HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-7-7, Page 61•1 • ?VC rv. tht9e.,,ft'etkeixtv, tifikeAt4019 MIlltirility.41,ti.206.1.1" 1"..':41 • ....mi.. v. Pilat, raler(40dg41 MOt,= , lagt,?•4Iit 0#4,4,, pot 31 Dolta Mtt g4 r I! 0 11;11; L'4041 M7z9;-, , r racgt: tzto' ittlft-;.4WA_404 thp ,atarz lialAtae*. gri the attenee - o2.1Wc...1.14.-,111.-Mazke,#otto 10 In•MI104. tOlaa, chureb, Clinton,' 4rIettil \tip corilety" aralate4 1f"y I'at$Pri a tor Hier, ellatoo pator. Not 4440 wilt lip under the *nen ofilPied Int, Of fiitratkod. A. gala "loartet accompattv JIm iP 3t with Ma, mrvice, Mie aninlata -craitt. Pre' lett on Mediecd'ay for ()rand Bend,. v/herti . thev vi1tpentli the summer. .-11‘,14z4-14owrer,-, vTorouto, who has 4=a.„_vtioa„;re1ativea,,here or the atzt 'to,rttltlItt, has re Ttia-fii lir heite-in Toropto. •. -ittar opera wet14 Toreata,ietarenaag a trovi0o vi.440 cit-,t,tva.,A. me of 11132 -19aWSALY:Zr; Grigg. •Z.14,4. and ,tars.Cicalae I aid litt.le 101101,1 eekt• )1;) Ifocp'010o- 9relogac 5;04h,• 1 ,40'1114,.p yotOtoto,It Wft ',uptugcf,V4,01,1agtba,,-., 4provitatQ 1QtF o.var114 • uia.t0e4.Ow Wt.' 0 11 0;2Y Mrs, tori0.4-$.0Vvi.6. 10 ..tiea' tQr , 0,4 ramem the 4e,h4tilletera ,tose.a. a -•.followo,....BrIdegroOtn, 00rden SW& Al Vgarngtha;‘,Prei:k., e, Zatt101-,, 0114404.; ihri4=001.,' Olive iViteltv beet - ii.44/:,-7,11041';:e(ind" train hearers, Male 4001, pilieW0)1161*,, don.; - The bride wt --oltnpo-74':107 'Norman, TreWartha,, aid- the 'wedding! =Arch was plared .targ. • Zoo., Virm. lay, The atitlreas moll toy Olen Lockhart and the 'presentation wus •••;4- I, leiclid,junalt-Was„....Served. at the elev.= of the Ipearars. rjAIV.:(971A1W"AtItZigr At the a4Jettltv- rtted taieetof ',,,the Court pe Vorjfion_lteld_to 3une 04t1I, •"-Vailrhter,,1e7Zgrcsly .vto ve04t&p4irgt. 0,4.1agalitot° _ attorp,. 71tti 5X. 14441: Mil hip anc-'4,tlieit,en the 11.11, Iv; 44, ton- Irboolao. Atellatb, rettirn0a to- -cession 14 was" again:0030ra tried: thOlci:,it441V4• ' 4ttet1i. gt :Vona- •o'TtQt, .t)614 .c;rfiF; il3#04-1 ' teatioa. Norsareetzti; 1114 1144 ti • ‘tormahlp,, ' • ,b41?4tier la visitiug friendo. Ii -trtha4 'two, cretie of?, • ttOtoritt VOIneadag 'mow •- •Whoa, -•to 3-aala Vatidter, toneber •20r, 414 vOnatc., thgeet AP 42-77-0a :41i*Ir."-160,440; va0-Veotitte4 fifOoktlic",ekcir awl, Partial". ao:tt9 t atta -Wo,--,-thOztalteclikanIcarz4.0,TL.,altetallima be1ia-tinIdle,.the-00,zwtro2 .!!"ce 0-179-2t1 then-closecr-and_-4._-7ftQi cat e_�I1 P "4m net30 #4a ro0044e4 ntal;a1ta11. att4.0. 