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The Signal, 1937-6-2, Page 3
a. t>+' ,tea tta Fu !h !{ s 14 • :II 46 1~. ,. ry, zl' • nN• olati 4 • 104 I i 11 • it ;010, qui j1bQ 'Met o •04,L. ;, r IiT�utl " n fir, r, Irato:6'4 .fir' Tr _DC 104 UI dtei, t, 4*._ L` q at Icil •"f"' `N R'• l+�Mi1T 43,'^'^T1 �'.�: i', T?'r' ' I "X -A*474,.,51,:tp- MB .1 fi lip ,,1 t1111.k k' , � art 1«1 tiOk fih t� 1 lit 1 fir .v P• ti 40# 5�. c &DQAs�7 aAou4 �►� lla 'CO to tb 1 C ' 04,0: Mayo to talee Cp'IC i,t �,. dre> ;• ,It *a. 40:* O it :01103,4,;. co aal g 4ter o1 @' D? 1 WW 11f df .;a ipplitea (11,44'174 0 zosA»6 s 4d »0is yi ,.n. w.:.. -:+.-, Lo 1',; ti>at,t,wasdi teeele attiomt tem:oUgib1 Violas to Elftd the ,r '' .'.'' 6*t > - J Ot ni iie + .- ;j.�.�7—t/{�-� iat -An IlLYY��7J* Fi•{4,tg . ,r`,, 17 , at ford) 00teeln' Mom "Elatietactio 1: at Moderate 03t-'° F,t1.f�iCJ Ceee `\ 1 • O Tai 123. AL u3, c¢ Qbe4.4, t. ,xattt+btwtrNieuo4w�w qd u0 otii .ta+4ii r+inadn,a�., rd ei 41aQiS,yk0��C.y0 ., - r' 04iv Iq.+] 1{G�16.�,,, oiip4,740e1c4/0 .1SR 07, op?(f?0 � 1:?O�$�ddit:'time, .e dd b p7' 4''.' ' 4q0400004'04.00 bLi eis't0' W•00000...„ da p: a Q.” rf;t, 0104 0 00 ocy"", ., sy e!'00 e sat�r3f Re ittTlds�cdt�t�` liL✓SGr�, My { ,14 Gi naa a E' ,T w � � ? ted« ''j"40 4, l� ;� 0a00 4 144 fi r '' aa � .die ,Ek >r ': :�7: tx `td.1101 , .1 ��1 16th +'T � � � s o giV7413>t t ` ►at; vo . ,, ` ..4.; 0; 'iP�-"gmnr: t at 0144 © : ti• fn 001 ,1. d 't y .4. •-'hr' gx1twurA L"iJ4dv t,, 41t 10.0 7i i r"' "1.1d ilk 41 aerrD , lo -;:4i:':1' it'4,,1-41avAi4,- ' ~, 0740 Pr,,,4P,,,744VIPP A S'P-A etetrite 0, qtr %e� e 'eta' t !t 444, 00 A hal ttt* 6 "►f aid El 134 ,'clv,4A Ufe A 5 euwar7m , o - far 000).74.1 1,0 140 111,411 :Weehe Ane .0.p- ZZEIWr bike al tefativea :and, Old7itrientitS, -After ant :L"It ter AO 43.•etherge,-of ;Owen:mitt:7i tellUM -k„,le, •• erei---.--„,„ ine ICI, 10' -go; AOuth to IDeeltaini to viDit- bee •-•2-4...- eat* ,e.-Opte,.__ _ZiZe.,,,_.avidolatt,,,,, loft 14 :old !acorn forea feweetiee., .ee tbe vomething so ing- on an 140 .dro i, Dtef21 of fhe'SaSkatoon Star-Phoeffite a, bottle:et,. liellatete dose ',at hand, W004 *he other sons end douoattera,' arrAe 317417 i'efejratalo• Vilto bel,d; been under ob., olive? 3., ano D. u; og Rezk 0-405veetr; pleaded guilty -to, theft of an, eleetvie 'WthittingtOn, of Hollywood, -cdteoe... en gods. , • • that although -the, manta mental Cantelon plans io. be back in eatneitY VMS litOt oil it should lre-s Goderich' about the middle of jury, owing tafter-eifects of the war, hia 'condition did not watra t permute t care at the London- hospital. "You ageparently understood what you were ling when yot& atole and Paige court I av11 044c -a to -Am se a light De tence. Ole melt -Charge the °entente` wilt he thirty dope setae ees. to. be co current, and the ti e you hare spent in 2a11 will' be coititidered." Mothersall had spent four weeks in Joliet= re Oda. US Woe Ilbarty Exeter, r/08 on • an all-night party with two others. on May 22nd, and when one of his Companions awoke on Sunday morning he fOund someone -Gower Wae-ehargeti With the theft, but pleaded not gu.litY. rerastrifing: don't plead guilty on the Whole $40." "ille is willing to pletid' guilty to El .money,"' _et Waffled_ _defenC0 "It was somewhat of a communist -6: party. They Probably figured that what belonged to one belonged to ail." The esse was adjourned a week for further investigation. Robert Snawli, of Goderich4 faced two cherges, of obtaining $200 on a promiesory note geeva WM. Wetter, of Eteter, by false 614tences; and of re- -ceiving $200 from the- Bank of Mon-' treat to pay to