HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-7-7, Page 5Lry 1r� ..<•�� Y. • • 41 .n • n+riv. c . •r,�r .0. , a Li eee L at Za rtG µ,y: �p; rth rye,.. 1 MWS }�y�y.° a+t:ikn;N� �"4' t7lev„,Q�,iyJ weseimenar s�? li0ti,r"4ug age t i `r tL, a T etell antic AVa fl 1141 1414. IT 0 count .. o • Mot *de arca 1 es tiitc fiLtlittee • what it implies. CARLOW, July IN. John Young aid Misses Ruhy and Etae.41, r. and= the Fisher re -union on the lst of Ufuly at Forster'S fiats. Many old friends attended Phe funeral of Mr, T. H. Itchell Dr. George MacGregor and ilaugh.. was enjoyed'. Afterwards two boys ter 'Donna and r. arrie, of Chicago, carried in - basketeprettily (Wombed called on rs. Et-ender/fa on Mani; White -and- pinle,'-efull. of gifts,eand day. le a line a boys and girls followed with eeee • ,41 elaureh Blind last. Sohn Clark, oj Loyal, opened her tOtalc 'WuR;r.� f� Ithitoric -Miat•tva Co 0,41toMbor. ,0414V, Au:C*4v :211100.0:7 • ,OFT, Wilootat4Ittey.,,aoftVia.7L 'OKA 57,a .V)0 tiattOr,:tc gulatiota ,tab -40104 MAI • 11, atC4111 (::21 Arahrim Clare Ilitaloo*C4 Otenia 114a1441, 41141,2f racour-ma;-, `Williati mat"; Iva, 4farte- Go Tho as Walter, jaek Westlake, Iva sixty friends and neighbors of Mr. James P. Green and his bride, formee- ly_ Miss Ethel L. Cleverdon, of Tor- onto, A social. time was spent and. a son, Margaret Marcher, Harold Koeh- leir-,--7Maxine-Stanbury, Lenore Welsh. Mervin Etaytere Arnold Keys,•14aWard ter, Lois C -;'-`074•411a atablat Jeanne Pybits, 'Maratha Thiel. ence Schwalm kit the Zurich .'Public 4,10-rit,../daeett cannot be announced un - George' Sangster, Blanche Thomson, BlanChe Watson. pupils are residents of Bay township, .--e.e.Lalleepeetet4:3....eregnesekeilee. re- sults of the entrance eVeittiffiEtibilie: must be made to the, Public School Inspector before August 15th and must anted by the appeal fee of ..t4ito4o VOW •07014P0' :tcdk 1711,0 • into the Sitai Children aPital tor have the hone in her via* leg broken pe▪ rforta The Ovation --on-Vneadalt. years he operated a cooper eb.op. e 'mei an -expert gotZer himself and in $001c0 .02 a Good 01;',ge crop his _chop turned_ ..ot.nt thoubaxids of- barrel* eral store at Saltford and he retired trots this huSineea last -year. - His wife, for erly Elite Elliott, a Goder. -township,„„dietd in_ Nome. Ilert„ of Sanford, and Charlea, of GeOrgia: ....Many members of Huron Lodge, 14o. 42, 1.0.0.F„ of which deceated Wat3 viee on Monday afternoon. The Odd- felloWs' service was conduct by J. ono day last 'week and brouGht George -0301c nab= how , _from the General Hospital, where he has been for..the past few wehe. Ile is area - Sp▪ ading teturned .a7,441), ,thers to spend 4. ei,gorleir visited for a few • 11 -Pa. of Goderieli. • 111 e in the village on taagTOV00,74, tata Rev H. DI Wright, oft _Abet liti0=trr tsr;. ?mem, former pantei Beeldea his wife, 10 leavelh ono t-V*- Ye:4ra 'old, and had spent seven eat, gollinesville, returning to, ttliplezo over three ,years ago-, - tend the contest of Bible 'verses 'held at Lucknow, on. 'Friday evening. !rhe were Given golaa,41mo ego, are .5uhalichelll en ,I1Page 3. many more. r. and rs. Green elpongratula,tions to Miss Vesta 'Tab, thanked the kind friends for their whe-has,laassed-Iaer, examinations an mod :wishes an& invited _them tO come is now a' ftillY-iii6idifiett, regleter and see them in their own. home. 61 Mr. John - edraond is home for e while and helping with the hay, after a season on the lakes. - .Liaster Danny Devlin, of Stratford, is spending his holidays with hts, uncle; Ernest Young, and astrstidg with the harvest. Harry Shields shipped a car- load of fat cattle on Saturday. -Thle-Lord!aeltupper...17313...9.Wervett. 