lines with matehhea,teened ,jaettet and
turban with shoulder lenath eelt and
carried a shower 'Or *444 ita renal
Eir 11 Arlesint was betq4n..
At the receptied hG4d gir
Kitchen lam tt-Ttlatittetatiee ,tenteiVed
the gueats, gowned in IloVered
pink silk Imaffant stple tWith- turban
of Shasta datetee -and illao!`4,-
les. She was atsiqied.by TIrcr. Arnola
cOonnell, t1/2 GrOre0 13tate; W40
wore white tar mitev-Amti c„zantttac&
of vrhi evveat tee= Mr. and Mete
nen the bride travelling la a
tia law-to m10r E17,aete
brow feer frock With inatetling
eessories. On that telnitela Mr. a
Mrs. Marshall will reside in Tenekit6.
Mr. and MM. Arnold Metentelk, '02
wn, were in Toronto for the wed-
ding. t
Mem-arid Serullead--ese aiannal Inas-
oriaI eervize Itt--conntint
cemetery wt11 be 1441: -on tunday,
An -
put 15th, at 20 p.M. The cervite
he conducted', by neav,
ney of St. 'Llarlett Anglican ettnittek,
,,iteluburn. All those .1Sntetc#:st,
dially invited to
departure from the %.,s'r-Olat 0 Of
holding this tervice, whiat iatt
dunday ihefore
Board of Trueteee, fer ceeetal ateentone.,
hos seen fit at thio tho
service at later dato 040, tottto.
Lore. Next year tile .,Itoard top4
to rename the cwvito at itt:*'•Sol=e42
ppol n ted t
111:::3 O
' tOt4,10':-0,T!,,Anriti. n.
• 4:,,sr..,-;-,r.,.' '' 1
INTVI t'IM t71'. 10-' TothAtIon
,,cio;titvAm to to' p,t4Wt. dm4ptc ow me' IPPrAlat ,t. '497: i:'':i0104, IgQPVIlt"
THAZ#.---TrIZV•T 'PM :4P it.147',A4Q, -1,7*q t4t4(!a :03,,,dtttt t',?.r07-..,kmea
tont a! ete male nbV42V: ..01r41,7,41'7ig, .1414411-M --44 3.7 le,,,tkresilaq,,,,,,,,,t2t,44.1.5 Pitan,%07.0.
,- ntIttedane. afterneent Of ethie WOk ,09.1a OR 1
n,•ehate Og Mo r-lalleitar Otiatu la Carla %nal. (11X7 44,,11.*Ii no,•btar-
comany ot Tomatt,9, A ateat..rottoty .Sama tacal(n rittd4y -tqabt: at! 413,ritelatnrat
01Z Voatiltnea'10 katt C','"1 -.Zit 131) and theret 041.t. Mile will'ite, 0. VAitc4 a=sionf
wilt,#esueb a heavy de and for these
• ow9ver, 44.18t3 a Mad' the Once
that it is suggested that as OTIMIV CIO ettliplannt WM' In tifi*1 'out in order
st=idle secure their costumes' atzl to can perfect results pee the per.
1439 tkepl,Li t 2,lay_b920atu.rday formeasts'neettAesnictun ni?' !testa
o1 t1LOveeeti neold. the beary rub Clad ThuraffiLY-1 •
therm ;will be on Monday.
r The eeetu nes will alco be ayelleble MO.reC) MOEn
atthen-follettainte-week andenominal et_t
prime; have been ed for their ren- Ittnetrt ',tem fieneet'ter;1.-tt:3,.,§! On'tV4,7
tal, either by day or wgek• •esit Vreatt.t.'x' Wonettene
sgrz •
'11011-7Ercebtool tct,t6carried ,ttelt lit 41 -be' eche*
ttre o
at one, time or raothar atrlhes nurt., :0a 'ftectay..,,atteretoonft. 0.1<to ^5 ,oteloeh,,
Wei igartteillatlY ba2n will tate' lip from
4!1.,Itirr' AMI,',,,w teritta&?_L„,#4i2Palvtz, 3..etteand pee .-nterienietnetP
eat, a e e,
a.'• eueemo will he,' present to receive the en -
usually realize before long that 'ther'e pupile., .