G. E. Hell, manager. and fraudulently eonverting the same to bis ,own _use. ail In the sum,of $500 was renewed for oase Week. Mae to IlDe lama thine 117th A further adjournment, of three weeks, was allowed in the. ease against John and Frank Garniss, of Toronto, father and son charged with forging and uttering a .note and being in' possession. of stolett goods. the offences allegedly taking place ' Frank, Garnisseeethe don. ho brA4 heard on Stine It tea care which crashed into el _Waned rail qn highway No. 8 two t760•19 40)• His drivee's 'license was staepended paid $11.0 tied ee,sts for heltig'-drunir tn a Plaiee. 'rho ear was badly clarstded Alie•emeoh-up, but the men toe) Cllieton young Voinen, Doris field, died Matheeon. of South- ampton, each paid $5 and eojts for retieetorre international convention at Chicago, ffune 20-24. It new a stemmed the ClintOn Lions Would play the Goderich Club the 'fun& for the work with exippled child•ren, June 10. A committee. cY. lade and J. W. Fraser, CMS AP - pointed to arrad6e a game t fol- lowing night. Ad= ca Iluaa ,Lo• ndon, Who wan introdueed by Ad- Commiesioner H00-4120-- forty - date yearn in world-wide travel° for the Salvation Aeme, and spent twentY- give years In Judia. young roma transferred to Rome, later to India. He' told a -almost ' over- whel ing hartdehipe in the work with the loweetrote: Indians. in which he and bis wife literally took their IlVeC ta their haled& They shaved the front of their -heads, Indian fashion, wore caete marks, and dresed in tut- -bans, jackets and Tams, alLto inspire the confidence of the natives. Commissioner- ete told al.10-.14.4"41 dances around fires and heathen or - glee they had to light down to imbue the Waives itith a Christian. Spirit wad teach the word of th0 Lerd. In every hut there was an evil Imege, and yet, as years .rolled by, Whole villages, were converted, even among the crim- inal war -like tribee, and schools and hospitals were erected Mid headed and peopled by the °naives. the ot4..nin of the- more' Pert:whirls tribes, 'he said, WitS being found-ont, teingpoetleWarl true of thoce In 11L 04341r -J2 "Rom after - being converted. thev• nAg_d_ _to preal,c out aloe in a while," ho whut that's) only human nature. If 'LW dieledidn't get all the silks and Olinstider, the. oId, old -dory, Of e young ittan Stepping -from the er stated that the Zatidia artrW in In - Indite cat cvn rebellion. That is totain .the lather ot ate viceroy to ''"Zritallt stands for Order and &ate, • tveca glib to Ore world," • he aa • chaplain Ati•Illurtd• Salt fOr dat• e ;petit' inatitutiou at Louden. gear**. VOtea of:4,,ititan were o'za The child, with an older st4er, tipper- Zirtib-ta the *Gel 'when Oa? Mother rettartadd she totted TO creirarO,In::,'Peetiir wart edited to, Urtistelg on &turtling afternoon to. haveettr,ata the cerioun battling tor the itamtidlatelY 'the ttt 11 Tk f. ace Qinv FO Anazter. ,o50. 040_,Parsegb-faltatitz, ..0,m^414117 of G. Irene Getcroe 0165 Traftertatiori,'COMphitty. Kt wag in Ste 11,4oulo that Mr. Graham mar - Jinn -and bfaileit- uP through .the pee - president located at New' /ark. litz had held a place of Torominenee at his home toWn of Itirkwood, Miss, an a popular member of a Eirkwood loan company. pass ob'erta Miriam Johnston, daughter of Ur. and lam. obert Johnston. 