111 the United church On Sunda.y after - neon. Rev. .0. Wylie chose as his text "Tile BOn of an. must suffer;" and spoke of the different times Christ used the word "mud,'" and 111, r. Oliver W. Rhynas and his son, Mr. Philip Rhynas, who is associated with him in the iumber firm of 0. W. Rhynas es Son, 's Limited, urlington, 0::)114., Were in tovvn for the funeral' of Mr. 0. Vy. Rhynae' brother-in-law, the late Te Rebell. Adjutarlin yron Purdy and lira. *Purdy, in nterge of the local (Salva- tion Army eorps, left this week widi --err -threereweelne- Torgiitill be in charge lliere dur- ing the absence of Adjutant Purdy and ti .1The people of his parisiteancleAll other DUNGANNON, July 0.—The annual picnic of the Congram family waS held on Thursday, July lst, at Point _Clarke_ Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Cul- bert attended, also Mr. and Iitirs:-Mel- Culbert and family •and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Oongram and -family. Dire. Jae.- el cEachren and ehildren; Mem and Keith-,enf London, are visit- ing tfirreraTirlATivelttA—Mrritade-M•re. R. A. McKenzie. Messrs. Raymond Currie and Frank- lin Eecly enjoyed a week at Goderich Sumnier School and returned Mojaday to their homes. associates will regret very mucia-Mi leaving. Anniversary services will be 'held on .Sund y at SL Paul's church Roberts of Wingham will preach in the evening and the Lucknow choir „WHITBOHIUROBI, July 5.— Mrs. het frenra this school eould bot be "pat Widred• Moore, Mildred Me, Hancock, Norinan Hancock and 1_11=,,, Marvel Etart,.of Palmerston; Zare am, lly, of Dtitchener ; Mr. Wad 1.1n. GrIber Mrs. Sone and 'Betty, Ancl,, Will Visited on, Wednesday last nenagban. with Baytield. Mrs. Fox accompanied them and visited with her sister, Mrs. Teb- Quite a number from here motored to Goderieh on Sunday to see the fleet of yachts in the harbor. iss Lane from Ashfield, to at- tend the short coUrse at 'Western Unt- VerSity, London, and Mr. Carman Far. rieremnieelleiellitotze—lison left for on the fact that his four entrance pupils and four first-year high school students passed on their year's work. Gilford Pfrimmer,, Son Of E. T. Pfrimmer, who underwent an opera- tion in Kitchener hospital, is able to 'family attended the funeral of Mrs. he brought to his home again. Anderson's brother, Mr. Thos. Mit- Mr. and (Sirs. Stanley Vanstone and ellen of Goderieh, on Monday. Mary illion) from Detroit and will spend two weeks at a cottage at Port All3ert. isses Agnes and Jean rigging, of Welland, are here to spend some boll- delyg--NvIth -their grandparents: -Mr. and Mrs. David Glenn. They were accom- panied by their father, r. David riggins, chemist, of Toronto, and their aunt, Miss JoAnne Figgins, of• Welland, who returned Sunday. Miss Jean ,Stothers, of Toronto, s nt the week -end with their parents, Mr. raletleve -Thoth- -ttotheve. ----MI/3.s- Jean tothers will be back hdme in two weeks to spend a vacation. r. and airs. Laverne Pentland and little daughter l'amela Maine, of De- troit, were week -end visitors with Mr; Peetland's mother, Mrs. A. B. Pent- land. Miss argaret Pentland, of Southampton, is keine for the summer and Allan, of London, also was there for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Robert f3tonehouse, of Beigrave, , and Mr. and Mrs. Barney