4(0000a watte4, regOre4 .orpaite .-tk.01vitVor,,Ata cocoesolon 9,ke ffeeve, cillor Sud17 lflinzwt the intere4ta4 !Atticaaid arrana'N,.:'•:.(•x __tatisfackop fettleizent ii etlo, Another 4Atrob. - age mattoryas +that of .1ZR4Toll, who requested that the o1L drain: tile vall'ed aid cleaned out dab MannItOr.• This request a M. he to later in, the te.,35on. Tine following accountoslattl4. 4. 0, Vincent, in b deatroyed- doat LTitiOallunt,•-at=tmvaLt, ter, 1.-E1); 14. Mceqweil, equalizing saincy as collector, OW; to. SloSurne, .a1ar7 agl road cugariatendent, Q62...0; 4-3115ris2gravel- arid triettltar3, iltONtuton; crushing gra- te!, 051'.41); Sot, =err, - Wicking. Z•-; 1I. Charrikey,••gravel and theica,. -CM.; trioracration w Wan, it 'tile; =25t rt1•0 •.lar • 124itiG.' , • 4,•41nith,,-cratahar2telt,!6 tt. ity-sin Other 400212• icrutitt;, 01 Outten adtourned to pest .;:oihk--on , A:V=0=0VMM, Zierh. ,00 ratlf,ct;goltatagv.' '2.10WO • Aft O Dalter' 10100,jki,e0g0: .0.001At *tratAlga: ;MO' 40400g0 •440:74414:01110pattar- Z311 Cc 4044444,044am,„:, VroctOr - - Pr* c0041.ttonalltr; 40Oral.,1461.ta, 104g- go , wintotc,.1)0* M'„ --.VP • Vernet ,Millei.,- Nortw-Vil - slreati:Orafg-, Ot#00401-7n, ;itch' M1074 111010,r,-: Vorothrtgodoolid 241:0•70atop atoarta: lileArtbut arot&111.16haletF--- .Voo4M-4-4,-- .k,:.P.aPtig.F9t14 ao47-744diazoirW'' - • Al TO 1 0440 t '4400;:(1444- 044r1 • 010 igi'orteptrez 'r&taget. %%AO OlialftVy'g4hik0:114 740.4..(413 70040 14ttlach11,4 Atr-LI 24)70,t1 'Poz43t4i . 041c )40'1140 4 7004 Oigt-VvIm 110:44/1 -:LIP_ Al4tollt ttt • • clroc:top A. 4024,,zofa:, ?.:•;Zqapz,sz: -164tc.,00#7":7 lace -- wrence,, .."*I4XT'ZI.044b5ton 10044:5- ,4. 0 tr.1,1Z c,9.4":•M v.* WD, UPPM1'0 eOfao 0-44a t,,cmiAta raUm,t, ,/6t , lintI2 LS ITCO e •° • OTIpOttllatiOtra):, 441149 Onal Irdt*•tOrtiltr' a 7 •to, tioa.1r vet4zeo •-zap , ono. 41,10,•V'za z ro 7WLTtlaiit* 1404gpio:7. turdczlVA.:Rae 1.,Of nafteanvq4,1419A.c •1.q2A4,1*,_ C110440,„..*..• tx-WO, it.40 wpciteC,7- ; W. 0-0140 : 1444- 0.23P :431#14#07,1**47'0 • - neca, promoted Oierit-.1114 tige ' iE Iv; '42 1R3rom- 17,41/7 _o,tm -VgY R974_ 70te-T, AMT4,041Vv90 vto *04 valtt• t0r00Ult" vqttiva01, to' q2I :rnI teon.to, t mil ;4'0 70 'A\1?,to trIft7PP,tatr, tra ))10 • L Ab"11 4 ,11:41:' • ttPlailat"!):":14',":" 4'1°1)-17°6' 7;14;.' 