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The Signal, 1937-7-14, Page 7
2:',1G41 4$0' - VIP R 1117g4 Mao in)POO', Veribrg, AKA ,.titte4P Iprzo.tkopr,17 t7i;'' 4r. „ tO ty .V.1417 , 1„510V4,,=, 0 T. M AZ1 4 igaCtrg041401,4 VA4 r 10, .5,ta:''.61tOngp q. '-egl 41a,- _'4.t...i`4,A4:0 .-t0'.:'.r34Vi;:'3 4 . . , 7-41:914.ZIUM IP4 Witlf4ttl, .4411044: : - 4,110_0P,:40,4W44.0,', •- .k- in 7,-; -7.,.- ,.-- L. , -)',''':.",qC•'' ' '.44,2••—•,''''4 ..;, " . , , • e• . ,-, 15: ,P4003 'Pi, t#f :Morris toWncliV't0%.91014.... gement •.,ef Oat*, orkr- 400 5,. ,,,:k_WPIA-0,50,141,,,,A4k '44:,.m.:151, mi tiat; Om, plyi .iont, *, an , .a''' 4. Mmr-Q7',1-7(1,qtr4;4 ..qk,1`.'C'...1q , *reortto*X---747404,1q4z4.'g 0Aat 400 11 rit, fft 55: ---Dt7rti1i r _ ealldlitento.tVt'htttinfiedl day —023TIJUP5 i3/1[011:63.-.4. IP Mmeal alare 835, 12es. $5.6n7., anailtOkStreet;"Goderlet:- '6T› „ .17,vat Pt',.-4t144,F ,Ar;144.t „ Vt HZ* 1.0/1P4VA:t,t*.• t;...Jvt " ?""' ; A A . tY' 44444 't) , taP,:4«,-afOra.taU;frata VAVCItIrit:Z1 -t0a4* C3.t "It= '4.LIVC4.1 go at) 4 .0P 1 0. t I , r uut 413#1041 1•,:o4.. oo Ho 07 ..‘1****.Orl: , 0 - $ )• , 4 •,t ''' 0,1 .55:,10, 1 .., wa lturtl to: ' -0..1,411.,::k,:.-tl,.:, - ' '••*lei, .1t4r lat '—' -n.;.r,t5,,,,,,i.„,',a.''' :'; t21.4.#4.1: 10htMlit • t4,1- rjr:top -"gt,&14::4,t1 -xZert)!,- tilt. • i„.„7,,,. „,,.. _., . ,,,i,...„.... ...„,,,,,,,.. Petlate haa aompta. Ma tkt **:41:1071.,'IT'070;**4.,' :'''"it ..,:. . .,,,i'vrroit);*''il--24t1IP'.1x.u' '‘',.. .;;;t44%*:1v'''''4:011:7. Ar. Tolerg'*-al"itll 76:mirv771: '7',71;bieeliIitt-elino7,11,644_0,:a:;:la,471-: .;:;uretloomarilticil)::100:041tr5ta-ca' 0'e- itt.,711-14.„,)-; 't.0°. ' 2 1,111r..-7:7141c7-0,:"7:1101,:ju,tia's• gdocsja:0112:1:aloalt6t71.0:11:0:11:::17:elf:ic31,111::.:.$,I oue.,4,11i ' ml, 444 '100, tO-Att..- 04 WO 131116' Itot- 90104 WM, 'Wm, . . ' in, . , • _ ,‘it ,, 00; -. rt14-43 ' '''''64.443"A41144 " ,; ''.700.,ali-4t;.:7°'' ';111/1i"714444.141-441:74:14?31WT'al.144... 72CIVII:a-eitIltP41-Mn6311141471}iiettli137"1 11119.tittbitiaa”-11-.:11-rheyea• 441111Qt• tatate-th?rot_alklifielligtibal....:41.;:l ELF Ititi..e. '• Ani - b tRia::, fa#5. 00-57. 141 -et .,Tic; was 00to iqc.Ptitzl.-1: of Chldr,41,3ca rattA .._,,Ivgi, m '3, 144007 424 ,A,Tignia .tetnsvgary „roosts in no time. • i If.ad itevet.,10 thibt4untYl..;glad,-ata4 4obet:- hifanf'dtitilgKe-t-44 :MN Pud Otler, who lien her gueata- Or -the SSided:Otte ''yeark',-ba. TOrentot - tvVO ,in Mre:figtOrdOn-rt. 4ercomt..: -- : : : :L-.5.,,,;5" ii. - -Misp--*lean;V:440 is '..f3p,nding tile. orat,4,--s-o5,05,14.r. -and Mrs,. -A. tdil,_ ..tekt rkeVikirtitt 'their cottage -at .. onzw.s5rt:6-1r:t . , to - It , ,.., . ,,....„,,, • , . 24-47E4, 4 171: tC.4Pt to a ,,‘,.„, H„) •lc7-,,,,,,4-(.' "Litle ,4At,1,t,t4 r,13, '.4,Em, n ,,e4f.::.4,(P,O.'',-,'•- • • g,,A. ,r1v.I.„, ,t744o = ,r4r,lic;t1 ,,,-,0' -,azcar •:.':,..,0,t,,,.X.111>-,.7,14,'. -11 a tr'74,41-41)1mti .yr,.Itt,ic14:•, ttoz , .trp,% Vig,v, 0 ' 5: ., att4.1=4,. tz',Z0 Q T1 ‘"shlaa50.