HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-7-14, Page 6.656 ."1 " r/HL\11 • arrlat7silf12;r407-21dMfir*tia 400160.0 Met WM 'A pad aceldoatat hOE:0 rihen oho dipr.4 'and fell A-70Xecl Cloorefot was alone at t� ti e. but inn, to attract the attention of a I:1,14Ln%, Art ambial•anO0 eaMo <12P-Oton aad tooh 14r to the, hospital M270,„ vteln alto is doing as well• an Cr] 'ED3 kA1r2eftet • 1.143a, (ta fortal4i Ira" e...)200t a the ' villacoe called on- old Crt0n120 ih0re. 'Oho was Emecont at Cm MCMOrqun-jklut =mien. Zara %men a Detroit, trifilt/Od lam .3, Marten, Goderleh, vi.Tsiling her sister, Mrs. P. Walger. 55,• Vialper and Mr3. pre - s. - few r•days-. treraeld. zit, and Mrs. Nor in an- Mutch, of Atherta;'tre dating with ilto and Donald have tee -fromQ vilbit- to .0.stri2e142. larli-_,s1.11r.44.7;ft-,1&42V1Prd•on( • tied tato Vergucon bitra- creork-ond tit 'EVA Vura. • t,w, and Gliamilton ra- •ct-Avkza ..the .gift Of a babs7 daaJtater iE C'q,;42)2411,_ nle141444..F:t..9.11. 110 ,CArtae,TarANWPA •iitaniter 0-rabont flfiy„:patetiati Cs, cervW TZ.non United church On Cazday <Malta, wir Worshipful Master 'Ittevis Stald7 (charge. .nevi •-W7ilcon zpote to thern Prola OntiCes V4.7-,4"The sword of the Trei and of Gideon," tatimg as No •"Phil Mee off Oorquest." Um. _ Za-,..Allaetvjg sang "The..01d,%ntred --' • -,Infertr-tItgfilVd-a Zra. Wan- g are moving to tOlinten this weeh. Carl Ilugford will remain here until •Dttying is ovr. - and Mrs. C. Entertfion, of God- aleh, visited Miss S. 1131r on Sun - and Mrs. A. iIU, of Goderich, dotted Meths here on 'Sunday. asell Zeid, of Toronto. lo 7isit- 2. orh t'01.0 ir • 414 11 stai 12 I g„,„g(0.4., nvg.,,S,90.wPjaIi eklit ham not -tool 'very' =MI ,zaat Tim 'Lovett from Clinton is svouding few duo with her doter, Wm. C:orge . , L2.7_,--csauttw •LIcIT.erple "has one to c&-teato tO visit bio daughters. Mrs. arum. and IMIrs. lt/cad. •-4'47 OR, the . Auburn • C',4tInt5 Otraci-Vortatfo, flestittite 111016, Moro:Aare Mall on Ally O., E1cGleamor Wiloin and taatlor10 '.12\ will give vettort 02 0 Con- . ce held b Ginelbt. The report the district 'Inteetins' also te 01=4 tato r011 call be au- • kY 'las? Vasiorite Vetzablo." OijinHaV ViOttratl:' Patent% tlre: prth dit•LI"Y ,•10i ' TUC '4402 -hetttt, nt,X;c0, 1 4 . •.''',.—... .„--,-,..--„=„--,.t.7.-2;....,,r. . „t C.,:r.r..'"Af\'' trr".;1•7 ,-i.,, taw.z.i,'...1;z;7- - .,..?,21' :41' tt.:(-.6.ft$4t%nT„7 1 ,,Ir.,;4..a..,i': .,f7,,, 4cr:• to ra tr'4 tl.g. VA_Ob. . • . ,It; ,ltst:013-,0,10'.;taat:.;,. 4,:tt),,.,L .,4 ,c.41'QOPO 1 LL-., 14,g„p:;:tz,:,.,0.4,:.1::o:.;,,yir.,4,i'ilt, 1,'4477t11,6el':i.S7‘ltr.:L':r c',41cAta.:, ..#0" ' laP.L„-i04144.!,,,,.gd a • - 04 ' ,..i., „.