HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-6-9, Page 3•J.. +9' `Y.IJiM,rtib' ''d4'o'tr di. s.F. b"7 n'it i • • 34.1 2 enessseseseaseee r:- 1 • J.l ULy�'i+1 TM • up- 14 ••••4010.444,'• • mow•' • • AT eee 1 04441 • • hL . • li •cideeesses neest 4.4e11-14: t4rA 11 'apt:: SSC hhta,n ccollart:s4 r,• �r. mn t 'ten Q but O 0,-141 Y 'I lfzt 11 ludlt.n, a ; a011113 1: . ' +A 6 Il d diet theft , t tt0 (10 r fel j py leRlr9I i 7:'nee— �d'p3 • e9 seen sir Tye . ` l' I tD a QI i( W •p�.�. 7, II a` •' ?, 44, ,: �. � ' . 111''O• '. �Ca�. �' H �♦p•�:{� , kit.: �+�� Stu," .�,. Ali:"�'� �<'� et AA yqa i111o_v114 i • a eh. apt, ter •ta 1 -It tts ,t--ct „ 0f - Iln nPmo7-4411et • I two 11 1t>a� ti°0 ,'4 1 at.• UliT eella ta' din: r .ane • 1 „ 1. .# -tAahqz Zoo eae rater' ' Vl0 44 � n tf7N,0 L: Villi e 'WOW, 041:441 ▪ tT, • rat . to �oet1t»�3. Da ettli • ts n1 1.Y�G.'�•e-^'1.'�?C•,•^•vec.wL?=a�CF."+4Lai,^Ww+•a,+:row�lry.ww,mwr, � r+_".YI, . Cant ?man---1olvinn 11L �t+ r•d! ard. A'vo:e, iILi to D aU Ont. • liv I arveetess-e `n- '�3. 3. Be ", it . ;14? erre !'. �3'YIVIn Boy—Clitaton Zedglns, Strut- feta. AC, g� �6 _ .._ _t_- Roma y Peter O° tltseot- ael ' .Loma 4« t1. Y'^i'ieetilniat `tit 41r✓e> a«ra�' ,1 iti see ' y i jAy smb 1 !a. - f11tti-Ol • • 1' mot*, ttt , 1 thRt � 0,c7Qvi a> ha --dol- hoot; qt:01r1„, sante '1L 1.' 1011 GIUC• 11101,1 1 I � pit l.®N �rI ..a. 18Ntat"'per, 1Sb 11Atsr�t�a� 1 4dtom, #i5.. QbY1wLL, +4u% ' !�Ci..} •...r..o•..... - �.y��'J!�}��!']� _ _ „�,""i": ..,:`�...�a'y{''�y��T�-^•.�/{uy�y�y�gy.�-:.."`^�' N.:]F!CN.t:..".�.'�.��.'.�-.'•"•"'e�ar'nw'�r"!�...`"'"�,s ',^'^-.V(M••MY� 1. $5 I b '�Sslg/ t��j� • ` + �fy y� ry, lot o$. 'moiaa�ey. � o k � ..k a ' S�.lA.Ujti++klxY i ros•,'•..':1' 1-ra rah. a6 I � Ui •t • tUr ,reeve 10vr G' ,rw t1 r`' to . t N"`t N 1 ,edu 1 rater ; > u4 r Iowa tQ,s*�yl0,�''. ((��.•t••';.0.��4 i a i.,as ten Vg'4 L93 -o°atno-Lb gid ' riiicCoTaa CiDo _ . � �» �.•.�, � jet ---}- op � � 642a ° n S1 L54' 4 B reeen at i ihniaa3f anm' , Q OOH t— asc it a'' - A mj(Diit d l e 1t Nva I� m nagee eZinane 2 mere tt i a 21ven 4d� '''�% 0 teia ¢grove '�►t' tile °°laim ro11, , 110 /;1y,�• tlne wallet area ' j,,o'. meat-. d Uc :Xi 1Capa di al. tef tat `stmt - , ell >, "iI%ll�.`.4'GD1ttilvate4,I 'U G tsy'tfi't#,,driving t,*nt«e�yn�es 1i0Us �j}�y, �►ti Well- ovra- . ,ualtle s• r,OA'`: t11ae let. the '1 34- tt broke ui' at ;.t Pim. 1uaa, y n:tgbt. OV -Or ad fitted- tz0-- t1te13 103 `and whielay Were pu> chased with the a totef oIey.. _ • Defence cod eel stateal. 'dower was williaag to dens 'guilt$ to a charge of- -receiving f ree tv'ing stolen goods, bit . aaf tr8at Matins dared .tom 110= was guil- ty WI charged. "1X :aao difference if, as.. ac- eased ,teatI 2 , One ma- ta�ott the one? ;. t id.ibotlt ,t;3ltar it...- The.two 0k tlne* .?i t 04 %' of 1Y, masa when Iln>^a eon evidence to Coanneet ti tlne2t. The chaarge .will be dismissed." "C.ov7er," be continued, "pais 10 not your first of enc3 and it le as serious o@ea�ce 1 ze nteinee you to two ,3 )u>.na nu 11, J111 MA 11 ,, 0 Q ROMI DN4:TV j'(t�: dna l;J1l1tILf1Lte ntia inag Jocka11e nt, �ilnnt etiMehtio - a nd1 Ge neva am ea AlGnto OF 'ICE, NEXT Aro or9° COMMIE :O Merle• (1e l cb luded Pis a la an :"'t`rta4 uul o • On it age • vaL la jail • at hard labor.'