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The Signal, 1937-7-28, Page 7
aa L "Mir; WItOce 0 " . 0 tati'1� g� Eta of oh, *in lead In e of thy' IQvelI*e$ V s, :u. this px t of . 9{,110` _Vas, It- Rrilt als0 1e 1 you to th 0.73 a 311*7411 ilz=n ,411.1t1 SIONA r rel �M ., � .,'vh,.i.+�c•�!,'i�i1K;t id 9.., �.y'.id >`c. r Wer t' ` a�''���}�r�,}}�yy�!�,����.s. ��a�: 1ty4i�;g.���,�� �1 ,s��pp,s�, y�ty� yYa'uN;� '+'+. �T4,!`"+�„LL'-yi*f'.i 0.\r O' -in '.0 _'iLVX".' a At 40 a40,9,01NR4,Alta'ikttlOti to i*:* f4 tits r o. tarn ..1,. al alto the ,,,,e 1!, i' Ole r : sas h' 't t ` oljti; tori Q"W hQ ou eou.5 Curb Servl Open Day awl, Night .t 0 • tat EIAIWZ LISV Viietoria lt. 11 1t ill lna'a ':. a. new ' rage and service station tioV7 et. 't rper a TIctorla and Non Zverythil1r is the latest in nuipnat and the jobs turned out are be than ever... Mr. •Crala will be glad I. Girls and yttu will be -aapsu ed (if the ost courteous service and the heat job Artossible at. -.this 'ne't - 'tigtperial So d v'iee StaUQfl. A S 'We rn.• //��'',,,, .3Jlk� AF4i4 LTZE 2 0 ''2, i0�''�. Winds a J ,kAr x TElitti— 1 41I1� Axle Straightening By Guaranteed Robot Service Any Car tested ritEE. NIGHT SERVICE ia:'_ AO LI. I v IIILTi " IlyaCE A r, reee A 'ear job 1s -one ming send a IP,.,.sis tae ittnlopti4.411;ed oh-s+o treeeivar wh(;n yon take ,your car to Rouse & Rell's Garage 'at • the inter- --�uGi��IA* and 21 iol� r"a -'� t_ rF7L � .�p� ......... ... '.. ..'". .. . . .._ y� m....y PAs. s®rvie and a , staff of trained -nics;T `errta t� � lr . e1 ahk 11. n tr a Y aca9�F3.8'�t PAT '8.4 z SMT 42. , tb.c.11V. I vyviLIES wail,E0a1Pt IISS laasyffield Imo. Phone 696 GORIGISMOIllr tOI®IEla3lCI1-€1 L3AIIRY IMAIR OPTIMISM' ll NEW AI 011l few weeks ago Goderich was in- tr ° uced to something new and dif- ` fe nt in the way of refreshment s nds. The Godericb Dairy Milk Bar, a sanitary,' cool and quiet place, now attracts townspeople and tourists in large numbers who wish to stop le -- enough_ to enjoy refreshments. The Mi1k '" ar carries the latestin'lare cream bricks and novelties, chocolate and orange drinks, ice' cream sodas nd sundaes, malted milk in all flavors and fresh buttermilk. Don't fall to see the Milk Bar while you are in G•odertch. `l TIIOI` iN SAL:WORD D Hot dogs, soft drink:;, chocolate bars, candies and groceries are all in stork for the public at A. R. Hamil- ton's ServiceStation_ down in Salt- ford—the Rirds-eye Centre of Huron County. The little se vice station on t-hre- ; lue Water Highway to the north „0,14,1' 41atth will .also _supply you with a proline tel oar -.tea= ="�Ii. station is open allanc teous ,euro service- is one .of features. Among the week -end casualties was Harold Faber, 21, of .Tavistock. He vra o embed: beneath a car. There were thirteen -faatal accidents and a large number of others of a: less) Per- iods mature The fatalities included the downings. . illi, "1 didn't hear yon up? 1 said -41 known; rib driving a Terraplane novo. ” Gqierciiella 66;(30keT. eN0 VaLragla t► ac; LatiC1,. C� trilLtne 1,00c c, 's te aea TEEffe-L liDamte •_ e u, Leoki ®1d Flo cabins Rive rounds Li ____41K OF Ev�'l • Me LitED r a place to stay during Week.? Why not [ try Pat's he bank of the ',Maitland beautiful green h stn. - ell -kept cabins tilthaVe runninger. In th ± ; itning the tourist may eros the roan o; a place on the bank high above t e , ntiver where Mr. Patterson, 7.Iof the cabins, has made a eesih n alee-aeoeleassuunaor ah Sunsets May be enjoyed to +propriei d , 9 ur- the and 16 the fu �.a .:• .