• , ap,. V' e 4.. ,r.r. ,".str,40,,,„-,J. ' i .., , ,,,1 t pf .Cdrtf., -.`..,•;47,1,,,14)'. :.,:Al.,t els*: Crx,,Igar, 0.= '<44'r, A tq'4,',:Z74* mo. ta't.c.1; .0,V"Cf'4..'4c,ck, . , ''•.70 t: , , • , .v-',11, 'gr.r, Up tlaQ. CZ „,(),t1;tx.,t;',07:1,.:',';'„t1 4 7" • 4. , • and, ,',eir ,CL'ctty.30 C14,7<",•, 31. . OvoVoil,c'3*,,zzo. ,-,,zalav,x,a,ez.,P4 ' 1-7,or4lagen In4q1.441, ;IA, 1:" 1 .4 9/:t1Z ,--,p,#,7'.- '-'.t ):,.,, , i-4' ,y1, , 6)104tnotittiogi. . :. ,,,, t'7P:1,14'4'tr:a.ct:.il':'e.o:.::Ptil:,:::'rr),.,,g3.r: R:11'411;,..#?,:ill. '0,':,,ap*:,•v#s„.*:.,-,,..a0,:c*cti..,.. .,•1,''em,`1,,,m tc4,44.,,J4onti;00171.1/V4 0 0, , Ta0.741'.0W.'eat: 'oho , r40 ''.01r,71 1,7<1.4.attlY 2(10,9nt. 44W n4n;lig r7 T1%2 4g0, 0,470 trpa0 .,.rX meeting in the Vaptibl dittr On, that it, iiii:'c4fze4 ti,„Wa too; Ttka W. utlerimp 'Conducted 4W 'Mrt00,,' time was Spent in hOnor Zar;', and :to' WaotTP, 4:1,40tP.Of 44 Mrs: Jorver Marten,- %th2p-have_t,'.. 'Cave, 00444ar,, 'aVera_ Matt' MeMbera of the Mindy Or TrIaltanate. tItetP,640070r•-.50hA'giarta0,'T' of years and w230 440 leatring to It a4e bdilt.te thb 041017,V.k* 0',c4-4c:t ;gotore.1140., oo Wtittoeht$,.` Ogoto *3_4tz tPa oF5 ng Thursday, ght, Trollotiln it a OCClat, tit0n roa itOraPI aetteoz'4oat •to 04,,,,,03,at LT-, 'vitlo, to 'octilgo aod,t7z,..v tt.p,. , • • 174'), bp41 ,its:,,t auazz, 1,- / 44 Volt ov91! ,,Aopir 4 alo., OP 01 4 , J--'0 , , 204 '11 - their tome in eotterte,b,' T„Igva tin and. °Zilly enitebv- mao entation. . and- Z,Ita,-,--,2:103rien-• have Oren mo312-41 to •GodOrieh• Lamb 07...r.,::_*..r.:.109,=0,t tt'a ronot Toronto Conserratory nude 04a1Z. leatttA5 .410 Vuldt7r TIta,"4.act:244, rketoondi-Alilkat.trwere-allr,m=P;.- ful in attaining their certaratenvit% high &Landing. They. atv Huth Wilson cpade 1 honors' Taylor, grade grade It, firat-elaas homOrpf Arm% old Ph -1U1, grade n; ItIrst-clabs taor.r" ; George Zobertcolut Draft 24 bOtr,' rk owl Oa. 44) ea:41141MM' '4CArlignt- iraMa Oto voTagtotottt, • -tracraatiou• every outi.e4tierit celebratiOn beot 0, 3 o t ,414%24:1(44',.,,tro' T.,.,?--,,, -41qa 'Ai ,ckt*tait, tlb:i*s. ' .. etp.grev volt:. '..7,,Tptv -51 Q) OttitPU'' t4lr',. i..,, Ot40.-t0O-1.4lit0t10-44 • ' " A. 4 1 'I'1•Vtq2t4r c r - t In. t . - - N- o z 0001.4t1T41i, Z.. 'Fa!, t:7;t411..ailaii, .44;r4401,0;ut, ti0.0,4:,i;r47:1).1.4 :l:i - lite tittle anret7Fr40: '0 0 e941110Tairogfa.:77 - - - - '. -,' ' , , x,•z'tg- -, 0 toa0.4hoti Ag ., a tot)* ?a itioi.6,1.igt* volcAmba.:Kv*,, , A • 121 I •Ca rap oaattanatmo T;palz a' 1 tb; Vri,P V'',1prated ' StOtheirs '..Whor 0 0 Q1Toto •ttzetav atsiOtvg -.(aq tiot" ' . • -* . ,the.,;„ ..