leo place like hoturte."e ' At 3.89 Mr. J. E. Titsert a Hanoil-
Such was the cane with two SaY- eon, :former_ pelneeateleawilla cal- !,,6
,Ark4spirAennItaTc.0.AL •:-.11z4Pliftoei.,_abh
r , ••
,, :...., t
,-,124,,, 1,,-:413nek.:21141F-42Mitt...4fa' • 24- 421intiti II)22-' 7,baktilii,--62-4,th67-41403nme--a . .1
_ Ois! •I,Tt;g1.0,,:lefo-,7474/4-44.ir 49,M1.1,-,echool---Olubii-,villbmakeafpree .6
Wedpeaday of last week. ne bon; to eke cchool. -1151r,..J. „Alen. 'grentee ne
bedn't gone very far when hunger and ottav7a, representing all; former ree-
fettee overtook them. even tbefore itee dallispe, will 1:.• the gueet speattee.
lice who were notifiedcould locate— Refreshineete will be , served by
thenn teneinttare •Wanderers returned tit members of t'e Home andeachool Club.
their homes the next day. A cordire, invitation le ,extend to
all past pupils, and former metialliete
- . It IVIDnet_Z_.tententeetteeeteetnette_teene,
14g,annd Rana 'km= tbaEleager- Cale.
brat° the Arentivey
tetthetreenenoteneattenlearetnien'tte;- .
and Mrs. Anto,s nthallenger received
many guests, the occasion 'being the
fiftieth anniversary of their wedding.
The -guests reereetedmitted by -little
Lois P'eher, a grandchild,- of Kitchen-
er, and were asked by her young broth-
it-iBentice Veber,- to a -vilsiteiir
register. Guests were rewired by
--Merand Mrs. Challenger and 404011 -
and Mr. We it,
of Eitchener. Ai, *lionise --wai-lieau
fully decor ted with flowers and in
the .dining -room the laeencovered tea.
table, centred with a huge three-story
calm nd a v sa of yellow roes with
golden candles. , bore out a .eolor
echeme of gold and white. Mrs. -W.
P. Lane poured tea during the after-
noon and Mrs. J. eesley Moore pre-
sided In the evening.. They were as -
elated by Miss label Weber, of Kit-
chener ;' Mrs: Md. teeber, of LIstowel,
and Mrs. Douglas Wilson and Mrs.
Robt. Mathieson, of Godericht
Among the guests, in addition to
il r: and Mrs. Weber and children and
Raymond Barker, a fourth grand-
child, were Mr. obt. Hoover, of
ruesels, who- Yeas groomsman- at the
wedding fifty yeara ago, and Illro..331oo-
ver, and Misses Mae Murray and
Nellie Moe, both of Detroit. The
bridesmaid was the late Mre. Clem-
ens, of Heepeler.
- •Wee-VS2: :147; -.amt.-ail:lacy
M-e-1BIentyiedaneelater-o2--4ttorge Henry
land Heziah Naylor, a -Matt Wawa -
nosh, became bride of Amos Chal-
lenger, sou of William Challenger and
Mary Ann Asia s. The ceremony
wan conducted at West eldtMethodlet
ihurch by Bev. Thon. Gee. Tbe
couple lived in Matt Wawanooh Until
1328, when they moved to the Base
line near Clinton, retiring to Goder-
ich eleven year° later.
Mr. Challenger, who is eighty-six
years of age and enjoying good health,
came from. ntorkahire, England, in
11853 to cattle with his parents at
itchell, moving to East Wawanorth
In 1887, tee wee married the same
BESTMI , n7.-GlifOrd
iLen-w to- Kite.hener
ho*ICtl �i Mo day to have his ton-
sils retnoved.
lEtzp.Mere's Dig WasIs.-Sunday, July
25, Opp' the Benmiller Old oziome
We& with two de zermone from form-
er ministers, ettev. P. Barnes in the
ormling and Bev. A. W. ,•rown in the
evening. The- church could not ac-
e() Nis °date the large crowde. Malay
old boya and girls were present from
Tlabendale, Hamilton, Chatham; Gettl-
erieh, Goderich totenohip, olmeav e,
Toroeto, Port Albert, Putnam, Va
Enteforth, Nile and •ao far west ata
.sacatchewan and Aliberta. Special
-tialc,was render te by old lanne anal
re with Pm 1. B. Cumtaingt a
£oer pastor, presiding at the Odra°
kiV the (welling =vim. On aundaY,
August ist, the cervices will ale tahen
In. the moral by Mr. Joh 131.111ott of
„London,.a temniller (Ad hoy,. and, at
744). poi. bY /tett. iv fl. Oa ...sing, a
for wer paster.
year. His bride, Who is seventy-five
years of age, is a native of Waterloo
ceunty. .