`,' 4 — • CV V4; _7ML •C qtztliwk On' kv4 qilnelltht. 'Ott' st, ' a ma It‘V.CPACtIYOB,IgtY 1,2.,1541t ear,f2r46.:IzeArraQ014.0=4.,;;;', , a, IN i _.. 4, y t•-,7A(Z4. '''‘,11) 4"::-,'' --..11tr,jo:',,,. '':,.;1,1,17,1 f'1..C.'.) ,. ., . Nik ,,,tt,, 4-4114V-.1414`x.W4:40.4,4;', 't7' .;,,,:tlric,:.; 7 z tl3H(.1FilL'-il c.:,!-,U,y.k.,, D ' 0, CV; c4.1-ar;4),',..tltD7.c4..:: al, , ,,..) 4 vital, emt4,41, ,cc-,7,,''.',z,c;,,'A ?iftfis,,,baltM, ,at ,ttav. imMi ` et .MtLVItt,' t"). . ,t10 tn,1--0,,ic.t41,13c-ei,,7 L4 talettr'It.,e+:1t,V;i05'4)iii11::.:jettr:ilica1 :4 ':c4ntCr51;i1.‘1.9g116!"1:•r0r-31.1"13':)H'S5 •rfr4'.t..%t'EF0•:7-‘#0:4',5, ' r'r--`,`cl' r.,-.1"--',:•.‘":41.,:, "itc-5-41.1,', eltV, 50 6, ,O.P.11; 4..'-'4M0 /16 iat,14c7i5014 tt5 . 5 'ktr,.'at.dc7, 1.05 474.e.X:14:0-7:0114 ,c),: a a tp,,.-74,,owao 04 tolop. r ' ;•ttiOittt,t1t5 5 Lt 170440',7 M411=111104, ., 0 t 44c04.11,am,ig34z.gb.w4, ° 44° ''4'4 -"'tire '' ' trvo,,,ot!o '4-,,x„,%.4'rl'--414,4()h 1, '''..:1, .017,11'410%''''''': .at'v',.s..'ttltp!--7i,tv 'ot,,4:Zlitr 0 v,,,eto,47., ,,,(44,,,,,,,,440 ' 0 tot* Intowtoct `t't 4S4111:1t; '5:01=65-411 At* tc'''./ 6glatrAtura Or -,t15 (11:v11t-55511,4t ,_44z4 ,, - ' ' lelb ,:te:0A0-5,tetr ,1 ‘1%51111141:1M-443*' Ita - ,4: lau,46,40 t-',1t.".'5•0.t1,,,4,' leTtiz,,,,6:4, 040 ',t',05,t11 rettAP)Tibl' I!flfl 0:3/40,1444,0• 000, ' W14-: 1.0.1 .:i1,7.7-41 0, 4' 0 a.. t:13-2''ti . .. - liit:6(17 10,,T,1* -'a ,,,,, , p',- . ,. „ . . , ,Zlitot4i.4. Nog.. 4opt 9 -10-W044 )•trIgt.7'::.C9774);L41!4:7-:."°°t't w, Po'n16111‘a4le:171ilit111147,7.rkt1:701116;"494% , --, vli otcolgt.-:17al'rfmt,, ' '-tt!Ifi. t9- It".:: ''' . 150•etlitrt1.:$4 tO tc1=4'4M.,'"1.,A,,YZia#ii: 1/1-,t,tt,t. ao55 tTxt Rvo- ,.•;.,,, ,31,*??., of 1400400 PT :-.-`. tolar„ Ir. 140v,,,,_,,,, ‘ th;c.'t0.146 AO' 11`tteMet.,0" latt:, „CLvitzed llo tla0.0, ompot ma '` Is trtYA:2:1.Ar4lti--tItIliT 1 at . Q1117 OJ Oaca 4 0 rOft,t0Z ''' ',' " -- 117' • '5 0 40,-.. 41,-txt .Ftttyti }?':.14;:r; "=„4' • ore AO, rvilpm.,,,gtm, -tp=to rtiK1:--ttlo stool; it:3,7401h Th'cc; d Co 401 14tr4 '1144V W ''"'444A' 444'44 'C'e . b013011Ma : t t,r arop. Otatictigat, W • amato -1argt,-- 5:7;,,,-r24 5 --doe, 4. ltifs '4,0=1.F01 -Q to fP4. tk21,:sonci 114tetktqVik tiac-,a414~,-Waer*7. a VC- tboi otoc,-,,-Obb .44 "ItVitla i 1 ' 'tt , , teet27*t 607! 00? dt ttl-,otea amA 04atalif two; to tha acra and * - 0`.';- teed t,T4t to'MV v41:m cPau:: tDatct ea AtartraiWyi Ira mud) in*zovc-41 Ze .. 7 OoMon. iirpoldiQ tweat404 tore• oaa',; -Sunday In =non Ili'mabytozian 'IlttAae. 