„.1*Ottbir' tOt(te thq •EgAll ml4k. '1,1Ft=0.w.'a that th$ 4Itt-k4R .0tilior' tOPttith,f4,1101Sti.PcTIWU vao 4 ritift and Lou'prtt..74 ca- won? gw'caVed, they MO be.cepan.,',.:treaut tIZ'Z; ounta tirt1440-1 f'40-E,*(1. 'It' 000 ttO throsla3. th&ITand of, 00* Joining, ttmmat* MA -CU, p.• the Vor0 Satz Uxit- 44 'go t/cp gut 1,09,t7i 5g4 tbo "operatiOnr.. 'prOv,,e,7, too tall for.. ian-,01(C.04,0M'4, teqort,.,of ,it, for It &ea alto.fg 1iP‘F .laiita,,or4titaV POW dt ' v10 ,1140:_4.1...itittita.ktm,L91*-4 a lutri -DTC4 0 tom:mt.:4;u elanOtsS:::e -vlEfiva:y -menn 9"‘ sui2ereit'41o, Wert* and appaur --** '74 '41 6 -114* -121'". bil3a2lfJSterQ 1c11 tgirl° torttaattzr , El -mg& yo • yeatip7' %Pall:Alai 02, 0' dediratitat Asto.1-7a 6:17"0- war% -one of the fOUr, ZOZPo „11 nr" --- "-P '.. g.v-,,,t,-3. c,„ -::,-,-„,,N •EP4',,,:,,,, °V.',,,,,';',,,-":01%,'? .6 --, ,-, " 4 ,1„;$!-"P'CF.g."16T'S'I'C:27".7;-'41-:14(6 ,.,•l',4',...-1.• tto,t-t,4 t-410 /_ t44, 7tr,4it,11:1,:itZit,,tsi.i?. ,ti-,,,,tzv.,.10:10 .bait o.ebar ' ie4apCty • , ,V„tV,c; It..to..,K7,50 - . atrTpA'vAlz,;,1V60.,f,t)1 , ,orn,,;* _Orea,'.• 4 33 t7.,::,t,,,,ot.::.°;',::.v11,:i.,::...4::rg,1:cy,::::, 9,:,:ip';:411,e/tQ-04::ivillizn. it:: 4, . • ri , (LN, pa , , '-ila5*Mill, 1.- .-010•I -Ii c_ ' , 00,11.tfro,ok,.. 0,. ,t0h04OVa' 4 ' 00.1,0,." t nif0-VO." ' ; , Xt-0',14,4; ••VtfAreg24.,47,:bri-1.44:reyllr;r.#. , , .., , -4; 0 Ot :.1 , m.-, .111kogigtaug OPIc0; ,'Jt 1-P,;:41;0,,In: - rr ZO ,' -ofl.:'tIat4eon, 0 a o 4 .W,' a Wilfe7,$elt la'at, . .k0_,r,'Itttae r.! 'autl.-:'-tl-rArPt* IA 4 440 ...or r • 4.t.l.t nig 0 PAaPg. 0 It* " ors; Ettabelle 4'701roter, ---crada drjtroP07.) honors. This to a Dplendid chowilKT: orav!'• ot MAD' •04-V40:1t0i4 got' 04. for both teacher and ousilc, and la- tat it A • P147• Ern!Fivr,00.••WP !um to d',1tep the- .thitiewill ,41irtp- 1*-4aarAt).-tot-tke1•0-041,4E-0111,,- * toW• t varttoitlaM VItdu 144 2.1 A IVZSTZEDOEUraitill. that aka hos.been-teach 'kulpurFti 2A1co Uoceo plane 'Weir eritertaiiicA the Ladies' Aid and W.M.S.".of Mon Orechyteria hgrA16.:Bilkuragz-,-.-ehovor vaa a (4.30 10 • 1 Nu • 71t104ttitaritittOT, .01o41,-ttato- racmyer ott4:'eriz.043:, in a ormaY3 1n3u1oZ ti -42,n1 thA of their true ,Pi=41t1 rens-70.ot? 'Char -0 hat DOOd-440 -con wab Id -Olaf hynin the 8t'la Chapter Of Illainh waS reoAt geoppoolivelF and Luta; aa es Etovratt led 2gra-Yer, - itt 730 an., imanoefFthat-thatale-laffactact and cent and r1c 49orio %lamer vited the BoatetY to ..k0=e .20T MO next- wting,•Centence,stirawero ggatzegt„tnb rs. W. 'P. Sadblion-, 't 222 11\ Oon JjfJ Eleanor- wilson -Cr grave Ima-Id bad d jjf 2. reading - "TLittlac "" zuc3 undergone no fermentation., feionientg. qa_cluGOAXIV, #01t, and Ear. and , ito le Uargaret Small 's he on -character. tion which to decornzrositton, tn 4.