7ffoft'itt . ,r00401dcootat..0,0 04:4;• ge! '"Icl°41:11:0:',:o. 74'4 ::29,:14::714:•°: -4104 that -ttzr .:,4:30,arl.,t04, '"Ir.Wadg, of 00 4, hi* 13145LUPPV hergel-• tt' 0,.. ,,4itait -,0 'i-;(ilW, tto.,,,,O.,,y34tivit7404, • (1): li• t 1,74*.toaitt;,44:01tit:o , ,QP.la eit., alp. a ... 4.' 4:r.lt ett%11-"'.°- tith: ".- a. •fietsOir-and..•.- ' ,,,o.iti7.4ttititillttit " . -l'at litticUlf'd.16:-:.::fr'6141.6r'' titia,------APP ITO t , . , •rirn tzi. vpit - vdth- 1iar. 1,,,.,,,.;....r ,... . : , -0,- Ira -2,aarst atoll 6 II- • -rOrir'4'-geiH.T?0,7:57'4',esid.WIlt.4-1W,- roi.lrgui - ' ' •-.11r o .. 0 '---atte,i10 ter. , , 1,12tZ$11* _.. kat.._:„ " 4,14*:;?,:eii1,•PI?:* , oziP . . . ' ti„,tiair0r 02 t4.4Tamto, ....tr • yid Inc rittl4it Wc 731 1.11:,r04‘i1.04 .tgefgeT of4TrCiNarvtrA w' ti.q '441,9.7 A1110tci1tho. lootc ttor-o- *, , .au• rr' 2mav-70-tog,tanorq 0,00,10. lan.01., 0)1% fto, 1t tatovv. Wo :gtioOvicovrbiT004,..; wt 14,4 *Vronbled,VZSh - echool tO4a.Y? straige thing for a IV' Salti 'I didn't have 14 -it.". , • - Dr ChaSe'S Nerve FotOdei:1 for ,wp and ' Linttgy jt the -ei oh 4:0„',14ef,°()Otnt4)::14.til- , streintk•tw' , Garden igOt an4'1 ' WI -rat tgVo.‘.9- ,en ,,411ne 4b.r m r 4 (.1.6 r. jam Bartfi: "Dieu rour hoshatta il1tla.$0 4-olt 111191 eottrohilo'dayaP, “tY13"" Eiclazo: “Almant.irie &lea ant' lie Cod opugh for me •• •- Tqlgrta it ever 400; Dig_drworth ttarecrilusiliaiina Socella Xris-eilla Seta - rsrati-Altiglie-- NOrval Pitblado naildred Lena Mari= -°411aujetr.ti°1reLt'41,0tmlitela eth., ,,tikiOrbSire_,,Fofraitor tby1thZoitl piloted- conditionVig : folnyt':-Vataart5-----ot -44ildred, -Lava Bernice UBE t.o Otto Eeleoic etty fi..1011ver TAred Vt montitie --IGIlliall-stdtri73---- 321(roate.49gterao 30 WUrloa 130,17 Diacdonald Norma Liscrunb, maitr,zstotidatz nouglat. Orr _ •tillrlohritaG Sums Bloouteld Una nacdonald Zhirle.tiMiott • Ztnera0n, Ila LthiClercon • ---:- reld 'Ohne- ---- • fro Pination: ,rOmoted Con tionally: ittit'Nst ,,- v,dt$10 *govilo' Ov. eo'ad20. • rsti 02401000 0`000. atlet1git4 ' ItiNtitP rulditov. tot tiznewivnao tact' ts.n. ,vkeIlaro6r •'Oho nald AeolLo Atitirey •113021,00 • '414•114, tlegiAZ ttlinarle& 0111a140.