14344 4)2 tb° (b* V(1V° 4 • UPI% '''Ver \the rft=dfOrts* toa dtbitl- . a41.1-.. ithkto I° r"4 te bUltla °. age and awcz4t coil alia•v047 finSortant- , 'OtO 4tgzitl, 0,7411 ss C..37 ts-5's •tr,* A-4 qt• the MO of hth tliP411tY ceAl. If Mr teed 1:1) used the Meadow starts out with weelt-end• * ' a handicap. Good drainage, good seed•, .1'..i.ls_a Bernice Seeds of Teronto is Tito 'Th.v.tralip &DIM ctir inelca 11411,:teorapl rol.cuipap1‘ otaafleiasou.olta4.1e for- , dinayiff berffvi,..a44.,,J3 . wit,o„ :her i 4n. otreoranapeeatiritionwp welt totheo lesotzt_roodivg E40/t rt "Ira 44- liw•-w3,,..,,,e-to• ,,,,,,,,,„, Atit:glanting,---of two rowa to_ -white 7-- - - ' _. _ .._,....___. , ...........M. ............, IliBM. . e qiittOOZIMSZITP3Te XV 7.51:4 Kora at w• a*: mobil& whieh cause 4iiiidird"Vift ,,----,.. . 1..), an 41 v rs, ttt, , — , trap crop for this 'a- ileld of litimt 6.- ---bast---tr a and Litirr-or ira'clitkroctlirVedi? In MIMEO:NG toeter's, -the former being a brother - " =MIMING, July 7.—Mr. and Airs. of Airs. Poster. t MIEN MardarOt Vergusori, of Tecura- young turnip plants through' feent on the leaves, commonly reach Cana- Pt almoner 9Kpidlpaotrolcir returoniiedi to Toron- 0 i - .ki,-, .,. bc.,„ExtglAcke,,,,,tplej44,131.„Ater,Tazri,, ...,lai.1,..pol_nt in the late. aura,. tr. b_ut .routr..,.nmi tliltrr-11211"r6111r 'mild azakeimita;007 Alatti. Todd, wli, Au- and Mrs, W'ra. Ferguson, before Way- "4`1' n117'Y ti ' , A' 1, li ‘•"t•I'-'' Is" 4 "4,4' 'I, 1:4-12dastlawni. 4, ,rdbabi7 wigi.t"atr._Areic,:aait2tanr 1:11,-.0rjtirty*„. , nirtis,,Tettrn.......i,n,-.-der.7---„....-....-on- "..---olf,•minday sity1344orTt• irrlionnelto. c.14° 111,6---1341-&414- '''''' arrtIlipirleitth..ilerfean tu1:4arire r0e;-"Ithe'llteettna. Miss uth Fisher and Mr. Walter for Guelph, where she la taking a Mr. 'Wilson Woods, oil -Dandas, Mr. .Grierbon, of Kitchener', spent Standay 43422alLawalaatar„ot,s4.4winsta jimis_summer course. Insecttprefers white to SWede, turnips., t andL,„Mrs,-..„Arnold.:-BanWer*,_411.41e. . y ,tu.ontrzirrat4livartiliti,........ and may gather in huge nuunbers on a -ere "Weett4adssguieste--1-OV-Ilisk- oods. •loss 110.Addgirs.osA.0.4 c?. la" 141 on ; d' MtlE11 438 ds iirs, h oe fl leaving the swedes Vat tightly infecterriM'svireWirartriirtf_ ',Nielt, ' Miss Florence licQuillin • season. Master qughle MacNeill: Of The planting of atrr_o:•or two of white and Mrs. John Blake included Mr. and ertrude Parkinson, Ot' T4,1316tteelx I turnips in vvith the main crop a ttracts ilff:scresve. Eari:AmBialls_aue .;i,..id,xtf:meritlyilloafet:1_10ne. 0 and "ffolento, are at their cottage for the ton, Mr. David McWhinney ,and 'rt 0, - lig71:411-&71.-- fri-,,L-ti. - - — — .., • 'IA the aphids to the 'trap" plants so . . . ,_,..yri--,1. ;74,,t,,f:',esti , ,, - gArgales____"?..H.-1)•}19 5.(12 “4, 41 -, 0 ,- - ---- \-1- r ^ I i 4 1.1 • • , . • i te . a i.e. r .11W4L, . , . t 4 t, weeks. der. The turnip aphids or plant Mr. andMrs. George Glen, of De - Mr. Wm. Tippet, of Billings, Mon- lice.. make themselves apparent in a trolt2 Mich., were Sunday visitor° with -tone. is a guest with his mother, Mrs. field through individual •planta becoua- the formers brother, Mr. Thos. Glen. • Mr. Dalton Smith, of Ingersoll. allipapesatraunnticeed.