`ars,,Johni Menary vird,ted in Stratford • _ I *1. 1i.Nr 4Wilsotr-and---Wrsir- Tiicall,Weir and Mord ith,, of ,;1411t,Iroy, visfiled 3,4x - at .:?,,ort oa kr). h• , 3 .12 .0 kr atuir 10 atd- (WO' eritiO;jiv ,,e,pd. WO Oa imeaut lp?„. .gailde the deatroy 5 ,aingel..2- 2,thin# %IOC), done at/ 'a „Pk/ tO'Pra" -- 'arPno• fatal 1,2 go12,9A . toll. safety. and deliveran, ure ,rtrAtatic,;zubt,441ilig iSashatoon„ d.od:Mr, s'3.1ra *Viso:a, lyt I III !t1211E e• 7J31 neither of t vre•t70 tewa, Llama aoat. ccil4 '7147 '-'-'411\ '17; Glb3°2b' ProsperitY, .,--viscl,ttzacr,_,rrith awl? al;r;, UP* .0 Moldtva:444, a .4040;1 a ...I r arrrii -01 11--slir 0, zOT.CA Ig'RA.1(i!ga,,A1 t 01O,r1e, eetin.g.- -rep,* ,trhe Pltade, q140.1.?,0 th,o' tia*ofr;,ceim4. 13 .FP,r p ":zoNhic 1113, OPP 1nrmile,:Pga41 Qit.0.0167406'-tli;* n,P1.4.-4(11Exat4P.4 -- 0 0at, Vt0littPra,,,;,alpo' 4.10 04t•- for her 1)01011, .4„4*10. „ • a 0)21 21 1 IZQz-43 114--2,12itragqitb "aou "0,-4 44,7wc( lmta.•Olvea -Etzititon r.6 ',Of 'a hiootW4iumovotte4 to401.4 tjaiett k7(49 eott ittea AP- t" ,4o a cogIst,-* i4.4.§PrIet, ;404 _ n 'artP2&44arite'r.ti w14o1u L�: -anempOaslied _theln .:471th VlOrenee the Chi* p :t:a:tkoygcz;'et.:i.atre:'t:t•:ohfitetaIau.wxul,fraoriati«:, 1:1 , • 104404 At, YrIA,301 .1.242 ggi70001flt tred d ,Mr.‘,;Vp11.-4Dar) : 011pen,and tYanairallig aparmonati, )111Ouglab tiAu. oium are:holiday- -40.40#?-kof anig 4isThod, 2222 10 11. 2 114 • building. The meeting cloud with o. ludo. of woo. fziva di7 240. on Cunc1147-. 2322* 1013 dap orai. 1102 a gannon. Dr. -Ronde was shot dow4, lyy Daniet Owlets, trlanager ot a cloth lug stotz, in a druid= fresriV• hymn and the re tition of the Icard'b oat, _ timui tool Iten • ct ote4:11- ors - "Al* -- olds 61-- had 'the gutt- -in his ltan Prayer. 0,3d4.4.41ter,....4. Toronto. _are lecamened, would ise 0,10, ator zaret ° 06 160' 4.1: 4s4"'mr CQW.h. 414, iodren spent wuntiaZ at , 0..nd Zart3.-tplavert Vet. caper, or 4Q.k.y.th. ,he-1*.ang *Igo" Of United Chalpekate hOlding an ice Creamt coda In the church on Ilueoda.T, evening. »ip. .theridanitbron, lo r1tI13,r4t *2 , 3,40 'boa' a a vif ectre o alarms. maw. g..007, ;was, fornzerly Pili=beth rat- Ohe:irift here over forty-eight 704ro OP, and, never returned again 21) 12 tr-s %nut - Aw0t, K en he wars arrested- h'e a- Vollee Alma nne anged duration and og ouritz ogendloac two Foo154 ar4 tua few minutes taw. lizezd3 lantch, of Toronto,-Eding --herp - -froar--foirotatar-airlapurg .-:-A0--1411.- was-thirty-sin---years--of-and-hact the bilood of the tanfil*olunl2ed, 2 e act•Aar.