Two of their four children ourvive.
They are Mr. J. E. Challenger, of
Edgerton, Alberta, and Miro. E. D.
Weber, of Kitchener. A con, Stain -
ley Challenger, died at Edgerten, frota
war wound e end a daughter, Loio
(Mra. E. T. Barber), of Goderich, died
ltatlt--There ane nine Trandlchildren.
Mr. and Lira. Challenger are highly-
regaded members of North street
Alnited churete and the groom of fifty
yearo ago is also a member of the
Independent Order of Forester°.
The Qtfeen City Ainticemeet Com -
Pane is bringing a large' "MldwaY”
which will comply Victoria' Park all
next weeh. The outfit C0 nt priaes a
'Veerla wheel, erryego-reued and
-Many other t'e?turea,
An additionel attraetion Tor Old
Motet Veta wiul be a baseball game
betemen the old rivals, Zurich and
Godlerip.t. e Ouroxi.PArtkitzague,
it game 41 be played Priday after-
noon at the' :6.gricu1tural Park, where
:the Cal. venfan mules and ,ruren
Ounty athletic eVente Will combine to
rattkeenaat caterfloM- Tbe CMAPSIW
auk-gion Intxyllrvand Of St. Thomas will
be in attendance:
p.eciat .Drandstand acconmodatio
provided for the big crowd
etntet#*11 tor the. Dramiona),Oasebali
CpmesoaWordaezday afternoon. If
their regratation connto fo- anything,
the visiting teams trill tout kill) 09 03041
0:11;120pp you could tee 4n the big
`Can -0.Z412 the general
erten by deeoratitig their homes.
Ilkry bit kelp.,
The War veterans are expecting the
demonstration on Sunday afternooti
to be the largeot put on la thin die. -
Wet nille0 war -time, 'Bands will
come With the contingents from Wing -
ham, Clinton. Senforth and !Astor/el,
and the Gederich band will accom-
pany the local body of veterans.
Chief Beacom (flay c; his tug-of-war
team is ready to meet all °oilmen off
Monday. The Chief.lsones a dell par-
ticularly to Godeilch township*, Col-
borne and AskSeld.
Doug. pooney's connuaittee has made
preparations for a great feast of
band nmele on lday night. Do;
aides the celebrated Cheoley band,
Pere will be bands from fluently all the
nearby towna. The tattoo will con-
clude with a and ethibltion of fire-
The Legion telll operate a bingo
ineute (luring the Week on Colborne
street, nett td alterb 3ate's garage.
eupied on Sunday morning next by
Rev. Willie ter, It:A.,- of Portage
la Prairie, Man., a former Goderich
boy, and in the evening by Rev. B.
MeDermid, of St. -Peel% amen,
Toronto, a former minister of Mum
Pc, ispeolsal_priv,e_ of .$5-09_18 aay of
time, teams beat the Goderich lire-
k.b.70'.0, ZaC*Mo. Marl'
,„ nutiatit
Tonorpm),. ,attr 'Dt
Otederieh Will ner "Tattyrilee" eneivite
tellidot ziltbt. The enrniriai teing
arranqtdt Enron Old ItOye
sociatioo will' plrObabis denee the le
est crowid, that has ever been Ii
eriek Ond tn addition to the eve bands
ad- -the- -gist 4ighlander0 ittero
re -Vali -be-- four ---orchs-stme---and.
enolagb tolmumating apparatus to be
a0 -4-407-S Latta) Eturon.
The =mita' got under
trinnittlittitotelnett tin= the-ealtt
idee ow tatted about are dually
velt ped. there will he 'plenty of comedy.
•Chief•P osteietrolwatte Irno annomim2Q tr
dakitrj the day, which has allowed the
id AR —Es.mt0 Lafa
a the °evasion to make the present
residents rem ber their home -coming.