`' az-4a n q� c1�Aa Q anall : JUnn7/ • 1o11�art. Snauel, at ,•9a terich, elected trial byjndge and Nary on two charges; from 1. latter, of g'aeter, pretences, and, of" receiving 82611) from the r anis of Montreal no pay to G. E. Hall, manager, and *feaudttle tly con- verting the me to his own use. Tbe preliminary henrIng wag set for Jinn 17, Snavel being. released on a $5t0 youth pleaded guilty to a charge of 5tgaling four bags of oats. the pro - arty o? his mothet, rs. Arthur, Cal - t, slid. selling them. for $5, stating; be money) VMS 'used for repairs to Ids car. At the request 9f his mother, Magistrate Matins suspended the youth'a driver's license for sie mouths. Culbert waa plated on suspended. sen- tence for one year. A two-day Blyth feud was aired in court, Joe Kelly and Bert Elliott plead- ing guilty to charges of disturbing the ace by lighting and swearing. eel_ "A was going hoixsi from work an4 caught gelly abusing me young broth- er," siid Elliott.. "We fought for a :while, went honse to supper and started again the nerd day," It was Nelly'es first appearance la gourt, but Elliott admitted a previous appearance "because of "a friendly fight a while ago." —„Sentence_seapeltege_d a year °u both yonng 4:011110 -Mata-Dlas When -George, Welsh's; name vvas called a mate stood up and faced the Magistrate while a lengthy charge was read, to the effect that he fall to take proper precaution while pasaing hones on the highway with hie truck. The man looked bewildered for a moment and then declared: "You must have the wrong man." "Are you George Weigh?" thought you called my name." sat down with, relief amidst, laughter while an officer went to look ‘fo: Welsh, who Was not present. eo tho case ,was adjourned a Week. The charge agalint Welsh resulted from an accident on highway No: 8 negr Taylor's Corner, when his truck frightened one of four horses toweled by 13lugh ill, which were Wing driv- en by a hired- man, Weslo yan. The horse jumped towards the tend: 11i G✓ h5Y f - 119 �,ipry�qrI(�p M K`r-..'#WLa� h 4 �4•PaL-+npN-tAx ty40,*,-,41,,c4 1 Atgaudta cam op Ott 11 Ywb� (' Si , tt 111 T •t14.' , OF.i4.1,t;,,tca,:o.aortlutz •, R . t .14 -d°1 z:iit or) bo ,gid s1s *1 - ���•,�'w'.„'14]J�f��f�p�j�.�+�.�(�r}�\rr��u/�1�i��'��yyyB./'V,(�i�? tIZlYt7c .0 N1U. U YU1-01,t a OE the:11104 l�ni�1 Ibtf Arit SID 113innen Worthy—G. 3. Dow, 127ter, Goderieln I.VrS • Memo) Blvd., Dearborn, Mich. Calumet Brady—C. A. Home, Mit- Siuscoe ,Elarveeter—J. T. Payette, Axe- Lee -0. W. anderson, 0,2 Zing street, Welland. -nSfae Petego—Floed Milton, New, lack- Beauty—MO, Milton, New Leone anover—Len Owen, Till - .Symbol Meade— Hairvey, Zip - Oliver Ullk0—Weltri lough (reamed). Gaol- ell iatennse—n.20 Great Peter—,J. S. Saint and Son, Grattan G.