'Waterloo street, is one of elms of fortrone students at Alme 06liege, St. Tho ate eligible for gra. Analog)) at the convocation ota on- Miteratirgaret Macitean. of Hamilton, ite known in Goderieh. having spent mgt. -end holidays with Miss John- ston at her home here. SIMON OLD DMUS' ?UMW The annual picnic of the Huroo Old junction with the estron County Junior Assoelation, will he held at Exhibition Fork on -Saturday, june will be served in the -Transportation and other sports will be the afternoon and evening program. All Euronites in Toronto and district will he cor- dially weleotki. .ager, sit Gederiele NAVE YOU SE.M7 CANAID= CORNS? ere TalacA' '471140h,'0.14., 4470 iti'elL-61tit'o"Pk.C1,,,:11, 10' 4,:et_,e'll,k;11":::7,°:itt.,:r7-''°P4::: ,tacv• Zs .attenOet! the "old 4t24-41tatwoll,n, ,k=1,,, dc:1-tt;IpItl&.c.C.zios,t4,4400a,-AET-11.s. Nib wry,trirraci-trr. 47:70 • 'IDA paving school he t:',A,I*0 tole', [Oat% operator, and_ It vac philt0 vented, or at leant forenulatee thOL. titsally the telephone, Which late0,-:#0,0. telegraph °film he worked: Ca a ou011D0r. In the, east side of town 'and' aloe, later, „1,t the WestOrn Canada. ITIOur Mille. He operated a chop of hie own for a short time. ' three men ago to Miltifj-Ilittab- &deb; of Bowinanville, tilt° eta -.1n 1016- , Although in fair Ifecill,'41, Mr. Inessee ohaw wen out oe Ws home 'mew little in the last nine YOaliT); Ears wea OM* tent to rentalii-in -the hotice -and Veit verao of old timee with his old fr1014414 vying in reaching baCt tato the Tzat..1 261, WrOtteiall eldentO of ilia younger His only daughter, Mrs. Se Atkin of Niagara Fells, had been with hieS' him news of the world and oloalriu-al.• ways with a chapter froze .the Book. of John, as wan ilia custom since the death by drowning,rez :years ago of who was train g for the minfetry the Anglican Church. Surviving. beoldest his daughter. are four so s...Tho ao and Alen., of dace rich, Ernest, of iliffeafordt end Harry. of Toronto. Mrs. 'Wilmer Smith, of Goderteh, in a slater and the sole sur- vivor of the family of theft, pioneer forbears. There -a-re thirteen grand. children and three greatvrandchil- deem bY lelanY frieadn of deceased; vas' cone ducted at St. GeOrgero chilli& on eat- urday afternoon by item 0. Calder. inteement wan in Maitland etiketerir, the I tllhearers being_ pre° pone and three. t the life "tie& no r J' 4twct as.) et11144V,i ttiate r am Lent Btu tsrld 1170 01:1 4. toplto 253,L0: t 1,1 • • on FIZZ .1.12 ,r,tocioz. arm NUM 011411.4',041=01111T. 111 Use the Signalt columns :f you have acaythlng to can or ezehang0 The local branch of the Bank of Montreal Witt on hand a eopidly• ' diminishing number of' isina George quartern, 'Wince and pennies, re- ceived thiD week. The colma follow mode= trend for timplicity and are -greatly diiiterent from those a the - tied 'oe Xing George V. Each has aa uncroWned head on the obverse 'slde, and on .the reverse side of the denowilisetheit and the date. on the dime Is a schooner, 'and on the penny two maple leaves. 'rive coina appear to be kmaller than previoutt 11,3911eg. but actually tare the same in diameter. of pattern matte the eolus seem mat. only $42 Worth of. the coins and couvear hunteee are being Waited to ctrill element 02 the nevi' money. thonala ilve-cont plasm also have Wan at) stoT. Vifty.out and • PIPE TOBACCO EF_Orz MILD.COOL SmoKC Vt7-GaatoGG-2' MERE OM STOCIC Or Viatwoop . IMILLECT40 Wlitl,P21 Alule KINDS Estimateo given on applicetIon mat u 11, at ale What =Bid volt litte? Thrillsr.avontring white =comets, o ride on the aerial ear hich above the whirlp41, or o trip 6eneatla Glen, or the cool Duffed= Islands with their nunzerous ens- ilituchinote the tumbling falls against the velvet blue v.. NI? Or hisextry.L.--Wherei eVirry foot of Ground had liesend of Generators) of the power pfone oler =mud interest? cyeeApend according io your own ideas. •Wlay not explore many tV023d2170 dab tyeelz.end?