HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1937-6-9, Page 2a=1 ,0F.Vailv,-,a0-_,t:lo tat,;:tlataatotiij04,a, :t1) r4a 11,4cAvon 011,Wt t3t4to 14rt4,1, • , 4 cv 57Q::?,,zt.z4cJ Qtca V,10 fziir.:#1,‘„.74 , • tvrAla.:*pim Ot.5.CA,Vp.Ca,74 • ' t4tc•31M,:ar3. otv,m- 3 Zrt:C PVC:4 Anttr),,,E4nttspi541364 cr s.141rv,t1,2a U jrj a(3 ,4va " p' fcr WAS , a - Nwhertiko. 1 -t'A? "441(Kvi"? QT. -A 4"4170 4.TZ,V EJTA-,412d Z. i;tiv 74.,:167,&-;54 AVTVL,117,-.f.43,4z' atz'at E7.41411Z7oz: 't4P09.54f ,,,,z9zi,a-pa.,:0,?nVfc7,,,z7•24/V '6* VialZ14:',W R74% " .VIZO 6-.73 _ otc4.!otild 11_5 ;a D5 tea WOQ A:4U (115v.z 'tOt A gct, • Oftstbr‹,- Zaz4..T _7 01304 Itta4 0-t445, C1:2va-7.ktiZt 910‘0,,,.atit* #4tb,Z ttd; aato.7:-Ao.'fti1 ,t;t14,01:,.4,afil4ZAvit 0,0 • VO)litvai, tlattpt.! 'v07) _ 01, 0; '44 t '441.ka,:,. . , atria -11 tt 4 Otr)11n. 1110.nalpt UkOtoate. w...oeti Vreratow v4artzt .ia,*4z#1 tkat vtko )44) idpk-04 --',w•actpmgo--zt,v, 14320," 4 batz, moo no motto igth oft itcy'otpro--',W--4ops, iPiat thq f4414,r0i103-pet-4 tot 40altly olkt*,t Ult ett Ltiattitiot g-41-0,01a*It0,H144,t,*alf,; «c tlebwal; tritttg:-4LO.t .t- t'6,447T0IttPart40- ,Orr.3.0oVit 04 mot vo Jb ttalliaesint Mat. ItO4ig,6 vitIbt. to Mi4t, .aud ata,7-.45aVrots 110C, .11:tro TActo 11100a-lnetc oZ ot4er attPrO, a•nO. the Mretaler lap? have kat that c/Tallo tgo fottOop woro alienating wirse 1,20441ad ' • 0O, 20a ,t1 14Wialt---Goveralt =tat Ottatza. had .on Iner0,4114,4 tOti O 4ollftr7 Q. to, A 1,,S401.4' --.474104- 1!I4-. q4.4t '1.14qt =loco IT00:**OtA0,1:1t0.1D0,0120 corvatito Ur-49,7totl0i, %?4,7410 otp$Itt tho ovogo30 , In Ontario,. 10,40* 0ci CX"g ,t, CIMPATS; 411. Or a t'oe9tIt ralivdt' , eedv;',:,,Zz.vp. ,Vonta ',E.c-c:t 4,i...iq ,c,,,,,,• -,,,;,,,ii,, ,„ 4,7 .t.i-4i1 i,,r,la Lt,vZ4r:„s ••r b2 • titow,,,,,t7.4.ty„ I;''' ,_.6,.Z..4.. -4_,2k .b..4,1;Q;4., ttl3 - 4 -,,,,- (00. 4. C743. t4. (3 ' ,,OOPACttil.P411 4', TWZCV:4-tz, ,,ot i ri- - 00.,:-DretWiTt'[.06Mn,q ,i,,C1,',Z1XW. g'opt#c, Og 11;1013 ODT2-44 POItY5It': lreM ct-VeT0' tv tb taw: * 451500:-/ 11 • gott'e, t144v ,Itcitall • 0.1704. 940PrAz, otallac§,1:t-4i tQQ2 z , 2? IIi- n, !LIO,14,6,11° Po_rz.lo at*, miwiQ7,1t11' 4140 4t74,7 Ola *01V ,c14W ,en$ozit trOat,att(it -01454 =td .the 'netz.Va'ricto,' eorrpo , tera Vrorluelal V•4--redl---0•14?.—I4M*400-Inroliefel elettlons-were in entartyliire.it , Oily of this anti now payllttle ttez ,.s.tion to a ,tandidate's tarty stripe 4eitt .ratithing -mit haat' la- tint- ' fel.*1 elections.•Ii4erhaps the ti e has , 101ne when, under Ur.- l'itirephorti's leadersti --a Provintial will be 'formed that -will have 0.4 049edlion ilith tinier ot• the l'ederai Certainly there are rauny Xelberais *hi? Illoapprosve of some of .11ir. 