-IniP7ropIlle'th bainadteihsetileklyinainy I don spent one day last week with Mr. . Tippet,• for a few weeks. Mrs. Thoo,.Anderson, Olive and Gar - spent the week -end at the home of appear on the surface of the leaf and 1 3. Thom, the president, woe in , Mr. and Mrs. W. Higgins. Mrs. Smith , and Mrs. 1Plarvey Webb, St. Helens. chair. The _roll call w s responded reffirned' With liiiii- te'lligserioall ate; these indicate lairrgheeseeotnlofnelsested.o,pniataht: t xis and Mrs., Finlay Shackleton-41nd to by many hints for enfertaintng zu - mei visitors on the ftarm- The olth- spending a few days with her parents. isiii=lr:fnoitefrigie-si and removed at once. little Pm', '''"-- 113luicillige0-oe Arthur, are visiting at jests,. -,4m.s.v4A34,40174,41:4,,,,441,,,10 33. 1,,, .,,..,D41474,Anfa.m. gm_•„liarry__Baker„,,,200. I the home of Mand Mrs. Norman Power," was well taken by li eta 10- gamily, of London, were guests of Mr. '-'!'g''''''''A4e4"jjL''''''''''u'"4''''''r9' .°' . i • s nie Watson. it was decided 1.0 hold Baker's parents, Mr. and • Mass F. 1 Visitora with Mr. and Mrs. Henry ti jjI • s annual commutaitY ItiO4k-P_t7732.P.F7' vaskers-forsosiasos.daya last week. v°"41)Ig' c'lle*14-411e gun't sati0fae- Horton over the week -end were Mr. cardine on Tuesday, July 29. A finixo- Mr. and sirs. Pied Davison, of De- tory implements for the control of and Mrs. -S. -11:-Stothers and family, of ; 0 I' ' one solo by III rold Taylor was much troit, were the guests of Mr. Davison'9 -weeds in a growing grain crop is what Arthur, Mr. 3. C. Stealers and family, I ® enjoyed. _bater a pleasant social mother, Mrs. K. Davison, over tbe is known as the (finger weeder. This and Mr. Bailie Stothers, of London. hour was epent on the lawn with Mrs. week -end. implement consists of a series of long t row McCann, of Detroit; Mr. and larsi, Mr. and Mrs. C. • rown and Mr. Dar - W. I. Miller,' Mrs. T. 3. 'Weld and Ur. and Mrs, G. Churchward and slender teeth which form a very light Mrs. Andrew Gaunt as !hostesses. two sons, of iLondon,,are at their cot- harrow. The finger weedier may be ! j,,s,,ph utechn . , tage for the summer inonths. used to advantage on 0 iinual weeds, I Johnston and vO1r. Ernest Giroin, of n 111..and Miss Alma - ,----„-J--& Mr. - Sidney Castle, of Stratford. shortly after germination, both before Nile, were the guests; of Mr. tlnd Mrs, was the pest of his mother, Mrs. M. and after the grain crop has emerged , George Tvramley on Stinday. and until the crop is some two to four inches high. ' att45,744-144 and- r -the itzt414ittean Surarol toe pliiog.:4,121atu. -froni'l0a-dnomsa-oit gtgrill ,=575Taisa,Zeaiiltlif#4,;.matz--00-m to atilitlalalleigt:* 'OM's,: Seag05#.1., !ay_ pt.0?.titila, or the V? 1(1 •4 dattcht°Z.' Mlltreth, 01:".• :°:--'* 'tit 4-Z.' iiMalatirtAIteitaal VIP Ofti.1.2attliirda7 4ftteril001.2, AllY 3riOs forty-Siteltt bat attendance. 