--10scar Symbol Ineade—W. J. Harvey, Kips Pen - Tony Grattan—Mrs. E. Dente, New Jean Harvefster—Mrs. 3. Lady May Grattan—E. Mitehele Mac Lee—E. W. Fawm, Mitchell. • Helena 161egillop—Berry Bros., St. Gilbert Grattan—Gordon Knight, Blenheim, Ont. Lady Gray—Gordon Knight, len- helm, Ont. Pig SRI P li tg.0•1 . A e1,�1��'4=9h4t+1:+, YViFTh{. 11 � 11, �*ili� ,�, h L Ili N VP,: , 7, p+r 11 •I4M;e1-40000:4S:l. n ,> t .tt.O. rialt Ww -:. .. :. e. 9'fM"S ��'p 1 . W . MIM 1.t �t1 at ��� aa��t Coma. .ta > !cY r . •w, iuf ,al h nn - r • % .11 sir lamas 4t has !nen am:not/hat r3itred bg rato.cebooll choir arid the 6044o, nag raillway construction. Tho burial plot echocil Club et0ir also oatribated Oho t four Eoet. hel ht, an j°1-*Tigg-',-;;; °22t.113,_1_42n1:4 tot -14• -- 'oel! Lt...t.a190621i.,..92,:otireeiaclaz,t14-baluiC6Irlirrirmeeire'llca:97'04..Clutal t,,Q....iliriart:Mrt,--natz4m4c1cbttroheitta-tua:Pe-rtet:P- seeeseseene With nelativee at Guelph. — Mr. and Mao. D'ave MOM and Lily,, men with Mrs. .1.Stary :Lest Thureday eve tan the piton softball team plasma the ttaarn at Rest- rainer, bringing home the bonnet), CO -18. have drilled a .:Tell'on the lane bents 'behind Harvey Fuller% vebere cot- tage is Nang erected for Mr. 'Strudley Meoses. John Clements and Norway, ;Fuller Were in London on anturday. Friday evening over thirty members eembled at the home of Mr. and UM. obt. Cotwen. to do honor to Mr. and Mro. Orval-Pevfelle who were. married recently. uring the evening Games were played, and a social time en- joyed. - 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Powell were presented with an addreds read ha silver cake plote. nines Esther Me- Illwain made the presentation. All the guests wlio were present put their aUtographs in the book in erbich the was served. Ail join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Powell much happineso in their wedded life. Union Churolln Netee.—The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. will be held in Sunday the -eaerament of the LoreVa Sapper will be observed at Union church The Young 'People'o Union of Union church took the cervice on S nday in the ebsence of 'Rev. A. Es • °Fie, Zit - B. White - 111 seenstateseseenertanteresesse All Hum—W..11. Knight, Eritz Chillo-4. A. Litt, Stratford. Billy .—Eari Rowe, M.P., Nev7ton Fanny Grattan—Moore ros., R.R. I, narnia. Red Grattan, Jr. --Moore Bros., R.R. 1, narnia. 3. B. lIervester- 1, Sandia. Oliver Unko—Weeley Boyle, Mil - Wee? riPaeln Myrtle Patch—E. W. Vatem, Tommy Orpreee--Louio 'Mack, Roy- ,5rcinap ,tfirl—W. L. Fraser, Forest. just Pete—MT. Oorgoran, Zingetter. Cruickston Vola—Dan Z. Gerber, Eldon leee---0. W. Anderson, Weil - Valerie Peters—lnen Owen, Tillson. burg. Silvefskaltli—aamear a Gordon, 78 Tanhold road, Hamilton. Peace Oharile—llobert IL tn. Alvinetota. Peter—Geo: Wen Thrall. lb MacerSencie, street. Sarnia. Jerry Chillo— aroId 'Berry Walter Ra—W. Booth. Sicatoe. Ressie Widow -1g. W. Pawmf, „Mit. -nay, 'Grattan—Prod 'thrower. Met- 0.0 Ils any chansfe- in the lonation of 'hilt*, wer -No. 21, which may reassume- -the' Dunlop's tithe. If title hea the case, accesa to the plot