Benninger, of Winghani, were visit - mon: Sunday with Itr and MIT, Jas. Stonehouse. • Visitoro on Sunday at the home of Messrs. Wm. and 'Harvey Mole were -Mr. and Mrs. George Swan, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston and fain- tly, of Courrie'o Cerneire. Little Grace 'Cook spent last week there- too. Mrs. C. C. Brown gave her home for a meeting of the. Ladies' Guild of St. -Paul's church lacit Wednesday afternoon. There was a good atten- dance. After the devottenal period the. ladies opent the afternoon work- ing a' quilt- The hosteso cerved a lo-vely supper at the cloce. Mr. and Lire. (Bert Bradford and family attended a radford family picnic at Auburn last Thursday:* - 11.r. and tam Vere dunninghanai and Damily, of Carlow, visited reeently Mrs. Currie and family' are camping Ibis week at %Dort Albert. Many. /rain the village and vicinity went to Goderich on Saturday to see visiting yachtsmeL_Of the Ameriean Yacht club as they entered port On -a lack Sellers, -of Shelibrost, Seel. was a visitor last week -with her dater, Mro. S. . Young, and other rectiverr .J11 lion vicinity,: • mid. David Z..Efrington, of the 4301 with, her daughter, Mr* Row Iliad:, Luchnow. Ve are all glad' s40 made dudh op2.14,v recovery fro= ler serious; Oilseed, 'The atrato orty at Vim United ((tares last Vriday. evening ,a(20 aToup of Elmira etifartaitat, M the gate Mal 11P0Otla OW Was m3i.- MS resignation frosn thelli0zoidkney Insist upon, getting D. Sr, H. Cone -Cleaned Anthracite—sold only by responsible dealers who give full vahie for your fuel . Unlike cut price fuel—D. ,ex, B. Anthracite is ALL PURE COAL—low in ash, high in heat.units: Therefore, it lasts' longer—your guatanthp of abundant, "economical heat the year 'round. 28. lokies;Portg21127..._ D .©p LE.,E family visited at Nile on Sunday. Mr. 'Harold Maedel, of Detroit, kiteti bin 'Tve:eit -with-this- -aunt, -Meg L. Maedel. MISS' lifelen Straughan, who spent two weeks" holidays with her parents, returned to her duties at Kitchener hospital this week. Preparations are under way forthe celebration of Old fliithe Week, to be held the last week in July, at Ben - church on Friday evening, with their teacher, Miss D. Walters. ani*.- are preparing to go to the summer camp. The Y. P. U. will discontinue meet- -azid Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick -of Toronto are spending the holidayo _at their respective homes, Renmiller Mr. S. J. Brown, principal of Ben - miller public school, will take a sum- mer course at Western University, London. Miss Mary Jervis, of Efolmesville, spending a few days with her grand. mother, mrs. Walters. Mr. A. Vanstone and .Mr. and Mrs. Morris spent the week -end in London. r received beautiful To all Towns on lines of Toni - la" It alTa*C"Ara Ob aSYCkt tilovnaansville, Port CarStbettford, Aurora, WE amovra DEAD no 6E6 AND CIAM13 Our Men 117111 Shoot Old and Disabled Animal° ty YOUR NEAREST STATION COLLECT Mrs. J. Dayman, of Elensall, is spending n few weeks with her daugh- ter, rs. Keith- Colborne. Volt REPORTS T.111 CONTROL 21EPH PUTIE SOAP -EASY 011 Mt HANDS aounced before- the Canatritan Medical Association - meeting, Wahl, tro.at- ettlosia an a disease. .Dr. Ogden's re- port Wet baced on findings Made by of the eta of the Totonto Western IxesOtal. The control a ,tuberculosis. aomding to Dr. Ogden, ia made pose tate by serological Wats which indi- cate the latency of tbe gerrei in a SIAM ago smsa G. autzzni =MK (11:11N1tIM Cr5:t11)) Ertl az 11=1140, &AMMO