•4•4i:PorPAra, Ocderich, *ant been a practising physician. in Dot holidays with her mother, Mrs. James klatch. • of purifying gettliLl rid a the cor- a leow daV Ara4t w6ek cgth 21r. PO tineau for four or 'five ye,ars.• E _figyet:41 fm, here wertya to Goder-,,gRagsp zvt,r,...Ae,,4s,dsusge, F.O.,1 T. • V42, _ "iroLapild mIkal trrt_dr„0,:„ulu•Rt feta -'gra...batiy,,,,,d,101A4tactiv -Co-eff` thd bfread 'dear az awful' 5 ante 7iatet7tritircatztp,,,,zrale asaftwarttra_ reeiithis lazzik.phys,ie cana.mittut aortt conseerated_holinel&_ • Ear. auill-Bars. ra, Sturdy and Mrs.The bade 62 the meal taken that i"24-13157-rcr:- 22gt frl'211-511a. d ,l London. 1112 a, r 211 '512kr 2 if • A ONO gag-P.,WPM th4, ols" -the As- 9sershly, Hall au elderly lady was heard ,to ro ark at the close of yesterdag's 410, 22332*1 '" eve.iwoue else would do as I do_ ,and-.:=Whir7tiltilefisr theceat.1- until,everyoni ils.e has gone out, there would not the cinch a cruoh. at the dooDimatch,, • tar. and tara. ans. Zherwood and eret that he - George Sturdy werel wcw----baatutetliortely--re- Passover night, the girt -up lobo, Ur* moved to the State Penitentiary a Mrs. Elaughton, of Toronto, !to stem and the mu:dab 'were dojo. &ugh rs aid Mc. udre, of -Nearat, iSelareit by the ofikker3 of the law visitinher daughter, Zrs. . . A - cant of the haste ing away groin e 71°Iteth 03 ZUM2ElY with Lir.‘c"36,21ra• who etidently feared, a lynching. Ib-- g DQ--As quith. the pilgrimage to God's better way ailid itevertal -of th.C7 girls. from • te et ttio _ 00102 .40iittlte kotetie soifdez:tistontewiftletitheot,tfiroorleira74ajLg2a:eitte Durnitti daughter of -Dr. Chas. Diu/lane godless things end wayo to tate up Andrew Gaunt, of St. Tileierso.• here* ate country- ILICa Our takristlan disuenmtiou the vatielak '7744 thia4 at -11r. Malt la °M33" leaves three children, one an infant ot `Thrist our °Passover," and to called renewing acquaintances' in this violin - of Luohnow, is _lii°nlYchillttefru'ilimg°1:141°` the neWeID4Pr meats: "la the death of Dr. Itetade, feat is ,hept 1,71th a change, in corm. niell on ThursdaY Wt.' m •oration of the deliverance of Mr, Albert.Ileguold., the' tragic event cote - 14 2, ASIMEMILED- .0,0000,0600;00 .NSIIIVIOLD, July '1.3. --Mr. Charles MacGregor, of Waterloo, la holidaying at the home of his brother, Dlr. °cl- eric -is lituaregor- Bar. and Mrs. Tact Vining a Bernice, of Niagara, were melt -end _Guests of Mr. Robert Illibbins. 4.111 -porgetuato ' tho -graatix' Afmemortal." -. - _ . .. _ Bottineau and the whole community the Lord'a gumer. 'Thus in a way We 10. •.