'Eter knorti/s policies and who may, he pr- . yeeted to express_ their disapprOVaLlicC erg aro :many Conservatives o • oOlt von Mrepburn as the luau '07/04440-arat. who- ttouhl We without /tiling that ,they !are going hat% on their tenser - 'illative toter& ,At any rate, lir. Ilepburn-is-rfor.- 140 things luteresting. , eturoAaproL,vib.o „.612 ni t4DOt arily away tro. '11144p -0-6,r: ILIT47156 /tap5,21 411s rett0o,_ ttlatia tert4In verso hair WV tif ard: r - on the telephone. 'eNosi ' e are in - £ore that a deVite ,:has '\iteecci "Ilted wberebY t44 ,,,,aeos'ors for the absent one lo trans itted, co that when he returtla .he Cinews uot enly lin hut : ',, ' '*.it", ' 4 ...t...,,,* it41, ti, • .77.7.34..1.7, lin. A r• . * •, r,113r-' who hest been tryingto reach 016110-44a 040.: • 00.6o64.. go -,0 , sheet. WO 400' Zgles..,-t41000.,.MtiOt of the' area. 'COtiii0 . ,Tho election .Off ,-430Alters. ;g4')r•.' tobst that person wished to -say suing ear-- 10.,A240.,ftkp, °•. : 11,04 :.:„ • 4,,,tt04,!: j. Advertising Of- liquor is -Vice7p*Ide*, 'TztPt0,744,4011-1,•. OntortO, hut -the "-Pr:ewers,' AVSQ AutOStin„eir, 2441 vice -Pr us got around the law bY• .teirA•ep •-•1514isaef$ 044erith‘ , Or140,01' ofAmi 1.**014elltatiVipi:-; , 013Dat . 41t91 - On -the...other hatul,..,advertit-e-detlit-In---which la tied. odoolutoot; roost -persuasivelyi that ktl,10-Presen. ',4-4-6a-gittir4-tecretirrytifresOltitri-- oisrmr e- 4u r Onata hilt44:. al. t Nlettaittm e13 U. ototir,„ *" 0)14:01-ta,pt Vrtdag- 'Ipetitzte; *teelt:.:04.0' ttle*nit itaiss Minnie sitedi,Fon t- a Atli aw stZrt ti307,444Alettllad -oha the e a 4 purchating spending- tO,'' -their needs, ftitt-oriej Oiktttvio, tvAt fafr- tiothig thc .teart; depre=ion the tillers, of the 43014--;-00---4040iisit".tAild.. to 40' witholif dieti bOth' for the Ids& faa quor la is preferable -to prohibit on W.'„- 154,10400!,'011ato0; an tor'4', APParently everx,,lovvspaper iin the W. a. itI6de1sOic '0.1ld-m.....A!•--..t,''0.; Rft- province v740.4iperea.,thiglifbrertietim.l'ilott., r NO*Iaillwv -: dhigtiet ' t410105140, siargrele70.gaitiSier,---.-stad: some ae‘p-t -it, tsome didn't. , The , .- ... :Staadiag -tOliAtaltitesm-idn icxtl'a'' - tijua-Ster-ereas (iodine& it. AO - ' - ' ' . - - ' - 4,.- 8' ta . Darn* Phillips, --ISt..'0610101--::hOria0 '1,ii boo 4 right to argue that 11- econornfre, Itrs. ChirleS 0:60ces; 1110,! vo3t, 1.074o ',*,oto,itittetiyiliaa CkYofor quor should or slibuld net be -sold; but 'graVO.:. hOttith Old 00 welfare; ."4iirs. 120 gUept, Itealter,:Xiss Ditarlorieaui.' the arguMent 4nd the beer parlors 111.4111* * "t"Clitl'asa 24411 '--1" RP°1411) lePlil a en ave Al' 1144: °T in OAS (hiSi tbe connection between Pcce37,4- Uttillotilgi ' rOliaetilroro;. :-"O`oi- . , Billiallico*7-;:, Cairldiapinatio 0. Ing a(1°W len our co iitatatil'Irtrit4tort'efbiri"to• VITI-tgOttb 4111 tw 411Qm‘ r&fua to 1i1 roupr,:41010,411147.: boost the beer tiusinesq., , 1•7 he • tut ti4e. •,t 0104'. it1.0111".