'The Geri ture lesson was, read by 13. JW, I% ,, • 114.**-4k..41:1w. , of 1;:teliat:..41L0001t,:gp‘ortlizt.:thei'lloiciieThe topic; "Oelf-edveation In Veisure •gottlogradegivA•asak,e145=dazatalii.0.., thrtPts was united\ in:Marriage to KerrPoi Wit. te here ristb, elder- se - a . v.:. -rt Lat*, end vv. he hate ;Kre• 1201* of iOlinton The •c'ergisviPrr. PerferimeRev. , Jaries. Word a sgraiindville. 'ulip IN •Gertrude 31h:writer of Whitevalev,.. was Iv bridesmaid, the amain vrnw as. Ot0g47.1}:rtist brother Harold, little G ... ••••••,"' 14&„1 4gOat Ambnlanceberv ce a. day or night non= esoia NO. tth, 2112 GODERIGH '1, 0 t'65 ato t's =4" '74;1 .:4taltt# t41"4. „ • " rot tfV—V4tVitP iggiltt"SZ; CLIIM041 0.0 =Zan 0.0.“.X=00 •• t•• 't41,, tmt Ipbttp, vaet,'.citt,a0 .Qrltt rt'on,.54-t% •Ct"attELtaltt4:Ts;:tvc-%7-1 torganat VuncliZattail Cita 'tlatItallotlettrn Tr' 1-11- r -When the eld-tiMe mt-40, mom Canteen} Tien lintredu=6 Oanadian Vational tr,2-1 dete OP 4 Tag.V1AR P• • temporary -attraction., • tion wcla an insta,ntanaouThit Ire contInuttli this year: 01:730 0 Gica Vbano Am • •••••••.*••••••*. - 17/T:LZarst,Zat=;;,-. Huron old Boy. 7driduate Goderich Collegiate Institute 1351i WEST WARREN AVM. DETROIT, macmoAN Uelleptenza ©Team OM kts Wile the owe 41011 2/t'" Acite41 lato rge1 tIst,Vbanifred Savange play-- II. the wedding music a d during the signing of the 5register Clif- ton IlarriS sang, "0 Perfect Love.' After a -motor trip to 1,1110114)1113, *Mr. • and Mrs. LObb VVIR,1 Xitigke their home or the -groom's-farm "-In riekerzmith. ' a3iflI'-r r; at: the former's lionae there. Worment's lismittatta.;---The July naeet- ing of the Women's Institute was held at Mrs. Cheater Taylor's; With nearly thirty- ladies, 'present. .:, Mrs. E. Milfl? =Wall -"Ef*Lrasert4t.t-amodlucif .fer4trat-vbetp•at. haying time, finally eke et 'Si Watson, a. town character, if he could help Elia out. "What will you A I y me?" asked Si. "I'll pay what you're worth," afr- svviered the l'armer. ,01 ser telted" -hie head 1 moment, then annOuneed with decision, "No, V-1.4,-nott?..1-feso that !" 5 1- I I 0 Weeders - 10 one 1 „ lad 19: - L.; or• , s • zavrazr.i. _ IAT1.• • C-0,7 VJciyaent tcoge Mat Cal •VIIW 17. .."••• • :tote' - DedSeE e 01 9 1,1:t1 Oc47, 7k4 'cL.1 .a7F • iliMUCCE tr,q • ) 6 4jtv ' aita ft, iglu) r 4./ s 7 • r • • ' 44s* Reeve 0 d,-;srar-- b c..11111 by..-DclE2 =r1Cam CAriitg , ait5;y4ttytatf-,I,U,' ve= •64.[Icas3 MO' Ve2J` JIMU9 rfArZ • we_ voral'clar, S•It ' I 1 1 Castle, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert IKnight asd family. of Toronto, were week -end c. 0 0 guests of Mrs. Knight -1e parents, jr. and Mrs. F. Gemenhardt. Radiah Maggot Cantrell Mrs. . Prentice, of Toronto, was a RadThb maggot may be 4..ontrolled by guest 'over the W- Th—her the same solution as used for cab - mother, Mrs. W. J. Stinaon. bage 'Maggot, Out appitecT in the ferni Mr. Sam -Wideombe motored to of i line spray a few days