• ate4on 40M •Illatlidea tttO Z.41.4.Wc4ite r4orie WAllitaria Int rax-e.t6v z,.141bri4tt' •1azi tvtk .0tittornbf z"t4titor - „„Viov(V.11W4010, at4t ,V,7WWtt a, ottd` ObettoZitt,74e, ch.v tat. arr.1,?4 Valawt,1/4.4 V41- tttgl.'4'41 L1i-cka,t3t4(4,3 • MW4C4-bt • S`c4etr, 3517 , et..1z41.; Talot-.1w aztv.) "11!tOt.',atCit ftvActla 6t=4 11 t41-..1t)T,LT L2nra -Bitbiddo_ tattOarlaOirtOn Nome ZalclOtia 0.04044, "Ilk;344i 010'0. - 4440 *404 0 To g , 4aston 1±- * :410. VOS. ai QLiloy--- „Marian ,iiicirworth eutla SieiMi • •-.Donald Wilsm 34/101 Inthinde 004 0onditiOna1ly: E4i114 flda.; ttatricia rrantilta . VraprecLOO .11%="Z=,)2 -• • •llst-were •'lac); •ettelplii"%r4h Max. 411111trilt.K, Y.1,1rp. Russel 4rptztrorit5. . aid ftmany, locon, .vrere ViSitors Witt> rthe fotrop. were.,•. or'War/4 ArrIstromg, mote' ,g0; tzp •wet vdth ” WO' „.4.aotriz14-*,"-ntaiA Itet409. a • , ery P1L'�i2..# (aj? 'Aetrolt, has • UN ilt_ilititoct .'Ztolu 41,004'4- 10131totiv 'vozn4.0 30 *end the au tier raiiiitib .r/q,b4 t.-7itla hitt grandfather,. a r, &aka trfie chia4ong„*.v,t-IX...43.51711son tealtt, W,,,%topt •4 wr.ggt-tr--zayeat'l-VOkmtatrV6zxbzzr1Tr---,22.trTaamP=XTaz.-Z-pateoo-4-r,Loa • e piano. TheOVentn'g -Wtta agent don, ment the wee/read, with th•e la 014** aaliec--- and • the 1----Itesting ,formees othor, • ed With iiihalitb' "13Ieat the' trio Dai,t9 Rubio Fisher, Zitchener, That Binds" and t •1.1146"Enedie4. waaQ guest over ^the weekend- with ilea. • • tar. and rm. wa A. P.4rdo. •nr,4): flame ilturdsr,' Pira. Ja Tea - "amt.! 4e0rge,Bov1dson, of ,ZaiEhby, at •43(arry Eittr4117 trad N,Elt0gta qere.weel,,4•041igmsts with, 4A41Vratilei-toVe "Ontertoinal, atkit*Otea iiTarent.p.,..14i4 and two. §k14, itt,A qiami 01416TrD 'a v4r41 itr-ignecte-10.-honor-oll , Opott;and arc 7, in DMZ! iEre1Sot*, taro, rat , • ,o ifetroit, are • • -R4,2. -IF, , Or and Miss .6gy Orr, of '0,tratford, *item at their cottage.for the w0v4;-erid. ' V.r.,atid tarp. Ig." Walden nd farm,' 1144; of ikuidp.a, have a cottaoe for 4,e sea60n. • .iancl. Mrs. Nor wan . Tom and. Cather40* UM. .8:030 EV -t 0 alv,74rcll' J0E1101274 irkdzilhe iTetat$.6 aoa4.4,0%,6,1144.lat Earlqi ' 1130Yee; - - ziocettarie Doaalti: Llac4731 0,0110'..Vgq?tfi..c. .1.1ary.„„Itaikr=dwcoi. Miedner AV427i Saelt' Ti31Qffm 4ta4rv.tia7pord 15/acid JeareY, etotiddol Q1L.EtIlatt,..„; , ;9114 WAtggottra Ene - 44,0124‘taq tflb444 PhIiotior • ;rule Lneh gaiptiziiUoi ' Marion Itefici treUlati OliaOloton 'clorCo VirPg4.92. vguth PtottO6f nuth 18/9Y titot1010'`OlterhOlt. gottY /410444"'-' atts4A 1$1000..0014 SOgige vo6oli0v7 - iofr Olive triad4ttat2 gennoth• Brigae Glitt0$0 .t4otta Vto •lattleg stIOn •it4-414:11kM1• *la •artb ftt tt.,-CapOSPEepaciapc44-12hite& d4p ellerwito. olpitt three; callea north. toeyeio air • ,• of ",-triRk*intow-,,0E-IX4C-143-vmpl4 0214 4..t.itIAAty,'Iiit,'"inglaanti, and Nthe„N,-11A4 •of.,..aitchener. itOldina r2.0,WIZoith.10,4',414V, -,42",WW 'Orme oirlacatprk.