will be Much proved. This location is adjacent to a Pea. pert of the work of the. Ililighways De - Tart ent has to do with beautifying the 'coeds. anti ea the Destartment in nic and parkins; grounds, and In pre. serving points of inteteet to-torariluts: II was able to perounde Mr. 3. Moore. who is in charge of the work for the province, to look over the site, which, he• did a few days; ago. Considerina the eetabliahment of a -park on the whole pro rty (about oore .11. tee ea, eletiahtiva, necotent of her trip to Mac - la 4 anal Scotland last Patarraitraer. The Pei tO,..Nring liachanan by Wm W. ID. Lane anal Mra. Mael:lwan. fibr Ay, corn OT 10111X3 Which -enr•Inot It 11 the first application. Call 'your 61'08 - Gist to -day 'and 'order thio WONDEne PM SALVE, nilt. Lloyd Choralcal 12 ger") .it was felt ,that the maitte VIrua St°re* tenant's. eosts blab, tee that improvements 'Ifo the snort south of the railway only were conoldered. Mr. Moore was -able. to -picture _. '_elear! elated constantly with such matters. He made suggestions relative to exist- ing vegetation, and suggested the con- struction of a superstructure above the ealrn to protect it and eive it a somewhat more imposing appearance. an expert will be invaluable in carry- ing out any proposed improvements. and he has kindly offered to make_ 4_ skeitens. showing ehrubbery, grass plots, paths, etc„ that will of?er suitable design. Vnfortunately. his visit was too late to permit of this beins—ready. for aubmission at this time, but he has offered \norther Tdarion. assistance as well. ferenee at Windser. Miss Porter was in charge and Mro. G. to receiving Resistances from the Dom - I have made enquiry. too, relative arwood was organist. Ur. aro .0ardnet led. theareeneneive reading. r. 'Robert Davidson ofrefed-niffiSenne atter valrith tte ng the Lords() Prayer. Mary Herviood -clang ita [foto,- "No One Can 'Help but Jesus." The Scrireure lesson was read by Miss Es - poems; Nora Sowerby read an article, A`The Fellowship of 'Prayer," and a duet, "The Blessed House of Prayer," was sung by Esther and 'Everett Mc - !twain. An article on the life of Dr. Service was read by Everett Mcilwain. Tueeday afternoon the members Mrs. Mary 'Phillips and quilted a quilt. A "pot-itten" supper was enjoyed The ehoir of lJnion church are prac- tieing for a sacred concert to -be held in the church in the near ?Intone. More patieleularo later. firlirtbdericht -West-- twin bra idiage, the garage on SkOlth street, of which Mr, 'Starless 7rd'Vett esro- in, its appearance' both- eziernally and the huildinc, Which was formerly a livery, &table, had a large entrance in the front which haa been tsed in recent yearn as a passage for cars going to the Tear of tile birlilding ibr otoraue or repairs. Mr; Prevett bag had the doorway oppa,• sNId the room ain the oath lila also Wen redeorated =adz more modern.