� e 7. to aa 7 All oris~. GUA TE 1 ©PM IDA7 Z 0 .o S Alata ,jterJ4icy;w ny Ii la � vpm, A awl • aw ; the 10113aa' atad nada nkor�f y < «� ... at. .SrA,Etorm'tut :'� tii'11 t�4Yf?.., ,. , `-'1•+A M . 9Y , gi'kl1 v fda . lcoan e to vitl$t Z al,tariail 'Dlai , 1°I ome Wee iX vanil< aN1F '4Ie?$ tap .ta fii sa tsalie it to fall CaraGe and .he will SOo i have it, la. pergeet running tnag ordt r =TIMM 112 a v aDE, °.; ° ,,5 The Shell Service station on Ting, Ston St., one bioc4 from tlnt, Salllnaras, Iso oe the roost app-to-atate atld ;.tractive service W inns in thl r d trict. The provriet ►ns aim to averyone the' best cervi ► possible. They are 'prepared to do repair tomo, ear washing Land modern Greasing ltztie_alage section lu the garage will be legt mill e tn'i f'iif 'tt91<lt Home Week Visitors. who wish to leave their cars in safe -keeping. The garage gives all=flight service. - EIVEM =MR _2U1377 E2ARIAGYAR7ARTE r 1 hT,r.9�,X r: Sass , forts the 18oyal 41E1btel on flititailfoi Street ranks among the -beet. The eheistunder- .ne merit, -.an led _ �t re'naod �Oilei lc''t' aaa- •1� -d oar a a,� rug -room is "light aiiaT' a rs ^nd `- tiro meals are exe-elksut. . zlosE5 �arz ao 1 lmont n QSQ. •. Our booth will carve you. -with Hot Doge, • Cold Dr , Orem, and other GERMAL 5.^i4;rm ► neral Motors r f g ilY �e iolio t Y1 F tQ i k •,: JQsLa } p?f is9„�,tF�'.14y�!''gV19�•u•;.c.0� , ,.�t�S�'�iy� C F�,k4u� aaG+acNR��V.f`.... many of the Old (i�'v 'r County. \He will be pleased to see any re -union visityrs who drop in at a..4ccat11..Frenatenac garage and ser- r t 1.1 a>it.:_`tlLt' . t'td'1C.t�tyt° i-.:�� aar(l - 'tCe•tol'la' fit»---stn•-•B 21. i;tolvrann- has- a well equipped nx you. �ran(1 ci i11 b aa7 sh or lei *' yak p C - y ,m .,,gttllo.-raf:.,.mtts-w.t • #ir r niuc�ruinh' haul job. ltaformattion Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile Or iii $taick cttrH l • ..�.i wroiresda ll , No oft.. 1_-- ARI E4ogasAtcEr- amOjsccirm p (� o .gt1 (DM 1r'J A1U�C4rS 1 o7 r o 01111 IHIca tecotldr'e TIE SZIkV102 AT WORMS CAFE is mmaKeorzED It isn't pleasant to Wive to eat -in a bot stuffy room at any time and espeeinlly during a eelebratron. Gor- den Wong',s Cafe on the Square at Montreal Street is cool ut, .ofl tunes. The service and fors' are not excelled bysi�as �� {tom tial11f Ata--Wtern -tib ilr.— ' ,Mahn) ciency are two standards of the cafe. >�i 11 0 a . Ale. 1 WANT TO GO SOME PLACE QUICKLY AND AT A MINIMUM . COST CALL . ZINTAZDYS erivii mot* Daivcvo Emma 616 OiTO MIME E3 way) etc of? the road in a ohndy Inerhae• you vacs them in your way into l'itrich. The cabintl are among the iiin/-at in town and the Owner° alili be plei1aid tat ohow you through them. Getviea Statical, doge to die cabintt hanGy to the motorist and, pampa Bedides having White Rose gasoline and motor oils the booth air- cerk,o,are Etopt_on hand for sale to the tOurfsta and surrounding homea. Not a dull moment la the promise for Goderichso Old Home Week. The Signal -Star invites all thooe who can ogre the time during their visit to their old home town, nert week, to call in and gee their old friends. .& newooartter to often the only connecting link , between former residents and their one-time place of To those who are reiurning the Sig - to those who are comSIng for the first time, this Palter haps they will en- joy every minute of their visit; and thgt they will come back again and [Any longerineut time. Thome is 11=2 tholigp it be ever co ice IOU rs MOE 0 0 Our Garage is equipped to t e oi _pod ry 1Ce on 'writ -Kepler: t 0 scud °'q ds1 Wdillning and Polishing- ,1EzZaPa Car _Storage or ?tulip Service (MOTS pn6 Hoo L\17 g Everything you need ; Car and 'Camp. . e Ail ,,,, el °3c CURB SERVICIE 1. 