°Wel the features of the night pro-
-gram- - --the-tug-e-wa r t -740
itmitbarelf a d 1110 ilremg-luto
ettp, ei1 Iffeintyre• has a crew-trillt
ing out in Latte Huron. off Ashileld;
Aubrey W• Item of Ottlborne hale his
team prat doing et 3 a.m. eue.h moral_
tehate..Mesera..Haacite and Bell of
Godericla township have a special re-
serve In the middle of a dense forent
the Huron Old 'Boys'•cup. -
The old-tyrate dancing teams are
lining up and there will be at least
four townshiprepresented! with ttev-
ertal poet entries indicated. Bert
MacDonald will supply the music for
Welsch.. Mean& of. the -district wi1h0se spectra , onneeet.--stanntott
attend the service, Mr. Matermid be- !amen. made by the Huron- County Jun -
Ing Grand Chaplain -ant- ti5e- order in I ior Association for both the waltzing
titario. There wilVbe4.reetatinugi_cf-.:4144__the_ fox-mattlatt.conbetitTonitteand
Geddes of Lueketow, eat tne morning I will be accompanying (he Clinton, Sea -
service and id inn Virginia Johnston , forth and Wing m delegatione will
tike part ID these competitione for the
service. r. silver ',cups.
E. X &Alleys Ines LaIiiikr.,esza &etre-
ra fltuk7,
Reuben R. &non% dean of Huron
county pbotegraphera, wan fatally, in-
jured on Friday laze when his light
truek, conta n ng pbotogrcphlc p
tun, turned over in loose gravel after
a blowout and pinned the driver to
the ground in the ditch. The accident
occurred juot couth of Hinton on
highway No. ,
Mr. Sallovrtn Cheat Wao cnaeleed* forc-
ing splintered ribs into the lungs, but!
Mr. ,Sallows, who was in hie eighty-
first year, wits conselouo when pulled
from beneath his old car by membero
of a .road eonotruction eategentorking
ayor Holmes of Clinton, Acting
Mayor Cluff of !Seeferth and tayor
Hanna of .Wingham will be on spe-
cial Iloate with a band from each town
and will the accompanied by memberu
of the Council and prominent ofilciala.
The night carnival will commence
at 7.30 and continue until midnight,
with a vau,deville ohow and dancing
taking place on the main stand, which
wiU be situated MI the uare at
Montreal street, with special • loud
speattera under the direction of Jim
Hunter, radio commentator of The
Toronto villelegra .
0112111.1130 IINIKAN& Erk,R0,11.1(
1 Pollee here have_ been flaked to lo-
cate a family by the name of Stone-
-beselnery-of-Salphur ,Springe, Ind., wino
are -believed -to- he -camping- in- the -
neighborhood of Goderich. A rela-
tive at home is seriously ill.
Anyone iknowing the -whereabouts of
the family In tented to call Operator
74 Newcastle, Indiana.
e 1
a, doctor ruihnd the beeldene victim
-16 Alexandra hospital, and such was
the elderly man'a great strength that
he refused help and walked in the
building unaided, in ite of hie griev-
ous injuries. _Ile died about fourteen
hours later, on naturday morning.
Mr. Bellowswae on his way to a
summer camp at 5. intail to take pier -
tures. ills old car, of tele vintage,
was well tenown on the roads of Hu-
ron county, for Mr. &allows; had tra-
velled „many miles in recent years,
taking the ntudio to the customer as
he photographed outdoor evente, ouch
as Weddings, camps, fair°, fa Ry
gathering° and ouch oceaoloaa.
Mr. Sallow° was born in Colborne
teyrnehip, it con of Mr. and Mr&
Vellum Zallows, but lir most of hie
life in Goderieb. Eilo photwerenthic
enperienee of alety yearo spread hie
name far .beyond the bOunda of hie
native county, and hie works have won
mo y aveardo.
He was twice married, first to. Mks
Mora Meratarrion, who di in 3191e
leaving three children, and later- tO
111m Clera Be ford, who survive::
with one child, Rpm' Jean. Child-
ren by the &at marriage are D. D.
Sallow% of Philadelphia; tars. C. K.
Saunders, of Goderich, and Ur°. J.
F. Kerby, of Detroit. Mrs. Wm. ro-
phey and Mrs. Robert Moore, OM of
Goderich, are deter° of the late Mr.,
Dlr. Sallow° wait a peonainent them-
ber of liCitot Prechytergan chtaketi. Ere
was a meta:ar og ttto con for forty
years, being conier e or at ithe time
of hie death; He WIWI the -\ Met of
twelve °lidera Wine CerWd <hurling ;WV.