-- ,ffecbaoteal ade to the garage consist of a new heating 'plant, Considerable neW Vora tett and, a drive armed to •the rear o? the btillattaa 'aware all too:Am are made. VaetoryArainetl echoic; aployiefil at ' the garage, et1.4-nre ear 11 ItIbbiug rap 10 inion Government towards the work. eta eonsederable money is expended by them frotis time to 'trine atlisee-pre, serration isietorie sites; but to -date have received no encouragement. It ernment might be persuaded to give - some -help, as; the ecrestruction of 4 park adjacent to their highway vvill be of value. It is possible to expend an unlimit- ed amount of money on such a pro- ject, but Mr. Moore believes that an expenditure of ttvo or three thousand dollars will ereate an improvement that will be apprdpriate. I approached the owner of the pro- perty, and I believe that the land south of the railway may be pur- thased at a reasonable price, 'and I have no doubt that the Cenadian Pacific Railway will easrmit the portion of adjoining land owned by them to be included in the park. Part of the original house occupied by Dr. Dun- lop is still in enistence, and there is enough to permit of restoring it, if Kaye Harvester—Louis Meek, Hain- ose Ganot—Louls Mack. Hamilton. IfiAgir • Sally Anna Grattan—W. L. Fraser, General Lee--Brooea Bros., London. 1L—Broolta roe., London. Busy Grattan—Alex. Parions, Lon - and • 'Miss Oliver—Uri Pierce, Longwood. J. Worthy narvester—Albert Stev- Boralind—W. R. Scott. 3065 Dundas etreet, Toronto. Just Peter—J. T. Payette. Penetan- 140111tPtiMe--JUInea S. Gordon. Hamil- ton. Ming Direct—James S. Gordon. Merry Inine—J. eirvey, 909 Lan- caster Blvd., Caignry, Alta. 'Luc Hall Bond—Mrs, Alphonse Dion, 2, Norwood. Grattan Qneen—Barl owe, M.P. ;Wily an11115..4fill. A. 'Morrison. OW0111 Sound. Dazzle Direct—Jobn Brigham, ger- PIPE onurnents TO THOM CONTEMPLATING GET MT PRICES BEropm VYING Cemetery Letteting a Specialty — All Work Guaranteed — aOHN GI ANT, CLINTON', ONT. ItraVe of the county of Huron than at homes until thie time. Much has, been writ- ten concernine him, end valuable pie- turee of him exist in various place% while airtieleia formerly belonging ta him. are prised possesaions. I feel thet it would be a ilttina 'tribute to an the pioneers of thla county to, im• gerove the ground around the grave of this great personage, who played such a big part in the early development of our County. If it is decided to take any action. I sugesset that a committee he appoint- ed to direct the work, and I wonid further auggeot that Mr. Chao. Aaquith of Auburn. who has; an- ex- tended knowledp of Dr. Duntop'o his- tory. and who hos taken a big inters. est in the matter. ber place& on. the CASSINO sea auto r...votivaraV Sass too yvao C42,6 ce6061. re essene▪ n• te. alasweirse as Pa t":54 sass ,tesee seessese. Mao sena frfr • tai Few plisceo in the worrid can pro- aishs—ao Wince= Nan Why MI: vide ebb weatedatad of ratZarall ina white cattace=s-ein She reels tatiattels„ ender the ties cool, aatural Mom facility coma) prIcaoslveitrain tri= off the. Aracricat c=4 11-11o=61oo illutnistation of the tni$ty Foils in rail16014 collars. For a/griper-4a literature write 140 The Publicity D4ruttutecti. ,46iloAcIA vAtilLt • Yeeee