°-',. Because He waa slain for Us 'two paake IDUNGA.11.NOW _angered' a grea.t., ION one that will ke , hard ;to overCOMe, for he wac!: Ot' DIUN-G-ANikl- 1:10,, 4ely li-14r. G. W. Itt°-:11.0.."4,_ :14 "1"14Y. wh.61:410:thel 34154441:::11°11.4'g'ard -omit r our exit from the bondage a olu Auto eieji516-41inaf",'"INOW:22-(WitiONTWElli- qf -'ilr who ltueiililie,--find it lil•-hiattr iauTtii°02ylitir at4151:0• ,4:Pygess'utm°411,..vaeer6eatuthic:raet, to; understand Wily • hiO life should 0 110 ,fiu rim eat,tec,z,, jziatz, in ona. ihttri„L,e_crb4010.1*44,1,%plitmeragert.t; by , a drink- ' or Vany with lars,,, Z.Z1uXensie and their -.2 ,-, ), .._.,„„,..__, on Malcolm and, daughter Alildres' 02 4--grirgn -sepn-. vldi(v have, Ibist----:tit their -ecittage - , , A RD rUeN' . 42,•y..T.,..,72, Istur.ner I.O...tIttend. .......-....... Tie"',,, 'the 471007'7417"i -74V: thilia 'r44wka-Lwat,161filicaid.7, 7:1,,t7uw. _Lsetaiteti.0,1TY411N, ,..1_,,IT.Ily,.,12-Ittir_.,nd -mite& twat " et' tlettobt -tairaw-teliti 4. ''',...„ , , ,e, ,. . _ . ,-..t.-_ __ . „-k-4,..,__,.. -ran -00- ------A------ -, -- ' - ' ' ' vre,tx-Voronto hosoital. to ‘thedbderich atAeg."1 ptiellt 11111',.,tillirbtivi,b,-Tr.t. ht7roaertttr:1?farlo:21,41;"4:lu4.: 1, it, entberk0g , :004:1C,r,,Ijroup _. t -- - ' Italda iftth 1,i -a -VO on ,V 45144( )-1li•'''-'"' - - ' - ger_ 433211k.S.1411,W._trtt _;,!0111,0V0 44 Will. be A, tatugber from here attended- -E,03, the delegate. , ' aithand.' Picepi,s-' Oranm'oeiethroti -th,4.0111atov;024., Vold 1171.-11i,A, -:StltIt'1,1,0Z sohooL, 44v. , witfts_,„ 4 -VI, many l-ifiletido Of L. 'W. trtot, Taitft otaiorgc tit;st -10,01R4,. ttl:p*,,,t1 -1••,auct, V1. Elora, t•yore roma .atie6rd. ilit14-3416: 7,4#e 6(2 rilk t6-ibeArl a. "mageitteit 41i241' ClaratiOno, tiaeir tirogiedo. - '41-1409, i tiltotalitvolar :artotaisodtlitxtr. it, qtutrzlo: yii anal:2r! a: d,,,I. r.' and Lltai Zob- .17, :1,till. rlinc,"LettqllY t''Ovetr• ' ' ' ' ' oPerad tOttozt,-.gat,da,pg 11,11•sttifk, .t.lt. auci $.,„Ira. 41, -0',. • Wiggii0 and ' ' - . -, '11001$=-• •-• ' vhe itrel 050 bad tibeNti, , littre daughtoz VaV-tre,,,,:morpani,41- .1, _.--- • - ", ' _it- ,,,, .i, ' 0 tritely oto.dsAikaglittst le0 ve non, by- tat, antlf..Zat.q.,„.04alatiao tgoble, or. ' .1.401910TIA Juts/ id......„4.1etula mm. 4itna.otaroolvep 4 fie Piipt.ir thitaaa 21sith, 1414), ..WILzflup• Darento, lett thio 't,te,' ter Vatrit-411, OZ Pefirt4V40.11t 'AIW-GoA dr, tiattr. laid up for titi, _. -,plIt '.,i3O v/, ePh tO moor *)tt, ti.. trip witiab V.14 ti:_tr:411., . , „.0L. korsaW ho '-e ot tho 1.4tt'oF -e ' 0tLItt,Iw atlit'ei tAbot7 'that 'We trO.Ittot itteiude: fitTa6 . &rattle '. Otevillicea- , tiiiitterlatOttio0i-tr.--,. ' ' catleas ,‘,t710 .ele taw.quoli ntr.,,Itio- ABritiala . COlitrabla 10 . VancOuver,-, 1 " ".'14(r*Irdir,'„ ii% 11t9411 '014111ttta 11.' .