Urda tinserhere. Vor some time
he was ouprintendent of the Sabbath
school. Mr. uCallewa-alco took -a beea-
interest in the (471C life of the coot-
niu-nity, and carved as town council-
lor .tabei of the public sebool
Theflaneral Gervice vas conducted
at '06 a.Illowo home on Church °trete
on =outlay ,afternoon. Rev,3.
Lace conducted the service at the
110=3 414 Gravealde cerviw_wps in
Ool. A. V. Sturdy, chaplain,
George Dovvra, nobio grand, and J.
Wesley tleore, of„the(Ooderich branch
a the 11.0.000 to2 Vaal deceased
'Was ctmembt,r.. frate=nt MD to
itaitiad c=r:1977. the #alitaN2,3
Ina 1,1=713. eataozz, P. J. tlac-
caott, wilt= mito, gt.oico tow
art, Scimas rdnz=t tito Goa= IlitOCet
PETCJA 221171720N
Party of Piety 6latbee at Bilarhar
l?art ann Raturday
On Saturday afternoon last about
fifty members of the Fell' family gath-
ered at 'Harbor Park for the annual
reunion and picnic. -Relatives and
friends were present from Liatowel
Mitchell, Seaforth, Stelae, Henaall,
Varna and Goderich.
Thoze prent enjoyed an afternoon
at ehe lake and a picnic supper in the
park. !Speakers were D. 1. Hill, of
.Lietowel; Mrs. Ralph Stephenson, of
Varna, and Mr. Fred Vipond, of
Ofilltere for the 1939 reunion are:
Preeldent, D. 1. Hill, of Listowel;
viee-prealdent, Ma. Ste ptlencon, of
Varna; ceeretery-tireannrer, Mro. Wm.
Stephenson, of Varna.
Attending from Goderich were Mr.
and Mao. John Mall and Mao Edna
Cambria road.
Glatmas.-To Lir. and Mrs. Fletcher
Gliders (nee Attgusta latunfalvy), of
Detroit, on July 23rd, a daughter,
Barbara Semen.
HOWATT.-At Auburn, on Thureday,
July 22nd, George D. Howatt, aged
cto yearn.
argreolksurra-an Ooderich, on Twee -
day, July et, Merle Badour, beloved
wife of eloah Geromette, In her
-113th sTdar, '
SMILOWS.-At ,Alenandra hospital,
Goderich, Saturdey, July DIM
Reuben R. Callowa, bn hitt Slat year.
FlIOR'rON.-In Goderiett, oa 'ruttedey,
July 27, Mary Ellen Ott-11(142Am,
widow of the late Jame° Horton, in
E'er Vat'. * -
40=2411,A.TOLLAN.,...4gi Goikrieh,oa
Wedoezday, July 23, Ven. Areh-
deacon Wilfred 30nee-Bateman, in
his 74I111 year.
no funeral =trice will be con-
dzetGa at it. Oeortao Am/limn church
024 17zialay at 2 p.m. by Bev, A. C.
Cat4c7. =WWI tv btOv 3. N. i2. Doug
o2 Mitkhener. Interment fu Maitland
Lt taverhuron,„ -
laitt:a • trath- 4t4Ott-* -T,Vuet2eldr
virr,s Wit‘t)itylert14, V*4i'MT:Itro' it
io her'annt', nrs,,-W.. Zater,
Oun4ry, 11)2
vlontona 'hot toctor, Moe woot1na,.
aoa/o Ttellto, Notrozdatet,
:13•••tb mi -,.4-1.4.02,!, too at, taina
:dn. Wad Me. A. Mott:Wiley. of 're-
rOtthe are Viitititett er,itn Mi.,,and Mrs,
t.V. ant, Man. Gordon Table* and
MI= Noreh juelk want a Week at
visited thct pot week eel Ur. end
Mee 414 cone. •
..z..sm.ltara2a-ParcUlkoantos was
guest of Meyor and Mra.
MacT2 an.
tfEr. Jachson Walter, of Toronto, b
tati rji
Zar. -Oa larp. 2.401lowen. Ikk-
route, cire at-tliitikiii-e--of
i„ a guest with her uncle and aunt,
Mr. add Mts. 'A. L. Cole.
Mm Peed laclanaghlin wad dauchter
laucatratp. et-laoatte-a-azo-cueata--02-
yorzzatt_zam...0. 4.-TAT-12notiVati,
Mr.. -and Mrs. Clarence &vile midi,
,danghter err* wee:Ore
gueets of IlIcIlwain, Nevogate
Misses Isobel and Margaret Mee-
ittftilli:Iner-e- returned fr•-o•..., vigil -to
London. jztster, M. F. T. Egener, tat
sons, of WallaceeattLburg, visited Vey. D.