- and n4e^Yed 44i qted t1ss An- ' -t1. faintly, the reitat.'' • 011- * of o ;,-?1:1S. _,.. ileurr,tt404a.peop50.9 EVP VIrra419 ;"02.41„ 70 11P.AQA.,6 _ gn*.p,r1,04ettre Itcrpaa stay Arn vow tacce. do mettlosalo Yob!? - ... Illir s,:,plati ret*eettlita AGMs, and odnermAce aet tottarlc - % 1 tn4 a -courteous n4abttlIATO ' . kJ ta,t1.40 ,,..:t 4fittts puall pett .locvmdc your tellhootototiot fitt'41140 IIIII oprtine'Isilt4;-umd temarreeets5 muter whom You Cet Rpoliilip5 11E0 713:u0-4 art 0,,,,r; epr aud reBlyallotta tlIne I/at:An/ay? IrDo you 004001 yotir herd' '.7riaem rabottat Ito overanhe l'Arm ,t3U4s11•0n3 ' • -11141:30 _Ot....ri,:ofe fillisttameel. , - , ao y4itit. :keep. to traie usfis.Dtt co firma/manors =ay addy,IDaso ' 1- ILbo:roti Dactmalt plattuall whom you are albotat to stop, Gam% ctew , itaivra :05? ;:r4calz5e libireciliam? . . ,IikaLonlni'entAtAir.iit.14114LPINCA gL 4441=06 e zota, rim inn co xict Incoulai Ititvv110- dt,Dlier &Avers and eattce. ttnesii tp-16-6iatt-friliff2 ... ... ..• . cm rotr,t -11a0.0011 EC, 43cInarra4 y'otairliii3Zdo yo'ias do to nu a ffraentav =ter or iao .Y.Ottl. Give it, a aldintemint3 Ulna? •, ,P4V;g4/1i-7402.Pt.00,itePtv=wetztrzenOrrzth:=,,,,,,,,,,,-.11,:,, cag,b' ott2CCost tllinat rtait 47 Courtesy %Acta y-ott Get .e.Ddrind 112 ei-'-il ,el-olr--yozair rar-or---trueEt.— ,. ------------------ ,...,_ ,, .., ., 1110 44 C,Ipproyi" is to add Greatly to your °cm pliasomure arnd ' c6:0' 443nimg co wenn .cas- PAII that of your knot/ mnotonicao. Itro, Avibutl4,;,tgrttuItu'vo :,,aiii.1 Om* *ove ,t4tet,'! said, :Os teattparatitt ,•64- rt}t1 IMIreliCA11111 M40=6 It 1 40 e i * 0 I ,,,,,. ' ' r e ' "e o elle ' Ma 14 stri 0, Bli, so 1. sePtt a0,,. t, age to th atattev og th r stro, (0000 ',10-zrimixto) Allistert fith,.. ', Au Eithae4 ilegiotti-uovit 3,55t10,vev0„,oe thc,Ilihripritil Zaeleiett Lt weett we ee ended the Bet; Uts0 Stinbattit ton; hlititOtt ,re,' .og ,ttrlittik01.4 04, -:a..--t-ot _,Traniiiao, ---te-Aluidoe0-,--1141:eau tor _the:. vioritit 18eliteli:imit,04, ,,,,v,,,_vatt 'volts. 120f -4140e tarer.04,1*3...Y45,Arkiri-..4.611'Si011- co- did is iliiitr to, cheek ratheteera- and waraTutum A "i'''''7"43.--' - - ---• ' • A' '--- ----:qt.-A1W OrilEtalat'e-tPore• A spiendid :.ilitiglaf - of zonei, work jEkztatalem.. house. 'Piave ,s0r4-e Vle Ohne ocgainst frattdulont soheveak tki 0i/cwt.