HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-6-9, Page 5_ 1141041EltAiitS AM) iiitiA1011114$ 'you* *Zi 4rieoi41 4'0,4 aria OW0704* tAir-,100 1441 ,U.41:0 Qrtirt0,4'0, Wot),IViityt %a ,t1,0-';_. is....1 t.. 4.:1 nml ..(,-/int;4_,•:,,,pp, • tii,7',7t7-4;ta., = Ziti-n.1.4 60 t.t.)14,7 .onQvtri, ;O:v.i4a.cm, e ,Z,UCo. cza .V0113 Cocro tit,o,vat).,.-znc.%5.,], imr4D,..1z p.sgmiing. 0 Vt..ac.,'„,',7e.P5 1,4c,-',7!04, Aton notiy,m, ,,',',:',,tiotT1,%-,.. 77Lti,z41-. t4 ,•,o ,eo....uintQlT4tilte,.1s§, --*r' ;gt 770.r -'41A valot %nta pz,ritm PPz#i attq1,00,tro.TI*1*. rt:tee: ' : 2•,c,1 • r4 -7n Q' u 0.tf.t;..11Z1Qt1,., Atttlwin4 • • • 4t,',1 ip4i,,tpr4va„ ' • ta0 nz •1.1c-c-li. ttr4c10,i'V",(1.,Pcl,t'40r2 VITM. .i.'4., vpvt, •VoL, t4c, ;,t*,4',W,- , Ili'&-''','64to'-.1. Dp.,•,'.7 : • ZI$1-f440Zot.,:e 4itttlii4,.L.40rAtMa.41, A VO Atfy 1V - 11c .11 - tO,.,.tp.,,-, „...., ., Lt11 rltb014*, t 1462ZVI.P80, .• PG r:Piii4t)k 'Pttt:,oiztton,';t%itn btA. •414., ,c,rA1014A fo-vcg -- #1t-4-3% --,1:17:ti:40:..Mo #7.40.)3 10,0M'Ig.0, • ”lido 13 Alit 'r.<;' top4Omak • tt 40t*J104t..:.V. i.9 " t I"t:"511iVII Wc1 4 7hTh17 b v ng o; 4 t A • Cdtlal ,,*4 Ir.1 r 7,1,„.1.w.,..,,ot;r1'..'i)tmlm;:: ,, )X '..,mol :t1.;•tY4 06 ctpt'irtz4rPTrtL Ilt.;0...pp3.4:Rcv, T,p`4',:AAlatkl.t1.,-CnzO,.c7,,' 0t0'''.1 ZA' ,H11,;4.'.4.41,14', ,ali.,,,•„1 : t,o '4, --',%,,,,,,1„, '7_nu.;17 ,.4,:;v:x,,,,,,r;:ci:: • tv,,,ozt;z1; .,r•A3fro' ot:!,,,v tt3 •44o0a,trItldir„1:;kxo. t(4,1:140,t1d4;,,-, 41,1. '0 14.1.10ttot44) tt7 024,)) tlzit tlp ttC 41161VZ4tioro t4t trail 4' 44441 Oman 'Oa b,194At4 ItT Volik ;A ; ,1, othe 1,VdePtigibit6i1441:dirr , 00100 Otttool •• v40,4 )t,bt ;^ 407-4«M.71-111e,041%li, StleaSa* .1* to tiat 'Meeting Was.,44t: "WO eV. it ,PqtrOgootiolnitv-Va.Voitt ovaixir e gredlief„ and -Mt,- 14,104at -414 ",,SOlk,Ort w 7 L!IrD. Treleaven re -united to Lbe'-o2 1Thursday after'.400 ait7trA11111M7inontbS-71tin-lter..,,da 1(44 gts., tilohrt :4-pdl*vv., at '01Zonfon.. MrS.' Albert Cain fl and fly, of WestAeld, spent. -,,SlindaY ith Xit's. J. laaritley.- They'We,re.ac- OMpanied bo •ad„spent tbeldtart,„ part, of the week it their hOrae.'''" Mt and Idirs. ..Wittgle.R4 'were ,guests With:4044*s ;and attended ''.:,1;be 'Ara1.2164-1-43e, 461-6 Qr- .1ffaiz14*: ..1ft. and 44 Tclack, of MOlesworth, -atteticled, theltytneriii of be 'late Miss vrglize-on .,fIntidat ",-;,and •?IrAT:lt,: • 111 er,. ,31Nraland, Algol, Nelson 'Culbert, Walter IDIctin-, $ I1on1133r0 Vfxhotlk1bti riF:141.row.ttigeo:110,_ tIci -go,atomum, a. I,. Milan's oS diatea to ti tine Vlot. • ,_,1124_-.,,,Aledae," which gart vivo; AIMMO Vq4TiCas70.1!m og = -or 1!:004ted the 2111 ,, _ • elthez preSentationts were Grad- ` ,,ibe 'hospital board, • of eighty-threW"Wrg; aaelminalatrarre-Orlt-.6 litreM4 1,74t4. - 11e ic-u't heaxt sewire and a drab?. training, hy-timi• kati-wifirlirdra'M t evening previbuS tO ber Dasaurirs1-451.-41. Catrier-Vacus--A010A slug. -Site was the dauOter of the late jobn %awl Sarah Maize, pioneer Settlerof Aslitkld.She. leres a ter, Miss Sarah 1.ki1la1ze. who lived with ber, and -a niece, Itis Melinda Black. She was a' member of St. Paul's Anglican church. The funeral on .Sitnda3... afternoon was condueteil by B. Geoghegan, the pallbearers ,* Free an ,,/otin McKenzie. •!c Vantey 4N15,- -black,- -maroon s side stripes and , Pricedd at TrImen 1firme'llokmi-V7e0 2-iplete ;7:--.711}Datlanig Rona, black and white, maroon and gold, navy ad royal. Sizes 36 -to 42. lirimd at Z7e4 4211D.xlires Neale, Ma: "11ZatX 15gata' --VePtatol large assOrtment of colors tb choose from. Ail alma. - Priced fro aneelt Cbapter, li.o.1).Eld, 43T • 4%7 Lane; sterilizels from 141413401. Leaf Chapter, 14.,,O.D.14;41I, 'AtrO L 1, East- • man, -and .,referenee hooks -from the, Nurses' Alumnaeo Itt's• cva4I.