J. and Miele -Mine et tee matae Oh
ard and. Matey, of Mentreal,-are visit-
ing•the ledy's parents:, Mr. and Mrs.
T. Oriente
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Jim
-and baby Ray, were weeh-end visitor&
at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Ben-
1W.A.feel*e, a:dikr44M-rrif.liltivid Co-u-rtn-e-Y nd
ORI, David Joseph, of Windeor. epent
the weekemett withethee Mireeee McKin-
nine lirrnf5131.11"--iutreEt'
SitinTlean StWanft anirleterritWel
Tilley, of Detroit, are gueets of the
formetes cotteinte, Mee. T. H.. Itundle
and Mite) Mamie Sallseld.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Williams and
two sons. T.,Cennetb and William, of
Utica. New York, °pent last vreth visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. J. . Curson.
Mr. and . rt. era B. Oke, non Mar-
tin and Mrs. O. Johneton, Huron road,
heve returned from a motor tour of
the Southern State% tee far as New Or-
Mr. wed Mrs. Norman Kirk, of /Fort
Wayne, Ind., are visiting the lady's
parents, Mr. and Mr. Andrew 1Kirts,
Clinton, and called on Goderich friends
Mr. and Mrs.:- Wm. Benjamin. of
Vnitk, Sask., are visiting at Dunaan-
non and other pointu in the vicinity.
ie Mr. Itenjaualn'e first vlait to On -
tare) since he moved to the West when
a boy.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Motschenhacher. of
Klamatle-leathe Oregon, -erre Old Home
Week visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John uosey. 1/1TO. Motechen-
bacher is a oister of MITI. Bluceey and
It In thirty years since she left God-
Robert Johnsttm, and
M. Tichberne, P.M. of Maitland I.odge,
A., & A. M., Goderich, and Antoe
Andrew, W.M. of Morning ,Star Lodge,
CarloW. returned on Friday after at-
(t)etettalizig. a Grand bodge con,vention at
lire. John Taylor, Mies Nor= Tay-
lor and Mr. C. W. Stanley, ef Lon-
don. were week -end visitora at the
home of Mr. and Mr. J. L. Taylor,
Cambria road. Mrs. Stanley and
childree returned to London with
them, after' epending a week here.
aripk;:l c : 4`= D -47.4:4"cf.14,1s=
WO4lita. night azyrdaY, j1.144r0aa
town ezntioyes 144 groups to? 10=1
orcantaltiOns and lagas clr4:a raPidiy
ereetOn3 dotorations about' the gtuare
in preparation foe •Me c%010013110a ue
Otdag'etnp vrcot: misitera.
New 11,3n* standards which arrive -A
on Monday were tatelg et=ted by
1131Ydzo employees t7onting date
today. Areltea have erected at
the head ef Welt a to eight areas
Icading to the At imam land canopies -
for e*fid--raink decorations ettave been
alOntg the UM cent" between
Colhorae,aa1 JIcuiI1tonot
worlr t,,int,fe,
IWGee-orge Weetbroo .
Tate Ittel' of decorating ceven of the
eight -motes tao-b4sn-tatcte- over by
kg1 ,•grz4, ma3.3,,,,Art=iggt= oven
ges, ono' the eighth will be a bar-
rel arch at M1nG3ton street, to be
erected bY the Goderich Salt Corspany.
Arelm are haints deeornted by the
foolt__All.pRi-VnifoRrne larva, Tigentg4- : --
tuna uanoe. Club; North street, Loyal
43,T.C1atz. itAt[WeiaraUrctiCcOt, titd-
antineh 1113, Canaditan Legion;
Mint atreet. Goderieh PIM trartade;
llingoton careen Goderieh Stilt OM -
tarty r totatineatente-Genntenter-7titnifel?
Salea; Montreal street, Mom Club.