--,2 t.*(ity' thingo that vAzi eta..L0I.titi, .00 ;alio ..-Alt,-4,tito tape Woutm• acletilep ek Oitifictif*-t Owo 0,anet to:taio, itiotz,..,44' Ovm '1141416, 4E4 tlo '41Atat. 44friet- atigez yore voltL,4iitiell vuttoig ' on .‘.(0, ATEA' 1t019 i70. Vlimmiitt,,::tviett•o, tit -eta, 040plinb0 12o04:41,14- '0* :00044Y. - ' ' - - • - „.. * ' : \ .. 'k1,14-6 Vcid. 000,0401.7 111, loot •tvt, M§i, okzistff#0,to.allott*-010"beigo. 10 . , litro and 14.x.: a. rapt:Alit -11, ' idarrtet ':4 t40. -. v; ,LOgiatiagy. go, 4044.3•, • , ou tizai iot# toctuo IditteSz-. s . ..Dlidimtv,,' trit Algot *aerie* rci. ta#z intIPOVO4- ' ": :$.:' . ..'1,L, On wota ti ' 1.1 Ottapt,-,0 1600; , 0 Taranto, .460 • inertng at lEtogle'S ' ' VG ti l'O'Zb'e,:4-'2.140' 4.1.14,014-= ' itf44.- to a ,„, ,,, ,42,:ir ,, ". ' 4.tietzt-,ZaWat ' ....a0 .ianui*4calej , r&Atill•-•---t •,,,,,,T4:,,_ t 4 , aid., Inimarry ,Aucezio 41.0 i.Vecioeq aVo h313 L1 14010.44_!..P6flittreq' littiO , tati;, a a ,,..,;:tioir- tomb'. 60, WtftiLV-70ixi-'1k0,1tr,4t,;,,,,,,,eac'It%'=4491,. larratc.'-OWtoldtt here and at Sialgl-att.a; Ite'v, ' ' %'.`blie Olzi$014102' tTIOT,tuow, - - ' ', , -'*1101*io*. l'w.. Let4,,,,, 404 ,,100a1 , tirbiL )11411.0.0:Znnior InotitlIte 'ai* tkiakA*. ..43,.., 4''''VtV, .1111, 416 tieta#C-.4 ii*I4ct•til tit, lAtir-liala *2 --4.15167t-ottctil, - -, . , 4 - 44 -1-?4_ 2 04P100 on. .0%4447. A ...itl';62,V.`tr. to'CiletY ,1111 hold,-)tlieit, r. 0. p.1, -era - Otiit, taltaity4-0 .$41,1p ittliattj at El.0‘tott 02 1-4z3.-1CM1' tNEK-,444 4r4 #.4,t't.QP. b th, vatatibill.. at 1,40. tgl..,tt4.tor "iiik,..!"2:,..6t1:161'r.; -0t. 1-..t. 210to 44 , ., ' 11'• 1)1, .v 4 "20" 'a--1112.fewAtaellys-lart 'tat a' -t -t -he of- -42.24rang- 22 re lara" 11. 431` 13clek49131°‘ illterethe imeauest hattetlree."- n a Yearning Rev; Sohn' McGillivray and Ctrs, ater this freed411111 4111011{; these poi* Macaillivray- a•re- holidaying at Ires, whom God called "L.Ty--DROle"-a,c?" mote of theta through NoteS, and AaiNon to Eiharaoh. 116ep down IR tlielt sLo-Ve:nillo4:41"612•7ittitc1W-t40t;121-nt,it-st:t122..,1012..(1)1. i431.."714*9-4fa_: 201,t at iiitaien a -stirring 'or voiirera and caVacities !Within themselves,. kiP.407 worild-crot be able to, go to Pleni and Treed Isot the vOices- of the . tehoy, caught the noise or ute4 arch lit,satot. ihr the- coiridora-,-of- Aisne; • %Or leading coda surely had,ttilci 461160., WO cgitT4iczt %at' from 41 •wict Qamp, Llustotta, , 17 • a 0 20 0,0,01a0 0 .0 44. ' : `trolo. „ LeLt 2421 0: a 1 ilL trt.. est fl tip 1 0 122 1 for the igavt weefro. E obtof. r ata.t,,t41,3 ,giVe your horn giatt,, and lustre you -de 010 -4tm',--eta-miz=lk-Jay • '44,114kf.)73PTN ' ; Re ae,1?0,41. ° "Oa, RI WE CARSItTitOOKA %IF° Lak01-_ c2CoAta llern-t74S-4. , Fizentroo, ELECTRIC r RING OF KINDS Estimates given on aplication TEla Prekg 'grol'otaill 02, 40-tv Advertise in The Signal. • • 4 ;r4 Pi o' 1'4144 iii6±*, 14,ta thdr -oottoto - ''t.240 -C.Zii '„Art4tLitri 'tzIo . , &AtAt.