after the Windsor last week, returning on plants have appeared above the 'ground. Dominion Day. Ile was accompanied The application should not be used by his mother, and Mr -and Mra. Alan after bulbs commence to form, aa it is Pye and family, of Windsor. Mr. Pye very poisonouo. returned to Windsor on Sunday. Mrs. If it is not proposed to -treat ra- Mr.....anfl.11/0.sgs_Widc..9.441.P.,.... pairezits, by broadcasting seed instead. of sowing dishes, severe losses may be avoided In drills. PYe and fnmily will remain here for some time with Mrs. Pye's Dar. and Mrs. Frank Cameron' ars'The' name- treatment- -ci41-1-131-ve-1999, - drolly and -Mr. Wm-. Cameron, of e- icial control to*ollion maggot, .if 'at troll, were guests of Miss E. Cameron least two applications are made, at Mr. mad Wry,. Wm. Murray and son, the proper time. 0 0 over the week -end. "-dif. Detroit, were week -end guests of Airs. A. Murray. Messrs. Roy MeLeod and , Tony Buck, of Toledo, are spending thin •week . with Mies Cecil McLeod. She will accompany them on their return to Toledo. Mr. James Cameron and family, of Toronto. are at "their cottage on the Blue Water highway for the season. Mrs. Fiendricka and son Fred, of Detroit, -and Ai JAG Mary Burnside, of • r ' East Oran7,_ N.J., are the guest° of Mins Pairbn for some Veleta. The Allissea Rankinetratfortl, are at their cottage ior' the =Won. Dr. and Mrs. Lewia, of Toronto, were guests of Mrin. M. Woods for a few days last week, Dr. Lewis re- turned to Toronto on Monday ; DATA. DeV710 is remaining for a while. Mishes Barbara and .Patay Morley, •at Pleasant Ridge, 14.leh., are the guesta of their ountn, the al[nes; Mor- tt Birchelifir. Moo Ida White, of rtiaisbam MIch., also la a guest of .4iZevsioreotvvrley. alters, of Grand Oida. Dlieh., and Mrs. Jane Hall are galkts, of their brother, Lewin '01„nr;on. ss and Virg. C,ee11 Howard and two SOilti,netroit, were , meats with and Mrs. Fred Maker for the Week -end. Egg 011anage Carning In Ontario and Quebec Provinces, according- to statements made by offi- cials of the poultry services, there la reason to believe that laying stock in now below tormal. There has been no great run tn any one %eels, but the steady movensent week by week over a long period has al..counted for many ore thousands of birds than is gen- e ally recognized. Thio Condition combined with re- duced purchases of baby chicks 18 causing real concern over the posaibil- ity of an egg shortage next fall. The impression now to that eggn will be scarce from September to January and that poultrymen will do well to get. their birdo in lay by that time. me authorities are advining pro- daars to ra1 every chick that they can this spring. While the cost of food Is rather high, prices of all com- p:m(11600 ore rising and it is reason- able to -expect that when conditIonn adjuot themselven eggn and poultry will also be higher. The eca market at Eastern centres ia new two