° itvaitohtg01-. tlittlfs not otoi enti =any. comilat WAXrU. in.euppoinz racketu of tindb Is also Ulna,' tete lj P,s1.1,4e:Otage.fer. tetfothg' ;t11,,Or ,6.141 40 .4444$91 Post• - .1:04 -411!. ' -trAtvet41 4 •C0.9.4 O't40taii- oolt 1404 to. IM•01V0-- attentiou. cL i3or 440p N1111. .the PhoWg4P.1.k, ital,tialeLrgezttettt '10azi!. ci•Y attl -traVallpb „ , tat Ion_ truo, citra gtio "ay. CTalit,0.1.kle .V.t10 ao 0, VOrtt-t0 rdn ,Otb(i,411 theY t tov ogur*:. lug erationW tam tht4411'4-11202.satti ,41,013 frO "'SOadi •$: 4;06' direrv,tat toast ctifia 'fItiolit411467-Or aliarcrIcTio --a= tahea 'ironikAthp4Otket0::-O • 4w4r,s7-viova-tpiLlor,- 40,41ure. 172 Illit#eit'vhel 3. rIsILr1 w 10. ,-„ct 5.t.gps: 6 b2, 0'..4,t0titt#ettg,t'at.OFP; 4°04. - it0a* tfitt-lOyd- iq47*-414 4S0Y lisf , btlailesY:',-4,,Vindsor ifatg,A1. 4100t'- Pt4010' 5 • • A! „ . rreqt t , tcytalla 141°' Ittteiputpliev Go01,01ft 11,'0,7• /0 vjogipitg .ttiek:t Iote aiv40413 'ttta0 04 ppagco, was- ohovilit.. --5e • ottoleo Ver„e hroughti lro11, the 'difeeient ,branclieS • and -consisted'ne ii)Oluttings pen p 00. 4 ' LOolta OtVotat 0140g4. , inIS ittztt 1,F000. OttAttkl,tobOtA too 6 tatokt, • Id taopdt, q't66 ?tir ,, ttz Itlitftrx 414,•' tit0;',1 , il , ' ,.1.44„. 02 tarkt tvhi. 'ti - lioau' 'du* 102 ,. ii)4.'=”, ,'01,- - i - tii' --.1rW 04160 64 = 0;v2Dvilato' 40,'r'A;1.41.,4,gt )21t4p:tit 04. 1440, '0g,patfal0', •Vi.4.41 t-4 ,itttkt,4011t.t , t4=401:, . . •-ta 4 „ to ttl tiNt*.ta ,,i(toi;n5 tr43 wtftr;,1 .lit-)tr6, tt bt.Tp \-.,t,!.ttt eta' t=--;:-._$..t"ttl'at tat C=':* It•c;'po: tt4:7 1) 7f#.7A (.V h s aing--00---vel-Vet tawz t70v 0 , 41 ON 'IgatIt0 itt ' ''481.#1t1 t tougtithoi oak ,totzo. coileot Rt'aeati kii0 -140 alv 30-6-0550ti -ti? w�1rb _ 1i h-kto- r ao ' OVelcf ;.0111th Obtet ore- tilt4 t'0"6-10 5:A04a ar 201, • ternce4 tt6a,o,: iolOent411, 4t3ittoaa14,110...40f. 4'04 *a. 're*,Tfiiiird'i5 ti,4Y4,- 41ith 004V' 444 'IsOvor4t1.1 • ' tdt. tttzto4 to romt tAr.. a LA. at V4mtrz tt- tot 4"4)„vat, 0 04-+;42ck rf. algovan4, Wo "ettP6 t, ttti to* t o II ' 'ot, 41, Novo=11 to I) *ti,, „.4ie vo t V.11 a"..4te , Watt . Ica Qct t' 11 kl',Pi' 4 1040,4 IT4,, 41:4 ta t/r4r. 4./t. -ECT7 64,'A 5 $04 OP HIGHWAYS PROVINCU OG ONTARIO erirre,itl T OM • azx.'74,10:0, tt4 c.*) • .1:4titt tlot). ft tool4ttalatp.,, AtiT4-v.;:tor. ,:at t"%`A, V/0.1e Vidn14r, tICVa 2 itt7 cct-41.1 noAn zitov t, ,t1 ts 111 tt W33t'3(3. tt,t> tn'czitc tz,), ecs 11,:4,"3.1 o.,7a ot.-a•-cat.*-3,7 t11.1 Oth. ' ti,711)1 4•14-.o.? r,;,,V0411.4- I' .1, w -r **,' - ' " 4c (14tAtC WIt*3. t.4 to; iC3 1- - , . orattOti,,,,,t11r0.0 42 t1Z,Os210,4 41119-1gbtt13.2altW:gotilOv0tt-44, tt,404tt0t14.-t041.tb0,)Intivitaialit#:' Vag 4404431a i4L',..etpt3t7,-4'.,s0iit.,'W,th0, ttoint qmtt.'„ ,3t40 .4P0t.1n.t1 „106C. 14d' ototr4 0.20,1 i1t 11 tr44c1 0i4`cr.aot,3,- Iltaat11pb,,,,e,obtAtt4:6!1 tootti latt-7riator.':t4o 4 tift'Z2 t4t#3tt (Ilt/ 'tt4t. tkdv-0, •tiy4.tc0o:40:tZo'a, bv-'.i:t1,,A74, trit.-;,)1% to' Dtzt6.;, 4206 ttt 6,t• ItD ctt 'ti3i40. t6: tZ:1 tc atti-V:itt.,ittb Jitt,A,o 13 to ec ttAt t'X'A etwaLib thbArs 614.011Itti ao %et tV's4o. oI itttliot vst *at 444 z;ttildiVW14 'L61166'1i•elag2;;Li kJ • )70'1?Lae462 • rdzi.,4 ..,e).641.04e,e4t) ,