<,%"A' , . 2 1c- 4,....4 dz ..e , x74.- 1=',4 .A. 5...1,,,, :'n-L:tIv. 0•AlZ,..y, ''ff;--4 '11• • Kt raii*t,--a.,d 't,i Or.n4akto.'*4e-4 WAtt*art, ,oz.rmt440:1, .,pbattg . riI_Dtattgiblfr. -v:tuticat: , .i.tAtlia•tv-iat4 . S. ,v,, Z IlltilL,Itc•Na0.44 t (44.0.:. vozzio .rnctitotA:„ilt4,. oopi It• • 4.:o.,,A,Ak,.ti-a, o . - Ci.Z14171t1.z;,,t -:1 ,1;`aier:#:411.,--tt-etott-t. tv.,, , it=tof,:t-111-tt,t,4 h.-.Y;leitglegi.:11,'-'w-tigiafs,01%,g, 0 wo• 4'4. t.t4tapti.4,br,i! .,`.Q' :3441VP,.1.•,5•tir.,,510: wati:= .'p4,144,,' itiiii '/All bt-l• .' ' "t...',b :arta0t6--1 V'..,„- , ii.AttaV •00, Dir-'!= r -cit- tatIge,t.' th -'t,,`,44tt.,%.,,-.1114-17ilglitatc.7v141:1 ''C'?-t2V:144;til'i 1 .13.0 . iCit1,,,,v;eli411p01 1.,:Lt, 46- 6ta catz-4,tt-,,,',. 'Walt: islt:: :ik, •,,l& -p4 -S,te a 1$.taaa''t;t,b 4- rx..;',1-.4V etttt. , gt-2.,i .t.s art; 1 ' V 'LtitVti farlt.,,t,,,, t.lEn-• nal -6r tuillad .16.tz,,tirit',,, .m a,:v. tl- tott-43t tve'aw,t), , 4-4,L,17,,,,;,. 76tg,t' zi.t3 A,,,,. 1 4. . ' -g +.,,,,,,;„-. • 04 no,* 4, VA t400t.:.-2.:-..1'Dit4c/ta: 311. , :•tt, '02a411. ZP. Itt)., vavtct-.1'..,aot*tf'. T,4,,„ - i -,,. At,i4vi.tle6li,tolt 11( ,W.otl• vt.'1111:1 ict...,k-':Ii lt,,„,,:s,, ',T.•14M,ot-v02 i,::t4.4:=c 1,-atr,,l',4;-,=t...-,4:xttl: -o ,--..tq1 t:L,i),I, ov .6). tb: ttt:tir It.Q'.:4:1Eil(12a,',413, !C•,,IN4W 4. ,, „ v, 'tti' 00,(1,4V,40 tio rolu' .t'4't): , tizl'..„-.1t1P,. •40.'„,-Y At' ,...,:',.="c -J 301? t ,-S,r,iltiWa , , ., IV ft•a 43,1'O2ra...e, if tute;-6o11. , --,U,O140 Vi ' tvq°_,,, 1 ' ts...,4431a• a too 1:= tgara' 0'4014% tta )au --ittt411torlOri•:•40-,:tr.•;1 takI:t.,44"7 , 31 L1Xz.• Olin 1, t o„L, „e awatoA 11,--..-v,,t'4,14o , ,t 1 • ., 41116110, itd,.,Intitt4, 534042>‘: facm,49.1a)T4,4y,,, 6.towzloa,v''tP4:*att.t3' •tatTalzo, ttzttowv„,0,,,,v, tatt.3.„zttab' TAti, Oithttt,:tiV-ItW4 ttr. .M441 't- C8I4 ittar4, .-1r...,1tc5, at. 't,t6 to o2, tte4. Eto tvaas am.4 ritt!' CMOV.I. t\-Zo21 , - isrraz, !I Att " **;;F"'r;44-•-. , ' • 0 1- rer fcsr. r k-49 dia, „ vb020*,N.A:7*:,-,,t6a644. 42c14 V fEtaitia .1Pattebaft. s=d= tkagzi tatz=ivoot oara: heaa v�vt tab di t -324,14T8 .011e4P editiv a 1r.2.40 4tt. •talip r rtc:irizr.:01 04. " 0 -.taita'j Dick. .• 't,.oviit..e." , Ira "Fr .2'21 aZra „ er_ro„waz, tra: WI; 0=4) tailkaz Czai - ..-ctarta,0144442a Ratilti8 6-14i148. sa tellittc g4lito• , Par4,17 A Ft A o•• 44'144 " e ONTA ar; 4 4 A —