to three ce to above the Correoponding period of a tear ago, and, with some recent redustions in f--' prices, the prices of eggs and feed are earning more in line with each other. A strike -that ailitlY people would heartily welcome wonid be a sit-dowo Arnie a after-dinner speakers. • 0 WE HAVE A SUPPLY OF 0 COLORED LAMPS FOR DECORATIVE PURPOSES '071To Saam 0 Cone;6o ond ftical 0E30 OEM 5 Ur. and Mr. Ernest Mendell. of 101mtra., Fere the guests or Mrs. litP antra arents, Ur. and Mr. W. Sowett, 'fel& a few days last wee They' will opend the moilth of Julv In D/unhotra. Llr. and Mrs. E. C. Winter, of Augusta. 111., I:melte guests of Mr. and tras. W. H. Johnston. Mr. Winter li!,00' not 'seen Mr. Soisak.itod-for-twen tY-eiglat years, so it will be quite a r.Manion. drid Mrs. Walter Wylie and CA)Tta nonald. 1.1rrp, Mien tlEoward and Gor- don Mason, a Detroit, were the gueats •a =ill 1.1. enatie (wee the weetr-enil. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson ateldosittey and *n John, of Montreal, are here for the month of July. 'rile, cot of smite ti4 .104adian 1/at1Ona1 pubibitiora i oa CalidD eat- ara onteta year. The =2111420ra ex - P=42 4n,ge amp whVb• tocattaer with tbe aoutit cleburced toy tto ilt444t tagagetto teal L-c'AgIM EMZ - -VVIE t9-`1C--0(0)Ki- irEMOVE DEAS HORSES AND CATTLE — CALL US FOR PROMP'r SERVICE — Our Men Wil! Shoot- ((Wand Disabl Animals TELEPHONE YOU NEAREST STATION COLLEar ONVAnt© -grakti'a="113- c, 1111=1o= Vatalltlalcra The reznoval of moisture Is a major problem in poultry honsw. Poultry have no sweat alanda, but they give , off relatively lame amounts of vapor ' in respiration and through the skin. , J1 e wan found at dne experimental sta. tioiLlhca HWY WWI@ flag production was om btained when teperaturre '11 not veritolitgr 'Clutistuate widely. A Ll henhonse teraperatiire at all) tilegreeo F. 0 la too htrsh to be maintained on most farms in winter 'althorn; artiMeital heat. Hencea lower 'tem feature held Tani- formly would be desirabie. inerenalna numbers of priultrymen POOr had sue- I mat; with artl2eIrli beat properly re- ,H gulate4 but faiture has commonly re - malted when temperatures were al- 10 lowea to go too high or fluettafite 117011 ADE am mop OF .UIMMerf. 1111404. . ,J)2C Now is the time to buy !- Our stock includes a _complete line oi peck Chairs, Swing Couches, Gliders and Leather -covered Cane Furniture. •WOO DEM and =2 Mem flittorl modems that yam add to s,tourfes=i2ort to the heantly of your t=e-. w 0 Phena 33S O - WHEELER titlsosszEa= 0 ,4•••. 1 0 0 f/c-i rlaza Ta0-j poz6inot 11e-41Am no mite 'To (0=0 ROMIINATION 144,NEt gr,1112) To= a QU1EN of "BERTAITNEr F GE nominate Her address • NT CONTEST 4 • • • Rea© VO.,4 MG---,:agica-zo CO 2.z=e.,3579 2,4!t; Tjctv .2.0* 112 .an official tlanot tingewat Office, any DrueStorerin Gaderickjt rters. DepoW, IthiS coupon in Headquarters, the Post or mail to the Hpadqua 0=p 1 tll . 5. • 1.4,