-Itewara mai," bititbOiyo, together 'at 00- hotifte; 6051r*OrtTdrglitt507'— ef Ir. 01Z-rzio,,a-tattanii .1trathbre1i O:cAreeto • , the -.Y1141g0 611* 4121 to= '1Wenty tteatmlwith salt to keep the duzt, ato f06102.tf.44.010142NrAtexadoctcn; '• .j.i."44it9i-e fun- Ipetetvalle *Sado', do the raise Vtlo 541000 pit ,Ins fro ssed?" r'OriZt.-i, 1' witit4t-s6r, -, If, , 41•, '1 iti6'..*-t-the jito e 'of 144 „t04,".1114.14'' . rah*rzn tie `fliggii,iiS are- moll .otten the Omit of a ••**-613: 16444010,4 4 ' ' : 'IWO*. ' diato 1 , - ,,,,,,.,f410 10' ii. &kat' , 1141 late tthiret4 tO tairtn,',"49101., .t en, Ittire ,atitt.:l • ,,o;,:io_if;e0,;.,-,:::1005.4-ReV,' --4% .pvit,cticii7of • - - , . 4, pf0Saj,1 st.4 , -,..ekzogn.1a,..ii, -zody.,e,.,,.."roving .triane Political tiiie: lt•f ntatio . taro, tlevitip;:.; la*, . '. - id ri.i0:0,' tLigad.';;Itaraelyl.litteided.,104,11,4,deker-j*Itt :..L... . 0.1113',040 ,..„ t '".t*:-- rirp*aEtti''o2,-.---1 ,pir.:„. t ,4: . , te!.`,.',41 'r- , I 121:/t4tkOt. - Dirsi.k Or,',.,...., :,„• ,• .tfallitearerc"-,tVel 1.1i00.4- :•• ' 445i, :- 6.:41:ett:417::..ti :*t :lit7r4:".titr:1111."tritle61;4ir!,.:;"--7"TA,t4-ce,p'. . itt? I Vig066-za I, ,,,. go IT value nter.„Litht. t '‘,,a:,-6: :to .4' „ ' -0-.7, •c,,,,,t11,,... _tits. ''. "rat sa. 0• , , ' fte.,4k - 4itti ,' too_ as .4*: . , ,t1.,.. A, Plaky4 , -0:0104; okoot.-,,t,mo•..:..t.reiti ',.•16-7.1c.e` 6•44,f,'di? rliV‘h.t. tW' trao. .. 1041-6Z-1:46*..r.4:Utt ,-ttiffoi4-1,31.-IttlAto , '0...Iw0 "e4lesvsi.ho'-.1rd:.tiltb,'.zietikv6. anikw' • Vilthe,'btio!..,6114.• ,The 444 -ilCT1pf tatitw_latii3tz, v,micb tx..r.. 4 • lit4ol02a "..tOelter.., t4tZalit.. '. 4 ...--7' e,14,:;s_f ' ,,t4019at ,.'qg. , -.cv, ,-. ,.'cit 4' -,•,-*''.0',... Ilket . , ' aillv • .4,tot?,,',- „ li?Mair12647,raat Ili as ofilee 111.03e eFaduater goukethine • wifl'eve your holui are' gT�f ind lustre pin desire': ,aun -e0DatbiEf OCIE OP Ma_neffiecilAp inqozpi, {Fh4tvca,; Ok, ELECTIaa WING Oi ALL KINDS . modulates given, on 46110.11:Ion _ 0041,„. n t tzt ' ttg:1' Var.'ti3bt4.11neta • to It%t 3', 0,0tiS.'4:0'0 oVratitt= 4.2tbc)-.A 0a.tal2 mo. $cireiv t="4,uo- ittuffilltadv tvg4- ,Cma 01'4W4b. t.•vo lc tt,1 mst cz=lt, C6t? tze4:t7, 9'0 a 4 OL6 Z;oz ,L,T4 ZaV.1,111.10,o 441,006',. pzd.:6,,1 or i'I 1d t'c.) 44- , "1„