- ston. Central Home -and 'School ..Club choir,- under the direction of Mr. H. N. ' Livens, offered a pleasing_ selec- tion vylach Wits well received. ',41E-441ifiriff741 rotiWitz4rratIN. *ere the work of the iNurkesi Alumnae, our .graduate nursesin uniferm, j[poutTimes acted as ushers for -the occasion. IIULJM_r After the graduation exercises, a hinchtkoli and dance in honor of the graduates Were enjoyed at the Mal- sottie Mfrs. J. Veils, of London, lir. and Mrs. 1. G. 'Leiner, of Chicago, and gav a splendid talk. 'MAO "Mr. and-- Mrs: •411. - Thorne, of To> Dora Harrison, president, of the ronto, 'have been recent visitors with T. P fl assrsted in the service. MisS Mrs. Charles Wells, payileld road. tiva Elliott read the lesson. Mr. Maurice Frame, who has spent the last eight or ten years in this dis- triet, is berrying soon for his bome in linidor, England. fills mother passed away recently and Muurite is going back to look after the estate. We wish him a safe voyage. A numb'• of his friends and acquaintances spent a pleasant evening With' him at the Mae of Mt: and Mrs. Thos. 'Elliott :before he left iand presented him with -geveral •gifts. 'sia50101gig*,,i1LIi._ Juie 8. -The Sunday eVentag Seri/fee tiiider the management of the was well attended, the church being comfort- ably tilled—Ted Hendry, of Grand CHOIICILIT 011.4i4M1=470,-ff REMS04131t3 TV4C • r r.2,p " r. , and Mrs. obert Ludlow, ef Detroiti-- -were callers with their friend -6, the Locnart franily. • Ht. and Mrs. J. S. Lockhart, A-- gyle Lockhart and Alvin Betties mot- ored tiS Dundalk Sunday. Mrs. Lock- , hart's mother returned with them. classified t ---Ft with the, 'Signal - tar means you 0.-t what,pau when you want it and at the right . 2 i Mr. a. D. nurdocra, of Zealdnclia, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Beale, a Btetr ...,.....1•••••••10x.....0 1 Sask„ is visiting Old tied s In thls York, have arrived to spend, the atm- distriet. mer tit their cottage here. i i...................---.................................................... Gekig. © ate het that 311E ohm © ate ramda ol the St we (mezt ti»Incllere% frojgotOte2) Ing .leem In t6 'new shorter lengths, •jigt:i • styles„ -also Tahita, the, :&eage-feitstling 'fabric _ ,W4 S Oda 2-plecia. -a-tr . US FOUST- 3E CLEAME ...-ur,4.196=3,97.frat - - IBAMENTO 111AINAILIM IISARGENgi ..aP4 •44, Sptitg Coats d Cutts. ftylia4 tro new and ptitos 40 tto bon „ 2322 b cic2li20 Pd02 gazil Vi=acao 'irt2c3 Lay° Lop:a 011-i.c=1 a/ ga? ccL c14 c„qqc2y.„ IPLe cab •air -442:1c Gra.viao ti=d -cv:z,,tic6 ao Okra. tto ai,== 40,ags c2ate-z."-e-A-v-Eue.. a2E-zr4. rrtitato t...-Ac:7&,;,xyt7:11; .4140-t7=.- *1-4= • 6-acPcoci clviVH2J CF.-..'„upo gO Ctrego e02 DresSkes. Sale Price 911 CE:adIL • azeo, all reduced, some as low as . . e gibrzz2atc39 stripe or white, • 36 Inches wide, 11,6e, paR. Eitra quality 36 in. wide, going at . -12e - Uceo azei-,149A =„4 _WA 0'411 ATE OUS1 A Vp OALIGNINEI tt_-0 c2= (=zaac It3Clcio) ,