1:111Oute We handle All-night Service ]P Com- ori; .a, GAs AND) air I. RIMS AT jpI i k IPS DR SiAL`1�'Oo< 1 c • r ^. .•'art �2 ,s�'ti"v.r _ _ the old Saltford Generic$ Store."-""•0- store 0 store Is under new management novr - and te 34pro_ prietor.: C Y p M.(r . retrete frit clothing, ‘ refreeinneil s -nf -all kinnd% itu-luditig hot dogs. You umy al -so all c ----ted have your oill checked at this statt(ati. Curb servit Is extended to all patrons. Llea00-TaigION _ SIGN On Highway No. 21 Cor. 'F'ietetria St. and Blain Ave. Phone 23:4 Gogemich REG. E`v1Z,z022. 11R1 BUSIIMIS YFARS PoWer pressure greasing, the lateet. equipment for greaaing all types' of cars is the kind uaed 7,:tit the Dodge Devote salee on Hamilton St. Reg: Melee hoe conducted a garage buei- nem; in Goderich for the past eight yearn and has placed cars vrith a vast inittabo.,r steal& in this district, dur- ing that ti e. There are a large number of used cars on display at the garage at Pp -eclat prieee for ,Old Home During Old Home WePlt there will *be a dance floor and' two flrst-claas orehestras on MeGee's used car lot on Hamilton St. The opening win be on Saturdny, July 20th. orPw`d@a, tgtrion ...„zuroioaaubn?adaNair,..„,a,..0_ 0 UgnoCfotin PoOk3h n ,szdia50 cosvpniatt pzinczo action. - cam 2c-1p:1i-haat— AID 0216 amd,i'"- C)an ,CQ 'MUD :03 'OUP() --132,11" SiZt t1-4 o„pr.,=, ,„) 13 • (58 • Rhen- 90-F Carr Nescli a II E 0 &Rod R@DE5°111 OUR GARAGE WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST WE HANDLE ATLAS ?MIES Coot Contra' AGENT FOR etraiVo llimparic.0111 SennIce Phone El.13 =Man 63tmot BELL GARAGE GUARAMGES ALL J(133 A ear jab is one -thing and a guar- anteed car job is another tatag. That is the kind of service you will receive '-whk you talzta pine -fate to ston and Victoria Sts.a The garage has .a special motor tune-np everire and a etaff of trained mechanic,. A large storage space, centrally located is also available at the garage TEM OOD7FORNE3 OE? gOLTZ "All'the comforts of horne, without the responsibilities." Thieele-tle mot- to carried and upheld by the Bedard. Hotel on the Square. The hotel; witleh is modern and well -managed. has a large number of roonv., with bath and running water, and a ' room 'Mut is unexcelled. If you stay at the Redford during Old Home weea you vvIII he able to keep right In tonal with the program for the week. Every p&alble; entafort -in -offered -vied Wee - theliedford BOW. An unidentified child narrowly ea- mared eepioue injury on Saturday morning'wlaen It fell from tbe rear window of a Michigan- -eta r eobtakaing two ladiee. The child, dressed fp CI from the haek window and ttunbled to the road on the Square at Mettreaa re4.t. Paggergby attracted the at- tention of' the ,driver of the car anal the child, bruised and frightened, but not aeriously injured, was retnrned to ita metin.r. It was fortunate the car wan 'belie; driven slowly. courmalus If you want to go ROMP Oa et. tn comfort and w it hout being d riven 'event -drivers that know their bud - nese and will treat you eourteounly and if rim want a taxi service. that will not cost yon an ,eaorbitant sum, eall Clayton lildward'a Tani. There 43.1V a nuanher .efaeans on hand 4414.49. few minutes after you eaII, a ear wilt be outstdo waiting for you. lidienesn la the root of all evil Ile who wou143) eatoh ash mast not wind getting wet. EIEVEIS Setrike Raoul seDeTae3a Poodoeg Don lot Z1 Yam ,ty MOW opoil Ma Ho= Mat ffor you. Lot up etr,',31,1 yotar car with a "Mug" Motor Itno-up, Cavieo riitvar `12attory and Tito come° ko 1113GOGIA Mono a zzla