Streamer° of Gaga are beitaa placed
with welcome °lane en the , and,
o 1, ett ng le . anill 047E3
and county ibuildinget and ninny ho ' -o,)
are beginning to tate on a fnititteralatt nen,
oteenteneettettaantetenesteetneetot-tot, ;:;,-;;;;;14-7,L,,,
'''.1171:117044- i l'A.11(1)1123f,r''
Lion Nelaon 131111 returned to God-
erich on Sunday after repreeenting the
Goderich Lions Club at the 11otta In,
teruational at Chicago .1021 Met. Lion
Bill was one of 10,41110 reprenentativent
gatheziel from every pert of the con-
it was rivetifik. i t convention,
that the ,Licene Olub jpeelleeeelateera e--
cervice orgenireetiOn in the woridr-with
75*--bren,tigrarthafr ttarli1P—"-
tary Club, and 91,048 metubers in eight
The executive of the Liens Interna-
tional of Canada for the ensuing year
le as follows: Preeldeat, L. W. iceter-
con, of Windeor; secretary, Elton
Plant. of Windsor ; directors, V. Birch,
of Milwaukee, Wis.; Melvin Jones, of
Chicago; I'. Gormley, of Vancouver,
and Wm. Henry, of Montreal.
The 1038 convention will he held at
Outdo nd, California.
- The marriage of Aenen Eanter, only
daughter. of William McArthur and
the late Mrs. McArthur, William street,
Goderich, to Murrey Olmo, youngest
eon of Peewee& and Mra. Hardy, con-
ceeetion 5, Colborne townehip, was sol-
emnized at the residence of the bride
on Tuesday, July 20th, by Rev. 1). J.
Lane, of Keen Preebyterian churcb,
Goderieb. '?.Arize had" dreo.sed ineplak
creete_and enrrying a banquet of rosea
had her eister-in-law, Mrs. Myrtle
Barwick, St. Vincent atreet, asher
bridesmaid, and the groom vvas sup-
ported by hin brother, Wilmer Illartly.
Mrs. Barwick carried carnations. The
home of the bride, waa prettily decor-
ated with a wedding arch and a pro-
euvion cif summer floweret, under WhIeh
the marriage te.evice wan performed in
the ,presesee of the relatives and
friend* of the bridal (Teeple.
After the .signing of the register. a
Wedding luncheon was enjoyably par•
tleipated in by tboue present and the
young couple prepared for a honey-
moon by motor to potent north. They
will reside on the groom's farm on the
boundary of Colborne and Wawanosh
E3Pa GIME? Oori lk...fltle—CostQot
ioo Knatorool, Lo t Emit
Leah Grill rose to first position in
the Old Home Wee!! Pageant Queen
contest In the laat day or two and 'at
time of going to pre= was 125 votes
ahead of Mona 11. rrieon. Miss Orlin)
total stands at 1,875 and Miss Berri-
aon'a at 10,750.
The atendina today is as followee
Leah Gelif 19,875
Mona Harricen ,,,,,,,
Helen Drennan 10,
rereueon --nee- 8r
Dorig labwthOrne
liarhara Thomson
Evelyn Drennan 4,839
Iffildred MocHay 4,60
Nora Costello 3,525
Maxine Wilson 3,375
Kay Little 3,375
Lucy lilarircon 3,039
Marjorie Prouett
Elaine Tremblay 1,625
With only Thurodny left the vetett
are piling in at Pageant, Veadquartero,
and it is erveeleti daily tlietleMenitt
will Aube cant In the forty-eight bouro
Tho young lady elected Queen wLll
bit crottAled, Saturday night at
o'cloch at the raoadotatl to the Square
by His Worship Mayor H. 3. A. Elee-•
Mayan. She will he invested with the
robes of ofilee at the same time. The
runnereetep In the conteet are re-
quested to be present for this corona-
The queen and all otheee in the
contest ere expected and requested to
be precept at dress rehearsal Priday
night at 7.80 nharp, as they otnn the
pageant. They will oeettpy honored
ponitionn to watch the .paGerant. Coc-
tumen may be seeured any thne from'
now on et the Collegiate.
Thureday-740, Christianity
7.14), Ramona aa)
8.804 Varactacus before Maudlin:a; 9.0,
FA..tarva the Great; 3.82nnZeiltrg.Williamo,..
itletattle ittolorattet- (Wee Senile).
Fr kin y -(nom OM) drab rehearsal,
hpainning 7.29 ohatp at Agricultural
Pare. In cane tet rain; 411mZ rehear -
del' WITT bo held 'Oattnittir tt at
ranee time. This rehearsal ineindeo
queen of pageant and
Perfortatamqpill kgita OTO=5111,7
8.0 '411 inVar4t
eat at 7, p.m for =tle,,nt%